Voices 2 WB Unit 5

Page 1

8 Exam Builder

Zadanie egzaminacyjne

Rozumienie ze słuchu 1 Pracujcie w parach. Zastanówcie się, które

z podanych w ramce słów/wyrażeń mogą pojawić się w rozmowach na tematy 1–3.

1 What’s on Channel 1 at 8pm? A B


2 Where are Lisa and Patrick? A B


Przeczytaj teksty 1–4 i odpowiedz na pytania. Zaznacz literę A, B lub C.

1 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie pracujcie

w parach i zastanówcie się, dlaczego odpowiedzi na pytania 1–3 są niezgodne z treścią tekstu. Podkreślcie fragmenty zawierające poprawne odpowiedzi.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć krótkich tekstów. na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, w pytaniach 1–5 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

illustrations 7 o’clock nomination author The News ceremony channel great story the best actress

Zadanie egzaminacyjne

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

1.52 Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania.

1 TV programme 2 Favourite book 3 The Oscars

1 My wife and I visited Gdansk in 2007 and were really impressed by the Dominican Fair (Jarmark Dominikański). This was our first time on the Baltic coast. We enjoyed the concerts in the port as well as the street theatres. We met lots of interesting people and bought fantastic souvenirs. What is the text about? A The text is about the Baltic coast. B The text is about having a good time at the Dominican Fair. C The text is about people who live in Gdansk.

2 Przeczytaj dialog. następie dopasuj go do

jednego z tematów 1–3 z zadania 1.

1.51 Wysłuchaj dialogu a następnie zaznacz odpowiedź A, B, C zgodną z treścią nagrania.


Podczas określania głównej myśli tekstu wybierz odpowiedź odnoszącą się do jego całości, a nie jedynie do fragmentów. Finland is the fifth largest country in Europe but only 5 million people live there. The first impression you get looking out of an airplane window is that there are a lot of trees and lakes with a few small towns. However, Helsinki, Tampere and Turku are modern high-tech cities. In Lapland, in the north, you can visit Santa Claus and meet thousands of reindeer. Here you can also experience white nights in summer, when days are 24 hours long. There are plenty of things you can do in Finland, eg you can go cycling, sailing, horse riding or fishing. You can do winter sports from November till May because there is a lot of snow and when you get cold, you can relax in a sauna.

3 What’s the weather forecast for Saturday? A B C

1 What does Vicky like watching on TV? A

4 What does Kate want Betty to do? A read a book about vampires B watch a film about vampires C like vampires 5 Which present does John like most? A B C


Exam Practice 1




Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź pilota balonu. Na podstawie usłyszanych informacji zaznacz w tabeli znakiem ✗, tIp które zdania 1–3 są prawdziwe (TRUE), T

3 How long is Finnish winter?

4 napisz krótki dialog na wybrany temat

z ćwiczenia 1. następnie pracujcie w parach. Wymieńcie się dialogami i spróbujcie zgadnąć, którego tematu dotyczą.

The unusual tractor … A has got large wheels. B travels under water. C was used by Agatha Christie.

You can take the Great Orme Tramway … A from Monday till Sunday B at 6 o’clock in the morning. tekstów z zadania egzaminacyjnego. C from a café to the Great Orme Nature Park.

4 Wymyśl tytuły do dwóch wybranych

C Active holidays in Finland

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

7-9 4

This strange seatractor will take you over to Burgh Island in Devon. It travels on enormous wheels with its passengers high up above the 4 The World Sauna Championships take place every water. When you August in Heinola, Finland. Over 160 participants from reach the island, you 25 countries travel to Heinola to see who can stay can follow in the the longest in a very hot sauna. In 2009 a Finn, Timo footsteps of Agatha Kaukonen, won the championships. He stayed in 110 Christie – she wrote degrees Celsius for 3 minutes and 46 seconds. one of her famous detective novels here. How many people take part in the World Sauna Championships every year? A about 25 B 110 C more than 160

1 – HowWinter did youinget here? is about 4 months long. Finland – A I often walk to school. 2 Przeczytaj tekst po raz kolejny. Następnie B I’m going to take a bus. zakryj go i zapisz w zeszycie 3 najważniejsze C I came by train. informacje, które udało ci się zapamiętać. 2 – Porównaj swoje notatki z kolegą/koleżanką. – Oh, yes. I love riding my bike! A Do you ever cycle? 3 Zdecyduj, która odpowiedź na poniższe B Which bike do you prefer? pytanie jest poprawna. Zakreśl literę A, C What’s your favourite sport? B lub C. 3 – How often does the train leave? – The best title for the text is: A At A 5pm. Lapland – the place you must visit B It lasts 45 minutes. B Finland has a lot to offer C Every fifteen minutes.



Zacznij wykonywanie zadania egzaminacyjnego od wyeliminowania błędnych odpowiedzi.

3 The first hot air balloon was up in the air on 19th 3 September 1783. The passengers were a sheep, a duck The balloon stayedsince in the air for The and Greata chicken. Orme Tramway has operated fifteen minutes crashing the ground. 1902. It takes before passengers to the back Greatto Orme Nature Park. There’s a café and a mini-golf How long did the first hot air balloon stay in the air? course at the top. Trams operate seven days A quarter of an hour a week, every 20 minutes from 10 am until B half an hour 6 pm. For only £5.20 return, it’s a great day out. C nineteen minutes

towns and many forests and lakes.

2 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–3, wybierając spośród 2 Why are summer nights in Lapland unusual? podanych odpowiedzi brakującą wypowiedź Summer nights are 24 hours long. jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

2 They will be more than 300 metres high. 3 The text is about dangers of taking a balloon trip.


How did the person get to Croatia? A He/she came by plane. B He/she came on foot. C He/she took a train.

1 What is Finland like?

2.52 Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania.

a które – fałszywe (FALSE). Nie musisz rozumieć wszystkich słów użytych w rozmowie. Postaraj się wyłowić jedynie 1 Late afternoon is the best time to go on interesujące cię fakty, a balloon trip. ignorując mało istotne informacje.

2 What time is a science fiction film on?

2 I came to Croatia from Italy by train and then took a flight from Zagreb, which is the capital of Croatia, to Dubrovnik. I explored Dubrovnik on foot. It’s a beautiful old city with amazing sights, lovely beaches and friendly people.

Finland hasn’t got any cities, only a few small Znajomość funkcji językowych

Rozumienie ze słuchu C


Lucy So, what do you think Tina? tina I think Sandra Bullock is an amazing actress and she really deserves it! Lucy Absolutely! She was great in The Blind Side. tina It was a perfect role for her. Lucy Did you like her gold dress at the ceremony? tina Oh yes! She looked fantastic! 3

Voices 2

4 Exam Builder

3 Przeczytaj teksty 1–4 i odpowiedz na pytania. Zaznacz jedną z trzech możliwości A, B lub C.


109 Znajomość środków językowych


Voices_SB2_PL_U04.indd 57

Student’s Book

17_04_11 15:40

Voices_SB2_PL_U08.indd 109

There’s something for everyone in Britain! Exciting cities, historic castles, spectacular countryside and beautiful coastlines. Visit the world’s top tourist attractions in England, walk up Ben Nevis in Scotland, explore Wales – the Celtic land of castles – and discover Britain’s smallest country – Northern Ireland.

17_04_11 13:06

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych poniżej wybierz właściwe, poprawne pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym uzupełnienie luk 1–3. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.


If you’d like to get a bird’s-eye view of Bath, take a balloon ride over this beautiful city. The best time to go is in the morning. Balloon rides are good for everyone from 9 to 90, but you must book earlier.


I have never been to Iceland but my father told me (1)_ about it. When he (2)_ a student, he went there with his mates. They rented a jeep and travelled all around the country. I would like to go there with my friends one day but first I (3)_ take driving lessons. I hope I’ll pass the test. I’m also going to get a part-time job in order to save enough money for the journey. 1 A a lot 2 A is 3 A have

B a few B has been B need

C many C was C must

samoocena Słownictwo

świat przyrody (zagrożenia i ochrona środowiska naturalnego, klęski żywiołowe) elementy wiedzy o krajach obszaru nauczanego języka oraz o kraju ojczystym, z uwzględnieniem kontekstu międzykulturowego

Posługuję się podstawowym słownictwem dotyczącym następujących tematów:

Student’s CD

This recording is copyright and unauthorized copying is illegal.

człowiek (cechy charakteru) szkoła (życie szkoły) życie rodzinne i towarzyskie (okresy życia, codzienne czynności, formy spędzania czasu wolnego, święta i uroczystości, styl życia, konflikty i problemy) podróżowanie i turystyka (środki transportu, orientacja w terenie, informacja turystyczna, wycieczki, zwiedzanie) zdrowie (samopoczucie, choroby, ich objawy i leczenie, pierwsza pomoc) nauka i technika (wynalazki)

If you want to take a balloon ride, you … A should go at 9 in the morning. B can’t be 90 years old. C must make a reservation.

The text is mainly about … A different tourist attractions in Britain. B places to see in England. C exploring spectacular castles in Wales.

