The Shield

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McCallum High School / 5600 Sunshine / Austin, TX 78756 / May 23, 2014 / Issue 7 / Volume 61

WHAT’S INSIDE Staffer discusses the ongoing cycle of standardized testing story on page 20

Humans of McCallum photos on page 21 Class of 2014 destinations pull out on page 11

2 contents


Left: Senior Nicky Westphal swings in the bi-district championship game May 2. The team fell to Vista Ridge 9-3 in the extra inning. Middle: Junior Lilli Hick-

man-Walden sings at the songwriting concert May 2. Right: Junior Adam Freng dances at the celebration welcoming next year’s new PALs in the Peace Garden.

inside the issue News



60th anniversary celebrations to be held tomorrow

7 Pre-AP World History teacher dis- 10 Staffer picks out favorite snow

17 Former offensive coordinator an-


Students discuss their views on enforcement of the pledge


20 Staffer discusses his views on

cusses his plans after retirement

A look inside a popular summer job for students

Save the date

Entertainment cone stand in Austin

11 Coverage of last theater performance of the year, ‘39 Steps’

Sports nounced as head football coach

May 2 1st and 2nd period finals 24 60th Anniversary Recognition Gala 3 3rd and 4th period finals 26 AISD holiday- Memorial Day 27 Percussion senior recital in the FAB 4 5th and 6th period finals 28 Orchestra spring concert in the MAC 5 7th and 8th period finals Commencement Ceremony 1:30 @ 30 C-Day June Frank Erwin Center 1 Baccalaureate at Covenant Presbyte Grad Night @ Millenium Youth Complex rian Church 6 Student Holiday the shield // may 23, 3014

new NCAA’s new rules for athletes Don’t forget to like The Shield on Facebook

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Cover: Senior Connor Barr gives a monologue as Richard Hannay in his final theatre show, “The 39 Steps.”

Sweet 60

news 3 A year of fundraising culminates with celebratory banquet May 24

gala as well as participate in fundraiser events. co-sports editor “Of course, he wants the stuLULU NEWTON dents involved,” Noack said. staff reporter “They have been very involved A gala will be held tomorrow at 6 p.m. in the events that have gone on at the UT Alumni Center where alumni, so far. They held an alumni volparents, school faculty and McCallum’s leyball game, an alumni baseball fans will gather to celebrate McCallum’s game, and they’ve done alumni 60th anniversary. tennis. There have been lots of “McCallum has been here for 60 years different ones. There’s also going and, well, it’s still here,” Mary Noack said. to be a big golf tournament. All The gala, along with several other the money paid for entry fees will events that have happened throughout the go to the school.” Throughout the year, alumni year, have been fundraisers for benefitting from each sport have been called the school. back to take part in an alumni “[The events] are raising a lot of money scrimmage. for McCallum,” Noack said. “[The gala or“The alumni basketball game ganizer] would really like to raise $100,000 was a lot of fun,” junior Trey Hill at the gala for us to use at Mr. Garrison’s said. “It was really cool to see all discretion.” of the alumni come back and get Noack said some of the proceeds from to play with them.” Basketball team and alumni at the alumni scrimmage. “The game was designed to be the events in honor of the 60th anniversary The alumni association memhave already been used for new things alumni versus current varsity, but so many alumni came back that some of the alumni bers said they hope the events played with the varsity,” coach Daniel Fuentes said. Photo courtesy of coach Daniel around the school. start a community that will conFuentes. “They’ve bought a grand piano that’s in tinue into the future. the Mac for performances,” Noack said. to purchase,” Noack said. “That is [the gala “The 60th anniversary committee reNoack said McCallum’s diverse popu“We’ve got this beautiful new band tower, organizer’s] whole intent: to make money ally helped get everyone together,” varsity lation makes it unique. and they bought new goal posts for the to leave for the school to buy things that “That is what I think is part of what basketball coach Daniel Fuentes said. football field, they would makes McCallum, McCallum,” Noack “They contacted some of the alumni to enwhich the struggle buying said. “No matter who you are, you can courage them to participate. They helped soccer team through a bud- come here and do your own thing and us get the jerseys and the trophy as well.” and football get.” Many sports at McCallum had not you’re not judged by it.” team benefit Additions Noack said everything about McCal- previously had alumni games before this from. They’ve to the school lum is worth celebrating at the 60th an- year, but the committee is trying to make purchased have been com- niversary gala. these annual events. a set of 60 ing slowly over “There is no fundraising aspect of the “The fact that it’s such a good place to pink pomyears. Noack be,” Noack said. “It amazes me.” games right now,” Fuentes said. “But poms for the said she has Noack said she has seen and received in the future I would really like to add cheerleaders Mary Noack // Building Manager been here for 23 a great deal of support from former stu- some aspect of fundraising whether is be and the drill years and has dents who still feel loyal to McCallum. through ticket sales or concessions.” team to use seen several adStudents past and present are coming “I have a check that came in on Friduring Breast Cancer Awareness Month ditions to the school in during that time. day that a former McCallum student together to make the gala and the entire in October” “The women’s athletic facility was who graduated in ‘69,” Noack said. “He 60th anniversary possible. Noack said it will be nice to have extra added, the Mac was added, and the big- bought a table $2000 for six people at the “There’s a loyalty to McCallum that money around should something come up. ger band hall was added,” Noack said. gala.” you just don’t see in other schools,” Noack “They’re doing lots of really cool things “There’s been lots of changes, but there’s Noack added the gala organizer en- said. ”I think that’s the reason McCallum that the school simply did not have money also a lot of the original still in place.” courages current students to come to the has gotten this whole gala put together.”


They’re doing lots of really cool things that the school simply did not have money to purchase.

May 23, 2014 // the shield


With liberty and justice for all Students discuss the legitimacy of saying the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance at school HALEY HEGEFELD staff reporter

The Pledge of Allegiance, a short recitation of a person’s patriotism, has long been a legal battle in the school system. The words “under God,” added to the pledge in 1954, have caused a debate with people fighting for separation between church and state, and those who write them off. In April, an atheist family from New Jersey raised their concerns with those same two YES words. “I’m atheist, but I think it’s really over-reactive to do that. I just think it’s so unOut of 50 necessary,” senior Erica Barlin said. “There are better things to get upset about, especially with public school. Like really? That’s what you are going to get upset about? I just think it makes atheists look bad when people do stuff like that. I would say [the court] should rule against [them].” Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister and Christian socialist, wrote the Pledge in 1892. He published it as a commemoration to the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus discovering America. Congress formally accepted it as the pledge 50 years later. “My personal belief is patriotism should never be forced,” assistant principal Andy Baxa said. “I do agree that if [students] choose not to say the pledge, they should still stand and be respectful during that time period and show respect for those that do feel the patriotism and do feel the need to say the pledge. You should never be disrespectful to them.”

In 1943, the Supreme Court ruled in a case that requiring a person to recite the pledge is unlawful and violates the First and 14th Amendments. The final addition to the U.S. Pledge came 11 years later when the words “under God” were added. “I don’t think [the phrase ‘under God’] matters really because it was introduced

Should students say the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance at school?


the shield // May 23, 2014





to say the words, but they are allowed to make students stand during the time. “I don’t make my students stand for the Pledge of Allegiance,” math teacher Paul Schuler said. “It’s a choice that they make and if they choose not to, I am not going to penalize them for that. I don’t particularly encourage them or discourage them, especially in a class full of mostly juniors and seniors. I think they are old enough to make their own decision. If they want to say it, they can. If they choose not to, that is their right.” Some teachers do not let their students choose, instead requiring them to at least stand during the Pledge.

