Rock singleuse plastics art competition

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Council Budget 2023/24
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Supporting businesses in the Macedon Ranges

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Village Connect for over-55s
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Rock singleuse plastics art competition
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Council Budget 2023/24
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Supporting businesses in the Macedon Ranges
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Village Connect for over-55s
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As we begin another financial year, I am pleased to reflect on the past year’s achievements. Despite challenges in the form of more storms, floods and a world economy still recovering from a global pandemic, we were able to mark off some significant achievements, including progressing major projects – such as the Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Precinct – and opening the Romsey Ecotherapy Park, a true community-led project.
On the Autumn Festival, I would like to extend a big thank you to the communities of Macedon and Mount Macedon in particular for their patience with the large number of visitors at times throughout April. We are currently reviewing this year’s festival management in preparation for next year, including potential further improvements to parking and traffic to ensure it is an enjoyable experience for all.
Many of you would have noticed that there is still work happening around the shire in regards to road and other asset repairs following the storm and flooding events over the last two years. Our teams continue to work hard to ensure these repairs continue to progress. We ask for your continued patience as flood recovery and road repairs continue across the shire.
Finally, I would like to thank our staff who have been pivotal in delivering in-home aged care services to our community over the years. Due to recent reforms in the aged care sector, Council made the decision to withdraw from in-home support and focus our attention on other ways we can better support our elderly community. We have been working hard in recent months to ensure a smooth transition for both clients and staff, as two new service providers come on board for the region. We could not have delivered these services over the years without our amazing staff and I wish you all well in your future endeavours.
Bernie O’SullivanAs I reach the nine-month mark in my role as Mayor, I am pleased to reflect on the positive things we have achieved as a Council and community. It’s great to see our major projects progressing, our ongoing support for communities and community groups, and the awards and recognition Council, staff and our region have received from various initiatives throughout my Mayoral term to date including our innovative four-bin system, storm waste facility, our aquatic and leisure centres, the Romsey Ecotherapy Park and our annual Autumn Festival.
On a personal note, I have really enjoyed being part of our citizenship ceremonies as well as the various First Nations events we held as part of Reconciliation Week, including Welcome to Country and smoking ceremonies. These events are a reminder of how important it is to continue to forge strong connections to build a vibrant and diverse community in the Macedon Ranges.
Council has been undertaking quite a lot of community consultation over the last six months in particular – from a review of our Local Law through to recreational master plans – and I’d like to thank everyone for taking the time to contribute to these processes, and encourage you to keep doing so. Obtaining input from community members is such an important part of our decisionmaking process and helps to inform Council and Councillors as to what the community wants. We have a very engaged community here in the Macedon Ranges, which is another thing I love about being part of it.
As we slowly move out of the winter greyness, I hope you all have a wonderful spring and get out and about to enjoy the natural beauty of our region at this time of year.
The 2022/23 financial year saw a number of key projects and initiatives delivered or progressed by Council including new open spaces, upgraded recreational facilities and key strategic documents.
A 14-year community-led initiative, driven by Romsey Ecotherapy Park Inc. in collaboration with Council, the Romsey Ecotherapy Park was officially opened in October 2022 to provide a regionally significant place to enhance health and wellbeing for all ages and abilities.
Wyralla Reserve in Gisborne and the first two stages of Ash Wednesday Park in Macedon were also opened, while Kyneton Showgrounds (behind-goal netting), Lancefield Park (behind-goal netting), Hanging Rock Reserve (cricket nets) and Romsey Oval (drainage) all benefited from upgrades.
In terms of priority projects, work on the first stage of the Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Precinct saw significant progress made including site setup, drainage, utility connections, building foundations, earthworks on the new oval and structural works on the sports hub.
Planning for the Woodend to Riddells Creek Shared Trail continues to progress, while new electric vehicle charging stations are being installed in Macedon, Kyneton and Lancefield (with funding actively sought for the remaining townships of Gisborne, Malmsbury, Romsey and Riddells Creek).