Słuchanie Rozumiem ze słuchu proste, krótkie wypowiedzi (rozmowy, programy telewizyjne, horoskopy). Potrafię reagować na polecenia określić główną myśl tekstu znaleźć w tekście określone informacje określić kontekst wypowiedzi




ill an Pu bl i

Student’s s he

rs L im

ited 2 0


09. First Polish Editio

la mil Mac

k ols nP


17_04_11 15:15

Voices_SB2_PL_R03.indd 127

17_04_11 15:15

Exam Builder and Exam Practice pages

1. 01

Voices_SB2_PL_CD_gradient.indd 1


17_04_11 20:24

2 1


Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. Jak brzmi hasło?








T 4

3 I always

1 2

Połącz wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby powstały poprawne wyrażenia. Wykorzystaj rysunki jako wskazówki. 1 a bottle

a) tuna

2 a jar

b) tomatoes

3 a tin 4 a can

d) jam

Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi wyrazami.

Special days

What happens to the things we recycle?

1 2

f) cola

7 a bag

g) oil

A newspaper is made of paper. 1 a window / glass

m n


5 It always It

Present continuous for future arrangements 1 5

Przeczytaj, jakie Nick ma plany na najbliższy tydzień. Uzupełnij zdania.

v l y



study English

celebrate birthday!


write letters

Present continuous Uporządkuj wyrazy, tak aby powstały poprawne zdania.

1 the / doing / moment / What / they / are / at / ?

Bottles make more (6) b_ _ _ _ _ _ and (7) j_ _ _ for the food industry.



7 V l nt n ’s

1 3

here in the north. now! (rain, rain) tennis every day, but I’m not well . (play, rest)


6 h r e t f s


every weekend, but this . (work, not work) lunch at the moment. He always at one o’clock. (eat, eat)

4 We usually our homework in the . evening, but this evening we (do, not study)

Special day:


tidy house


make a cake








3 in / kitchen / is / The / the / dog / sitting 4 her / My / isn’t / mother / glasses / wearing 5 raining / Is / it / ?

Plastic bottles are very useful. The (8) p_ _ _ _ _ _ is ideal for rubbish bins and park benches. Believe it or not, they recycle plastic (9) b_ _ _ into garden furniture!

Yes, of course. What time does it start? At twelve o’clock, but (2) … over there at 10.00 to help.


OK. (3) … me to do?


go to the cinema

6 the / I’m / at / moment / working / not

1 On Monday


Well, Joe and Andy are making (4) … and Dawn (5) … the garden. You can help her. OK. (6) … decorations!

I’m not (am not) You aren’t (are not) He/She/It isn’t (is not) We/You/They aren’t (are not)


Is Paul coming with you?



No, he (7) … to birthday parties. He isn’t very sociable!


Oh well. Are you (8) … Dawn a present?


Yes, a few of us (9) … her a watch. What about you?

Am I Are you Is he/she/it Are we/you/they


I’ve got her a book. (10) …


Yes, (11) … without a book.


Well, see you tomorrow then.


Yeah, bye!

02k.indd 22

6 desktop computer disc drive keyboard laptop memory stick mouse printer screen speakers webcam

Facts & Figures



1.13 billion


New Delhi

Official languages

Hindi and English


Indian rupee

Internet domain


Facts & Figures

b) to come

c) coming

b) we going to

c) we’re going

3 a) What you do want

b) What do you want

c) What want you

4 a) some food special

b) some special food

c) some special foods

5 a) is decorating

b) decorates

c) is decorate

6 a) I love making

b) I love make

c) I love makeing

b) goes never b) having

c) making

b) are giving

c) give

10 a) She loves reading.

b) She loves the reading.

c) She loves read.

11 a) you see her never

b) never you see her

c) you never see her

Message 2


4 Peter is often / never late.

2 On Tuesday

. .

4 On Thursday


5 On Friday


Message 1

6 On Saturday


1 Lisa / Ellie is going to study in France.

09 Posłuchaj trzech wiadomości telefonicznych i zakreśl właściwe słowo.

2 Ellie / Ellie’s mum is cooking a special meal.

The first American bank opened in 1782. The first college (Harvard) started in 1636. The first American stamps appeared in 1847. The first skyscraper in the USA was built in Chicago in 1885. The first underground metropolitan train system (subway) started in Boston in 1897.

5 It’s the speaker’s birthday / Valentine’s Day. 6 The speaker is waiting / working in a restaurant. Message 3

02k.indd 23

The windiest!

Test your memory! When did the first American bank open? How hot was it in Death Valley on July 10th, 1913? When are tornadoes most common in the USA?

Find out how many people in the USA speak the following languages. Go to: www.ethnologue. com/show_country.asp?name=US English: Spanish: French: Russian: German:

12l.indd 129

4-05-11 12:14:36








having a party?

k ols nP


1. 01


Present continuous for future arrangements Present continuous stosowany do mówienia o przyszłości Czasu present continuous używamy również do mówienia o konkretnych planach na przyszłość. We’re having a party next Saturday. What are you doing next weekend? Jeśli używamy czasu present continuous do mówienia o przyszłości, stosujemy wówczas wyrażenia czasowe odnoszące się do przyszłości. tomorrow, next weekend, next week, next month, next year Tom is coming tomorrow.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

4-05-11 13:16:19







2 Jack / not do / his homework / because/ he / feel / ill 3 My dad / usually / drive / to work / but / he / cycle / today


Przekształć zdania z ćwiczenia 2. na przeczenia.

4 I / wash / the car / but / I / not wash / it / every week 5 We / go / to a different museum / every month / We / visit / the Prado / this month 6 My parents / not like / the food on the menu / They / go / to another restaurant

We aren’t wearing witches’ costumes.


Dzisiaj jest poniedziałek 12. maja. Spójrz na notatki z kalendarza Megan. Napisz zdania na temat jej planów na najbliższy i przyszły tydzień.

May Ułóż pytania, wykorzystując wyrazy podane w nawiasach.

1 a B 2 a B 3 a B 4 a B 5 a B 6 a B

Are you listening

Monday 12 Grandparents have dinner Monday 19 with us – 7.00pm

Revise for exams

Tuesday 20

Revise for exams

Tuesday 13

(you / listen) to me?

Dad goes to China

Wednesday 14

Yes, I am. (he / go)? To the sports centre, I think. (you / wear) to the party? A dragon costume. (your girlfriend / come) to the concert? No, she isn’t. (your parents / chat) to? The neighbours. (I / make) a lot of noise? Yes, you are!

Zakreśl właściwą formę.

Paul takes his driving test

Thursday 15

Sunday 18

Wednesday 21 Revise for exams Thursday 22

See film with Bill

Friday 16

Saturday 17 Anna stays for 2 days Anna here

My grandparents

Friday 23

Revise for exams Revise for exams

Saturday 24 Sunday 25

are having dinner with us at 7pm . . . . . .

1 Dad 2 Paul 3 Bill and I 4 Anna 5 I

2 Bay of Bengal Indus Valley Civilisation

Houses The houses had rooms with windows and doors and some possibly had rooms for bathing. Most houses had drains to take away the dirty water and some had wells to provide fresh water.


This model is made from terracotta. Terracotta is a type of clay that is moulded and then baked in the sun to harden.


Archaeologists found these bracelets in Mohenjo-Daro. They are made from beads of semi-precious stones, so the owner of these bracelets was probably rich. Jewellery like this was passed down through families.

Pots like these had many different uses: for drinking water and milk or holding special liquids like oil.





characteristic (adj)



dark (hair) (adj)

/dɑːk (heə)/

ciemne (włosy)

eyes (n pl)


face (n)



fair (hair) (adj)

/feə (heə)/

jasne (włosy)

height (n)



/lɒŋ (heə)/

długie (włosy)

short (hair) (adj)

/ʃɔːt (heə)/

krótkie (włosy)

sunbathe (v)


opalać się

suntan (n)



tall (adj)



weigh (v)



weight (n)



boots (n)


buty powyżej kostki

coat (n)



imaginative (adj) independent (adj) jealous (adj) lively (adj)

139 13r.indd 139

Across the curriculum

4-05-11 13:23:19

zabawny pomysłowy, twórczy

moody (adj)



mysterious (adj)



nice (adj) optimistic (adj) patient (adj) quiet (adj) sad (adj) / selfish (adj) serious (adj)

/naɪs/ /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ /ˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt/ /ˈkwaɪət/ /sæd/ /ˈselfɪʃ/ /ˈsɪəriəs/

miły, przyjemny, uprzejmy optymistyczny cierpliwy cichy smutny samolubny poważny

sociable (adj)



stubborn (adj)



stupid (adj)


tired (adj)



/ˌbi ˈmæd əˈbaʊt/

być zwariowanym na punkcie






be mad about




kurtka, marynarka



sandals (n pl)



scarf (n)



shirt (n)



shoes (n)


ability (n)


bad (adj)


favourite (adj)


good (adj) interesting (adj)

umiejętność zły ulubiony dobry




take part in



/ˌteɪk ˈpɑːt ɪn/

wziąć udział

skirt (n)

unusual (adj)



trainers (n)

buty sportowe, adidasy

niezwykły, niespotykany





Miejsce zamieszkania



angrily (adv)


ze złością

annoying (adj)



bored (adj)



boring (adj)



calm (adj)


block of flats (n)

Put your project on a poster and show it to your classmates and teacher.


niezależny zazdrosny pełen życia, żwawy lojalny skąpy


jacket (n) jumper (n)

amazing (adj)

Present your materials


/ˈlɔɪəl/ /miːn/

dress (n)

trousers (n pl)

Use your notes to write three short texts about the artefacts and draw some pictures to illustrate the texts.

