Luxury Hotels Cyprus Magazine

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Myths Myths of of Cyprus Cyprus Aphrodite and Adonis

Мифы Мифы Кипра Кипра

(Афродита и Адонис) (Афродита и Адонис)

Aphrodite and Adonis

The Villages of Cyprus The Villages of Cyprus live the timeless serenity and charm of the live the timeless serenity and charm of the Countryside Countryside

Projects Projects that that are are redefining redefining

Деревни кипра Деревни кипра (жить в вечнoм спокойствии

(житьивочаровании вечнoм спокойствии сельскoй и очаровании сельскoй местности) местности)

Проекты, Проекты, которые которые впечатляют впечатляют

the views and skyline of Cyprus the views and skyline of Cyprus

(виды и горизонты кипра) (виды и горизонты кипра)







34, Nissi Avenue, Shop 7, Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel.: +357 23 725 107 Venezia Oro Jewellery Ayia Napa Veneziaorojewellerynapa Email:

34, Nissi Avenue, Shop 7, Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel.: +357 23 725 107 - Email: Venezia Oro Jewellery Ayia Napa Veneziaorojewellerynapa

34, Nissi Avenue, Shop 7, Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel.: +357 23 725 107 Venezia Oro Jewellery Ayia Napa Veneziaorojewellerynapa Email:

/ ancient history /

MYTHS OF CYPRUS; Aphrodite and Adonis Love is also meant for the gods The island of Cyprus is the setting of some of the most exciting and stimulating stories from mythology and folklore, none more so than Greek mythology. Of all the stories that have been, fewer have caught general attention than the amorous story of the goddess of love Aphrodite, and her lover Adonis, the god of beauty.


ISTORY records that only people to have proceeded the Paphians, who were originally influenced by the Mesopotamian worship of the goddess Ishtar.

BUT We are here for the mythology version, it’s more fun and exciting, and it is set in Cyprus! Per Hesiod, the legend goes that Cronus, son of Uranus, the sky, and Gaia, the earth, who harbored plans of overthrowing his father, severed his father’s genitals and threw it into the sea. The genitals bubbled in a white foam from which an adult maiden emerged, while his blood turned into giants and furies. This was in Paphos, and the ground upon which the maiden was born, solidified and became the Petra Tou Romiou. From this point on, many different tales by different authors from history, give different accounts of the life of Aphrodite, but from Homer’s The Odyssey, we are told that Aphrodite became the wife of the god Hephaestus, but was unfaithful to him with the god of war, Ares. Hephaestus will come to know of her affair through Helios, the god of the sun, and will set a trap for the lovers. Poseidon, feeling considerate towards Ares, will pay for his release, while Aphrodite will be sent to Cyprus, spending most of her days with the charities, who were her maids, and Eros, the god of lust. ADONIS King Cinyras of Cyprus and his wife Metharme had a daughter Myrrha, who Metharme declared to be even more beautiful than Aphrodite herself.


In a fit of anger, Aphrodite cursed the princess to have an endless lust for her father, which will lead to her seeking out her father. In the dark of the night, Myrrha will lay with her father King Cinyras, for nine nights before being discovered and hunted by him. As punishment, the gods will transform the princess into a Myrrh tree, not knowing of her pregnancy. The tree princess will give birth to a son, who Aphrodite will hand over to Persephone, wife of Ares, to take care of. The boy would grow up to be a very handsome and irresistible young man, and Aphrodite will seek to take him back from Persephone who was already attached to the boy. The god, Zeus, will intervene, and declare that Adonis will have to choose who he wants to spend part of his year with, after spending a third with Persephone, and another with Aphrodite. Already in love with Aphrodite, the young god will choose to spend his free part of the year with his love, Aphrodite.

Love is a general phenomenon, even in the realm of the gods, and sometimes it still isn’t enough to keep people together, but it never ends. Today in Cyprus, there are a number of places and festivals that celebrate the goddess Aphrodite as the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.

Their love would be deep and true, yet short-lived, as Ares would come back in jealousy, to haunt Aphrodite. Seeing that she had taken to another man, Ares would in the form of a wild boar come to earth and attack Adonis during a hunting trip. With his injuries proving fatal, Adonis will die in the arms of Aphrodite, who will mourn the young god, and declare a festival, the Adonia, to commemorate his passing.




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Store Store at Parklane at Parklane LuxuryLuxury ResortResort & Spa:& Spa: 11 Giannou 11 Giannou Kranidioti, Kranidioti, Limassol Limassol 4534 4534 Cyprus,Cyprus, Tel: +357 Tel:25354419 +357 25354419

/journey into history /

CYPRUS; a rich past


An island that has made of its wonderful history, the mother of its stunning present, we take a little look at how the island came to be. There are very few places in the word that can match the beauty and history of the island of Cyprus. This rich Mediterranean island has today become one of the most popular tourist destination, not just for the treasured relics of its past but also for the modern sights. THE BEGINNINGS The island of Cyprus is identified as the home and location of many Greek mythologies, such as the Mount Olympus found in the Troodos range, the Petra Tou Romiou stone, which is believed to be the birth place of the goddess Aphrodite, and even the epic of Pygmalion, which is set on the gorgeous island. Mount Olympus is believed to be the home of the Greek gods, led by the god of thunder, Zeus. Adonis, the god of beauty, was also born on the island, when Aphrodite cursed the beautiful princess Myrrha to seek out her father, King Cinyras, in lust. She was transformed into a tree, and bore Adonis as the fruit of her union with her father. King Cinyras is also a Cypriot legend, founder of the city of Paphos, and husband to Pygmalion’s daughter, Metharme. Research and findings have shown that cities Limassol and Amathus were some of the earliest inhabited areas of the island, but settlement started in the village of Khirokitia, as far back as the Neolithic period which is more than 5000 years before the biblical times. The Stone Age around 8000 BC will see farmers settle on the island, with cereal being the largest product from their farms. It’ll take the islanders close to 4000 years to figure out bronze and cooper, but eventually, they did, and by 1500BC, the island had become a civilized and cultured society.


The rise of empires will prove to be a turning point for the island. First will be the Assyrians, who collected tribute from the island, before the island was conquered by the Persians in 545 BC. In 333 BC, however, Alexander The Great will defeat the Persians and take Cyprus, which will lead to a strong Greek cultural influence and presence on the island. Not even after being conquered by Rome, will this change. It is under Roman and Byzantine rule that Christianity will come to Cyprus in 45 AD. In the 12th century, the Byzantines will declare the island independent as their affluence was steady falling, and Richard I of England will see this as an opportunity to not be missed, conquering the island before selling it to the French family, The Lusignan’s. The beauty of the island comes from the blend of all these cultures that had once inhabited or ruled the island, and some of their finest works can still be seen today all over the island, most of them becoming UNESCO Heritage sites in present day. The Lusignan’s will rule for three centuries, before eventually ceding the island to Venetian rule after the death of the king, but the island will be conquered by the Ottomans a few years later and then the British. ENOSIS AND THE PRESENT DAY The island of Cyprus, by the time of British administration was already divided into two; the Orthodox community, who identified themselves with the Greek, and the Catholic community who preferred Turkish and British rule. This will lead to enosis, the fight to join Greece, by the Orthodox community, and an eventual divide of the island to what we know it to be today. Cyprus is today a member of the European Union, and after years of economic crisis, is finding its feet again, and reaching new heights due to its booming tourism sector and development. The island’s rich history and the relics from that fairytale past, coupled with the wonders of its present day, have made Cyprus a must-go destination for tourists, business investors, and thrill-seekers. We invite you to come and see why, you’ll be blown away.


/traditional table fare /


Cuisine, an unforgettable taste RELISH CYPRUS… LIVE EVERY FLAVOUR


Trachanas soup is a staple and part of Cypriot tradition, an all year-round soup. Trachanas are crumbly solid cakes prepared by processing soured goat's milk boiled with crushedwheat and salt, added to appropriatestock and heated togeta creamy porridge-like consistency and full of small cubes of halloumi cheese are added in the final stages, along with seasoning. If you are a fan of chicken, then be sure to try out Avgolemono, a classic soup with tender chicken, orzo (rice) pasta and a delicious bright lemon flavour. The chicken version of Avgolemono soup is preferred over beef and fish-base versions.


Happen to be in Cyprus around Easter? Then you should stick around for our Easter special, the Magiritsa; a mouth-watering soup that is made from lamb offal and tripe. It is traditional to the Greek Orthodox churches as the meal that breaks the 40-day fasting period before Easter. It is served in the wee hours of Easter day, after the Divine Liturgy at midnight, you don’t want to miss out, it’s simply delicious.




Cypriot cuisine is as incredibly diverse as its multi-faceted history, with its own distinctive persona of soups, appetizers, main dishes along with delicacies and salads, dessertsand traditional Cypriot coffee and other beverages brewed on the island. This is true of its alcoholic drinks as well!


Hot appetizers could include; Halloumi grill, a traditional Cypriot recipe which consists of grilled spongy brined cheese made from goat and sheep milk. Dolmades; a stuffed vegetable dish made with fresh vine leaves, minced pork or beef, rice, tomatoes and some cinnamon or pepper seasoning. Mussels Skhara, half-boiled kiwi mussels with olive oil and lemon juice. Feta Saganaki, roasted Feta cheese with sesamecrust, on chilli thyme honey.


The island of Cyprus has the dishes that fill the gourmet or food enthusiast with nothing but gusto and relish.

Lountza is a Cypriot delicacy ofsalted smoked pork loin that is marinated in red wine and smouldered with twigs and wood from aromatic trees or bushes. Tsamarella is a crunchy treat from Cypriot traditional cooking which involves sun-roasting salted goat meat covered in dry oregano. It is usually served with wine or Zivania. Another savour-packed tasty dish is Chiromeri, a yummy Cypriot meal made with smoked pork ham doused in red wine. It is usually served as Mezedes. Originally served as an appetizer, Zalatina is made from the trotters of a pig, and could just end up being your main course. Snails may be slow, but they don’t waste time to impress the senses and taste buds when smoked or fried with onions and some seasoning. • SUMMER 2019 EDITION


Souvla, large pieces of pork, lamb or chicken cookedon a long skewer over acharcoal barbecue, garnished with oregano, lemon and salt. Souvlaki is Souvla with smaller pieces of meat, grilled bread as an option, more garnishes and sauces as well as fried potatoes. For tourists, souvlaki may be made with meat such as lamb, beef, chicken and sometimes fish (especially swordfish) and typically stuffed into a pitta. Gyros is grilled meat slices instead of chunks, using different salads or dressings.


Sheftalia is a traditional Cypriot crépinette, a sausage without skin, using caul fat, or omentum, the membrane that surrounds the stomach of pig or lamb, to wrap the ingredients rather than sausage casing and grilled like a kebab. Kleftiko is a traditional lamb dish that’s prepared baked in a kiln and cooked for a minimum of 24 hours in the clay oven while it marinates in a mixture of lemon juice, and cinnamon.

Moussaka is a widely enjoyed casserole, baked in layers of eggplant and lamb, covered in béchamel sauce, a white sauce white sauce made with butter and flour cooked in milk.

Commandaria WIne


Stifado is a traditional and fragrant stew is made with rabbit (and sometimes beef ) that’s simmered in wine, vinegar, onions, and popular Greek spices, like garlic and oregano.


Horiatiki salad is a staple of the Mediterranean diet, containing vegetables, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, red onions, protein from the feta and olives and olive oil, which is the main fat used. Cypriot Grain Salad uses lots of exotic ingredients like deseeded pomegranate, currants, freekeh, at times, quinoa. Cypriot-style potato salads are also a big hit, when served with grilled fish, meat, or as part of a big spread. Lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, olives, capers, coriander leaves and finely sliced spring onions add a tang to the dish. The tomato salad uses sliced beefsteak tomatoes, local oregano or rigani which has a musky essence, halloumi, olive oil and vinegar.

