Leaning against a tree and holding a sign,juniorZephan Mayeda participatesinthe walkout to protest against the lack of gunprotectioninthe United Statesand to draw attention to the statewide protest While he felt the walkout could have been more substantive,he said he appreciated the symbolic message that the walkout conveyed
Sophomore EdenAcosta lieswithfriendsduring the walkout Acosta thinksone actionthat needsto be takenintermsof guncontrol isto take awayassault rifles ?That thing,assault rifles,it?snot a bullet,?Acosta said.?It destroyswhateverit?s hitting That?smeant forkilling Whydo you need that inyour house?What are you hunting withthat?There?sno reasonto have it?PhotosbyGerg? Major
At least 100 students participate in campus walkout for gun control
Last-minute protest met withmixed reaction,calls formore substantive action
co-news editor & co-print managing editor
At noononMay11at least 100students walkedout aspart of astatewidewalkout organizedbyStudentsDemandAction The McCallum-specificwalkout wasorganizedby junior TeddyIbsen
?It waskindof last-minute,?Ibsentoldthe Shieldthedaythewalkout tookplace ?I had onlydecidedtodothisyesterday,and thismorningI put upflyers.?
Ibsensaidthepurposeof the walkout wastodemandaction andshowsolidarity
?We?reinthestate capital,?Ibsensaid ?We can't just let this opportunitytohelpand demandactionslipaway It wastoshowsolidarityinthe fight for guncontrol and regulation It wasimportant to
TeddyIbsendisplaystheirprotest signat the May11walkout.Photo byGerg? Major
may 31, 2023
demandactionfromour staterepresentative,especiallybecause of theHouseBill 2744,which[wouldraise]theageof buyinga semiautomaticweapon?
Advocatesfor HB2744wereelatedwhenit advancedout of committeethankstotwoRepublicanvotesinitsfavor,but hopefor it passingendedwhenthebill wasnot addedtothe agendaintimefor it tobeconsideredbytheHouse SophomoreEdenAcostaremembersIbsensaying,?we couldbenext ?
?Not that longagoI wasinclassandI got arandom waveof anxiety,?Acostasaid ?I thought someonecould comeright now I wasfreakingout ThenI waslike,?Oh, let'scalmdown It'sfine?I wassittingthereandI was thinkingabout how,I thinkI waslikethe23rddayof 2023 Therewerealreadylike,40massshootings? Twicethenumber of days That'sinsane?
Manystudentsfelt calledtoparticipateafter seeing postersaroundtheschool
?I didn'tknowhowmanypeoplewere goinginandhowmanypeopleweregoing totakeit seriously,?Acostasaid ?I had just comefromaschool wheretheywere not onthat sideI wasinart classThe girl nexttomewaslike?Areyougoing towalkout??andI waslike?Yeah??
FreshmanNayeli Azul joinedthe walkout after seeingaposter This wasAzul?sfirst walkout.
?I wantedtosupportstudent organizers,especiallybecausethiswas aTexas-widewalkoutandingeneral peopleacrossTexasdon?talwaysagree politically,?Azul said ?It wasimportant tosupportinordertomakechange? Althoughsomestudentssawtheposters,
manydidn? t andsotheyweren? t abletoparticipate
?I don't thinkit waseffectiveat all,?sophomoreScarlet Logue said ?I thinkthereweremanyflawsintheplanningmainly becauseit waslast-minute Somanypeoplewhowould've participatedcouldn't becauseof theAPtestingsoit wasn't nearly asimpactful asit could'vebeen.Not manypeopleknewabout it, soit?ll beswept beneaththerug?
Studentspushedthewalkout tobesilent duetoAPtesting,but despiteitslackof volume,manyfoundit powerful Azul saidthat oneof themost impactful momentsduringthewalkout occurred wheneveryonewasaskedtoliedowninmemoryof everyonelost toschool shootings
?I felt empowered,likeweasyouthcanmakeactual changein our community,?Ibsensaid ?That our voicesmatter,evenwith thesemi quiet protestingwedid?
Althoughsomestudentsfelt empowered,junior Zephan Mayedafelt underwhelmed
?I wouldhavelovedtoseemarching,chants,speeches,listsof phonenumberstocall senators,namespicturesandbirthdaysof the victims,flyerspromotingtheprotestdaysweeksormonthsevenin advance,massabsences,anactual walkoutforthosewhocan?tnot go toschoolthat isn? t just 20minutesof sitting,?Mayedasaid
Despitethesereservations,Mayedasaidhestill felt drawnto participatetoprotest thelackof gunprotectioninthecountry andthestate
?Childrenaredyingduetothegovernment'sapathyand corporatelobbyingagainst anyactionof anykind,?Mayedasaid
Tocontinuetheir activism,Ibsenwantstostart aclubthat focusesoncurrent issuesandcivil disobedience Theysawthe walkout asacall toactionfor many
?I wouldliketosaythat youthvoicescanbeheard,?Ibsensaid ?Youcanlookupwhat statedistrict you?rein,andemail or call your official andurgethemtovotethewayyouwant Youcan alsojoinprotestsat thecapital,demandingaction Novoiceistoo small tobeheard?