“I just think it’s annoying [when teachers make you stand],” freshman Ella Speer said. “I’ll be in the middle of doing my work, and she’s like, ‘Everyone stand up.’ I could be doing other things.” However, Padron said she fully supports standing and saying it. “We should say it more often since it is the United States and we live here and we should respect where we live,” Padron said. “In class, people just don’t get up and say it, and I want to get up and say it, but I don’t want to be the only one that gets up and says the Pledge of Allegiance. People think I’m weird. We don’t do it in class, and I think that should really change.”

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students questioned. in the ‘50s as part of McCarthyism, so it’s not something that was written into the Constitution,” Barlin said. “I don’t think it really matters. If they want to say that we are a Christian state or a God-believing state, then that’s fine, but you don’t have to believe it.” In elementary schools, many students are encouraged to stand as a sign of respect for their nation. In high school, however, the importance placed on the Pledge is minimal, sophomore Diana Padron said. “Maybe [students are] lazy or maybe because they just stopped doing it,” Padron said. “They only did it in elementary school probably because the teachers made them do it. But now the teachers don’t make you do it. I guess they don’t feel the need to say it anymore because they are a lot older now, but still no matter what age you are, you should say the Pledge of Allegiance.” Teachers cannot require the students

The persons depicted are models used for illustrative purposes.

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news in brief MARA VANDEGRIFT

New drum majors selected for next year

McCallum holds Cinco de Mayo celebration

The drum majors for the 2014-2015 school year have been selected. They are juniors Charlotte Lichtenheld, Blakley Dancy and Carlos Arguello. “[To try out for drum major,] students need to fill out a leadership application and then we go through an audition,” band director Carol Nelson said. “They had to march across the gym floor, they had to conduct different patterns like 2-4, 3-4, 4-4, and then they had to learn different metronome markings. Then they got to choose their own piece that they got to conduct. Then they created a 64 count marching drill, and then we watched them teach it to a squad of eight marchers. Then the drum major candidates had to plot it all out on graphing paper and then present us the charts. It was a timed-teaching environment, so they had five minutes to teach the drill and then they had to perform it. After that, they did their salute and then we had a personal interview with each one of them. It was quite a long process and quite a thorough process.” A drum major doesn’t actually play the drums in band. Instead, he/she helps lead the musicals while the band is playing and marching. “The reason a drum major is called a drum major is because they are the metronome,” sophomore Ally Morales said. “It’s a very common myth that drum majors have to play drums. They don’t. The drum major and the center snare player watch each other the entire time. They watch the snare player’s feet because they are the leader of the percussion section, which is called the battery. It makes sure that the tempo is always consistent. They are the metronome.” Band members also got to take a respect vote to determine who they would respect as drum majors. “We had 11 people that tried out for drum major this year, which is a very large number,” Nelson said. “It’s very wonderful that we had that much interest for

news editor

A Cinco de Mayo celebration took place May 8 in the MAC. “Cinco de Mayo is an annual event now,” Spanish teacher Juana Gun said. “It’s to showcase our Ballet Folklorico because it’s the only time we perform at our campus. All the other times we’re performing at elementary schools and junior highs and day cares.” The celebration also showcased dance teacher Rachel Murray’s Latin Dance classes. “For the first time ever, Ms. Murray, the dance teacher, offered a class this year called Latin Dance, so it was a great way to bring the two things together and showcase the great dancing that goes on,” Gun said. “It was celebration of dance, music and costumes.” The Cinco de Mayo court, which consisted of a King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Duke and Duchess, was crowned during the event. “Mr. Garrison allows us the coffeecan fundraiser because Ballet Folklorico is self-funded. We don’t have anybody help-

ing us, so we have a crazy fundraiser called the coffeecan fundraiser,” Gun said. “It’s a fundraiser between all the Spanish classes, and we crown the king and the queen, the boy and the girl who raise the most amount of money in five days.” The event was a fun way to celebrate this holiday and the dancing that goes on at school, Gun said. “It was a really beautiful, colorful show, and everybody enjoyed it,” Gun said. “We’re still on a high.”

Literary magazine Excalibur released following Coffeehouse cancellation Excalibur, the literary magazine, is now available. “Excalibur is McCallum’s literary and arts magazine,” English teacher Micah Susman said. “We have a class that does the marketing, the content, processing and the design for written work, visual art and music.” The magazine is a long-standing tradition here. “We do one issue a year at the end of the year, and it’s been happening for at least 40 years here at McCallum,” Susman said. The staff also puts on coffehouse, a fun-

draising event. “We already had it this year,” Susman said. “We’re able to create awareness for our magazine, peak people’s interest in contributing to it as well as raise money for the publication. Coffeehouse is usually a bi-annual event, but this year, only one was put on. “We used to have it two a year, but this year we had some problems with our second one, so we only had one,” Susman said. “It just didn’t work out this year.” The literary magazine is on sale during lunches for $7.

Charlotte Lichtenheld Blakely Dancy Carlos Arguello

Ally Morales

kids who want to take a leadership role in band.” Junior Ally Morales was named assistant drum major. “She will be assistant this year, and she’ll be drum major in 2015,” Nelson said. As an assistant, Morales will march with the rest of the band. “Next year, I will not play my instrument as much because I’ll be up there conducting,” Morales said. “My position is pretty much head drum major in training for my senior year, so I pretty much get a year head start.” Being a drum major has been a goal for Morales since her freshman year. “I wanted to be a drum major ever since I was a freshman and said, ‘Oh, man, that seems really cool. I want to do that,’” Morales said. “So I had learned from Aja and Charlotte and the drum majors my freshman year what their responsibility is and what they get to do that is different from the rest of the band.”

May 23, 2014 // the shield

6 Feature

A missing staple HALEY HEGEFELD staff reporter


ill Staples, the Pre-AP World History teacher, is retiring at the end of this school year… for the second time. At the end of last year, he made the decision to leave AISD to go teach internationally. However, when the school could not find an adequate replacement for him, he withdrew his retirement and came back to teach his last year at McCallum. “I really didn’t retire because in AISD there is no more retire/rehire, so I had to revoke my retirement,” Staples said. “I felt really good about coming back. I thought it would be a fun year, which it has been.” Although Staples came back for a year, it was not his plan to stay any longer than that. He still wanted to jet to a foreign country at the end of the year, so he continued searching for job openings in international schools. To do this, he went to a conference in Boston that was hosted by the company Search Associates. There he saw 30-minute presentations from different schools. “The Middle Eastern schools just looked really beautiful,” Staples said. “The schools looked like palaces. The teachers were well treated. Kuwait contacted me and wanted to interview me, and then there were two other schools in the Middle East. So I was really excited about that, and I was looking forward to teach-

ing there.” Staples had to reevaluate his plan for the However, after looking further into next school year. He said he is going to go Kuwait, Staples realized it was not his ide- back to Search Associates and activate his al place. Staples said in the interviews they profile to look for more job openings in weren’t different upfront countries. about the “I may governnot get mental anything situation because within it’s getKuwait. ting pretWhen he ty late, got his oribut there entation could be packet, somethere was thing lastinformaminute,” tion about Staples an intersaid. “And view conif not, I ducted by will hang the Minisout for a Bill Staples //Teacher try of Eduyear and cation. do some“They sort of made [the interview] thing else and hit it next spring.” sound like it wasn’t that big of a deal,” Staples taught abroad in the past when Staples said. “But then I did some research he did some Holocaust work in the Czech online and [read] some postings of people Republic. He was working as the instrucwho had been through those interviews, tor for a workshop in the former Jewish and they said they were more like interro- holding camp in Theresienstadt. The host gations [and] a great intrusion into your he was working for was the International private life, and I just really felt uncomfort- School of Prague. able about that.” “That was the first time that I really With a month left in the school year, ever saw an international school and saw

[The thing I am going to miss the most about McCallum] has to be the students. It has to be the days in the classroom when you are having a great time with the students and you’re learning new things from them, and you’re seeing things in a different way through their eyes.