Recreational master plans were finalised to help set the future direction of Kyneton Showgrounds, Romsey Sports Precinct, Gilbert Gordon Oval in Woodend and Dixon Field in Gisborne, with other key policies endorsed including Counting Down to Zero (zero net emissions plan), a revised Customer Service Charter and a new Single-use Plastics Policy.
Whether due to minor timing delays or other factors, a number of projects or initiatives have had funding approved to carry over to the 2023/24 financial year, to ensure they can be progressed or completed as promised.
Visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/budget for more information.
Work has now resumed on stage one of the Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Precinct in New Gisborne, following the appointment of Melbourne-based builder Monaco Hickey in June to secure the priority project’s future.
Council had been working collaboratively with administrators and potential contractors behind the scenes on a resolution following the announcement of Lloyd Group going into voluntary administration. Stage one of the project - which includes a threecourt sports hub, a natural turf oval and sports pavilion, passive recreation facilities, landscaping and associated infrastructure - is targeted for completion by mid-2024.
For more information and project updates, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/MRRSP
Progress is being made on the Woodend to Riddells Creek Shared Trail, with a key planning breakthrough achieved earlier this year to help this important project move to the next stage of construction.
Following a detailed application, the Victorian Government’s Minister for Planning in March declared the Shared Trail project as a “State Project” under Section 52.30-2 of the Macedon Ranges Shire Planning Scheme.
This essentially streamlines the project’s planning process without compromising on community consultation or due diligence, allowing Council to complete one planning application for the whole project instead of several separate applications for each stage.
For updates on this project, keep an eye on the project page on Council’s website mrsc.vic.gov.au/shared-trails
Council spending per $100
Garbage, recycling and garden waste collection
Maintenance of roads, drains, buildings and paths
Maintenance of parks, environment and open spaces
Planning and building services
Emergencies, local laws and public health
Economic development, tourism, arts, culture and libraries
$3.91 Maintenance of recreation and sports facilities
$1.65 Aged and disability support services
Over the next 12 months, key initiatives planned by town include:
$1.21 Children, youth and families
Kyneton – $300k
Kyneton Showgrounds netball development
Malmsbury – $75k
Over the next 12 months, key initiatives planned by town include:
Malmsbury cricket rooms design
Woodend – $6m
Kyneton – $300k
Kyneton Showgrounds netball development
Woodend to Riddells Creek Shared Trail works
Gisbor ne – $560k
Malmsbury – $75k
Malmsbury cricket rooms design
Gisbor ne Aquatics Centre services renewal
Woodend – $6m
New Gisbor ne – $258k
New Gisbor ne tennis courts lighting
Woodend to Riddells Creek Shared Trail works
Gisborne – $560k
Macedon – $120k
Macedon Tennis Club fencing upgrade
Gisborne Aquatics Centre services renewal
New Gisborne – $258k
Lance eld – $70k
New Gisborne tennis courts lighting
Macedon – $120k
Development of a masterplan for Lance eld Park, and fur nishing the new Lance eld Kindergarten and MCH service
Macedon Tennis Club fencing upgrade
Romsey – $570k
Lancefield – $70k
Romsey Skate Park upgrade
Development of a masterplan for Lancefield Park, and furnishing the new Lancefield Kindergarten and MCH service
Riddells Creek – $611k
Riddells Creek Recreation Reserve lighting
Romsey – $570k
Romsey Skate Park upgrade
Riddells Creek – $611k
Riddells Creek Recreation Reserve lighting
More info: mrsc.vic.gov.au/budget
For more information visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/budget
Saturday 26 August, 7:30pm
Join the legendary Toni Childs for a special two-hour performance as she celebrates her life’s musical works. Toni will be performing hits and fan favourites from Union, House of Hope, The Woman’s Boat and Keep the Faith . Her live shows are life-changing experiences and aren’t to be missed as her voice penetrates deep into your body and soul.
Friday 20 October, 8pm
The Umbilical Brothers take the energy of live performance and the spectacle of cinema and smash them together in a new show performed simultaneously on stage and on the big screen. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen, and nothing they’ve ever done, and it will blow your mind way more literally than you are expecting. The Distraction: enabling your screen addiction. Winner – Best comedy at the Adelaide Fringe Festival.
