What a character!
Człowiek, Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie p14 Review 1
A good sport
2 Sport
p26 Review 2
Welcome home!
Dom p38 Review 3
Study time
4 Szkoła
p4 personality
Vocabulary challenge! personality adjectives
A work of art
5 Kultura
vocabulary: emotions
Vocabulary challenge! personality (verb collocations)
p16 sports
Vocabulary challenge! sports people (word formation)
p28 houses and locations
Vocabulary challenge!
location (verb collocations)
p40 school and schoolwork
Vocabulary challenge! easily confused words
p50 Review 4
LISTENING AND VOCABULARY p5 listening for detail Prawda/Fałsz
p52 participating in culture
Vocabulary challenge! forms of culture
p17 listening for gist and detail Dobieranie vocabulary: extreme and dangerous sports, professional sport Vocabulary challenge! verb collocations
GRAMMAR pp6–7 present simple and present continuous; verb + -ing form / infinitive Transformacje zdań Grammar challenge! verb patterns after stop and try pp18–19 used to and past simple; past continuous and past simple Grammar challenge! when with past simple and past continuous
vocabulary: the education system
p53 listening for gist and detail Dobieranie, Wielokrotny wybór vocabulary: art, phrasal verbs
pp42–43 present perfect and past simple; modals of deduction: may/might/could, can’t, must Grammar challenge! the present perfect and past simple – talking about the present and the past
pp64–65 TEST PRACTICE 1–5: Rozumienie ze słuchu Dobieranie • Rozumienie pisanego tekstu Wielokrotny wybór p66 shops; products; p67 listening for gist, intention and pp68–69 comparative and superlative To spend buying and selling context adjectives; (not) as … as, too, enough 6 or not to spend? Vocabulary challenge! Dobieranie Grammar challenge! comparison with less and services least Zakupy i usługi vocabulary: shopping online, verbs and prepositions
Food for thought
p78 food items; describing food
Vocabulary challenge! food adjectives
p88 Review 7
Crime scene
Państwo i społeczeństwo
pp54–55 will and going to; must and have to Grammar challenge! the difference between must and have to
p62 Review 5
p76 Review 6
p29 listening for gist, intention, context pp30–31 and detail; distinguishing fact and opinion present perfect: How long? for /since; present perfect: just, already, yet Wielokrotny wybór Grammar challenge! been and gone vocabulary: living in a town
p41 listening for detail Prawda/Fałsz, Wielokrotny wybór
p90 crimes and criminals
Vocabulary challenge! verb collocations
p79 listening for gist and detail Wielokrotny wybór vocabulary: food and diet Vocabulary challenge! phrasal verbs
p91 listening for detail Dobieranie, Wielokrotny wybór vocabulary: cybecrime
Vocabulary challenge! word formation
pp80–81 articles: a/an, the, zero article; some, any, much, many, a few, a little, a lot of Grammar challenge! in bed and in the bed etc.
p92–93 past perfect; reported statements Grammar challenge! when with past simple and past perfect
(negative adjectives)
p100 Review 8
Back to nature
Świat przyrody
p112 Review 9
It works!
