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WEDNESDAY | 10.10.2012 MaceandCROWN.COM | Vol. 55, Issue 6
Dustin Lance Black Speaks for the Outsiders at ODU By: Megan Stamper Webmaster Mace & Crown
Award-winning screenwriter and gay rights advocate Dustin Lance Black spoke of encouragement, love and acceptance through story-telling, not only stories about gay and lesbian people, but about anyone who ever felt a disconnect from the cookie cutter mold. Black’s play, “8,” about the California ballot proposition to ban gay marriage, was performed Oct. 3 through Oct. 5 at the University Theatre in the village. continued on B2
A Blessing in Disguise
By: Brian Bowden Staff Writer Mace & Crown
Old Dominion University redshirt senior Thomas Wilde wasn’t really into golf when he was a kid, “I used to play sports like soccer and squash,” Wilde said. He can thank a serious childhood problem he had when he was 14 years old for initially launching his golf career, “I had a blood disorder which meant I couldn’t play contact sports for about 6-10 months and my dad gave me a golf club,” Wilde said. continued on C2
Ace of the Mace By: Ben Decowski Sports Editor Mace & Crown
Single-game eliminations and new franchise playoff appearances? It sounds like Major League Baseball took a few tips from the National Football League this year. After the Houston Texans made their first NFL playoff appearance in franchise history last year, the Washington Nationals are doing the same in the Major Leagues this year. continued on D1
A Dozen Years of Pride Monarchs’ Twelfth Year of Homecoming Week By: Steven Knauer Distribution Manager Mace & Crown This week marks the twelfth annual Homecoming Week for Old Dominion University. Although Monarchs have held homecoming days as far back as the 1960s, the university had a decline in school spirit until the year 2000. According to Joshua Darr, the Program Assistant for the Office of Student Activity and Leadership and Marketing Director of Student Activities Council (SAC), the revitalization of homecoming was thanks to the Student Government Association (SGA) who not only brought it back, but made it a week-long event. This enthusiasm remains today and is clearly on the rise thanks to the return of a football team. This year’s theme, “Cirque Du Monarch,” is meant to compare ODU to a circus. “It relates to how much really goes on here at ODU,” Darr says. “Between academics, work, and student involvement, there is always something happening on campus, similar to a circus. Sometimes, campus even looks that way.” With this theme come attractions in a similar vein. A ferris wheel will be in the middle of Kaufman Mall on Thursday, Oct. 11, as well as a step show dubbed “The Ringmaster 2012,” which will take place on the same day at 7 p.m. As opposed to the free ferris wheel, the Step Show costs $5 until the day of the show at the Ted Constant Center box office. Rap artists 2Chainz & Meek Mill
hold the title of the Homecoming Concert of 2012, showing at 7 p.m. on Friday. The tickets for this show are $15 for students and $25 for the general public. All of these events are thanks to SAC and SGA’s contributions. For those who don’t wish to spend any money but want to show their school spirit, there are plenty of free events throughout the week as well. The first event is a comedy show on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 8 p.m. in North Café. A ticket is needed but can be picked up for free at the front desk. The comedy show will feature sketches by Omid Singh, Ali Wong and Red Grant. Game day will be kicked off with a parade starting at 11 a.m., featuring floats from many student organizations, various sports teams and the Marching Monarchs. The parade can be seen from all around campus. The route will begin on the corner of 43 Street and Powhatan Avenue. The route will proceed down Powhatan, making a left on 49 Street, then continuing the down Hampton Boulevard and completing the festivities by making their way up 43 Street. Starting at 12:30 p.m. on Kaufman Mall, the tailgate will have a live band and feature the football team and the Marching Monarchs as they meet the fans before the game. The football game is sold out, but fans are encouraged to wear blue throughout the day to show their school spirit. There is also a fireworks display at 7 p.m. on Kaufman Mall following the football game on Saturday. The fireworks will be shot off the
roof of Webb Center. Following this, the student organization the F.O.R.E.I.G.N.E.R.S. have put together the homecoming ball at 8 p.m. in North Café. Since 2006, the F.O.R.E.I.G.N.E.R.S. have hosted the homecoming ball to finish off Homecoming Week. The ball will include food, music, formal dress and raffles all for free with an ODU ID. Raffle prizes include a 16
mega-pixel digital camera, a tablet and various gift cards. Holding the title of “Best Program of the Year” for 2010, the F.O.R.E.I.G.N.E.R.S. are confident in their ability to deliver. Being an organization built around developing relations between international and American students, vice president of the organization, Ashley Barlow, says “we decided to throw a main event where everyone shows up and get to know each other and get to know how beautiful it is to meet people that are different from us … We do this event every year to remind everyone that all of us are foreign to the campus and not to each other.” While the SGA was the first organization to bring homecoming back to ODU, Mariam Abdelhamid, president of SGA, attributes much of the recent success to the Student Activities Council by saying, “Over the past few years, the Student Activities Council (SAC) has taken it on and have done a magnificent job of incorporating a concert, a step show, a comedy show, a football game, a parade, and so much more, into what is now a thriving ODU tradition.” With SGA and SAC’s combined efforts, the twelfth consistent year of homecoming week comes with plenty to do and see, allowing all students to show their Monarch Pride.