December issue

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Editor-in-Chief Web Manager Opinions Editor Features Editor Arts Editor Humour Editor Sports & Health Editor News Editor Staff Writer Staff Writer & Photography Cover Artist & Designer

Tabitha Peters Tatiana Prisiajny Jessica Malandrino Anastasiya Ivanova Vanessa Butera Juan Lopez Tyler Drummond Alec Pichelli James Zhan Doris Pozo Angel De Narvaez

CONTENTS Page 3 – Message from Editor-in-Chief Page 4 - Gift Giving 101: What You Can Get Your Friends, Family & Loved Ones for Christmas this year Page 5 – Time Warp Page 6 – Self-Help During 2016: I Find the Snowdaze the Most Pleasurable Page 7 – Coping with stress in November Page 8 – 11/11/11 Page 9 - Disaster down South Page 10/11 – Local Hero Page 12/13 – Interviewing with a Homeless Person Page 14 - Giving back in sports Page 15 – The soil bleeds Red Page 16 & 17 - Horoscopes Photo by Doris Pozo

MESSAGE FROM OUR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Hi everyone, Are you ready for Christmas? I feel like summer was just a few days ago, but now it’s time for present opening and kissing under the mistletoe. Although, I’m not ready to spend time shovelling snow. I guess when you’re younger, the snow is all about building snow mans and making snow angles. Now, it’s about making sure your driveway is clear and sprinkling salt so you won’t fall. Adulthood really does change everything. This issue we have all decided to combine our November and December issue where some articles will be about giving back to the community, the election, Remembrance Day and of course the holiday. This is the season where families are reunited and everyone gets to celebrate Christmas and the new year. Sometimes what people don’t realize is the fact that there are so many people who don’t have a family to spend Christmas with. Most live on the streets hoping people would spare change. It’s always good to give back to the community and to help others, not because it’ll feel like you’ve done a good deed, but because it will make a difference in that person’s life that you helped. Always walk the streets with a positive face. A simple smile can mean a lot to anyone, and giving little amount is better than nothing. I hope everyone is fortunate to spend this holiday with their loved ones. Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Tabitha Peters


Gift Giving 101: What You Can Get Your Friends, Family & Loved Ones for Christmas this year By: Alec Pichelli | News Editor With the holiday spirit in the air and Christmas creeping just around the corner, the time to start your Christmas shopping has begun. Many of us (myself included) are wondering what to get our friends, our family members, and our loved ones for Christmas. Picking gifts appears to be a monumental task no matter how many years you do it, but it doesn’t have to be so difficult. Here’s a list of suggestions for gifts you can get that special someone this year. Friends Gift giving for friends is always the easiest of the groups. Your friends will more likely appreciate the fact that you got them a gift. In any case, gifts for friends should have some sentimental value as opposed to being costly. Maybe grab your best friend a shirt of their favourite band that you both went to see, or that Poke Ball coffee mug that you know they’d love. As long as you put a little thought into it, they’re bound to love it. And if your friends have a good sense of humor, nothing’s wrong with getting them a dildo. They’re surprisingly useful (they can double as swords and Monopoly board pieces apparently).

Photo by Doris Pozo

Family Shopping for family is sometimes tricky. For kids, shopping for the parents always seems rough since you always feel the need to go the whole nine yards to pay them back for all they’ve done for you. Don’t feel the need to spend hundreds of dollars on your parents, although it’s always appreciated. Your parents would love essentially anything you give them since it’s from you, but feel free to make the gift a little personal. Your mom would love anything from Bath & Body Works (almost everything there is under $12), and something simple like cologne would be just fine for your dad. Cute Idea – Get them matching gifts! My sister and I got our parents matching watches one year, and they loved it. Loved Ones This is the big one. Most boyfriends and girlfriends are always excited to see what they will get from each other. It’s a basic representation of how much they love the other. If you’re lucky enough to be in the honeymoon phase of your relationship, a sweet and cheesy card will do the job. Let’s face it; you’re the real gift this holiday. If this isn’t the case and you’ve been together for some time, they’ll still love just spending time with you, so perhaps take them out ice skating downtown at Nathan Philips Square, or visit the Christmas Market at the Distillery District. Although a nice watch doesn’t hurt either.


