SŁOWNICTWO • Trzypoziomowa prezentacja słownictwa umożliwiająca poznanie nowych słówek i zwrotów Useful Phrases w lekcjach Vocabulary, w czytankach i tekstach kulturowych oraz w dodatkowej części Vocabulary plus, która pomaga w rozszerzaniu zakresu słownictwa do każdego rozdziału.
POWTÓRZENIA I SAMOOCENA • Regularne sekcje Self Check po każdym rozdziale sprawdzające poziom umiejętności językowych uczniów i pozwalające na dokonanie samooceny.
GRAMATYKA • Zagadnienia gramatyczne prezentowane w naturalnym kontekście, ćwiczone w zadaniach egzaminacyjnych sprawdzających znajomość środków językowych, takich jak transformacje oraz tłumaczenia.
PRZYGOTOWANIE DO EGZAMINU GIMNAZJALNEGO • Solidne przygotowanie do egzaminu gimnazjalnego – zadania z poziomu podstawowego i rozszerzonego już od pierwszego poziomu kursu. Różnorodność zadań egzaminacyjnych w sekcjach Exam Builder, duży nacisk położony na rozwijanie umiejętności pisania (lekcje Exam Writing) oraz znajomość środków językowych (zadania Use of English).
� Student’s Book � Workbook + Workbook CD � Workbook (Economy version) � Online Workbook www.macmillan.pl/strefa-ucznia � Student’s Audio (mp3) � Workbook (Economy version) Audio (mp3)
� � � � � � �
Teacher’s Book Teaching notes Teacher’s Resource File Tests Class CDs and Tests Audio CD Culture Watch DVD and CD-ROM Presentation Kit
Workbook Katherine & Steve Bilsborough
KULTURA • Teksty w lekcjach Culture wzbogacające wiedzę o świecie i inspirujące do dalszego poznawania świata.
KOMUNIKACJA I PERSONALIZACJA • Różnorodne ćwiczenia komunikacyjne motywujące uczniów do częstego używania języka.
Voices 1
New Voices to nowoczesny czteropoziomowy kurs stworzony specjalnie dla polskich gimnazjalistów. Seria New Voices w pełni realizuje założenia podstawy programowej, zarówno dla poziomu III.0, jak i III.1, jednocześnie pozwala uczniom podnieść i rozwinąć sprawności komunikacyjne w sytuacjach bliskich realiom nastolatków. Kurs New Voices zawiera wyjątkowe rozwiązania:
Egzamin Gimnazjalny Repetytorium Poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony
Karolina Kotorowicz-Jasińska, Arkadiusz Mędela
Podręcznik do języka angielskiego
www.macmillan.pl Egzamin gimnazjalny okladka dobry grzbiet.indd 1
New Voices_WB1_cover.indd 1
Katherine & Steve Bilsborough
Dla nauczyciela:
innowacyjna książka dla nauczyciela – pełne repetytorium • z wpisanymi odpowiedziami do zadań płyta z dodatkowymi 6 przykładowymi testami egzaminacyjnymi, • testami powtórkowymi i kartkówkami agrania audio całego materiału zawartego w repetytorium • noraz w książce nauczyciela
24.03.2014 13:19
15-01-22 10:58
8 Team spirit
▶ Sport ▶ Człowiek ▶ Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie
Vocabulary 1 Recycle Uzupełnij zdania podanymi nazwami sportów. tennis football basketball rugby table tennis In … you kick a ball.
2 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika do, play lub go. People
1 My dad
2 My cousin
1 In … you run with a ball in your hands.
3 I
skiing in winter. judo. tennis very well. cycling every morning.
4 They often 2 In … you usually hit a ball hard over a net. 3 In … you throw a ball into a net. 4 In … you use a very light ball.
7 We Wednesdays. 8 My friends weekend.
Olympic sports 1 Podpisz obrazki.
5 Look! They’re 6 I often summer.
ice hockey in Canada. gymnastics! diving with my family in athletics at school on weightlifting every
3 Uzupełnij tekst odszyfrowanymi nazwami sportów.
The first modern Olympic Games were in Athens in 1896, and they were different from the Olympics today. There were only 241 participants from 14 countries. They did 1scitelhta athletics and 2scitsanmyg , but they didn’t do 3oduj or 4yrehcra . They played tennis, but they didn’t play any games like 5notnimdab or 6 llabyellov . There were sports such as 7 gnilcyc and 8 g n i t f i l th g i ew , but there wasn’t any 9gnivid or 10 gnieonac .
