ShireLife - Spring 2022

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Council Budget 2022/23 Page 3 Seniors Week Page 5 Works and projects Pages 6–7 Environment news Pages 10–12
Ranges Shire Council Newsletter Issue 44 Spring 2022 ShireLife

CEO message

With Mount Macedon being crowned the Top Tiny Tourism Town for 2022, our open gardens in full bloom, and the excitement surrounding The Block TV show, we expect to see a lot of visitors to the region this spring, which I’m sure will bring a welcome boost to local businesses.

A timely addition to the shire, given the change in season, has been the completion of the Romsey Ecotherapy Park. With nature-based play elements, a ropes course, and picnic and BBQ facilities, I’m sure it will be a big drawcard for both local families and visitors to the area.

Work has also progressed on two major projects, the Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Precinct and the Shared Trails project. Construction is now underway with the Sports Precinct and planning and design are well advanced on Shared Trails – which will provide a 24 kilometre trail for walking, running and low-volume cycling from Woodend to Riddells Creek. We can’t wait to bring you updates as these key projects progress.

With spring finally here, I’m sure we are all looking forward to getting outdoors and enjoying the beautiful natural environment our region offers. Don’t forget to get your properties cleaned up and your fire preparedness plans in place ahead of the fire season.


NAIDOC Week celebrates culture, connection to Country and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. This year’s NAIDOC Week theme was Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

Council was privileged to screen Leah Purcell’s powerful and thought provoking film The Drover’s Wife: The Legend of Molly Johnson during NAIDOC week. More than 300 people attended the screening at Kyneton Town Hall, with many staying back to enjoy afternoon tea catered by Murnong Mammas and to discuss the film and what we can do as a community to support reconciliation.

Council launched its Reconciliation Action Plan in March, with the vision for Reconciliation being one of equality and unity between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and all Macedon Ranges communities, recognising past injustices, our shared history and shared future, and strengthening Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ right to self-determination. If you’d like to actively participate in reconciliation at a community level, or be involved in future events please contact our Community Development team

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Council Budget 2022/23

The Annual Budget will continue to support the community and local businesses with pandemic and storm recovery, and deliver on the Council Plan by continuing the progression of key capital works projects including the Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Precinct, the Shared Trails Project and the Woodend Golf Club clubrooms upgrade.

New initiatives include the Woodend Racecourse Reserve Master Plan and a shire-wide Equestrian Facilities Plan. Further work will be undertaken to progress the Gisborne Futures project and associated planning scheme amendment and the Romsey Structure Plan.

Council’s Capital Works program will deliver $41.2 million in works across the shire over the next financial year, 37% of Council’s total revenue.

Further budget highlights:

• Riddells Creek Leisure Centre – expansion of multipurpose room.

• Romsey Golf and Bowling Club – changeroom refurbishment.

• Hanging Rock Cricket Club – training net renewal and upgrades. Works will improve the safety of the facilities.

• Macedon Bowling Club – engagement of architect to prepare working drawings for improvements to the Club’s current clubrooms.

• Kyneton Football Netball Club – detailed design planning to develop a female-friendly pavilion and upgraded netball courts at the Showgrounds Reserve.

• Pedestrian safety Woodend – installation of a new slow point prior to the existing crest in Brooke Street Woodend to cater for school and leisure pedestrians crossing, and design and construction of a crossing solution at the intersection of Brooke and Templeton Streets, Woodend. and and services

Council also received additional funding to include the following projects:

• Red Brick Hall, Kyneton – building renewal works and the inclusion of an On-Street Disability Discrimination Act compliant car park. Funded by Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI), $335,000.

• Off Grid Relief and Recovery Centres – taking three grid-connected locations off-grid, or providing the equipment to be ‘self-sufficient’ in terms of electricity, water, and telecommunications in times of emergency. Funded by Preparing Australian Communities – Local Stream program.

View the budget

Council’s total budgeted income for 2022/23 is $111.5 million, which is mainly comprised of rates, grants, service fees and charges. To view the Budget 2022/23 visit

Recreational, leisure and community facilities $18.87 million Roads $10.09 million Buildings and property $4.85 million Plant and equipment $2.86 million Footpaths and cycleways $2.88 million Parks, open space and streetscapes $212,000 Drainage $565,000
Maintenance of recreation
sports facilities Planning
Maintenance of parks, environment and open spaces Children, youth and families Garbage, recycling and garden waste collection Emergencies, local laws and public health Maintenance of roads, drains, buildings and pathsAged and disability support services Economic development, tourism, arts, culture and libraries $5.12 $8.04 $15.57 $13.01 $17.65 $5.28 $24.94 $6.26 $4.13 Page 3 Council spending per $100

What’s on Town Hall

Lior & Domini –Animal in Hiding

Friday 21 October, 7.30pm

The first release from a collaboration between one of Australia’s most established and critically acclaimed singer/songwriters Lior, together with exciting

emerging artist Domini Forster. Featuring songs that are rooted in intimate storytelling, underpinned by intricate guitar, Lior and Domini’s vocal harmonies are the focal point of the songs harking back to the iconic folk duos of the 60s.