shieldt h e
Raccoon saga continues
Sealing entrypointsprovesineffective;two raccoonincidentsoccurweek before finals
NOAH BRAUN staff reporter
Despiteeffortsbythedistrict toprevent the ongoingrodent incidentsat McCallum,the raccooninfestationcontinues Tworaccoons werereportedoncampusduringthelast weekof classesbeforefinals
Followingathree-daystreakof raccoon sightingsandcapturesfromApril 26to28,AISD contractedwithapest control companytoseal upentrypointstotheschool Theseefforts provedeffectivefor aroundtwoandahalf weeksuntil araccoon caught inatrapinthe ceilingabovethelibrary doorsonTuesday,May16
put anendtothat streak ?[Theraccoons]were gettinginthroughontop of thebuilding,or what we call penthouses,whichhas alot of our mechanical units,?associateprincipal AndyBaxasaid ?Oneof thosedoorswasnot being securedproperly,andtheywereabletoget in throughthereandanynumber of theholes aroundour perimeter ?
Suspectednoisesfromaraccoonwereheard fromthewall of room106onthemorningof May17andcontinuedthemorningof May18
Animal Control searchedfor theraccoonlater that daybut didnot findone Hetoldthe animal control expert that acustodian reportedseeingtheraccoonTuesdayevening andit wasnot atrappedraccoon,but rather a mother caringfor her babies
Thelibraryhasconsistentlybeena high-activityareafor raccoon-relatedincidents, leadingtovarioustrapsbeingplacedinthe ceilingandelsewhere Thispreventative measurehasseensuccessinthecaptureson April 27andMay16,but additional measures arestill beingtakentoprevent further incidents
?[Theraccoons]arepartly whywe?rereallystrict about foodanddrink,?Orr said ?I startedthinking,?There?sa reasonwhythecafeteria doesn? t havecarpet ?That wouldbeabadidea.So,no foodinthelibrary,because we?retryingtokeepthem out of thispart of the building?
Orr supportedher theory of foodbeingtheprimary attractor of theseanimals whenrememberinghowafter leavingout a food-riddengarbagebaginfront of thelibrary onenight beforeleavingfor work,she returnedthenext morningtoseeaholeinthe ceilingdirectlyaboveit,complementedby clawmarksandurinestainsonanearbywall
almost threedecadesandhashad innumerableexperienceswithpest infiltrationsandother animal situations, mainlyraccoons Throughhisexperience,he?s growntoviewthecreaturesasanissuethat can? t bepermanentlysolved ?They?reverysmart animals,?Senasaid ?Theyusuallydon? t get caught intraps Now, AISDhashiredanoutsidecompany, andtheytrieddifferentthings,? but theseraccoonsdon? t get scared?
fromacrossthestreet andtheywent intothe stormdrain?
Despiteall theraccoonsdo,though,Senastill doesnot feel threatenedbytheir presence ?I?venever felt likeI?mindanger becauseof theraccoons,?Senasaid ?They?rereal smart andtheyget more scaredof methanI amof them Most of thetimes,theytendtogobackup? theyfeel safethere? Whiletheraccoonsmight not seemthreateningto humans,theraccoonsandthe humansbothmightagree thatthesamecan'tbesaid forthepossumcaughtin araccoontrapthat reportedlyledtoaflea infestationand subsequentfumigation of theEnglishhall after twoEnglishteacherson thathallwayreportedfleas intheirclassroomsthe weekof final exams
Theendof the2022-2023 school year hasnot brought an endtotheongoingsagaof campus encounterswithrodents Perhapsit will beadifferent storythissummer
Whenthreeraccoons infiltratedcampusonApril26, OfficerMikeReillyusedthese trashcanstotrapandremove oneof theinvasivecritters.
Senahasbeenworkingat AISDschoolsfor
After recallingtheincident onMarch27inwhichathe smell of adeadraccoon, trappedandleft torot after injury,filledabout half theschool,Senaexpressed great concernregarding raccoonsafety ?Theone thing [outside companies] don? t know about raccoonsis that theytend tocomeback towherethey wereborn,?Sena said ?Wehadafamily here,sowebelievethat someof themhavecome back Just thismorning,I sawtworaccoonsrunning
AccordingtoheadcustodianDaniel Sena,AISD may 31, 2023
4 news shield t h e
Acontracted pest control company employee apprehended and released a raccoononthe morning of May16 during fifthperiod afterthe raccoon was caught ina trap inthe ceiling infront of the library overnight.Photo byDave Winter.
an outside company and theytried different
" "
things?but these raccoons don? t get scared.
