Jordan Winch
Kait lin Loss Manager, Subsidiary Rights kaitlin loss@macmillan com
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VP, Subsidiary Rights
Subsidiary Rights Associate
Krist in Dulaney
TableofContents MacmillanClassics-pg.5 YoungAdult-pg.12 MiddleGrade-pg.25 Nonfiction-pg.32 PictureBooks-pg.39 GraphicNovels-pg.52 * * Click on t he cover t o visit t he book's cat alogue page!
"With quiet grace, Cooper delivers the message that love persists through loss "? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
Check out m ore books from Philip and Erin St ead here!
A Caldecot t Honor Book 5 st arred review s!
Foreign Sales: Beijing Yutian/Chinese Sim plified Editions du Genevrier/French Rizzoli/It alian Asunaro Shobo/Japanese Sigongsa/Korean
IT'SA BOOK by Lane Smith
Playful and light heart ed w it h a subversive t w ist t hat is signat ure Lane Sm it h, It's a Book is a delight ful m anifest o on behalf of print in t he digit al age
?Smith addresses e literacy in his irreverent style. . . . Meanwhile, Smith has the best of both worlds: his stylish drawings, sleek typography, and kid friendly humor combine old media and new ?? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
From aw ard w inning aut hor/ illust rat or Elisha Cooper com es a m oving t ale about friendship, new beginnings, and cat s
Winner of t he 2011 Caldecot t Medal
RoaringBrookPress;August 2010;32 pages;Ages6 10
written by Philip C. Stead; Illustrated by Erin E. Stead
Friends com e in all sort s of shapes and sizes In Am os McGee's case, all sort s of species, t oo!
RoaringBrookPress;May2010;32 pages;Ages2-6
Foreign Sales: Walker Books/Aust ralia & New Zealand - Global Kids/Chinese Com plex Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Editions Gallimard/French Hanser Verlag/Germ an Rizzoli/It alian Munhakdongne/Korean Companhia das Letras/Port uguese in Brazil - Editorial Presenca/Port uguese in Port ugalOceano/Spanish Tudem Publishing Group/Turkish Macmillan/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Check out m ore books from Lane Sm it h here!
?Erin E. Stead's beautifully wrought woodblock prints and pencil work create almost painfully expressive characters This gentle, ultimately warm story acknowledges the care and reciprocity behind all good friendships ?? KirkusReviews, st arred review
Foreign Sales: EntreDos/Cat alan Hsaio Lu/Chinese Com plex Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Uitgeverij Aldo Manuzio/Dut ch Kaleidoscope/French Kinneret/Hebrew Babalibri/It alian Mitsumura/Japanese Random House/Korean Sandviks/Norew egian Editura Art/Rom anian Oceano/Spanish Sandviks/Sw edish Yapi Kredi/Turkish BIG CAT, LITTLECAT by Elisha Cooper
RoaringBrookPress;March 2017;40 pages;Ages3 6
Feiwel & Friends;October 2006;32 pages;Ages1-4
This debut pict ure book by Nancy Tillm an has t ouched t he heart s of readers of all ages, from t he youngest readers, t o new m ot hers, t o grandparent s A New York Times and Publishers Weekly best selling book, On the Night You Were Born is sure t o be a beloved addit ion t o fam ily libraries.
"With vivid imagination, a crystal clear grasp of the facts, and brilliant artwork, this illuminating look at one of the planet?s most fascinating features will entrance young readers."? Booklist, st arred review
A gorgeously illust rat ed explorat ion of t he Grand Canyon, past and present , by m ast er nonfict ion aut hor/ illust rat or Jason Chin
Foreign Sales: Love Reading Information/Chinese Sim plified Spring Garden/Korean Vista Higher Learning/Spanish in US & Canada
SNOWby Uri Shulevitz
?Pure enchantment from start to finish. Shulevitz uses text as spare as a December landscape to cast a spell of winter magic [and] works a bit of visual alchemy as the tale progresses ?? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
RoaringBrookPress;February2017;56 pages;Ages7 12
Uri Shulevit z's playful depict ion of a snow y day and t he t ransform at ion of a cit y is perfect ly capt ured in sim ple, poet ic t ext and lively w at ercolor and pen and ink illust rat ions
Foreign Sales: Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Sigongsa/Korean
A Caldecot t Honor Book
by Nancy Tillman
Check out m ore books from Nancy Tillm an here!
A Sibert Honor Book
GRAND CANYON by Jason Chin
?This is one of those rare baby books that make both skeptics and sentimentalists of all ages happy ?? PublishersWeekly
Foreign Sales: Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Macmillan/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Farrar, Straus& Giroux;July1998;32 pages;Ages4 7
Check out m ore books from Jason Chin here!
Check out m ore books from Uri Shulevit z here!
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);October 1999;208 pages;Ages12 18
Foreign Sales: Hsiao Lu/Chinese Com plex - Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plifiedDaekyo/Korean Alma Littera/Lit huanian Editura Art/Rom anian Kultur Yayinlari/ Turkish Bloomsbury/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
The ext raordinary, groundbreaking novel from Laurie Halse Anderson, w it h m ore t han 2 5 m illion copies sold!
The classic novel about a young girl w ho st um bles upon a fam ily's st unning secret .
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);August 2016;240 pages;Ages9-12
TUCK EVERLASTINGby Natalie Babbitt
?An uncannily funny book even as it plumbs the darkness, Speak will hold readers from first word to last ?? TheHorn Book, st arred review
Foreign Sales: Beijing Yuchen/Chinese Sim plified Rahva Aamat/Est onian dtv/Germ an Wydawnictwo JK/Polish Valentina/Port uguese in Brazil Editura Art/Rom anian Popcorn Books/Russian Hodder & Stoughton/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Foreign Sales: Grada Publishing/Czech - Il Castoro/It alian - Kaisei Sha/JapaneseDasan/Korean Nieko Rimto/Lit huanian 2020 Editora/Port uguese in Port ugal Editura Booklet/Rom anian Ripol/Russian Grada Publishing/Slovak Planeta/Spanish
Check out m ore books from Barbara O'Connor here!
WISH by Barbara O'Connor
SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson
One of TIME Magazine's Best YA Books of All Tim e One of Cosm opolit an Magazine's 125 Best YA Books Everyone Should Read, Regardless of Age
From aw ard w inning aut hor Barbara O'Connor com es a m iddle grade novel about a girl w ho, w it h t he help of t he dog of her dream s, discovers t he t rue m eaning of fam ily
?O?Connor again finds the sweet spot for young readers who are beyond early chapter books but not quite ready for the cynicism and/or complexity of much tween into teen lit. Bertha, Gus, and the Odoms are certainly awash in goodness, but their big heartedness never devolves into sentimentality ?? TheBulletin of the Center of Children'sBooks
Check out m ore books from Nat alie Babbit t here!
Farrar, Straus& Giroux;January1975;192 pages;Ages10 14
?Probably the best work of our best children's novelist ?? Harper's
Michael L. Print z Aw ard Winner Nat ional Book Aw ard Finalist Eisner Aw ard Winner
A New York Tim es best seller
A 2015 Michael L. Print z Honor Book
written by Mariko Tamaki; illustrated by Jillian Tamaki
First Second;September 2006;240 pages;Ages12 18
Foreign Sales: Ginkgo/Chinese Sim plified CrossCult/Germ an Tunue/It alian Kadensha/Japanese Companhia das Letras/Port uguese in Brazil
Check out m ore books from Gene Luen Yang here!
by Gene Luen Yang
Foreign Sales: Nakladatelstvi Paseka/Czech Rue de Sevres/French Reprodukt/Germ an Bao Publishing/It alian Iwanami Shoten/Japanese Editora Mino/Port uguese in Brazil Planeta Tangerina/Port uguese in Port ugal Editiones La Cupula/Spanish
A 2015 Caldecot t Honor Book
? one of the most powerful and entertaining works of literature to be published this year ?? San Francisco Chronicle
Cousins Mariko and Jillian Tam aki, t he t eam behind Skim , have collaborat ed on t his gorgeous, heart breaking, and ult im at ely hopeful st ory about a girl on t he cusp of childhood a st ory of renew al and revelat ion
"If I worked at a bookstore, I?d be hand selling it to customers who adored Raina Telgemeier?s graphic memoir Smile but are now ready for more complex themes...This is a lovely book." ? TheNew YorkTimes
First Second;May2014;320 pages;Ages12-18
An Eisner Aw ard Winner
Adapt ed for TV by Disney+
Three int erw oven st ories about t he adolescent Chinese Am erican experience.
? reads like an international spy thriller, and that's the beauty of it ?? School Library Journal, st arred review
THE57 BUSby Dashka Slater
RoaringBrookPress;September 2012;272 pages;Ages10-14
Check out m ore books from St eve Sheinkin here!
BOMB by Steve Sheinkin
A gripping narrat ive of t he race bet w een count ries, spies, and scient ist s t o creat e t he first at om ic bom b.