Jude Perl: Participation Award

Thursday 10 November, 8pm

An entertaining musicalcomedy exploration of bullying and our school system, featuring Jude Perl’s unique brand of streamof-consciousness style songwriting.


Summer water safety

With the warmer weather approaching, it’s natural we will be spending more time in and around water.

While enjoying our beaches and waterways this summer, it’s important to remember:

• Never swim alone

• Swim between the flags

• Always read warning signs

• Know how to recognise and avoid rips and currents

There’s never a better time than now for you and your family to brush up on your swimming skills and water safety knowledge. Life Saving Victoria has some great summer safety tips which include preparation and planning for various water settings: summersafety.

Stay informed and keep your family safe.

Lifeguard and Aquatic Educator Recruitment

Have you considered working in the aquatic industry?

Are you looking for a great casual job over the summer months that offers a dynamic team environment, flexible rosters and fantastic benefits? Then working at Council’s aquatic facilities could be for you.

Council’s Aquatic and Fitness centres will be actively recruiting for aquatic staff across both our indoor and seasonal facilities in October to join our team for the coming summer period and beyond.

To find out more or apply, visit

Buy tickets These event details were current at the time of printing. For the most up-to-date information, check the website. 1300 888 802 (8.30am–3pm, weekdays) ShireLifePage 4 Connecting communities | Healthy environment, healthy people
at Kyneton

Seniors Week Stay active this spring!

To celebrate Seniors Week this year, Council is offering a free Aqua Aerobics or Staying Strong class to residents.

Staying Strong is a circuit based older-adult focused strength-training class delivered at Romsey Recreation Centre, Woodend Buffalo Sports Stadium, Gisborne Fitness Centre and Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre.

Aqua Aerobics classes are delivered at Gisborne Aquatic Centre and Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre. Classes are available to suit all fitness levels.

Socialise and have fun in a safe and supportive environment with qualified fitness instructors. See back page of this issue for a free voucher. For information or to contact your local facility visit

Free access to Teen Gym

Exams are a very challenging time for students. With increased stress levels, the pressure to perform, and long hours spent tied to a desk studying, mental health and wellbeing is often put aside.

It is widely documented that even in small doses physical activity relieves stress, reduces anxiety and assists information retention. Exercise promotes blood flow to the brain and rejuvenates the mind providing students with better clarity when approaching their studies.

Council is supporting students during exam time this year with free access to the Teen Gym program at Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre and Gisborne Fitness Centre until 30 November.

Teen Gym can be accessed at Kyneton 4–5pm weeknights and 9am–12pm Saturdays, or at Gisborne 4–5pm Monday to Thursday. recreation

Students will undertake an assessment at their first session to assist with the development of a customised exercise program designed to address their goals. Ongoing program updates will be provided to assist students to meet their health goals.

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Works and projects Annual powerline clearance

Council will soon be pruning trees on nature strips and various Council-owned properties to maintain a safe distance around powerlines within the ‘Declared Areas’ of Gisborne and Kyneton, as prescribed by the Victorian Government in the State Electricity Act 1998.

Council is obligated under the Electrical Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2020, to ensure that Council-owned trees near powerlines are regularly inspected and maintained for fire safety and continuity of electricity supply.

Powercor is responsible for all electric line vegetation clearance within the remaining ‘Non Declared Areas’ of the shire including service lines to private property (with the exception of Gisborne South, which is maintained by Jemena). Council’s electric line clearance inspection and pruning program occurs annually between October and December. All pruning works will be undertaken in accordance with best practice methods and Australian Standards AS 4373-2007 (Pruning of amenity trees).

Gisborne Fields Stage 2B

Gisborne Fields is located on the corner of Tovey Drive, Coop Drive and Rothschild Road in Gisborne. The vision is to create a park in the heart of one of Gisborne’s newest residential areas, providing a place for locals of all ages and abilities to play, relax and establish their new community.