Friday 27 October, 8pm
What do you get when you take your very best jokes from over the last 30 years, lovingly restore, refine, and remaster each one, jam them all into a single hour, and finally, sprinkle in some brand-new material and hint of improv?
You get the best of Arj Barker. Also known as… Power Hour. All kill no fill!
The Kyneton Museum has recently reopened after undergoing restoration works and is currently featuring a new exhibition called Stitch in Time.
The museum is in the former Bank of New South Wales building in Piper Street, Kyneton, built in 1856. It houses changing exhibitions in the original banking chamber downstairs, whilst upstairs the bank manager’s residence is preserved in time, with antique furniture, ornaments and art throughout the old time bedrooms and living areas.
The recent works to the much-loved heritage building included roof repairs, chimney and windowsill repairs, replacement of damaged floorboards, improved subfloor ventilation and drainage, replacement of signage, and a fresh coat of paint.
Along with a refreshed look, visitors to the museum will be able to view the new Stitch in Time exhibition. A collaboration between Kyneton Museum and the Kyneton Historical Society, the exhibition showcases the history of craft in the Macedon Ranges. Local creations are on show along with the materials that assisted in making them. The exhibition will be on show until 29 October 2023.
For information, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/kyneton-museum
This year’s shire-wide festival saw community groups, businesses and artists come together to host 50 fantastic events across the region.
Visitors were encouraged to explore the region by joining curated Tipple Trails, a Pie and Tart Trail, and the Edgy Veg Trail.
The Pie and Tart Trail included 41 local businesses, making it the biggest trail of its kind in Australia.
Emily Blades from The Victoria Hotel in Woodend, a Pie and Tart Trail participant, said: “I think it was one of the most successful promotions Council has run from a tourism perspective and I absolutely want to be involved again next year. I think the festival benefits everyone in the region, not just hospitality and tourism, as it flows on to other retail businesses such as petrol stations, supermarkets and so many others too.”
Bernadette Joiner from Dromkeen Gallery in Riddells Creek, also a Pie and Tart Trail participant, said: “I couldn’t believe how many people came from all over Victoria, with many discovering Dromkeen for the first time. People came specifically for our apple crumble, and then saw the gallery and learnt about the history
of Dromkeen as a centre for Australian Children’s Literature, which was fantastic. We can’t wait to do it again.”
Thank you to all businesses involved and to major sponsors – the Victorian Government, Kyneton on Riverside, Bendigo Bank, and Riddells Creek Nursery – and our silver and bronze sponsors.
Winners of the inaugural Telstra Macedon Ranges Community Choice Awards 2023 have been announced. Following an amazing response to the first-time awards, 78 local businesses were nominated by residents and visitors who felt they went above and beyond in displaying excellent customer service.
From those nominees, the winners of this year’s awards as decided by public vote were:
Riddells Creek Nursery (Riddells Creek) - Winner Agribusiness and Primary Production. Sponsored by Macedon Ranges Business and Tourism Associations
Zenkai - Complete Recovery of Health (Woodend)Winner Health and Wellbeing. Sponsored by Macedon Ranges Shire Council
Fook Shing (Kyneton) - Winner Hospitality and Accommodation. Sponsored by Macedon Ranges Industry Groups
Laser Blanks (Romsey) - Winner Retail and Service. Sponsored by Telstra
Magnum Signs (New Gisborne) - Winner Trades and Manufacturing. Sponsored by nbn Local
Thank you to all of the sponsors who supported the awards. The Community Choice Awards will alternate annually with the Business Excellence Awards, which will return next year.
To find out how Council can support local businesses, and for upcoming events, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/business
Do you know what young people want and want to share it with us? Council’s Leaders in the Loop program gives young people a seat and a say at the Council and community consultation table.
The program supports young leaders by bringing them into consultation and decision-making, enables young leaders to give feedback directly to decision makers in the community, and offers payment to young leaders for their time and input into consultations.