A New bery Honor book
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);October 2017;320 pages;Ages12 18
Dashka Slat er 's The 57 Bus, a rivet ing nonfict ion book for t eens about race, class, gender, crim e, and punishm ent , t ells t he t rue st ory of an agender t een w ho w as set on fire by anot her t een w hile riding a bus in Oakland, California
"Slater artfully unfolds a complex and layered tale about two teens whose lives intersect with painful consequences " ? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
Foreign Sales: Loewe Verlag/Germ an Dolbegae Publishers/Korean Eksmo/Russian Hachette Children's Books/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Foreign Sales: Il Castoro/It alian Editura Art/Rom anian
A New York Tim es Best seller St onew all Book Aw ard Winner? Mike Morgan & Larry Rom ans Children's & Young Adult Lit erat ure Aw ard YALSA Aw ard for Excellence in Nonfict ion for Young Adult s Finalist One of TIME Magazine's Best YA Books of All Tim e
A Nat ional Book Aw ards finalist for Young People's Lit erat ure
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);August 2014;160 pages;Ages13-17
A t rue account of seven Danish t eens w ho dared t o fight t he Nazi w ar m achine, from a Nat ional Book Aw ard and New bery Honor w inning aut hor Robert F. Sibert Inform at ional Book Honor Winner
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);May2015;208 pages;Ages12-18
?An outstanding addition to the WWII canon . . . Hoose brilliantly weaves Pedersen's own words into the larger narrative of Denmark's stormy social and political wartime climate ? TheHorn Book, st arred review
The 2018 Academ y Aw ard's Best Pict ure of t he Year New York Tim es Best seller
Visionary st oryt eller Guillerm o del Toro and celebrat ed aut hor Daniel Kraus com bine t heir est im able t alent in t his haunt ing, heart breaking love st ory
by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus
Feiwel & Friends;March 2018;320 pages
Foreign Sales: Iztok Zapad/ Bulgarian Beijing Fonhong Books/Chinese Sim plified Host/Czech - Bragelonne/French - Verlaggruppe Droemer Knaur/Germ an - Dani Books/Hebrew Sweetwater/Hungarian Tascabili degli Editori/It alian Take Shobo/Japanese Gimm Young/Korean Zysk I Ska/Polish Intrinseca/Port ugese in Brazil - Polirom Editura/Rom anian - ASTPublishers/Russian - Laguna/SerbianEdiciones Urano/Spanish; Mono Generation Co./Thai Nha Nam/Viet nam ese
Foreign Sales: Dolbegae/Korean
?Hoose's book, based in part on interviews with Colvin and people who knew her? finally gives her the credit she deserves ?? TheNew YorkTimesBookReview
by Phillip Hoose
Foreign Sales: dtv/Germ an Shogakukan/Japanese Dolbegae/Korean Autentica/Port uguese in Brazil Presenca/Port uguese in Port ugal
Before Rosa Parks, t here w as 15 year old Claudet t e Colvin ional Book Aw ard Winner for Young People's Lit erat ure New bery Honor Book YALSA Aw ard for in Nonfict ion for Young Adult s Finalist , Robert F Sibert Honor Book
by Aiden Thomas
"Absolutely delightful! Lost in the Never Woods is chock full of suspense, excitement, and nostalgia Peter Pan is as thrilling and seductive as ever, and Thomas?heartfelt tale feels as ageless as the legend himself." ? Romina Garber, New York Times bestselling author of Zodiac
CEMETERY BOYSby Aiden Thomas
Swoon Reads;September 2020;352 pages;Ages13-18
Longlist ed for t he 2020 Nat ional Book Aw ard for Young People?s Lit erat ure A New York Tim es Best seller
Swoon Reads;March 2021;384 pages;Ages13 18
"Thomas marries concept and execution in a romantic mystery as poignant as it is spellbinding, weaved in a mosaic of culture, acceptance, and identity, where intricately crafted characters are the pieces and love? platonic, romantic, familial, and communal? is the glue " ? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
A t rans boy det erm ined t o prove his gender t o his t radit ional Lat inx fam ily sum m ons a ghost w ho refuses t o leave in t his Ow n Voices LGBT paranorm al YA novel, described as "Groundbreaking" by Entertainment Weekly
Foreign Sales: Euromedia/Czech Karisto/Finnish Editions ActuSF/French HarperCollins/Germ an Mondadori/It alian Matica Makedonska/Macedonian Media Rodzina/Polish Editora Record/Port uguese in Brazil Infinito Particular/Port uguese in Port ugal Popovici Media/Rom anian Eksmo/Russian Kakao Books/Spanish Yabanci/Turkish Macmillan/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
When children st art t o go m issing in t he local w oods, a t een girl m ust face her fears and a past she can't rem em ber t o rescue t hem in t his at m ospheric YA novel from t he aut hor of Cemetery Boys
A New York Tim es Best seller
Foreign Sales: De Saxus/French HarperCollins/Germ an Eksmo/Russian V&R Editora/Spanish Macmillan/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Foreign Sales: Colibri/Bulgarian Albatros/Czech Lumen/French Loewe Verlag/Germ an Agam Books/Hebrew Konyvmolykepzo Kiado/Hungarian PT Elex Media/Indonesian - Mondadori/It alian - Yibom/Korean - Wydawnictwo NieZwy/Polish Melhoramentos/Port uguese in Brazil Presenca/Port uguese in Port ugal Editura Trei/Rom anian Eksmo/Russian Pandora/Slovak La Galera/Spanish & Cat alan Yabanci/Turkish Hodder & Stoughton/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
"The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea captivated me with its depiction of a spirit realm rooted in Korean myth and moved me with the power of love and family in its story A beautiful new favorite of mine!" ? Xiran Jay Zhao, New York Times-bestselling author of Iron Widow
by Axie Oh
A girl t ravels t o t he Spirit World t o break a curse t hat t hreat ens t he lives of her people in t his fem inist YA ret elling of t he popular Korean legend " The Tale of Shim Cheong "
Feiwel & Friends;February2022;336 pages;Ages13-18
"An empowering fantasy story about defining your own fate On every page I found something marvelous and new, and I was eager to keep reading because I wanted to further explore this wondrous new world " ? TheNewYorkTimes
"Lyrical prose, incredible world building, and a heroine worth rooting for? this story is everything and then some A stunning feat of storytelling and an un put downable read Absolutely exquisite!" ? Kalynn Bayron, bestselling author of Cinderella IsDead and ThisPoison Heart
"A tale brimming with love The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea will whisk you away on an entrancing journey through the most magical realm Axie Oh?s characters own my whole heart " ? Chloe Gong, New York Times bestselling author of TheseViolent Delights
"A clever, creative, and exquisitely written tale of sacrifice, love, and fate. The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea is one part breathless adventure, one part fantasy romance, and entirely enchanting " ? Stephanie Garber, New York Times-bestselling author of Caraval
A New York Tim es Best seller An ABA Indie Best seller A Publishers Weekly Best seller An NPR Best Book of 2022
A Publishers Weekly Best seller
An ABA Indie Best seller
A USA TodayBest seller
"Beautifully written, from the setting to the magic system, AMagicSteeped in Poison is sure to enchant both fantasy lovers and cdrama aficionados I?ll be inhaling whatever Judy I Lin brews up next " ? Joan He, New YorkTimesbestselling author of TheOnesWe're Meant to Find
In t his t hrilling conclusion t o t he Book of Tea YA duology, a young t ea m aker m ay be t he only one w ho can st op an evil darkness from spreading t hroughout her hom eland
In t his enchant ing debut YA fant asy, a young t ea m aker t ravels t o t he capit al cit y t o t ake part in a cut t hroat m agical com pet it ion t hat could be t he key t o saving her sist er 's life.
An ABA Indies Next Pick
"Thrilling An immensely satisfying conclusion to this duology Teens will be clamoring for more." ? School LibraryJournal
Foreign Sales for t he duology: Gorila/Czech Editions Hugo/French S Fischer Verlag/Germ an XXI Szazad Kiado/Hungarian Mondadori/It alian Media Rodzina/Polish Editora Record/Port uguese in Brazil Presenca/Port uguese in Port ugal Eksmo/Russian Monogarati/Spanish in Spain Planeta Mexico/Spanish in Lat in Am erica Indigo Kitap/Turkish
Feiwel & Friends;March 2022;384 pages;Ages13-18
Feiwel & Friends;August 2022;352 pages;Ages13 18
A #1 New York Tim es Best seller!
A New York Tim es Best seller
A Publishers Weekly Best seller
An ABA Indies Int roduce Select ion
by Judy I. Lin
by Judy I. Lin
A 2022 PEOPLE Magazine Best Book of Sum m er!
?Tricia Levenseller?s latest, The Shadows Between Us, is a decadent and wickedly addictive fantasy, full of schemes and court intrigue, and delightful descriptions of food, which I am always a fan of ?? Kendare Blake, #1 New York Times?bestselling author of the ThreeDarkCrownsseries
"The author has yet again captured the adventure, romance, and ruthless ways of the high seas in this sequel to Daughter of the Pirate King. ... This fast moving adventure with strong female characters would be great for those who love a good pirate story, a touch of romance, and action-packed sword fighting " ? School LibraryJournal
by Tricia Levenseller
Feiwel & Friends;February2020;336 pages;Ages13-18
by Tricia Levenseller
Feiwel & Friends;February2017;320 pages;Ages13-18
Tricia Levenseller, aut hor of Daught er of t he Pirat e King, is back w it h an epic YA t ale of am bit ion and love in The Shadow s Bet w een Us?
by Tricia Levenseller
"The Shadows Between Us is my favorite kind of fantasy: dark, mesmerizing, and completely addictive With a gripping mystery and layered characters, it's a glittering tale of love and the pursuit of power Put simply: it's the Slytherin romance we've all been waiting for " ? Kerri Maniscalco, #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of StalkingJacktheRipper
"Levenseller makes an impressive debut with this funny, fast-paced, and romance dashed nautical fantasy, set in an alternate world of pirates, sirens, and myriad islands This one?s not to be missed " ? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
Foreign Sales: Artemis Books/Bulgarian Editions Hugo/French Mondadori/It alian Muza/Polish Planeta/Port uguese in Brazil Storia Books/Rom anian Eksmo/Russian Albatros/Slovak Planeta/Spanish & Cat alan Marti Yayinlari/Turkish Pushkin Press/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Foreign Sales for t he duology: Artemis Books/Bulgarian Editions Hugo/French Adel Publishing/Hebrew Konyvmolykepzo Kiado/Hungarian Mondadori/It alian Wydawnictwo Filia/Polish Planeta/Port uguese in Brazil Storia Books/Rom anian Eksmo/Russian - Planeta/Spanish & Cat alan - Marti Yayinlari/Turkish - Pushkin Press/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
A 17 year old pirat e capt ain int ent ionally allow s herself t o get capt ured by enem y pirat es in t his t hrilling YA advent ure
Feiwel & Friends;February2018;352 pages;Ages13 18
A sevent een year old pirat e capt ain m ust race her fat her, t he Pirat e King, t o a legendary hidden t reasure in t his t hrilling, act ion packed YA sequel t o Daughter of the Pirate King
HenryHolt and Co. (BYR);July2019;384 pages;Ages14 18
A young chieft ain from a low ly cast e of m ercy killers m ust rely on her w it s and bone m agic t o sm uggle t he crow n prince t o safet y
A YALSA Best Fict ion for Young Adult s Select ion
An NPR Best Book of 2020
HenryHolt and Co. (BYR);August 2020;400 pages;Ages14 18
Dangerous m agic, a t orm ent ed rom ance, and let hal bet rayals com e t o a head in t he t hrilling sequel t o Margaret Ow en's The Merciful Crow
"A richly textured story of rage, romance, and rebellion." ? KirkusReviews, st arred review
Foreign Sales: Pocket Jeunesse/French Storia Books/Rom anian Eksmo/Russian Ediciones Urano/Spanish
A Kirkus Review s Best Book of 2020
Foreign Sales for t he duology: Albatros/Czech Blossom Books/Dut ch Pocket Jeunesse/French Carlsen Verlag/Germ an Tal May/Hebrew Wydawnictwo JK/Polish Rosman/Russian Ediciones Urano/Spanish
A scrappy m aid m ust out w it bot h palace royals and low gods in t his new Bavarian inspired YA fant asy st andalone by Margaret Ow en, aut hor of The Merciful Crow series.
HenryHolt and Co. (BYR);October 2021;512 pages;Ages14-18
Kids' Indie Next pick for Novem ber/ Decem ber 2021!
"One of the most exciting, exceptionally crafted fantasy debuts I've ever read I did not want to leave this world! Absolutely breathtaking "? Claire Legrand, New York Times bestselling author of Furyborn
"Part heist, part adventure, with a slow burning romance at its heart...a story to savor "? Publisher'sWeekly, st arred review
by Maurene Goo
A young K pop st ar and a budding report er fall for each ot her against t he odds, in t he lat est YA rom -com from rising st ar Maurene Goo
From t he aut hor of I Believe in a Thing Called Love, a laugh out loud st ory w it h a Korean Am erican heroine about sum m er love, new friends, and a food t ruck.
An NPR Best Book of 2018
A Bost on Globe Best Children's Book of 2018
A We Need Diverse Books 2018 Must -Read
A funny young adult novel about a Korean Am erican girl w ho uses K Dram a t echniques t o snag t he boyfriend of her dream s
A New York Public Library Not able Best Book for Teens 2017
Foreign Sales: MIlan/French AST/Russian Hachette/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
"[Goo's] most charming to date A delightful romp " ? TheNewYorkTimes
A Publishers Weekly's Best YA Book of 2017
"I Believe in a Thing Called Love is the perfect summer read? really, the perfect anytime read. I laughed and I swooned and I streamed way too many K dramas. Maurene Goo's fresh, funny writing had me hooked from the first chapter I loved it!" ? Morgan Matson, New York Times?bestselling author of TheUnexpected Everything
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);May2018;336 pages;Ages14-18
?Sweet, sexy, hilarious, and featuring a spectacular father daughter relationship, this book will fly off the shelves ?? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);May2019;336 pages;Ages14-18
A TAYSHAS 2019 Reading List Book
A California Book Aw ard Finalist
Foreign Sales: Milan/French Alexandra Publishing/Hungarian Mondadori/It alian Munhakdongne/Korean Companhia das Letras/Port uguese in Brazil Editura Booklet/Rom anian AST/Russian V&REditora/Spanish Pena Kitap/Turkish Hachette/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
by Maurene Goo
A Sevent Best YA Books of 2017
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);May2017;336 pages;Ages14 18
by Maurene Goo
Foreign Sales: Otava/Finnish Hachette Jeunesse/French Mondadori/It alian Companhia das Letras/Port uguese in Brazil AST/Russian V&REdtiora/Spanish Hachette/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
A Chicago Public Library Best of t he Best Book for Teens
Foreign Sales: Penguin Random House India/English non US Konyvmolykepzo Kiado/Hungarian - Editura Art/Rom anian - Publik Praktikum/Serbian - Plataforma Editora/Spanish
In t his young adult debut set in Saudi Arabia, w here t he law forbids rom ant ic relat ionships out side of m arriage, t w o t eens fall in love w it h t ragic consequences
A Tim es of India Best Fict ion Tit le of 2018
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);February2018;384 pages;Ages14-18
In t he concluding inst allm ent t o t he Wrat h of Am bar YA duology from m ast erful aut hor Tanaz Bhat hena, Gul and Cavas m ust unit e t heir m agical forces? and hold ont o t heir grow ing rom ance? t o save t heir kingdom from t yranny.