/ˈfrendli/ /ˈfʌni/ /ɪˈmæʤɪnətɪv/ /ˈʤeləs/ /ˈlaɪvli/

loyal (adj) mean (adj)

gloves (n pl)

Uczucia i emocje



Find some information about three artefacts. Think about how people lived in the place the artefacts come from and make notes.


long (hair) (adj)

T-shirt (n)

Project Do a project on artefacts discovered in lost cities.



attractive (adj) body (n)

hat (n)



Look at the table on your worksheet that you have received from your teacher and choose a lost city.

4-05-11 13:23:06

friendly (adj) funny (adj) /əˈpɪərəns/

appearance (n)


4-05-11 12:25:44

Wordlist 1 CZŁOWIEK

3 Dopasuj zdjęcia do tekstów.


10n.indd 101

Wygląd zewnętrzny

When archaeologists discover artefacts in their excavations, they interpret them to understand how people lived in the past.

138 13r.indd 138

It is very cold today but it isn’t snowing.


1 We are wearing witches’ costumes. It’s Halloween! 2 Paul a large tray of drinks. 3 They to the music. 4 Look! The cat our pizza. 5 Carol the chocolates in the cupboard. 6 We a great time.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Napisz zdania, używając w każdym z nich obu czasów: present simple i present continuous.


1 It / be / very cold / today / but / it / not snow


Grammar bank & Grammar exercises 4-05-11 12:25:44


containers, often used for food a piece of jewellery that goes around your wrist a place where people live together a deep hole dug in the ground to provide water the system of passages for water and waste in a town or city a man-made object a mixture of water and earth Mohenjo-Daro a block for building houses

Arabian Sea


Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą present continuous czasowników z ramki.


Czasu present simple używamy do mówienia o nawykach i zwyczajach. They celebrate Thanksgiving every year. (routine) We go to the cinema on Thursdays. (routine) Czasu present continuous używamy do mówienia o czynnościach, które odbywają się w chwili mówienia o nich. Hundreds of people are walking in the procession. (now) He is eating Thanksgiving dinner. (now)

3 Why are you wearing / do you wear my jacket? Take it off now! 4 The dog is drinking / drinks a lot of water. It’s thirsty. 5 I’m usually buying / usually buy funny presents for my sister for her birthday. 6 Are you liking / Do you like this music?

Napisz poprawną formę czasownika z końcówką -ing. leave go carry sit celebrate watch chat study


10n.indd 100

2 Przeczytaj teksty i zaznacz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.


Vocabulary bank & Vocabulary plus 4-05-11 12:29:14

chat ➜ chatting put ➜ putting


1 Mohenjo-Daro means … a) … Mound of Indus. b) … Mountain of Death. c) … Mound of the Dead. 2 The city is about ... square kilometres in size. a) 1.5 b) 15 c ) 5.1 3 Many house walls in First Street … a) … aren’t there any more. b) … are still there. c) … are underground. 4 Archaeologists found a system of ... in the houses. a) towns b) drains c) roads 5 They made … from mud. a) walls b) wells c) bricks

Web quest


a bracelet drains an artefact mud a settlement a well a brick pots

First Street First Street is the most famous street in Mohenjo-Daro; it’s ten metres wide in some places. Many of the house walls are still standing. The people made bricks from mud and dried them in the sun. They used the bricks to build foundations, walls, buildings and wells.

The USA is the country with the most tornadoes in the world. It has more than 1,000 tornadoes a year - four times more than all of Europe. Tornadoes are most common in spring and least common in winter. Most of the tornadoes are in the centre of the USA in an area called ’Tornado Alley’.

11k.indd 121

have ➜ having make ➜ making

Interpreting artefacts

The lost city of Mohenjo-Daro The lost city of Mohenjo-Daro existed more than 4,000 years ago in the Indus Valley in South Asia. People from the Indus Valley Civilisation lived there between 2600 and 1900 bc. MohenjoDaro means Mound of the Dead. Nobody lives there today, but archaeologists think that more than 35,000 people lived there in the past. The city is about 1.5 square kilometres in size. The ruins of the city, in Pakistan, are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lake Superior is one of the Great Lakes of the USA. It is famous for being the biggest freshwater lake in the world. It is about 563 kilometres from west to east and 257 kilometres from north to south. Lake Superior is also the coldest and the deepest of the Great Lakes.

2 Jakie rodzaje gier komputerowych przedstawiają rysunki?

la mil Mac

1 I’m going / go now. See you tomorrow! 2 We’re having / have dinner now.

1 Połącz wyrazy z ich definicjami. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The biggest!

adventure strategy action role-play flight simulation racing sports war karaoke life simulation


am are

Across the curriculum

The hottest!

1 Sprawdź znaczenie podanych wyrazów. Jakie rodzaje gier komputerowych lubisz?


Lost cities

The longest river in the USA is the Missouri River. It is over 4,000 kilometres. The biggest island in the USA is Hawaii. It has an area of more than 10,400 sq. kilometres. The highest waterfall in the USA is Yosemite Falls in California. The water falls more than 700 metres.

Computer games


When the verb ends in -e, we omit the -e and add -ing. When the verb has only one syllable and ends with one vowel and one consonant (except -w, -x or -y), we double the consonant and add -ing.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7 James is inviting Tony / Clive to a celebration.

Revision Standard & Revision Extra 4-05-11 12:14:30

Death Valley is a valley in the Mojave Desert, California. It is famous for being the hottest place in the USA. Death Valley also holds the record for the hottest temperature recorded in the western hemisphere. On July 10th, 1913 it was 56.7° C. That’s hot!

Vocabulary plus


wear ➜ wearing eat ➜ eating

8 James’s family always / usually has celebrations at Pizza Point.


Extremes in the USA

What should I get then? I think you should get … Good idea. It’s a bargain!


Where What

Czasu present continuous używamy do mówienia o czynnościach, które mają miejsce w momencie mówienia o nich. I am decorating the house. Czas present continuous tworzymy w następujący sposób: podmiot + be + verb + -ing. W pytaniach szyk jest następujący: be + subject + verb + -ing. Are you singing? W krótkich odpowiedziach nie powtarzamy już formy czasownika + -ing. Is it eating? Yes, it is. ✓ Yes, it is eating. ✗

c) never goes

8 a) giving 9 a) giving

3 On Wednesday

Check it out!


Useful expressions I’m looking for a … I’m thinking of buying … I don’t think you should give him/her …

having a good time?

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we/you/they are. / No, we/you/they aren’t.

1 a) come


We form the present participle of most verbs with the infinitive + -ing.

Present simple and continuous

short answers

2 a) we’re going to

Culture: The USA

Vocabulary bank

09. First Polish Editio

17_04_11 20:50

9 They’re having a party / eating special food.

Activities Computers


question words

3 Lisa is staying at Ellie’s / Grace’s house.

4-05-11 12:13:29

board games chess console controller dice draughts memory card pack of cards software stylus



Neil Brian

7 a) never go Sunday

I’m (am) You’re (are) He/She/It’s (is) We/You/They’re (are)



ited 2 0

sPelling rules


Are you (1) … to Dawn’s party tomorrow?

Brian Neil

6 these aeroplanes / paper

68 07f.indd 68

rs L im

Grammar exercises

Present continuous


2 studying / Is / now / she / ?

3 a can / aluminium

5 this bath / metal

’s t’s

8 s h

They use old cardboard to make pizza (3) b_ _ _ _. Paper makes more (4) p_ _ _ _. They recycle telephone directories into egg (5) c_ _ _ _ _ _.

2 these dolls / plastic

4 a box / cardboard


st r Sunday

5 b r h a

Napisz zdania, używając made of.

a newspaper / paper

Uzupełnij brakujące litery w nazwach świąt. Zaznaczone litery utworzą nazwę kolejnego święta.

3 M th 4 s

3 He


Przeczytaj dialog i zaznacz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.

to school, but today he by bus. (walk, go)

2 She usually weekend she

6 I today so I

1 prize-giving 2

Recycling centres melt cans into blocks of aluminium. Then they use these blocks to make more (1) _c _a n_ _s and (2) t_ _ _ for the food industry.

e) shopping

6 a box

the house and

6 We always our traditional costumes during the feasts in our village.

c) milk


5 a carton

1 3

1 4

your mother a present on

5 It’s Christmas! Let’s the tree.



Student’s s he

Grammar bank

Cumulative check

Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami czasowników podanych w nawiasach.


my friends a birthday card.

4 Do you Mother’s Day? 6 7

1 4

1 He usually

2 It’s Bonfire Night. Let’s go and fireworks!




Present simple and present continuous

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami.

1 It’s my birthday. I’m going to a party.




ill an Pu bl i


Revision Extra

Celebrations: verb + noun

Recycling: materials and containers



Revision Standard

Vocabulary 2


Voices_WB2_PL_CD_gradient.indd 1

Workbook contents 7

Katherine & Steve Bilsborough


Workbook CD

This recording is copyright and unauthorized copying is illegal.