Americans working in another country teaching school,” Staples said. “I was really fascinated by that, but I was also halfway through my career at that point. I just thought, ‘I wish I had known about that when I was young.’” In 2007, he got the opportunity to teach abroad again. He went to Switzerland and taught at the international school there. “I just really enjoyed [teaching in Switzerland],” Staples said. “I thought, ‘Retirement’s good. I’m not really ready to stop teaching, but I need to leave AISD because of financial considerations. I’m at retirement and my pension can kick in.’ I thought it would be a good opportunity to go do a few years of teaching abroad and have that experience.” Staples said when moving to a new place people get to the bare essentials of life because they can only put so much in their suitcases. This forces them to make choices on what is really important to them before they move. “Anytime that you are changing your life like [moving to a new culture], you are going to have some qualms,” Staples said. “There were definitely moments where I go, ‘Oh my gosh! I’m going to leave everything I know and go into a completely foreign place.’ But that’s also really exciting too.” Originally, Staples really wanted to teach in Europe. However, through his time with Search Associates, he opened

Mr.Staples over the years:

1993 the shield // May 23, 2014



Feature 7 World History teacher Bill Staples retires after teaching here for 24 years up to new possibilities. He said he would be interested in Southeast Asia, like Japan. He would also be open to teaching in the South American countries, like Brazil and Argentina. “One thing I’d like to do is learn another language, and see a new culture, and experience a new culture through immersion,” Staples said. “Also [I would like to be] able to get a different perspective of the world through the eyes of my students.” In many countries outside of the U.S., the teaching style is very different, he said. This style is dependent on rote memorization through college lectures, especially in the Far East. However, in the U.S. the learning is much more involved with the students. “I think it’s that American entrepreneurial spirit,” Staples said. “Problem-solving, coming up with new ideas, coming up with new inventions, that is outside of the realm of rote memory. Those are skills that are learned. That’s why in American schools, as much as you can, hands-on

activities really are the best to foster that He and Mota developed their program problem-solving skill.” together, tweaking it along the way to acAt McCallum, Staples works with count for the technology advancements. Pre-AP English II teacher Flor Mota on Without Staples, the program is going the joint English and history program that to lose its joint connection. The research was created 20 years ago, before Mota and paper, which is a culmination of the writStaples ing skills taught students at the learn in sophoschool. more “[The year, will joint Engbe much lish and more history literatureprogram] based, just made Mota a lot of said. sense “[The Bill Staples //Teacher because thing I you have am going World History sophomore year and to miss the most about McCallum] has World Literature sophomore year in Eng- to be the students,” Staples said. “It has lish,” Mota said. “It just made sense for the to be the days in the classroom when you two to be married.” are having a great time with the students

There were definitely moments where I go, ‘Oh my gosh! I’m going to leave everything I know and go into a completely foreign place.’ But that’s also really exciting too.

and you’re learning new things from them, and you’re seeing things in a different way through their eyes.” Staples said he is also going to miss having his old students come back to see him. He enjoys catching up on their lives with them. “I had two former students pop in yesterday and really this is true,” Staples said. “They just thanked me for pushing them to do the AP test on the sophomore level, and they thanked me for the research papers. One is at Texas Tech about to finish up an accounting degree. The other is about to take her MCAT to go into medical school. When you see your students succeed like that, in so many ways it is that pride that parents have when their children do well.” Whether Staples ends up in Southeast Asia or Western Europe, the sophomore grade level will change drastically, Mota said. “It’s been a great ride,” Staples said. “Every day has been interesting. And it’s been a fast ride. I can’t believe it has been 24 years.”

2014 MAY 23, 2014// the shield

8 Feature

Diving into summer Students prepare to earn extra money working as lifeguards for the City of Austin Aquatic Department


staff reporter It was a warm, sunny day at Northwest pool; summer had just begun. Sophomore Isabella Grossling nervously sat on a stand by the deep end, watching over the swimmers. It was her first day as a lifeguard. One of her supervisors pointed out a young child struggling to swim in the deep end. “Do you see that little boy?” the supervisor told her. “You might have to jump in for him.” Grossling timidly acknowledged the situation. “Is this your first day at Northwest?” the supervisor asked. “No,” Grossling said. “It’s my first day ever.” She tensely watched the child swim to see if she needed to intervene. Luckily, the boy was able to get out of the water before Grossling needed to save him. That’s the closest Grossling has ever come to having to prevent someone from drowning. Starting in April, students who took part of the Aquatics Division lifeguard training course began finishing their training and receiving their certificates to become paid lifeguards. Grossling became a lifeguard her freshman year and just recently received her recertification over spring break. “I needed a summer job, and I just thought it would be fun,” Grossling said. “It would give me a lot of good work experience.” Grossling said she wants the work experience because it looks good on college and job applications. “I wrote that I was a lifeguard on my NHS application, which probably helped me get in,” Grossling said. “It just looks really good on applications and applying for other jobs.” Grossling added that her time

the shield // May. 23 , 2014

[I wanted the work experience] just so I know about working with my co-workers, interacting with my boss and just having the whole experience. David Ruwwe // Sophomore

as a lifeguard has helped her understand what it is like to work under a boss and manager. To become a lifeguard, a person must send an application to the Aquatics Division office and have an interview. After that, he/she has to complete 40 hours of training to get a certificate. “You learn CPR, first aid and how to get people out of the water,” Grossling said. Once she got her certificate, she was placed in the north district of the city, which includes Northwest, Brentwood

and Murchison pools. Grossling said she thinks many McCallum students are going through the training course to become lifeguards because it is a fun, easy summer job they can do with other people, and they only have to be at least 15 to get the job. “I’m trying to gain work experience,” Grossling said. “It was a fun job. I did it when I was 15 because I didn’t really have anything else better to do, and it was a good opportunity, so I thought I’d do it. Usually if you stuck with it, you actually

care and actually want to do something with the job.” Sophomore David Ruwwe finished the class to become a certified lifeguard on May 3. Ruwwe said he decided to become a lifeguard because he was on a swim team when he was younger and considered himself a good swimmer, so he could contribute to a program that he knows are in need of more lifeguards. “First, we went through a swim test which involved some basic swimming,” Ruwwe said. “Carrying a brick 25 meters and back, a 300 [meters] of freestyle and breaststroke. And that was easy. Then, we did all the typical lifeguard certification stuff like CPR and first aid. And then we went through the type of rescues: safe, active or passive victims, and [swimmers with] spinal injuries. That was a big part of the process.” Ruwwe said when he signed up for the classes, he didn’t even know that so many McCallum students had done the same thing. “When I went to my class, I was kind of surprised,” Ruwwe said. “I didn’t know there were a lot of people [from McCallum].” Ruwwe said he isn’t sure why the age requirement for the job is as low as 15, considering it carries the responsibility of saving people’s lives. “You don’t see very many 25-year-old lifeguards,” Ruwwe said. “I guess they’re trying to recruit younger people just because they’re more fit and want to do the job.” Ruwwe said he wants to gain experience of having a job while he is young, and it’s something he can put on his resume. “[I wanted the work experience] just so I know about working with my co-workers, interacting with my boss and just having the whole experience,” Ruwwe said. “It may influence what I want to do later in life, if I want to be in Parks and Rec.”

A sweet treat

Feature 9

Staffer reviews Austin snow cones


The Austin Classic

The NonTraditional Casey’s New Orleans Snowballs is a different kind of snow cone stand and does not disappoint. Related to Casey’s Snowballs in New Orleans, these snow cones are unusual and delicious. All flavors are homemade and made with simple syrup, meaning they don’t have corn syrup. Not only that, they offer chocolate cream, which is something they’re known for. The ice is very smooth and the cream seeps all the way to the bottom for an even distribution throughout. They offer many different cream flavors as well as juiceballs (fruit juice on shaved ice) and toppings such as chamoy.