Loukanika, a meal of pork sausages soaked in red wine, seasoned with coriander and pepper. Yemista, a dish of stuffed vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes, onions, courgettes, aubergines or courgette petals. SEAFOOD

The most traditional fish is çipura, baked in outdoor beehive ovens with special lemon souse. Popular seafood dishes include calamari, cuttlefish, red mullet (parpouni/barbun), sea bass (lavraki/levrek), and Octopus is also favoured, but as grill or stifado (stew) with red wine, carrots, tomatoes, and onions.


The go-to Cypriot dessert is Soutzoukos, a chewy delight made from grape juice; Palouzes, a jelly made out of grape juice; Glyko, preserves of almond, date, apricot, cherry, quince or grapes; Loukoumades, very sweet, small, Cyprus style doughnuts with honey, Kadeifi, Baklava and Galaktoboureko, very rich, sweet cakes made with honey and a plate of mixed fresh fruit.



Coffee in Cyprus is an intricate part of the island’s culture, and this makes it a unique experience when compared to other parts of Europe. Made from freshly ground Brazillian coffee beans grown on the island, the brew is strong and heady, boiled to form a frothy cream known as “kaimaki” on the top. Most locals drink it in tiny demitasse cups with dissolved sugar (“glikis”) or medium sweet (“metrios”); a brave few drinks it unsweetened (“sketos”). ALCOHOL

Traditional Brandy and Zivania are most popular on the island, followed by beer, Ouzo and Raki are also imbibed frequently. A real treat, however, will be to try out Cyprus’ finest, the legendary Commandaria wine, a sweet dessert wine that is the pride of Cyprus and the world’s oldest wine still in production.


V I S I T O R ' S



WaterWorld Themed Waterpark A Y I A


WaterWorld Themed Waterpark Ayia Napa’s premier leisure destination is the perfect option whether you have an occasion to celebrate or looking for a fun day to spend with friends and family.

And that’ not to forget sitting back

activities for every taste and budget within an award-winning environment.

WaterWorld Themed Waterpark in Ayia Napa has won heaps of awards, rated one of the best waterparks in Europe! It was recently rated number 6 among best waterparks in Europe ranked by Trip Advisor.

It’s one of the biggest themed waterparks in the whole world- an impressive feat to say the least. You can spend the whole day without getting bored, with more than 30 waterslides and attractions for the whole family to enjoy! Thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies will be pleasantly surprised with Thunderbolt and Lighting, Drop to Atlantis, Hercules and Fall of Icarus while the less brave can enjoy the fun rides like Apollo’s Plunge, Aeolos Whirlpool, The Chariot Chase and many more. Not just about wild fun under the sun, adults can treat themselves to a little pampering session and plenty of downtime. Kick back and enjoy a hydro massage in the Aphrodite’s Baths adult pool with bubble benches, or at The River Odyssey – WaterWorld’s Lazy River which meanders around the park amidst crumbling stone pillars,

€38 €24 FREE


€100 €80


€600 €125 €100 FREE





The park is accessible from anywhere in Ayia Napa and Protaras via bus No 102. Public transport is available from Larnaca via bus No 711.

safe environment for the whole family. With over 100 lifeguards keeping a close watch over the rides, games and pool areas.

and the Monster of Scilla.



If you are looking for a luxurious day out with friends or clients then THEA VIP SUITE is the place you are looking for. Advantageously located in the heart of Waterworld Themed Waterpark and perfectly elevated to give visitors an uninterrupted view overlooking Poseidon's Wave Pool. Not only will the Thea VIP package include all the major attractions in Waterworld but many additional rides. A Flat screen TV and entertainment system with charging station are also available in the suite together with mini bar, hair dryer, aqua socks, Espresso Machine, tea and Additional facilities, include: King Size couch/bed Dining table (seats up to 8) Room Service Work space/desk Air-conditioning Private bathroom-Shower Changing room Towels Slippers Range of toiletries. In room safe Mini Bar and many more Guests can also order anything from the exclusive VIP menu, which can be found in the Thea Suite, including a wide selection of dishes and desserts for an additional price. Book your VIP experience now as availability is limited. Price starts at 600 euros for up to 4 people. For further information call 99658520 or email

A new addition to the park is the THEA BEACH CABANAS that could bring a touch of luxury and exclusivity to your next visit. Thea Beach Cabana facility. The 25 cabanas are located close to Poseidon's Wave Pool and the waterpark’s other highly popular facilities. The comfortable beds sense of luxury, privacy and essential protection from the sun. Thea Beach Cabana facility is sectioned waterpark and tastefully adorned with mature palm trees as well as tropical and local plants which add to the overall sense of luxury and exclusivity each

Every trip to WaterWorld Themed WaterPark is a memorable one but including a Thea Beach Cabana in the experience adds an additional layer of comfort and enjoyment to your day out in the sun. It is highly recommended for guests wishing to use Thea Beach Cabanas to book ahead on as availability is limited and demand is high during the season.

Thea Beach Cabanas take their inspiration from the cabanas found at Paradise Beach on Mykonos and used by celebrity guests who go there every summer.


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/ Кипрские / realгорода/ estate /

“Leptos Limassol Park” Лимассол Welcome to a Green Paradise Города Кипра The Leading Cyprus Property Developers since 1960 Достопримечательности города Лимассол


ИМАССОЛ – это город с красивейшим ландшафтом и огромным количеством развлечений. Приехав сюда, вы будете приятно удивлены инфраструктурой города, его строениями, шикарными ресторанами и множеством мест для развлечений, а гавань Лимассол покорит ваши сердца дорогими яхтами и разнообразными пляжами. Лимассол – это второй по величине город Кипра с большим количеством туристических достопримечательностей. Это один из основных образовательных, культурных и бизнес центров острова. Благодаря удобному размещению Лимассола, вы сможете быстро добраться к любому другому городу Кипра. Город быстро развивается и в нем появляется все больше и больше впечатляющих строений: жилых домов, бизнес-центров и торгово-развлекательных центров, поэтому не странно, что Лимассол стал любимым местом расположения офисов международных компаний. Многие здания города получили международные награды за их уникальность и стиль – это стоит увидеть. Город привлекает многих иностранцев, которые приезжают как по работе, так и на отдых. Многие из них решают остаться здесь жить навсегда.


eptos Estates is creating a new За последние несколько лет город exclusive development by the завоевал доверие иностранцевname и of “Limassol Park” which is one международные туристические of the most luxurious gated Resort потоки в Лимассол Residences inзначительно Limassol. Conveniently located southwest the Limassol выросли. Здесь есть всеof для historic town centre, in the Akrotiri незабываемого комфортного peninsula in one of the city’s most upcoming and отдыха: четырехи a short distance of green areas. Close by and within the Limassol Mall, the Fassouri waterpark and the пятизвездочные отели класса famous Lady’s Mile Sandy Beach,рестораны, as well as the City люкс разнообразные of Dreams Mediterranean Casino Resort. шикарные СПА-салоны, и “Leptos Limassol Park” also benefitsбары from Limassol’s ночные клубы всеthan что нужно central location with no–more 35-40 minutesдля drive from the International Airports of Paphos and Larnaca активной жизни. and the major cities of Nicosia, Larnaca and Paphos.

РАЗВЛЕЧЕНИЯ И ДОСТОПРИМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОСТИ ЛИМАССОЛА Новые изысканные рестораны города балуют туристов и местных жителей вкуснейшими деликатесами. Для того, чтобы насладиться местной кухней, советуем посетить такие изысканные рестораны как Fish Market, Kypriakon-Traditional Tavern Restaurant, Pier One RestoBar, Restaurant Vivaldi, а также классические бары, такие как The Yacht Club. The nearby Troodos mountains are aинтересно haven forпосетить nature местную Любителям шикарных яхт будет loversгавань. as well asтех, forкто those wishing to explore the с моря, здесь Для хочет насладиться видом города предлагают прогулкиofнаCyprus. яхтах. Старые порты были полностью traditions and customs реставрированы и теперь они еще больше привлекают богатых Overвладельцев 75% of the area is allocated to landscaped яхт, как место парковки их железных любимцев. В gardens with meandering paths наибольший and ponds порт which Лимассоле также расположен Кипра, который является важным Средиземноморским surround two large free-form swimmingторговым pools, asузлом. well Ночная жизнь города яркая и насыщеная множеством as children’s pools and a playground. There is ample активностей, где каждый сможет найти что-то увлекательное для parking, a reception and concierge service, a residents себя. club, a tennis courtидеально and a health spa.неThe project Этот город подходит только для отдыха, но и для мотивирующих offers проведения a mixture бизнес-встреч, of 1, 2 and 3 семинаров bedroom иapartments and бизнес-поездок. Если вас интересует венчурный бизнес, туризм, penthouses with top class finishes. посещение достопримечательностей или вы просто хотите At “Leptos Limassol Park” emphasis hasвыбором been given развлечься, - Лимассол станет идеальным для вас.

on creating idyllic surroundings where the benefits of living in Cyprus can be enjoyed to the maximum. Because after all…. Lifestyle Living can be an affordable Luxury.

На сегодняшний день в городе проживает около 200 000 жителей и он является центром торговли и офшорных компаний, специализирующихся на добыче нефти и газа. Лимассол, с его портом, красивыми ландшафтами, необычной архитектурой, местными достопримечательностями и множеством мест для развлечений покорит сердце любого туриста. Если вас интересуют цены на недвижимость в Лимассоле, то дуплексные дома и особняки в среднем стоят 3 000 000 евро, тогда как квартиру можно купить за 300 000 евро, а арендовать HeadQuarters виллу на 3 спальни- за 3 500 евро в месяц. В этом городе каждый T: (+357) 26880100 The Leptos сможет найтиHouse что-то для себя. F: (+357) 26934719 111, Apostolou Pavlou Ave, CY-8046 P.O. Box 60146, CY-8129, Paphos, Cyprus


Sales Tel: (+357) 26 880 120

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71 15

/villages / E N C H A N T I N G



live the timeless serenity and charm of the Countryside

A tourist and business haven today, Cyprus was only a few years back drowning in an economic crisis. The island underwent a renaissance and is now one of Europe’s premiere destinations and budding economies, but it never forgot its roots, tradition, and true image.

The countryside, the villages. When the government decided to turn its focus to the countryside in 1996, helping the villages and their community recapture the beauty that once was, was the plan, but it has become so much more. The villages are not only resplendent, but there is a certain serenity, still, and soothing effect about the countryside, away from all the city commotion. The union of agro-tourism and the villages is a fruitful one, many more people are coming for the serenity, tranquility, and calm of the countryside, to see the monastery and commune with the country folk, to find calm and stillness. These are some of the standouts; KAKOPETRIA Down at the foot of the Troodos range, and found in Nicosia, Kakopetria is 55 kilometers from Limassol, and stands as the highest village in the Solea region at an altitude of 667 meters. The village has the Kargotis and Garillis rivers as its companions, which meet in the village square to form the Klarios river. The first real gem of the village is its breathtaking landscape, that looks like something out of the dream as the verdant community sinks seamlessly into the Kargotis valley and rises with the Troodos mountain. Its close distance to both Nicosia and Limassol, makes it one of the vacation favorites.

