Student’s Worksheet 1 Exam Roundup – Unit 2 Warm-up
Discuss the following issues with your partner.
1. What special days do you know that are celebrated in the USA? Name at least three. 2. Would you like to take part in an American celebration? Why/why not? 3. Have you ever been to New York? If yes, what did you like the most? If not, would you like to go? Task 1
Read Rita’s diary entry and answer the questions below.
7th October 2014 Dear Diary, I’m super excited! Last week my mum told me that we were going to New York for the Columbus Day Parad e. I don’t think I have ever been happier! This year the Parade takes place because October, 13th on always is Day Columbus second the on celeb rated Monday of that month. Every year about 35,000 people take part in the celebrations, including more than 100 groups with live ba nd s an d flo at s that look like ships. The Parade m ar ch es along Fifth Avenue and passes gr an ds ta nd s located between 67th and 69th Streets. And I’m going to se e all of that! And no school on that day, I can’t wait!
1. What special day is Rita going to take part in? 2. Where and when is she going? 3. What is she going to see?
Task 2
Look at the words in bold in the text and match them with their definitions below.
1. …………………… –
a decorated platform that moves during celebrations
4 …………………… –
special places for the audience to sit
2. …………………… –
to behave in a special way during a festival or other important day
5. …………………… –
a group of musicians playing together
3. …………………… –
an organised public procession
6. …………………… –
to walk in a procession
© Macmillan Polska 2014
Student’s Worksheet 2 Exam Roundup – Unit 2 Task 3
POZIOM PODSTAWOWY Rita and her parents are on their way to the parade. They want to get to the grandstand, but they’ve got some problems. Match the road signs (1–4) with the sentences (A–E). There is one extra sentence.
4. Grandstand
1. ……………………
Rita and her parents
2. ……………………
3. ……………………
4. ……………………
A. This sign tells drivers not to drive too quickly. B. This sign bans drivers from entering a road. C. This sign informs drivers that the street has no exit. D. This sign warns drivers that their cars may be taken away. E. This sign informs drivers that there may be problems on the road. Task 4
Work in a group of 3 students. Look at the pictures of people taking part in different parades and answer the questions below.
1. What are the people in the picture doing? 2. What are they wearing? 3. How do they feel? 4. What country is the parade probably taking place in? © Macmillan Polska 2014
Student’s Worksheet 3 Exam Roundup – Unit 2 Task 5
POZIOM ROZSZERZONY Choose one of the parades in Task 4, read the instructions below and write an e-mail to your friend.
Wybierasz się na paradę organizowaną z okazji obchodów ważnego święta. Napisz e-mail do kolegi/ koleżanki, w którym: • opiszesz, gdzie i kiedy odbywa się wydarzenie oraz jak zamierzasz się tam dostać; • opiszesz atrakcje przewidziane w związku z paradą; • zaprosisz kolegę/koleżankę do wzięcia udziału w wydarzeniu razem z Tobą. Podpisz się jako XYZ. Postaraj się rozwinąć swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów – pamiętając, że długość listu powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów.
© Macmillan Polska 2014