Gisborne’s Anna Tatton, 18, has been involved in the Leaders in the Loop program for nearly 18 months. She said it was a great opportunity for young people to build confidence and have a voice in the shire to contribute directly to projects in the youth area.
“It’s opened so many opportunities for me personally and built my confidence and advocacy skills,” she said. “I am now in a leadership role within the program, which I am really enjoying. I’ve also had the opportunity to attend events I might not have otherwise, such as a reconciliation round-table discussion.”
Young people in the shire can also apply for the Green Means Go program, which provides funding and project support to young people pursuing projects they are passionate about. Financial support of up to $1,000 is available for selected projects.
To apply for Leaders in the Loop or Green Means Go, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/youth
Learn how to help young people experiencing mental health problems by participating in one of our award-winning Youth Mental Health First Aid courses.
The 14-hour program for adults teaches participants first aid skills, to give initial help to young people who are in a mental health crisis or in the early stages of a mental illness.
The course covers various mental health problems experienced by young people and is delivered using case studies, films and group discussions.
For more information visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/ Youth-Mental-Health
Macedon Ranges Youth Spaces runs programs, events, activities, mentoring and workplace training for young people aged 12-17 years across the Macedon Ranges. It’s a great way for young people to connect with each other, youth services and the greater community.
Youth Spaces operate at various locations across the shire during school terms between 4:30-6pm.
For more information visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/YEP
Young people in the Macedon Ranges interested in the music industry are invited to join Music in the Sticks (MITS). This fun program provides skills and experience to young people aged 1225 in event management, sound and lighting, photography and film, publicity and management, live and studio recording, sound production, and hospitality. MITS meets fortnightly and new members are welcome.
For more information visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/MITS
Spring and summer are just around the corner, and it’s the perfect time to prepare for fun in the water. Whether it’s at the beach, inland waterway or pool, knowing how to swim is a crucial life skill.
Enrolling in our holiday-intensive program is an excellent way to ensure your child is safe and confident in the water. Throughout the five-day program, we teach through daily repetitive learning to help quickly improve swimming skills and techniques in a short amount of time.
Intensive swim lessons are held at both Gisborne Aquatic Centre 5421 1452 and Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre 5421 1447.
Gisborne Aquatic Centre and Kyneton Toyota Sports and Aquatic Centre will be running the pool inflatable from 1-3pm on alternating weekdays during the school holidays. The inflatable features multiple obstacles, climbing hills and slides that will test your agility and skill. Challenge yourself to the ultimate adventure and see if you can beat the clock or race your friends.
For information visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/leisure
There is no additional cost to use the inflatable during these times.
Spring is the perfect season to jumpstart your journey toward health and fitness. With our spring membership promotion, you can set your goals, work towards them, and begin enjoying the benefits of a more active lifestyle.
Why not take advantage of a free fitness assessment to see how we can assist you achieve your fitness goals this spring – see back page for voucher (bookings essential).
Join a direct debit swim, gym or gym and swim membership between 21 August and 4 September and pay nothing until 29 September.
Offer available at Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre 5421 1447, Gisborne Fitness Centre
5428 3318 and Gisborne Aquatic Centre
5421 1452. Terms and conditions apply.
Council offers a number of indoor sports programs and competitions, which are a great way to socialise and exercise at the same time.
Women’s Netball, Mixed Futsal and Mixed Basketball competitions are open to players aged 15+ and are held in various locations around the shire. Individual and team registrations are welcome. Back in the Game, is a modified sports program aimed at people 50+ years of age held at Romsey Recreation Centre. The program aims to improve the physical wellbeing of participants while providing opportunities to connect socially in a fun and friendly environment. Activities include walking soccer, walking netball, balloon volleyball, table tennis and more.
Staying Strong is a circuit-based class designed for over-55s to improve muscular strength, aerobic fitness, flexibility, balance and coordination in a safe and social environment.
Experienced instructors provide exercises that cater for a range of exercise abilities. Sessions are run at Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre, Gisborne Fitness Centre, Buffalo Sports Stadium in Woodend and Romsey Recreation Centre.