TIME WARP By: Vanessa Butera | Arts Editor

Your insecure disposition From the last time I saw you Rests like a silent tomb on my heart Sending me back in a time warp Back when we spoke in clichés A dense halo of adolescence in the air You tried to love a girl Who gave you nothing I’ve looked for your face In everyone Years after you left But traces of you have faded With every new lover Do you ever look for me? Longing for all the things That the time passed Can allow me to give you My mind goes into a time warp Wondering where you are But time doesn’t stop For those who reminisce mediocre love


Photo by Doris Pozo

Self-Help During 2016: I Find the Snowdaze the Most Pleasurable By: Jessica Malandrino | Opinions Editor Christmas and the ending of the year 2016 is coming up. This year, for me, was one of the hottest years ever. In that it was both an uncomfortable sensation and, also, passionately exciting. From the time that I was in summer school and until today in December, I wake up every morning with deadlines, and more deadlines. Simply extending in my everyday life from dealing with graduation, to my masters, to my partner, and my family. The hotness has been very exhilarating. In fact, the one vacation and time I had during this year in August consisted of me going to Brooklyn, New York, and every morning I’d wake up to it being forty degrees outside. The shopping, nightlife, and restaurants in this heat was just boiling hot. I take the symbolic suffocation of the heat as an emblem to describe my year in 2016. I’ve basically had enough of this uncomfortable and passionate heat. As soon as December came and it started snowing I had time to relax and indulge in self-help and focus on myself.

Photo by Doris Pozo

The cold, for me, then, in 2016 has been the best experience of my entire year. I get to enjoy time to myself during the holidays and my family, lover, and friends. Sleeping in every morning, making movements when I feel like it, baking and catching up on television shows for the past two weeks has been so enjoyable for me. So, when it came time to decide what I wanted to do for New Year’s Eve, I particularly wanted to do something that put me at ease. Then I realized instead of travelling somewhere tropical, I want to embrace the icy and snowy atmosphere that this year has brought me. I decided then, I’m going to go to Montreal. I want to embrace the frost from morning to night simply because it represented my favourite time this year. I can wear the fur coats and luxurious boots I’ve been waiting to wear and cuddle up as much as I want to. Now that you’ve heard my short version of 2016, while planning your night, involve the people you love the most, and relax, and enjoy! Joyeux Noel et bonne année! Cheers.


Coping with Stress in November: How I deal with Crunch Time By: Jessica Malandrino | Opinions Editor

How many times have you been in bed tossing and turning, thinking about the day or week to come that is just piling up with work? Luckily, I am going to try and help by giving you all the ways in which I have coped with stress of midterms and papers this term. First, I go into the greasiest and delightful places for food consumption, and I eat, and I eat, and I eat. However, this mostly happens when I know that an upcoming paper or exam is coming. This shortlived serene feeling I get from indulging in takeout food is just wonderful. I can taste my stress going away right now. After this sensational feeling is over, I stretch and meditate to come to peace with myself and the world around me. This routine puts me in an exceptional mood when dealing with my family, friends and colleagues. Then when the process of writing and studying is over, I then work out to burn off any unneeded stress I’ve had throughout the day.

Photo by Doris Pozo

If I’m feeling really generous I will bake or cook for my family. Giving to others makes me feel so good in these distressful times. I also love cleaning and cooking, in that this has been a great way for me to cope with stress and divert my attention away from exams or essays. The worst feeling though is after a long day of work, I lay in bed ready for sleep and then my mind starts racing about the amount of things I have to do the next day. My mind starts channelling, I need to do laundry, study, deadlines, grades, vacuuming, showering, hair, eyebrows, nails. Oh stop! I’ve learned that when this happens the best thing that I normally do to relax is take a bath, and light my relaxation candle that gives off eucalyptus oil that clears the mind. This anti-stress candle is my secret to staying in a peaceful place. Then I can finally have absolutely nothing to think about and this is my most calm state of mind I’ve experienced in November. I hope that my tools of coping with crunch time have been helpful, I know, holidays are coming and finally, it will be over soon.


