November Issue

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table of con tents 03

Don't Bash the Stache

04 Searching in the South 05 11/11 Wear Your Poppies 07 Get the Bryson Tiller Look 08 How to Keep Yourself and Your Wallet Safe During Black Friday 09 Yemen Starvation 11 The Road to SelfDiscovery 12 November Horoscope 15 McLaughlin Sports

November 2018: Volume 22. Issue #03 004c McLaughlin College, York University Toronto, ON M3J 1P3

Editor - In- Chief

Noor Almutaa

Social Media Manager

Kristian Barlaan

Business Manager

Camila Seclen

Production & Layout Manager


Editors News

Jenna Yasi

14 Kristy Kilburn


Saran Dhindsa


Alyssa Offenheim


Eric Sadhu


Tonia Genete


Abdeali Sharwala

Staff Writer 1

Relina D'Cruz

Staff Writer 2

Amesha Gray

18 Earth Will Expire in '2035' 19 Legalization Of Weed 21 Confession Column 23 Word Search

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MacMedia Magazine PG 2

DONT BASH THE STACHE By Abdeali Saherwala Does anyone know what the fuck Movember is? Do men know the significance of Movember? Movember is practically a mashup of two words: mustaches and the month of November. Basically, this is a portmanteau of the Australian-English diminutive word for moustache “mo”, and "November”. This is an annual event in the month of November encouraging the growth of moustaches in order to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health issues. The Movember Foundation is an international organization with several chapters around the world, including a couple of them in Canada. They run a charity event, housed at and the end goal is to "change the face of men's health” by letting your moustaches grow. By allowing your moustaches to grow, you will spread awareness of men’s mental and physical health issues to the world. Additionally, you will spread awareness for Movember, The Movember Foundation and the cause The Movember Foundation is fighting for. By encouraging men and young boys to get involved - Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis, effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Besides annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Since 2004, the Movember Foundation charity has run Movember events to raise awareness and funds for men's health issues; such as prostate cancer and depression in Australia and New Zealand. In 2007, events were launched in Ireland, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Spain, the United Kingdom, Israel, South Africa, Taiwan, and the United States. As of 2011, Canadians were the largest contributors to the Movember charities of any nation. The Movember Foundation has several chapters in Canada and in Toronto as well. They’ve created a webpage where you can engage with them, book events on their behalf, fundraise for them, volunteer for them, connect with other Movember members, and more. The link to the website is and I encourage you all to volunteer for this organization - they are excellent in terms of combating cancer and mental health issues for men/boys. In conclusion, grow your moustaches in solidarity for men’s mental health issues and try to engage with other bros out there with or without the support of The Movember Foundation. PG 3






Disclaimer: While I am the health editor at MacMedia Magazine, I am NOT a doctor. I have conducted extensive research on this topic and I have only consulted peer-reviewed journals and scholarly works. What is the prostate? Simply put, the prostate gland is the part of the male reproductive system where seminal fluid is made and stored. It is located in the pelvis, near the urinary bladder and the rectum. The prostate gland encompasses part of the urethra, the small tube that carries urine from the bladder and semen during ejaculation. According to statistics obtained by the Canadian Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men and is the third leading cancer-related cause of death. It made up 21% of new cancer cases in 2017 as well as 10% of all cancer-related deaths in 2017. Needless to say, you need to start taking more preventative measures when it comes to your general health. Going in for your yearly physical is the best way to start. While prostate cancer does not usually cause any symptoms in its earliest stages, there are some symptoms you can watch out for, such as trouble urinating, discomfort in the pelvic area and erectile dysfunction. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, go see a doctor ASAP. As I mentioned before, it is unknown what causes prostate cancer, but some risk factors include: Age: your risk increases as you age. Family history: if any males in your family have suffered from prostate cancer or any women have suffered from breast cancer, this can increase your chance of having it. Obesity: men who are obese and diagnosed with prostate cancer tend to have a more aggressive form of the cancer. Hopefully, I haven’t made you throw down this article in a mixture of terror or disgust. Now, lets move on to the things you can do to minimize your chances of having prostate cancer. A healthy diet: Obviously avoiding high-fat foods would help you maintain your health. While we don’t know for sure if this will definitely help, it will allow you to maintain control over your general health, which is always a plus. Exercise: while exercise improves your overall health, there is evidence than men who don’t exercise have higher prostatespecific antigen (PSA) levels, while men who do exercise have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Talk to your doctor: Going in for your physical gives you a chance to talk to your doctor and determine your risk level.