Construction of stage 2B of the Gisborne Fields Landscape Plan began in July 2022. A new picnic shelter, BBQs, drinking fountains and bike racks have been installed, alongside landscaping works to enhance the playground and connecting path facilities completed in previous stages.

Nature strip landscaping

Council recently endorsed its Nature Strip Landscaping Policy and is encouraging residents to check the policy when considering landscaping their nature strip. The policy outlines what plants, surfaces and objects are permitted and also contains guidelines regarding maintenance.

For information visit:

Kyneton Bowls

Kyneton Bowls Club has been an active and thriving part of the Kyneton community since 1876, making it the oldest bowls club in Victoria to have operated continually on the same site under the same name.

Construction works were recently completed on the building including the installation of new cladding and windows to improve external aesthetics and address the issue of water entering the building.

Additional drainage works were also undertaken to assist with dispersing excess water. Works to the internal part of the building impacted by water were also included.

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Romsey Ecotherapy Park

The Romsey Ecotherapy Park is the result of a community-led initiative by the Romsey Ecotherapy Park Inc. committee (REP) to build an inviting and accessible recreational open space for the community.

It is designed to provide people of all ages and abilities a unique sensory and therapeutic experience through engagement with nature.

The park is on the site of the former Romsey Primary School and consists of an active nature space complete with cubby house and nature-based play elements, as well as a climbing forest for older children with a ropes course, lookouts and climbing net. It also includes an events space with picnic and BBQ facilities, and an area showcasing several artistic features and a sensory garden.

The final stage of the park has very recently been completed, finishing off the unique community space with a ‘woodland ramble’, a hut-building frame and onstreet parking.

A community celebration event will be held on Saturday 19 November from 1–5pm. Visit

Ash Wednesday Park – Macedon

Following adoption of the Ash Wednesday Park Master Plan (1 May 2020), Council and the Macedon Mount Macedon Business and Tourism Association (MMMBTA) have been working in partnership to implement the master plan. This has seen:

• Development of a stage with seating and access to electricity;

• Installation of a flying fox thanks to a grant received by MMMBTA; and

• Replacement of a number of picnic tables throughout the reserve.

The following are scheduled for installation before Christmas:

• Playground upgrade; and

• New pathways around the southern end of the park and the new playground.

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Preparing your property for the fire season

Spring is here! It’s time to shake off the cobwebs of winter and start preparing your property for the summer fire season.

You can reduce the risk to your home and property by clearing potential fire hazards before the fire danger period kicks in. For your to-do list:

• Remove overhanging tree branches and shrubs over one metre high next to or below windows

• Keep grass short and clear other combustible debris near your home

• Clear roof gutters of any leaf litter

• Maintain any defendable space around your home

• Ensure rainwater tanks are accessible and full

• Ensure you have a fire plan that includes your family and pets in place and practise it regularly

• Attend local CFA community meetings for fire preparedness.

Check our website for details

Burning off

Residents are encouraged to check with Council before commencing any burn off to ensure they are operating within Local Laws.

All burn offs should be registered, and permits are required for some property sizes.

Conditions apply regarding the amount of vegetation that can be burnt off and proximity to neighbouring dwellings regardless of land size.

To learn more about burning off and how to register your burn visit

Fire Danger Ratings have changed

The way Fire Danger Ratings are determined and communicated has changed.

A new national Fire Danger Rating System has been developed using the latest science to be more accurate and relevant to where you live.

The new system will be used across Australia so whether you’re at home or travelling, you will see the same system in use. The new Fire Danger Rating system has four levels (instead of six); Moderate, High, Extreme and Catastrophic.

For more information and to check the daily fire danger for your area visit

Burning off restrictions come into effect each year once the Country Fire Authority (CFA) declares a fire danger period.

Once the fire danger period is declared residents can no longer burn off.

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Cleaning up your property?

Residents are reminded to check with Council prior to clearing their properties to clarify whether what they are clearing is classified as native vegetation protected by law and where removal may require a permit.

Examples of property clean-up that may require a permit include:

• Using heavy machinery to clean up fallen trees— if property clean up exposes the soil you may be damaging the native vegetation

• Clearing away understory to sow grass under trees

• Any tree or shrub removal

Permits help control the extent of native vegetation removal across the landscape and protect endangered plant communities and vital habitat for the fauna of the Macedon Ranges.

Before you remove or modify any native vegetation contact us on 5422 0333 or visit our website to fill in an online form

Grazing for fire prevention

If you own a property with stock, you are still required to undertake the works requested if you receive a fire prevention notice, unless you can demonstrate that the number of stock is sufficient to reduce the height of the grass and the overall hazard.