PANO LEFKARA With no more than 1000 inhabitants, Lefkara is forever part of Cypriot history as the home of Cypriot needle art. Renowned all over Europe for its craft and exquisite style, Lefkara is another village found just at the foot of the Troodos mountain, and was visited by Leonardo Da Vinci in the 16th century. A must-go summer destination, the village of Lefkara is one of the oldest in Cyprus.



/ villages / PEDOULAS Once a royal estate, under the Franks, Pedoulas came to being during the Byzantine rule, as one of the top cultural and commercial places of Cyprus. Found in the Marathasa valley, Pedouras is a village with breathtaking views, and hospitality that is so infectious. LOFOU Built on a hi between two mountains, Lofou village is found in the district of Limassol. The village is one of the oldest in Cyprus and changed hands regularly, as the rulers of the island came and went. From the Franks to the British, each people came with their own name and use for the village. On the last Sunday of September, every year, the village celebrates the Palouze festival amongst many others. PANAGIA Dotted and surrounded by an almost uncountable number of churches, all of which a dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the village of Panagia is home to the first president of Cyprus, Arch Bishop Makarios III, and home to the very rare and endangered Cypriot Mouflon. The vineyards of Panagia are considered one of the best on the island. The village is located in Paphos.

PLATRES Listed as one of the 119 villages that existed back in the 12th century, during the House of Lusignan rule. Many stories surround the village’s name, and it’s always fun seeing the villagers defend their chosen tale fervently. Found in the district of Limassol, Platres is very developed community and has benefitted enormously from the tourism sector, being the home of many restaurants, clubs, and hotels.


TOCHNI One of the main targets of Cyprus’ agro-tourism program, Tochni is one of the oldest villages in Cyprus, and is believed to have part of the Holy Cross underneath one of its churches. ARSOS One of the biggest wine-producing locales of Cyprus, Arsos found on the slopes of the Loanas mountain. A hit summer vacation location, the village landscape is dominated by the rich dark purple of vineyards. Also famous for its cuisine, Arsos is an example of one of the communities that has jealously guarded its culture and tradition, though its number of inhabitants has dropped over the years.


/ mediterranean sea /


Undiluted Beauty

THE PANTAHOU BEACH. By far the most renowned in the Ayia Napa region, Panahatou lies on the west coast of the port. Known as Panatahou in Cyprus, the beach has many other names; Limanaki Beach, Ayia Napa Beach, Greko or Kryo Black Beach and Port Beach, depending on your guide’s preference and the direction you are driving from. A long strip of sand that stretches for over a kilometer to the east, the area is windy, but perfect for thrill seekers and their surf boards. it also has offers basic tourist amenities during the day. NISSI BEACH. Extending about three kilometers to the west, Nissi beach is one of the best in Ayia Napa. Meaning “little island” in Greek, the beach has a small island connected by a large sand mass that divides the beach into two parts. One section has shallow and sheltered marine waters that make it popular with children. Well-equipped for water sports and entertainment, with banana boating, windsurfing, jet biking, bungy jumping and much more, the exquisite beach is dotted with numerous bars, cafes, and restaurants for tourists, and visitors. VATHIA GONIA BEACH. Don‘t be flustered if someone else says Sandy Bay Beach, the beach goes by that name as well and is protected by a bay. At the mouth of the bay is a breathtaking spot of white sand, equipped with sun loungers and other pleasurable interests. This beach is deep and is more common to those who prefer a quieter time. The rocky promontory is a wonderful place to enjoy the magnificent views of the coast of Ayia Napa.


Cyprus is blessed with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Both the west and the east coast stretch in the beautiful sea that surrounds the entire area. It is renowned for its blue flag beaches and one of the most beautiful holiday destinations. VRISI BEACH. Sunrise Beach, Protaras Beach, Flamingo Beach or Golden Bay Beach, is the most popular beach in the Protaras area. The beach has no distinctive markers. There is a wooden walkway that extends to the back of the coast, which makes mobility easier, and the water of the beach is not deep, which makes it ideal for families and children.

GREEN BAY BEACH. Just off Paralimni is the stunning Green Bay Beach, named after the lush bushes and trees that thrive in the area. Located in the middle of the beaches of Protaras and Ayia Napa, the waters of this incredible place are crystal clear and a real hit for snorkelers. It is located near the south side of a promontory near which there are cloves.

FIG TREE BAY. Named after the fig trees that grew in this area, this blue flag beach is popular among tourists for its impressive natural beauty and scenic landscape. There are all kinds of water features to entertain adults and children. In the northern corner of the coast, there is a small island that keeps the calm of the sea. This beach is well connected to the roads and is subject to heavy traffic in both summer and winter.


POW THE SHOP 34, Nissi Avenue, 5330 Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel.: +357 23 72 51 08 Email:


/cities /C Y P R U S


The Spin; a look around some of

CYPRUS’ CITIES Cyprus is a Mediterranean island and the third most populous island in the region. Renowned for its rich history and culture, the island country is also a budding tourist destination, which never fails to deliver on fun, and Kodak moments. There is never a dull moment in Cyprus, whether you find yourself in the buzzing city, or the serene countryside, there is always excitement and something refreshing just waiting to be taken on. While Limassol is the hub for all the activities and thrill, the other Cypriot cities pack entertainment as well. PAPHOS A European Capital of Culture from 2017, Paphos is one of the oldest cities in Cyprus, having been around since Neolithic times. That will be little misleading, however, because there are actually two cities of Paphos; the old city, which has been around since Neolithic times, known as Palaepaphos (Kouklia), and the new city, Nea paphos, founded by Niclocles, king of Palaepaphos (or Agapenor, per the Analecta). The city holds an important place in world, and Cypriot history, and is even mentioned in the Bible, the Trojan wars, and Greek mythology. Considered the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite, and her lover, Adonis, the city is home to the Neapaphos Archaeological site, a breathtaking location that is still being excavated to date. It houses four large villas; the Houses of Orpheus, Dionysus, Aion, and Theseus, including the imposing Tomb of Kings, an agora, and the Basilica Panagia Limeniotissa, amongst others. AYIA NAPA & PROTARAS The city’s vision is to become Cyprus’ premiere resort city by 2030, and making good on that promise, Ayia Napa is already one of Cyprus’ top tourist destinations and has one of the largest budgets on the island. The city is already the biggest resort on the island, but plans on becoming a premier destination on not only the island, but Europe as a whole. Just south of the city of Famagusta, Ayia Napa is most of the time coupled with the city of Protaras, its closest neighbour. Protaras is very much like Ayia Napa, but while Ayia Napa is a resort, Protaras is more of the residential area of the majority of those who work in the hotels and other structures in Ayia Napa, but do not be fooled, Protaras is just as beautiful and attractive. Being more of a family vacation location, it is less crowded than Ayia Napa, but its beaches are amongst the best and cleanest on the island.




/ cities/

NICOSIA Capital of Cyprus since the 10th century, Nicosia is the largest city of the Mediterranean island, it is also one of the oldest, existing since 2500BC. More of a political and administrative hub than tourism, Nicosia still has a lot of history within its walls and some of the best cuisine in the Mediterranean, you’ll find in Nicosia. The city is also famous for Ledra Street, which is one of the busiest market places of the island, and one with a great history too. LIMASSOL Easily the most renowned city in Cyprus, Limassol is the touristic and business heartbeat of the island country. If you are coming here for a business trip, the temptations for a night out, a day out in the city, are very big temptations, and whatever the case may be, never forget your camera! The city, now a very cosmopolitan and bustling modern day metropolis, is custodian to a history so rich, it’ll feel like a myth, if the ancient ruins were not there as proof. The Limassol castle is one of the most imposing sites of the city, the location where Richard the Lionheart of England was crowned the Lord of Cyprus, while in Ottoman times, it served as a prison. The castle is still as impressive as ever, and that’s just a tip of the iceberg of what Limassol has to offer. LARNACA This port city on the south coast of the Mediterranean island is dwarfed only by Nicosia and Limassol in terms of size. It may not make as much buzz as Limassol, but Larnaca is one of Cyprus’ most landmark cities. Home the country’s primary airport, it stands on the ruins of Cithium, the ancient city that is birthplace to the famous Zeno. A vibrant and colorful city, Larnaca will mark you with the numerous festivals in arts that never seem to have an off day, and its delicious cuisine. In Larnaca, transport is done strictly by bus only, so be sure to bring your social mood. Every city in Cyprus is a perfect union between history, culture, and modern influence, and is what sets Cyprus apart from other destinations of the Mediterranean, and Europe. See you when you get here! • SUMMER 2019 EDITION


/ real estate /

EFETO PROPERTIES Building the future today

Infrastructure is quickly becoming a key issue in the world, whether for those who are looking to expand a hotel chain, company offices, or just start a new real estate project, and much more. Having the right building speaks volumes of the business or home owner, and that is why Efeto Properties doesn’t compromise when it comes to quality and has put up some of the most impressive yet solid buildings in Limassol and Cyprus today.


stablished and based in Limassol, Efeto properties is a construction and property development company that draws inspiration and know-how

from its over 40 years of experience and drawing from the greatest architects and infrastructure, to deliver innovativeand larger than life buildings that can only make you wonder. WE INSIST ON QUALITY Adamant about quality and excellence, Efeto properties builds both residential and commercial projects, and has not disappointed in its delivery at any given time. Quality is what makes the best standout, and it is one of the key indicators of true value for money, return on investment, and tells prospective clients what you stand for and how you go about your business. Efeto Properties spares no expenses when it comes to quality, from the finest of materials to the most intricate of details, and that is reflected in the meteoric success of the company despite its being relatively new.


WHY WE GO FOR ONLY THE FINEST The choice of material plays a big role in every housing or real estate project, as it not only determines how long you may have to stay, but also the security of the place. Durability is another one of the fundamental considerations in property development, and Efeto properties spares no expense to make sure it gets the best material for the job. Another perk of dealing only in the best money can buy, is that in the right hands, this directly translates to security, something that we can’t put a price on. A TOUCH OF CLASS AND AESTHETICS Beauty doesn’t have to take a backseat just because realism comes first. Part of the quality Efeto properties brings to its projects is beauty and a unique twist to its aesthetics, that make their designs not only refreshingly breathtaking but also innovative and contemporary.


/real estate/

For clients desiring a personal touch or a particular detail to their projects, we are all in for it, because part of beauty is being unique and creativity lives inside of every man.

CONTACT US WE CARE, IT’S PART OF OUR JOB With Efeto properties, it’s not just about putting up structures, we build homes, whether for your family or business, we build a place that is as welcoming as it is longstanding. We a home and then a friendship, so that our clients become more than just business to us, they become a part of our own family and home.

Main Office Iakovou Tompazi 15, Neapoli 3107 Limassol Cyprus Telephone: +357 25 332 206 Mobile phone: +357-99-933-202 (RU) Mobile phone: +357-99-933-230 (EN-EL) Office opening hours: Monday-Friday 08:00-18:00



/ history and mystery /


from the ruins; relics from a time past Welcome to Cyprus, the land of ancient myths, gods, and riches from a once-upon-a-time world.


NE of the blessings of the island is the survival of a large number of its ancient sites and grounds. Of course they were never going to stay intact after such a long time, but the ruins of some are such evidence of the authenticity of the island’s past, how solid architecture of the past was, and how favoured Cyprus is.

The relics hold so much history and beauty, that most of them have been covered as UNESCO World Heritage sites. Let’s take a run through some of those must-see places;

KOURION The place of gladiators, the House of Achilles, the temple of Apollo, the wonder by the sea, this is Kourion. Once an affluent province in Cyprus, dating back to Assyrian, Persian, and Roman rule, Kourion. The Acropolis which is believed to have been erected during Roman rule is one of the most breathtaking structures you’ll ever see.