126 Voices_SB2_PL_R03.indd 126

buy a house community cosy (adj) county detached house (n) flat (n)

/ˌblɒk əv ˈflæts/ /ˌbaɪ ə ˈhaʊs/ /kəˈmjuːnəti/ /ˈkəʊzi/ /ˈkaʊnti/ /dɪˌtæʧt ˈhaʊs/ /flæt/

blok mieszkalny kupić dom społeczność przytulny hrabstwo, powiat dom wolnostojący mieszkanie



move (to) (v)

przeprowadzić się


/muːv (tuː)/

calmly (adv)


move home


/ˌmuːv ˈhəʊm/

careful (adj)


wyprowadzić się z domu

carefully (adv)



chatty (adj)






twórczy, pomysłowy

determined (adj)



embarrassing (adj)



exciting (adj)



cheerful (adj) creative (adj)

neighbour (n)


next-door neighbour (n) /ˌnekstdɔː ˈneɪbə/ residential area (n)

/ˌrezɪˌdenʃ(ə)l ˈeərɪə/

sąsiad sąsiad zza ściany dzielnica mieszkaniowa

semi-detached house (n) /ˌsemidɪˌtæʧt ˈhaʊs/ dom bliźniak /ˌʃeə ə ˈruːm/

dzielić pokój

skyscraper (n)



terraced house (n)

/ˌterəst ˈhaʊs/

dom szeregowy

share a room

152 14p.indd 152


4-05-11 13:24:43

www.macmillan.pl ISBN 978-83-7621-039-1

9 788376 210391

Voices_WB2_PL_Cover.indd 1

Includes Grammar bank


Vocabulary bank

Across the curriculum

Vocabulary plus


Katherine & Steve Bilsborough 06_05_11 15:06


Disaster zone!

Vocabulary 1 12 Uzupełnij wycinki z gazet odpowiednimi nazwami klęsk żywiołowych.

Recycle Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.


snowy sunny hot cold rainy cloudy


It’s a beach.

day. Let’s go to the

1 It’s a umbrella. 2 It’s jumper.


killed In south-east Asia a wave h tre-hig six-me A . people of nds thousa g. bathin were s tourist where s beache hit the


day. Take an

Most of the city was without electricity yesterday after hit the power station.

outside. Wear a warm 3

3 I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt because it’s very  . 4 It’s a very see the sun.

day. You can’t

5 It’s at the top of the mountain. Let’s go skiing.


caused millions of A terrible pounds worth of damage last night. The wind reached 120 km per hour and damaged trees, cars and houses.

Natural phenomena 1 Znajdź w diagramie 12 nazw zjawisk przyrodniczych. Niezakreślone litery utworzą hasło. hurricanedearthq


uakeihailstonesava l

ch an



metsun amirtorna tor

esthunderandlightningavolcanice r




Extra word:

Thousands of square metres of forest burned to the ground in a yesterday. Firefighters now have the situatio n under control.


The combination of heavy rain and high tides caused the river to break its banks. There’s water everywhere – in the houses, in the shops, in the schools. It’s a disaster. This is I can remember. the worst

An killed three skiers and injured four this morning in the Alps. A rescue team was on the scene almost immediately. 7

hit the northern part An of Pakistan yesterday. It registered 5.5 on the Richter Scale. It destroyed most of the buildings in the area and thousands of people are dead or missing. 8

When the erupted, all of the population were safe. The evacuation of the island was 100% successful.

46 05g.indd 46

8-05-11 22:26:35

D 5 Language Focus 1 Past continuous: affirmative and negative 1 Napisz poprawnie czasowniki z końcówką -ing. swim


1 study

6 leave

2 rain

7 worry

3 wait

8 listen

4 ride

14 Spójrz na rysunki. Napisz 7 zdań na temat różnic między rysunkiem A (tym, co osoby na obrazku robiły wczoraj) a rysunkiem B (tym, co robią dzisiaj). Użyj czasowników z ramki. play ride sit eat talk come out of read cycle walk lie drink listen go into paint chase play A


9 lie

5 write

12 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą past continuous czasowników z ramki. wait lie watch rain ride talk We were waiting didn’t arrive.

for the bus for hours, but it

1 I the football match on TV from three o’clock to five o’clock yesterday. 2 It when I went out this morning, but now it’s sunny. 3 My friends the night before.


about the storm

4 He was very wet. He his bike when it started to rain.


home on

5 The dog on the ground next to the car after the accident.

13 Popraw informacje zawarte w zdaniach, używając skróconych form czasowników. He was riding a bike. (horse)

He wasn’t riding a bike, he was riding a horse. 1 She was watching the news. (the weather forecast) 2 The people were talking about the earthquake. (tsunami)

Yesterday the children were playing football. Today they are cycling.

3 We were listening to a CD. (watch a DVD)



4 I was swimming in the sea. (swimming pool)



5 My parents were phoning the police. (the fire brigade)




47 05g.indd 47

8-05-11 22:26:37

5 Vocabulary 2 Adverbs 1 Uzupełnij tabelę odpowiednimi przysłówkami.

13 Popraw błędną formę lub zapis przymiotników i przysłówków w podanych zdaniach.

























The rescue workers worked hardly to save the hard survivors. ✗



1 In the event of a fire, walk calm to the fire exit. ✗

12 Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami lub przysłówkami utworzonymi od wyrazów z ramki.

2 You can easy prevent accidents. ✗ 3 They drove very careful because of the rain. ✗

quick hard good bad 4 They were running away from the volcano very fastly. ✗ 5 She was a really badly singer – her voice was terrible! ✗ 6 He plays the guitar beautiful. ✗

14 Uporządkuj wyrazy, tak aby powstały poprawne polecenia. away / the / from / Move / trees / quickly

Move quickly away from the trees. 1 to / Walk / door / calmly / the The football team played really and won the match. 1 He was a very played for England. 2 He walked 3 The bus was very ten minutes. 4 She worked 5 It was a 6 He is a very never wins. 7 They play really good time.


2 classroom / in / Wait / the / quietly

football player – he to the train station. – it only took to pass her exams. exam – I failed. tennis player – he

3 patiently / Wait / teacher / the / for 4 to / window / Move / the / slowly 5 library / in / Talk / the / quietly 6 the / Close / carefully / door

, but they have a

48 05g.indd 48

8-05-11 22:26:38

5 Language Focus 2 Past continuous: questions

Past simple and past continuous

1 Spójrz na odpowiedzi udzielone na pytania reportera i ułóż do nich pytania.

13 Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami czasowników podanych w nawiasach.

erupted  , lots of people When the volcano were lying on the beach. (erupt / lie ) 1 When the plane I

What were your family doing when the hurricane arrived at midnight? My family were sleeping when the hurricane arrived at midnight. 1

Yes, it was raining heavily. It was windy too.

into the skyscraper, a newspaper. (crash / read)

2 When the fire

, we a barbecue. (start / have)

3 I

TV when lightning my house. (watch / strike)

4 We avalanche

in the Alps when an  . (ski / occur) 5 When the doctor  , the boy for him outside the house. (arrive / wait)

14 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie, tak aby miało takie samo znaczenie jak pierwsze.


At midnight I was washing the dishes.


Because that’s my job – I work in a restaurant.


I was wearing my work clothes and a pair of boots.


We were waiting for a bus when a taxi came.

While When I arrived home, the rescue workers were helping my family leave the house.

12 Napisz krótkie odpowiedzi na pytania. Were your parents waiting for you? Yes,

they were


we were waiting for a bus, a taxi came.

1 I was doing my exam when my mobile rang.


2 They were swimming in the sea when it started raining.


1 Were your friends playing football with you?

3 While you were having a bath, the telephone rang.





2 Was she listening?



3 Was he drinking water?



4 Was the dog running away?



5 Were they riding horses?



6 Were you listening to music?





. 4 While she was studying last night, the lights went out.  .

15 Odpowiedz na pytania na swój temat. 1 What were you wearing yesterday? 2 What were you doing at 7am this morning? 3 What were you doing last Saturday?

49 05g.indd 49

8-05-11 22:26:39

5 Writing Dossier A narrative Look: one day, then, later, in the end 1 Podkreśl okoliczniki czasu i uporządkuj chronologicznie historię. a)

c)   Then I took it to my friend’s house to play. Later my friend kicked it into somebody’s   garden. d)


In the end, we climbed over the wall and got it back!   One day I bought a new football.

Plan 12 Spójrz na rysunki i uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.

cheese weekend then France in the end ferry brother happy police officer crying found family

Last (1) I went to (2) with my (3)  . We travelled by (4)  . On the first day, we walked around the town . (5) we went to a market to buy some (6)  . Later we lost my (7)  . My mother was (8) and my father asked a (9) for help. It was a terrible moment. (10)  , the policeman (11) my brother so everybody was (12)  .





Write 13 Napisz opowiadanie składające się z czterech akapitów. Jako podpowiedzi użyj wyrazów z ramki i rysunków.

last winter skiing trip minibus excited broke his leg ambulance hospital plaster a




Check 14 Sprawdź swój tekst. Zwróć uwagę na użycie okoliczników czasu, prawidłową pisownię i użycie czasów.

50 05g.indd 50

8-05-11 22:26:40

5 Language in Action Making conversation 1 Uporządkuj wyrazy, tak aby powstały poprawne zwroty.

14 Kevin rozmawia z mamą przyjaciela, panią Grey. Napisz dialog podobny do tego z ćwiczenia 3. Wykorzystaj podpowiedzi z ramki.

1 it / very / today / cold / It’s / isn’t / ? / ,

weather family exams weekend plans


2 too / thanks / Fine / bad / Not / . / , / !

Oh, hello, Mrs Gray.

Mrs Gray Hello Kevin.

3 sunny / hope / the / I / it’s / weekend / at / .



