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Student’s Worksheet 1 Exam Roundup – Unit 1 Warm-up Discuss the following issues with your partner.

1. Do you like listening to instrumental music? Why / Why not? 2. Can you name any famous composers? Have you got a favourite? 3. What is an orchestra? Have you ever been to an orchestral concert? If yes, did you like it? Task 1

Look at the pictures of instruments below and match them with their names.


Task 2


















Read the text and answer the questions below.

1. Do you ever watch trailers? Do you like them? Have you ever seen trailers of the films or games mentioned in the text? 2. Would you like to go to a concert of trailer music? Why / Why not?

© Macmillan Polska 2014

erican musicTwo Steps from Hell is an Am ated in 2006 by production company that was cre sen. The two Nick Phoenix and Thomas Berger for film and composers create music mainly that promote computer game trailers – short films e interesting a film or a game by showing som k of such titles scenes included in them. Just thin gue of Legends as Harry Potter, X-Men, Twilight, Lea played any of or Mass Effect. If you’ve seen or Two Steps from them, you are sure to have heard Hell.



Student’s Worksheet 2 Exam Roundup – Unit 1 Task 3

POZIOM PODSTAWOWY Kelly and Jack have been to a concert. Listen to their conversation and match the people to the instruments they liked best. There is one extra instrument you don’t need to use.



1. Jack

A. piano B. violin

2. Sam

C. drums

3. Kelly

D. flute

4. Linda

Task 4

E. accordion

POZIOM PODSTAWOWY Read the descriptions of the albums by Two Steps from Hell and match them with the people who would most enjoy them. There is one extra album you don’t need to use.


Jennifer. She is a very outgoing and passionate person. She likes reading comic books about various superheroes. She doesn’t like doing everyday activities because she finds them boring.


Samantha: She is a sh y person who prefers being alone and doesn’t like noise or an y loud sounds. She enjoys wa tching films and reading books abou t love. She hates being scare d.


This album takes you on a journey to a small co ttage far away from civilisation and offers you a peacefu l and romantic mood. Wa rm, elegant and beautifu l music is performed by best violin and cello mu sicians as well as amazing voca lists. If you feel like you need to take a good rest and relax, this is an album for you.



Jason: He usually wears black clothes and his favourite subject is science. He loves reading science e sam the fiction books and playing kind of games. He dislikes traditional classical music.



most amazing epic For those of you who look for the t choice. Powerful and trailer music, Legend is the righ finest musicians and emotional tracks recorded by the the famous ‘Heart of orchestras around the world include Earth’ pieces. Just try Courage’ and ‘Protectors of the m, and you’ll see how listening to it while cleaning your roo easily and quickly you can do it. ASHES

If ghosts, nightmare cre atures and other terrifying monsters composed music, they would surely create an alb um like Ashes. Haunting tunes and beautiful but scary melodies may make you love thi s album or cause a pa nic attack. Don’t try listening to it late at night or when yo u’re home alone.


album takes you to futuristic worlds, The mostly electronic music of this nets. You won’t hear many of the metal spaceships and far-away pla re are a lot of electric guitars and classical instruments here, but the by you’re keen on music inspired classical rock fragments. So if , this album will definitely suit you. technology and electronic sounds

© Macmillan Polska 2014



Student’s Worksheet 3 Exam Roundup – Unit 1 Task 5

Task 6

Look back at the text and match the underlined words with the definitions below. Use the basic form of each word.

1. …………………

create music

2. …………………


3. …………………

register music electronically

4. …………………

play music

5. …………………

a thing you can hear

6. …………………

a musical composition

7. …………………

a state of mind or emotions

8. …………………

one particular song on a CD

Discuss the following issues with your class.

1. Which of the Two Steps from Hell albums mentioned in the text would you like to listen to most? Why? Make a class survey and find out which album is the most popular. 2. Does music influence your mood? Do you ever become sad when you listen to sad music or happy when you listen to happy tunes? 3. Do you ever imagine things or create stories when you listen to music?

© Macmillan Polska 2014



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