TOMBS OF THE KINGS, PAPHOS Dating as far back as the 4th century, this necropolis which lies in Paphos, actually has no kings buried there. The tombs end their name from the sheer magnanimity and grandeur of the structure. A good number of the underground tombs are actually carved directly from the rocks, some being as big and styled as houses.



/ history and mystery / THE ZENOBIA WRECK The Swedish beauty that sank just off the port of Larnaca, this wreck is constantly registered as one of the top ten wreck diving locations in the world, drawing thrill seekers and divers from all over the world. This challenger-class ferry sank in 1980, taking all of its expensive cargo, but no life of its crew.

CHURCH OF AGIOS LAZARUS A Byzantine/baroque styled building, the church of Saint Lazarus is a present day wonder which was constructed in the 9th century, when the tomb of Lazarus was found in Larnaca. After being resurrected by Christ, Lazarus came to Cyprus and was made the first ever bishop of Larnaca (Kition), by the apostles Paul, and Barnabas. KALAVASOS / TENTA Believe it or not, this settlement is 12,000 years old, dating back to the Neolithic age. The villagers call it “Tenta”, a name owed to the cone-shaped roof that covers the kalavasos-tenta settlement. AGIOS LAMBADISTIS Found in the village of Kalopanagiotis, an agro-tourism village in the valley of Maranthasa, the Ioannis Lambadistis monastery is a medieval-aged building that was constructed by the Byzantines. It houses three churches, one of which is for the first bishop of Cyprus, St. Irakleidios. It also has a Byzantine museum within its walls. PAPHOS ARCHEOLOGICAL PARK The New Paphos Archaelogical park is one of the largest and most complete ruins on the island. It holds multiple Roman structures, from an agora, to the house of Dionysus, House of Theseus, the House of Aion, and the House of Orpheus. The different apartments and rooms are still being tallied, as the site is still in excavation. You’ll never feel more immersed in history. • SUMMER 2019 EDITION


Projects that are redefining

the View and Skyline of Cyprus


HE island of beaches, churches, and a past even the gods were a part of, will find its way back, and beat the statistics to stand on its feet again, and heading straight into development at an incredible pace. We are no experts, but we take a look at the new infrastructure projects that are making us see Cyprus in a new light;


Limassol is the second biggest city in Cyprus, but sometimes you’ll be tempted to think it is the only city in Cyprus. A true tourist and investor magnet, the city of Limassol seems like it never sleeps. The seafront of the city is getting special attention and seems to be in the thick of the city’s development and transformation. Three large and mind-blowing projects are in the works for 2019; Dubbed simply as “The One”, a 77 million project by the developer PAFILIA is set to dress the landscape of the seafront, with a 170m residential building which will be the tallest in Europe, and will have an unhindered view of the sea. The Limassol Del Mar is another project which is set to redefine the skyline of Limassol. The project, undertaken by several Cypriot Development companies, including D. Zavos Group, and Leptos Estates, is set to deliver the first apartments in 2019.Dubbed simply as “The One”, a 77 million project by the developer PAFILIA is set to dress the landscape of the seafront, with a 170m residential building which will be the tallest in Europe, and will have an unhindered view of the sea.


MARINAS In 2018, the Limassol marina became a reality, and the other cities will not let themselves be outdone. Egyptian Naguib Sawiris took an interest in Ayia Napa, and a €220million project will include a marina and twin skyscrapers, is the result, with investors from the United Arab Emirates, ready to come in when the project is done. Developer PAFILIA has its hands full with the Limassol seafront and its latest victory, the contract for the Paphos marina, a €240million project, which will include 1000 berths and a mega allocation for commercial and residential development. The Larnaca marina will also undergo a revamp, and so far, three companies are on the shortlist for the final contract. REAL ESTATE One of the strongest cards on the table for Cyprus will always be tourism, and it may just never fail in its role as the gift that keeps giving back to the island. Harrods Design Studio will see to the birth of Parklane Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, and everyone is holding their breath. Luxury hotel chain SOFITEL has already laid down plans for its €300 million five-star luxury spa & resort project, while the REZIDOR Hotel Group is set to launch the Radison Blu Airport Hotel, which will be the first ever airport-hotel on the island. The landscape of Cyprus is changing and the sun of development seems to be rising higher than ever on this beautiful Mediterranean island. • SUMMER 2019 EDITION

Travel & Tours Private & bus tours

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Поездки в Израиль English language courses

Курсы английского языка

Элитная недвижимость для отдыха в аренду Children’s summer camps

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Diving & Fishing

Дайвинг и рыбалка Hotels bookings, villa and apartment rentals

Бронирование: отелeй, вилл, апартаментoв Education: Universities and Colleges

Образование: Университеты и колледжи

Amathus Ave. 0182, Galaxia Sea View Bld, office 3, Limassol +357 95 509 577 (Viber / WhatsApp)

/fun for everyone /F A M A G U S T A A R E A

Fun for all in


Ayia Napa and Protaras with their wonderful beaches like Nissi and Fig tree, are famous all around the world for their wonderful partying but both cities have so many other interesting places to visit and things to do, which make them a fun destination for everyone. WATER WORLD WATERPARK This waterpark is the perfect destination for a family fun day out in Ayia Napa. It offers different kinds of pools, slides and rides that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. For smaller children, there are many play areas and activity pools, which have shallow water, making it ideal and safe for them to play in, and enjoy. However, for older kids, there are a wide array of faster and bigger rides that will keep them pulsating all day long. Besides the entrancing history of the place, the waterpark has earned over 15 international awards since it’s opening, and with breathtaking attractions such as the wave pool of Poseidon, the Atlantis drop, Kamikaze slides, and the Odyssey river, it’s no wonder this amazing location is always in the thick of the fun and a top priority for families

Check out the website for more information, or alternatively call +35723724444

PARKO PALIATSO Parko Luna Park is one of the great destinations for family fun located in the heart of Ayia Napa city. Opened in 1999 on over 20,000square metres of land, the park holds over 20 magnificent and mindblowing attractions for its visitors. Bumper boats, carousels and trampolines are just a few of the blasts awaiting the younger kids, while the Rodeo Bull, Blizzard, rifle shooting, an awesome Viking Pirate ship, and much more are for the bigger kids. A true adrenaline haven, the Parko Luna Park totally lives up to its hype. There are also two cafeterias available what make the full day stay quite comfortable. Visit and get more info. Email at for further inquiries. or call +35723724744



/ fun for everyone / BOAT TRIPS OF AYIA NAPA A large number of boat trips are conducted from the harbour of Ayia Napa. A peaceful and serene trip to Protaras, Famagusta or Cape Greko can be easily arranged, each having different departure times and durations, but it is guaranteed to be a pleasant and fun ride. One of the major rides chartered are the trips on the boats with transparent glass bottoms (totally safe and solid), which allow you or the family to have a truly breathtaking peek into the underwater life, without having to dip into it, but for those who want to go deep and be one with the beautiful water world, snorkeling equipment is always ready and available. Another attraction is the Discovery Boat ride, which makes learning about the rich history of water worlds past, such as the Pirates era and the Black Pearl, the Dolphin Boat, and much more. MINI GOLF If you are a golf enthusiast then Mini Golf should be on your list of places to visit. It is located near the Nissi Avenue at the Family Entertainment Center of Seasons. Are the children not into golf yet? No problem, we bet they’ll enjoy the trampoline and other wonderful play spots available. MAGIC DANCING WATERS After enjoying a wonderful day on the beach, the most beautiful way to relax and get entertained at the same time is by visiting the Magic Dancing Waters at Protaras. Winning the top prize for Innovative Theme Park of Europe was just a deserved testament to the beauty and hype of this amazing place. A thrilling and entertaining magical show brings together laser lights, dancing waters, eruptions and fire, in the most impressive and mesmerizing manner, you won’t be able to think of anything else. It’s a mindblower. OCEAN AQUARIUM PARK If you love marine life and the beautiful life under water and those who inhabit it, then you are welcome at the Ocean Aquarium Park in Protaras. A beautiful home to over 1000 species, including the jawy Piranhas, delightful turtles, playful stingrays, and ever grumpy penguins, you’ll have a full time with these charming creatures, just relax and unwind yourself by exploring the mysterious world of underwater.



/ beauty secrets /

Getting rid of

CRACKED FEET Personal hygiene is a matter of conďŹ dence and pride for almost everyone, and there are not many things that are as annoying as cracked or dry feet. Caused generally by vitamin deficiency, cracked feet can also be as a result of a fungal infection, hypothyroidism, pregnancy, obesity, and even ageing. Cracked feet can be recurring and sometimes go on their own, but can prove to be a painful affair when they go deep into the foot, and are always an uncomfortable sight. This totally harmless condition, can also big a big deal real fast if left unchecked, leading to ulcers and infections, especially when they are symptoms of a medical condition. So we combed the health specialists for some simple solutions to this very irritating issue and came back with 5 must-know remedies that will rid you of this sore sight. HONEY. Other than being of great nutritional value, the sweet nectar produced by the ever busy bees has powerful anti-bacterial properties, and is also an excellent moisturizer. Application as a foot mask, or rub, after a thorough scrub should do wonders for your feet. HEEL BALMS. There are medicated balms made precisely for application on heels and feet. Their main effect is usually moisturizing, hydrating the feet and keeping them soft. Another function of these balms is to repair cracked feet.

LEMON. Refreshing is what comes to mind when lemons are mentioned, and it is for good reason that the chemicals from the citrus fruit is present most beauty and body care products. Lemons are an excellent source of vitamins and are known for their anti-fungal, antiseptic, and astringent properties, all of which bode well for your feet. Some warm water, salt and lemon oil/juice added, for your feet, and your feet soaked in the mix for about 15 minutes, followed by a scrub with pumice stone or a foot brush, and your feet will be good as new.


GLYCERIN - ROSEWATER MIXTURE. Glycerin is a moisturizer and skin softener, while rose water is packed with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, and a multitude of vitamins which will all soak right into those heels and smoothen them up. Just mix identical amounts of glycerin and rose water, and smudge on to feet before bedtime. A daily routine that is sure to make your heel all beautiful again.

RICE FLOUR. A salve from rice flour is also another remedy for your cracked feet, because rice flour is a good exfoliation agent. All you need is a spoon scoop of honey, rice flour, and apple cider vinegar. Make a salve out of the mixture and add a spoon of olive oil. After a 15-minute foot soak, rub the paste to your feet. Repeat the procedure for a few weeks, the effect will amaze you. • SUMMER 2019 EDITION

/ public face /


New book reveals the importance of going against the social norms.


DD One Out is a new book by acclaimed author Paul Lambis that encourages its readers to escape all judgements and discrimination, and learn to value their own unique perspective. A humorous journey of one man’s attempt to find a new way of living that would carry him into thin and beyond, Odd One Out is an

unashamed memoir of binges, setbacks, explosive outbursts and ultimate success. This fast-moving book also delves into different aspects of life as seen through separate stories involving a wide variety of individuals, many of whom are shown to be interlinked as their tales progress. Paul Lambis’ self-deprecating narrative is extremely sarcastic and utterly hilarious, and along with his epic lines of wisdom and snappy dialogue — creating high adventure and wild drama around the porous boundaries between fiction and real life, it makes for a laugh-out-loud book. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Paul Lambis is an award-winning screenwriter, author, playwright and director, born in Johannesburg, South Africa. Educated at the Johannesburg Art Foundation, he is based in Cyprus and is the Marketing Manager and Creative Head of a renowned organisation. In 2008, after surviving a near-fatal car accident, Lambis put pen-to-paper and published his autobiography Where is Home? — A Journey of Hilarious Contrasts. His high ly-acclaimed memoir inspired him further to write, produce and perform a one-man stand- up comedy based on the book. As an established playwright in Cyprus, Lambis has written, produced and directed theatrical productions such as 74 and Melina: The Last Greek Goddess to widespread critical acclaim. Other plays include Taj Mahal, Evagora, Volare, The Madness of Marilyn, Onassis: The Final Hour and Divorced, Beheaded, Died; Divorced, Beheaded, Survived.