USEFUL PHRASES 4 Wykreśl błędne wyrazy w zdaniach i napisz poprawne.
1 The FIFA World Cup has place every four years. 2 I like watching sports, but I don’t take place in any competitions. 3 Our team didn’t win the competition, but we came part. The silver medal is OK for me.
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15-01-22 13:55 Process Black
8 Language Focus 1 Past simple negative: regular and irregular verbs 1 Czy ludzie robili te rzeczy w 1900 roku? Postaw ✔ (tak) lub ✘ (nie) przy każdej czynności.
Life in England in 1900 play pla computer games ✗
3 Popraw zdania, wykorzystując informacje podane w nawiasach. The USA won 80 medals at the Olympics in 2012. (104)
The USA didn’t win 80 medals at the Olympics in 2012. They won 104 medals. 1 Female tennis players wore short skirts in 1920. (long dresses)
eat McDonald’s burgers rs
s send letters
watch TV
b things online buy
do bungee jumping
lis listen to music on an MP3 M player
2 People did archery at the Olympics in 1896. (1900)
3 The Paralympics began in 1948. (1960)
4 Eddy Merckx won lots of horse races. (cycle races)
5 Women first took part in the Olympics in 1920. (1900)
6 The athletes broke 30 world records at the 2012 Olympics. (26)
go to the markett
USE OF ENGLISH se send text messages 2 Spójrz na powyższe informacje i uzupełnij zdania. People
didn’t play
1 2 3 4 5
People People People People People in 1900. 6 People
computer games in 1900. McDonald’s burgers in 1900. TV in 1900. things online in 1900. bungee jumping in 1900. to music on an MP3 player text messages in 1900.
4 Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk 1–3. Zakreśl literę a, b albo c. I’m doing a school project about my family and sport. My mum told me that she 1 gymnastics when she was at primary school. 2 a lot of children who wanted to do this sport, but the coach only chose the best ones. My mum was very good and even took part in a few competitions, but she 3 any of them. 1 a did 2 a There wasn’t 3 a doesn’t win
b made b Were b didn’t win
c took c There were c don’t win
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15-01-22 13:55 Process Black
8 Vocabulary 2 Clothes and accessories 1 Podpisz poniżej ponumerowane części garderoby z obrazków. 2
2 Na co się zakłada te rzeczy? Dopasuj nazwy ubrań do części ciała. 1 shoes
a legs
2 hat
b eyes
3 gloves
c body
4 trousers
d feet
5 glasses
e head
6 T-shirt
f hands
3 Spójrz na obrazki i uzupełnij tekst poniżej. 3
6 Fiona
7 Sam
Jenny 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6
s h s s s c
we a t e r
7 8 9 10 11 12
g Tg s t t
Sam is wearing grey 1 shorts and a white 2 3 and . He’s got white sports 4 a pair of black . He’s wearing a baseball 5 . Fiona is wearing a very nice white 6 On her hands, she’s got white 7 she’s wearing a black and white 8
. and .
Jenny is wearing a white 9 with a black and white 10 . She’s got black 11 and she’s wearing designer 12 .
4 Napisz prawdziwe zdania na swój temat. 1 At the weekend I wear 2 My favourite T-shirt is
. .
3 I like wearing
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15-01-22 13:55 Process Black
8 Language Focus 2 Past simple: questions and short answers 1 Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.
4 Przeczytaj tekst o Miguelu Indurainie i ułóż pytania do podanych odpowiedzi. The champion cyclist Miguel Indurain was born in Navarre, Spain on 16th July 1964. He started cycling when he was a young boy, and became a professional cyclist in 1985 when he was 21 years old. The same year he entered his first Tour de France and, in 1991, he won it for the first time. After this, he won four more Tours. He stopped racing in 1996.
When was he born? He was born on 16th July 1964. 1 2
Jesse Owens / come from England ✗
Did Jesse Owens come from England?