head custodian Daniel Sena
'Cows:' a graze show with mooving performances
Led bycreatorAndersonZoll,Mac?sfinest artistsmake most of chance to be scene,herd
BELOW:JuniorEllieLoudermilk(pig) poseswithher?herd,?seniorEmma Johnston(sheep)andseniorKathryn Dooley(calf)Inthemusical,thetrio foughttosavetheirfarmfriend: Betsy-May?Beinginthetriowassomuch fun,?Loudermilksaid ?Insomeparts, [AndersonZoll]wouldgiveusa random beat,andwewouldriffoffofeachother We?devenmakeuphar- monies?She saidCows:the Moosicalwasspecial becauseit wasthefirststudent-ledplay shehasbeenin.?Thebestpartwasthat wewereallsuperexcited,?Loudermilk said."Weputtheshowtogetherwithno supervision?CaptionbyJoJoBarnard
ABOVE: Junior Olive Greene made her acting debut in Cows the Moosical ? I usually do technical theater, but I have a lot of respect for Anderson [Zoll] asan artist, and it was clear that this isa project that he really cared about,?Greene said. Greene found this production more approachable than a typical McCallum production Although she enjoyed the experience, she isplanning on returning behind the scenes ? I don? t know if I?ll do it again,? Greene said. ? I think I?m better suited for hands-on stuff and just kind of prefer that kind of work I think we all brought a lot of energy and were able to actually commit and make it happen.?Caption by Kate
Photo byLucas Walker
ABOVE: SeniorAndersonZoll hugsfreshmanMaggie Brownafterthe closing night of Cows:The Moosical The real storytellerthoughwas Zoll,who transformed Cows from an idea to a full-scale production. The show wasmade possible onlythroughhard work and effort not onlyfrom Zollbut also from the manystudentswho helped him bring hisvisionto fruition.?Some of myfavorite momentswere the late nights I spent inpractice roomswithmyfriendsbuilding harmonies, accompaniment and lyrics.?Zoll said.? I had so muchfunduring the writing processof thisshow,and I am reallyhappywithhow it turned out?Captionand photo byJulia Copas
Scanthe QRcode to view ourfull Cows:the Moosical TuesdayTop 10 photo essay at macshieldonlinecom
LEFT:JuniorAddie Knight (Betsy-May)performs?Beefing withmyDestiny?duringthe opening-nightperformanceof Cows:the Moosical The opening night wasthe first fullrunof the play,asit wasdiscoveredthat the programmingof the stage lightshad beendeleted,forcing lightingdesignerjuniorLilli Gonzalesto reprogramthem only hoursbefore the performance Thisunforeseenchallenge preventedthe ensemblefrom rehearsingonstage the dayof the premiere,makingKnight nervous Despitethisdisruption, Knightremainedoptimistic. ?Personally,I knowI couldn? t havewished fora betteropening night,especiallyconsideringthe circumstances?CaptionbyLucas
Walker PhotobyLanie Sepehri
ABOVE: SeniorAtticusAdair(Samuel) standsnext to juniorHenryMayes (CowboyClyde)ashe decides betweenhisdutyand hisdesire to help Betsy-May Inadditionto playing a lead role inthe show,Adairalso helped write the music forthe show. "We had sucha big task to pull everybody[together]fora full musical, a full two acts,songs,orchestration, whatever,"Adairsaid "It wasstressful, especiallythe last week leading up to it because we were kind of scrambling to make sure everything wasready."
shieldt h e may 31, 2023 arts & entertainment shield t h e 6
CaptionbyLanie Sepehri Photo by Julia Copas
Sage Edw ar ds
EdwardstoenterIvyLeagueas'architectof hereducation'
Theopencurriculum,andchancetoexploreher educationis what first drewSageEdwardstoBrown After beingdeferredin thefall semester,EdwardspushedBrownoff totheside She carriedonwithher other applications,pickedschoolstoapply tothat shethought suitedher anddidn? t thinkabout Brown tooseriouslybecauseof thepreviousdeferral
?Because I got deferred, I put theideaof actually getting in to theside?Edwards said ?I thought I had gotten asfar asI could and wasproud to just not be rejected in thefirst round?
Thennot expectingmuchof it,Edwardsopenedthedecision letter,whichmuchtoher surprisecontainedtheacceptancefor whichshehadbeenhoping
?I openedthefinal decisionletter withmymomoutsideof whereI workandwhenwesawthe?WelcometoBrown!? banner webothstartedscreamingandfell totheground,? Edwardssaid ?I wasdefinitelyinshock whenI got accepted regular decision?
Thisacceptancemarkedthebeginningof Edwards' pathfor thenext four years
?Brown wasalwaysmy topchoicebecauseyou can bethe architect of your own education,?Edwardssaid ?The environment isvery collaborativeand thereisjust such a bigculture?
Throughout highschool,Edwards?twofocuseswereart and math,twothingswhichshehopestotakewithher toBrown Sheisgoingwithanundecidedmajor likeall studentswho attendBrowndotheir first twoyears Brownalsooffersitsnew
Ty ler M ankinen
seniorpursuesentertainment management
Senior Tyler MankinenplanstoattendOklahomaCity Universitytomajor inentertainment management andminor in theater productiondesign
Sincehisfreshmanyear,Mankinenhaswantedtopursuea career inperformance Hehasdiscoveredthat production management istheperfect balanceof hispassions.
?Inmyjunior year,I triedstagemanagingfor thefirst time, andI lovedit becauseit wastheperfect blendof beingabletofeel likepart of thecast,withmuchmoreresponsibilityof making sureeverythingis runningsmoothly,?
Mankinensaid ?I discoveredthat?s what I likedtodo andit?swhat I want todofor therest of mylife?
Fromthesizeof theschool tothe programsand opportunities, OklahomaCity Universitychecksall of Mankinen'sboxes Mankinenislooking forwardtocontinuinghisjourneyasafineartsstudent
?It?sareallygoodenvironment for meinperformingartsand reallyanyaspect,?Mankinensaid ?It?sanicecampusthat is reallysmall,someof mymajor-specificclassescanbeuptothree people,whichiscrazy,but youget toreallyknowyour professors whichissuper valuable?