Mrs Gray Yes, it’s going to be

4 your / Anyway / mother / how’s / ? / ,


Mrs Gray


Posłuchaj nagrania i zakreśl słowa, które usłyszysz. 25

1 Hi, is Helen in / there? 2 It’s very wet / warm today, isn’t it? 3 Anyway / Really, do you want a cup of tea? 4 I hope it’s hot / sunny tomorrow.



?  . ?

That’s good.

Mrs Gray Kevin Mrs Gray Kevin

5 How’s your brother / sister? 6 I’m OK / well, thanks.

1 Uporządkuj dialog. 3a

1 6













Mr Jones Better, thanks. It’s OK now.



Yeah. It’s going to be hot all week.

Not too bad thanks ... oh hi Kay!

d Mr Jones Come in, Julie. Kay is just getting her school bag. e



f Mr Jones Well, I hope it’s sunny on Sunday. I’m going fishing! g Julie Thanks. How’s your wife’s leg, Mr Jones? h

Mr Jones Anyway, how’s your dad, Julie?




Mr Jones It’s hot today, isn’t it?

1 3b

That’s nice.

26 Posłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź odpowiedzi.

51 05g.indd 51

8-05-11 22:26:42

5 Revision Standard Natural phenomena 1 Uporządkuj litery, tak aby powstały poprawne nazwy klęsk żywiołowych. Następnie dopasuj je do rysunków. 1 chealvana


2 cahurerin


3 nasliddel


4 matisun


5 thosailens


6 morst




Past continuous: affirmative and negative 13 Połącz fragmenty zdań. 1 It

a) working at lunchtime.

2 The dog

b) was raining.

3 I

c) weren’t waiting for me.

4 We weren’t

d) cleaning her teeth.

5 They

e) wasn’t eating its food.

6 She was

f) was studying last night.

Past continuous: questions 14 Przekształć zdania z ćwiczenia 3. na pytania i napisz krótkie odpowiedzi. 1













2 c


3 4 5




Past simple and past continuous 15 Zakreśl właściwą formę.


1 The police arrived / were arriving while he made / was making a cup of tea.

12 Czy poniższe wyrazy są przymiotnikami (adj) czy przysłówkami (adv)? Uważaj, gdyż niektóre z nich mogą być i przysłówkiem, i przymiotnikiem. Dopisz do każdego słowa brakującą formę.

2 She washed / was washing her hair when the phone rang / was ringing.



1 hard

2 angry

3 good

4 quickly

5 fast

6 careful

7 easy

calm (adj)

3 The storm started / was starting while they watched / were watching the football match. 4 I watched / was watching TV when the earthquake happened / was happening. 5 It rained / wasn’t raining when we arrived / were arriving home. 6 We lay / were lying on the beach when the tsunami hit / was hitting.

52 05g.indd 52

8-05-11 22:26:42

5 Revision Extra Cumulative check

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.

Heavy storms forecast This morning the Met Office told many areas of Wales to be prepared for more heavy rain and (1) … It (2) … at this time of year, but these storms are particularly bad. In one town, residents were (3) … all morning to drain the water from inside their homes. It (4) … for eight hours last night and the weather forecast (5) … not (6) … for tomorrow. One resident, John Davies, spoke to our reporter: ‘Last night I (7) … in my garage at about six o’clock. Suddenly water (8) … under the garage doors. It was windy and the rain (9) … in through the windows. (10) … thunder and lightning as well, so it was a real storm. I think my garage is OK now but I’m (11) … every hour.’

1 a) flood

b) floods

c) waters

2 a) rains often heavily

b) often rains heavily

c) is often raining heavily

3 a) working hard

b) working hardly

c) hard working

4 a) rained heavily

b) rained heavy

c) heavily rained

5 a) be

b) isn’t

c) is

6 a) well

b) goodly

c) good

7 a) worked

b) were working

c) was working

8 a) was appearing

b) appeared

c) appears

9 a) was coming

b) did come

c) is coming

10 a) There were

b) There was

c) There is

11 a) checking careful

b) checking carefully

c) check carefully


Posłuchaj nagrania i zakreśl właściwe słowo.

1 There was thunder and lightning this morning / last night. 2 Paul was trying to study / sleep. 3 Paul was wearing a red jumper / coat yesterday. 4 It was sunny / snowing this morning. 5 Paul was walking quickly / carefully. 6 Liz fell over two / three times. 7 Paul’s mum wants to visit him / him to come home. 8 Paul is on a course for a month / week.

53 05g.indd 53

8-05-11 22:26:43

5 Extra Language Practice Dictation 1



Unit grammar check Posłuchaj nagrania i napisz

14 Przeczytaj tekst wywiadu i zaznacz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Error correction 12 Popraw błędy w podanych zdaniach. I was watched the football match. ✗

I was watching the football match. 1 What he was eating? ✗ 2 She not was speaking to me. ✗ 3 They were waiting for you? ✗ 4 We walked to the shop when a car crashed near us. ✗ 5 What was the people watching? ✗

What were you doing? Reporter 9/11 was the day that terrorists (1) … the World Trade Centre in New York. Everyone (2) … the event on television. Everyone remembers what they were doing at the time. What (3) …? Woman 1 I was working in my office. My husband (4) … me and he told me the news. It was a terrible day for the whole world. Woman 2 I (5) … that day. My husband and I (6) … for our holiday. We (7) … the holiday though. We (8) … travel by plane after September 11th. Reporter Thank you for your time. Now, listeners, please call and tell us what you were doing …

6 I was watching TV while you arrived. ✗

1 a) were attacking c) attack

b) attacked

2 a) were watching c) was watching

b) watched


3 a) you were doing c) were you doing

b) you doing

4 a) phoned c) did phone

b) was phoning

5 a) wasn’t working c) didn’t work

b) wasn’t work

6 a) go shopping c) are shopping

b) were shopping

7 a) cancel c) cancelled

b) were cancelling

8 a) not want to c) didn’t want to

b) weren’t wanting to

7 When the volcano erupted, I swam in the sea. ✗

13 Przetłumacz na język polski poprawione zdania z ćwiczenia 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


29 Posłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź odpowiedzi.

54 05g.indd 50

8-05-11 22:26:44

5 Reading 1 Przeczytaj szybko tekst i zaznacz wyrazy, które się w nim pojawiły.


summit   fall

lava   map

rocks   guide

island   lake

Posłuchaj nagrania i sprawdź odpowiedzi. 30

VO L C A N O s c i t a n a f

13 Znajdź w tekście poniższe przymiotniki i dopasuj je do definicji. 1 active

a) impossible to forget

2 incredible

b) very big

3 memorable

c) special and mysterious

4 magical

d) working, functioning

5 enormous

e) pleasant

6 enjoyable

f) difficult to believe

14 Odpowiedz na pytania. Wpisz T (Tony), R (Rob) lub J (Jerry). Who… 1 … climbed an active volcano? 2 … climbed for five days? 3 … was in the company of Canadians? 4 … went swimming on the way up to the top of a volcano? 5 … enjoys climbing when it is dark?






Tony A very exciting time in my life was when I climbed Semeru in Indonesia. It’s an active volcano and it erupts every 30 minutes. The eruptions are incredible – really exciting. It took four days to climb to the top. I was climbing with a group of Canadians. We hired a local guide and he led us to the summit. I remember the guide well because he was wearing a Manchester United football shirt!



Tony, Rob and Jerry share an interest in volcanoes. But they are not scientists or geology students. Like thousands of other people around the world, their hobby is climbing – climbing volcanoes. Read about some of their experiences.

I had a very memorable time when I visited Bali. A few of us decided to climb Agung. It was very difficult. We set off at midnight and arrived at the top at nine the next morning. The whole trip lasted about 15 hours. We always climb volcanoes at night because it’s too hot during the day. That’s one of the magical things about climbing volcanoes.


My favourite volcano is on the island of Lombok. The volcano is called Rinjani and it is enormous. The first time I climbed it, we took five days to reach the top. We had local guides and they took us to a giant lake on the way up. We were swimming one moment and climbing the next! Coming down was enjoyable too because we had fantastic views of the island.


55 05g.indd 51

8-05-11 22:26:46

8 Exam Builder

Zadanie egzaminacyjne

Rozumienie ze słuchu 1 Pracujcie w parach. Zastanówcie się, które

z podanych w ramce słów/wyrażeń mogą pojawić się w rozmowach na tematy 1–3.

1 What’s on Channel 1 at 8pm? A B


2 Where are Lisa and Patrick? A B


Przeczytaj teksty 1–4 i odpowiedz na pytania. Zaznacz literę A, B lub C.

1 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Następnie pracujcie

w parach i zastanówcie się, dlaczego odpowiedzi na pytania 1–3 są niezgodne z treścią tekstu. Podkreślcie fragmenty zawierające poprawne odpowiedzi.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć krótkich tekstów. na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, w pytaniach 1–5 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

illustrations 7 o’clock nomination author The News ceremony channel great story the best actress

Zadanie egzaminacyjne

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

1.52 Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania.

1 TV programme 2 Favourite book 3 The Oscars

1 My wife and I visited Gdansk in 2007 and were really impressed by the Dominican Fair (Jarmark Dominikański). This was our first time on the Baltic coast. We enjoyed the concerts in the port as well as the street theatres. We met lots of interesting people and bought fantastic souvenirs. What is the text about? A The text is about the Baltic coast. B The text is about having a good time at the Dominican Fair. C The text is about people who live in Gdansk.

