UNESCO GENERAL HISTORY OF THE CARIBBEAN A comprehensive history of the Caribbean in six volumes compiled under the guidance of the International Advisory Scientific Committee of UNESCO.
Autochthonous Societies Relates the history of the origins of the earliest Caribbean peoples, and analyses their various political, social, cultural, and economic organisations, in and around the Caribbean region. PB • 9780333724538 HB • 9780333724521
New Societies: The Caribbean in the Long Sixteenth Century Covers the evolution of Caribbean society through the intrusion of the Europeans, and examines the dramatic changes in politics, society, and culture which occurred until 1680.
The Slave Societies of the Caribbean The slave societies were more than societies with enslaved Africans, so this volume examines the demographic and economic, as well as social and cultural aspects of these communities.
PB • 9780333724552
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NEW! The Long Nineteenth The Caribbean in Century: Nineteenth Century the Twentieth Twentieth Century Transformations Provides an account and This volume covers the period from interpretation of the economic, the end of slavery to the twentieth political, religious, cultural, and century. Themes include dependent social development of the region labour groups, the development of from around 1930 to the end of the local economies and the emergence of twentieth century. PB • 9780333724590 national consciousness. HB • 9780333724583 PB • 9780333724576
Methodology and Historiography of the Caribbean Examines sources of historical evidence and the techniques used to study them, and the historiography of the regions, tracing the changes in the interpretations of the past. PB • 9780333724613
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