S 1 2 3
page 4
Fashion victims? page 8
Great escapes
Reading & Listening
Language Focus
■ Verbs,
■ Questions
■ Materials
and patterns ■ Compound nouns: fashion accessories
■ Present
simple and present continuous ■ Relative pronouns
■ R:
The search for fair trade school uniforms ■ L: A radio report
Culture today
■ Verb
■ Past
simple and past continuous ■ Present perfect
■ R:
Culture today
■ L:
■ Escape
perfect with for and since; just, yet and already ■ Present perfect and past simple ■ Past perfect
■ R:
Culture today
nouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions
■ Fact
collocations and fiction
with be, have got, there is / there are, can and do ■ Present simple and expressions of frequency ■ Quantity ■ Comparatives and superlatives
Splash landing A narrative about a fire
■ Urban
from reality …
page 20
Crossing cultures
■ Body
language and American English
■ British
page 32
■ Present
Welcome to Summer School! ■ L: A phone call
■ Could
you become a British citizen?
REVISION 1–3 page 44 Vocabulary and Language Focus Exam Practice
4 5 6
What next? page 48
Our changing world page 60
Express yourself page 72
be going to and present continuous for future ■ Gerunds and infinitives
■ R:
16+ Your future … your choice! ■ L: A job interview
Culture today
century issues ■ The environment: verbs and nouns
■ First
and second conditionals ■ Third conditional
■ R:
Flood! Fiction or prediction? ■ L: A presentation about oil
Culture today
■ Visual
■ The
■ R:
Culture today
■ Job
sectors qualities
■ Personal
■ 21st
arts as adjectives: materials
■ will,
passive: affirmative and negative ■ The passive: questions
■ Nouns
Scotland’s graffiti castle ■ L: A radio announcement
■ Which
■ You
are what you eat!
■ Is
it art?
REVISION 4–6 page 84 Vocabulary and Language Focus Exam Practice
7 8 9
Against the odds
of obligation, prohibition and ability ■ Modals of deduction and possibility
■ R:
The ’Human Spider‘ returns to London ■ L: A dialogue with an athlete
Culture today
■ Relationship
■ Reported
■ R:
Culture today
■ Reporting
■ Reported
■ Fears ■ The
and phobias five senses
page 88
Let’s get together
verbs verbs
■ Modals
speech questions with if
The Ex factor A radio programme
■ L:
■ The
gift of dyslexia?
■ Party
boy says
page 100
Wonderful world page 112
■ Describing
■ Collocations:
holiday activities
■ used
■ Subject
and object questions ■ Tense review
■ R:
The Seven Wonders of the World ■ L: Childhood holiday memories
Culture today ■ Around
the world …
REVISION 7–9 page 124 Vocabulary and Language Focus Exam Practice Communicative activities A page 128 Answers to quizes page 129 Communicative activities B page 130
Speaking & Pronunciation
Language in Action
Exam Builder
■ Talking
about likes / dislikes and preferences
■ Asking
questions in the present tense ■ Word stress
■ An
email – my opinion
E E-mail – wyrażanie
i uzasadnianie opinii
■ Giving ■ Talking ■ /d/
about experiences /t/ /ɪd/
■ Asking
questions in the present perfect and past simple ■ /h/
■ A
your opinion
book review order
■ Word
■ A letter
– a language learning experience
E List – relacjonowanie
i opis doświadczeń
■ Tenses
and time expressions
■ Talking
about job sectors fast
■ Understanding
■ Talking
■ A
■ Linkers
– a decription of a work of art
E List – opis dzieła sztuki ■ Word
■ /s/
about disabilities + consonant
■ Talking
about relationships ■ Linking
English speaking test Could you introduce yourself? Tell me a bit about …
■ Apologizing I feel bad now! Don’t worry about it!
■ A letter
■ Talking
■ An
for and against essay of contrast and addition
■ Talking
and disagreeing I (don’t) really like … So / Neither do I.
■ Arranging an interview Could I speak to …? We’d like to invite you for an interview.
■ A
about artwork forms: was and
■ Agreeing
formal letter of formal letters
■ Organization
about the environment ■ Intonation
■ Weak
■ Making a complaint There’s a problem with this … I’d like a refund, please.
■ A
biography of time and sequence
■ Expressions
■ An
email – asking for advice
E List – relacjonowanie
i prośba o radę
■ Asking
for and giving opinions What do you think of …? I’m not very keen on it.
■ Asking for permission Can’t I stay out later? You’d better ask …
■ Asking someone out Do you want to go out tonight? That’s a shame.
E Rozumienie ze słuchu wybór wielokrotny
E Rozumienie tekstów
pisanych dobieranie
E Znajomość środków
językowych uzupełnianie luk
E Rozumienie ze słuchu prawda/fałsz
Geography E Rozumienie tekstów
pisanych dobieranie
E Znajomość środków
językowych parafraza
E Rozumienie ze słuchu dobieranie
Social science E Rozumienie tekstów
pisanych dobieranie
■ Contractions ■ Talking
about holiday activities ■ Word stress
■ A thank-you
E List – relacjonowanie
i zaproszenie
■ Editing
Irregular verbs page 131
your work
■ Making
requests: at the bank Could you …? Would you mind + -ing?
E Znajomość środków
językowych tłumaczenie i układanie fragmentów zdań