PG 4

11/11 WEAR YOUR POPPIES! BY: RELINA D'CRUZ In times of conflict and peace, we have had some of the bravest and I courageous men and women who sacrifice their lives and comfort to

protect their nation. Formerly known as Armistice Day that is now identified as Remembrance Day, held on November 11th. Across Canada, the 11th day of the 11th month, when the clock strikes the 11th hour, we stand in a two-minute silence to honour all lives lost in the World War. This day denotes the official end of the 1918 World War, with the armistice agreement. Millions at home were notified that their husbands, sons, mothers, sisters and wives sacrificed their lives serving the nation. Many returned home, but developed mental illnesses like PTSD, depression, or bi-polar disorders and were unable to live normal lives thereafter. Remembrance Day – dedicated to remember the forgotten. Worn as a symbol of remembrance, the poppy was one of the first flowers to grow on the battlefields after World War I. In high school, I remember wondering the meaning and significance of Remembrance Day when the entire school would have a moment of silence to honour all lives lost in event of the World War. My high school would host Remembrance Day assemblies where witnesses of the war were invited to share their terrifying experiences with students. For most students, it didn’t mean more than a getaway from the mundane student life routine. In fact, kids liked Remembrance Day. I guess our childish selves didn’t quite understand the severely detrimental imprint the war left behind; consequently our generation wasn’t part of it. With the coming of age, we have understood what Remembrance Day is, we acknowledge whoever had lost their lives serving the country and its people. PG 5

I don’t expect kids to understand the complexities war brings at their age. Playing COD, Black OPS, MW3 religiously has romanticized violence and war to an extent where kids don’t empathize or even understand the significance of Remembrance Day. The war’s adversarial nature draws out the unseen animal within mankind. In the name of glory and patriotism, people are killed unmercifully and I

this is undermined. Canada has multiple statutory holidays throughout the year. Currently, Remembrance Day is a statutory holiday in the following provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, and Yukon. This leaves Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and North West Territories. This is a controversial topic as most argue that Ontario should be a statutory holiday. Personally, I don’t think Remembrance Day should be a statutory holiday because it is important that we remember the sacrifices our long-lost brothers and sisters have made for us. This is done by holding the two-minute silence on November 11th and high schools hosting assemblies to educate students about Remembrance Day. A statutory holiday would become another holiday for people to sleep in and not participate in Remembrance Day. eir lives serving the country and its people.

Lest we Forget PG 6

GET THE BRYSON TILLER LOOK! By: Eric Sadhu If you’re having any issues with growing your beard, maintaining, and styling it, this article is the perfect place to help you elevate your look, and get yourselves more noticed, if you know what I mean. A main issue many guys may have concerning their beards is the ideal style to suit their face. Thanks to, I now have a guide for you. If you have a square face, or a strong jawline, you are encouraged to keep your hair fuller on the chin, and shorter on the sides; same style applies to those with more of a round face. For the guys with more of an “oblong,” or rectangular face, keep your beard fuller on the sides, and shorter on the bottom. This last style is sort of a special case, the ideal one; for the guys with more of a longer, oval face, most of the above beard styles will work with your face, as you have a sort of middle ground between the other face shapes. Another common topic amongst men with beards is how to keep their facial hair growing healthy. I have comprised a selection of products, many of which I use, as recommendations to you, to try out, in hopes of finding a product to help you maintain your beards.

One product considered to be essential to maintaining beards is beard oil. The brand Smooth Viking, specifically their Viking Beard Oil, contains natural oils including jojoba oil, organ oil, and pumpkin seed oil. With many other natural ingredients comprised in this product, the Viking Beard Oil will keep your beard healthy, and your facial hair soft without leaving a greasy residue behind. Another highly recommended product is a beard balm and leave-in condition from the brand ‘Honest Amish’. Aside from a plethora of natural ingredients used to make this, the beard balm will minimize dryness, split ends, and breakage of your beard hair follicles, while keeping your beard hair soft, preventing itchiness throughout the day. For those looking for any tools to assist with trimming and styling their beards, a great product, which is also a personal recommendation, is the Philips Norelco Beard & Head Trimmer Series 5100. The kit comes with three different blades, allowing for 17 different precisiontrimming functions, and rounded comb technology that help for even and smooth trims. And a bonus, the trimmer is water-resistant. All of these products are available in stores from Wal-Mart to Marshall’s, as well as online sites like Amazon. With these products, you’ll be on your way to an upgraded facial style, and more attention in no time!