Asadancemajor of threeyears,theatrestudent of four years,
andafrenchhornandmellophoneplayer inmarchingbandfor four years,Mankinenhaslearnedvaluablelessonsfromeachof his extracurriculars
TheatrehasallowedMankinentoperform,tobuildrelationships andtofindhiscalling
?Beingintheater hasdefinitelychangedme,?Mankinen said ?It wasachancetotrynewthings,andit really helpedmediscover what I want tospecializein?
DancehasalsoaffordedMankinenthechanceto performandtoworkbehindthescenes
?MacDancehastaught mealot of lifeskillslike cooperationandcommunication,?Mankinensaid ?Gettingtoworkwithdifferent choreographersand gettingtodirect our ownshowhasreallygivenme theopportunitytotakealeadershiproleandtest out what I want todo?
Mankinen?sexperiencesinmarchingbandhave alsobeenvital
?I?vealwaysknownthat I don? t want togointo music,but beinginbandhashelpedmewithlifeskills liketimemanagement andbeingabletopersevereand tobeprepared,?Mankinensaid
Whenreflectingonhistimeat McCallum,Mankinen appreciatedtheopportunitytoparticipateinsomany different activities
?Beingintheatre,bandanddancehaveall helpedme improveineverything,?Mankinensaid ?That?swhat I?m goingtomissthemost:howI canpursueavarietyof uniqueopportunitiesindepth?
studentsatwoandahalf weekshoppingperiodtodiscover what classestheywant topursue
?For twoandahalf weeks,youcanwander oncampusandsit inonanyclassesnomatter what theyare,?Edwardssaid ?And thenafter that,you candecidewhat coursestotake, whichI'mvery excitedfor because I'msurethere'salot of fieldsthat I'mnot evenawareof ?
Not onlydid Brownappeal to Edwardswiththe freedomof the curriculum,but shealsofell inlovewiththecampus
?I went onEast Coast,andWest Coast collegetourslast summer,andBrownwassobeautiful ?Edwardssaid ?I really wantedtogotoschool withaprettycampus,andtheyjust have reallybeautiful oldacademicarchitecture?
Whilesheisexcitedfor thenewchapter of her life,Edwardsis alsosadtoleaveher communityof friendsandfamilyinschool andout
?I'mreallyexcitedtomeet all thereally,reallyinterestingand multifacetedpeople?Edwardssaid ?I'msureeverybodycandoa lot of different things?
Iloved[stage managing].Itwasthe perfectblendofbeing abletofeellikepartof thecast,withmuch moreresponsibility.
? Tyler Mankinen
Whenwesawthe 'Welcometo Brown!' banner,weboth startedscreamingand felltotheground.
? Sage Edwards "
Photo courtesy of Mankinen
senior issue 13 may 31, 2023
Photo of Edwardsand college couneslor Camille Nix courtesyof Edwards..
t o t he gr aduat ion st a
The OFFICIALguide to the Classof 2023'spost-highschool plans
Auburn University
Sasha Pittman
Arizona State University
Atticus Adair
University of Arizona
Hana Diamond
University of Arkansas
Kate Bachmann
Luke Gordon
California Polytechnic State University
Maia Ernst
Sophia Gonzales
Parker Mitchell
Nia Wayman
Sacramento State University
Oscar Friend
University of California - Santa Cruz
Scarlet Bowman
Aspen Holder
Molly Holder
Ethan Kuhlken
University of California - Berkeley
Eric Thatcher
University of California - Los Angelos
Kate Shackelford
University of San Fransisco
Kate Boyle
Jette Morris
Colorado College
Nico Martinez
Colorado School of Mines
Patrick McVey
Colarado State University
Leo Finley
Nicolas Johnston
Jasper Kurtz
Anwen Ternay
University of Denver
Margaret Hearne
Zoe Tanner
University of Hartford
Kathryn Dooley
University of Florida
Ethan Hunteman
Nora Kadas
Columbus State University
Anthony Clements
Emory University
Malia Walewski
Savannah College of Art and Design
Owen McGuire
Ian Tice
Cassidy Segrest
Sahara Cumberbatch
University of Georgia
Paige Massengale
DePaul University
Nick Boehle
Ava LaWare
Loyola University - Chicago
Elijah Betton
Roosevelt College
Mariela Denson
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Ava Dapper
Ellary Jones
Indiana University - Bloomington
Thea Krische
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rowan Sammon
University of Notre Dame
Brigid Haikola
University of Iowa
Anna Fox
Jack Owens
University of Kansas
Huck Langford
Alyssa Sparks
Louisiana State University
Elle Dieterich
Violet Levack
Maine School of Art & Design
Emanuel Lozano
Boston College
Thea Cahoon
Hampshire College
Renee Tilson
Mount Holyoke College
Sofia Ramon
Northeastern University
Daniel Valentine
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Harrison Allard
Alex Gold
Max Yehaskel
University of Michigan
Noah Dainton
Anderson Zoll
Rust College
Saraih Taylor
University of Mississippi
Luke Stojanik
University of Montana