Snakes in the environment

Attractive areas for snakes on your property include wood piles, long grass, stock feed and hay stores. Snakes also eat frogs and mice which can commonly live around our homes. When preparing your property for summer ensure you maintain the area around your house and outbuildings, and keep open areas where children play free of long grass.

Roadside maintenance

Each year Council slashes around 800km of roadsides for fire prevention. Fires start on roadsides due to hot vehicle exhausts, mechanical failures and collisions. Typically, 80% of traffic uses 20% of our roads, so high-use roads are a priority focus.

For information visit:

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Healthy Landscapes update

“I have changed everything and have enjoyed and appreciated the new understanding this program has given me. The results are real and immediate.” 2022 Healthy Landscapes Program Participant.

Local land managers who have taken part in our Healthy Landscapes program are learning how to make important changes on their properties to improve productivity and soil health, reduce exposure to climate risks and sequester carbon, and enhance biodiversity and waterway health.

This unique program supports farmers and rural land managers with regenerative agricultural training and advice. Participants have appreciated the practical advice, new skills and on-going support.

The program offers holistic grazing management courses, webinars, field days, discussion groups, discounts on equiculture courses, and free individual on-farm advice.

If you would like to join the 875 participants who have already taken part, or to subscribe to our eNews for updates visit

Explore local biodiversity

Our spring environment events provide many opportunities to connect with the outdoors and enjoy the stunning nature of the Macedon Ranges.

Across our bushland reserves and roadsides, you can explore local biodiversity, contribute to local citizenscience projects, and build your skills in flora and fauna identification. At home, workshops will help you prepare your garden for summer and tackle weed management.

Don’t miss our annual Bird Blitz on 16 October. To download our spring environment events program and book tickets, visit

Cool Changes

Cool Changes is Council’s program for facilitating the development of local community climate change action plans. The plan serves as both an umbrella and springboard for existing and future actions to progress sustainability within the community.

Throughout 2022, Cool Changes has run in both Gisborne and Riddells Creek with both communities collaboratively creating community climate action plans. These plans work to address local township vulnerabilities associated with climate change, as well as identifying the opportunities for social, economic and environmental change within the community.

Some actions identified include community-owned renewable (solar) projects, home energy efficiency and retrofitting workshops, biodiversity enhancement projects, community education campaigns, a buy and shop local campaign with local businesses, the creation of an advocacy collective and many more.

Cool Changes also commenced last month in Kyneton and Macedon/Mount Macedon with residents being invited to complete an online survey to share their priorities for local climate action. A series of facilitated workshops for each area will follow.

For updates and to get involved visit

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Environment news

Habitat Kits help storm recovery

Many animals lost their homes when trees were brought down in the June 2021 storm.

Council’s Habitat Kit program saw 50 stormaffected residents receive two nest-boxes and a box of indigenous plants to help restore the natural environment in their own backyards.

Recipients attended a free environmental workshop with local experts sharing knowledge about revegetation techniques and how to install and monitor nest boxes.

Essential to this program was a collaboration with Woodend Men’s Shed, who designed and built the nest boxes from storm recovered wood, salvaged from the June 2021 storm and processed at Council’s green waste facility in Romsey.

Thanks also to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) for funding this project.

Know your local pollinators

Spring has sprung and our gardens are abuzz with butterflies, flies, bugs and beetles. Now we have a publication to help you identify these beneficial insects—Your Guide to the Insects of Central Victoria.

The Upper Campaspe Landcare Network developed the guide with Wombat Forestcare and local councils including Macedon Ranges Shire Council. The guide features insects that are likely to be found in your garden, including native bee species, moths and native flies. These insects are just as beneficial as butterflies and honeybees in pollinating our local flora.

The guide is available at Council service centres or online at

In the Macedon Ranges, notable species that depend on tree hollows include brush-tailed phascogales, sugar gliders, greater gliders and powerful owls.
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Resource recovery Plastic Free July

Curious to know what people did for Plastic Free July?

Read inspirational stories from the participants reducing single-use plastic waste at home, work, or in their community. Discover the steps they took, the challenges they overcame and lessons learnt at:

Recordings from the Plastic Free July workshops can be accessed at

Survey Results

Do you need compost?

Thanks to everyone who participated in this survey. The feedback helps Council to understand if there is demand from residents to purchase processed FOGO-turned-compost at a competitive price.