“Odd One Out is a book of wisdom, advice and laugh-out-loud moments. A scrumptious, irresistible treat.”


“Raucously funny.” PREMIERE MAGAZINE

“Lambis”quest for his crown jewels is a rellercoaster of a read.”




/ infrastructure /


What should we consider while choosing a reliable DEVELOPER?

Investors are trickling in every day; Why Buy a Marr Group exciting projects are coming up and Property in Cyprus? sales are snowballing exponentially, HE company helps proving the picturesque island in the clients to develop real estate projects Mediterranean has not lost its curb. as a principal, with partners, or on According to their behalf. With Limassol, a coastal city in Cyprus has their immense experience and presence in many been recording the most dramatic international markets, they work change in the wake of the boom. And with a team of professionals to cite ground-up development prospects one of the top developers and come up with strategies for spearheading this positive change is bringing brilliant concepts to fruition. Marr Group.


ABOUT THE MARR GROUP The Marr Group is a real estate developer in Cyprus currently involved in huge construction projects throughout Russia and other European nations, covering a wide range of real estate investment portfolio. Their real estate portfolio consists of high-rise, mixed-use, large-scale residential apartments, resorts and hotels, entertainment and shopping centres, and commercial hubs.

Unlike other real estate developers, Marr Group provides clients with cutting-edge development investment at a pocket-friendly price. Also, the company is committed to delivering unparalleled quality and innovation, through collaboration with world-class architects and reputable construction firms in the world. The company has demonstrated authenticity over the years, and this is vividly reflected in their attention to detail and commitment to deliver quality thus separating them from other developers. Lastly, they’re not just a developer — which undertakes the several projects currently — but they have well-laid vision and philosophy aimed at not only constructing exquisite houses for Limassol residents but minimizing damage to the ecosystem. If you would like to purchase one of their luxurious properties or inquire more about their products, contact them today and they’ll be happy to serve you.

Current Projects in Limassol, Cyprus MARR VILLAS Their villas are independently designed high specification, luxurious villas located in the Amathusia region near the magnificent Parklane Hotel Resort and Spa. The villas comprise of gardens and private pools that overlook the sea and have one entrance, making them secure and more private. MARR TOWER In all respects, Marr Tower demonstrates originality; this is clearly reflected in their chic design and detailed finishes that are quite unparalleled.

PEARL APPARTMENTS Coming home to Pearl apartments means a return to comfort, tranquillity and state-of-the-art masterpiece that provides a feast for the eyes. The apartments consist of two-dual height retail found on the ground floor opening onto the four floors of three- and four-bedroom apartments and beautiful duplex apartments. The Pearl apartments have ample over-ground and underground parking space for 25 vehicles and spacious underground storage facilities.

Call Free: +357 8000 4050 - Head Office: +357 2576 2300 210, Amathountos, Energy House Office 01, 4534, Pyrgos (Tourist Area), Limassol, Cyprus -




Shopping centre in Ayia Napa

37 Nissi Avenue 5330, Ayia Napa +357 23 725040

/ real estate /

ARISTO DEVELOPERS Over 1,500 title deed transfers to happy homeowners in the last three years

Security and protection in the real estate market is of vital importance to any homebuyer and investor.


RISTO Developers appreciates the importance of prompt issue and transfer of property title deeds and is pleased to inform both its customers, and the public that;

In 2016 more than 500 new property titles were issued while 630 existing title deeds were transferred to the happy homeowners.


During 2017 the Company issued more than 370 new property titles while transfers of title deeds to the property buyers reached 440.


FEATURES • Over 265 completed projects • More than 30 new projects under development • Land for future development exceeding 6 million square meters in the most privileged areas of Cyprus • Collaboration with international firms inlarge-scale projects design, such as the Eagle Pine Golf Resort in Limassol

Aristo Developers continues its pioneering course based on the same principles and values on which it has been built, consolidated and continues to evolve.

Notably, over the last three years (2015-2017) the company proceeded to transfer more than 1,500 individual title deeds to property owners who had chosen Aristo Developers for property acquisition while at the same time the company holds 1,250 property title deeds available for immediate transfer.


Aristo Developers dynamically progresses the development of new major projects including luxury seafront villas and apartments in Limassol and Paphos, offering a credible choice in the real estate market.


Tel: +357 26 841 800 Call Free: 8000 2747 E-mail: • SUMMER 2019 EDITION


/ hotel / P A R K L A N E ,


Parklane, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa

“To create the leading international upscale resort in Cyprus, where everyone from business, to family clientele will love to stay, experiencing personalised attentive services and enjoying exciting cuisine. Our associates, inspired by pride and supported by a high caliber training program will deliver quality, friendly service. Our goal is to make our guests' dreams come true". OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Luxury LOCATION Parklane is located on extensive grounds by the beach and it is 15 kilometers away from the cosmopolitan town of Limassol, which is the second largest city of Cyprus and it is the main tourist and business center on the island. FACTS Opened in March 2019 Number of Guest Rooms: 274 including 52 suites Parkfit POOL & GYM • Kalloni Spa • Park Kidz • Meetings and Events Facilities • 5 restaurants and 2 bars • 3 outdoor & 1 indoor Swimming Pools



VERYTHING at Parklane, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, was well thought out to bring out the best and beautiful in the landscape and to offer nothing short of impeccable and breathtaking pleasure to the senses of our guests. Greeted by a 100,000 square metres of modelled gardens, the charming drive through the evergreen trees, and breezy lane, is just a foretaste of what awaits, a slice of heaven on earth. The resort, inspired by the wealth of Cypriot culture, tradition, and history, found it most appealing to accentuate this by adding a contemporary touch, symmetry, and detail to compliment, rather than alter. From the resort logo, the exquisite décor, to the delectable cuisine, everything is a delightful celebration of the beauty of Cyprus.

ACCOMMODATION With 274 rooms and suites, including 52 suites, all offering their own unique touch of comfort, the guests

will lack for nothing in terms of bliss and repose. Furnished with elements and a décor that evokes Mediterranean simplicity and warm hospitality, the accommodations do not fail to appeal aesthetically to the senses as well. Each guestroom and suite, propose a wide range of luxurious amenities that are flexible to the client’s demands and tastes, from the view, to options such as a private pool. A well-trained, dedicated, and professional staff is always available to provide premium service and cater to every need of the guests.

CONTACT Address: 11 Giannou Kranidioti Street, Limassol, 4534, Cyprus Tel: + 357 25862000 E-mail: Web:




/ hotel /

PARK SUITE THREE BEDROOM, PARK VIEW AND PRIVATE POOL | Discreet and yet always ready to fulfil every request, our associates are trained to deliver the highest standards of service and guest experience.

PARK KIDZ Adventure and all-day fun wait in this unique 3,000-square-meter children’s facility featuring a two level, 400-square-meter themed castle, a pool with a multi-activity pirate’s ship and water slide, a buffet restaurant, and an outdoor playground. Specially trained staff is present to organize activities and games for children from 3 to 12 years old, and a crèche facility is available for babies up to 3 years old at an extra charge.

A SUPERIOR SEA VIEW ROOM, FEATURES: Bath, Private Balcony, Shower. AMENITIES: Air Conditioning, In-room safe, Phone, Flat Screen Television, Mini bar, Tea and Coffee making facilities.

CONFERENCE AND EVENTS FACILITIES The event facilities at Parklane, a Luxury Collection Resort, and Spa, are second to none. With up to 11 ultramodern meeting rooms, and a mega-sized ballroom, no modernity has been spared to make sure all facilities meet every requirement for a conference, party, or any other event.

KALLONI SPA With 3,000 square meters of facilities, the superior spa features a unique thalassotherapy program consisting of two outdoor and three indoor seawater pools, as well as 14 treatment rooms and three suites, two of which include Russian banya. Relax and allow yourself to be pampered with Kalloni’s beauty and wellness treatments, inspired by the healing powers of the sea.




/ hotel / A M A R A

Amara Named aſter the ancient Greek word Amarantos meaning “everlasting”, the AMARA aims to offer its guests an exclusive and unique experience that we hope will create wonderful and permanent memories. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star LOCATION The AMARA is located close to the famous royal ancient kingdom of Amathus. A stone’s throw away from the busy cosmopolitan city of Limassol, the hotel will cater to all manner of travellers, from the culturally-curious carefree couple, to the fun-seeking family, or to the business traveller in search of comfort and convenience FACTS Opening September 2019 Number of Guest Rooms: 207 including suites • Signature Spa • In-room services & amenities • MATSUHISA Limassol • Ristorante Locatelli • ALMYRA by Papaioannou • The Dining Room



HE AMARA’s graceful design, coupled with our dedication to service, ensure that this five-star hotel will deliver its promise of unparalleled enjoyment. Each of our 207 rooms offers a clear 180° panoramic view of the Mediterranean Sea. The hotel provides carefully considered comforts that include a signature spa, restaurants run by Michelin-star featured chefs, an exclusive rooftop bar with breath-taking views, a grand Ballroom for special occasions and an impressive infinity-edge pool. ACCOMMODATION Each room has been meticulously conceived and thoughtfully designed to offer a unique way of life. The AMARA has been designed to make you feel you own the horizon.With comfort and convenience at the forefront of each guest’s stay, all types of accommodation enjoy insulated flooring that ensures peace and quiet, atmospheric automated mood lighting, electrically motorised curtains, a wireless lighting control system and high quality variable speed cooling or heating.

AMARA’s design is inspired by Cyprus’ aesthetic and cultural heritage. Natural wood and marble vanity stations, woven benches, white shutter walls, blue watercolour-effect features, and sliding glass doors allow for an abundance of natural light that all unite to create a simple, subtle, and sublime sanctuary. A selection of interconnecting Deluxe Bedrooms, spacious Junior Suites, Deluxe Suites, Duplex Roof Top Suites with a private pool and Seafront Bungalows, make up the hotels offerings. The standout AMARA suite is the epitome of ultimate indulgence with the options of either one or two bedrooms.

CONTACT Address: 95 Amathus Avenue, Agios Tychonas 4533, Limassol, Cyprus Tel: +357 2544 2222 Email: Web:




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AMARA JUNIOR SUITE | The AMARA’s Junior Suites are a haven of simple charm and modern style. Composed of one bedroom with an en-suite bathroom, with a separate living and dining space, complete with guest bathroom and shower room, the Junior Suites make for an elegant retreat from everyday life.

DINING AMARA’s highly skilled team of chefs express their passion for food here every day, using only the freshest of ingredients, fusing delicate flavours with subtle aromas. Guests can choose from a variety of food cultures, in the knowledge that regardless of the menu, a unifying thread runs throughout all of the AMARA’s restaurants: that of meticulous attention to detail and freedom of expression. Each restaurant combines lighting, music, colours and textures to express its own singular sense of place. Superb service is to be expected, because service is the founding ethos of our hotel. THE BUSINESS CENTRE ALMYRA BY PAPAIOANNOU, The AMARA’s open-air fish tavern is a charming space, sound-tracked by the sound of the sea gently lapping on the shore. We welcome the vision and experience of Chef GEORGE PAPAIOANNOU and his brainchild, Armyra – a dedicated seafood restaurant first opened in Greece with the freshest fish, seafood and many more culinary delights prepared with the region’s purest ingredients.