2 Przeczytaj dialog. następie dopasuj go do

jednego z tematów 1–3 z zadania 1.

1.51 Wysłuchaj dialogu a następnie zaznacz odpowiedź A, B, C zgodną z treścią nagrania.


Podczas określania głównej myśli tekstu wybierz odpowiedź odnoszącą się do jego całości, a nie jedynie do fragmentów. Finland is the fifth largest country in Europe but only 5 million people live there. The first impression you get looking out of an airplane window is that there are a lot of trees and lakes with a few small towns. However, Helsinki, Tampere and Turku are modern high-tech cities. In Lapland, in the north, you can visit Santa Claus and meet thousands of reindeer. Here you can also experience white nights in summer, when days are 24 hours long. There are plenty of things you can do in Finland, eg you can go cycling, sailing, horse riding or fishing. You can do winter sports from November till May because there is a lot of snow and when you get cold, you can relax in a sauna.

3 What’s the weather forecast for Saturday? A B C

1 What does Vicky like watching on TV? A

4 What does Kate want Betty to do? A read a book about vampires B watch a film about vampires C like vampires 5 Which present does John like most? A B C


Exam Practice 1




Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź pilota balonu. Na podstawie usłyszanych informacji zaznacz w tabeli znakiem ✗, tIp które zdania 1–3 są prawdziwe (TRUE), T

3 How long is Finnish winter?

4 napisz krótki dialog na wybrany temat

z ćwiczenia 1. następnie pracujcie w parach. Wymieńcie się dialogami i spróbujcie zgadnąć, którego tematu dotyczą.

The unusual tractor … A has got large wheels. B travels under water. C was used by Agatha Christie.

You can take the Great Orme Tramway … A from Monday till Sunday B at 6 o’clock in the morning. tekstów z zadania egzaminacyjnego. C from a café to the Great Orme Nature Park.

4 Wymyśl tytuły do dwóch wybranych

C Active holidays in Finland

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

7-9 4

This strange seatractor will take you over to Burgh Island in Devon. It travels on enormous wheels with its passengers high up above the 4 The World Sauna Championships take place every water. When you August in Heinola, Finland. Over 160 participants from reach the island, you 25 countries travel to Heinola to see who can stay can follow in the the longest in a very hot sauna. In 2009 a Finn, Timo footsteps of Agatha Kaukonen, won the championships. He stayed in 110 Christie – she wrote degrees Celsius for 3 minutes and 46 seconds. one of her famous detective novels here. How many people take part in the World Sauna Championships every year? A about 25 B 110 C more than 160

1 – HowWinter did youinget here? is about 4 months long. Finland – A I often walk to school. 2 Przeczytaj tekst po raz kolejny. Następnie B I’m going to take a bus. zakryj go i zapisz w zeszycie 3 najważniejsze C I came by train. informacje, które udało ci się zapamiętać. 2 – Porównaj swoje notatki z kolegą/koleżanką. – Oh, yes. I love riding my bike! A Do you ever cycle? 3 Zdecyduj, która odpowiedź na poniższe B Which bike do you prefer? pytanie jest poprawna. Zakreśl literę A, C What’s your favourite sport? B lub C. 3 – How often does the train leave? – The best title for the text is: A At A 5pm. Lapland – the place you must visit B It lasts 45 minutes. B Finland has a lot to offer C Every fifteen minutes.



Zacznij wykonywanie zadania egzaminacyjnego od wyeliminowania błędnych odpowiedzi.

3 The first hot air balloon was up in the air on 19th 3 September 1783. The passengers were a sheep, a duck The balloon stayedsince in the air for The and Greata chicken. Orme Tramway has operated fifteen minutes crashing the ground. 1902. It takes before passengers to the back Greatto Orme Nature Park. There’s a café and a mini-golf How long did the first hot air balloon stay in the air? course at the top. Trams operate seven days A quarter of an hour a week, every 20 minutes from 10 am until B half an hour 6 pm. For only £5.20 return, it’s a great day out. C nineteen minutes

towns and many forests and lakes.

2 Uzupełnij minidialogi 1–3, wybierając spośród 2 Why are summer nights in Lapland unusual? podanych odpowiedzi brakującą wypowiedź Summer nights are 24 hours long. jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

2 They will be more than 300 metres high. 3 The text is about dangers of taking a balloon trip.


How did the person get to Croatia? A He/she came by plane. B He/she came on foot. C He/she took a train.

1 What is Finland like?

2.52 Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania.

a które – fałszywe (FALSE). Nie musisz rozumieć wszystkich słów użytych w rozmowie. Postaraj się wyłowić jedynie 1 Late afternoon is the best time to go on interesujące cię fakty, a balloon trip. ignorując mało istotne informacje.

2 What time is a science fiction film on?

2 I came to Croatia from Italy by train and then took a flight from Zagreb, which is the capital of Croatia, to Dubrovnik. I explored Dubrovnik on foot. It’s a beautiful old city with amazing sights, lovely beaches and friendly people.

Finland hasn’t got any cities, only a few small Znajomość funkcji językowych

Rozumienie ze słuchu C


Lucy So, what do you think Tina? tina I think Sandra Bullock is an amazing actress and she really deserves it! Lucy Absolutely! She was great in The Blind Side. tina It was a perfect role for her. Lucy Did you like her gold dress at the ceremony? tina Oh yes! She looked fantastic! 3

Voices 2

4 Exam Builder

3 Przeczytaj teksty 1–4 i odpowiedz na pytania. Zaznacz jedną z trzech możliwości A, B lub C.


109 Znajomość środków językowych


Voices_SB2_PL_U04.indd 57

Student’s Book

17_04_11 15:40

Voices_SB2_PL_U08.indd 109

There’s something for everyone in Britain! Exciting cities, historic castles, spectacular countryside and beautiful coastlines. Visit the world’s top tourist attractions in England, walk up Ben Nevis in Scotland, explore Wales – the Celtic land of castles – and discover Britain’s smallest country – Northern Ireland.

17_04_11 13:06

4 Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych poniżej wybierz właściwe, poprawne pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym uzupełnienie luk 1–3. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.


If you’d like to get a bird’s-eye view of Bath, take a balloon ride over this beautiful city. The best time to go is in the morning. Balloon rides are good for everyone from 9 to 90, but you must book earlier.


I have never been to Iceland but my father told me (1)_ about it. When he (2)_ a student, he went there with his mates. They rented a jeep and travelled all around the country. I would like to go there with my friends one day but first I (3)_ take driving lessons. I hope I’ll pass the test. I’m also going to get a part-time job in order to save enough money for the journey. 1 A a lot 2 A is 3 A have

B a few B has been B need

C many C was C must

samoocena Słownictwo

świat przyrody (zagrożenia i ochrona środowiska naturalnego, klęski żywiołowe) elementy wiedzy o krajach obszaru nauczanego języka oraz o kraju ojczystym, z uwzględnieniem kontekstu międzykulturowego

Posługuję się podstawowym słownictwem dotyczącym następujących tematów:

Student’s CD

This recording is copyright and unauthorized copying is illegal.

człowiek (cechy charakteru) szkoła (życie szkoły) życie rodzinne i towarzyskie (okresy życia, codzienne czynności, formy spędzania czasu wolnego, święta i uroczystości, styl życia, konflikty i problemy) podróżowanie i turystyka (środki transportu, orientacja w terenie, informacja turystyczna, wycieczki, zwiedzanie) zdrowie (samopoczucie, choroby, ich objawy i leczenie, pierwsza pomoc) nauka i technika (wynalazki)

If you want to take a balloon ride, you … A should go at 9 in the morning. B can’t be 90 years old. C must make a reservation.

The text is mainly about … A different tourist attractions in Britain. B places to see in England. C exploring spectacular castles in Wales.

Słuchanie Rozumiem ze słuchu proste, krótkie wypowiedzi (rozmowy, programy telewizyjne, horoskopy). Potrafię reagować na polecenia określić główną myśl tekstu znaleźć w tekście określone informacje określić kontekst wypowiedzi




ill an Pu bl i

Student’s s he

rs L im

ited 2 0


09. First Polish Editio

la mil Mac

k ols nP


17_04_11 15:15

Voices_SB2_PL_R03.indd 127

17_04_11 15:15

Exam Builder and Exam Practice pages

1. 01

Voices_SB2_PL_CD_gradient.indd 1


17_04_11 20:24

2 1


Rozwiąż krzyżówkę. Jak brzmi hasło?








T 4

3 I always

1 2

Połącz wyrazy z obu kolumn, tak aby powstały poprawne wyrażenia. Wykorzystaj rysunki jako wskazówki. 1 a bottle

a) tuna

2 a jar

b) tomatoes

3 a tin 4 a can

d) jam

Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi wyrazami.

Special days

What happens to the things we recycle?

1 2

f) cola

7 a bag

g) oil

A newspaper is made of paper. 1 a window / glass

m n


5 It always It

Present continuous for future arrangements 1 5

Przeczytaj, jakie Nick ma plany na najbliższy tydzień. Uzupełnij zdania.

v l y



study English

celebrate birthday!


write letters

Present continuous Uporządkuj wyrazy, tak aby powstały poprawne zdania.

1 the / doing / moment / What / they / are / at / ?

Bottles make more (6) b_ _ _ _ _ _ and (7) j_ _ _ for the food industry.