1 Shakespeare / write Hamlet ✓
2 Leonardo da Vinci / paint Guernica ✗ 3 Italy / win the World Cup in 2006 ✓ 4 Thomas Edison / invent the lightbulb ✓
6 women / participate in the Olympics before 1900 ✗
No, he didn’t. 4 5 6
1 2 3
last year 1 2 3
three hours ago
a month ago three hours ago
in 2000 4 5 6
He first won the Tour de France in 1991. He stopped racing in 1996.
I got up six hours ago
1 2 3 4 5
. . . . .
I had breakfast I was born This term began My best friend’s birthday was I ate something
Listening 6
3 Uszereguj wyrazy i zwroty od najbliższych w czasie do najbardziej odległych. last Saturday
He entered his first Tour de France in 1985.
Past time expressions
He became a professional cyclist in 1985.
5 Uzupełnij zdania na swój temat odpowiednim wyrażeniem czasowym i słowem ago.
5 Tiger Woods / play golf when he was little ✓
2 Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi na pytania z ćwiczenia 1.
He started cycling when he was a young boy.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie osobę opisującą mecz siatkówki. Zdecyduj, które ze zdań 1–5 są zgodne z treścią nagrania (P–Prawda), a które nie (F–Fałsz). Zakreśl literę P albo F. 51
1 It was the second match of the World Championship. 2 There were a lot of fans in the stadium. 3 The fans got loud after half an hour of the game. 4 Poland didn’t lose a set. 5 Poland won the gold medal at the World Championship.
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15-01-22 13:55 Process Black
8 Writing Dossier A class survey Look: question forms 1 Uzupełnij pytania. Zastosuj odpowiednie czasy gramatyczne. What 1 2 3 4
Who Where When How often
your name? Shakespeare? you from? the Sochi Winter Olympics? you go to the cinema?
5 What time 6 What music 7 What
you get up this morning? your best friend like? you watch on TV yesterday?
Plan 2 Przyjrzyj się ankiecie. Połącz pytania i odpowiedzi.
Healthy lifestyle survey 1 2 3 4 5
How often do you do sports? Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? What did you eat for breakfast today? How long did you sleep last night? How much time do you spend playing computer games?
a b c d e
About an hour a day. I love outdoor sports. Twice a week. I had some toast. Six or seven hours.
3 Przeczytaj wyniki ankiety.
Healthy lifestyle survey results 1 2 3 4 5
How often do you do sports? Do you prefer indoor or outdoor sports? What did you eat for breakfast today? How long did you sleep last night? How much time do you spend playing computer games?
(2: every day, 18: twice a week, 8: once a week) (13: indoor sports, 15: outdoor sports) (14: toast, 10: cereal, 3: an egg, 1: nothing) (10: 6–7 hours, 12: 8 hours, 6: 9 hours) (14: 1–2 hours, 8: 3 hours, 6: I don’t play computer games)
Write 4 Opisz wyniki ankiety, korzystając z notatek z ćwiczenia 3.
In the class, two people do sports every day
Check 5 Sprawdź swój tekst. Zwróć uwagę na zastosowanie czasów gramatycznych.
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15-01-22 13:55 Process Black
8 Language in Action Talking about past events and expressing opinions
1 Uporządkuj wyrazy, tak aby powstały poprawne zdania.
5 Wyobraź sobie, że rozmawiasz z przyjacielem na temat weekendu. Napisz dialog na wzór tego z ćwiczenia 3. Wykorzystaj podane propozycje.
1 weekend / you / Did / a / good / have / ?
53 Posłuchaj dialogu z ćwiczenia 3. i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
went to the theatre / saw Hamlet went swimming with my cousin went to an art gallery / saw lots of paintings had a party / got lots of presents
2 I / didn’t / No, 3 you / did / do / What / ? 4 football / to / went / I / match / a
52 Posłuchaj nagrania i zakreśl słowa lub zwroty, które usłyszysz.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Did you have a good week / time? Yes, thanks. I went shopping / swimming. What did you see / do? Is / Was it a good film? It was fantastic / great. What about you / me? I saw lots of / some statues.
3 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami i zwrotami z ramki. thanks went to the cinema a good time went to see Did you have it was OK going What about you went with play computer games Was it good Milly
Hi Shania.
Hi Milly.
How’s it 1
Great, 2
Yeah, fine. 3 weekend?
You ? , and you?
Yeah, great. I
Oh yes?
a good 4
How’s it going?
Your friend Great,
Yes, I sister, Sophie. We 6 Twilight.
my younger
. .