RISING LIKEA STORM by Tanaz Bhathena
Foreign Sales for t he duology: Penguin Random House India/English non US
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);June2021;432 pages;Ages12-18
?A Girl Like That is unlike any YA book I?ve ever read: a fascinating and disturbing glance into the gender discrimination and double standards as seen through the eyes of a teenage girl in Saudi Arabia It raised awareness for me, and is certain to inspire discussion and raise questions about equality, justice, and basic human rights.?? Jodi Picoult, #1 NYT Bestselling Author of Small Great Thingsand LeavingTime
A Canadian Children's Book Cent re Best Book of 2018
A New York Public Library Not able Best Book for Teens
Set in a w orld inspired by m edieval India, t his st unning YA fant asy novel is first in a new duology from acclaim ed aut hor Tanaz Bhat hena
A Globe and Mail Top 100 Book
?A breath of fresh air in the fantasy adventure genre Readers will be mesmerized by Bhathena?s vivid storytelling and the deeply felt connection between the two main characters. This fantasy adventure featuring protagonists of color will be enjoyed by fans of the Legacy of Orisha and Ember in the Ashes series ?? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
A Cent er for t he St udy of Mult icult ural Children's Lit erat ure Best Book of 2018
"A compelling mythology based fantasy " ? KirkusReviews
A GIRL LIKETHAT by Tanaz Bhathena
HUNTED BY THESKY by Tanaz Bhathena
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);June2020;384 pages;Ages12 18
Set in Joseon Dynast y era Korea, t his evocat ive YA debut follow s a 16 year old indent ured servant w it hin t he police bureau w ho becom es ent angled in t he polit ically charged invest igat ion int o t he m urder of a noblew om an.
A 2022 Edgar Allan Poe Aw ard Nom inee A YALSA Best Fict ion for Young Adult s Select ion
A 2021 Edgar Allan Poe Aw ard Nom inee
"At once haunting and evocative, June Hur's The Silence of Bones is a gorgeous, tightly woven debut Prepare to delve deep into the lush and dangerous world of Korea in the 1800's for a page turner you won't soon forget " ? Hafsah Faizal, New York Times bestselling author of WeHunt the Flame
Foreign Sales: Bayard Presse/French Changbi Media/Korean Darkside Books/Port uguese in Brazil Eksmo/Russian
Aft er her fat her vanishes w hile invest igat ing t he disappearance of 13 young w om en, a t een ret urns hom e t o pick up t he t rail in t his YA hist orical m yst ery from t he aut hor of The Silence of Bones
ABA Indies Int roduce Select ion
Foreign Sales: Eksmo/Russian
"Rich, exquisite, and deeply atmospheric, TheForest of Stolen Girlsdraws the reader in from the very first page and doesn't let go. A dark and utterly engrossing mystery, beautifully drawn from start to finish " ? Kathleen Glasgow, New York Times bestselling author of Girl in Pieces
Feiwel & Friends;April 2020;336 pages;Ages13-18
Feiwel & Friends;April 2021;384 pages;Ages13-18
GODSLAYERS by Zoe Hana Mikuta
Feiwel & Friends;June 2021;416 pages;Ages13-18
"Even more entertaining than a big summer blockbuster " ? PopSugar
"An absolute joyride of a story set in a vivid, arresting world. Gearbreakers is sci fi at its very finest, combining the grandeur of mecha fighting machines with the intimacy of (splendidly feral) found family Zoe Hana Mikuta is a talent to be in awe of " ? Chloe Gong, New York Times bestselling author of TheseViolent Delights
Feiwel & Friends;June 2022;416 pages;Ages13 18
An elect ric YA debut novel about colossal m echas, a t yrannical regim e, and t w o girls on opposit e sides of a w ar w ho discover t hey're fight ing for a com m on purpose? and falling for each ot her
Eris and Sona are pit t ed against each ot her in t he ongoing w ar bet w een Godolia and t he Badlands in t his elect rifying YA sequel t o Gearbreakers
Foreign Sales for t he duology: Cross Cult/Germ an Editora Melhoramentos/Port uguese in Brazil Ediciones Kiwi/Spanish
GEARBREAKERSby Zoe Hana Mikuta
A pansexual bloodm age reluct ant ly t eam s up w it h an undead spirit t o st art a rebellion am ong t he living and t he dead, in t his dark YA fant asy by t he aut hor of Beyond t he Black Door
Imprint;October 2019;400 pages;Ages14-18
Foreign Sales: Maxim Konyvkiado/Hungarian
?Beyond the Black Door is a dark delight, gorgeously written and as twisty and enigmatic as a labyrinth at twilight I wanted to stay lost in its pages forever, wandering ever deeper into the maze of Strickland?s beguiling, intricately imagined world ? ? Margaret Rogerson, New York Times?bestselling author of An Enchantment of Ravens
?[A] feast of forbidden magics and deadly romances that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the last bloody page Deliciously dark and riveting, it will leave you hungry for more. Perfect for fans of Wicked Saints and Gideon the Ninth.?? Ashley Poston, national best selling author of Geekerella
Foreign Sales: Hodder & Stoughton/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Imprint;May2021;400 pages;Ages15 18
A t een girl m ust face her t errifying dest iny in t his ow n voices YA dark fant asy w it h an asexual m ain charact er
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);August 2020;368 pages;Ages12-18
The w orlds of t w o t eenage soldiers collide in surprising fashion in t his m ast erful young adult novel of lies, spies, and survival, set on t he East ern Front of World War II.
?Alive with detail and vivid with insight, Traitor is an effortlessly immersive account of a shocking and little known moment in the turbulent history of Poland and Ukraine? and ironically, a piercing and bittersweet story of unflinching loyalty I think Tolya has left my heart a little damaged forever.?? Elizabeth Wein, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Code NameVerityand TheEnigma Game
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);April 2022;320 pages;Ages12 18
A m esm erizing hist orical novel of suspense and int rigue about a t eenage girl w ho risks everyt hing t o save her m issing brot her? for fans of Elizabet h Wein and Rut a Sepet ys
?McCrina soars in her writing as she depicts this complicated piece of forgotten history Well researched, accurate, and smartly written, this is a page turner, weaving together the horrors of war and its psychological consequences beautifully. With a touch of romance thrown in, this suspenseful thriller is a must buy ?? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
TRAITORby Amanda McCrina
An O Magazine 42 LGBTQ Books That Will Change t he Lit erary Landscape This Spring Select ion A Cosm o LGBTQ+ Books in 2021 t o Add t o Your Reading List Select ion A PopSugar Best March 2021 YA Book Select ion
New love spirals int o let hal danger for t w o girls in t his expert ly plot t ed YA t hriller.
"Ruinsong is a symphony of my favorite things: powerful girls, glittering gowns, and falling in love across a divide. Julia Ember's masterful storytelling immerses you in a world of ruthless magic and court politics Utterly bewitching and emotionally devastating in all the best ways, Ruinsong is a queer fantasy that will captivate the heart and inspire the soul." ? C.B. Lee, author of Not Your Sidekick
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);November 2020;368 pages;Ages14 18 rival ry
RUINSONG by Julia Ember
Imprint;September 2020;272 pages;Ages12-18
by Wendy Heard
Foreign Sales: Onyx Editorial/Spanish
"This boundary pushing collection seeks to upend the default with 11 toothsome stories that stake a new claim on old tropes, centering an intersectionally diverse range of protagonists " ? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
Eleven diverse vam pire st ories from YA?s leading voices!
classes m ust w ork t oget her t o bring balance t o t heir count
Foreign Sales: Zysk I Ska/Polish Editorial Record/Port uguese in Brazil Eksmo/Russian RBA Libros/Spanish Titan Publishing/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
HenryHolt and Co (BYR);March 2021;336 pages;Ages14-18
A st andalone LGBTQ+ YA fant asy set in a w orld w here a m agically pow erful queen rules w it h violent rut hlessness? and t w o young w om en from
"A romantic, fast paced thriller inspired by a classic The story unravels in colorful, electric prose leading to exhilarating and twisty final third This dark, winding novel expertly interweaves suspense and romance A wild and satisfying romp " ? Kirkus Reviews, st arred review
by Zoraida Córdova and Natalie C. Parker
Foreign Sales: Grupo Atico/Spanish
HenryHolt and Co. (BYR);January2019;352 pages;Ages9 12
A 2019 Parent s' Choice Aw ard Gold Medal Winner An Am azon Top 20 Children's Book of 2019
HenryHolt and Co (BYR);August 2022;352 pages;Ages8-12
"Distinctive narration and heart-pounding suspense will carry this kids-outwit-grownups tale deep into your heart to the place where courage is born." ? Rosanne Parry, bestselling author of AWolf Called Wander
by Dan Gemeinhart
?Coyote?s bold, engaging voice pops off the page Gemeinhart infuses the story with moments of lyrical writing and folksy wisdom served up with a dollop of girl power ? ?TheNewYorkTimes
Foreign Sales: Global Kids Books/Chinese Com plex Guangxi Normal University Press/Chinese Sim plified Pocket Jeunesse/French EDT/It alian Dasan/Korean Editura Art/Rom anian Pink Giraffe/Russian
Foreign Sales: Pocket Jeunesse/French Dasan/Korean
Captain Fantastic m eet s The Thing About Jellyfish in t his cont em porary m iddle grade novel about grief and love from t he crit ically acclaim ed aut hor of Good Dog, Dan Gem einhart
Four St arred Review s
From t he aut hor of The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise com es an ext raordinary st ory about a fam ily of runaw ay kids w ho m ove t o a sm all t ow n, and t he out cast boy w ho finds his voice and his people? for fans of Kat herine Applegat e and Kat e DiCam illo
"The humor [is] akin to that of Jeff Kinney?s popular ?Wimpy Kid?series the perfect mixture of funny and emotionally resonant." ? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
HenryHolt and Co. (BYR);September 2020;336 pages;Ages8-12
In t his hilarious m iddle grade graphic novel/ prose hybrid for fans of Jerry Craft , Terri Libenson, and Shannon Hale, an overprot ect ed boy em barks on a (forbidden) advent ure t o prove his independence? from t he crit ically acclaim ed creat or of Pie in the Sky.
"Lai has a talent of not preaching to her readers, instead offering the reassurance that no one is alone in experiencing the painful awkwardness and occasionally harsh realities of growing up. . . This thrilling coming of age adventure is both quirky and sincere " ? KirkusReviews, st arred review
Foreign Sales: Walker Books/Aust ralia & New Zealand Guangxi Normal University Press/Chinese Sim plified Editions Gallimard/French Tal May/Hebrew Hollym/Korean
Foreign Sales: Walker Books/Aust ralia & New Zealand
A Best Book of t he Year for Kirkus, Booklist , Evanst on Public Library, and School Library Journal
HenryHolt and Co (BYR);May2019;384 pages;Ages8-12
A poignant illust rat ed m iddle-grade novel about an eleven-year-old boy's im m igrat ion experience, his annoying lit t le brot her, and t heir cake baking hijinks!