7 V l nt n ’s

1 3

here in the north. now! (rain, rain) tennis every day, but I’m not well . (play, rest)


6 h r e t f s


every weekend, but this . (work, not work) lunch at the moment. He always at one o’clock. (eat, eat)

4 We usually our homework in the . evening, but this evening we (do, not study)

Special day:


tidy house


make a cake








3 in / kitchen / is / The / the / dog / sitting 4 her / My / isn’t / mother / glasses / wearing 5 raining / Is / it / ?

Plastic bottles are very useful. The (8) p_ _ _ _ _ _ is ideal for rubbish bins and park benches. Believe it or not, they recycle plastic (9) b_ _ _ into garden furniture!

Yes, of course. What time does it start? At twelve o’clock, but (2) … over there at 10.00 to help.


OK. (3) … me to do?


go to the cinema

6 the / I’m / at / moment / working / not

1 On Monday


Well, Joe and Andy are making (4) … and Dawn (5) … the garden. You can help her. OK. (6) … decorations!

I’m not (am not) You aren’t (are not) He/She/It isn’t (is not) We/You/They aren’t (are not)


Is Paul coming with you?



No, he (7) … to birthday parties. He isn’t very sociable!


Oh well. Are you (8) … Dawn a present?


Yes, a few of us (9) … her a watch. What about you?

Am I Are you Is he/she/it Are we/you/they


I’ve got her a book. (10) …


Yes, (11) … without a book.


Well, see you tomorrow then.


Yeah, bye!

02k.indd 22

6 desktop computer disc drive keyboard laptop memory stick mouse printer screen speakers webcam

Facts & Figures



1.13 billion


New Delhi

Official languages

Hindi and English


Indian rupee

Internet domain


Facts & Figures

b) to come

c) coming

b) we going to

c) we’re going

3 a) What you do want

b) What do you want

c) What want you

4 a) some food special

b) some special food

c) some special foods

5 a) is decorating

b) decorates

c) is decorate

6 a) I love making

b) I love make

c) I love makeing

b) goes never b) having

c) making

b) are giving

c) give

10 a) She loves reading.

b) She loves the reading.

c) She loves read.

11 a) you see her never

b) never you see her

c) you never see her

Message 2


4 Peter is often / never late.

2 On Tuesday

. .

4 On Thursday


5 On Friday


Message 1

6 On Saturday


1 Lisa / Ellie is going to study in France.

09 Posłuchaj trzech wiadomości telefonicznych i zakreśl właściwe słowo.

2 Ellie / Ellie’s mum is cooking a special meal.

The first American bank opened in 1782. The first college (Harvard) started in 1636. The first American stamps appeared in 1847. The first skyscraper in the USA was built in Chicago in 1885. The first underground metropolitan train system (subway) started in Boston in 1897.

5 It’s the speaker’s birthday / Valentine’s Day. 6 The speaker is waiting / working in a restaurant. Message 3

02k.indd 23

The windiest!

Test your memory! When did the first American bank open? How hot was it in Death Valley on July 10th, 1913? When are tornadoes most common in the USA?

Find out how many people in the USA speak the following languages. Go to: www.ethnologue. com/show_country.asp?name=US English: Spanish: French: Russian: German:

12l.indd 129

4-05-11 12:14:36








having a party?

k ols nP


1. 01


Present continuous for future arrangements Present continuous stosowany do mówienia o przyszłości Czasu present continuous używamy również do mówienia o konkretnych planach na przyszłość. We’re having a party next Saturday. What are you doing next weekend? Jeśli używamy czasu present continuous do mówienia o przyszłości, stosujemy wówczas wyrażenia czasowe odnoszące się do przyszłości. tomorrow, next weekend, next week, next month, next year Tom is coming tomorrow.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

4-05-11 13:16:19







2 Jack / not do / his homework / because/ he / feel / ill 3 My dad / usually / drive / to work / but / he / cycle / today


Przekształć zdania z ćwiczenia 2. na przeczenia.

4 I / wash / the car / but / I / not wash / it / every week 5 We / go / to a different museum / every month / We / visit / the Prado / this month 6 My parents / not like / the food on the menu / They / go / to another restaurant

We aren’t wearing witches’ costumes.


Dzisiaj jest poniedziałek 12. maja. Spójrz na notatki z kalendarza Megan. Napisz zdania na temat jej planów na najbliższy i przyszły tydzień.

May Ułóż pytania, wykorzystując wyrazy podane w nawiasach.

1 a B 2 a B 3 a B 4 a B 5 a B 6 a B

Are you listening

Monday 12 Grandparents have dinner Monday 19 with us – 7.00pm

Revise for exams

Tuesday 20

Revise for exams

Tuesday 13

(you / listen) to me?

Dad goes to China

Wednesday 14

Yes, I am. (he / go)? To the sports centre, I think. (you / wear) to the party? A dragon costume. (your girlfriend / come) to the concert? No, she isn’t. (your parents / chat) to? The neighbours. (I / make) a lot of noise? Yes, you are!

Zakreśl właściwą formę.

Paul takes his driving test

Thursday 15

Sunday 18

Wednesday 21 Revise for exams Thursday 22

See film with Bill

Friday 16

Saturday 17 Anna stays for 2 days Anna here

My grandparents

Friday 23

Revise for exams Revise for exams

Saturday 24 Sunday 25

are having dinner with us at 7pm . . . . . .

1 Dad 2 Paul 3 Bill and I 4 Anna 5 I

2 Bay of Bengal Indus Valley Civilisation

Houses The houses had rooms with windows and doors and some possibly had rooms for bathing. Most houses had drains to take away the dirty water and some had wells to provide fresh water.


This model is made from terracotta. Terracotta is a type of clay that is moulded and then baked in the sun to harden.


Archaeologists found these bracelets in Mohenjo-Daro. They are made from beads of semi-precious stones, so the owner of these bracelets was probably rich. Jewellery like this was passed down through families.

Pots like these had many different uses: for drinking water and milk or holding special liquids like oil.





characteristic (adj)



dark (hair) (adj)

/dɑːk (heə)/

ciemne (włosy)

eyes (n pl)


face (n)



fair (hair) (adj)

/feə (heə)/

jasne (włosy)

height (n)



/lɒŋ (heə)/

długie (włosy)

short (hair) (adj)

/ʃɔːt (heə)/

krótkie (włosy)

sunbathe (v)


opalać się

suntan (n)



tall (adj)



weigh (v)



weight (n)



boots (n)


buty powyżej kostki

coat (n)



imaginative (adj) independent (adj) jealous (adj) lively (adj)

139 13r.indd 139

Across the curriculum

4-05-11 13:23:19

zabawny pomysłowy, twórczy

moody (adj)



mysterious (adj)



nice (adj) optimistic (adj) patient (adj) quiet (adj) sad (adj) / selfish (adj) serious (adj)

/naɪs/ /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ /ˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt/ /ˈkwaɪət/ /sæd/ /ˈselfɪʃ/ /ˈsɪəriəs/

miły, przyjemny, uprzejmy optymistyczny cierpliwy cichy smutny samolubny poważny

sociable (adj)



stubborn (adj)



stupid (adj)


tired (adj)



/ˌbi ˈmæd əˈbaʊt/

być zwariowanym na punkcie






be mad about




kurtka, marynarka



sandals (n pl)



scarf (n)



shirt (n)



shoes (n)


ability (n)


bad (adj)


favourite (adj)


good (adj) interesting (adj)

umiejętność zły ulubiony dobry




take part in



/ˌteɪk ˈpɑːt ɪn/

wziąć udział

skirt (n)

unusual (adj)



trainers (n)

buty sportowe, adidasy

niezwykły, niespotykany





Miejsce zamieszkania



angrily (adv)


ze złością

annoying (adj)



bored (adj)



boring (adj)



calm (adj)


block of flats (n)

Put your project on a poster and show it to your classmates and teacher.


niezależny zazdrosny pełen życia, żwawy lojalny skąpy


jacket (n) jumper (n)

amazing (adj)

Present your materials


/ˈlɔɪəl/ /miːn/

dress (n)

trousers (n pl)

Use your notes to write three short texts about the artefacts and draw some pictures to illustrate the texts.

/ˈfrendli/ /ˈfʌni/ /ɪˈmæʤɪnətɪv/ /ˈʤeləs/ /ˈlaɪvli/

loyal (adj) mean (adj)

gloves (n pl)

Uczucia i emocje



Find some information about three artefacts. Think about how people lived in the place the artefacts come from and make notes.


long (hair) (adj)

T-shirt (n)

Project Do a project on artefacts discovered in lost cities.



attractive (adj) body (n)

hat (n)



Look at the table on your worksheet that you have received from your teacher and choose a lost city.

4-05-11 13:23:06

friendly (adj) funny (adj) /əˈpɪərəns/

appearance (n)


4-05-11 12:25:44

Wordlist 1 CZŁOWIEK

3 Dopasuj zdjęcia do tekstów.


10n.indd 101

Wygląd zewnętrzny

When archaeologists discover artefacts in their excavations, they interpret them to understand how people lived in the past.

138 13r.indd 138

It is very cold today but it isn’t snowing.


1 We are wearing witches’ costumes. It’s Halloween! 2 Paul a large tray of drinks. 3 They to the music. 4 Look! The cat our pizza. 5 Carol the chocolates in the cupboard. 6 We a great time.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Napisz zdania, używając w każdym z nich obu czasów: present simple i present continuous.


