Gateway plus 5 cm

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Contents 1




Sociology, psychology, etc

Quirkology – human behaviour

Past tenses

Body idioms and human interaction

Social research experiment

Present and past habits

Compound nouns – cars and the road

Ready for the road?

Phrasal verbs – rules and laws

Using public transport: an opinion essay

Modal verbs – obligation, permission, prohibition, advice and criticism

Word formation – suffixes Similes Ways of talking

p6 Wordlist p16


Collocations with take, make and do

Two blogs: Lowering the voting age

Modal verbs – speculation, deduction, possibility and probability Modal verbs – might

p18 Wordlist p28 Matura checkpoint 1–2 p30


Rozumienie ze słuchu – wybór wielokrotny; Rozumienie tekstów pisanych – dobieranie;

The human mind

Daniel Tammet

Verb + -ing form and infinitive

Phrasal verbs – the mind

Improving memory and language learning

Verb + object + -ing form and infinitive

Word formation – prefixes

Inception: A film review

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Scientific procedures and research

Who wants to live forever?

Conditionals and mixed conditionals

Compound nouns and adjectives

Superfish or Frankenfish?

Inverted conditionals

Causes, reasons and results

Other conditional structures Advanced future forms

p44 Wordlist p54 Matura checkpoint 3–4 p56


Rozumienie tekstów pisanych – dobieranie; Wypowiedź pisemna – rozprawka;

People with power

Woman fined for feeding the ducks

Cleft sentences

Minor offences and punishment

Smoking outdoors

Other ways of adding emphasis

Prepositional phrases

Child curfews

Vague language

Formal register

Teen discrimination at local cinema

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Personal interview

Personal interview questions

Personal interviews

A story

Ways of talking

The world’s most dangerous road

Discussing photos 1

Discussing photos 1

Paragraph plan An opinion essay

Znajomość środków językowych – uzupełnianie luk; Cześć ustna – zadanie 1

Commuting activities

Talking about savants

Preparing and structuring a presentation

How the Internet affects thinking strategies – presentation

Presentations 1

A review

Podcast: Using DNA

Talking about statistics

A for-and-against essay

Talking about statistics

Znajomość środków językowych – parafraza zdań; Część ustna – zadanie 2

CCTV and music video

Roleplays 1

Emphatic sentences A letter of complaint

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Types of house and places in the home

Neighbours from hell

Reporting structures

An article: Toledo

Impersonal reporting structures

Buying, selling and renting a place to live Idiomatic expressions with home Describing cities and towns

p70 Wordlist p80 Matura checkpoint 5–6 p82


Rozumienie ze słuchu – dobieranie; Rozumienie tekstów pisanych – wybór wielokrotny;

Advertising and selling

The changing face of advertising

Word formation – revision and extension


Describing clothes and fashions

A report: advertising and teenagers

Passives, passive infinitives and passive gerunds Passives with verbs with two objects Causatives Determiners and quantifiers

p84 Wordlist p94


Compound adjectives – parts of the body Words with more than one meaning

Birdy’s miraculous flight

Participle clauses

The key to happiness

Making and modifying comparisons

Metaphors – happiness and sadness

p96 Wordlist p106 Matura checkpoint 7–8 p108


Rozumienie ze słuchu – wybór wielokrotny; Rozumienie tekstów pisanych – dobieranie;

Life and career development



Verb-noun collocations

Interview tips

Prepositions in relative clauses

Accents and translations

Gerunds and infinitives

The future of handwriting

Whatever, wherever, whoever, etc

A competition entry



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Communication/communication breakdown Phrasal verbs – communication Internationally popular English words

p122 Wordlist p132 Matura checkpoint 9–10 p134

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych – wybór wielokrotny; Wypowiedź pisemna – list formalny;

Audioscript p136

Word formation p146

Writing bank p148

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Mukesh Ambani’s home: Features and location

Talking about neighbours

An article

Discussing photos 2

Discussing photos 2 Using comment adverbs and adverbials

Znajomość środków językowych – tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań; Wypowiedź pisemna – artykuł

Environmentally friendly products

Collaborative tasks

Collaborative tasks

A report: advertising and teenagers Formal language and expressions

Memorable moments

Discussions based on visual stimuli

Discussions based on visual stimuli

The pros and cons of outdoor activities

Opinion and for-and-against essays

Znajomość środków językowych – słowotwórstwo; Wypowiedź pisemna – rozprawka

Dos and don’ts in job interviews

Roleplays 2

A covering letter

Doing crosswords: An interview

Talking about the importance of handwriting

A competition entry

Presentations 2

Discussing language and learning environments Presentations 2

Znajomość środków językowych – układanie fragmentów zdań; Część ustna – zadanie 3

Additional activities p143

Irregular verbs 159

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