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It's June and if we had a dollar for every time our office said the world "GOLF" in the past few weeks, we would be millionaires! We are all 2023 things Chamber Golf Outing, our biggest and most fun event of the year. This is our one, and only, fundraiser for the entire year so we try to make it a great one for you.
If you're a previous player, we encourage you to tee of with us at Macomb Country Club on June 30 for a day of golf, snacks, swag, and contests galore. If you've never joined us, grab some coworkers or clients and we promise it'll be a great day out of the office. You can register just yourself (we'll find someone nice for you to play with), a whole team, or several teams if you would like.
You don't have to be a PGA pro to have a great time, with a host of snacks, drinks, hole contests, and more - we guarantee a low-key, laid-back day on the course. However you play, we'll find a spot for you. Swing on over to bit.ly/chambergolf23 to get in the game with us!
Thank you to our members who have continued their yearly investment with the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce within the last month. Your support of the local business community is much appreciated and we look forward to working with you for another great year. Click on the logos below to learn more about each member:
Thank you to our members who have continued their yearly investment with the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce within the last month. Your support of the local business community is much appreciated as we look forward to working with you for another great year. Click on the logos below to learn more about each member:
The 150% Club is a voluntary membership enhancement that provides additional support to the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce. The 150% Club is a voluntary membership enhancement that provides additional support to the Chamber. Members who opt in will pay 150% of their membership dues and be recognized in our monthly newsletter and at our annual awards happy hour, plus additional recognition throughout the year on our website and social media platforms. Members are not required to join the 150% Club. The 150% Club is only included on membership renewal invoices. If you choose not to opt in, just pay the membership dues amount on your invoice. Either way, we thank you for choosing to be a Chamber member with us!
The Ambassador Committee of the Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting on May 31 for Glenwood Pool (1400 N. Randolph Street, Macomb) to celebrate their opening for the Summer season. Glenwood pool, which is open to the public, is provided and operated by the City of Macomb, IL. Daily passes, after-hours rentals, swim lessons, and aquatic activities are available for purchase. Hours are Monday-Friday: 12:30 to 6 pm, Saturday/Sunday: 11:30 am to 6pm as weather permits. Glenwood Pool Staff (left to right): Corda Adkins-Covert, Quinn Kurasz, Libby Hamer, Jack Hamer, Megan Pittman, Henry Laver, Drake Moore, Annalies Goc, Kayla Ratermann, Kat Gravitt, Mikaela Mwangong
Information: cityofmacomb com or (309) 837-1183
As the public relations arm of the Chamber, members of the Ambassadors committee represent the Chamber by hosting Business After/Before Hours, attending ribbon cuttings, and recruiting new members. Our Ambassadors enhance the image of our business community and the organization by presenting a positive and professional attitude at Chamber events and throughout their interactions with the business community. These 20+ volunteers are the ultimate Chamber cheerleaders. We are reserving this spot each month so that you can get to know each of our Ambassadors just a bit better.
The Chamber Gift Certificate Program has been in existence since the mid 1980's. We sell Gift Certificates and they can be redeemed at participating member businesses. We sell nearly $200,000 worth of certificates every year, meaning all of that money stays in Macomb!
Who accepts Chamber Gift Certificates?
Only Chamber members who opt in to the Chamber Gift Certificate Program can accept certificates. Any Chamber member can opt in at any time. To be added to the list of 140+ area locations, contact at (309) 837-4855 or info@macombareachamber.com.
How can I help promote the Chamber Gift Certificate Program?
We love when our members and the community help #keepitinmacomb by promoting the Chamber Gift Certificate Program. There are several ways you can do this:
Buy them for your employees, family, friends, teachers, etc.: Chamber Gift Certificates are a win-win since Chamber gift certificates never expire and happy to have a certificate to spend however they would like and you are keeping that money right here in the Macomb area. Tell people about them. Friends and family are always looking for gift suggestions, so why not chime in with the perfect idea.
Find a full range of Chamber and Chamber member events on the What's New? section of our website
Follow us on social media for local updates and activites.
Share your Chamber member events via your Chamber member information center account, on our website, or email them to us!
Macomb residents can apply for two housing programs via the City of Macomb, IL and the Western Illinois Regional Council & Community Action Agency (WIRC).
The Macomb Housing Rehabilitation grant can help lower-income homeowners with projects such as fixing health and safety hazards, code violations, structural failures, handicap accessibility, energy conservation, and/or general home improvements.