Your friend
Yes, fine.
Your friend
Oh yes?
Your friend Yes, I . You
Yes, 8 a bit scary! 9 What did you do?
I went to my cousin’s house to 10 .
Did you have 11
Yes, it was great. I won every game!
? .
Your friend
. It was ?
What about you? What did you do? You . ?
Your friend
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Exam builder Poziom podstawowy
Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Poziom rozszerzony
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 2
Przeczytaj opisy trzech fanklubów sportowych (A–C) oraz pytania ich dotyczące (1–4). Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą propozycję. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedna z propozycji pasuje do dwóch pytań.
Przeczytaj informacje o trzech osobach (1–3) i opisy czterech sportów (A–D). Do każdej osoby dopasuj sport, który najbardziej by jej odpowiadał. Wpisz odpowiednią literę obok numeru każdej osoby. Uwaga! Jeden sport został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej osoby.
A Owls United Polish Teen Fan Club
We believe that there’s only one sport that matters in the world – football. And we also believe that there’s only one football club in the world that you can love – Owls United. We watch all their games on TV and discuss them live on Facebook and Twitter. Every year, we organise a trip to England to visit the Owls United stadium and watch a game in the evening. If you think that Owls United are the best football team, join us! B QUICK CATS BASKETBALL TEEN FAN CLUB A few years ago Quick Cats were a great basketball team that everybody wanted to play for. The players came from abroad – the USA, Spain or Africa. Nowadays, Quick Cats fans don’t have many occasions to celebrate. But real fans like us stay with their team in good and bad times. We watch every game! If the games aren’t at home, we get on a coach or a train and travel to other cities to support our team. This year, we also have a plan to organise one training session together with the team (the players and coaches) at the end of the season – every club member is invited!
We’re fans of a volleyball team from Backwick. Our team isn’t famous and doesn’t have a long history, but we believe that it’s got a great future. We go to matches and have fun cheering our team, but we also collect money for our club. We organise special events in our town and everybody who comes can donate something. Right now, we’re collecting money for new tracksuits for our junior volleyball team. Don’t sit at home in front of your computer talking to people on Facebook! Join us and become a part of something big to come! Which fan club is best for a person who 1 wants to support a team that started not a long time ago? 2 likes electronic communication with other fans? 3 would like to travel abroad? 4 would like to do something with the team?
1 Sandra learnt to swim last year. Next month she’s going
on holiday with her parents and her nine-year-old brother. She’s looking for some sports they can do together. Her passion is taking photos of plants and animals which live in water. 2 Tomek did gymnastics when he was at primary school
and he loved it. He doesn’t have a lot of time for doing sports now, but he goes to the swimming pool twice a week and enjoys skateboarding, too. 3 Janusz played for a school water polo team. He’s an
excellent swimmer and diver too, but doesn’t like swimming in the sea because of the fish and underwater plants. He prefers swimming pools. He thinks that individual sports are boring, but he likes buying sports equipment. A Underwater rugby It began as a general fitness activity, so that’s why it’s not really similar to normal rugby. The ball that you use is quite heavy and goes down in the water, so you need to be an excellent swimmer and diver to keep control of it. There aren’t many people who play this game, so it’s often played in mixed teams of men and women. It’s quite dangerous for small children. B Octopush – underwater hockey If you think that ice hockey is too dangerous for you, you can try its water version, played in a swimming pool. Underwater hockey gives you an excellent chance to test your swimming and diving skills, and to cooperate with other team members. However, it’s not a cheap sport because you need to buy quite a lot of equipment e.g. large fins, a diving mask, a snorkel and some gloves to protect your hands. C Snuba If you have basic swimming skills and enjoy watching underwater life, you can try snuba. It’s also called ‘diving for beginners’ because it’s much safer than scuba diving – you don’t go very deep in the water and you’re always connected to a boat with a rope. You don’t need to have any experience at diving, and anyone who is over eight years old can do snuba. D Skurfing Skurfing is a dynamic sport which is similar to water skiing, but you use a board instead of skis. Doing this sport gives you a fantastic chance to do some acrobatics on the water. Don’t forget to hire a board and be ready to pay for the motorboat which pulls you on the lake – unfortunately, it can sometimes be quite expensive!