The hotel is home to a fully equipped Business Centre, and two dedicated Conference Rooms. The centre provides an extensive range of secretarial and support services, including copying, cable, fax, and e-mail. Interpreters, and courier services to any destination worldwide (can be provided upon request) SPA For those seeking to rejuvenate their mind, body and soul, the AMARA spa has been conceived as a holistic haven, through which guests have access to a host of CARITA treatments, performed by experienced professionals. Moreover, a qualified nutritionist is at hand to impart well-being knowledge, alongside a personal trainer, who conducts private sessions in the fully equipped gym.




/ hotel /L O N D A


LONDA BEACH HOTEL where the lucid brightness of the outdoor swimming pool recedes mellifluously to blend with the distant horizon

The Londa: Limassol’s Boutique Hotel The Londa Beach Hotel’s 5 star service is based on personalised service, be it on holiday or business; knowing your name and tastes, listening and attending to your every desire. It is unique to Limassol as a boutique hotel, devoted to fastidious detail in each of its 68 rooms and suites. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Nestled on the beach, this business oriented Germasogeia hotel is 8.5 km along Agia Paraskevi from Limassol town centre and five km from Dasoudi, Amathus and Galatex Beaches. It is about 65 km from both Larnaca and Paphos International Airports. FACTS 68 Spacious Rooms and Suites • Private Beach • Outdoor Swimming Pool • CAPRICE Restaurant, Bar and Lounge • Full-service Spa • Free WiFi & Free Wired High-speed Internet • Minibars & Room Service • VIP Room Upgrade • Check-in Time 2 pm, Check-out Time 11 am.



BOUTIQUE HOTEL may be small, but it exudes individuality, producing a heady ambiance that helps it in providing personalised service. The Londa Beach Hotel lives up to its name as the unique boutique hotel of Limassol because, we, at Londa realise that some luxury travellers are individualistic and enjoy the compact size and enveloping atmosphere of a hotel that has a familiar independent, informal and friendly attitude in a lively atmosphere. We can accommodate intimate weddings, parties and events at Caprice Restaurant, be attentive to business meetings in our conference suites, and respond to personal requests. Our Hotel is also a favourite for romantics: a poolside bottle of wine or cocktail, sea breezes on the balcony, aromatic flowers in the garden, a special dinner at Caprice Restaurant and perhaps the Elite Honeymoon Suite!

Now that you know how we acquired our reputation in Cyprus, we would like to emphasise that the most important factor is maintaining our character through our staff. The majority of the department heads have worked here for more than 20 years and seven members of the team have over 30 years at the Londa. We, therefore, have had the advantage of really getting to know most of our visitors to build lasting relationships with them. In turn, we are equally happy with our high number of loyal guests, who regularly return to enjoy another Cyprus holiday with us, because, for them, Londa Beach Hotel is the best. And our innumerable Awards prove so. CONTACT US Address: 72 Georgiou A Street Potamos Germasogeia, Limassol 4048, Cyprus Tel: +357 25 865 555 Email:




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DELUXE SEA VIEW ROOM | Spacious open plan bedroom with bathroom & private balcony (37 m2). This superb hotel room will make your holidays in Limassol very special, helping you enjoy your time in Cyprus.


CAPRICE RESTAURANT, LOUNGE & POOL BAR | Caprice Restaurant is a stylish Mediterranean venue for the best Italian food, set by the sea in idyllic ambiance. The adjacent Lounge Bar and Terrace with the summer season Pool Bar are vignettes of our signature boutique concept

Londa Beach Hotel is perfectly located for conferences, seminars and corporate events in Limassol, the commercial hub of Cyprus. We are close to the city centre for outings, restaurants and bars, yet far enough to foster the intuitive feeling that business will take precedence in your conferences, seminars and meetings. Cyprus’ focal location between Europe and the Middle East can facilitate a cross-border meeting of minds. Londa, an easy drive from Larnaca and Paphos airports and all other towns is thus a comfortable venue for both local and international organisations. At Londa we promote an inspirationally different approach to business that invariably involves conferences, meetings, seminars and presentations. We believe that our boutique style is ideally suited to provide that vitally important air of privacy.

The renowned spa in our boutique hotel is fully equipped to get you to unwind. As with all aspects of Londa service, it’s the people that make the difference; with seven permanent Spa therapists trained to the highest levels, you can rely on continuity in your treatments




/ hotel /C O L U M B I A


THE COLUMBIA BEACH RESORT boasts twelve separate low rise buildings, situated around an impressive eighty metre lagoon pool and is a prime example of local architecture and craftsmanship.

Columbia Beach Resort

The exclusive Columbia Beach Resort is tucked away on the south coast of Cyprus, set in virgin countryside and sits at the centre of the quiet two kilometre Pissouri Blue Flag beach, sheltered within the Bay of Pissouri. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Luxury Deluxe LOCATION 38 km West of Limassol, 40 South of Paphos and 105 km West of Larnaka. 15 km Southeast of Paphos international airport. FACTS Columbia Beach Resort launched as 5* superior resort on Pissouri Bay in 2003. 95 spacious suites, designed to surpass international standards of 5* luxury. Set within luscious gardens and ample cobbled walkways. To be expanded to 169 multipurpose suites over 75,000 m2. Multiple award winner in various categories, including a 7* award.



HE AWARD WINNING all-suite Columbia Beach Resort has an idyllic charm with its low-rise, distinctively Cypriot, architecture. Lovingly restored roof tiles, graceful arches and shutters on the windows reflect the inn of a traditional Cypriot village. Located in the secluded Bay of Pissouri on the southern coast of Cyprus, this colours of the landscape and the dramatic cliffs that frame this part of the Mediterranean Sea. Using local stone, wooden features and creative planting, the Beach Resort sits harmoniously in its surroundings, a clever mix of old and new. The low rise Resort follows the natural incline of the landscape so that most suites have a spectacular view. IMMERSE YOURSELF Take a dive into our palm-fringed 80 metre-long lagoon pool. Then swim into the heated indoor pool to the heart of Hébe Spa and relish the exercise, even in winter. Water falls softly from the lagoon pool to a shallow children‘s pool with a pretty terrace area perfect for families.

NATURE´S PARADISE Walk in the grounds of the Columbia Beach Resort and enjoy lush gardens and paved paths shaded by bougainvillea jasmine and olive trees. The heavenly herbs and citrus trees are also used in the Resort’s kitchens. And the stunning view across the bay to the cliffs of Cape Aspro never fails to take your breath away. The position of the Columbia Beach Resort on a spectacular two kilometre Blue Flag beach and the dense vegetation in the valleys behind the bay is especially magical. Native flora, the flowers and plants that grow in this part of the island, the white cliffs of Cape Aspro to the east of the bay, the vineyards and orchards create a very secluded setting for the Columbia Beach Resort. CONTACT US Address: Pissouri Bay, POB 54042, 3779 Limassol, Cyprus Tel: +357 25 833 000 E-mail:




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EXECUTIVE SUITE, SEA VIEW Clear panoramic views of Pissouri Bay from Columbia Beach Resort. Located just steps away from the Mediterranean, these secluded suites offer the ultimate in luxury and décor with King, Queen or twin beds, a large seating area, writing desk and a large marble bathroom with separate shower facilities.

NATURE´S PARADISE The Beach Resort suites are all furnished with elegance and attention to detail. Hand-woven fabrics and tasteful wooden furniture in our 5 star Luxury Resort in Cyprus have been chosen in colours to reflect the landscape and Mediterranean Sea. Cool stone floors and ceiling fans keep the rooms cool in summer. Pure luxury comes with the exclusive skin care and bath accessories, the way we prepare your room at night, and much more besides. Specially selected suites are also available on request – for connecting suites, suites suitable for wheelchair users or a suite with an open fireplace.

You deserve nothing but the best during your luxury spa holiday! For your treatment we use only the most exclusive spa products from leading brand Elemis, so that every inch of your body is pampered with only the most luxurious ingredients.

Hotel Awards



is a multiple award winner since 2008

• 2008, 2011 and 2012: Cyprus’ Leading Spa Resort. • 2009: Mediterranean Leading Spa Resort. • 2012 – 2013: Best Spa Hotel in International Hotel Awards. • 2013: Best International Spa for a Romantic Getaway in Spa Traveller Awards. • 2013, 2014: World Travel Award as Cyprus’ Leading Resort. • 2016: Awarded Seal of Excellence in 7* Luxury Hospitality and Lifestyle Awards, Hotels & Resort Sector, October 15, 2016.



International specialities along with the best in local cuisine are available in both our lunch and dinner menus. Do try the famous Cyprus Meze, at our Columbia Resort, with it's vast array of small dishes influenced by Eastern Mediterranean cuisine and recipes unique to every chef.


/ hotel /C A S A L E P A N A Y I O T I S

Casale Panayiotis The gem of Cypriot agrotourism

Starting out as part of the island’s agrotourism projects, the village of Kalopanayiotis which was already a village with a great history, has become one of the gems for tourists to discover, with Casale Panayiotis being their palace from which to admire the all the beauty this legendary village has to offer. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION Luxury Hotel LOCATION Casale Panayiotis is just 50 minutes from Nicosia, 60 minutes from Limassol by car. FACILITIES Fitness/Spa Locker Rooms • Spa/ Wellness Packages • Foot Bath • Spa Lounge/Relaxation Area • Steam Room • Spa Facilities • Body Wrap Body Scrub • Body Treatments • Pedicure • Manicure • Waxing Services • Facial Treatments • Beauty Services• Open-air Bath • Hot Tub/Jacuzzi • Massage • Sauna • Free Parking • Free WiFi • Bars • Restaurants • Cycling • Hiking • Library • Terrace • Garden • Private Check-in/Check-out



ASALE Pananyiotis is a rural hideout away from the bustle of city life, a perfect getaway retreat for those who want the true essence of holidays- serenity. Even more, the Spa retreat helps you refresh yourself on a most basic

human level, reconnecting with open, hospitable, and peaceful village folk who have nothing but friendship, love, and new experiences to share. ACCOMODATION One of the most beautiful perks about Casale Panayiotis is that you can be anyone. With living quarters scattered in both upper and lower parts of the village, make your choice and have a totally new experience. Being neighbours with the local beekeeper, or farmer, blending in with the village life. The Retreat has 41 lavish suites and guest rooms were all houses of the village that have been refurbished and restored to their original beauty in true Cypriot fashion, so you can really connect

to the aura of the village and the tranquil splendor it has to offer. Each accommodation is named after one of the local herbs, flowers, unique to the village, or some historical moment from the rich Byzantine era for the village. LIVE THE LIFE, THE DECLUTTERED, ECO-FRIENDLY LIFE The life expectancy of the Mediterranean and Cyprus in particular is quite high, especially in the rural areas, villages, and the lifestyle has much to do with it. In what can only be described as beautiful simplicity, the villagers of Kalopanayiotis live a truly unclustered and refreshing life, taking from nature only what nature gives freely and making a beautiful best of what they have. CONTACT US Address: Markou Drakou 80, 2862 Kalopanayiotis, Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: +357 22 952444 Email:




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THE LEGENDARY SPA VILLAGE The village of Kalopanayiotis is known historically for its Sulphur springs, which are believed to have healing powers, and attracted visitors from all over the world, from Venetians to Greeks. What you can be certain of is how reinvigorated you’ll feel after a day at the spa. Our Myrianthousa Spa offers a complete spa experience, with waters from the legendary Sulphur springs, and products that are completely eco-friendly and made from natural herbs. Up in the mountains, guests can enjoy this moment of relaxation and detox in all harmony with nature, taking advantage of the indoor and outdoor whirlpools, sauna, the ice mist, tropical rain rooms, foot baths, hydrotherapy pools, the snow cabin, the herbal steam room, a hydromassage bath, and the exquisite Rhassoul mud cabin. Cleanse both mind and soul as well, with the energizing yoga and meditation sessions.