Sno Beach is an Austin classic and for good reason. With a large assortment of flavors, it’s a good way to cool off during the summer. They add syrup in the middle and top of the snow cone, assuring that there will be enough syrup all the way to the bottom. The ice is soft and smooth. They also offer sugar-free options for a healthier alternative. Caramel, cream and ice cream are all available to dress up your snow cone. The only drawback is the small seating area located next to the trailer.

The Wild Card Jim-Jim’s Italian Water Ice technically isn’t a snow cone stand but deserves to be grouped in the same family. For those who aren’t familiar with what water ice is, it is when fruit is mixed with water and other ingredients and then frozen in order to make Jim-Jim’s classic treat. The ice is extremely smooth and almost doesn’t even seem like it’s ice. While they have classic flavors such as cherry and more unusual flavors like mokaccino, they don’t have flavors people know and love such as tiger’s blood. They do not taste too sweet like snow cones can, mainly because they do not use syrup to flavor their ice.

Sweet Caroline’s is a good option for a snow cone but is nothing spectacular compared to the competition. The amount of syrup is sometimes lacking but is sweet and refreshing. However, it was a pleasant atmosphere.

May 23, 2014

// the shield

S4 Senior pull-out

Acevedo, Domingo-Undecided Ackerley, Danielle-Undecided Adams, Loretta- Rutgers University Aguilar, Anna-Austin Community College Alexander, Alexandria- Undecided Alexander, Kira-Work Al-Muaber, Jacob- Texas A&M University Armstrong, Ashley- Texas State University Ballew, Anna- Texas State University Banks, William- Angelo State University Barillas, Abigail-Austin Community College Barlin, Erica- St. Edward’s University Barr, Connor- University of Texas, Austin Barrera, Casino- Tyler or Brookhaven Barnett, Sierra- University of North Texas Barron, Naomi- Austin Community College Bautista, Yazmin-Texas A&M University, Kingsville Beattie, Felix-Texas State University Becker, Sam- Texas State University Becklund, Dexter- Texas A&M University Bell, Charlie- University of Texas, Austin-PACE Bell, Jasmine- Universtity of Texas, Austin Bellomy, Weston-Texas Tech University Bermudez, Biridiana- Cosmetology School Blackwell, Michelle- Austin Community College Bonilla, Steven- Austin Community College Boucher, Isabel- St. Edward’s University Boyd, Chris-University of Colorado, Boulder Brady, Nilsa-Austin Community College and work Bramble, Kali- University of Texas, Austin Breed, Bianca- Cleveland Institute of Art Brenner, Ryan- University of Texas, Austin Brown, Chaundra- Texas State University Brown, Robert- Austin Community College Brown, Ryan-Work Bryant, Dewayne- Oral Roberts University Bucknall, Holly- University of Texas, Austin Bull, Michaela- University of North Texas Burleson, Katie- Austin Community College




the shield // MAY 23, 2014

SENIOR DES Burnett, Sydney- Colorado Mesa University Bush, Skylar- University of North Texas Cabral, Kristina- University of Oklahoma Callaway, Avery- Gap year Campbell, Colin- Work Campos, Elizabeth- Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design (Dual Degree Program) Campos, Jorge- Austin Community College Campos, Verenise-Austin Community College Carbajal, Crystal-Austin Community College Carl, Elisabeth- Texas State University Carse, John- University of California, Santa Cruz Castillo, Joshua- Community college for welding Castillo, Mariana- University of Texas, San Antonio Castro, Ruben-Work Caudill, Max- Austin Community College Chiman, Chris- Texas State University Cole, Marcus- University of Pennsylvania Coleman, Wade- Texas State University Collins, Ben- Blinn Jr. College Collins, Mackenzie-Gap year Cook, Jordan- University of Kansas Critendon, Craig-Blinn College, Bryan campus Dallas, Kaity- University of Texas, Austin Davis, Jaede- Texas State University De Weerd, Lila- University of Oregon Deems, Maximiano- Engineering jobs at museum Deloach, Jiro- Texas State University Delossantos, Joaquin- Austin Community College Dennis, Lilly- Southwestern University Diaz, David- University of Texas, San Antonio Dickey, Ben- Stephen F. Austin State University Distler, Lauren- Oberlin College Don Juan, Sandra- Regency Beauty Institute Doyal, Matthew-St. Edward’s University Dozier, Adrian- Austin Community College Dunn, Aja- Vassar College Duong, Brenda- University of Texas San Antonio Eddy, Ashlyn- University of Colorado, Boulder Ekuka, Deborah- University of Houston or ACC Ekuka, Joy-Texas Women’s University Elder, Erika- Stephen F. Austin State University Elizondo, Valeria- Texas State University Elizondo. Sarah-University of Texas, Tyler Estrada, Ana- Austin Community College Estrada, Stevie-Austin Community College Falk, Caitlin- Skidmore College Fay, Jake-Austin Community College Feldpausch, Dylan- Rice University Foose, Aubry- Austin College Foster, Moseah- University of Texas, Austin Foster, Stasia- University of Alabama

Fountain, Dean- Austin Community College and work French, Erin-Austin Community College Frye, Grace- Trinity University Fuentes, Amalia-Austin Community College Fulbright, Luke- Texas State University Gainer, Clara- Hampshire College Galbraith, Eve- Cleveland Institute of Music Galica, Siena-Texas A&M University Gant, Khalil- Bethany College Garcia-Garza, Damaris- Austin Community College Garcia, Isabel- Texas State University Garcia, Lemuel- Schreiner University Garcia, Leslie- University of Texas, San Antonio Garcia, Valerie- Austin Community College and work Garretson, Emma- University of Texas, Austin Garza, Mariah-Texas State University Gonzales, Samuel-Austin Community College Gray, Jordan-Ranger College Guild, Joshua- Texas Tech University Hagler, Josh- Austin Community College, work Hamilton, Desiree- Navarro College Hammer, Lily- Hendrix College Hanner, Alex- Austin Community College Hance, Kelsey- Austin Community College Harris, Xavier- Austin Community College Hausman-Cohen, Lee- Whitman College Hawn, Cami- Georgia Institute of Technology Hemphill, Garret- Texas A&M University Henry, Hannah- University of Texas, Austin Henry, Lindsey- Texas State University, San Marcos Hernandez, Briceida- Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi Hill, Katie-Austin Community College Hohengarten, Matthew- Southwestern University Hohlfeld, Andy-Austin Community College Holbrook, Jak- University of Texas, Austin Howard, Ashley Nicole- Angelo State University Huff, Madison-Texas State University Huff, Marie-Claire- University of Texas, Austin Hunteman, Emily- University of Colorado, Boulder Irby, David-Schreiner University Isom, Rhaven- Louisiana State University Jaimes, Jeanette-Work James, Chynna- Undecided Jarmon, Rashad- Boise State/Midwestern State Johns, Wes- Western Washington University Johnson, Maurisha- Texas Southern University Johnson, Ryan- Austin Community College Joyce, Kiran- University of Denver Kareithi, Nathan- St. Edward’s University Kasper, Annamarie- The University of Michigan Keel, Rose- Cornell University King-Smith, Marquis- Tyler Junior College