PG 7

HOW TO KEEP YOURSELF AND YOUR WALLET SAFE ON BLACK FRIDAY! Alyssa Offenheim Dedicated to shopaholics, Black Friday is the eleventh national holiday. It can be a dangerous day if you don’t know what you’re getting into. Fortunately for you, I’ve compiled a thorough list that will prepare you to survive and conquer! Bring a buddy. If you’re strategic about this, you can use your friend to hold the line for you while you run back for more, plus they can help hold your bag! Get your car parked there early or even better, take the bus! People will overwhelm the malls, and likely will be in a rush to find parking. Make sure you give yourself enough time to get where you need to be safely, and drive carefully. Know what you want before you go in. subscribe to stores a few days ahead to ensure that you get exclusive access on the deals. If you give yourself this advance opportunity, you can go in for what you need and avoid the desire to check everything out. Bring reusable shopping bags. While this might not be a big thing in North America, progressive European countries have banned plastic shopping bags in the effort to reduce plastic waste. Join the initiative by bringing a cloth bag or old plastic bags with you. Eat a meal before you go. What’s worse than a hungry person? A hangry shopper. You definitely want to avoid the lines in the food court this holiday season.

. Dress for comfort. Malls get hot when there’s a bunch of people rushing around such tiny spaces, so bring a thin sweater and leave your thicker jacket in the car. Also travel with comfy walking shoes and a small bag if you plan to shop for longer than an hour. .Don’t bring young kids with you! Trampling is real! The worst situation to be in is to be stuck walking behind someone wheeling a stroller. Besides, just do everyone a favour and keep the crying children who have no desire to be there out of this. Wait for Cyber Monday. If you’re looking to purchase an electronic item, wait another few days then check out the sales online. Truthfully, this is just the beginning of the season…deals will prevail until the New Year, so you have plenty of time to get what you pg. 8 need!

THE CRISIS IN YEMEN: TRANSCENDING SYMPATHY WRITTEN BY: ALYSSA OFFENHEIM Disturbing and haunting photos of malnourished children are the first items to pop up when one performs an internet search of Yemen. Thin arms, prominent ribs, and bulging tummies characterize over 400,000 children in the country. According to Unicef, a child dies every 10 minutes in Yemen from preventable causes. When civil war erupted in Yemen in 2015 between

Unicef, Oxfam, and Islamic Relief have been

Houthi rebels and the Saudi-supported

involved in on-the-ground provision of supplies

government, it didn’t seem possible that things

and medical attention, but still, this situation has

could become more desolate for already the

been denounced as a humanitarian crisis. So how

poorest country in the Middle East. Fast forward

can we help?

to the end of 2018: 5,000 civilians have been

NGOs are looking not only for financial assistance,

killed, 11 million people face what has become the

but also volunteers with skills in language,

largest famine in a century, and 1.2 million cases

medical science, teaching, and engineering.

of cholera have been recognized since April 2017,

Advocates for peace are also asking that citizens

making for the worst modern outbreak of this

write to their national politicians and pressure

deadly infection in history. In October 2018, the

them to increase aid funding and eliminate the

UN warned that 75% of the population will soon

manufacturing and distribution of deadly warfare.

rely entirely on humanitarian aid to survive due to

To take this all one step further, you can take a

the closure of food ports, increases in food prices,

course in international development studies to

and decreased access to water and functioning

learn about what has led to disparities across the

sanitation systems. Major international NGOs

globe, culturally appropriate ways to participate

including Doctors Without Borders,

positively as an outsider, and emerging concepts that are calling for a transformative global change.

pg. 9

THE CRISIS IN YEMEN: TRANSCENDING SYMPATHY There are many ways to take hold of your

Living in a society where there is very little self-

humanity. Think about who you’re trying to help,

reflection on our privilege beyond our financial

and consider what people truly need. This holiday

ability to engage as consumers, it can be

season, undoubtedly many charity drives will

challenging to internalize facts and figures and go

suggest the donation of toys or books - while

beyond a thin layer of sympathy for others. The

these are kind gestures, unfortunately they do

nature of our 24/7 media cycle and constant

very little for children living in extreme poverty

engagement with social media certainly hasn’t

and who are at risk for survival. Take good care to

helped, and perhaps has further desensitized

ensure that whether you’re contributing your

Westerners on topics that bear bad news.