Enjoy the exquisite sights and sounds of nature, through the wild fruits grown in the orchard, the surrounding verdancy, the rare species of flowers, and why not? You could be in great luck and spot the Cypriot Moufflon, an incredibly rare and protected species, incredibly shy as well. Let the beauty of man’s works capture your senses as well. The magnificient St. John Lambaditis monastery which dates back from the Byzantine era of the 11th century still stands, alongside a 700-year old tree! Mix it up with the villagers and get a taste of the delectable local cuisine and wine, get to see life through their eyes and share their everyday life, in a refreshing experience that is sure to stay with you long after your holidays and time in Casale Panayiotis is over.



CONFERENCE AND EVENTS Hold your events and conferences in the home of a hero. Kalopanayiotis was home to the Cypriot hero, Lavrentios, whose humongous home has been renovated and refurbished into a unique conference and event facility that can host up to 100 people, with a 10-seat boardroom, and private a catering service. Breakout spaces and open-air terraces accentuate the facility, while an underground wine cellar adds a fun twist to the place. The work and improvements to Casale Panayiotis never stops. There is always beauty to unearth, put on display, and highlight. The old vineyards across the valley are being restored and modernized, including the construction of a local winery. A nearby water-bottling plant taps into the delicious local natural spring water, and local orchards and historic buildings are being preserved. Work in tourism is bringing back young families to the village and owners are restoring their homes.


Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaca

The Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaca welcomes you to Cyprus’s sparkling southern shore. Strategically set in the city center facing the sea port, this upper-upscale hotel provides easy access to both Larnaca’s modern and ancient culture as well as its thriving port industry. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star LOCATION Port Side, Larnaca City Centre 9km from Larnaca Airport FACTS 106 Rooms & Suites • Room sizes of 35m2 to 56 m2 • Eco Friendly Linen & Pillow menus • Simmons Signature Beds - 49” • 55” LED Morroring TVs • Nespresso Coffee Machines • USB Charging Stations • The Skybar • Rooſtop Gin & Sushi Bar • AquaBlu • Loſty 5th floor outdoor pool • Harbor Blu & Blu Lounge • Delicious dining options throughout the day • Meeting Rooms & Business Centre • 16th floor event facilities • Interactive digital media • Direct access to Q Blu Plaza • Free high speed WIFI • Free covered parking



ITUATED on the southern coast of Cyprus, Larnaca is the island nation’s 3rd-largest city and held to be its oldest. The Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaca sits just 2 kilometres from the gorgeous Mediterranean beach within the city centre. The hotel also boasts a strategic location across from the main sea port and the Larnaca waterfront, which are important to the city’s role as the nation’s 2nd largest port. The hotel features 106 well-appointed rooms and suites, in five distinct room categories. For your ultimate comfort, modern in-room amenities include: Free high-speed internet acccess, 49”-55” LED mirrorring TV’s, tea and coffee making facilities by Nespresso and pillow menu by Cocomat, for selected room types. You can enjoy a delicious meal in the privacy of your room with 24-hour room service or visit the on-site restaurant and bar to socialize with friends and colleagues. Stay active during your stay, by visiting the modern fitness room and outdoor pool, and take time to unwind at the property’s wellness centre, which offers a Jacuzzi, a steam room and relaxation centre. The hotel’s meeting and events facilities span 401 square metres, the “Scala” conference room on the 16th floor, makes it the perfect venue for any meeting, event or social occasion.

ROOMS & RESTAURANTS Enjoy gorgeous views of the Larnaca Bay from all our rooms beautifully designed with light, earth tone colors and wooden furnishings. All rooms aim for optimal comfort and mirror the warm atmosphere of the city and culture. The ultimate culinary experience awaits you at our Signatures “Sky Bar” on the 16th floor, featuring a unique Gin bar & Sushi restuarant, to be enjoyed alongside breath-taking panoramic views of Larnaca. Try the delicious Super Breakfast at “Harbor Blu” restaurant, on the 5th floor each morning, for tasy selections to get you fuelled up for the day. “Harbor Blu” can also cater buffet style for any events. CONTACT Address: Atlantidon 2, 6058 Larnaca, Cyprus T: +357 24 505 800 F: +357 24 505 815 Email: Web:




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BLU LOUNGE | Indulge in delightful Mediterranean snacks and a delicious drink at this sophisticated cosmopolitan bar. With a laid back ambiance, the Blu Lounge bar is the ideal spot to unwind.

SERVICES Radisson Blu Hotel, Larnaca is a high-tech, sleek, upscale, sixteen story hotel, unlike no other in Cyprus. Offering first class accommodation, Radisson’s philosophy and Yes I Can TM attitude of service, ensures you a comfortable stay. The outdoor swimming pool is open daily during the summer seasonand is the ideal spot to sip mouth-watering cocktails while soaking in the summer sun alongside spectacular views of the city. The Fitness and wellness centre, allows you to maintain your daily routines or relax after a busy day, by unwinding in a tranquil environment featuring a sauna and steam room. Whether you need a refreshing beverage during the day, a little drink during a break or a soothing nightcap to round of your evening, we have just the spot for you. RADISSON BLU HOTEL, LARNACA | The best choice for business and leisure, stays in Larnaca’s cosmopolitan city. In addition to excellent dining, we also offer bars for all moods and needs. Whether you need a refreshing beverage during the day, a little drink during a break or a soothing nightcap to round off your evening, we have just the spot for you.




/ hotel / A T L A N T I C A


Atlantica Aeneas Resort and Spa At the Atlantica Aeneas Resort and Spa, you can experience one of the largest swimming pools on the island that comes complete with fountains and whirlpool baths; what's more is the white sands and crystal clear waters of Nissi Beach that are just a 90 meter walk away. Overall, this recently renovated resort has an impressive range of facilities in exclusive surroundings.

OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa is perfectly located close to the popular resort of Ayia Napa. Larnaca International Airport: 45 km – It takes around 50 minutes to get to the hotel and you can expect to pay around €50 each way in a taxi. If you’re thinking about taking a taxi, there’s a taxi station straight outside the arrivals lounge. FACTS & FACILITIES Nissi Beach: 150 meters across the Hotel • Offering a wide selection of rooms providing excellent standards of accommodation.



TLANTICA AENEAS RESORT & SPA is perfectly located close to the popular resort of Ayia Napa which lies on the south east corner of Cyprus. Ayia Napa boasts 14 blue flag beaches across its 8 kilometre coastline and with sandy beaches it makes it the perfect resort to want to visit. Come day or night the resort centre of Ayia Napa is 2.5km away from the hotel and has enough variety to keep everyone entertained whether you want coffee shops during the day or nightlife in the evening. OUTDOOR POOL At the Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa, you can experience one of the largest swimming pools on the island that comes complete with fountains and whirlpool baths; what's more is the white sands and crystal clear waters of Nissi Beach that are just a 90 meter walk away. Overall, this recently renovated resort has an impressive range of facilities in exclusive surroundings.

INDOOR POOL The indoor swimming pool at Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa is the perfect sanctuary for guests seeking relaxation and calmness. Swimming is a fantastic exercise to strengthen and tone muscles as well as increase fitness without putting pressure on your joints. For guests who simply want to relax, step up in the Jacuzzi where you can sit back and unwind while relieving your muscles. TENNIS COURTS Featuring Tennis Courts with floodlights, for guests who wish to practise their tennis backhand while on holiday. CONTACT Address: P.O. Box 30 476, 5344 Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel: +357 23724000 E-mail: Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras



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«LAVINIA» RESTAURANT | Every day there's a delicious and varied buffet to be discovered with clear sections making it easy to choose. Live cooking stations are always a popular choice and the odd theme night adds some international flavours. You'll find a section for babies and a kids buffet that the little ones can help themselves to.


FAMILY 4 PREMIUM SWIM-UP ROOM WITH PARTITION | King size bed, extra sofa beds, bath or shower, private direct dial telephone, fully stocked mini-bar (upon request), electronic safe box, Colour TV (local & satellite reception), Free Wi-Fi Connection, welcome amenities.


The Spa is available to hotel guests wishing to book Spa Treatments.

Set in the grounds of the Five Star Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa, the Aeneas Spa has been designed to give guests a true feeling of Cyprus, allowing the opportunity to indulge in the delight of high quality treatments at this famous resort. The Spa is exclusively using the world famed Phytomer & Guinot product ranges for facial and body treatments and high quality products are used for nails. With seven treatment rooms and the signature treatment, Sea of Tranquillity (involving steam room, sauna and flotation pool), there is a delightful mix of pampering and also treatments directly aimed to benefit the health. The dedicated team of professionals is there to assist clients, providing treatments which eradicate the stresses of everyday life, whilst also providing aftercare to carry on the regimen once the therapy is completed.

Ayia Napa and Protaras

When you’re jetting off in search of sunshine it’s fair to say you’ll want to spend a good deal of time lounging in it before tying the knot. At the Atlantica Aeneas Resort & Spa, you can enjoy one of the largest pools in Cyprus that comes complete with whirlpool baths, bridges and fountains. Our personalised service will ensure your day is treated with care from the minute you make your first contact with us right through until you're celebrating the moment you tied the knot. If you are not sure what to expect from your wedding day or have everything sorted in your diary, your dedicated wedding planner can offer recommendations or simply put all of your plans in to practice. We pride ourselves in a dedicated and professional expert service, leaving you relaxed to enjoy your special moment.

Special Packages are available for one and two days, also for giſts and weddings.



/ hotel /A D A M S


THE ADAMS BEACH HOTEL AND DELUXE WING is the ideal choice for your visit to Cyprus for its enviable location, unbeatable facilities, great service and value.

Adams Beach Hotel The Adams Beach Hotel and Adams Beach Deluxe Wing (Aults Only – Over 16 y.o.), in Ayia Napa, Cyprus command a superb aspect, as they are located on the spectacular beach at Nissi Bay with its fine white sand and turquoise waters. To add to this, we also have our own secluded cove for our guests to enjoy! OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Situated on the breathtaking Nissi bay known for its fine white sandy beach and shallow, turquoise waters, the Adams Beach Hotel has a long-established tradition of providing top accommodation and service to holiday makers from around the world. FACTS & FACILITIES Rooms and Suites: 435 Hotels has main building, Bungalows, and Deluxe wing • Number of outdoor Pools: 5 Indoor Pool: 1, Children's Pool: 1 • Last Hotel Partial Rennovation: 2015/2016/2017



UR RESORT is located around 2.5 km from the hustle centre of Ayia Napa where there is of course, both lively nightlife at the local clubs and pubs but also family activities such as the large permanent fun fair and numerous local festivals. There are also many cultural attractions such as the peaceful 15th Century Monastery, 'Thalassa' Marine Museum, picturesque harbour where boat trips to the sea caves and around Cape Greco can be taken. Also close by is the Waterworld waterpark and Ayia Thekla with its stone carved underground church. Right outside our hotel, a coastal path runs all the way to Ayia Napa centre or in the other direction along the shoreline towards Makronisos and Ayia Thekla – just right for that leisurely after-dinner stroll. Lounge on a sunbed by the pool before enjoying a drink at our swim-up Vitaminas Pool Bar or if you feel like taking a break from the glorious sunshine, how about a swim in our indoor swimming pool?