Senior pull-out S1

here they’ll spend the next year Kirksey, Louisa- University of California, Los Angeles Landry, Madison- University of Arkansas Lawrence, Somer- Gap year: Internship, classes Lazaro, Jennifer- Austin Community College Leinweber, Max- Trade school Leviston, Aleyah- Austin Community College Lewis-Hill, Cohen- University of Iowa Leyva, Jesus-Austin Community College or work Lindsey, Rain-Austin Community College Lipinski, Luke- Colorado State University, Pueblo Lopez, Kristina- Texas Tech University Macki, Lilja- Santa Barbara City College Maji, Seng- Austin Community College Maji, Tan-Tarleton State University Maldonado, Gustavo- Texas A&M University, Kingsville Maples, Sarah- University of San Francisco Marciano, Bianca- University of Texas, Dallas Marroquin, Brian- Concordia University Texas Martell, Elena- Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi Martinez, Casandra- Austin Community College McDonald, Julia- Southwestern University McFarland, Jessica- University of Northern Colorado McLennan, Christopher-Military McPherson, Caliste- Austin Community College Medina, Brianna- University of Kansas Medrano, Maya- Maryland Institute College of Art Meier, Erica-Austin Community College Meredith, Damon- Austin Community College Mills, Kara- South West Texas Junior College Mills, Lianna- Austin Community College Mindieta, Albert- Austin Community College Mitchell, Keith- University of Texas, Austin Montez, Adrieana- Midwestern State University Morales, Samantha- Austin Community College Moreno, Kevin- Austin Community College Morris, Gabi- Austin Community College Moyers, Aidan- University of Texas, Austin Muir, Callum- University of North Texas Murchison, Seth- University of Texas, Austin Murphy, Kendra- University of North Texas Newman, Janna- University of Texas, Austin Newton, Henry- Gap year with National Outdoor Leadership School for Wilderness Education Newton, Henry-Gap Year with the Norwood, Kyana- Texas State University Nunes, Isabelle- Austin Community College Olaf, Joyce- Texas State University Olivares, Nicholas- Kansas City Art Institute Onuorah, Darlene- St. Edwards University Organ, Courtney- Texas State University Ortiz, Jennifer- Austin Community College Van Overbeek, Joe- School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Oyuela, Jairo- Army Payne, Rachel- California Lutheran University Pellegrini, Roberto- University of Oklahoma Pellowski, Braden- Dartmouth College Petteway, Cedrek-Austin Community College Pimentel, Nelson- Texas A&M University Prete, Angela- University of Texas, Austin Prieto, Anairis-Austin Community College Ragan, FranaZhea’-Texas State University Ramirez, Cynthia- Austin Community College Rangel, Andres- Austin Community College Ratcliffe, Daniel- University of Texas, San Antonio Reveles, Davina- St. Edward’s University Reyes, Kristopher- University of Texas San Antonio or Texas A&M, Kingsville Rinehart, Aireka- Texas State University Rittenberry, Secoya-The Moores School of Music at University of Houston Roberson, Rachel- Pace University Robertson, Tafari- Texas State University Robinson, Audrey- Texas State University Rodriguez-Behar, Juan Antonio- Texas State University Rodriguez, Agustin- Work Rodriguez, Ana- Austin Community College Rodriguez, Kristen- Texas State University Rodriguez, Madeline-Austin Community College Rodriguez, Ovanni-Austin Community College Rogers, Maddie- Pratt Institute Rouse, David- Texas State University Rudy, Hannah- University of Missouri Saldana, Bailey- University of Texas, Austin Saldana, Shawn- going to the military Samuelson, Sky- Austin Community College Sanchez, Jackie-Austin Community College Sanchez, Katie- St. Edward’s University Sanchez, Michael-Austin Community College Sanchez, Monica- Austin Community College Sanic, Nancy- University of Houston Scarborough, Ellen- University of Texas, Austin Scott, Ernest-Tyler Jr. College Scott, Zoe- Texas A&M University Seaman, Claire- University of North Texas Seggern, Cassidy- Duke University Self, Trevor-Navarro College Shea, Liam- University of North Texas Shead, Elizabeth- Austin Community College Shivers, Savannah- Davidson College Silva, Katia- Austin Community College Sinclair, Emma- Austin Community College Smalley, Seth- Eckerd College Smith, Megan- Austin Community College Sonnenberg, Ford- Texas State University

Soquez, Alexandra- AmeriCorps Sorto, Daniel- Arizona State University Soto, Mildred- Austin Community College Sricharurn, Pittawat-Austin Community College or Fire Academy Steckel, Hayden- Texas State University Steiner, Zoe- Colorado State University, Fort Collins Stevenson, Traelen- Austin Community College Stieber, Richard- The Recording Conservatory of Austin Sullivan, Anneliese- Texas State University Swedlow, Sarah- St. Edward’s University Sweeney, Madison- Texas Christian University Szilagyi-Jones, Madelyn- Case Western Reserve University Tawil, Zahia- University of Southern California Taylor, Kenda- St. Edward’s University Temple, Isabella- University of North Texas Thomas, Nithin- University of Houston, Downtown Vanegas, Joyce- Regency Beauty Institute Vasquez, Andrea- Texas State University Vega, Ruby- Austin Community College Vinson, Cierra-Austin Community College Walden, John- University of Maryland Walden, Tillie- Center for Cartoon Studies Walls, La Mamie- Austin Community College Warren, Ranie- Austin Community College Washington, Dijon-Austin Community College Westphal, Nicky- Undecided Wheatle, Dominique- Texas State University White, Denzel- University of Texas, San Antonio White, Katie- Gap year to Australia Williams, Alexis- Austin Community College Williams, Anthony-Blinn Jr. College Williams, Denique- Texas State University Williams, Haleigh- Avenue 5 Beauty School for Hair and Makeup Williams, Malik-San Angelo State University Winstead, Dahvi- University of North Texas Woolf, Victoria-Santa Fe University of Art & Design Yescas, Victoria- St. Edward’s University Yeo, Hannah- University of Texas, Austin Zepponi, Claire- Texas State University




MAY 23, 2014 // the shield

S2 Senior pull-out

Seniors: Keep it C14SSY senior destinations

map key


1 person 2 people 3-10 people 11-15



class of 2014: what we’ve seen Start of block scheduling fall of sophomore year

Construction on the MAC begins summer 2010


mac life

Lost the Battle of the Bell for the first time since 1999


Caffeinated alcoholic energy drink Four Loko is banned in multiple states December of 2010. Four Loko was reformulated and the caffeine was removed and the drink reintroduced in Jan. 2011


pop culture the shield // MAY 23, 2014


Head coach Todd Raymond leaves to take job at Lehman High school, coach Jason Cecil starts in March.

The McCallum Arts Center officially opens fall 2011


Mac becomes an official No Place For Hate school

Completion of the the withdrawal of all American military forces from Iraq, bringing an end to the Iraq War happens in December 2011.

Sev dop 201


Incumbent Barack Obama beats in the 2012 presidential election. cost of their campaigns was the

The final Harry Potter movie is released in July of 2011. The 7th and 8th movies split the final book into two parts and brought an end to the 10-year franchise.

Senior pull-out S3


senior reflections what was your worst fashion choice in high school? “Wearing a dinosaur onesie freshman year..” Anna Ballew, 12

of seniors said these were their golden years.

(84 polled)

what high school movie best defines your Mac experience?

“Having pink hair...twice.”

top three answers:

Skylar Bush, 12

“Mean Girls” “Dazed and Confused” “High School Musical 3”

“Jorts.” Keith Mitchell, 12

some other answers: “The Hunger Games” “Pineapple Express”

WeMadeIt a look back at the most popular hashtags #yolo #onlyatmac #tybg #tbh #knightmare #selfie

who is McCallum’s biggest rival? LBJ/ LASA

#imjustthemessenger #tbt #swag


The Drug Dogs

The TX Gov’t

(84 polled)

Last TAKS tests taken, Texas standardized testing moves solely to STAAR. May 2013


Long time World History teacher Bill Staples stays at Mac after retiring for an interim year, fall 2013

ven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong admits to vping while racing in an interview with Oprah Winfrey in January of 13. Armstrong was then stripped of his medals by the USADA. 13 Mitt Romney The combined highest ever.


Coach Cecil leaves for job at Connally high school in April after spending 2 years at Mac. Coach Charles Taylor replaces him as head coach.

Miley Cyrus releases her video for the single ‘We Can’t Stop’ in June, signaling the start of her highly publicized transformation.

Pressure cooker bombs go off at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. The bombings spurred a manhunt that shut down most public institutions and businesses in the Boston area.