For information on all of the above programs, contact your local centre or visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/leisure
Spring is just around the corner – the wildflowers will soon bloom, and the birds will be out and about. Do you want to get back into nature? The Environment team has launched its spring calendar of events, including a wide range of activities to warm you up.
Did you know that flowers not only depend on bees to pollinate – they might rely on butterflies, moths, beetles and flies as well? Our insect nature guide can help you identify what insects are visiting your garden.
Do you want to find out what is growing on your roadside or backyard? Download a copy of the native flora guide to learn about the diverse native plants we are lucky to have in the Macedon Ranges and the weed guide to help you identify problem plants.
Scan the QR code to download a copy of our useful nature guides and learn more about local flora, weeds, birds and insects.
Are you bird crazy? Or just bird-curious? The annual Bird Blitz is in its fifth year and involves a range of activities for bird lovers from from beginners to experienced. Get involved in the Aussie Bird Count, or help our volunteers survey birds across the roadsides and bushland areas across the shire. Brush up on your bird identification skills by joining our monthly bird walks along Jacksons Creek, Gisborne or come along to a series of walks and workshops.
After two sold out courses, the Holistic Grazing Management short course will commence again in September 2023. This practical course has been designed to assist land managers to improve their skills and knowledge about grazing livestock, resulting in an increase in soil carbon and native pastures. To register your interest, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/healthy-landscapes.
Over the past six months, Council has hosted a series of themed workshops to inform the shire’s first Climate Emergency Response Plan, known as Cool-ER Changes. These workshops proved to be inspiring, with over 100 participants including community members, local and regional agencies, state government and Council representatives creating a shared vision for addressing the climate emergency in the Macedon Ranges. Effective climate action relies on collaboration, so Council will now look to partner with organisations, businesses, schools, community groups and more to achieve the most impactful results from the vision. A draft Climate Emergency Response Plan will be available in the coming months for community consultation.
For information, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/cool-er-changes
Domestic wood heaters can be a great source of warmth in our homes. However, they can be a major contributor of air pollution in our towns if not operated correctly. Smoke from wood heaters can affect the air we breathe and the health of our community.
Tips for successful burning:
• Use plenty of dry kindling.
• Burn dry and seasoned wood.
• Use several small logs and stack them loosely in your heater, so air can circulate. Don’t cram the firebox.
• Open air controls 20 minutes after reloading.
• Don’t let your heater smoulder overnight – maintain a flame in the fire. Only turn down the airflow when you have a hot bed of charcoal.
• Inspect and clean the flue at least once a year.
Earlier this year, Council held an art competition for early learning, kindergarten, primary and secondary school-aged students. Entrants were asked to create an artwork that showed the impact that single-use plastic has on our environment. More than 250 entries were received across three age categories and winners were selected by a panel of Councillors.
Winning artwork is currently on display at Hanging Rock Reserve Discovery Centre as part of the Impacts of Single-Use Plastics art exhibition, which is open to the public.
For information, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/single-use-plastics
For information about the Bird Blitz, nature guides, upcoming environment events, or to sign up to our enews, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/environment-events
New outdoor play equipment has been installed at Macedon Kindergarten, much to the delight of children attending the facility.
The upgrade saw the replacement of old play equipment with a new multiplay unit and swing set, to further promote learning through play.
The upgrade was made possible through the Victorian School Building Authority’s Building Blocks grant program for early learning facilities.
A new contemporary, purpose-built kindergarten and dedicated Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Centre for families in Lancefield is targeted to open by mid-2024.
The new centre was one of Council’s priority projects for 2022 and was the result of Council’s Municipal Early Years plan (CREATE), identifying a need for additional contemporary early years infrastructure in Lancefield to accommodate the growing community.
Funding for the three-room kindergarten and MCH facility, co-located with the Lancefield Playgroup, has been provided with support from the Victorian School Building Authority’s Building Blocks grant. Council is also contributing $20,000 towards ensuring the new centre is fully furnished.
Starting kindergarten is an exciting time in your family’s life. Considering if your child is ready for kindergarten is an important step in helping set the foundations for a positive educational journey for your child.