1 It / be / very cold / today / but / it / not snow


Grammar bank & Grammar exercises 4-05-11 12:25:44


containers, often used for food a piece of jewellery that goes around your wrist a place where people live together a deep hole dug in the ground to provide water the system of passages for water and waste in a town or city a man-made object a mixture of water and earth Mohenjo-Daro a block for building houses

Arabian Sea


Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą present continuous czasowników z ramki.


Czasu present simple używamy do mówienia o nawykach i zwyczajach. They celebrate Thanksgiving every year. (routine) We go to the cinema on Thursdays. (routine) Czasu present continuous używamy do mówienia o czynnościach, które odbywają się w chwili mówienia o nich. Hundreds of people are walking in the procession. (now) He is eating Thanksgiving dinner. (now)

3 Why are you wearing / do you wear my jacket? Take it off now! 4 The dog is drinking / drinks a lot of water. It’s thirsty. 5 I’m usually buying / usually buy funny presents for my sister for her birthday. 6 Are you liking / Do you like this music?

Napisz poprawną formę czasownika z końcówką -ing. leave go carry sit celebrate watch chat study


10n.indd 100

2 Przeczytaj teksty i zaznacz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.


Vocabulary bank & Vocabulary plus 4-05-11 12:29:14

chat ➜ chatting put ➜ putting


1 Mohenjo-Daro means … a) … Mound of Indus. b) … Mountain of Death. c) … Mound of the Dead. 2 The city is about ... square kilometres in size. a) 1.5 b) 15 c ) 5.1 3 Many house walls in First Street … a) … aren’t there any more. b) … are still there. c) … are underground. 4 Archaeologists found a system of ... in the houses. a) towns b) drains c) roads 5 They made … from mud. a) walls b) wells c) bricks

Web quest


a bracelet drains an artefact mud a settlement a well a brick pots

First Street First Street is the most famous street in Mohenjo-Daro; it’s ten metres wide in some places. Many of the house walls are still standing. The people made bricks from mud and dried them in the sun. They used the bricks to build foundations, walls, buildings and wells.

The USA is the country with the most tornadoes in the world. It has more than 1,000 tornadoes a year - four times more than all of Europe. Tornadoes are most common in spring and least common in winter. Most of the tornadoes are in the centre of the USA in an area called ’Tornado Alley’.

11k.indd 121

have ➜ having make ➜ making

Interpreting artefacts

The lost city of Mohenjo-Daro The lost city of Mohenjo-Daro existed more than 4,000 years ago in the Indus Valley in South Asia. People from the Indus Valley Civilisation lived there between 2600 and 1900 bc. MohenjoDaro means Mound of the Dead. Nobody lives there today, but archaeologists think that more than 35,000 people lived there in the past. The city is about 1.5 square kilometres in size. The ruins of the city, in Pakistan, are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lake Superior is one of the Great Lakes of the USA. It is famous for being the biggest freshwater lake in the world. It is about 563 kilometres from west to east and 257 kilometres from north to south. Lake Superior is also the coldest and the deepest of the Great Lakes.

2 Jakie rodzaje gier komputerowych przedstawiają rysunki?

la mil Mac

1 I’m going / go now. See you tomorrow! 2 We’re having / have dinner now.

1 Połącz wyrazy z ich definicjami. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The biggest!

adventure strategy action role-play flight simulation racing sports war karaoke life simulation


am are

Across the curriculum

The hottest!

1 Sprawdź znaczenie podanych wyrazów. Jakie rodzaje gier komputerowych lubisz?


Lost cities

The longest river in the USA is the Missouri River. It is over 4,000 kilometres. The biggest island in the USA is Hawaii. It has an area of more than 10,400 sq. kilometres. The highest waterfall in the USA is Yosemite Falls in California. The water falls more than 700 metres.

Computer games


When the verb ends in -e, we omit the -e and add -ing. When the verb has only one syllable and ends with one vowel and one consonant (except -w, -x or -y), we double the consonant and add -ing.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7 James is inviting Tony / Clive to a celebration.

Revision Standard & Revision Extra 4-05-11 12:14:30

Death Valley is a valley in the Mojave Desert, California. It is famous for being the hottest place in the USA. Death Valley also holds the record for the hottest temperature recorded in the western hemisphere. On July 10th, 1913 it was 56.7° C. That’s hot!

Vocabulary plus


wear ➜ wearing eat ➜ eating

8 James’s family always / usually has celebrations at Pizza Point.


Extremes in the USA

What should I get then? I think you should get … Good idea. It’s a bargain!


Where What

Czasu present continuous używamy do mówienia o czynnościach, które mają miejsce w momencie mówienia o nich. I am decorating the house. Czas present continuous tworzymy w następujący sposób: podmiot + be + verb + -ing. W pytaniach szyk jest następujący: be + subject + verb + -ing. Are you singing? W krótkich odpowiedziach nie powtarzamy już formy czasownika + -ing. Is it eating? Yes, it is. ✓ Yes, it is eating. ✗

c) never goes

8 a) giving 9 a) giving

3 On Wednesday

Check it out!


Useful expressions I’m looking for a … I’m thinking of buying … I don’t think you should give him/her …

having a good time?

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we/you/they are. / No, we/you/they aren’t.

1 a) come


We form the present participle of most verbs with the infinitive + -ing.

Present simple and continuous

short answers

2 a) we’re going to

Culture: The USA

Vocabulary bank

09. First Polish Editio

17_04_11 20:50

9 They’re having a party / eating special food.

Activities Computers


question words

3 Lisa is staying at Ellie’s / Grace’s house.

4-05-11 12:13:29

board games chess console controller dice draughts memory card pack of cards software stylus



Neil Brian

7 a) never go Sunday

I’m (am) You’re (are) He/She/It’s (is) We/You/They’re (are)



ited 2 0

sPelling rules


Are you (1) … to Dawn’s party tomorrow?

Brian Neil

6 these aeroplanes / paper

68 07f.indd 68

rs L im

Grammar exercises

Present continuous


2 studying / Is / now / she / ?

3 a can / aluminium

5 this bath / metal

’s t’s

8 s h

They use old cardboard to make pizza (3) b_ _ _ _. Paper makes more (4) p_ _ _ _. They recycle telephone directories into egg (5) c_ _ _ _ _ _.

2 these dolls / plastic

4 a box / cardboard


st r Sunday

5 b r h a

Napisz zdania, używając made of.

a newspaper / paper

Uzupełnij brakujące litery w nazwach świąt. Zaznaczone litery utworzą nazwę kolejnego święta.

3 M th 4 s

3 He


Przeczytaj dialog i zaznacz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.

to school, but today he by bus. (walk, go)

2 She usually weekend she

6 I today so I

1 prize-giving 2

Recycling centres melt cans into blocks of aluminium. Then they use these blocks to make more (1) _c _a n_ _s and (2) t_ _ _ for the food industry.

e) shopping

6 a box

the house and

6 We always our traditional costumes during the feasts in our village.

c) milk


5 a carton

1 3

1 4

your mother a present on

5 It’s Christmas! Let’s the tree.



Student’s s he

Grammar bank

Cumulative check

Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi formami czasowników podanych w nawiasach.


my friends a birthday card.

4 Do you Mother’s Day? 6 7

1 4

1 He usually

2 It’s Bonfire Night. Let’s go and fireworks!




Present simple and present continuous

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami.

1 It’s my birthday. I’m going to a party.




ill an Pu bl i


Revision Extra

Celebrations: verb + noun

Recycling: materials and containers



Revision Standard

Vocabulary 2


Voices_WB2_PL_CD_gradient.indd 1

Workbook contents 7

Katherine & Steve Bilsborough


Workbook CD

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126 Voices_SB2_PL_R03.indd 126

buy a house community cosy (adj) county detached house (n) flat (n)

/ˌblɒk əv ˈflæts/ /ˌbaɪ ə ˈhaʊs/ /kəˈmjuːnəti/ /ˈkəʊzi/ /ˈkaʊnti/ /dɪˌtæʧt ˈhaʊs/ /flæt/

blok mieszkalny kupić dom społeczność przytulny hrabstwo, powiat dom wolnostojący mieszkanie



move (to) (v)

przeprowadzić się


/muːv (tuː)/

calmly (adv)


move home


/ˌmuːv ˈhəʊm/

careful (adj)


wyprowadzić się z domu

carefully (adv)



chatty (adj)






twórczy, pomysłowy

determined (adj)



embarrassing (adj)



exciting (adj)



cheerful (adj) creative (adj)

neighbour (n)


next-door neighbour (n) /ˌnekstdɔː ˈneɪbə/ residential area (n)

/ˌrezɪˌdenʃ(ə)l ˈeərɪə/

sąsiad sąsiad zza ściany dzielnica mieszkaniowa

semi-detached house (n) /ˌsemidɪˌtæʧt ˈhaʊs/ dom bliźniak /ˌʃeə ə ˈruːm/

dzielić pokój

skyscraper (n)



terraced house (n)

/ˌterəst ˈhaʊs/

dom szeregowy

share a room

152 14p.indd 152


4-05-11 13:24:43

www.macmillan.pl ISBN 978-83-7621-039-1

9 788376 210391

Voices_WB2_PL_Cover.indd 1

Includes Grammar bank


Vocabulary bank

Across the curriculum

Vocabulary plus


Katherine & Steve Bilsborough 06_05_11 15:06

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