Nauka i technika
p102 landscape and geographical features
Vocabulary challenge! adjectives
p114 using technical equipment
Vocabulary challenge! easily confused words
p103 listening for gist and detail Dobieranie vocabulary: weather and climate
p115 listening for detail and context; distinguishing fact and opinion Wielokrotny wybór vocabulary: technical failures
p104–105 zero and first conditional; second conditional Transformacje zdań Grammar challenge! unless
pp116–117 the passive: present simple, past simple; the passive: present perfect, will, review of all forms Transformacje zdań Grammar challenge! active and passive
p124 Review 10 pp126–127 TEST PRACTICE 6–10:
Rozumienie ze słuchu Wielokrotny wybór • Rozumienie pisanego tekstu Dobieranie
p128 CULTURE 1: London and Washington p129 CULTURE 2: Popular sports
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p130 CULTURE 3: Festivals and celebrations p131 CULTURE 4: Music awards
p132 CULTURE 5: The English and the Polish p133–137 SPEAKING TESTS 1–5
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READING AND VOCABULARY pp8–9 reading for detail Dobieranie vocabulary: hobbies and interests Vocabulary challenge! synonyms, compound nouns p15 Wordlist 1 pp20–21 reading for detail, gist and intention Wielokrotny wybór, Dobieranie vocabulary: sports equipment and sports events Vocabulary challenge! collocations with beat and win p27 Wordlist 2 pp32–33 reading for gist Dobieranie zdań do luk w tekście vocabulary: rooms and furniture Vocabulary challenge! easily confused words p39 Wordlist 3 pp44–45 reading for gist; coherence and cohesion Dobieranie nagłówków do części tekstu vocabulary: teaching and learning; technology in education Vocabulary challenge! word formation (nouns) p51 Wordlist 4 pp56–57 reading for gist and detail Wielokrotny wybór vocabulary: literature and reading Vocabulary challenge! prepositional phrases p63 Wordlist 5
SPEAKING p10 meeting people Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli
WRITING p11 a personal profile
p12 like, would like and look like Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań, Test luk sterowany, Transformacje zdań
p13 listening: matching statements with two speakers Dobieranie
p22 talking about a past p23 an email event E-mail Rozmowa vocabulary: adjectives z odgrywaniem roli
p24 used to and be used to Minidialogi, Uzupełnianie zdań, Test luk otwarty
p25 speaking: role-play Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli
p34 describing a picture p35 a blog entry Rozmowa na podstawie Wpis na blogu ilustracji grammar: so and such vocabulary: describing a room
p37 reading: matching Dobieranie nagłówków do części tekstu
p46 expressing and justifying an opinion Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli
p47 a letter of enquiry List z zapytaniem
p58 arranging to go out Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli
p59 a competition entry p60 Zgłoszenie do Test luk sterowany, konkursu Transformacje zdań, Układanie fragmentów zdań grammar: and, but, because and so
grammar: adverbs of degree Profil internetowy
grammar: indirect questions
Transformacje zdań, Test luk sterowany, Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań
Uzupełnianie zdań, Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań, Test luk
p49 writing: an email E-mail
p61 listening: matching Dobieranie
• Znajomość środków językowych Test luk, Uzupełnianie zdań • Mówienie Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli • Wypowiedź pisemna Wpis na blogu pp70–71 reading for gist and detail p72 in a clothes shop p73 a product review p74 fit, match and suit p75 speaking: photo description Wielokrotny wybór, Prawda/Fałsz Rozmowa Wpis na forum Tłumaczenie fragmentów z odgrywaniem roli zdań, Minidialogi, Rozmowa na vocabulary: advertising Słowotwórstwo podstawie ilustracji Vocabulary challenge! polysemous words p77 Wordlist 6 pp82–83 reading for detail, distinguishing opinion and fact Wielokrotny wybór vocabulary: meals and preparing food Vocabulary challenge! easily confused words p89 Wordlist 7 pp94–95 reading for detail, cohesion and coherence Dobieranie zdań do luk w tekście
p84 ordering food Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli vocabulary: restaurants
p96 reporting news Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli
vocabulary: law and justice Vocabulary challenge! word formation (nouns) p101 Wordlist 8 p106–107 reading for gist and detail Dobieranie nagłówków do części tekstu
p108 stimulus-based discussion Rozmowa na vocabulary: natural disasters podstawie materiału Vocabulary challenge! polysemous words stymulującego
p113 Wordlist 9 pp118–119 reading for detail Dobieranie vocabulary: ICT technology Vocabulary challenge! predictions
vocabulary: holiday activities
p85 an email invitation: p86 E-mail Uzupełnianie zdań, z zaproszeniem Transformacje zdań, Test luk otwarty
p87 reading: multiple choice Wielokrotny wybór
p97 a forum entry Wpis na forum
p99 a blog entry Wpis na blogu
vocabulary: hate crimes
p109 a paragraph of an essay Rozprawka vocabulary: green issues
p120 making complaints p121 a paragraph of a letter to the editor Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli List do redakcji
Minidialogi, Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań, Słowotwórstwo
p110 prepositions of place p111 listening: multiple choice Test luk sterowany, Transformacje zdań, Wielokrotny wybór Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań
p122 collocations with invent and discover Uzupełnianie zdań, Minidialogi, Transformacje zdań
p123 speaking: stimulus-based discussion Rozmowa na podstawie materiału stymulującego
p125 Wordlist 10 • Znajomość środków językowych Minidialogi, Transformacje zdań • Mówienie Rozmowa na podstawie materiału stymulującego • Wypowiedź pisemna Wpis na forum
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p142–145 WRITING BANK p146 TEST EACH OTHER Student B
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