Assessing The Impact Of SolarPulse™ On Performance Of Utility Scale PV Plants

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Case Study Assessing the impact of SolarPulseTM on performance of utility scale PV plants

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The challenge for any solar plant is to maintain

an effective and robust monitoring solution -

its operational efficiency and thereby its

SolarPulseTM. It has allowed the company to

profitability. The large number of variables

maintain comprehensive control of the solar

involved, both controllable and non controllable,

plant by providing detailed information on every

make this a particularly challenging task. The

component of the plant and subsequently

operation and maintenance (O&M) of a solar

identifying any malfunction, failure, or defect.

plant, therefore, constitutes the most important service after plant commissioning. In this case study, we have assessed the impact We have considered a real example of a large

of SolarPulseTM on the performance ratio, power

organization who wanted a dynamic monitoring

generation, revenue and costs of the solar plant

solution for their upcoming solar plant. The

from the perspective of the plant owner and

solution was required to be able to identify,

O&M operator. A real life event at the plant has

predict and rectify performance issues to help

also been analyzed to provide an example of the

them optimize O&M and maximize revenue.

problem solving capabilities of SolarPulseTM.

They partnered with MachinePulseTM to provide

INTRODUCTION The plant in question is a 6.12 MW solar power in Phalodi, Jodhpur area of Rajasthan.

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