1 minute read


Control Oil Loss

If you decide to implement a program to control oil losses, one of the first steps is to check records of the amount purchased compared with the amount sent for disposal. Try to account for the difference by looking for leaks, products consumed in the process, evaporative losses and products wasted due to contamination or misapplication.


The Chain Reaction

Abrasive wear can cause a chain reaction in lubricated machinery. The typical chain reaction is:

• Abrasive particles become work hardened.

• Work-hardened particles produce more particles.

• New particles become work hardened.

• The chain reaction continues until the particles are removed by filtration or the machine fails.

Oil Sampling Pointer

For reservoirs, drop tube oil sampling is rarely the ideal method. However, if it cannot be avoided, it is important to consistently sample as close to the active fluid zone as possible. Measure the standoff distance desired from the bottom of the sump and attach the drop tube with wire ties (or another suitable method) that distance from the end of a rod. Consistency in sample location will help make the analysis results more suitable for trending. ML

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