The Macomb Home Repair and Accessibility grant helps eligible homeowners with roof repair, removing health and safety hazards, and/or installing accessibility improvements for ease of use such as wheelchair ramps
“Bringing over $1 million into Macomb for low to moderate income homeowners to fix up their homes will be transformative for the recipients and be a welcome boost to the entire neighborhoods around them,” stated John Bannon, Community Development Coordinator for the City. “Anyone who thinks they might be eligible should absolutely call WIRC at 309-837-2997 and get on the list – we want to help as many people as possible and there is no cost or downside to calling and asking.”
For information: visit wirpc.org/macomb/ or interested applicants can call WIRC at 309-837-2997. WIRC
The nine-time Drum Corps International (DCI) World Class Finalist, Colts Drum and Bugle Corps from Dubuque, IA, will celebrate its 60th anniversary this summer with Western Illinois University, hosting the summer training camp May 26-June 2 and June 11-26.
The group of 160 high school- and college-aged musicians, plus 40 staff members and support team members, will train, work and live on the Macomb campus for three weeks Members will live in the residence halls and practice at Hanson Field. Corps Director Vicki MacFarlane worked closely with WIU Marching Leathernecks Director Matt Thomas to make this initiative happen.
"We are ecstatic to have the Colts here," said Thomas. "Not only are they a world-class corps, but WIU has had numerous band students march with the corps so this will be a great recruiting tool for Western. The turf field at Hanson, and numerous grass lots, are perfect for their rehearsals, and their addition to our local community brings activity for our local businesses while the students are gone. This is a great win-win for everyone "
MacFarlane and the Colts chose to use WIU's facilities due to the strong connection to WIU and Macomb, with a number of Macomb residents and WIU students and alumni having marched with the organization. One of those is WIU staff member Scott Lawson, who marched for the Colts 1996-2000.
" I credit Scott Lawson for bringing the possibility of the Colts performing at Western to our attention," said MacFarlane "The facilities and community are perfect for our 2023 production. Many thanks to Matt Thomas, Scott Lawson, Residential Life, and the college president for making this mutual opportunity possible. It is uncommon for a large university to be so flexible, creative, and accommodating to student and organizational needs.
I am excited about the educational environment that the Colts members will experience, the 2023 production, and the opportunity to give back to the Macomb community This is a tremendous educational opportunity."
During the summer camps, all practices will be open to the public. The group has ranked in the top 25 at the DCI World Championships every year since 1982 A free performance for the Macomb community will be held on Hanson Field before the corps embarks Monday, June 26 on a cross-country tour, competing against 20 other World Class drum and bugle corps
For more information on the Colts Drum and Bugle Corps, visit colts.org.
for the Humane Society of McDonough County’s Campaign to build a New County Animal Shelter
Humane Society of McDonough County (HSMC) members Allen and Patti Nemec are ready to make a $10,000 gift to the HSMC’s shelter campaign for a new animal shelter in McDonough County. They would, however, like to double that amount with the help of the community.
The Nemecs’ gift will be presented to the HSMC once a total of $10,000 in individual donations designated for the new animal shelter campaign is received by the HSMC. The count will begin June 1 .
The proposed McDonough County Animal Shelter will be a 21st -century facility that not only accommodates the needs of lost and homeless animals, but is also an inviting place for community members to find a new pet, volunteer, and access pet-related resources. Community members have been very generous thus far in contributing to the campaign, with over $400,000 “ on the books” for the new shelter. The Nemec check and the community match will continue the momentum of making the new shelter a reality. Please note that the HSMC is a 100% volunteer organization (solely dependent on membership dues, donations, memorials and gifts) that works in support of, but separate from, the McDonough County Animal Shelter.
"No gift is too small to make a difference in reaching the match for the Nemecs’ promised gift. The HSMC is a State of Illinois not-for-profit and a qualified 501 (C) (3) charitable organization so donations are taxdeductible.
To be a part of the HSMC’s new animal shelter project and this “double the money” match please send your gift to: HSMC New Shelter Campaign
PO Box 7, Macomb, IL 61455
PayPal donations may be made at hsmcbuildingcampaign@gmail com
The McDonough County Health Department recognizes those individuals who have made an important impact on Public Health in McDonough County. Dr. Karen Blakeley is one of those people.
Whether you have been with the Chamber for a day or a decade; make the most of your membership with a full range of benefits and opportunities for you and your business.
Membership & Sponsorship Chamber Benefits
The Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce wishes to extend a special thank you to our community leaders, who support the Chamber and the business community via event sponsorships, marketing opportunities, volunteer hours, and more.