William Wheeler
St John s College
Jude Brandimarte
Jackson Feger
Bard College & Conservatory
Lauren Ryan-Holt
Colgate University
Camille Wilson
LIM College
Clarissa Villarreal
Manhattan School of Music
Peter Wiseman
New York University
Darlene Marsh
Pratt Institute
Eisele Mosby
Rochester Institute of Technology
Zoe Kerns
SUNY Purchase College
Josie Bradsby
Syracuse University
Ethan Garnes
Pace University
Rhett Shields
Elon University
Megan McHorse
Kenyon College
Marielle Musick
Miami University, Oxford
Emmi Anderson
Ohio Wesleyan University
Layn Mayfield
Otterbein University
Maya Cidale
The Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Z Campbell
Oklahoma City University
Emma Johnston
Tyler Mankinen
Lewis & Clark College
Ami Rosenblatt
Topher Wynn
Reed College
Maggie Provost
University of Oregon
Ellie Collard
Catalina Flores
Penn State University
Teagan Boyd
Brown University
Sage Edwards
Rhode Island School of Design
Joaquin Godines
Belmont University
Charlotte Blackmon
Olivia Falcon
Rhodes College
Jolie Gabriel
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Ella Stovall
Angelo State University
Cara Fong
Sidni Taylor
Austin College
Margo Evelyn
Austin Community College
Zane Alexander
Anaise Antinelli
Brynn Ard
Eli Benitez
Linnea Bieri
Patrick Blakely
Samantha Bogle
Nathan Brookshire
Avery Bryant
Beck Burger
Zoe Burns
Adella Carcione
Ruby Cloke
Crayton Davis
Imani Davis
Ximena De La Garza
Elissa Delgado Morrison
Sherlyn De Paz-Perez
Ania Deraet
Reagan Dias
Hunter Dickson
ElizaBess Estrada
Grey Ferrell
Emmanuel Flores
Elizabeth Ford
Elias Frank
Arwen Frederiksen
Jacob French
William Hall
Major Henson
Julia Husted
Ethan Hutcheson
Julissa Jaimes Ruiz
Octavio Jones
Ava Kane
Hank Kirby
Nolan Lamb
Hannah Laxton
Karma Lewis
Erik Lopez
Skye Ludlam
Avalon Margulies
Daschel Maroney
Spencer McNelis
Alwynne Metze
Isabella Miller
Grace Miller
Adah Morris
Alex Morse
Georgiana Murray
Jacob O'Brian
Taylor Peterkin
Stella Pitts
Adrian Reinhardt
Lillianna Reynolds
Jonas Richardson
Genesis Ritcherson
Labraya Rivera
Oliver Roderick
Adrianna Rodriguez Estrada
Allie Rosholt
Gia Ruedas
Somaya Safi
Stephanie Sanchez
Matilda Scatton
shi t h e 14 senior issue may
ge and bey ond
Adam Snobl
Cal Soisson
Maya Soto-Ferate
Samuel Squires
Sage Swenson
Catherine Thomason
Ava Tom
Mateo Wells
Kayden Williams-Ellard
Gibson Wilson
Aasja Wren
Omidullah Zadran
Victor Zamora
Erik Zeinner
Concordia University
Colby Summers
Paul Quinn College
Teasia Cooks
Southwestern University
Caytie Brown
Scarlett Stevens
St Edward's University
Cecilia Castro Leonor
Jacob Hazen
Ariana Mendez
Endymion Smith
Temple College
Alona Herring
Deion McClarin-Martinez
Texas A&M University
Sabine Collins
Garrett Roeder
Canyon Hilgemann
Kendall Shenoda
Vivian Trominski
Texas Christian University
Charlotte Wunz
Texas State University
Steven Anzures
Jude Brown
Siena Butlin
Aaron Degante
Haven Finn
Greyson Hamlin
Ramiro Hinojosa
Kayla Homedes Morlanes
Alexander Jourdan
Gillian Lucente
Gwendolyn Mueller
William Muenchinger
Prine Patterson
Udoy Saha
Aryanna Sanchez
Malakhi Washington
John Wood
Kei Yarbrough
Arthur Zimmerman
Ava Medina
Texas Tech University
Ruby Davidson
Stella Davidson
Olivia Escalante
Anthony Hernandez Martinez
John Jordan
Azra Kleiman
Pablo Lopez
Miles McCollum
Lauren Potts
Pedro Sanchez
Jack Stites
Sydney Suarez Wallace
Leon Szaniszlo
Angel Vazquez Granados
Ronald Wolleben
Jack Pitts
Ella White
Trinity University
Sophia Dawson
Claire DeSilva-Yost
Julia Schaubert
Mattie Zettner
University of Houston
Waleed Malkawi
Vicbajew Reese
Jayden Mason
Eliana Drucker-Falk
University of North Texas
Carter Eason
Maxwell Lund
Lila Markey
Adeline Merritt
Jamie Miller
Kaya Stone
University of Texas at Arlington
Robert Hudson
Qingni Jiang
Maya Kini
University of Texas at Austin
Mabry Adair
Aidan Alcala
Ali Atkinson
Evie Barnard
Truman Castore
Camille Correa
Amaya Collier
Sofia Dorsett
Olive Embry
Leah Gordon
Sabina Guardado
Oliver Harrington
Sophia Kramer
Daniela Morrow
William Myren
Gretchen Myrick
Rachel Nabhan
Charles Partheymuller
Jonathan Randle
Tallulah Wilson
Stephanie Gallegos
Noah Lawrence
Esme Moreno-Bernacki
Yamini Shekhar
Callan Spence
Vaughn Vandegrift
Grace Vitale
Charlie Weatherby
Mirabai Weatherford
Sidney Weaver
University of Texas at Dallas
University of Texas at San Antonio
Ivan Moreno-Broden
Regan Sims
Abraham Torres Marin
University of the Incarnate Word
Samuel Hoke
Webster University
Alyssa Sanchez
Texas Lutheran University
Lily DaMommio