11/11/11 By Doris Pozo | Staff Writer Remembrance Day or Poppy Day as a child was always a bittersweet day. I remembered all the assemblies in elementary school and reciting the poem In Flanders Field (by John McCrae). I always wore the iconic red poppy near my chest and I was always confused as to why the poppy pins look so beautiful yet so dangerous because of that pointed pin sticking out. I wore my poppy, sat down cross-legged in the gym with all the other children and looked at the huge projector, projecting the poem In Flanders Field. As a child I thought – we are remembering people who died at war…but what war? Does it really matter what war we are remembering? People died…and we have one day to remember them? Shouldn’t we have more days to remember people who die in war? Why go to war in the first place? Why the poppy? The soldiers die in war because they were fighting something worth dying for. Would I ever go to war to fight for my country? My country? It is worth my life? I don’t think so…I never want to die. I never want to fight. The red poppy everyone wears…is it because the red represents all the blood that has been lost? I can’t even imagine going to war...and seeing all that blood. I am here in this little assembly pretending to care about the dying soldiers. After the assembly is over I will go back to my class and continue with life as if nobody has ever died, yet thankful to be alive. Why hasn’t anybody told me what war they fought in? Am I supposed to know this? Does it even matter what war?


As a young adult, I still didn’t know what war I am to remember. Luckily Wikipedia exists and I recently found out that the battlefields of the First World War where covered with poppies when the war ended. The Commonwealth countries, the British Empire and most of Europe take time to remember those who fought in the First World War and those who fought in the Second World War. Every year as I got older I become more and more distant to Remembrance Day. This year, I was working at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month and I didn’t take a moment of silence nor did I even remember to do so. I just kept on working and thought only about myself and what I needed to be doing. I didn’t even take a moment to be grateful for my life – what a shame. I need to more thankful and give thanks for this miracle called life. Let us not forget those who fought in the World Wars and in all the wars of humanity. Let not one life die in vain. Let us continue to be grateful by giving thanks. Let us continue to have a heart of peace by forgiving others and ourselves. Let us strive to never have another World War by giving service to others – never doing any harm.

Photo by Doris Pozo

Disaster Down South By: Juan Lopez| Humour Editor Yeah, it’s as every bit as bad as it sounds. It’s like finding out you have a problem with your most private and intimate area and there’s nothing you can do to fix it. You thought it would be okay, but it’s not. Let’s face it, it’s the worst thing to ever happen to you. Trump is president. Well actually, we live in Canada so we’re shielded from Trump’s red-neck and brutish appeal, and lack of consideration for any American constitutional rights or international respect for other cultures. Because ‘Merica is number one. Yes Donald, we know sweetheart. You’ll be the best by yourselves. By kicking out millions of people from your country, banning races from entering the country, claiming that American labour is better and cheaper than outsourcing, and that by removing a portion of the working class, people will be happy with their country that is based off immigrants and will make them better than anyone else. Congratulations. Excuse me if I seem to be rabbling or going off on a tangent but this should be disgusting in the eyes of everyone. How is it that a man who has no political knowledge and by spouting nonsense and threatening and insulting people become president? I guess he epitomizes perfectly the American citizen then. I don’t understand what the American people accomPhoto by Doris Pozo plished by electing this man president. I understand that people were not satisfied with Barack Obama, but if they weren’t, Obama would not have had a second term in office. Perhaps it was his endorsement for Clinton that cinched her loss, but the statistics came out that Clinton slightly won the popular vote. It has to be said that the United States’ Electoral College system needs to be revamped as well. It is no secret that both the political system and some citizens of the United States have stated that it is not an accurate representation. But regardless of the reasons behind the results of the election, it is a reality that the world has to prepare for Donald Trump being the president of the United States. Who knows, maybe we’re all wrong. Maybe Trump is exactly what America needed to overcome whatever messed up situation they’re in that they desperately voted for this man as head of State. Maybe Trump will be able to renew trade and commerce with other countries despite being a racist and insolent man who doesn’t know a lick about politics. Maybe Trump will end up as one of the greatest presidents in the country’s history despite there being ongoing protests in various states against the results of the election. Yeah, I didn’t think so. To quote from a famous meme about a terrible situation, “Voting for Trump or Clinton is like choosing which STD you’d prefer to get” (Meme 2016). Looks like America is going to be very butthurt for a while. 9