The first AISD musical theater awards are presented in April of 2014

Former South African president Nelson Mandela dies at the age of 95, Dec. 2013.


The final episode of the popular CBS show ‘How I Met Your Mother’ airs March of 2014. The show ran for a total of nine seasons.

MAY 23, 2014 // the shield

10 Entertainment 1


Stepping into the story 5

Theater department puts on production of Hitchcock thriller

3 the shield // may 23, 2014


1. Senior Connor Barr opens the production of “39 Steps,” which tells the story of the time he was accused of murder, causing him to run from the police. 2. Barr and junior Janine Dworin hug as she tells him that she must not tell the police where she is. 3. Sophomore Kendrick Knight plays an elderly citizen introducing a speaker for a campaign. 4. Sophomore Elisabetta Diorio talks to Barr after giving him her husband’s coat before he escapes from her farm home. 5.Barr kisses senior Lilja Macki to keep her from telling the police officers that she has found him. Photos by Mary Stites.

Sports 11

The game plan BEN BROWN

co-sports editor


ormer offensive coordinator Charles Taylor was named head coach and athletic director after coach Jason Cecil left for Connally High School. Taylor has coached for 17 years and is in his third year at McCallum. Taylor’s offense was the top rated offense in Central Texas last year and featured the number seven rushing quarterback in the country, Sabion Cannon. Taylor said the goals for the team won’t change for next year. “We always set the goal of winning district, then we go through our lineup,” Taylor said. “We want to win the Taco Shack Bowl, we want to win the Bell, and we want to win a playoff game. That’s the goals we always set,” Sophomore football player Ronaldo Alvarado said he likes that the team is familiar with the choice.

Former offensive coordinator named to replace Cecil as head coach

“He’s a great coach,” Alvarado said. “It seems like all of us are very satisfied with the hire.” Alvarado also said hiring Taylor helps the team stay on track even with the cancellation of spring football. “It really benefits us because we won’t have to learn a new offense, and we already know his coaching style, so there won’t be any lay over learning a new offense or adapting to a new coaching style,” Alvarado said. Taylor will be the third head coach for next year’s seniors. Freshman year they were coached by Todd Raymond who’s now at Lehman High School, and their sophomore and junior years they were coached under Cecil, now at Connally. Junior Brent Chandler said the hiring of Taylor makes the changing of head coaches a much smoother transition. “The hiring was a great choice,” Chandler said. “This will be my third head coach in three years, and if he had just been a completely new person I don’t think it would have been good for the team. Having to learn a whole new system would have been really tough, especially with the

absence of spring practice. I think Mr. Garrison did a really good job.” There won’t be as big an overhaul this time, Chandler said. “It’s good that the team and coaching staff is staying consistent,“ Chandler said. “Obviously we were really good last year, and the only thing that may change is the defense.” Even though Taylor will be head coach, he will still play a role in the offense. “I am still going to play a big part in the offense next year, so that won’t change a whole lot,” Taylor said. Right now there are a few coaching vacancies that Taylor is trying to fill. “We got to replace a couple of coaches for next year, but we’re still in the process of figuring all that out,” Taylor said. With the cancellation of spring practice,the team will have an extra week of summer practice and another scrimmage against Seguin.

Knights Football 2014-2015 Keep the program moving in the right direction by continuing to implement coaching strategies and goals of past seasons Keep offseason and summer program consistent Win Taco Shack Bowl 2014 Win Battle of the Bell 2014 Win District AAAAA Title Win more than one playoff game Get participation numbers up by visiting middle schools such as Kealing and Lamar to encourage kids to play football Work to get students to continue playing after their freshman year

Head football coach Charles Taylor congratulates the football players after they won the Taco Shack Bowl. Photo provided by Cindy Boyd. May 23, 2014 // the shield


Behind closed doors Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s comments serve as reminder of prevalence of racism in American sports SEAN SIMONS staff reporter

Varsity basketball coach Quincy Stewart said NBA commissioner Adam Silver was right in his decision to ban Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling from the NBA for life. “If you look at the whole essence of the comment that he made, not just being black, but any other ethnic race probably wouldn’t want to play for him because of what he is saying about me,” Stewart said. “I’m giving my all, giving 110 percent out there on the court, but what’s being said behind closed doors?” Audio recordings were released on April 25 of Sterling making racist remarks about having African-Americans and other minorities at Clippers games, as well as berating his girlfriend V. Stiviano for associating with them. After an immediate investigation by the NBA, Silver announced that in addition to being banned, Stewart was being fined $2.5 million and could possibly be forced to sell the team he has owned for 33 years, pending a threefourths vote from the other NBA owners. Stewart said he was shocked that a person of Sterling’s stature could make such racist comments. Stewart played college football of Louisiana Tech and was a professional football player in the NFL for four years and played in the CFL for two. “I think [racism is] there,” Stewart said on his time in

National Basketball Association

professional sports. “It’s hidden, but I think it’s there. It was pretty low-key when I was [in professional sports]. It didn’t come to my attention that racism played a huge factor in my dealings. I’ve seen other instances where it might have had something to do with it. And me particularly, I didn’t face a lot of racism.” Senior Marcus Cole, who is a 4-star soccer recruit and will play at the University of Pennsylvania, said his first reaction to the recordings was surprise. “Obviously it makes you feel uncomfortable, for me to be someone that is African-American,” Cole said. “Obviously it’s around, it’s something that’s going to be around a really long time. I think a lot of sports teams and agencies do whatever they can to keep it out. Different sports have different demographics with race. I know it’s present with soccer in Europe too. You hear about things like that all the time.” Though he is about to be a collegiate athlete, Cole said he is not afraid of racism that he might face. “I think it’s good to have it brought to light,” Cole said. “I don’t think that it’s anything anyone should shy away from or be afraid of. Certainly not anything that I plan on being afraid of. At least the reaction was good, to see people come together, stand up together and say that this is wrong. And I think that will always be the case whenever it’s brought to light. I think one of the things that’s really bad is it being behind closed doors all the time.” Cole said sports will also help fight the racism that ex-

Major League Baseball

ists within it. “I think sports is something that helps combat [racism],” Cole said. “I think sports is a way to diffuse racism in general.” Stewart said the racism happens behind closed doors. “We live in a multicultural world with different ethnic groups, different walks of life,” Stewart said. “It’s a wide variety of people, and you don’t want to offend anyone. So that’s why I was appalled with what he said, because [the NBA] is dominated by a lot of blacks, a lot of Hispanics. It’s a worldwide sport.” Stewart said racism will always be in professional sports because it’s something that’s taught, something that’s internal. However, he does think it can be prevented to a degree through events like NBA or NFL minicamps, in which league players go to diverse communities and host these camps for children to get them excited about particular sports. When the kids see that sports wear many faces, then racism won’t be a factor. “In the realm of sports, when you play for a particular team, you become a family,” Stewart said. “Whether your background is different from this person’s background, you come together as a family. You look upon the person next to you as a brother or a sister. That kind of does away with the racism because you don’t look at the color of their skin anymore. You look at the character, the integrity or how they perform as a means of judgment rather than what they look like.”

National Football League African American Players White Players Other

Data from The 2013 Racial and Gender Report Card.

the shield // may. 23, 2014

sports in brief NICK ROBERTSON co-sports editor

Varsity baseball falls in first round of playoffs The varsity baseball team lost in a best of three series against Vista Ridge in the first round of the playoffs, ending its season. After losing the first game of the series 5-9, Mac bounced back and won the second game 3-2 behind the pitching of senior Carlos Muñoz. In the final game, McCallum lost 5-9 in extra innings. “I really liked how the team fought and was proud that they never gave up,” senior Nicky Westphal said. “It was frustrating, though, that the season had to end so soon. For how much we fought, it’s not right that we came up with the short end of the stick.”