University of Vermont
Lily Brode
Finn Sewell McCann
Alec Sugars
Max Wilson
George Mason University
Chloe Anderson
University of Washington
Jaden Mann
Lawrence University
Griffin Haltom
University of Wisconsin - Madison
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Ben Johnson
American University
Sam Kanewske
University of Glasgow
Verto Education - Sevilla, Spain
Beauty School
Janessa Castillo
Culinary Institute of America
Paul Mitchell Beauty School
Baldwin Beauty School
Maddie Hello
Isaiah Martinez
Meliah Arias
Miles Becht
Corgan Berger
Lubbock Burton
Haydon Coppernoll
Angel Corona- Aguilar
RowanIreland - Travel and world
Brynn Love - Tattoo artist
Kalab Manor
Dashiell Keep - Moving to Seattle
MichelleTorres Sanchez
JasmineValle-Soliz - Medical assistant
David Wainscott
RyderPagnini-Graham - Travel
GeorgiaZaninovich - Italy
Savannah Chavarria
Natalia Cisneros Wise
Evelyn Cox
Nathan Dart
Tomas Diago Leon
Savannah Johnson
Aiden Klein
Christos Kovlakas
David Leblanc
Andre Lindsay
IsaiasLopez Ayala
Robert Loranc
Rowan Lott
Isaac Maciel
Franco Maldonado
Mia Manzano
Makenzie Mason
Ilina Mehta
Mason Michulka
Valerie Mukire
Dylan Neal
Kailey Pantoja
Damien Perales
Mercedalia PerezRogel
Sam Price
Benjamin Pruitt
Luke Rashid
Jacob Rea
Jonathan Reyna
Annabelle Robinson
Weston Robinson-French
Antonio Sanchez
Raleigh Savage
Matthew Silva
Elijah Stark
Jackson Strub
Elliot Tollemache
Hazel Tounsand
RoLand Travis
Jaelle Vaughan
Mason Walker
Zoe Westbrook
Jackson Whipple
Andrew Wilson
eld senior issue 15 y 31, 2023
z Cam pbell
Seniorviolist inspires,breaksbarriers
Everyoneinorchestraknows:if you?relost duringaconcert,just watchsenior ZCampbell Accordingtoorchestradirector RickyPringle, Campbell isoneof thebest musicianstoever comethroughMcCallum Fromsixthgradeto senior year,Campbell wasviolasectionleader for All-RegionOrchestra Theymadethetop All-StateOrchestra?afeat accomplishedbyonly twoviolistsinMcCallumhistory?all four years Thissummer,Campbell will jointheNational YouthOrchestraasa touringperformer
?I thinksomekidscan lookat aZandsay,'I want todothat,I want tobelike that or I want toworkto havethis,??Pringlesaid
?Probablytheother violas wouldnot bewherethey are,or asgoodastheyare, hadZnot beenhere?
For Campbell,highschool hasbeenall about discoveringtheir identity,bothasapersonand asamusician Evenasa6-year-oldexperiencing theclassical musicworldfor thefirst time, Campbell foundit hardtobreathe They watchedtheAustinSymphonysurroundedby oldwhitemenasfar astheeyecouldsee In middleschool,Campbell realizedorchestras weredictatedbycenturies-oldtraditions And whenit cametoconcert black,therewasnogray area Girlsworelongdressesandboysworesuits Dyedhair wasunacceptable That?sjust howit alwayswas,but Campbell?smindscreamedit didn? t havetobe
?Another bigpieceof mymusical journey that'simportant tomegoing forwardisthat wemake [classical music] accessible,and part of that is being acceptingof all different typesof people,? Campbell said ?Who theyare really doesn't matter So manydifferent peoplecanenjoy thesamemusic regardlessof their differences?
WhenCOVIDhit andviolawent virtual, Campbell felt freedfromtheclutchesof classical musicconformity Sotheybeganexperimenting withtheir appearance First,theyshavedtheir
head,arockstar ritual tosymbolizenew beginnings Theydyedit everycolor they couldn? t before:neongreen,bright red,electric blue Theypiercedtheir nose,piercedtheir eyebrow,piercedtheir lip Campbell adopted they/thempronounsandthename?Z?
?BeingabletolookthewayI want tolook andnot careabout what other peoplethink hasdefinitelytransferredintomyplayingand just beingmoreconfident ingeneral,being abletoget uponstageandfeel goodinwhat I'mwearingandwhoI am,?Campbell said ?It hasdefinitelymadememoreexpressive,more connectedtomyemotionsandmyexperiences inawaythat'shelpedme channel that intomy music?
Tosenior violinist TheaKrische,Campbell is aninspiration
Throughout their four yearsinaquartet together,Krischehas watchedCampbell play withpassion Campbell stompsall over stereotypesandupliftseveryensemblein whichtheyplay
?SeeingZcomeout,it just reallyshowsyou, ?Hey,thereisaspacefor peoplelike usintheclassical world,??Krische said ?Wedon't havetofit one mold I thinkalot of people havethisideaof orchestrathat we'resomestuffygroupof peoplewhoonlyever play Mozart,andI think Zreally defiesthosenorms They'll show upwithacroppedheadof bright redhair,andthey'll playatango, they'll playsomeTexasfiddle They?rearockstar?