New_Voices_WB1_076_085.indd 82
15-01-22 13:55 Process Black
8 Revision Standard Olympic sports
Past simple: negative
1 Znajdź w diagramie i zakreśl sześć nazw sportów.
4 Napisz wyróżnione części zdań w formie przeczącej.
1 My parents met in a football stadium. 2 The race started at two o‘clock. 3 I went to the theatre last night. 4 We saw the volleyball match on TV yesterday.
Past simple: questions and short answers 5 Dopasuj odpowiedzi a–d do pytań 1–4.
Clothes and accessories
1 Did he pass his maths exam?
2 Dopasuj obrazki do nazw ubrań.
3 Did she eat all the grapes?
1 2 3 4
dress gloves trainers trousers
5 6 7 8
2 Did you buy new trousers? 4 Did we finish the smoohie?
glasses T-shirt skirt shorts
a Yes, he did. b No, she didn’t. c No, I didn’t. d Yes, we did.
Past time expressions d
6 Spójrz na kartkę z kalendarza i uzupełnij tekst poniżej odpowiednimi wyrażeniami.
e g h
Language in Action 3 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach. Leo Hi, Kate! 1 (czy miałaś udany) weekend? Kate Yes, I did. It was great. Leo What did you do? (poszłam pożeglować z) Kate I 2 my friends. Leo Sailing? But it was very cold at the weekend. Kate Well, I just put on a warm jacket and some gloves. What 3 (ty zrobiłeś w) the weekend? (wziąłem udział) in a running Leo I 4 race which took place in our town. Kate 5 (Brzmi) amazing! Did you win? (dotarłem na Leo No, I didn’t, but I 6 metę drugi). I’m really happy with the result.
Sunday 30th April
swimming Monday 1st May
gym with dad Tuesday 2nd May
watch DVD with mu m and dad Wednesday 3rd May
football match Thursday 4th May
piano lesson Friday 5th May
shopping with Pat Saturday 6th May
a m homework / pm cinema with friends Today is Sunday 7th May. What a busy week! Six days 1 , I went to the gym with my dad. 2 ago, I played a football match. 3 , I did my homework in the morning and then, 4 , my friends and I went 5 Sunday, I went to the cinema. swimming, but today I’m watching a film!
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15-01-22 13:55 Process Black
8 Revision Extra Cumulative check
3 Zakreśl właściwe odpowiedzi.
1 Dopasuj czasowniki do rzeczowników. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
go do play wear become eat ride download study
a b c d e f g h i j k l
10 tidy 11 meet 12 read
a politician a bike apps friends a comic sailing geography judo badminton socks potatoes your room
jeans and a T-shirt. b wearing c is wearing
2 This is my a nephew
football – he lost it last week. b nephews’ c nephew’s
3 Harry really likes . a skated b skating 4
c skate
come first in the race yesterday? a Did she b Is she c Does she
5 There aren’t rhinos at our local zoo. a some b any c a 6
2 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami.
cereal and orange juice for breakfast. a Always I have b I always have c I have always
4 Ułóż pytania do podanych odpowiedzi. 1
ice hockey tidy play PE table tennis curly statue cycling 1 2 3 4 5
1 Today he a wears
He’s from France. 2
Can you
a musical instrument? is really popular in China. at the weekend. I often go My cousin plays for a local team. We sometimes do gymnastics in our classes. 6 My brother has got short, hair. your room? 7 How often do you 8 I saw a of the Sphinx in Egypt last year.
She’s got three nieces. 3 They go to the cinema every Friday. 4 There are four churches. 5 Because I want to go to England. 6 No, I didn’t go to the cinema. I went to Joe’s house.
Posłuchaj nagrania i zaznacz poprawnie osobę/parę na każdym obrazku.
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15-01-22 13:55 Process Black
8 Extra Language Practice Dictation
Unit grammar check
4 Przeczytaj tekst i zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.
Posłuchaj nagrania i zapisz zdania.
1 2 3
Hi Steve,
I1 to summer camp 2 month because we had a holiday. We went to New Zealand for two weeks and it was fantastic. We went by plane and the flight 3 ten hours – it took nearly 24 hours! First, we went to Auckland on the North Island, but my parents 4 to stay in the city, so we went on lots of trips. We went on a boat trip to Great Barrier Island. I 5 any kiwis, but I saw lots of other animals. They play lots of rugby in New Zealand, but they didn’t win the Rugby World Cup 6 2007 – South Africa won it.