Sports 13

Track season ends at regional meet The track team made it all the way to regionals in San Antonio, but no one advanced to the state competition. “The team did really at regionals,” senior Cami Hawn said, “especially considering how difficult a region we are in. And, of course, it was just amazing to even qualify.” Sophomore Daja Gaddison made it to the finals at regionals and placed fourth. Only the top two places move on to state. For the boys, Paris Odem advanced to the finals as well but did not finish in the top two to advance. “It was really bittersweet because track has been such a huge part of my life,” Hawn said. “I’m satisfied with how my track career went, so I feel really good about my choice not to continue in college.”

Senior Nicky Westphal swings at a pitch against Vista Ridge in game of the playoffs on May 3. The Knights lost 9-5, ending their season. Photo by Ben Brown.

MAy 23, 2014// the shield

14 SpoRTS

NCAA rule changes bode well for future Athletes will benefit from new regulations regarding student life The old rule Recently the National Colconstituted only legiate Athletic Association three meals and approved new rules and reguthree snacks a day lations the allowing of free, for student athunlimited meals at universities letes, and the way for student athletes and walkthey constituted ons, and lessening the punishthe difference bement for positive tests for nontween a snack and performance enhancing drugs a meal was absosuch as marijuana. Both are lutely foolish. A aimed to benefit the student player could eat a athletes, which is something bagel as a snack, the NCAA is not often known but if he were to to do. BEN BROWN put cream cheese College athletes work out sports co-editor or any other topyear-round and practice nonping on the bagel, stop, even when their sport is not in season. All athletes need to be fed it would be considered a meal and not well, and three meals a day was just not a snack. It’s like the NCAA is run by a proving to be enough. A normal person group 90-year-old men who are so out of who works a 9-5 job eats three meals a touch with young adults and teens that evday. A student athlete who works out at ery rule they have is only a detriment to the least once a day if not more, and also has athletes. The fact that recreational drug punto attend school, should not be limited to just three meals a day. Keep in mind ishments have been lessoned is a huge these players do not get paid to play in any step for the NCAA. The old rule constiof their sports, so free meals are the least tuted a full season suspension for a person caught or testing positive for any kind universities can do to help the players out.

of non-prescription drug. There’s nothing performance-enhancing about them; in fact, they would probably worsen the user’s ability. Now the reason for suspension makes sense because the focus is more on the illegality of the drug rather than the performance-nhancing ability. The biggest topic off all recently was the effort by the Northwestern football team to create a union. Creating a union would make the football team recognized as employees, and, therefore they would have to get some sort of allotted payment. Most big-time universities such as Texas, Michigan and Alabama make a tremendous profit from their major sports teams, which include basketball, baseball, football, and sometimes softball and women’s basketball. But other minor sports like tennis, soccer, and rowing don’t pull in as much profit; therefore, they are less valuable than the major sports, so paying them would mean the universities would lose money. But you can’t just not pay some people and pay others. That would be discrimination. There is no answer for that question. Players do need some sort of compen-

sation for their efforts, and if they can’t be paid, the NCAA will have to find some sort of resolution to this problem. Because without some sort of compensation, student will continue to rise up against the NCAA and there will be such a big gap between the student athletes and the NCAA that college sports will no longer be about competition, but more about the money. We’ve seen the beginning of this process with the discontinuation of the popular video game franchise NCAA Football, game I have played since I was about 8. The game uses the likeness of the player, including number, height and weight, but since they don’t include the player’s names in the game, the players don’t get any sort of compensation at all. The NCAA has been walking on thin ice for along time, and recently the ice has just been getting thinner and thinner because the student athletes are now finally starting to stand up for themselves rather than just accepting the rules and policies. Soon the student athletes will be more in control of their fate, and they will no longer be money bags that the NCAA takes advantage of.

More Potential NCAA Policy Changes 1. Big 5 autonomy The Atlantic Coast Conference, Big 12, Big 10, Pac 12 and South Eastern Conference are projected to gain self-governing rights. The conferences will be able to make rules that only apply to their schools. This allows for bigger schools with more funding to provide their athletes with more benefits. the shield // May 23, 2014

2. Full Cost Scholarships

3.Educational Trusts

4.Increased Benefits

Athletic scholarships don’t account for the price of living. The autonomy for the Big 5 will allow for schools to cover athlete’s living costs. Schools that cannot afford to do so will not have to. A $2000 stipend for athlete’s living costs has been proposed before but has been turned down.

These trusts will potentially allow students to finish their college education after their athletic eligibility expires. This means that an athlete will be able to come back and finish his/her education on scholarship. This was a goal of the Northwerstern athletes in their petition to unionize.

One proposition is the “lossof-value-insurance,” which protects athletes against injuries that could end their athletic career. SEC commissioner Mike Slive has lobbied for allowing athletes to make money outside of collegic athletics as a way to keep athletes playing at the collegic level for longer.

Sports 15 TS: How does your team work together? JW: Well, it’s like seven-on-seven, so everyone, especially on defense, needs to be doing something. If one person is not defending their guy, then they can score an easy point. TS: What was your favorite part of the season so far? JW: We played this one school named Belton, and I threw the game winner to my friend. We won 9-8. TS: What is the hardest part of playing Ultimate Frisbee? JW: For me, it’s competing against tall people because I’m short. TS: What have you learned from being on the team? JW: I just had a really good time. All the guys are super-nice and cool, so it’s just been a lot of fun.

John Walden The Shield: What position do you play? Alexia Heinrich: I’m a mid field attacker.

TS: During the season, what is the biggest thing you accomplished? AH: At our last game, we really came together as a team. We played as a unit rather than playing for ourselves. TS: What was your favorite part of the season? AH: I think my favorite part of the season was before the season even started. We went to a tournament called the Aggieland Classic. It was really fun and we got to bond together as a team. We were at A&M all weekend playing lacrosse. TS: What was the hardest part of the season? AH: The hardest part during the season was probably teaching so many new players the basics. It was really hard going straight into varsity with a bunch of new players. TS: How did playing with Anderson affect the team dynamic? AH: It was a little awkward at first being on a team with Anderson people. You know them as your rivals and then you’re coming together like as a team to work together. I guess it’s kind of nice. After

TS: Can you tell me about the state tournament? JW: The first day there were like 16 teams there. You play four teams. The top eight advance to the next day. We won two of our games. We had to play

four in a row, so we were pretty tired by the end. But we won the first two, so we made it to Sunday, which is like the top eight in the state. But we lost to LASA in the quarterfinals by two, but it was a super-close game. We didn’t even have a team at the beginning of the year, but considering we made it to the quarterfinals at state, it was pretty good. TS: Describe how you prepared for the game. JW: The weeks leading up to it, we probably practiced four times a week maybe. And all the really good schools play this different zone defense that we were working on. TS: What was your favorite moment from the weekend? JW: I got this thing called the Callahan, which is like when the other team has the Frisbee and then you catch it in their in zone first point. So it’s like the only way you can score by yourself. TS: How did you become interested in Ultimate Frisbee? JW: When I was a freshman, me and all my friends would play at lunch every day. I don’t even know how or why, but that is what happened.

all, being on a team together with them illuminates competition because you are teaming up with your rivals. TS: How did you become interested in lacrosse? AH: It’s kind of new. In seventh grade my friends had started playing, and they said we should all join. So in eighth grade me and two other friends of mine started playing. I really liked it and kept playing through high school. TS: Do you plan to play lacrosse after high school? AH: Yeah, right now I play with a travel team, and we are kind of being showcased, so I am considering playing in college if I can get into a school I want to academically. Right now I can get into just Division III schools. TS: How did this season go? AH: This season was rough. We only left with one win. We came close a few other games. One game I think we lost by one. It was really difficult just because we had so many new girls coming together, and they really didn’t know the game. So it didn’t go too well. I think we learned what it takes to be a varsity team, so now we know what we need to work on individually and as a team.