A Parent s Magazine Best Kids Book of t he Year A New York Public Library Best Book of t he Year An NPR Best Book of t he Year
A Horn Book Best Book of t he Year A Kirkus Best Book of t he Year Recipient of FIVE st arred review s
Am azon's Best Children's Books of 2022 So Far Five St arred Review s
In t he st yle of t he m ast erful Hatchet, t his is anot her high-st akes m iddle grade from Gary Paulsen about a boy on t he knife's edge bet w een life and deat h w here raging seas m eet a nort hern w ilderness
?A voyage both singular and universal, marked by sharply felt risks and rewards and deep waters beneath ?? KirkusReviews, st arred review
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);January2022;256 pages;Ages10-14
by Gary Paulsen
?The tall tale, anecdotal quality of Carl?s story is entertaining with its recitation of disastrous, smelly, embarrassing, dangerous, and misguided moments Funny, sure-handed, wise ?? KirkusReviews
Foreign Sales: Yeren Publishing House/Chinese Com plex CITIC/Chinese Sim plified Editions du Seuil/French Arena Verlag/Germ an Edizioni Piemme/It alian Kariera Press/Russian Macmillan/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Foreign Sales: Yeren Publishing House/Chinese Com plex - Beijing Yutian/Chinese Sim plified Edizioni Piemme/It alian Editura Art/Rom anian Kariera Press/Russian Macmillan/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
NORTHWIND by Gary Paulsen
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);October 2021;192 pages;Ages10-14
From t he legendary and aw ard w inning aut hor of Hat chet com es a laugh out loud m iddle grade rom p about a boy, his free t hinking dad, and t he puppy t raining pam phlet t hat t urns t heir sum m er upside dow n.
From debut aut hor Van Hoang com es t he first book in a m iddle grade fant asy duology packed w it h act ion, advent ure, and heart ? perfect for fans of Rick Riordan and Roshani Chokshi
Sequel t o t he act ion packed, m iddle grade advent ure Girl Giant and the Monkey King, w hich Kirkus called a ?fant ast ic t ale of advent ure, hum or, and m ischief.?
. . .
"A tale that deals with important issues of fitting in and cultural understanding, while soaring into the realms of myth and magical adventure " ? School LibraryJournal
A Kirkus Best Book of 2020
RoaringBrookPress;December 2020;368 pages;Ages8 12
by Van Hoang
by Van Hoang
"Debut author Hoang?s fast-paced fantasy is sure to resonate with middle-grade readers Realistic character portrayals blend together with fantastical elements as Thom travels on her journey, discovering more about her culture? and herself? while also finding out that legendary gods, much like navigating middle school, can be tricky ? Booklist, st arred review
RoaringBrookPress;December 2021;320 pages;Ages8-12
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);February2021;336 pages;Ages8-12
"The struggles of a young person coping with anxiety will invoke empathy " ? Kirkus Reviews
A sensit ively w rit t en m iddle grade novel about a girl st ruggling w it h anxiet y, fam ily secret s, and t he m eaning of friendship
SPIN WITH ME by Ami Polonsky
"Hopeful and real, this story is electric There?s a lot to love here; recommended as a first purchase everywhere " ? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
A BookRiot Best Book for Pride Mont h!
From t he aut hor of t he crit ically acclaim ed Gracefully Grayson com es a t hought ful and sensit ive m iddle grade novel about non binary ident it y and first love.
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);April 2021;304 pages;Ages8 12
"A must have volume wherever Stine?s other work has a following " ? School Library Journal
A collect ion of scary short st ories by R L St ine, each one int roduced by t he m ast er of horror him self
by Jen White
Feiwel & Friends;August 2022;224 pages;Ages8-12
Foreign Sales: Scholastic/Aust ralia & New Zealand Uitgeverij Kluitman/Dut ch Mondadori/It alian AST/Russian Penguin Random House/Spanish
THEMY LIFESeriesby Janet Tashjian; cartoons by Jake Tashjian
Foreign Sales: Bear Books/Korean Wydawnictwo Mamania/Polish AST/Russian Ediciones Castillo/Spanish Yakamoz Yayinlari/Turkish
Janet and Jake Tashjian?s award winning My Life series, praised by Kirkus Reviews as ?a kinder, gentler Wimpy Kid with all the fun?, follows the coming of age misadventures of middle grader Derek Fallon in school and through his attempts to follow his bliss as a cartoonist, video gamer, stuntboy, and ninja Hilarious and uplifting, young readers will find themselves relating to Derek?s problems and inspired by his solutions
HenryHolt & Co. (BYR);Ages9-12
by George M. Johnson
Teen Vogue Recom m ended Read Buzzfeed Recom m ended Read
A Chicago Public Library Best Book of 2020
by Gary Paulsen
A Publisher 's Weekly Best Book of 2021 New York Tim es Best Children's Book of 2021 TIME Magazine Best Children's Book of 2021 People Magazine Best Children's Book of 2021
"This title opens new doors, as the author insists that we don't have to anchor stories such as his to tragic ends: 'Many of us are still here Still living and waiting for our stories to be told? to tell them ourselves ' A critical, captivating, merciful mirror for growing up black and queer today " ? KirkusReviews, st arred review
A pow erful debut YA m em oir m anifest o about grow ing up Black and queer in Am erica? for t een fans of Moonlight and I Can't Date Jesus
Am azon Best Book of t he Year Indie Best seller
?A rich, compelling read that is emotive and expressive without forcing empathy from the reader Both brightly funny and darkly tragic, it is fresh in its honest portrayal of difficult themes . . . Readers will fall into this narrative of succeeding against overwhelming odds amid deep trauma ?? KirkusReviews, st arred review
People Magazine Best Book of t he Sum m er
Foreign Sales: Yeren Publishing House/Chinese Com plex Cheers Publishing Company/Chinese Sim plified AST/Russian Macmillan/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);April 2020;320 pages;Ages14 18
A m iddle grade m em oir from a lit erary legend, giving readers a new perspect ive on t he origin of Paulsen's fam ed survival st ories
A New York Times Best seller! Opt ioned for t elevision by Gabrielle Union
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);January2021;368 pages;Ages8-12
Foreign Sales: De Saxus/French - Moro/Korean - Editora Moinhos/Port uguese in Brazil Ediciones Camelot/Spanish Penguin Random House/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
A New York Library Best Book of 2020
"Expertly crafted, infused with emotional resonance and populated with flawed characters who grow and change as the story unfolds. Ariel?s richly detailed perspective allows the reader to deeply understand the trauma of experiencing so many difficult medical procedures, as well as the lifelong impact of bullying and discrimination A must read on self love, beauty, disability, visibility, and community " ? Booklist, st arred review
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);November 2021;400 pages;Ages12-18
Winner of t he SCBWI Golden Kit e Aw ard for Illust rat ed Books for Older Readers
A Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2020 A New York Tim es Best Children's Book of 2020 Kirkus Review s Best Books of 2020 Booklist Best Books of 2020 Horn Book Fanfare 2020 Booklist Chicago Public Library Best of t he Best 2020 Jew ish Journal Tw ent y of t he Best 2020 (Non Holiday) Jew ish Books for Kids A Nat ional Jew ish Book Aw ard 2020 Finalist for Middle Grade Fict ion
This is an unflinching and pow erful YA m em oir about grow ing up w it h a severe craniofacial anom aly
CHANCE by Uri Shulevitz
A 2021 Booklist Edit ors' Choice
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);October 2020;336 pages;Ages8-14
The first m iddle grade book from a pict ure book m ast er? a harrow ing, heart rending, illust rat ed account of his childhood escape from t he t errors of w ar
A New York Public Library Best Books of 2021 A Schneider Fam ily Book Aw ard Honor Book for Teens A Golden Kit e Aw ard for Nonfict ion for Older Readers
?Though touching on many dark and serious topics, this story is totally focused on the fears, triumphs, and sensibilities of a child It is truly a portrait of an artist as a young man thrust into a maelstrom of a world gone mad and relying on chance to decide his fate ?? TheHorn Book, st arred review
Foreign Sales: Edizioni EL/It alian Shogakukan/Japanese Sigongsa/Korean Editura Paralela/Rom anian Kariera Press/Russian Fondo de Cultura Economica/Spanish
A form er CIA analyst unveils t he t rue hist ory of fake new s and gives readers t ips on how t o avoid falling vict im t o it in t his highly designed inform at ive YA nonfict ion t it le.
by Rebecca E. F. Barone
Equal part s advent ure & STEM, t his t hrilling m iddle grade nonfict ion book chronicles t w o groundbreaking voyages t o t he Sout h Pole
FOUR st arred review s
TRUEOR FALSE by Cindy L. Otis
David Macaulay, creat or of t he int ernat ional best seller The Way Things Work, brings his signat ure curiosit y and det ailing t o t he st ory of t he st eam ship in t his m et iculously researched and st unningly illust rat ed book
"Written in an easy, conversational style matched by a user friendly design with pullouts, exercises, and photographs, it?s a book that teachers and civic leaders will want to make required reading " ? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
The Bullet in for t he Cent er of Children's Books 2021 Blue Ribbons List select ion Booklist Top 10 Sci Tech Books for Yout h Nat ional Science Teachers Associat ion 2022 Best STEM Books
CROSSING ON TIME by David Macaulay
RoaringBrookPress;May2019;128 pages;Ages10-14
Foreign Sales: Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Gerstenberg Verlag/Germ an Book 21 Publishing Group/Korean AST/Russian
Foreign Sales: Bulkwang Media/Korean Eksmo/Russian
"Riveting! I raced to the end of this book!" ? Alan Gratz, New York Times bestselling author of Refugee
?Macaulay's succinct, explanatory text propels the narrative, drawing readers into his meticulous, captioned artwork Not to be missed ?? Booklist, st arred review
HenryHolt and Co. (BYR);January2021;288 pages;Ages8 12
Foreign Sales: Dolbegae/Korean
Feiwel & Friends;July2020;336 pages;Ages13-18
Odd Dot;128 pages
Foreign Sales: Jieli/Chinese Sim plified NONFICTION|36
Odd Dot?s series of illustrated TinkerActive Workbooks are perfect primers for young learners from kindergarten through second grade to discover math, science, and English with traditional exercises and hands on activities. Guided by the MotMots, the charming cast of characters who introduce concepts with cheer and humor, children are encouraged to develop new skills, try new things, and imagine new possibilities
GUIDES Collect ible, visual, st ep by st ep handbooks t hat t each t he skills every kid should know ! Odd Dot;48 pages;Ages6-11 NONFICTION|37
OUTDOOR SCHOOL Odd Dot;48 pages;Ages10-14 Definit ive, int eract ive, skill building guides for exploring t he w orld. OUTDOOR SCHOOL STICKERS Odd Dot;12 pages;Ages8-12 An exquisit e collect ion of art ful and colorful st ickers inspired by vint age nat ure field guides OUTDOOR SCHOOL ESSENTIALS Odd Dot;20 pages;Ages10 14 All t he essent ials visually explained in a w at erproof and t earproof book t hat fit s inside your pocket NONFICTION|38
#1 New York Tim es Best seller Winner of t he 2021 Caldecot t Medal
A Kirkus Review s Best Pict ure Book of 2017
A New York Cit y Public Library Not able Best Book for Kids
Foreign Sales: Taiwan Mac/Chinese Com plex Bayard/French in Nort h Am erica Le Lotus & L'Elephant/French excluding Nort h Am erica Daekyo/Korean Vista Higher Learning/Spanish in US & Canada
RoaringBrookPress;October 2019;48 pages;Ages3 6
AFTER THEFALLby Dan Stantant
A New York Tim es Not able Children's Book of 2017
An NPR Best Book of 2017
"Powerful Goade?s illustrations combine a mystical mood with the lovely fierceness of a child seeking justice " ? TheNewYorkTimes
RoaringBrookPress;March 2020;40 pages;Ages3-6
A 2020 Am erican Indian Yout h Lit erat ure Pict ure Book Honor Winner
RoaringBrookPress;October 2017;40 pages;Ages4 8
FRY BREAD written by Kevin Noble Maillard; illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal
From t he New York Times?best selling creat or of The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend com es t he inspiring epilogue t o t he beloved classic nursery rhym e Hum pt y Dum pt y
A pow erful pict ure book t hat w eaves an urgent call t o act ion w it h a t im ely st ory about prot ect ing nat ure's m ost sacred resource from harm and corrupt ion.