Local Hero: Canadian Citizen Laura Hesp Quits Job to Help the Homeless By: Tabitha Peters | Editor-in-Chief

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of interviewing Laura, a 25-year-old, tattooed Torontonian who had been working very hard the past few years, involving herself in multiple charities and organizations when it came to helping the homeless. On February 14th of this year, Hesp and her 9-year-old niece, Selina, went onto the streets of Toronto and handed out food and blankets to those who needed it. “We would go out Bonnie and Clyde style! I would be driving, and Selina would hop out when she saw someone, and throw blankets on them, and give them food and deodorant.” Hesp proudly exclaimed. It took Hesp around 10 hours that very day to cook all the food, package all the sandwiches, and go around to different businesses, asking if they would donate anything. “That day was probably the highlight of my life,” she said. Passed organizations didn’t work out, as the men Hesp had worked for would always expect something in return. “There are men who have these charities, and they would so excitedly offer me to come in and work with them … but then it immediately turns into something sexual. It’s almost as if no one can appreciate me for all I have, and what I have to offer,” she said. “Because I’m a woman, they all think that I’m automatically open to dating or open to sex, and it’s so damn difficult to get past those perceptions.” Of course she never reciprocated those feeling, which is why she left and took matters into her own hands. Hesp had quit her job earlier this yeat at a local restaurant near Mercer and John St. because she was feeling unfulfilled. She has since solidly dedicated all her time towards starting up her own non-profitable organization, where she will cater to the homeless who suffer from drug addiction and alcoholism. One of the main reasons Hesp has a soft spot for the homeless, was because her dad had fit into that category. Her father, Doug, had suf-

fered from alcoholism his entire life, mostly because he was abused as a child, and never healed from it. He drank as a coping mechanism to suppress the painful memories. While doing so, that caused a bad influence on Hesp when she’d visit in her teens. Seeing her dad drunk most of the time gave her negative vibes. “I was in and out of mental hospitals, because I was addicted to drugs. I was fucked up. I was sleeping around with guys; I didn’t know what I was doing! I was so damaged.” She said. “But as I got older, my dad improved a little bit, and I understood more of why he drank.” Although he was a drunk, Doug had a job, and owned the same house in Bolton, ON for 25 years. Hesp was still able to keep in touch and talk with her father, even after her parents split when she was a baby.


Unfortunately, around a few years ago, Hesp discovered that her dad’s sister [who was also his abuser as a child], came down from Alberta, and kicked him out of his own home and onto the streets. She also sold his house. If it weren’t for Hesp visiting her father’s house a few months ago, she wouldn’t have found out. “So me and my friend bought $150 worth of groceries, and blankets and socks and we did everything we could do to track my dad down. We stopped at random shelters everywhere.” She said as her eyes filled with tears. At that time, Hesp began to cater more towards the homeless; she had extras to give away. She still never gave up on finding her dad. It all hit her so fast, and she still couldn’t believe that he was on the streets. “So one day, I finally get this phone call and this voice said ‘What do you want?’ it was my dad. I told him I was looking for him and that I didn’t know he was homeless. He basically told me to fuck off.” Hesp said, her eyes distant with no emotion. Doug, at the time was embarrassed by how his life had turned out, and didn’t want to associate with anyone, including his own daughter. Sadly, Doug passed away this year in early march due to alcohol abuse, and Hesp has been dealing with so much grief. She had planned the funeral all by herself, and is still trying to accept the fact that her father is gone. After her dad’s passing, she then inherited a good amount of money that she plans to use towards building her organization. Laura Hesp has had a rough life, but there’s no doubt that she can’t accomplish starting up her non-profitable business. She first studied child and youth counselling straight out of high school, but then switched to public relations at Humber College, Lakeshore campus. There, she learned about the connections with people on social networking, and writing. “Through both of these programs, I saw the ying and the yang of both worlds. With child counselling, I saw this heavy, depressing industry, and because I was depressed, I saw it as a negative thing, I never saw all the great things that could come from it. And with public relations, it taught me how to talk and connect with people. Now, I’m combining both of these fields, and I’ve built up my profiles on social media, and gained more followers, which has allowed me to help other people.” Hesp explained. “I get random people messaging me, wanting me to be a part of their initiatives. I

