1 minute read

Recurring class: Select the checkbox if it's a recurring class. On selecting the checkbox, you will need to


4. When: Fill in the Date and Time to Start the meeting


Duration: How long the class is going to be, e.g. 1 hour 15 minutes

5. Time Zone: By default, it would be your current time zone. If you want to change it, click on the drop

6. down and select the one you want to change it to

Recurring class: Select the checkbox if it's a recurring class. On selecting the checkbox, you will need to

put in the information about the recurrence frequency and end date of the recurrence.

7. Meeting ID: There are 2 options, a.) Generate automatically, or b.) Personal Meeting ID. By default, it

8. would be selected as “generate automatically”. Don’t change this option.

Meeting Password: Keep this option unchecked. Student would need password to join the class and may

create confusion at the joining.

9. Video (Host and Participants): Set Host and Participant’s Video to On. This will automatically start the

video of the host (Teacher) and Students when joining the class.

10. Audio: Choose the Device Audio as the option for students to call in via Computer Audio.

Fig. 18

11. Meeting Options: There are multiple options that you can choose from by selecting the checkbox in

front of them. These options are explained below:

● Enable join before host: This is when you want students to join the class without you or before

● you join; this should be unchecked

Mute participants upon entry: This will mute students as they join the class. Students can

unmute themselves after joining the class (recommended to check this option)

Enable waiting room: Keep this option unchecked.

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