S 1 2 3
page 4
Making music page 8
Let’s celebrate
■ Family
■ be
■ Clothes
■ have
Reading & Listening
■ School
subjects ■ Sports, sklils and abilities ■ Food and drink ■ Adjectives of opinion ■ Instruments
and musicians ■ Adjectives of opinion
■ Present
simple adverbs and expressions ■ like, love, hate, not mind + -ing
■ R:
■ Frequency
A website article – The ones to watch ■ L: A radio game show
■ Celebrations:
■ Present
continuous simple and present continuous ■ Present continuous for future arrangements
■ R:
is / there are with a/an, some and any ■ much, many and a lot of
■ R:
verb + noun ■ Special days
page 20
Where do you live?
Language Focus
■ At
home and places of work
■ Jobs
■ Present
■ there
page 32
An article – Celebrations around the world quiz ■ L: A short talk – A mobile phone conversation An article – Hobbit House ■ L: A short talk – Conversations around town
REVISION 1–3 page 44 Vocabulary and Language Focus Exam Practice
4 5
Screen stories page 48
Disaster zone!
programmes of film
simple: affirmative and negative / were ■ Past simple: questions and short answers ■ ago
■ R:
■ was
An article – The history of reality television ■ L: A radio programme
■ Past
continuous: affirmative and negative ■ Past continuous: questions and short answers ■ Past simple and past continuous
■ R:
■ Games
■ Comparative
■ R:
■ Computers
■ Superlative
■ L:
■ Types
■ Natural
■ Adverbs
page 60
Playing games
■ TV
page 72
■ Past
adjectives adjectives ■ could / couldn’t ■ should / shouldn’t
Reports – News in brief ■ L: An interview
Reader reviews A converstion – Board Games around the World
REVISION 4–6 page 84 Vocabulary and Language Focus Exam Practice
Your future, our future
International adventures
■ will
■ Recycling:
■ First
■ Types
■ Health
■ would
■ R:
An article – Eco-friendly inventions ■ L: A science programme
page 88 of transport problems and first aid
page 100
Best friends
life story materials and containers
/ won’t conditional
■ Your
page 112
■ Personal
issues of character
■ Adjectives
be going to like to / wouldn’t like to ■ must / mustn’t ■ Indefinite pronouns ■
Present perfect: affirmative review: present, past and future
■ Tense
■ R:
An article – eTwinning: A new way of learning ■ L: Conversations about health ■ R:
Reader letters – Dear Francis … ■ L: A conversation on relationships
REVISION 7–9 page 124 Vocabulary and Language Focus Exam Practice Communicative activities A page 129 Communicative activities B page 130 Irregular verbs page 131
Voices_SB2_PL_Contents.indd 2
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Speaking & Pronunciation
Language in Action
Exam Builder
■ Personal information ■ Describing people ■ English in the
classroom ■ Daily routines ■ Free time
■ Asking about
■ Advertisements
■ Music in Wales
activities ■ Sentence stress
■ Planning celebrations ■ An invitation
but, because
■ and,
■ Independence
■ /ɪ/ and /iː/
■ Capital
■ Asking about where
■ A description
■ Life in an
Arctic town
you live ■ Word stress
letters and punctuation
of a place ■ Order of adjectives
■ Talking about actions ■ A description
■ Bollywood in
in the past ■ /d/, /t/ and /ɪd/
of a fi lm ■ Planning paragraphs
■ Describing a picture
■ A narrative
■ Hurricane Rita –
Interview with a rescue service worker
■ /wɒz/ and /wəz/
■ Expressing
■ The Fair Hill
preferences ■ Silent l
■ Asking questions
■ Welcome to the
South Africa ■ South Africa trip
Northern Ireland
about the future ■ will (’ll)
■ Asking about types
of transport ■ /ʌ/ and /aː/
■ Discussing star signs
■ Northern Ireland ■ Past simple and
peace process
Voices_SB2_PL_Contents.indd 3
present perfect
day, then, later, in the end
■ one
■ A survey ■ Word order
■ A letter of
complaint ■ Checking verbs
■ Advice for
travellers ■ too and also
■ A description
of a friend ■ Using pronouns
■ Talking about likes and
dislikes What do you think of …? It’s OK / not bad I suppose. ■ Making arrangements
I’m free on … Where shall we meet?
■ Asking for directions
I’m looking for … Go straight on.
■ Talking about preferences
I’d rather watch … It’s better than … ■ Making conversation
It’s very wet today, isn’t it? Anyway, how’s your family? ■ Giving advice
What should I get then? I think you should get …
E Rozumienie
ze słuchu dobieranie
E Rozumienie
tekstów pisanych dobieranie History
E Znajomość funkcji
językowych dobieranie E Znajomość środków językowych wybór wielokrotny
E Rozumienie
ze słuchu wybór wielokrotny Literature E Rozumienie
tekstów pisanych dobieranie
E Znajomość funkcji
językowych wybór wielokrotny ICT E Znajomość środków językowych dobieranie
■ Giving opinions
E Rozumienie ze słuchu I think it’s a good idea to … prawda/fałsz In my opinion, …
■ Travelling by train E Rozumienie tekstów pisanych What time is the next train? wybór wielokrotny Where does it leave from? ■ Finding information What sort of thing are you looking for? I’d like to find out about …
E Znajomość funkcji
językowych wybór wielokrotny E Znajomość środków językowych wybór wielokrotny
13/06/11 10:04