5 6
Error correction 2 Popraw błędy w podanych zdaniach. She plays judo last Friday. ✗
She played judo last Friday. 1 Brazil not win the 2014 World Cup. ✗
a good time at summer camp? I went 8 I really enjoyed it.
2 I don’t play basketball yesterday. ✗
Write soon, 3 They went not canoeing last Saturday. ✗
4 Went you to football practice on Friday? ✗ 5 What time the match started last night? ✗ 6 I bought this tracksuit ago two years. ✗ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 We take part in the race last year. ✗
Translation 3 Przetłumacz na język polski poprawione zdania z ćwiczenia 2. 1
a did go a last a not take a wanted a didn’t see a at a Did you have a two years
3 4
b didn’t went b the last b took b not wanted b saw b in b Had you b two years ago
c didn’t go c ago c didn’t take c didn’t want c not see c last c Did you c last two years
Posłuchaj tekstu z ćwiczenia 4. i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi. 56
5 6 7
New_Voices_WB1_076_085.indd 85
15-01-22 13:55 Process Black
SŁOWNICTWO • Trzypoziomowa prezentacja słownictwa umożliwiająca poznanie nowych słówek i zwrotów Useful Phrases w lekcjach Vocabulary, w czytankach i tekstach kulturowych oraz w dodatkowej części Vocabulary plus, która pomaga w rozszerzaniu zakresu słownictwa do każdego rozdziału.
POWTÓRZENIA I SAMOOCENA • Regularne sekcje Self Check po każdym rozdziale sprawdzające poziom umiejętności językowych uczniów i pozwalające na dokonanie samooceny.
GRAMATYKA • Zagadnienia gramatyczne prezentowane w naturalnym kontekście, ćwiczone w zadaniach egzaminacyjnych sprawdzających znajomość środków językowych, takich jak transformacje oraz tłumaczenia.
PRZYGOTOWANIE DO EGZAMINU GIMNAZJALNEGO • Solidne przygotowanie do egzaminu gimnazjalnego – zadania z poziomu podstawowego i rozszerzonego już od pierwszego poziomu kursu. Różnorodność zadań egzaminacyjnych w sekcjach Exam Builder, duży nacisk położony na rozwijanie umiejętności pisania (lekcje Exam Writing) oraz znajomość środków językowych (zadania Use of English).
� Student’s Book � Workbook + Workbook CD � Workbook (Economy version) � Online Workbook www.macmillan.pl/strefa-ucznia � Student’s Audio (mp3) � Workbook (Economy version) Audio (mp3)
� � � � � � �
Teacher’s Book Teaching notes Teacher’s Resource File Tests Class CDs and Tests Audio CD Culture Watch DVD and CD-ROM Presentation Kit
Workbook Katherine & Steve Bilsborough
KULTURA • Teksty w lekcjach Culture wzbogacające wiedzę o świecie i inspirujące do dalszego poznawania świata.
KOMUNIKACJA I PERSONALIZACJA • Różnorodne ćwiczenia komunikacyjne motywujące uczniów do częstego używania języka.
Voices 1
New Voices to nowoczesny czteropoziomowy kurs stworzony specjalnie dla polskich gimnazjalistów. Seria New Voices w pełni realizuje założenia podstawy programowej, zarówno dla poziomu III.0, jak i III.1, jednocześnie pozwala uczniom podnieść i rozwinąć sprawności komunikacyjne w sytuacjach bliskich realiom nastolatków. Kurs New Voices zawiera wyjątkowe rozwiązania:
Egzamin Gimnazjalny Repetytorium Poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony
Karolina Kotorowicz-Jasińska, Arkadiusz Mędela
Podręcznik do języka angielskiego
www.macmillan.pl Egzamin gimnazjalny okladka dobry grzbiet.indd 1
New Voices_WB1_cover.indd 1
Katherine & Steve Bilsborough
Dla nauczyciela:
innowacyjna książka dla nauczyciela – pełne repetytorium • z wpisanymi odpowiedziami do zadań płyta z dodatkowymi 6 przykładowymi testami egzaminacyjnymi, • testami powtórkowymi i kartkówkami agrania audio całego materiału zawartego w repetytorium • noraz w książce nauczyciela
24.03.2014 13:19
15-01-22 10:58