Of the 113 responses, 57% showed interest in purchasing compost from Council. A majority of respondents said they would purchase compost every three to six months. Many preferred the option of purchasing in bulk (i.e. trailer load) while some opted for 20kg bags.

Participants also provided feedback on suggested pricing for the compost.

Council has established the bulk delivery costs of compost within the shire as follows:

• 3 cubic metre: $146.30

• 6 cubic metre: $182.60

Costs for self-loaded compost in bags and the possibility of pick up from transfer stations is currently being considered.

To book compost delivery contact 5422 0333. For more information

Bin info fridge magnets are here!

Not sure what goes into which bin? Free fridge magnets that show what can go into each of Council’s four colour-coded bins are now available for pick up from Council’s customer service centres, neighbourhood houses and libraries.

To find locations and opening hours visit

General Waste Recycling FOGO Glas General Waste Recycling FOGO Glas
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Youth update

Youth spaces

A safe, supervised and inclusive space for young people aged 12 to 17 years to connect with others through a range of activities, events and excursions. Entry is free and catering is provided.

Woodend Youth Space: 4–5.30pm, Woodend Neighbourhood House, 47 Forest St, Woodend. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month.

Newham Youth Space: 4–5.30pm, Mechanics Institute, 1292 Rochford Rd, Newham. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month.

Youth Mental Health First Aid

Macedon Ranges Shire was recently recognised by MHFA Australia as a Champion Community for our commitment to Mental Health First Aid training. This is an acknowledgement of the partnership and collaboration between Council, organisations, groups, individuals, and instructors to engage and support our community in mental health literacy and skills. Learn how to help young people experiencing mental health problems by participating in one of our awardwinning Youth Mental Health First Aid courses.

The 14-hour program teaches participants first aid skills to give initial help to young people who are in a mental health crisis situation or in the early stages of a mental illness.

The course covers various mental health problems experienced by young people and is delivered using case studies, films and group discussions.

Course cost is $37.50 for residents within the shire, and $190 for all other people. A refresher course is $30 for all participants.

Separate courses are available for teachers and youth service providers within the shire.

Music in the Sticks (MITS)

Young people in the Macedon Ranges aged 12 to 25 interested in the music industry are invited to join Music in the Sticks. This fun program has been running for over 15 years and provides skills and experience to young people in event management, sound and lighting, photography and film, publicity and management, live and studio recording, sound production, and hospitality. MITS meets on a fortnightly basis and new members are welcome.

Join the youth Ambassadors

Green means go

Got a passion project you want to get started, or one you want to keep go, go, going? Green Means Go gives dollars and project support to young people looking to do just that. Financial support of up to $1000 is available for selected projects.

Leaders in the loop

Know what young people want and want to tell us? Leaders in the Loop gives young people a say at the Council and community consultation table. Remuneration is also offered to young leaders for their time and input into consultations.

Young people aged 15–25 who live, work or study in the Macedon Ranges are eligible to participate in the program.

For more information on youth services, opportunities, programs and events visit, email or phone 5422 0333.

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Memory Room Woodend Library

Thursday 24 November, 10am

Join us for memories, conversation and fun as we share our beautiful memory kit filled with household objects of days gone by. Enjoy reflecting on or learning about the past and the stories that objects can tell. With oldfashioned morning tea to follow.

Libraries make great co-working spaces

Libraries today are seeing an increasing number of professionals using their spaces for business.

There are many reasons why libraries make great coworking spaces. Here are just a few:

• Co-working among others, or in a different environment, can energise and inspire you.

• Free access to Wi-Fi and computers is provided.

• Libraries don’t charge to use their shared spaces. Re-invest the savings back into your business or treat yourself to a cafe coffee to get you through the day.

• Libraries make a comfortable and welcoming place to work (think of the savings on your heating/ cooling bill!)

• Meeting rooms are available for hire and have audio-visual equipment perfect for workshops and presentations. (Romsey and Woodend only. Fees may apply).

You don’t need to be a member to use library spaces, however membership does have its perks. You will have access to thousands of books, magazines and DVDs, and to an eLibrary full of useful guides, resources and training websites—perfect for research or upskilling.

So, if you’re looking for a change of scenery for your work day, drop by your local library.

For information on Gisborne, Woodend, Kyneton and Romsey libraries visit:

Village Connect

Are you aged over 55 and wanting to connect with other locals?

Village Connect is a new service for older residents provided by Council. It supports you to stay socially connected in shire life by providing:

• Information about local activities and supports

• Pop-up events

• Opportunities to learn about digital technology

• Quarterly newsletter.