skills in a volunteer capacity or donating hard

However, it’s time that we step outside the safe

earned money, you’re doing so with an

havens that we’ve built around ourselves, and

organization that values a participatory approach,

channel our energies towards global

equal access to services, and long-term results.

participation. Our role as outsiders is to provide what we can to those without access so that they

Living in a society where there is very little self-

may transcend, mobilize, and prosper.

reflection on our privilege beyond our financial ability to engage as consumers, it can be challenging to internalize facts and figures and go beyond a thin layer of sympathy for others. The

With your help, proceeds generated by MacMedia’s in conjunction with

nature of our 24/7 media cycle and constant

McLaughlin College will be donated to

engagement with social media certainly hasn’t All figures from this

helped, and perhaps has further desensitized

article are sourced from the United

Westerners on topics that bear bad news. However, it’s time that we step outside the safe

Nations, Human Rights Watch, or

havens that we’ve built around ourselves, and

otherwise noted.

channel our energies towards global participation. Our role as outsiders is to provide what we can to those without access so that they may transcend, mobilize, and prosper.

pg. 10



My whole life I’ve believed that the phrase “love yourself” was almost a cliché – too unrealistic. Cheesy quotes and tattoos printed everywhere promoting the idea like it was some sort of advertisement to something the world was trying to sell. I thought, what a world we live in that we have to advertise love because we don’t get or give enough. How can you not love yourself? I laughed at the thought almost like it was an unspoken joke that the universe was saying. But years passed and there was a moment when I realized that we all have one thing in common and that was pain. And pain is the common denominator for lack of self-love and self-discovery. Because of pain we choose to close ourselves off to opportunities. We self-destruct and doubt ourselves enough until we’ve shut all the light out, closed all the curtains, and build brick walls thick enough for no one to break through. We all wear pain differently, some better than others. The thing we gotta try to remember is that it can turn on a dime. To me change was a six-lettered word that I couldn’t get myself to even say. Pushing it under rugs and locking it behind doors so I never have to go through it. I would buckle my seat belt, wear a helmet (that’s a little too big for my head), and stick to the lighted paths – try to be safe – to protect myself from change. So it was safe to say I hated change and anything that came with it. When it crawled up in the night and flipped my world around I fell off my carefully paved stepping-stone to self-discovery each time. But someone once told me that “pain is a gift”, we all want things to stay the same - settle for living in misery because we’re afraid of change, of things crumbling because of pain. Now I’m not a healer, I’m still on the stepping stone on a pathway of self discovery – falling off a few times just like the rest of us. To me self-discovery is when I looked within, I looked at all the chaos I’ve endured, the way it has been adapted, burned, pillaged and found a way to build itself up again. I guess I was reassured that we’re all supposed to feel. We’re all supposed to love. And grieve. And break. how we experience change is up to us. if we loosen our grips, unbuckle the seat belt, take off the helmet and go with it, it can feel euphoric. And to me the first step of self-discovery is to accept change. And if you’re brave enough to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue – if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and forgive some difficult realities about yourself and others you’ll find yourself on the stepping stone of self love. Selflove is deep appreciation of who we are. Accepting all our little quirks, our much too loud laughs, our peculiarities that we think no one notices, and most of all our failures that we don’t speak of. Only then we will learn how to accept pain as transformation and face change headstrong … this time without the helmet.

PG. 11

November Horoscope Aries


Aries. You may have struggled in the past with

The only limitation you face right now is your

something someone has done to you or with the

inability, at the moment, to see beyond these

unkindness or injustice you have dealt with from

restrictions. You need to allow your mind to

several people over some time. This may feel

wander outside the parameters and consider

especially poignant this month, and the stars say

other possibilities. There are surely some good

this is the time to deal with this directly. But

ones you have not yet seen. All week long there

most importantly, you need to forgive yourself

may be a thought that comes to you about

for issues for which you feel deep regret or guilt.

someone you either have not seen for some time

Learn the lessons and move beyond them to be

or from whom you have become estranged. This

the best you possible. You may be - and in fact,

may be a sign to get back in touch and to resolve

you should be - in the learning process rather

whatever it is that is lingering between the two of

than the launching process. If you jump in too

you. A little bit of warmth and hope could help

quickly, you may make avoidable mistakes, and

you fix this and recover the relationship.