When enrolling at three-year-old kindergarten, we encourage families to carefully consider if their child is ready for kindergarten.
For information on making an informed decision about whether your child is ready to start their learning journey, go to mrsc.vic.gov.au/ kindergarten
If you feel you need more support in considering your child’s readiness, book an appointment with a Maternal and Child Health Nurse by calling 5422 0281 (Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm).
For information about Council’s Kindergarten or Maternal and Child Health services, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/children
Are you over 55 and looking to connect with other people in the Macedon Ranges? Join Village Connect!
Village Connect helps to promote, support and guide active ageing for those aged 55 years and older living in the shire. The program delivers a range of activities such as free coffee cup events, digital education sessions, and the Pathways for Carers walking group. Participants can also sign up to a quarterly newsletter with information about programs, events and health and wellbeing services for over-55s more broadly in the shire.
Share coffee and a chat with the Village Connect team. Join other like-minded locals over the age of 55 and enjoy a complimentary coffee and cake while socialising and finding out about local activities and services. This is a great opportunity to mingle and make new friends in your community. Free coffee cup events are held regularly at various cafes around the shire.
“I come along to these coffee cup events to mix with others my own age and find out about activities I can join close to home, especially free or low-cost activities. I live on my own and like to get out and meet people. I don’t drive so it’s great to have something
Village Connect also regularly holds a regular walking group for carers of older people, people with a disability or mental illness as a chance to learn more about news, services and supports available to them.
Walks take place on the first Friday of the month at 10am in Kyneton along the wheelchair-friendly Campaspe River Walk, followed by free morning tea and a talk presented by a guest speaker.
Village Connect also runs workshops for over-55s to help learn new skills such as navigating digital technology. Workshops to date have included scam awareness, where participants learnt about scam trends in Australia, common types of scams and how to detect them, what to do if they’ve been scammed and top tips to stay safe.
Another session taught participants about digital devices including using Wi-Fi calling and mobile hotspots, the NBN network during a power outage, and what technology is available in the shire to ensure you are getting the most from your service.
Keep an eye on the Village Connect website for more upcoming digital education sessions.
For information on all Village Connect events or to sign up to the newsletter, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/village-connect or call 5422 0333
Sign your child up for the 1000 Books Before School program and give them a head start for school. The popular program supports parents and carers in developing a love of reading, language and stories in young children, positively impacting their school readiness and life outcomes.
With thousands of books to read at our libraries and prizes to keep you motivated along the way, you’ll reach your target in no time. Storytime sessions count too!
Participation is free. Collect a reading log from your local library to get started.
More details at ncgrl.vic.gov.au/1000books
The Goldfields Library Corporation includes the City of Greater Bendigo, Loddon Shire Council, Macedon Ranges Shire Council, and Mount Alexander Shire Council.
There are nine library branches and eight library agencies (including four branches in the Macedon Ranges – Gisborne, Kyneton, Romsey and Woodend).
This means there are thousands of books on offer, as well as an eLibrary with plenty to choose from. You can also borrow from any Goldfields Libraries branch or agency, and return to any Goldfields Libraries branch or agency in the network.
For information visit www.ncgrl.vic.gov.au
For many of us, reading is a solitary activity. We curl up with a book and immerse ourselves in its pages, lost in our own thoughts and imagination. But what if reading could be a social activity that allows connection with others and sharing of thoughts, feelings and opinions? Well, it can!
Book clubs are a great way to connect with others and make friends while discussing the stories and themes of your favourite (or not so favourite) books. They have many benefits, including:
Discovering new books, authors and genres –When you’re part of a book club, you’ll read books you might not have picked yourself. They’ll broaden your horizons and introduce you to new genres, styles and perspectives.
Giving you a sense of community – Reading can be solitary, but when you join a book club, you’ll surround yourself with like-minded people who share your love of books. You may even make some new friends!