?More than a nursery rhyme remix, Santat?s story speaks boldly to the grip of fear and trauma, and to the exhilaration of mastering it.?? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
A Chicago Public Library Best Book of 2017
Winner of t he 2020 Robert F. Sibert Inform at ional Book Medal
Foreign Sales: Global Kids/Chinese Com plex Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Editions D'Eux/French Wisdom House/Korean Curtea Veche Publishing/Rom anian Hachette Australia/Aust ralia & New Zealand Andersen Press/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
A Horn Book Fanfare Best Book of 2017
A debut pict ure book about food, fam ily, hist ory, and cult ure.
WEAREWATER PROTECTORS written by Carole Lindstrom; illustrated by Michaela Goade
?A wonderful and sweet book [that] takes a staple food of many tribes across the country and uses it to think about family, history, memory and community Lovely stuff.?? TheNewYorkTimesBookReview
?Tallec?s humorous, signature styled pictures easily keep pace with the book?s mock serious tone, foregrounding a charismatic protagonist who will help kids find their way, if not to sleep, then at least to plentiful giggles ?? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
by Jory John; illustrated by Olivier Tallec
Foreign Sales: Editions Grund/French Gerstenberg Verlag/Germ an Keter/Hebrew Edizioni Clichy/It alian Objectiva/Port uguese in Port ugal
A laugh out loud pict ure book from #1 New York Tim es?best selling aut hor Jory John, paired w it h st andout new t alent Erin Balzer, about a bear w ho has an off day but has friends t o help him t hrough
Foreign Sales: Children's Publications/Chinese Com plex - DTV/Germ anPapadapoulos/Greek Kagaku Dojin/Japanese
by Jory John; illustrated by Erin Kraan
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);April 2022;32 pages;Ages4-8
"John?s text perfectly pitches the jokes to a strong conclusion at just the right pace while Kraan?s energetic illustrations, with hardly a straight line in the entire book, add to the sense of ultimately harmless cringe The book is also a clever primer on handling embarrassment and how it can sometimes be dealt with by simply changing the perspective of what?s happening This underwear affair is wise, witty, and just brief enough.?? KirkusReviews, st arred review
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);March 2021;40 pages;Ages3-6
For lit t le ones reluct ant t o say good night , here is a laugh out loud pict ure book from #1 New York Tim es?best selling aut hor Jory John.
From t he aut hor of t he m ega best seller Be Kind com es a pict ure book for anyone w ho's ever loved som eone far aw ay
Foreign Sales: Les Gouttes Press/Chinese Com plex Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Editions Grund/French Scholastic Canada/French in Nort h Am erica Kizz Publishing/Germ an Mondadori/It alian Froebel Kan/Japanese KIZM/Korean Objectiva/Port uguese in Port ugal Oceano Mexico/Spanish Macmillan/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
by Costantia Manoli; illustrated by Magdalena Mora
The reds, t he yellow s, and t he blues all t hink t hey're t he best in t his vibrant , t hought provoking pict ure book w it h a m essage of t olerance and unit y
by Arree Chung
"[A] beautifully told and illustrated story that expresses, with sensitivity and inspired use of figurative language, a child?s attempt to fit with the dominant culture? a common experience that will resonate with many readers and inspire empathy in others " ? Kirkus, st arred review
"This book's simple and straightforward approach to confronting discrimination is age appropriate without trivializing difficult, hurtful situations, offering children and adults excellent moments for discussion and personal growth A colorful story about celebrating difference as complementary and transformative " ? Kirkus Review s, st arred review
RoaringBrookPress;June2022;32 pages;Ages4-8
RoaringBrookPress;June2022;48 pages;Ages3-6
Foreign Sales: Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified - BIR/Korean
"While this reassuring picture book is particularly apt for COVID 19, it will be welcomed by anyone suffering separation and seeking comfort " ? Horn BookMagazine, st arred review
A m oving pict ure book from a debut aut hor about t he first day of school, layered w it h t hem es about t he im m igrant experience and t he universal experience of feeling out of place.
HenryHolt and Co. (BYR);July2018;40 pages;Ages4-8
by Pat Zietlow Miller; illustrated by Suzy Lee
A Kirkus Best Pict ure Book of 2021 FOUR STARRED REVIEWS
RoaringBrookPress;November 2021;48 pages;Ages2-6
The heart w arm ing st ory of a package t hat get s lost , t hen found, and an in dept h behind t he scenes look at w hat happens at t he post office
Foreign Sales: EntreDos/Cat alan Hsiao Lu/Chinese Com plex Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Uitgeverij Aldo Manuzio/Dut ch Kaleidoscope/French - Kinneret/Hebrew - Babalibri/It alian - Mitsumura/Japanese - Random House Korea/Korean Oceano Mexico/Spanish Yapi Kredi/Turkish
Hooray! Our friends are back! Join Am os and t he gang for a brand new advent ure t hat ends in a very special surprise!
An irresist ibly funny and endearing st ory about caring for t he t iniest creat ures am ong us, w it h art by Truman creat or Lucy Rut h Cum m ins
RoaringBrookPress;March 2021;40 pages;Ages3 6
THELOST PACKAGE by Richard Ho; illustrated by Jessica Lanan
by Curtis Manley; illustrated by Lucy Ruth Cummins
RoaringBrookPress;June 2021;48 pages;Ages4-8
by Philip C. Stead; illustrated by Erin E. Stead
"This substantive story by Manley is both a STEM tale about insects and a lesson in staying true to oneself, as Roberta?s distinctive interest takes her from odd kid out to minor celebrity with a like minded new friend " ? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
"[A] worthy sequel to the Caldecott winning A Sick Day for Amos McGee In a world of sickness, strife, and stridency, it is a pleasure to spend time again with Amos McGee and his zoo friends." ? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
"Quietly, beautifully told, and deeply satisfying "? KirkusReviews, starred review
AWAKE by Mags DeRoma
"Expressive and appealing A truly charming bedtime story with a sympathetic soul " ? Booklist
The epic st ory of a brave lit t le girl facing t he ult im at e enem y: a spider in t he corner of her bedroom
A Sm all Knight m ust go on a m agical quest t o defeat an Anxiet y Monst er in t his adorable, heart felt pict ure book debut
by Andrew Arnold
"This fairy tale is partially, and powerfully, about facing anxiety, but also about finding the courage to defy expectations...The illustrations, done in watercolors and ink, provide astonishing bursts of color and comic, or sometimes scary, details The sort of book that may stick with kids years after reading " ? Booklist
Feiwel & Friends;September 2021;40 pages;Ages3-6
RoaringBrookPress;January2021;32 pages;Ages3-6
RoaringBrookPress;October 2021;40 pages;Ages4 8
"[What'stheMatter, Marlo?is] beautifully precise, and accessible in its simplicity Not only does it speak to grief in others, insightfully separating the person from the (sometimes eruptive and unpredictable) emotions, but it also models empathy " ? TheNewYorkTimes
A pict ure book about best friends t hat highlight s em pat hy as w ell as anger and sadness, and rem inds us t hat t hese aren't feelings t o run aw ay from , but inst ead t o help each ot her t hrough
Foreign Sales: Garamchild/Korean
A Horn Book Fanfare Best Book of t he Year
by Angela Joy; illustrated by Ekua Holmes
An inspiring pict ure book t hat celebrat es individualit y, com m unit y, and every child's pot ent ial t o w rit e t heir ow n st ory
A New York Public Library Best Book of 2020
A Washingt on Post Best Book of 2020
Foreign Sales: cbj/Germ an Mondadori/It alian
RoaringBrookPress;March 2022;32 pages;Ages3 6
?The children?s story emphasizes a positive sense of self and optimism for what the journey tomorrow will bring. On discouraging days, this book will help readers find their place in the world with greater love for themselves and others ?? KirkusReviews
A child reflect s on t he m eaning of being Black in t his m oving and pow erful ant hem about a people, a cult ure, a hist ory, and a legacy t hat lives on.
"This stirring ode to the love between parent and child is a must have for all collections " ? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
RoaringBrookPress;August 2020;40 pages;Ages3-6
RoaringBrookPress;January2020;40 pages;Ages4-8
written by Nina Laden; illustrated by Kelsey Garrity-Riley
Foreign Sales: Albin Michel/French - Zuckersüß Verlag/Germ an
?A treasure trove of positivity, strength, and pride for anyone seeking to uplift and educate young people ?? Horn Book, st arred review
A 2020 Jane Addam s Children's Book Aw ard Honoree
A lush and lyrical debut pict ure book about t he m arvels? big and sm all? of childhood
by Julia Kuo
RoaringBrookPress;May2022;40 pages;Ages4 8
RoaringBrookPress;November 2020;48 pages;Ages3 6
From t he creat ive m ind behind How to Walk an Ant com es an irresist ible st ory about t he pow er of com m unit y, inclusion, and em pat hy
"This witty (and slightly wicked) book should appeal to readers who admire Eloise's and Olivia?s insouciance, as well as fans of Jon Klassen?s deadpan, elevated humor." ? Booklist, st arred review
Foreign Sales: Chang Tang/Chinese Com plex A Thousand Hope/Korean
Foreign Sales: Grimm Press/Chinese Com plex
TWO MANY BIRDS by Cindy Derby
A sly, hilarious, and bold pict ure book from debut creat or Sabina Hahn about a fierce lit t le girl w ho com m andeers a rot t ing pineapple for a royal crow n? perfect for fans of Eloise and Olivia
"Funny, socially relevant, and visually engrossing, this one is worth perching prominently on the shelf " ? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
In his aut hor illust rat or debut , Coret t a Scot t King John St ept oe?and Africana Book Aw ard?w inning illust rat or Charly Palm er spins a t all t ale about a neighborhood basket ball hero
"The Legend of Gravity is a riveting rocket of a tale Like a memorable championship game, it deserves to be revisited over and over again by legions of devoted fans " ? BookPage, st arred review
Sunny alw ays sees t he bright side in every sit uat ion . . . unt il she doesn? t in t his gorgeously illust rat ed, debut pict ure book about t he pow er of opt im ism
RoaringBrookPress;February2020;40 pages;Ages4 8
LOVE, VIOLET by Charlotte Sullivan Wild; illustrated by Charlene Chua
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);January2022;40 pages;Ages4 8
SUNNY by Celia Krampien
"Sweet and bright, like the sun on a stormy day " ? Kirkus Foreign Sales: Publishing House of Electronics Industry/Chinese Sim plified
Perfect for Valent ine's Day, a t ouching pict ure book about friendship and t he courage it t akes t o share your feelings
A 2022 Lam bda Lit erary Aw ard Finalist
"The gentle, child friendly romance at the heart of the story is a perfect celebration of courage and queerness, and earnest, awkward Violet is a protagonist every reader will root for." ? Kirkus, st arred review
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);January2022;40 pages;Ages4-8
What if anim als did w hat YOU do?