For information call 5422 0262 or email

Free kindergarten from 2023

Did you know that from 2023, three and four-yearold kindergarten will be free?

Council is still taking registrations for kindergarten in 2023, however places are filling quickly. To check availability before registering, please contact our Enrolment Officer on 5422 0239 or email

Pathways for Carers

Are you a carer supporting a loved one, family or friend?

Connect with other carers and join us for a leisurely stroll along the Campaspe River in Kyneton followed by coffee and cake and the company of guest speaker. Departs 10am on the first Friday of each month from the Barry Doyle Memorial rotunda.

To register call 5422 0262 or email

A partnership with MRSC Village Connect project and Pathway for Carers (Interchange Outer East).

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Subscribe to eNews

Receive updates on Council projects and services direct to your inbox. Subscribe to one or more of the following enewsletters:

Aquatics and Leisure: get the latest on fitness classes, sports programs, swimming and more.

Arts and Culture: find out about festivals, exhibitions, arts events and opportunities.

Business: discover events, support and other opportunities for local business.

Environment: find out more about local environmental projects and events.

Healthy Landscapes: information and events about sustainable land management and regenerative agriculture.

Macedon Ranges Kids: information for local families with children aged up to eight years.

Over 55s: regular updates about local events and opportunities for over 55s.

ShireLife: seasonal newsletter featuring Council projects, activities, opportunities and more.

Waste: updates on waste and recycling services, local events and waste reduction tips.

Find us on social media

Get regular updates about our services, projects, events and activities via our social media channels.

Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Gisborne Fitness & Aquatic Centres

Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre

Macedon Ranges Over 55s Connect

Macedon Ranges Arts & Culture

Macedon Ranges Emergency Alerts

Macedon Ranges Naturally Cool

Macedon Ranges Youth


@MacedonRangessc and



Rates instalments

Rates and charges can be paid in four instalments by no later than the due date, or as a single payment by 30 September 2022. Instalment reminder notices will be sent prior to each instalment date.

The instalment dates for 2022/23 are: 30 September 2022 30 November 2022 28 February 2023 31 May 2023

You can pay your rates via BPay View®, online with Visa or Mastercard at or in person at a Council customer service centre during opening hours.

If you have any questions about rates payment methods, or if you have difficulty paying your rates on time, call the Rates department on 5422 0322.

Contact Council

5422 0333 PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444

Visit one of our service centres 40 Robertson Street, Gisborne 129 Mollison Street, Kyneton 96−100 Main Street, Romsey Cnr High and Forest streets, Woodend

Residents who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment can contact us through the National Relay Service:

• TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 03 5422 0333.

• Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 03 5422 0333.

• Internet relay users connect to the NRS (see relayservice. for details) and then ask for 03 5422 0333.

If you or someone you know may benefit from receiving a large print version of this newsletter: 5422 0333

ShireLife is produced on 100% recycled paper from post consumer waste, and printed by a printer who operates and is certified under the ISO14001 Environmental Management System standards and ISO9001 Quality Management System. Page 15

Free seniors fitness voucher

Present this voucher to attend one FREE Aqua Aerobics or Staying Strong class.


Staying Strong strength-training at Romsey Recreation Centre, Woodend Buffalo Sports Stadium, Gisborne Fitness Centre or Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre.

Aqua Aerobics at Gisborne Aquatic Centre or Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre. For classes and timetables visit or call the relevant centre. 31

Valid until December
2022. Have your say Have your say on Council projects and decisions and participate in our consultation activities. For more information: 5422 0333 Cr Annette Death Mobile: 0427 956 117 Cr Geoff Neil Mobile: 0419 244 776 Cr Bill West Mobile: 0400 025 455 Cr Dominic Bonanno Mobile: 0419 829 867 South Ward West Ward Cr Rob Guthrie Mobile: 0419 309 953 Cr Jennifer Anderson Mobile: 0408 273 670 Cr Mark Ridgeway Mobile: 0437 938 766 Cr Janet Pearce Mobile: 0437 282 096 Cr Anne Moore Mobile: 0419 917 278 Your Councillors Macedon Ranges Shire Council acknowledges the Dja Dja Wurrung, Taungurung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Peoples as the Tradi tional Owners and Custodians of this land and waterways. Council recognises their living cultures and ongoing connection to Country and pays respect to their Elders past, and present. Council also acknowledges local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander residents of Macedon Ranges for their ongoing contribution to the diverse culture of our community.

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