Improving your reading and critical thinking skills – When you discuss a book with others, you must articulate your thoughts and opinions clearly and concisely. This can help improve your communication skills and your ability to analyse and interpret literature. Being part of a book club is fun! You’ll laugh, learn and grow together as you do what you love to do –read!
Goldfields Libraries has a growing collection of book club titles, handpicked especially for their suitability for group discussions.
For information and to join or register a book club, visit ncgrl.vic.gov.au/bookclubs
Receive updates on Council projects and services direct to your inbox. Subscribe to one or more of the following enewsletters:
Aquatics and Leisure: get the latest on fitness classes, sports programs, swimming and more.
Arts and Culture: find out about festivals, exhibitions, arts events and opportunities.
Business: discover events, support and other opportunities for local business.
Environment: find out more about local environmental projects and events.
Family: information for local families with children aged up to eight years.
Healthy Landscapes: information and events about sustainable land management and regenerative agriculture.
Over-55s: regular updates about local events and opportunities for over-55s.
ShireLife: seasonal newsletter featuring Council projects, activities, opportunities and more. mrsc.vic.gov.au/newsletters
Get regular updates about our services, projects, events and activities via our social media channels.
Macedon Ranges Shire Council
Gisborne Fitness & Aquatic Centres
Kyneton Toyota Sports & Aquatic Centre
Macedon Ranges Over 55s Connect
Macedon Ranges Arts & Culture
Macedon Ranges Naturally Cool
Macedon Ranges Youth
@MacedonRangessc and
Rates and charges can be paid in four instalments by no later than the due date, or as a single payment by 30 September 2023. Instalment reminder notices will be sent prior to each instalment date.
The instalment dates for 2023/24 are:
30 September 2023 30 November 2023
28 February 2024 31 May 2024
You can pay your rates via BPay View®, online with Visa or Mastercard at mrsc.vic.gov.au/payments, direct debit, Australia Post, mail, centrepay or in person at a Council customer service centre during opening hours.
If you have any questions about rates payment methods, or if you have difficulty paying your rates on time, call the Rates department on 5422 0322.
5422 0333
PO Box 151, Kyneton VIC 3444
Visit one of our service centres 40 Robertson Street, Gisborne 129 Mollison Street, Kyneton
96−100 Main Street, Romsey
Cnr High and Forest streets, Woodend
Residents who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment can contact us through the National Relay Service:
• TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 03 5422 0333.
• Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 03 5422 0333.
• Internet relay users connect to the NRS (see relayservice. com.au for details) and then ask for 03 5422 0333.
• Translating and Interpreting Service: call TIS National on 131 45
If you or someone you know may benefit from receiving a large print version of this newsletter: 5422 0333
Learn how we can help you achieve your fitness goals.
Contact: Kyneton Toyota Sports and Aquatic Centre 5421 1477 or ksac@mrsc.vic.gov.au
Gisborne Fitness Centre 5428 3318 or gfc@mrsc.vic.gov.au mrsc.vic.gov.au/leisure Bookings
Cr Annette Death Mobile: 0427 956 117 adeath@mrsc.vic.gov.au
Cr Geoff Neil Mobile: 0419 244 776 gneil@mrsc.vic.gov.au
Cr Bill West Mobile: 0400 025 455 bwest@mrsc.vic.gov.au
South Ward
Cr Dominic Bonanno Mobile: 0419 829 867 dbonanno@mrsc.vic.gov.au
Cr Rob Guthrie Mobile: 0419 309 953 rguthrie@mrsc.vic.gov.au
Cr Anne Moore Mobile: 0419 917 278 annemoore@mrsc.vic.gov.au
West Ward
Cr Jennifer Anderson Mobile: 0408 273 670 janderson@mrsc.vic.gov.au
Have your say on Council projects and decisions and participate in our consultation activities.
For more information: mrsc.vic.gov.au/yoursay 5422 0333
Country and pays respect to their Elders past,
acknowledges local
to the diverse culture of our community.
Cr Janet Pearce Mobile: 0437 282 096 jpearce@mrsc.vic.gov.au
Cr Mark Ridgeway Mobile: 0437 938 766 mridgeway@mrsc.vic.gov.au