?KeepAustinWeird? ringstrue at
McCallum,withitsvast arrayof fashion choicesandopen-mindedculture,makingit hardtopinpoint the"norm"But onstage, Campbell knowstheystickout Twoyearsago, Campbell heardtheywerelikelythefirst nonbinarypersontoearnatop-fiveviola chair inthetopAll-State orchestra
?I walkintoaroom, andI definitelydon't fit in,?Campbell said ?It canbealittle intimidating,andI feel likeI reallytrynot tolet it get tome But it is weirdtobethat person, especiallywhen interactingwitholder peopleandadultsthat areintheclassical music world There'snot alot of spacefor somebody whoisjust wildlyself-expressive?
Campbell spent last summer at theGreen MountainChamber MusicFestival in Vermont,masteringquartet repertoireunder theguidanceof world-classinstructors Surroundedbyother passionatestringplayers, includingafewnonbinarygraduatestudents, Campbell felt trulyseenfor thefirst time Emotionstraveledthroughstrings,and musical storiespassedfromonequeer musiciantoanother
?Just gettingtoseethemonthestage, performingat suchahighlevel,it waslike, ?Wow,youcandoit,evenif you'redifferent, evenif peoplehavetheir opinionsabout you, youcanget upthereandblow everyoneaway,??Campbell said ?It wasreallyemotional tohavethat moment of watchingsomebodyup therewhoI canrelatetointheir experiencewithgender and not fittingin,just beingable toperformexactlyhowI hopetointhefuture? But for Krische,
everyperformancewithCampbell isalready monumental Onesectionleader toanother, Campbell hastaught her tobededicatedtoher art ?Zisoneof thepeoplewho'sreally inspired metobemorepassionateabout my music,? Krischesaid ?Beingin aquartet with them, they'realwaysbringingthe groupup,and I don't want tobetheonetobringthe groupdown Wherever they goafter this,they'll succeed; I knowthey will becauseI don't think Zis stoppable It'san unstoppableforceversus immovableobject typeof deal And they'reboth?
Accordingtojunior violist HarrisonKnight, playingwithCampbell is likeplayingwithaprofessional musician ?They'resomeonetolook uptobecause they'redoingthingscorrectly,"Knight said "They'realsoaninspiration,onanindividual level They'reencouragingverbally,likethey'll helpyoudothingsandexplainprocessesthat areimportant ?
Knight saysthat Campbell?spresenceisahuge part of what makesorchestraspecial AsKnight preparestomoveintoaleadershiprolewithin theviolasection,heisgrateful tohavewatched Campbell leadbyexample
?I'mkindof terrifiedbecauseI?mgoingto havetotakeover what they'redoing,andit's verybigshoestofill,?Knight said ThedaybeforeCampbell?s18th birthday,theywereacceptedtoThe JuilliardSchool,themost prestigious conservatoryintheworld
?I remember inmiddleschool andeven elementaryschool beinglike,?Wow,it would besocool toget intoJuilliard;that wouldreally meanyou'vemadeit,??Campbell said
But whenCampbell openedtheir acceptance letter fromOberlinConservatory,their heart grewafewsizes Ever sincetheir audition,they knewOberlinwasaplacewheretheycouldgrow alongsidelike-mindedstudents
?I hopethat wherever I amisexactlywhereI needtobe,?Campbell said ?I hopeI'll growso muchandjust become20milliontimesbetter thanI amnowinall aspectsof mylife?
AsCampbell movesontoOberlinandbeyond, theyhopetospreadmorethanjust beautiful music wherever their violatakes them
They hopeto tour the worldina quartet of other queer musicians, fulfillingtheir dreamof makingclassical musicaccessibletoall
?Whether youknowit or not,somebodyout thereisgoingtoseeyousucceedingandbeing whoyouare Andit'sgoingtohaveanimpact on them,?Campbell said
?It'ssoimportant for anyone,transgender, nonconformingor gaytojust reallystickwith musicnomatter what anyonesays,becausewe arecreative,andweareunique.Andthat'swhat musicneeds?
may 31, 2023 shield t h e
INGRID SMITH co-online managing editor & co-news editor
So manydifferent people canenjoythe same music regardless of their differences.
Wherevertheygo after this, they'll succeed; I know theywill because I don't think Z is stoppable.
Photo courtesy of Campbell
? senior Z Campbell
16 senior issue " " " "
? senior Thea Krische
olivia falcon
wantedtojust keepgoingup
Blue Brigade 1st Lieutenant to continue academicsat Belmont,dance at Vanderbilt
Milwaukeeprovidedgoodschools,Falcon knewshebelongedinNashville
placewhereshe?ll beabletofindher footing andthenforgeapathof her own
Asthefirst BlueBrigademember tojoina collegedanceteaminthreeyears,OliviaFalcon knewshehadtoexceedexpectations Falconwas unsureof her plansuntil theendof her junior year,whenshewasfirst introducedtothe prospect of continuingher dancecareer followinggraduationbyjoining college-sponsoreddanceteams
?I didn't knowthat therewasanopportunity after highschool todosomethingthat wasn? t drill team,?Falconsaid After four yearsof Blue Brigadeandprevious trainingat variousdance studiosandFulmore MiddleSchool,Falconwas readyfor achange Unsure of wheretolookfirst,she enlistedthehelpof former BlueBrigadeco-captain MatthewVargas
?WhenI startedgoingto clinicshostedbyvarious collegedanceteams,I talkedtohimbecauseI knewthat wassomethinghe wasinterestedin,?shesaid
?I startedgoingtohisclassesover thesummer andstartedpushingmyself andtoldhim?Hey, don't let megoeasy??
