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Foundedin1967,theMemorialUniversityofNewfoundland(MUN) FacultyofMedicineishousedwithintheHealthScienceCentreinSt John’s, Newfoundland Thefacultyconsistsoftheadultandwomen’shospital,the JanewayChildren’sHospital,theH.BlissMurphyCancerCentre,alongwiththe CentreofOffshoreandRemoteMedicine(MEDICOR).


NotonlydoesMUNtakeprideineducatingyoungphysicians,butitisalso knownforitsresearch.ThemainresearchlaboratoriesincludetheTerryFox CancerResearchLaboratoriesandthehyperbaricmedicineresearchfacility.¹

Eachyeararound84studentsareacceptedintotheMDprogram;57ofthe seatsarereservedforresidentsofNewfoundlandandLabrador,while14seats arereservedforresidentsofNewBrunswickandPEI Havingsuchasmallclass sizeenablesearlyinteractionswithpatientsandanemphasisonproblem-based learning.²


Admission into MUN medical school is highly competitive with 750 applications for 80 spots with applicants who are residents of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The admission requirements for MUN medical school are as follows:

1. To be an eligible candidate, one must have completed their bachelor’s degree along with 6 units of English.

2. Typically, accepted students have MCAT scores of 10 in each section for the old MCAT or a 127 on each section of the 2015 version along with a 3.70 GPA.

3. Apart from grades, the Admissions Committee evaluates: personal qualities, reference reports, and conducts a traditional panel interview.

Desirable personal qualities include integrity, respect for others’ choices and rights, compassion, empathy, personal insight, communication, maturity, and motivation. These can be displayed through work and extracurricular activities as well as in the autobiographical sketch Applicants must also be assessed using a Situational Judgement Test on interview day


1 The application process begins in July on an Online Application System (OAS)

2 The final deadline for August 2023 entry is on September 1, 2022 at 3:00PM NDT

3 Interviews are then conducted in November, with the admissions being given out at the end of May for out-of-province students.

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