1 minute read
How We Craft
from Mackays Brand Book
by mackays9
our fruits
We source all our strawberries, raspberries, and blackcurrants from the berry fields of eastern Scotland. The temperate climate in Scotland allows for the fruit to be grown for longer, resulting in stronger flavours.
quality ingredients We only use the finest quality ingredients in our preserves and marmalades. All our bitter oranges for our marmalades come from Seville - the home of the marmalade orange. We only ever use whole berries in our preserves, for a great tasting product.
traditional methods
Our steam-heated copper pans use a rolling boil method. The fruit and sugar is slowly boiled allowing the flavours to be released before gradually setting. We use copper because it’s the best metal for conducting heat and steam giving the most even temperature across the pan. We use copper because it’s the best metal for conducting heat and steam giving the most even temperature across the pan.
To create the perfect home-cooked flavour we put a great deal of care and attention into judging exactly when our products are ready. We taste the product once it’s cooked to ensure every jar has the home-made taste you expect from Mackays.