Foreign Sales for If Animals Tried to Be Kind: Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Iwasaki Publishing/Japanese Ulemj Publishing/Mongolian
IF ANIMALSKISSED GOOD NIGHTby Ann Whitford Paul, illustrated by David Walker
Ann Whitford Paul?s playful rhymes and rhythms paired with David Walker?s whimsical and charming artwork invite children to see the different ways of showing affection and celebrating shared experiences across the animal kingdom. Perfect for reading aloud at bedtime? or any time? these bestselling picture books are sure to delight toddlers and preschoolers
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);32 pages;Ages3-6
Foreign Sales for If Animals Celebrated Christmas: Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Iwasaki Publishing/Japanese
Foreign Sales for If Animals Said I Love You: Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Iwasaki Publishing/Japanese Ulemj Publishing/Mongolian AST/Russian
Foreign Sales for If Animals Kissed Good Night: Macmillan Century /Chinese Sim plified Kvaliti Oy/Finnish Agam Publishers/Hebrew Salani/It alian Iwasaki Publishing/Japanese Prooni/Korean Ulemj Publishing/Mongolian Sandviks/Norw egian nVersos/Port uguese (Brazil) Objectiva/Port uguese (Portugal) Pandora/Rom anian AST/Russian Penguin Random House/Spanish & Cat alan Sandviks/Sw edish
Foreign Sales for If Animals Went to School: Walkers Cultural/Chinese Com plex Ulemj Publishing/Mongolian Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Iwasaki Publishing Co /Japanese Pandora/ Rom anian
Foreign Sales for If Animals Gave Thanks: Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Iwasaki Publishing/Japanese Ulemj Publishing/Mongolian nVersos/Port uguese (Brazil)
Mini Advent ures
THEPOUT-POUT FISH SERIESby Deborah Diesen; illustrated by Dan Hanna
Series Foreign Sales: Macmillan Century/Chinese Sim plified Scholastic Canada/French (Canada) Giburri/Korean Kariera/Russian Marti Yayin Grubu/Turkish Over 10 m illion copies sold!
Mr Fish has a permanent pout, until with the help of his friends, he learns that the ?dreary wearies?aren? t for him Children will love these picture books, with their charming rhyming verse and appealing lessons
Pict ure Books
Paperback Advent ures PICTUREBOOKS|49
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);Ages3-6
ENERGY ISLAND by Allan Drummond
GREEN CITY by Allan Drummond
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);March 2016;40 pages;Ages5-8
?Smartly laid out with both vertical and horizontal frames that contain small amounts of text, the book allows beginning readers to process the steps in planning and execution while giving them plenty of visual clues for potentially unfamiliar vocabulary Watercolor illustrations? a vibrant blend of vignettes, full-page art, and double- page spreads? showing the clean up, planning, and construction reflect the can do attitude of Greensburg This book is a triumph of both community action and scientific writing ?? TheHorn Book, st arred review
PEDAL POWER by Allan Drummond
?Dashed line and loosely brushed watercolor wash pictures have a light hearted energy appropriate to a movement all about, well, movement ?? TheBulletin for the Center of Children'sBooks
Foreign Sales: Nova Frontiera/Port uguese in Brazil
SOLAR STORY by Allan Drummond
A nonfict ion pict ure book about t he w om en and children w ho led t he social m ovem ent t hat m ade Am st erdam t he m ost bike friendly cit y in t he w orld
?The thrilling idea, the book concludes, is that Samso is ?not very different from where you live ' Your community doesn't need wind; it needs a spark, to get people to think and work together ?? LosAngelesTimes
A t im ely nonfict ion STEM pict ure book about t he largest solar pow er plant in t he w orld and it s im pact on a nearby village
The t rue and inspiring st ory of how one Am erican t ow n rebuilt in an environm ent ally friendly w ay aft er a deadly t ornado
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);March 2017;40 pages;Ages4 8
Foreign Sales: Fukuinkan Shoten/Japanese
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);March 2011;40 pages;Ages6-10
"Loose lines and cheery watercolors are equally deft at describing energetic, ebullient kids and the vast power plant. . . a surprisingly complex yet accessible exploration A valuable look at sustainability and development " ? KirkusReviews
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);March 2020;40 pages;Ages4-8
The t rue st ory of an island w hose people m ake all t he energy t hey need? using t he pow er of t he w ind!
Foreign Sales for Mars!: Creative Agency/Chinese Com plex Scholastic Canada/French (Nort h Am erica) Hyeonamsa/Korean 2020 Editora/Port uguese (Port ugal) Ranok Publishing House/Ukrainian Foreign Sales for Our Planet!: Gabriel/Germ an
Foreign Sales for Sun!: Creative Agency/Chinese Com plex United Sky New Media/Chinese Sim plified Scholastic Canada/French (Nort h Am erica) Shogakukan/Japanese Hyeonamsa/Korean Vogais & Companhia/Port uguese (Port ugal) MIF/Russian Ediciones Obelisco/Spanish Ranok Publishing House/Ukrainian
Foreign Sales for Ocean!: Creative Agency/Chinese Com plex United Sky New Media/Chinese Sim plified Scholastic Canada/ French (Nort h Am erican) 2020 Editora/Port uguese (Port ugal)
HenryHolt and Co (BYR);40 Pages;Ages4-8
Stacy McAnulty?s fact and fun filled Our Universe picture book series invites children to explore our solar system from the points of view of the celestial bodies that hang out among the stars. These charming and humorous ?autobiographies?are beautifully illustrated by such artists as Steve Lewis and David Litchfield
Foreign Sales for Earth!: Creative Agency/Chinese Com plex United Sky New Media/Chinese Sim plified Scholastic Canada/French (Nort h Am erica) DeA Planeta/It alian Shogakukan/Japanese Hyeonamsa/Korean Editora Melhoramentos/Port uguese (Brazil) Vogais & Companhia/Port uguese (Port ugal) MIF/Russian Ediciones Obelisco/Spanish - Ranok Publishing House/Ukranian - Faber & Faber/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Foreign Sales for Moon!: Creative Agency/Chinese Com plex - United Sky New Media/Chinese Sim plified - Scholastic Canada/French (Nort h Am erica) Shogakukan/Japanese Hyeonamsa/Korean Vogais & Companhia/Port uguese (Port ugal) Ediciones Obelisco/Spanish Ranok Publishing House/Ukrainian
OUR UNIVERSEby Stacy McAnulty; illustrated by David Litchfield and Stevie Lewis
The cont inuing advent ures of t he w orld's first Asian Am erican superhero, w rit t en by Am erican Born Chinese aut hor Gene Luen Yang
Aw ard-w inning New York Tim es best seller Gene Luen Yang has once again redefined him self? t his t im e w it h a rivet ing YA nonfict ion sport s dram a.
First Second;July2014;176 pages;Ages12 18
First Second;March 2020;448 pages;Ages14-18
List ed as a New York Tim es, Washingt on Post , Am azon, Forbes, School Library Journal, Booklist , and Publishers Weekly 2020 book of t he year
Foreign Sales: Tunue/It alian - Woorischool/Korean - Companhia das Letras/Port uguese in Brazil
"Gene Luen Yang uses his Chinese heritage to create engaging comics that are deeply personal yet rooted in centuries of stories, fictional and true " ? TheLosAngelesTimes
Foreign Sales: Kalimat Group/Arabic
A 2020 Michael L Print z Honor Book
THESHADOW HEROwritten by Gene Luen Yang; illustrated by Sonny Liew
"Another standout showing from Yang, this title will have even sports haters on their feet cheering " ? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
DRAGON HOOPS by Gene Luen Yang
Editions First/French Eksmo/Russian GRAPHICNOVELS|54
First Second;Ages8 12
SECRET CODERSby Gene Luen Yang and Mike Holmes
From graphic novel superstar Gene Luen Yang comes Secret Coders, a wildly entertaining new series that combines logic puzzles and basic coding instruction with a page turning mystery plot! Follow Hopper and her friend Eni as they use their wits and their growing prowess with coding to solve the many mysteries of Stately Academy
"Gene Luen Yang?s talent is prodigious, his enthusiasm contagious....Even this confirmed technophobe was ready to learn coding." ? Katherine Applegate, author of Crenshaw and TheOneand OnlyIvan Global Kids Books/ Com plex
Series Foreign Sales:
?Intimate and sweet I?d like to hand Stargazingto every kid I know ?? Raina Telgemeier, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Smile
A Publishers Weekly Best Book of t he Year
One of NPR's Best Books of 2019 Booklist 2019 Edit ors' Choice
Foreign Sales: Akileos/French Kinneret/Hebrew Bao Publishing/It alian Prooni Books/Korean Roca Editorial/Spanish
First Second;February2020;240 pages;Ages10-14
"This graphic novel has all the trappings of a rags to riches romance. And it is one? in a joyfully subversive and inclusive way " ? Horn Book, st arred review
First Second;September 2019;224 pages;Ages8-12
A NPR Best Book of 2018
New York Tim es? best selling cart oonist (In Real Life) Jen Wang t urns her pen t o a t ale of young love, ident it y, and fairy t ale endings
A 2019 New York Public Library Best Books for Kids Select ion
ABoston Globe Best Children's Book of 2018
"This endearingly offbeat story emphasizes found community, the importance of love and friendship, and a fierce commitment to individuality? all powerful themes for middle grade readers."? Booklist, st arred review
Joint w inner of t he 2018 Harvey Aw ard for Best Children?s or Young Adult Book 2019 Children?s and Teen Choice Book Aw ards Teen Book of t he Year
A Publishers WeeklyBest Books of t he Year
A m agical realist st ory about Snap, a young girl w ho befriends her t ow n?s w it ch and discovers t he st range m agic w it hin herself
AWashington Post Best Graphic Novel of 2018
Foreign Sales: Editions Kinaye/French Il Castoro/It alian Prooni Books/Korean Norma Editorial/Spanish
An Eisner Aw ard nom inee
One of FORBES Best Graphic Novels of 2019
First Second;February2018;288 pages;Ages12 18
A School and Library Journal Best Book of t he Year
A New York Public Library Best Book of t he Year
Foreign Sales: Unieboek/Dut ch Carlsen Verlag/Germ an BIR/Korean Darkside Books/Port uguese in Brazil AST/Russian Nanmeebooks/Thai
Winner of t he Angoulêm e Kids Prize
A heart w arm ing m iddle grade graphic novel in t he spirit of Real Friends and El Deafo, from New York Tim es?best selling Jen Wang.
by Jen Wang
"Larson's panels are superb at revealing emotional conflict, subtext, and humor within the deceptively simple third person limited plot, allowing characters to grow and develop emotionally over only a few spreads A coming of age story as tender and sweet as a summer evening breeze " ? KirkusReviews, st arred review
ALL MY FRIENDS by Hope Larson
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);January2022;192 pages;Ages10 14
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);August 2020;192 pages;Ages10-14
From New York Tim es best selling and Eisner Aw ard w inning creat or Hope Larson com es All My Friends, t he final st andalone book in a m iddle grade graphic novel t rilogy about friendship, fam ily, and m usic
ALL SUMMER LONG by Hope Larson
A Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2018! An Eisner Aw ard Nom inee!
From t he aw ard w inning and New York Tim es best selling graphic novelist Hope Larson com es a st andalone sequel t o All Summer Long about friends, first crushes, and being your bravest rockst ar self.
A Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2020 A School Library Journal Sum m er Read
"The girls?ambition, coupled with big teenage emotions, will resonate most strongly with middle school readers who also feel caught between their dreams and their parents?wishes Bina?s romance subplots feel age appropriate and well incorporated into the book An enjoyable, emotional read for fans of the series and newcomers alike "? School LibraryJournal
Farrar, Strausand Giroux(BYR);May2018;176 pages;Ages10-14
Foreign Sales: Il Castoro/It alian Sigongsa/Korean
A com ing of age m iddle grade graphic novel about sum m er and friendships, w rit t en and illust rat ed by t he Eisner Aw ard?w inning and New York Tim es?best selling Hope Larson
"Bina?s smart, likable, and familiar, and her coming-of-age fears are palpably engaging as she learns that romance need not be romantic.Larson has a wonderfully sharp eye for her characters, including a range of skin tones, sexual orientations, and body types Aftermatter includes Larson?s explanation of her artistic process and is sure to inspire budding artists. Altogether perfect." ? KirkusReviews, st arred review
Am azon Best Book of t he Mont h New York Public Library Best Book of t he Year Chicago Public Library Best Book of t he Year
Series Foreign Sales: Ginkgo/Chinese Sim plified BIR/Korean Allen & Unwin/Aust ralia & New Zealand
Foreign Sales: Yedioth Books/Hebrew Tunue/It alian BIR/Korean Norma Editorial/Spanish Allen & Unwin/Aust ralia & New Zealand
The aw ard w inning creat or of Pie in the Sky m akes her m iddle grade graphic novel debut w it h a heart w arm ing and hilarious st ory about t he unexpect ed friendship bet w een a lonely 11 year old girl and a basket t ot ing dog w ho goes grocery shopping on his ow n perfect for fans of Best Friends and Wishtree
HenryHolt and Co. (BYR);May2021;240 pages;Ages8 12
HenryHolt and Co (BYR);112 pages;Ages6-9
Planet Earth meets Narwhal and Jelly in this heartfelt, funny, and suspenseful young reader graphic novel adventure series featuring heroic animals surviving against the odds! Includes nonfiction content about wildlife and how kids can help protect the environment
"Brightly colored, inviting artwork This cute and charming story of missing family, making friends, and figuring out how to make amends is a fun treat, and the subplot about learning how to mend strife in a community adds meaningful depth." ? Booklist, st arred review
"Pulled in by simple yet adorable illustrations this tender tale packs an all too timely environmental message " ? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
An Am erican Library Associat ion Best Graphic Novel for Children Booklist Edit ors' Choice Winner
PAWCASSO by Remy Lai
First Second;October 2018;544 pages;Ages12-18
"A stunning interpretation of interstellar life Bound to be a sci fi favorite, especially for teens who also appreciated Nina LaCour?s WeAre Okay" ? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
A Nat ional Public Radio (NPR) Best Book of 2019
?Walden?s subtle writing and art lend an air of mystery, and manga esque character designs and detailed backgrounds provide generous helpings of atmosphere The narrative offers no easy solutions, but the reader is still left feeling hopeful and, perhaps, a little healed ?? Bulletin of theCenter for Children'sBooks, st arred review
SPINNING by Tillie Walden
A Publisher's Weekly Best Book of 2018
A Harvey Aw ard Nom inee, Best Children's or Young Adult Book
A 2019 Hugo Aw ard Nom inee, Best Graphic St ory
?Intimate and compelling A quiet powerhouse of a memoir ?? KirkusReviews, st arred review
Foreign Sales: Ginkgo/Chinese Sim plified Nakladatelstvi Paseka/Czech Gallimard/French Reprodukt/Germ an Mondadori/It alian Kawade Shobo Shinsha/Japanese Changbi Media/Korean Kulture Gniewu/Polish Editora Veneta/Port ugusese in Brazil Boomkniga/Russian La Cupula/Spanish Self Made Hero/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Foreign Sales: Centrala/Czech Gallimard/French Reprodukt/Germ an Bao Publishing/It alian Esoope/Korean Kultura Gniewu/Polish DarkSide Books/Port uguese in Brazil - Popcorn Books/Russian - Ediciones La Cupula/Spanish
An O Magazine Best LGBTQ Book of 2019
A School Library Journal Best Book of 2018
A New York Cit y Public Library Not able Best Book for Teens
A Harvey Aw ard Nom inee, Book of t he Year
First Second;September 2017;400 pages;Ages14 18
A Chicago Public Library Best of t he Best Book of 2019
A Harvey Aw ard nom inee, Best Book of t he Year
One of The Comics Beat's Best Com ics of 2019
ON A SUNBEAM by Tillie Walden
LA Tim es Fest ival of Books 2018 Book Prize Winner, Graphic Novel/ Com ics
For fans of Speak and We Are Okay, t his is an int im at e and em ot ionally soaring st ory about friendship, grief, and healing from Eisner Aw ard w inner Tillie Walden
An epic graphic novel about a girl w ho t ravels t o t he ends of t he universe t o find a long lost love, from acclaim ed aut hor Tillie Walden
First Second;September 2019;320 pages;Ages14 18
2020 Eisner Aw ard Winner, Best Graphic Album New
A Lam bda Lit erary Aw ard Finalist
A debut com ing of age graphic novel about com pet it ive figure skat ing, t he grow ing pains of becom ing a t een, exploring sexual ident it y, and finding a new dream
A Chicago Public Library Best Book of 2017
Foreign Sales: Nakladatelstvi Paseka/Czech Gallimard/French Reprodukt/Germ an Bao Publishing/It alian - Two Virgins/Japanese - Prooni Books/Korean - Ediciones La Cupula/Spanish
From This One Summer co creat or Mariko Tam aki com es a hilarious and poignant st ory of t een heart break and friendship
An Eisner Aw ard w inner
"This graphic novel blends historical fact and science fiction into an enthralling time travel tale "? Horn Book
A Michael L Print z Honor Book
A Lam bda Lit erary Aw ard finalist
by Sarah Winifred Searle
A t eenager is pulled back in t im e t o w it ness her grandm ot her 's experiences in WWII-era Japanese int ernm ent cam ps
LAURA DEAN KEEPSBREAKING UP WITH MEwritten by Mariko Tamaki; illustrated by Rosemary Valero-O'Connell
First Second;May2019;304 pages;Ages14-18
First Second;February2022;352 pages;Ages14 18
"Sarah Winifred Searle's comics look the way I wish the world did She combines raw emotions with gorgeous artwork to create stories full of feeling, intention, and heart Give this book to the teens in your life." ? Tillie Walden, author of Spinningand Are You Listening?
A 2020 ALA Asian/ Pacific Am erican Aw ard Young Adult Honor Tit le List ed as one of YALSA's 2021 Great Graphic Novels for Teens
A t ender YA com ic for fans of Drama and Real Friends w ho are ready t o graduat e t o t heir first t een graphic novel
A Harvey Aw ard Nom inee
Foreign Sales: Rue de Sevres/French
Foreign Sales: Nakladatelstvi Paseka/Czech Groundwood Books/English in Canada Rue de Sevres/French Carlsen Verlag/Germ an Bao Publishing/It alian Iwanami Shoten/Japanese Prooni Books/Korean Cappelen Damm/Norw egian Kultura Gniewu/Polish Intrinseca/Port uguese in Brazil Mann, Ivanov & Ferber/Russian Oceano Mexico/Spanish in Lat in Am erica Ediciones La Cupula/Spanish in Spain
"Tamaki and Valero O'Connell's tender hearted narrative sings with real, honest emotion that will resonate with anyone trying to figure out love " ? TheNewYorkTimes
First Second;August 2020;288 pages;Ages12-18
Foreign Sales: Steinkis/French Allen & Unwin/Aust ralia & New Zealand
A Lam bda Lit erary Aw ard Winner
A Kirkus Review s Best Book of t he Year
First Second;January2020;336 pages;Ages10 14
An Eisner Aw ard nom inee
Foreign Sales: Tunue/It alian - Prooni Books/Korean - Popcorn Books/RussianNorma Editorial/Spanish & Cat alan
A debut graphic novel about friendship, life, and periods. Period.
written by Lily Williams and Karen Schneemann; illustrated by Lily Williams
Foreign Sales: Steinkis/French Panini Verlag/Germ an Il Castoro/It alian BIR/Korean Grupo Planeta/Spanish
" the story is firmly grounded in the realities faced by girls and women, and the timely messages of empowerment and political dialogue will resonate with socially minded youth." ? Booklist
"This book will save lives " ? Jarrett J Krosoczka, author of National Book Award Finalist Hey, Kiddo
This raw , em ot ionally honest graphic novel t ells t he st ory of Aiden Navarro: fourt een years old and st ill figuring t hings out .
A New York Public Library Best Book of t he Year
A New York Public Library Best Book of t he Year
FLAMER by Mike Curato
HenryHolt and Co (BYR);September 2020;368 pages;Ages14-18
First Second;September 2021;240 pages;Ages8 12
?A ghost story, a story of outsiders and carnivals, of vanity and friendship, innocents and monsters, and the way our loved ones haunt us even after they are gone Perfectly paced and painfully told, The Phantom Twin will break your heart over and over ?? Neil Gaiman, Newbery Medal?winning author of TheGraveyard Book
Foreign Sales: Rebelle Edizioni/It alian
Foreign Sales: Edizioni Piemme/It alian Balgeunmirae/Korean HarperCollins/Spanish
"Raw emotions of guilt, shame, and jealousy are explored, as young Charise interrogates the power dynamics of big sisterhood and recognizes Daniel?s strengths."? BookHorn Magazine, st arred review
A m iddle grade graphic m em oir follow ing a young girl w ho undergoes a crisis of conscience, realizing t hat she is a ?bad sist er ?