AlexiaHeinrich May 23, 2013 // the shield

16 Opinion

Testing the limits Staffer gives perspective on Texas standardized assessments STAAR testing back in April re- are used to make changes in the state quired a seven hour testing day from the standards for the Texas Essential Knowlsophomores taking the English II test. edge and Skills (TEKS) to adapt general Seven hours in a silent classroom is irra- curriculum for better pacing. tional and becomes a waste of time. The In an ideal situation, these tests make benefits of the tests don’t come close to perfect sense. However, despite any benbalancing out the drawbacks. The stag- efit taken from the tests, it is undeniable nant tests students are fed every year need that the testing puts strain on both stuto have a major change or stop altogether. dents and teachers. The standardized tests have evolved Students already have to stress about over time. In 2011 the TAKS was replaced their grades and their finals and that projwith STAAR for the class of 2015 and be- ect that is suddenly due out of nowhere yond. The STAAR tests were supposed when you swore you had two weeks to do to be better and harder tests. The change it, and adding the STAAR tests just puts from TAKS was one more necessary, as it layer of did reduce the questionamount of testTheir curriculum has to able worry ing, but, as exon stupected, the tests change to get students ready dents. We got more chalto for the test, but the test gath- have lenging. wonder if There was ers information about our it’s worth another reducit. education which is changed tion of testing in While the last two years the tests for the test that is monitoring are quite that lightened the load a little troubling, our learning… more. However, the arduIt’s a cycle. what was truly ous testing needed has not days are yet been met. problems Texas education needs a reform of the themselves. The STAAR testing days are system, not a rewrite of a stale and worn long and grueling. Sophomores students test. are not allowed to simply leave when they To find a solution to this problem, one finish their test because obviously they must understand why the state officials could go text their friend at Austin High have students take standardized tests like and give them the answers or tell them the State of Texas Assessment of Aca- about the test. We can’t have our phones demic Readiness, better known as STA- or listen to music once finished. No selfAR, or the Texas Assessment of Knowl- ies while people are working. We aren’t edge and Skills, TAKS. Proponents of even permitted to work on our school the testing might say the tests serve as an work after we finish because someone sitobjective way to fairly test students on an ting nearby who is still testing could see equal playing field. Academic officials use my English homework and by their lucky the tests to see if students are learning at stars my homework is over the exact quesan appropriate pace. These observations tion they are stuck on.

the shield // May 23 , 2014

So we get two options: sleep or read a teachers who focus on that leave their stubook. Don’t have a book? Enjoy your four dents unprepared for these one-page eshour nap on a desk. says. This leaves teachers stuck. Prepare Juniors and freshmen this year had for the future or for the impending test? two of their STAAR tests as half-days. Their curriculum has to change to get In the mornings they took students ready for the the laborious test, draintest, but the test gathing them before they went ers information about through the rest of their our education which is classes. Whether that is changed for the test that better or worse is debatis monitoring our learnable, but if these tests are ing… so important to the state, It’s a cycle. they should allow students Academic officials to return home after the use the tests to judge test to remove the stress of the quality of schools falling behind or having to based on the students’ keep pushing through the scores to find out if the school day. schools are satisfactory. The testing days leave To say these tests are an LULU NEWTON us a class day behind others accurate way to judge staff reporter in our mixed-grade classes, the quality of a school but don’t allow us to utior teachers would be lize that otherwise wasted wrong. Schools offer far time to stay caught up in our work. And more to their students than can be meathen there are the numerous in-between sured through a test. STAAR tests don’t tests students take. Occasionally we get cover the quality of our theater or orchesthrown a Middle of Year test (MOY). We tra program. They don’t test the strength lose a class or two doing these tests, and of, for example, the language department the benefit lies nowhere in the classroom. of a school. The class time wasted to prepare for Schools are more than just English I the big tests is ludicrous. The essays on and II, Algebra I, Algebra II and U.S. the STAAR are confined to a small, 26 History. The quality of a school is not line box. English teachers have to have based on individual classes. Students’ their students practice writing essays in skills may not truly reflect what the school these pathetic boxes so that when testing is providing for them in total. What the day comes, they can whip out an essay and state officials can be sure of, though, is cram it into that absurd size. While it is that I can write a short persuasive essay good to be able to crank out a short essay, in a 26 line box. that type of writing will be less than benThe tests are a waste of our time and eficial in the long run, as in college. the state’s resources. A test, a class test If educators are going to push us and given by a teacher, is to challenge a stupush us to go to college, they need to re- dent’s knowledge on a subject. Ideally move these little impediments that take tests complement and augment educaaway from our time in learning to write tion. That is not what this standardized those long-winded papers we will en- testing does. The tests are impediments, counter so often in college. However, the not enhancements.

Humans of McCallum

Photos by Maya Coplin

Entertainment 17

May 23, 2014 // the shield

18 Opinion

Patriotism pending... After the American Humanist Association filed a lawsuit in April regarding the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, debate over the pledge has once again risen around the country. Many claim that given the changes in America, the pledge has become outdated. Because the pledge has lost its patriotic value, it should not be part of the regular routine of schools. The problem with the pledge has always been the phrase “under God” Not only does “under God” blur the separation of church and state, the phrase is outdated and doesn’t apply to everyone in the United States. However, with the changes in American society, the issue of people respecting the pledge as a symbol of our nation’s ideals and history has caused a shift in the value of the pledge. While to many the pledge is something that is taken seriously, a large population of Americans have lost the drive to take part in the tribute with utmost respect. The repetitive routine of the pledge has caused it to lose its value with the young population. Every morning at 10:31, the announcements come on and kids start partaking in end of class small talk. “Please rise for the pledges” comes out of the speakers, and kids continue to do as they wish. Due to freedom of speech, students cannot be forced to say the pledge. The fact that

students talk during this tribute results in more disrespect to the country than it would if the pledge was taken out of the morning routine. When someone asks a high-school-aged student to do the same thing five days a week for nine months, it is inevitable that they will lose sight of the purpose and value of what they are being asked to do. As the years of saying the Pledge of Allegiance have passed, this generation of students has lost sight of the fact that the pledge is a patriotic symbol. It does no good to take the time to say the pledge if almost everyone is ignoring it. To prevent further disrespect to the country, the Pledge of Allegiance should not be said in schools. If teachers and administrators were to try and enforce it, it would cause kids to have even less respect for it. The pledge is said to respect the country and those who have fought to give Americans the freedom that the country is known for. If the kids aren’t going to put forth

Cartoon by June Bendich. the respect, then it is best if the pledge is eliminated from the school day.

Correction In the last issue of the Shield, nurse Kathleen Thelen was misquoted: TB is not viral and is not in the school, and she did not say that “TB can lay dormant in the body for a long time and the person may have no symptoms and may feel fantastic.” Thelen also did not give the gender of the subject. We regret the error.


shield staff

A.N. McCallum High School 5600 Sunshine Dr. Austin, TX 78756 (512) 414-7539 fax (512) 453-2599




sports editors BEN BROWN NICK ROBERTSON photo editor MAYA COPLIN

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the shield // may 23, 2014



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19 online

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Recent headlines: (1) Tennis team sells Jim-Jim’s Italian ice after school this month (2) The final number: choir celebrates last show of the year

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(3) Junior designs project for pre-AP physics classes (4) Seniors parade at the annual McCallum awards night Like: macshieldonline Follow: @theshieldonline on Twitter

20 Feature

Putting their best foot ‘foreward’ Dance students perform in benefit show


1 3 1. Senior Danielle Thomas performs an African dance. 2. Junior Deiz Vega preforms in a dance choreographed by senior Ryane Byrd. 3. Seniors perform a last dance together to “Paper Aeroplanes” by Angus and Julia Stone. 4. Senior Frana’zhea Ragan choreographed her own dance number. 5. Freshman Charlie Grisham jumps during a partner contemporary piece choreographed by junior Sarah Walls. Photos by Maya Coplin.

the shield // May 23 , 2013



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