Thisdedicationwasinspiringtobest friend andteammateMalakhi Washington ?She?sanamazingperson,oneof themost talenteddancersI know,?Washingtonsaid ?She isaninspiration?
MuchlikeWashington,BlueBrigadedirector NancySearleapplaudsFalcon?sabilitytowork nomatter her circumstances Searlecitesthisas thereasonFalconwasabletobecome anofficer,andhowshe
?Shealwayspushedherself Beinganofficer wasn? t enough,shealwayswantedbethebest shecould,?Searlesaid ?It wasn't ?I?man officer,I?mhere,I?mjust goingtohang?She wouldalwayspushherself tostill improve,still dobetter ?
Astrongleader but alsoatalenteddancer andareliablefriend,Falconisasocial chameleon,abletofit inwithanyone Since sixthgrade,sheandWashingtonhavebeen inseparable,partlyduetowhat Washington describesas?cordstiedbetweenus?Ms Searle agrees,notingthat Falconeasilymadefriends withwhomever shewasaround
?Shealwaysmadeit a point toreachout to thosethat shedidn't hangout with,?Searle said ?I feel likewith somekidsyoucan pictureexactlywhothey hangout with,but Olivia isn't likethat Shehas closefriendsbut she makesfriendswith whoever?saround?
Despiteher confidence indanceat McCallum, Falconwasnervousabout beingabletofinda collegedanceteamthat wasagoodfit Tofind her newhome,shetookextrastepstosecure her spot indifferent coaches ' minds,readytobe thefirst ontheir list nomatter what ?Meetingcoachesisreallyimportant," Falconssaid "Younever knowif you'dlikeit until you'reintheir shoes,intheir facilities, seeinghowtheyrun,?shesaid.?Put yourself out therebecauseyou'renot goingtoget exposureif youdon? t ?
Betweenmore performance-basedschoolslike UTandcompetition-heavyoneslike WesternKentucky,alongwithmany othersover thecountry,includingher future homeat Belmont andVanderbilt,Falconhad bigdecisionstomake Thefinal choicerested onlocation Sheknewshewantedtobeina citysheloved,andwhileAustinand
?WhenI foundBelmont,I lovedtheschool;I lovedthearea,I lovedeverythinghavingtodo withit,?shesaid ?It wasoverall alot more compellingtometogo there,evenif I can? t dance whileI?mhere,heyI?min NashvilleI?msomewhere whereI?mhappy?
Falcon?ssituation is unique,however Sheis headingtoBelmont University,planningto studyjournalism to pursueacareer in broadcastingand joiningtheVanderbilt danceteam
?I knewthat I wantedtogotoschool in Tennessee,but I wasn? t sureI wouldfinda placethat wouldwork,?Falconsaid ?Whenever I visitedBelmont,I talkedtosome girlsinthebookstoreandfoundout theyhad apartnershipwithVanderbilt ?
Throughacollaborationbetweenthe universities,shewill studyat Belmontwhile simultaneouslydancingwithfellowBruins alongwithVanderbiltandLipscombstudents
Not only wasFalcon thefirst BlueBrigade member topursuecollegiatedanceafter high school sinceSophiaSalojoined the TexasStateStruttersin 2019,but shewas thefirst BlueBrigadedancer tohost a signingday ceremony
Falcon,accompaniedbyBlueBrigade membersandclosefriends,hostedher signing dayonMay15inthelibrary There,her father Robert Falconalsoannouncedthat theFalcon familywill beestablishinga$1,000 scholarshipthat will beawardedtoaBlue Brigadesenior everyyear
TheceremonywasorchestratedbySearle whothinksBelmont isthe right placefor Falcontoo SearlesaysBelmont isa
?I caneasilyseeher fittinginandnot acting likeanewmember,"Searlesaid,?It?sexciting toseewhereshe?ll gowiththat ?
Thetransitionfrom TexastoTennesseewill beadifficult one, though,evenif she?s readyfor thechange
After growingupin Austin,leavingbehind thesamethingsshe?s seenfor thepast 18years isprovingtobea struggle
?I?mjust goingto missthefamiliarity,?
Falcon said ?It?sreally hardtoknowthat next year I?mgoingtobesomewhere completely different ?
Falconwill beleavingher friends,family, andeverythingsherecognizesfor anentirely newlife Despitethisdrasticchange, Washingtonbelievesshe?ll thrive ?[She?s]goingtodoamazingthings,andI can? t wait tosee[her]continueandget better,? hesaid
Falconon May 15th,where she signed forthe Vanderbilt Dance Team
Photo byDave Winter.
She'sanamazing person,oneofthe most talented dancersIknow.Sheis an inspiration.
" may 31, 2023 senior issue 17
HELEN MARTIN staff reporter WhenIfound Belmont Ilovedthe school,Ilovedthe area,Iloved everythinghavingto do withit.
? senior Olivia Falcon
? senior Khi Washington