A debut m iddle grade graphic novel about body im age, confidence, and t he unbreakable bond of sist erhood
"The accessible tone and format allow a difficult topic to be gently revealed with painful honesty balanced by humor and silliness Compassionately approaches the stigma and mystery surrounding eating disorders." ? Kirkus, st arred review
A young w om an is haunt ed by t he ghost of her conjoined t w in, in t his sw eet ly spooky graphic novel set in a t urn of t he cent ury sideshow
SMALLER SISTER by Maggie Edkins Willis
First Second;March 2020;208 pages;Ages12-16
RoaringBrookPress;June 2022;320 pages;Ages8-12
BAD SISTER written by Charise Mericle Harper; illustrated by Rory Lucey
First Second;September 2020;256 pages;Ages8-12
First Second;August 2020;208 pages
by Natalie Riess and Sara Goetter
A m iddle grade graphic novel about a gang of adorable anim al friends on a D&D st yle dungeon craw l
Ys, an At lant is like cit y from Celt ic legend, is t he set t ing of t his m yt hical graphic novel fant asy from Nat ional Book Aw ard w inner M T Anderson
THEDAUGHTERSOF YSwritten by M. T. Anderson; illustrated by Jo Rioux
Foreign Sales: Rue de Sevres/French - Rebelle Edizioni/It alian - Ediciones Urano/Spanish
"A pure joy to read on a variety of levels, this is destined to be a hit with fantasy adventure fans and beyond " ? Booklist, st arred review
"Anderson and Rioux have woven a lush folktale filled with magic, lust, and feminine power. Rioux?s pencil illustrations are melancholic, with dramatic shadows, glowing moonlight, and swirling seas A haunting rendering of an ancient folktale, packed with magic "? School LibraryJournal, st arred review
A WRINKLEIN TIME: THEGRAPHIC NOVELby Madeleine L'Engle; adapted & illustrated by Hope Larson
A graphic novel adapt at ion of t he aw ard w inning novel Speak? adapt ed by Laurie Halse Anderson herself and brought t o life by Eisner Aw ard w inner Em ily Carroll
Foreign Sales: Atrium Verlag/Germ an Brainfood Media/Greek Mondadori/It alian Esoope/Korean Wydawnictwo Mamania/Polish Darkside Books/Port uguese in Brazil Eksmo/Russian Penguin Random House/Spanish Nha Nam Publishing/Viet nam ese
"Anderson?s timeless and important tale of high school sexual assault and its aftermath undergoes a masterful graphic novel transformation Carroll?s stark black and white illustrations are exquisitely rendered, capturing the mood through a perfectly calibrated lens With the rise of women finding their voices and speaking out about sexual assault in the media, this reworking of the enduring 1999 classic should be on everyone?s radar...Powerful, necessary, and essential."? KirkusReviews, st arred review
It 's t im e...t o reim agine a classic. A Wrinkle in Tim e is now available in a spellbinding graphic novel adapt at ion
Foreign Sales: Rue de Sevres/French Il Castoro/It alian Prooni/Korean Valentina/Port uguese in Brazil Popcorn Books/Russian Ediciones La Cupula/Spanish Hachette Children's Books/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
Farrar, Straus& Giroux(BYR);October 2012;392 pages;Ages10-14
Farrar, Straus& Giroux(BYR);February2018;384 pages;Ages12 18
SPEAK: THEGRAPHIC NOVELby Laurie Halse Anderson; illustrated by Emily Carroll
?Know somebody who hasn't met Mrs Whatsit, Mrs Who or Mrs Which?Larson's colorful panels bring Madeline L'Engle's brilliant time travel favorite to life in an exciting new way This is page turning eye candy of the highest order ?? James Patterson
Foreign Sales for t he duology: Popcorn Books/Russian Norma Editorial/Spanish
A Boston Globe Best YA Book of 2018 YALSA William C. Morris 2018 Finalist
The conclusion of t he hilarious and heart w arm ing graphic novel duology about Bit t y, t he figure skat er t urned collegiat e hockey player w ho finds t he love of his life and friendships of a lifet im e during his t im e on t he Sam w ell Universit y hockey t eam
by Ngozi Ukazu
"This is a warm story with an irresistible protagonist, a clever supporting cast, and lively and plentiful game and practice scenes A fun and deeply satisfying read for teens " ? KirkusReviews, st arred review
First Second;September 2018;288 pages;Ages12-18
The hilarious and heart breaking confessions of a figure skat er t urned collegiat e hockey player w ho's t errified of checking and is desperat ely in love w it h t he capt ain of his hockey t eam
First Second;April 2020;352 pages;Ages12-18
"Ukazu excels at drawing action...ultimately, though, this is a love story, one with a romance characterized by sweetness and support Fans new and old won't be ready for it to end "? Booklist, st arred review
"Hatke takes a page from epic adventures like Jeff Smith's Bone and Kazu Kibuishi's Amulet and throws in a dash of intergalactic zest for a winning combination, sure to captivate young graphic novel aficionados Be prepared to blast off; this debut is truly out of this world ?? Kirkus, st arred review Foreign Sales: Pikoprint/Est onian Rue de Sevres/French Fontini Forlag/Norw egian Norma
When her best friend gets abducted by an evil alien cult, Zita?s life takes a turn for the cosmic and she finds herself on a strange planet inhabited by humanoid chickens and neurotic robots. Zita?s determination to find her way back home to earth has her assuming the role of intergalactic hero in this delightful, action packed science fiction series, Zita and the Spacegirl, perfect for middle grade readers Kirkus Reviews called the graphic novels ?Stellar Hatke?s storytelling and worldbuilding are top notch, ebulliently juxtaposed against vibrantly expressive art.?And Boing Boing says, ?Marvelously inventive!? Fans won? t want to miss the next installments, Legends of Zita the Spacegirl and The Return of Zita the Spacegirl
Editorial/Spanish GRAPHICNOVELS|65
by Ben Hatke
First Second;Ages8 12
Series Foreign Sales: Editions Kinaye/French Norma Editorial/Spanish GRAPHICNOVELS|66
Nico Bravo and the Hound of Hades, the first book in this playful series, finds Nico struggling with a peculiar customer at the magical merchandise shop he helps run. A descendant from none other than the legendary monster hunter Beowulf himself, hopes to equip himself with the tools necessary to defeat Cerberus, guardian of the underworld Young readers will revisit famous monsters and explore familiar myths in fun and surprising new ways in these wacky graphic novels for kids by award winning author illustrator Mike Cavallaro.
"The vivid colors are a perfect fit for this fun, fast paced graphic novel...An engaging series... recommended for most middle grade collections " ? School LibraryJournal
First Second;Ages8
NICO BRAVOby Mike Cavallaro
First Second;February2015;496 pages
First Second;March 2021;368 pages
?Scott McCloud's TheSculptor is the best graphic novel I've read in years It's about art and love and why we keep on trying It will break your heart ?? Neil Gaiman
First Second;September 2017;464 pages
"Sprinkled with fabulism (a vacuum and salt can stop death), confronting racist history (Canada?s WWII prison camps for Japanese Canadians), and questioning institutionalized eldercare, Goto?s latest is an empowering, emotional tribute to defiant, independent, kick ass old women living their best lives "? Booklist, st arred review
THEHUNTING ACCIDENT written by David L. Carlson; illustrated by Landis Blair
SHADOW LIFE written by Hiromi Goto; illustrated by Ann Xu
Angoulêm e Fauve D?or Winner
Kum iko has t rapped Deat h in her vacuum cleaner. Now w hat does she do w it h it ?
The long-aw ait ed m agnum opus from com ics superst ar Scot t McCloud: a spellbinding adult urban fable about a w ish, a deal w it h Deat h, t he price of art , and t he value of life
The am azing t rue st ory of Mat t Rizzo, an uneducat ed blind crim inal w ho received a classical educat ion in prison from his cellm at e, Nat han Leopold Jr , of t he infam ous Leopold and Loeb duo
Foreign Sales: Ginkgo/Chinese Sim plified Rue de Sevres/French Carlsen/Germ an Bao Publishing/It alian Marsupial Editore/Port uguese in Brazil Planeta/Spanish Self Made Hero/UK & Brit ish Com m onw ealt h
THESCULPTOR by Scott McCloud
"The subtitle barely captures the scope of this ambitious debut graphic novel, a mix of biography, history, social commentary, literary analysis, and more...Blair?s exceptional pen and ink work, which mixes the tangible world with the psychological, brings all the strands together seamlessly and powerfully " ? PublishersWeekly, st arred review
2022 Asian/ Pacific Am erican Lit erat ure Aw ard Winner for Adult Fict ion 2022 L A Tim es Book Prize Finalist
Foreign Sales: Ankama Editions/French Seikatsushoin Publishing/Japanese Editora Conrad/Port uguese in Brazil Nuevo Nueve/Spanish in Spain
Foreign Sales: Editorial Finestres/Cat alan - ThinKingdom Media Group/Chinese Sim plified Sonatine Editions/French Heyne Verlag/Germ an Rizzoli Lizard/It alian Lost in Time/Polish Darkside Books/Port uguese in Brazil Planeta/Spanish
Foreign Sales: Liberalni Institut/Czech Wunderlich Productions/Hungarian Akebi Shobo/Japanese Fundacja Bialy Bizon/Polish
An Econom ist ?Our Books of t he Year ? Select ion
First Second;October 2019;256 pages
[Caplan's] numbers don? t lie arguments are supported by comprehensive research...makes easy dismissal impossible. His partner in insight Weinersmith provides crisp, easy to grasp artistic support, with his own occasional insertions of humor "? Booklist, st arred review
Econom ist Bryan Caplan m akes a bold case for unrest rict ed im m igrat ion in t his fact filled graphic nonfict ion illust rat ed by SMBC creat or Zach Weinersm it h
First Second;July2020;240 pages
Just in t im e for it s t w ent y fift h anniversary, First Second is republishing How ard Cruse's groundbreaking int ersect ional graphic novel about com ing out and finding your voice during t he civil right s m ovem ent
Recipient of t he Angoulêm e Herit age Aw ard
STUCK RUBBER BABY 25TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION by Howard Cruse; introduction by Alison Bechdel
OPEN BORDERSwritten by Bryan Caplan; illustrated by Zach Weinersmith
?The everyday activism of principled people is an ongoing force for good in this country. And Howard Cruse?s visceral, visual account of America?s recent past is a testament to it StuckRubber Babycontributes with grace and force to the vision of a just world ? ? Alison Bechdel, author or Fun Home
Foreign Sales: Editions Casterman/French Editora Conrad/Port uguese in Brazil Epix Bokforlag/Sw edish
First Second;352 pages
THEADVENTUREZONE by Clint McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy, Travis McElroy, and Carey Pietsch; illustrated by Carey Pietsch
Series Foreign Sales: Hobby World/Russian GRAPHICNOVELS|69
?Gorgeous art? the characters come to life! I am so happy that this graphic novel is a thing that exists in the world ? ? Hank Green
With Griffin McElroy?s Dungeon Master ?guiding?his father Clint, and brothers Justin, and Travis in their characters of Merle the dwarf cleric, Taako the elf wizard, and Magnus the human warrior, their adventures quickly become snarky and hilarious misadventures
The #1 New York Times bestselling graphic novel series based on the smash hit podcast of a father and his three sons playing Dungeons & Dragons in real time, The Adventure Zone follows the exploits of three adventurers across a fantasy realm.
RUSSIA Kate Knyazeva and Sergei Cheredov Nova Littera Boutikovskiy per. 12 str.2 Moscow 119034, RUSSIA pravaru@gmail com
Monique Oosterhof
Claire Sabatie Garat & Chiara Piovan
MacmillanChildren?sPublishingGroup CO-AGENTS
Sandra Bruna Sandra Bruna Agencia Literaria C/ Milà i Fontanals, 14, 2º 3ª Barcelona 08012 SPAIN
The Italian Literary Agency s r l via De Amicis 53 20123 Milan, ITALY chiara piovan@italianliterary com
Mo Literary Services Zwaluwtong 41, 1141 KN Monnickendam, THENETHERLANDS mo@moliterary nl
Bardon Chinese Media Agency Cynthia Chang (Taiwan) 3F., No. 150, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City 100, TAIWAN Shirley Chang (China) Rm 2 702, Building 2 RongHuaShiJia 29, XiaoYingBeiLu, Chao Yang Dist , Beijing 100101, CHINA cynthia@bardonchinese com shirley@bardonchinese com
The Deborah Harris Agency PO Box 8528 Jerusalem 91083, ISRAEL efrat@thedeborahharrisagency com
Elina Ahlback Elina Ahlback Literary Agency Rikhardinkatu 4 B 21 Fl 00130 Helsinki FINLAND
Jae Yeon Ryu & Hyoju An KCCKorea Copyright Center Inc Gyonghigung achim, Officetel Room 520 Compound 3, Naesu dong 72, Chongno Seoul 110 070, KOREA jyrua@kccseoul com hjan@kccseoul com
Silke Weniger, Alexandra Legath, and Anne Kästner Literarische Agentur Silke Weniger Kistlerhofstraße 70, 5/88 81379 München, GERMANY weniger@litag de legath@litag de kaestner@litag de
FIRST SECOND & GRAPHIC NOVELS? FRANCE, SPAIN, NETHERLANDS, ITALY & PORTUGAL Lora Fountain Lora Fountain & Associates 7, Rue de Belfort 75011 Paris, FRANCE
Avenida Calogeras, no 6, sala 1007 20030 070, Centro, Rio de Janiero, BRAZIL camila@agenciariff com br joaopaulo@agenciariff com br laura@agenciariff com br
Noriko Hasegawa The English Agency Sakuragi Bldg 4F, 6 7 3 Minami Aoyama Minato ku, Tokyo 107 0062, JAPAN noriko@eaj co jp KOREA
Camila Marandino, Joao Paulo Riff, and Laura Riff
Milena Kaplarevic Prava i Prevodi Blvd Mihaila Pupina 10 B/l 5th Floor, Suite 4 11070 Belgrade, SERBIA rights@pravaiprevodi org
Asli Ermis Asli Karasuil Mimar Sinan Caddesi, Gurur Sitesi A Blok No 1, Jandarma Karsisi 10870 Altinoluk Balikesir, TURKEY aslikarasuil@gmail com
Catherine Lapautre Agence Michelle Lapautre 91 ter, rue du Cherche Midi 75006 Paris, FRANCE catherine@lapautre com
Efrat Lev