this could damage the stellar reputation you hope to build. Gemini


You may feel responsible for the drama that

October may have been a very frantic, very

surrounds you as you enter November, Gemini.

stressed and very anxious month for you,

That may be because someone told you that you

Moonchild. You may have, at points, felt like you

are the cause, or implied as much. But that could

were going to collapse under the weight of the

be a case of projecting or deflecting, and you

enormous burdens you were carrying and the

have nothing to feel bad about. Don't allow this

many balls you had to keep spinning all month

to cast a shadow over your month because your

long. This month, though, will have a decidedly

stellar forecast is a good one. From the very

different tone as many things begin to fall into

beginning of November, you may sense a special

place bringing you peace and a sense of security

energy surrounding you. Your relationships

that has been missing from your life for quite

should also flourish this month, and you may

some time.There may be a chance that comes up

have opportunities to reach deeper, more

around the middle of the month that will be

enjoyable bonds with someone special.Around

somewhat intimidating, but this is something you

the middle of the month, there could be a brief

can handle if you choose to take it on. And if you

chance at a windfall you could never have

do, do so with passion and bravado, for there is no

planned, but that could enhance your sense of

one like you, and you need to convey the many


aspects of yourself that make you so special.

Issue 27 | 234

PG. 12



As November begins, Leo, you may have a lot

You may not think of yourself as a psychic or

going on, and you may be worried about much

even an intuitive person, Virgo, but for you,

of it. There is so much to do that involves a

November may be marked with periods of

deadline that you may wonder how you will get

great insight and intuition. If you have a

it all done. But instead of worrying, channel that

strong feeling of distrust, just steer clear. In

energy into creating a structured plan with dates

fact, it would be wise all month long to allow

and notes that direct you on what to do, and if

your instincts to guide you. There is nothing

you follow your own plan, then you will proceed

flaky about believing in your sixth sense. We

successfully and with less stress and anxiety. An

all have intuition, but when you tune in to it,

emotional conversation could set the tone of the

you can refine it to be more and more reliable.

latter part of November. This conversation could

Staying on top of these needs is the answer to

prove to be quite cathartic for you and for

decreasing any potential inconveniences. A

someone you love, leaving you feeling lighter

satisfying resolution to a conflict you had

and more motivated to be happy.

before or during November could occur at the end of the month.



You may receive news this month that someone

You may feel that you have spent too much time

you did not care for and who you removed from

on a certain journey to turn back, Scorpio, even

your life in some way may be doing quite well

though you are starting to feel you are headed the

without you. Although you felt good about the

wrong way. This month, it may become clear to

choice you made a while back, Libra, there may

you that going even further would be pointless if

be pangs of jealousy when you learn of this

you no longer believe in your quest. But the

person's good fortune. Is this a sign that you

timing is perfect because another road is slowly

made a mistake in letting this person exit your

opening up for you, and by the time you reach

life, or is it just residual resentment? Working

that intersection, you may be ready to veer off.

this out in your mind will be good for you

Later in the month, you may find yourself with a

because there are some unresolved or

very long list of "to-dos," and that may create a

unrecognized emotions connected to this bond,

sense of frustration and pressure. As you end the

and you do need to work it out for yourself. You

month, keep an old goal in perspective. You have

may even find that you want and need a

put a lot of time and effort into it, and although

reconciliation. If so, that will be possible in

you haven't yet made the progress you've been


hoping for, it has been a worthwhile experience.

Sagittarius A mentor or guide may appear in your life this month just when you need it most. This is not something you can plan for, Sagittarius, as there may seem to be mysterious forces at work. You are on a path to a dream, and the guidance you receive could seem like the validation you need to keep going. A disagreement around the middle of the month could escalate to a full-out argument if you don't guide it to a more productive, positive place. At the end of the month, a chance encounter could lead you to a reconciliation with an estranged friend or family member. That may not be a direct link; it could just be that something this person says helps you to see your way clear to repair a rift. Issue 27 | 234





Something you have been very dedicated to may

Getting more in tune with nature might be a

be the very thing that has been holding you back,

good way for you to transition from the hectic

Capricorn. This realization may begin to dawn

mindset October left you in, to the far more

on you in November, and the obligation you feel

sublime and rewarding tone of November,

you owe to something may seem more and more

Aquarius. Yes, there are opportunities

like a burden you wish you did not have to carry.

available to you this month, but you need to be

Because of this, you may continue on, even with

in the best state of mind to take advantage of

the knowledge that you could and perhaps

them. This month may be extra special for

should be doing something better for yourself.

you where a certain relationship is concerned.