constantly have people asking me for help, and it’s just combining those two industries. That’s’ been a common thread my entire life, I’ve always been the manager, one who gives a fuck, and who will sit down with you.” Laura’s Facebook page is filled with knowledgeable information on how to better the lives of people. She shares news pages, and is always keeping up on what’s important in today’s society. Sabrina Abdale, one of Laura’s oldest friend says, “I admire all of Laura’s charitable work. It’s inspiring to see her commitment to social media and keeping it more focused on world events.” “When I’m helping those in need, the people that I associate with feel more comfortable when you look like a real person, because a lot of them are tattooed, and degenerates. So when they see me, it breaks down their reservations a bit.” Hesp said. Someone who has come from an abusive past with alcohol and drugs, and is now making a huge difference in the lives of people who don’t have homes of their own, is truly a hero. Hesp had to heal in order to move on, and she has come a far way. She is one of bravest, and most companionate people I have ever had the chance to meet, and her non-profitable organizations will become a huge success in the near future. 11


Photo by Doris Pozo

With November coming to a close in week, many of us are already thinking about the Christmas holiday. Typically known as the season of giving, the majority of people are thinking of what to get their friends and loved ones. But what about everyone else? What about the people that don’t have anyone to receive anything from, or yet have next to nothing at all? The homeless function on a daily basis with next to nothing. Not only are they constantly neglected and ignored, they are judged and spit on simply for being in the state that they are. The homeless are grouped together as the “trash” that no one wants to associate with. I constantly question why this was so. Why do people turn their eyes to people in need? In order to get a better understanding of why this is the case, I took to the streets of Toronto to speak to those less fortunate and gain a better understanding of their situation. I encountered K (using a letter for confidentiality reasons) who was around the age of 21 and took him out for lunch near Dundas Square where I then listened to his story over some soup and BLT’s at Tim Hortons. A – How did you end up in your situation? K - Well honestly, there’s probably a lot of things, but my family. My father was one of those really aggressive types. You know, speak with your fists rather than your words. Whenever me or my mom would do something or say something he didn’t like, he’d lash out at us, hit us. He put my mom in the hospital one time because she didn’t make him dinner one night. The stress would get to me every night, and one day when he snapped, I did too. Quickly packed a bag and ran off. At first I thought I would eventually go back, but here I am. There isn’t anything there for me. I’d rather be out here then back there to be honest 12

A- Why do people judge or frown upon? K - I think there are a lot of reasons. Homeless people kind of start off with a bad rep to begin with because everyone thinks the money we ask for is going towards crack. Going towards fueling a drug addiction. It’s not like that for all of us. We’re just trying to scrap together enough for a meal or a bus ticket. I don’t think people realize how easy it is for you to end up on the streets. Sometimes there’s no other option. You live in a house, but there’s nothing about it that feels like home. No one that cares about you. Where else can you go from there? The streets, man. If you don’t have any friends or family to take you in, that’s the only place to go. And once you’re out there, it’s hard to get off. No way to make money, no one will hire you, help you out. It’s really rough, and people don’t understand that. They judge us because they don’t realize how easily they could be like us. Looks are deceiving. Yes, the majority of people on the streets look dirty and hard to approach. But they are people just like the rest of us. Their financial situation shouldn’t define them as individuals. After our conversation, K and I had a causal conversation that you would have with any other person. The difference in our financial wealth meant nothing; it was two average people talking to each other as equals. “I think people could be a little more mindful y’know? Like not even giving money to folks on the street, just maybe not looking at us like we’re trash. There isn’t a day that goes by where I’m not getting dirty looks from people walking by, and I didn’t do anything to them. I’m just minding my own business most of the time. It isn’t hard to help out the homeless, the less fortunate. We’re not asking for people to set aside their lives to get us on our feet, but a little small contribution from everyone goes a long way.” -K This holiday season; don’t forget to think about those less fortunate. Maybe it could be something as small as donating canned goods to charity, or something on a larger scale as adopting a family for the holiday. Whatever you choose to do, just remember that a small act of kindness and compassion can go a long way for someone else.