But you may need to look at it this way as you

There is a connection that has been at odds,

progress throughout the month: you have done a

and this has been a great concern for you. This

good thing, and now it's time to move on to do

month, the tone of your communication with

something you need to do for yourself. If you

this person will seem somehow softer, and

begin that process this month, it will evolve

that's when you should open up a

naturally and easily.

conversation that will allow you to evaluate

Pisces Someone's apparent lack of authenticity may be bothering you as you enter into November. This may involve a relationship where there is a lot to lose, but also potentially a lot to gain. You may

what may be wrong, and how to fix it. A travelrelated matter may come up toward the end of the month. This may be a trip you would rather not take, but it could be extremely beneficial. Explore what might be possible.

have made a discovery recently that made you feel there may be some level of phoniness associated with the individual, and that may make you feel insecure about trusting in this situation. Don't feel bad about looking into whatever concerns you, for you owe that to yourself. You will come up with the right conclusion if you maintain an open mind. November could become better and better each day as the circumstances of another situation in your life become more hopeful and less problematic. You may have been struggling with some problems in this matter, but one by one those problems will fall away, leaving a much brighter picture.Â

PG. Issue 27 | 234


MCLAUGHLIN SPORTS – PLAY SPORTS! BY: TONIA GENETE Just as the school year started a few months ago, our McLaughlin students have been very active. Our college has already four athletes of the month. They are all regularly committed in different sports that our college is involved in and are part of many teams. They put in a lot of effort, and their hard work has been recognized by our student council. The athletes for September 2018 are Jared Juodele and Crystal Beleno.

Jared is a third-year law and society student. He prefers to play basketball, soccer, and football. Jared played competitive basketball throughout high school and a little bit of soccer when he was younger. While growing up, Jared realized that he was an extremely energetic kid and claims that he was "the worst student because [he] couldn’t sit still." All that energy was put to good use through sports. Even though he hasn't put a lot of thought into the concept of what role sports play in his life, he assumes that it is pretty important considering he always aspired to be involved in sports since childhood. I asked Jared to share with me a funny story that happened during his athletic performance, and this is what he told me: "last year I kicked a soccer ball in a girls face by accident, and she got heated at me. I felt so terrible at first until she started shit talking me then to me it was just hilarious."




Crystal Beleno is a first-year Political Science Crystal enjoys playing broom-ball . She only wanted to play for fun as well as to get to know new people in order to step out of her comfort zone. Her family is athletic and competitive but none of the sports they played interested her. Until she joined an intramural league and found sports that she loved to play and is good at. When she was playing flag football, everyone was saying “no one can take down Maria.” They tried doing a handoff and Maria and Crystal collided. After all of that she was the only one that could “take down” Maria. Play sports help. She’s been very active since start of the year started, keep it up Crystal!

Arikeru considers that sports are essential because it is an excellent way to be physically active and it provides entertainment while being able to make new friends. He is also motivated to keep being involved and become an athlete of the month again. Sport is an integral part of Arikeru’s life, he organizes his schedule in a way where he can attend his classes, finish his school work, hang out with friends and still be part of the many teams at Mac.

For October, our athletes of the month are Arikeru Iroanwusi and Gina Mavro.

Gina Mavro

Arikeru is a first-year computer science student. He has a high interest in creating video games he codes and designs them himself. Arikeru has been intrigued in sports starting from a young age. His favourite games to play are basketball and football, and he played competitively throughout high school. PG.


MCLAUGHLIN SPORTS – PLAY SPORTS! We recognize their involvement and congratulate them on their hard work and dedication. If you want to be involved in Mac and have fun, playing sports is a great way to be healthy and make new friends. Exams are coming up soon if you need a way to relax you can join the events that are coming up. On November 18th, there will be 3x3 drop-in basketball. Coed broom-ball will take place on the 27th. There will also be an open cricket tournament on November 24th and drop in dodgeball on November 21st. So far we have two teams that made it to playoffs. In ultimate frisbee tier 1 MC Hammer made it to playoffs and in open outdoor soccer tier 2 MC CreamYourAnkles. Keep it up, Mclaughlin!

! D E V L O V N I T E G PG.