Giving Back in Sports By: Tyler Drummond | Sports and Health Editor

The most successful athletes all have something in common: they give their all every day and every night. Whether it’s at practice or at a championship game, they always give 100%. But, in the world of sports in North America, one thing most athletes do is give back. Almost every professional athlete in one of the major sports has their own foundation, and the leagues all organize their own charities. It has become so widespread that most leagues have awards for those players who do the most charity work. While it certainly is not a competition, and all of these athletes should be commended for the great work they do, here are a few of the most charitable sports stars: John Cena John Cena has been the face of WWE for over a decade, and while his legacy in the ring is great, his legacy outside it may be even better. The one charity Cena is most synonymous with the Make A Wish foundation. Cena has granted the most wishes of anyone on the planet, not just athletes, but he is the only person to grant over 500 wishes. He also spearheaded the WWE’s partnership with Susan G. Komen and has helped raise millions of dollars for them, and many other charities. LeBron James LeBron James is sending over 1000 kids to college for free. That alone should say everything. His foundation is paying for every kid who finishes his “I Promise” program in Akron to go to the University of Akron on his dime. Typical tuition at the University of Akron is about $9500 per year. That’s over $95,000 a year to help send kids who otherwise couldn’t afford it, to go to university and begin to better themselves. There is plenty of other work that he does, but even if he only sent those kids to college, it would be an incredibly charitable act. NFL Players There are far too many to name, but one of the biggest awards that the NFL gives out every year during NFL honours, before the Super Bowl, is the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award. Each team has one player nominated who is considered to be the most charitable on their team. This is an important award, not because we need to reward athletes for giving back, but because it helps shed light on all the different foundations and charitable work these players have been a part of. They do so much good, and it’s important to recognize it and continue to promote it so that even more people can benefit from the great work they do. So, yes, there weren’t a whole lot of examples and this has barely even scratched the surface, but it goes to show that so many athletes do a lot of great work. And whether it’s because many of them come from impoverished backgrounds, or they’re just good people who want to give back, it’s a great thing that they do all these things for their community. Give back everyone. 14

The Soil Bleeds Red By: Vanessa Butera | Arts Editor The soil bleeds red As they are pulling bright poppies Out of the ground You are falling To the last ‘Hallelujah’ Hoping a choir of angels Will catch you when you land Our hearts bleed red We used to dance To our self-proclaimed drum beat Now we run The flicker in our hearts Turned to fire in our eyes As we watch a bright hope Go down in flames The soil bleeds red So you set fire to the pavement To destroy the darkness Of an unknown future When empathy goes deaf You scream in the blistering silence Hoping your voice will jolt Those in blissful slumber The soil bleeds red But I won’t clench my fist I will extend a strong hand To you

Photo by Doris Pozo


Sagittarius Season Horoscope for all 12 Signs By Anastasiya Ivanova | Features Editor (With sources from Rado Hristov,

Aries This Sagittarius season fortunate circumstances will allow you to transform your ideas into powerful actions. You will either start working on new things that you wanted to begin, or you will develop having already started projects to full potential. At school or at work, you will likely be quite busy, but this will allow you to take a big advantage of a lot of situations ahead that will be beneficial for you. If you are single, there is a big chance that you will find someone who suits you outside your social circle. If you are in a relationship, enjoy some quiet time with your partner because this will bring fulfillment to you both. Taurus Your plans may change this Sagittarius season, Taurus. But during this time you have control over the changes coming because you will be choosing what to do next. Achieving harmony within yourself and with others is key because when some things are falling apart, you will use this opportunity to rebuild them in a new way based on the choices you make. At work or at school, the decisions you make will open doors for you in the future. In love, you will likely revaluate your relationship, if you are in one, or what you seek in a partner, if you are not. Just listen to your heart as it won’t lead you astray. Gemini For you Gemini, speed is what this Sagittarius season will be marked with. As much as you feel comfortable to stay in one place, life goes on and small opportunities are coming your way. If you are brave and you are ready to catch these opportunities, the reward you will receive is inevitable. So don’t satisfy with all you have, because you can have even more. At school or at work, prepare for certain fortunate events that will help you breakthrough a situation you have been feeling stuck. When it comes to romance, you will be able to reestablish communication with your partner or potential partner with whom you may have had some disagreements. Cancer For you Cancer, this Sagittarius season will be a season of shedding light on a lot of things, especially on your own unique ideas you have carried with you for a while. And the more you initiate to act on them, the more real they will become. Do not be afraid of any risks because many of your thoughts about your future can become a reality. At school or at work, you may have to convince people around you of the validity and potential success of your ideas. When it comes to existing or potential relationships, this season will be marked by a lot of conversations between you and the people involved, so you can establish the rules of the game you will play. Leo A lot of work falls on your shoulders, Leo, this Sagittarius season. Regardless of what type of work this will be, either material or emotional, the more you work with yourself and with the things substantial for you, the clearer you will be what works for you and where to go next. People will support you through this. At school or at work, through hard work, you will master your skills, creating a solid foundation for yourself to jump into the future. If you have been having disagreements in your romantic potential or existing relationships, you and your half will fix these disagreements. What is left between you two afterwards will last quite long. Virgo Virgo, you will have to stay strong and tall during this Sagittarius season as you are about to be tested and asked to prove that you deserve what you have achieved in the recent past. The more you are tenacious and decisive, the more successful defense you can build. Don’t doubt your aims and achievements. At school or at work, your achievements may be questioned, and may be possible that someone will try to take the credit for your work. Stand for yourself. In your romantic life, you and your existing or potential partner may face challenges with some finalizations you both plan. Do not give up now. Defend your territory and your relationship. 16

Libra For you Libra, this Sagittarius season will not be as active, but you will be making decisions. You will be assessing how you see yourself in the future and you will be setting the standard you want to live in from now on. Balance all points of view before you make your final decisions. Only then you will be prepared to transform these decisions in to a powerful actions that will lead you towards a happy future. At school or at work, you will be the peacemaker between conflicting views or groups. In your love life, you may be making a lot of compromises with your partner, existing or potential. But as long as you are happy, this will be good for you. Scorpio Scorpio, this Sagittarius season you will experience all that your heart has craved for a while now. The dreams you have are about to become real. Don’t restrict yourself to contemplate what you want as by doing so, your dreams and goals will come to you. At school or at work, things will be peaceful, and even if things are not exactly as you want them to be, you will feel content. But know that big opportunities are around the corner for you. When it comes to your love life, love will come to you regardless of whether you are single or in a relationship. Allow yourself to express what you feel and you will be happy. Sagittarius Sagittarius, you are about to recover from some disappointments you may have had in the past by experimenting with the options available for you right now. So, think outside of the box and explore new things. But at the same time, don’t burn the bridges that benefit you. At school or at work, you may find yourself in unfamiliar waters so the people above you, and even you, can see what you are truly capable of and where your potential lies. In your love life, you may be feeling that either something is missing, or the things are not as you think they should be. Dive into new interactions with different people because there you may just find what you really want. Capricorn For Capricorn this Sagittarius season will be marked by exploration. The real challenge for them will be to objectively evaluate what will work for them in the future. This period is also not about your personal happiness or comfort, but about the happiness and comfort you bring to the people around you. So, share your dreams with someone else. At school or at work, you will find yourself in charge of the things, expanding and growing something. When it comes to your romantic life, you may have great hopes for where the things are going. But be careful not to fool yourself. Live for the moment as in the moment you’ll truly see the future of your relationships. Aquarius For you Aquarius, during Sagittarius season you will struggle a little. What is more important is that your struggle, and especially your losses, will reflection good on your future. Balance will take place, and the more you lose now, the more you will gain after. All the fears you may have now are good because they will force you into new directions. At school or at work, some will change jobs, while others will change the direction they are walking, but all this will come with a relief. When it comes to love, you will be able to evaluate whether current, new, or potential relationships will grow stable and permanent. Follow your instincts. Pisces For Pisces, this Sagittarius period will bring them more duties, but not for personal benefit, rather for the benefit of others. You may be asked for help, and if your actions are sincere, the favours you give will be returned to you. The opposite may happen: you may be the one in need, and people will help you with pure hearts. At school or at work, you may spend some time solving someone else’s problems. If it is so, this will strengthen the bond between you and them. When it comes love, this will be a period of giving and taking. You must act with pure intentions and treat your half as an equal. Only then your relationships will unfold naturally.


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