Earth 'will Expire in 2035' BY KRISTY KILBURN

I’m sure all of you readers know what twitter is, and you

We don’t see it being shipped out to lesser-developed

probably have an active account yourself! Whether it be

nations and all of the turmoil our waste causes there;

hilarious memes, breaking news, or viral videos, Twitter is

garbage is just one example on a long list of issues we need

definitely a go-to entertainment and news source for many of us. Recently, a tweet regarding climate change was being heavily circulated. We see these tweets all the time, so what made this tweet so eye opening? If you just scrolled past it on your timeline or you took the extra step

to fix. Maybe this is the reason why President Donald Trump believes climate change doesn’t exist… because he doesn’t experience it from face value like millions of people across the globe do. I am no environmentalist, but I do know some

to read the article, it most likely concerned you. This is

of the small things I can do to help our home! Like many

because of the shocking title, “We Only Have 12 Years to

nations, Canada is incredibly flawed and could use its

Prevent Clime Change”. Once this article came out, Twitter

platform and resources for better. However as a Canadian

users everywhere were sharing their opinions on climate

citizen, there are multiple ways we can use our resources to

change and how we must fix our inhumane habits.

benefit our planet. For example, Ontario makes you pay

I believe a large reason as to why we have let these issues

$0.05 for every plastic bag used at a grocery store. So why

go on for so long is, it is out of sight, out of mind. Until we’re

not just bring your own bag? We also have websites that

reminded of the alarming issues through breaking news

educate us on where we to properly dispose of our waste.

sources, we – especially those who live in a strong

For example, shows us

economy - do not see climate change impacts. We seem to

where we can recycle our electronics!

understand what environmental issues are, but especially here in the Global North, it is an out of sight out of mind situation. We throw our waste out and as soon it is has left our hands we seem to think that is its end all.

As students, we are the future. Our voices and actions matter, and it is our responsibility to reverse these mistakes. Let us not wait until the next alarming tweet is sent out. Every little change helps.



Legalization of Weed Written by Amesha Gray

People enjoyed cannabis for centuries all over the world. In some countries, cannabis is more than a recreational or medical drug. In Jamaica, cannabis or “ganja” has cultural, religious, and symbolic values for Rastafarians. Rastafarians considers cannabis to be the “the wisdom weed,” where it is consumed as a religious rite of passage to increase spiritual growth making it an important part of their lives. Bob Marley once said, “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction; when you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” Prominent reggae musician Bob Marley, Snoop Dog, Lil Wayne, and other prominent figures are all advocates for the use of Cannabis. Here is what you need to know about the legalization of cannabis. On October 17, 2018, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party, legalized Cannabis in Canada. Canada is the second country, along with Uruguay, to legalize cannabis in the world while other countries simply decriminalize the possession of cannabis. Why did Canada legalized cannabis rather than decriminalize it? Well, the Cannabis Act was intended to place a stricter framework for controlling the possession, distribution, and sale of cannabis. The Act prevent the possession of cannabis from the hands of youth and displace the illegal cannabis market (i.e. the black market). The truth is legalization of cannabis is just another revenue (i.e. taxation) for the government. The minimum age of consumption in Ontario is 19 years old, the minimum age varies from provinces and territories. PG.


The laws regulating recreational and medical usage of cannabis are different. Where can you smoke and vape cannabis? Private residences, many outdoor public places, designated guest rooms, residential vehicles and boats, and controlled areas. You cannot smoke vape and cannabis indoors, schools, and place where children are present, hospitals and other medical care facilities, publicly owned spaces, and vehicles and boats that are in motion. Where can you purchase cannabis? The only legal option to purchase cannabis is online through the Ontario Cannabis Store ( Individuals are allowed to purchase 30 grams (one ounce) of dried cannabis for personal use and grow up to four plants per residence. However, in Ontario, the use of cannabis in the workplace and driving while impaired still remains illegal. Are students allowed to smoke on campus? Yes, students are allowed to smoke on campus. You have to be 9 metres (or 30 feet) away from an exit or entrance of a building and 20 meters (66 feet) from daycare facilities. Students are NOT allowed to smoke in residence but are allowed to have dried cannabis (30 grams) stored in a seal container. Keep your cannabis in a safe and locked place. Whether you use cannabis for recreational, medical, religious, or spiritual needs (‘wisdom weed’), stay safe. Despite, the Rastafarians theory about cannabis, Health Canada warns against the health effects. Cannabis usage affects your mood and feelings. It impairs your driving ability, memory and attention, and your mental health. Now that you know the facts, you decide, is smoking cannabis worth it? On that note, happy November! PG.















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