As the evening draws in, experience the stunning view of the sunsets here in Cyprus, from the comfort of your own balcony before dining in one of our variety of restaurants. For a special treat, you may choose to dine at our exclusive roof top Glasshouse Lounge Restaurant or enjoy the best of sushi and other Japanese delicacies at our Socci Sushi Bar whilst sampling a delicious cocktail or two! At the Adams Beach Hotel, we have a tradition of welcoming our guests with the best of Cypriot hospitality and we aim to do all we can to ensure your stay with us is as enjoyable as possible so that you will want to return again and again. CONTACT Address: Nissi Avenue P.O. Box 30029 5340 Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel: + 357 23840000 E-mail: Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras



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Summer is the most beautiful time of the year for a party and Cyprus is renowned for its particularly long sundrenched summers. The gentle, sparkling waters of the Mediterranean Sea are just a few footsteps away. Our wonderful venues and experienced staff are on hand to ensure your wedding day flows just as you have planned, leaving you relaxed and free to enjoy your special day.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

WELLNESS Whether spa enthusiasts or unaware of such pleasures, a world of fitness, health and beauty is waiting to be experienced. At our Olympic Health Centre you can choose from a full range of exceptional treatments; massages, facial treatments and body care therapies which include full-body, neck and shoulder relief, hot stone, deep tissue and reflexology.

OLYMPIC HEALTH CLUB AND SPA | in addition to the large indoor pool and Hi-tech Gym, you will find our Spa facilities which include, sauna (private), treatment rooms, where the fragrance of essential oils surrounds you and soſt candlelight has an instant calming effect.

Hotel Awards

YOUR DREAM WEDDING We know that your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life and should always be a special one. We guarantee only one wedding per day so that each couple's special day, remains just theirs! The most important moment of a wedding day is the ceremony. At Adams Beach Hotel we have three wedding venues, each with its own character: For a traditional religious ceremony, we have the bijou St.Andrew's chapel with whitewashed walls and courtyard with views over Nissi Bay.

We also have our Beach Gazebo venue for civil ceremonies located at the edge of the hotel's grounds overlooking the beach. Our secluded and intimate Garden venue is situated amongst palms, hibiscus and typical Mediterranean plants and is ideal for both civil and religious ceremonies.

AWARDS 2016 • Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence 2016

AWARDS 2015 • Proven Quality 2015 by Thomas Cook Group • Cypriot Hotel Awards • Trip Advisor Bravo! Adams Beach hotel rated "excellent" by 494 travellers

Ayia Napa and Protaras



/ hotel / G R E C I A N


Grecian Bay Hotel This luxury five star hotel is situated on the most beautiful sandy beach in Cyprus with breathtaking views of the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The complex offers a world of amenities together with exceptional service and friendly staff.

OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Situated directly on the beach, within 40 minutes drive from Larnaca Airport and 10 minutes walk from the village of Ayia Napa. FACTS & FACILITIES Rooms and Suites: 271 • Outdoor & Children’s Swimming Pools • Indoor Swimming Pool • Grecian Health Club: Fully equipped Gym • Jacuzzi • Sauna • Massage • Steam Bath • 3 Floodlit Tennis Courts • Squash Court • Golf Driving Range 125m • Table Tennis • Pool Table • Games Room • Water sports at the beach (extra charge)



ITH MORE than 30,000 sq meters of space the Grecian Bay Hotel has a lot to offer to its customers. From relaxing under the sun on the beach to exercising on the brand new tennis courts or taking romantic walks within the gardens while the kids are entertained in the kids club, these are some of the many activities one can relish.

BEACH Life's a beach when you are given full access from the hotel to the Mediterranean seafront. Our beach attendants will make sure you will have the perfect service for umbrellas, chaise lounges, towels, gourmet food and beverages. OUTDOOR POOL The Grecian Bay pool is surrounded by sun lounge pillows, large gardens with secret pathways,

while pool service is available for gourmet bitings and beverages, refreshing towels and a life guard on duty. Guests have full access to pool chairs, which are on a first-come, first-serve basis. SPORTS – 3 brand new, state of the art floodlit tennis courts. Tennis instructor available on request. – Located next to the outdoor pool, the squash court is constructed with the best European standards. – We all deserve to relax and get pampered by visiting the Sauna and Steam room. CONTACT Address: Kryou Nerou 32, P.O. Box 30006 5340 Ayia Napa, Cyprus Tel: + 357 23842000 E-mail: Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras



/ hotel /

FISHERMAN'S HUT | Our Fisherman’s Hut Tavern will definitely be one of the highlights of your holiday. This open air tavern, situated on the beach offers an excellent quality of fresh fish specialties, either for lunch or for a splendid romantic evening out.

ACCOMMODATION Each of our 277 guest rooms, suites and bungalows are designed to offer you the best in luxury and elegance. There is free high speed Wi-Fi in every room as well as Wi-Fi access throughout the entire resort.

DELUXE SUITE | 50 square metres • Mini bar • Twin or Double beds • Private safe • Air Conditioning / Central Heating • Direct dial telephone • Balcony • Radio • Wi-Fi Free of charge • Hair dryer • Satellite Plasma TV • Turndown service

Hotel Awards

THE SPA AND WELLNESS CENTER at the Grecian Bay Hotel is a dedication to the art of relaxation and escapism, a place where you can leave behind the stress and monotony of your daily life and experience tranquility, harmony and inner peace. We offer you a “personal” time and space that is dedicated to revitalizing your body, mind and soul.

We thank you for your ongoing support and for choosing us as one of your the Grecian Bay Hotel has been awarded with an extensive variety of awards from prestigious organizations including: • Tripadvisor Award • Thomas Cook Award • First Choice Award • Gulet Award • Biblio Globus Award • Energy Management Systems Award

Ayia Napa and Protaras

WEDDINGS With breathtaking views of the Mediterranean, on one of the island's most privileged settings, the Grecian Bay Hotel will ensure that your special day will be full of romantic memories. Our wealth of experience will guarantee these memories will last a lifetime. Planning your wedding in Cyprus and at the Grecian Bay Hotel is very simple and enjoyable. Let us do all the wedding planning for you whilst you enjoy luxury accommodation, a peaceful and relaxing environment and the magnificent Mediterranean through the eyes of Konnos Bay and Cape Greco.



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Grecian Park Hotel

The Grecian Park is a luxury complex with many things to do complete with a fitness area, spa & wellness centre, 4 bars, 4 restaurants, tennis courts, a children's playground and a mini-club for children aged 4–12, during July and August. You will never have to venture outside of the complex. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION The five star Grecian Park Hotel is situated adjacent to the National Park of Cape Greco with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean. Ayia Napa is a 5 minute drive away and Larnaca Airport a 45 minute drive. FACTS & FACILITIES Rooms and Suites: 238 • Outdoor lagoon type and childrens' swimming pools • Spa • Health & Beauty Centre • Watersports at the beach • Gym • indoor swimming pool • Two floodlit tennis courts



LL ROOMS AND SUITES are furnished for today’s traveler. The hotel boasts 3 restaurants, a coffee shop and 3 bars including our UMI Japanese & Sushi Bar restaurant, our Ravioli's Italian Restaurant and our exotic cliff bar. Boasting one of the best spa hotels in Cyprus the Spa & Wellness Centre including a fitness gym will leave you revamped and rejuvenated. Water sports are available at the beach along with a beach kiosk which is open daily, offering refreshments and snacks. Grecian Park Hotel is a luxury complex which offers a wealth of amenities and services. Whether you are booking in advance or last minute holidays, Grecian Park is surely the place to be.

BEACH Konnos Bay is the beach located below the hotel. Voted as one of the top beaches on the island, it is a sure delight for beach goers and the best place to spend your beach holidays. Sunbeds and umbrellas

are available at Konnos Bay along with our hotel's kiosk which serves snacks and refreshments.

OUTDOOR POOL Our lagoon style outdoor pool is a splash of coolness whilst enjoying the summer heat! Our pool attendants will ensure that your sunbeds and umbrellas are ready for you and of course, our pool bar will be able to compliment your day with refreshments and snacks. Pool towels can be collected by the Olympus Health Club reception. Our pool/beach towels and our sunbeds and mbrellas are offered free of charge to our hotel guests.

CONTACT Address: 81, Konnos Street, Protaras P.O. Box 33498 5314 Paralimni, Cyprus Tel: + 357 23844000 E-mail: Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras



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CLIFF BAR | Our exotic outdoor chill-out bar open daily until the late evening hours. Specialty cocktails and breathtaking views. Live DJ during the summer months playing chill out beats. You will feel as if you are in another world!

ACCOMMODATION All rooms and suites are furnished to meet the expectations of today's demanding traveler. Air-conditioning, private WC, private balcony, bath/shower, satellite flat screen TV, hairdryer, mini-bar, direct dial telephone, free wi-fi, private safe and coffee & tea making facilities are some of the features which distinguish the Grecian Park Hotel as one of the best Hotels in Cyprus.

PRESIDENTIAL SUITE SEA VIEW | 42 square metres • King size bed • Built in Jacuzzi in bath • Separate sitting area • Air Conditioning / Central Heating • Private balcony • Wi-Fi Free of charge • Satellite Plasma TV • Mini bar

Hotel Awards

SPA & WELLNESS CENTRE | Our mission is to make you feel more beautiful and more relaxed. At our Hotel Spa, we provide only the best in professional treatments and products, all of which are individually prescribed to suit your specific needs. Try one of our holistic experiences that will make a real difference to your life.

We thank you for your ongoing support and for choosing us as one of your favorite hotels worldwide. • Certificate of Excellence 2016 • TripAdvisor Choice 2016 • Certificate of Excellence 2015 • Proven Quality 2015 • HolidayCheck 2015 • TripAdvisor Choice 2015 • HolidayCheck 2014 • Certificate of Excellence 2014 • TripAdvisor Choice 2014 • Award • TuV Nord Award

Ayia Napa and Protaras

WEDDINGS With breathtaking views of the Mediterranean and with one of the island's most privileged settings, the Grecian Park Hotel, will ensure that your special day will be full of romantic and beautiful memories, wedding wishes and dreams to last a lifetime. The Grecian Park Hotel offers the experience and dedication you deserve to make your wedding in paradise come true. The island of Cyprus otherwise known as Aphrodite's island, boasts one of the most romantic settings.



/ hotel / C A P O


"Good life is the pursuit of happiness"

Capo Bay Hotel Combining the ultimate in design and hospitality! Capo Bay Hotel Cyprus is quite simply, the best beach hotel to stay in Protaras, Cyprus. Exceptionally located in the heart of Protaras and a step away from the award winning blue flag Fig Tree Bay. Don’t forget to breathe in the sea air!

OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Capo Bay hotel is situated right on the beach but is in the centre of Protaras, within a short walking distance from shops, banks and traditional Cypriot tavernas. Located on the famous Fig Tree Bay, you will experience perhaps the most beautiful sandy beach and crystal clear waters of any Cyprus location – a blue flag awarded beach. Protaras is a one hour drive from Larnaka International Airport and a ten minute drive from Paralimni and Ayia Napa – 8 kms from either in each direction. FACTS & FACILITIES Rooms and Suites: 225



HE CAPO BAY HOTEL in Protaras, Cyprus is exceptionally located in the heart of Protaras. Modern features and amenities blend in with traditional excellence in service and holiday accommodation Capo Bay Beach Hotel has earned an enviable reputation with travelers to Cyprus for its style and attention to detail within the guest accommodation and for its quality of service. Whichever type of room you choose to stay in, you will appreciate the overall tone of elegance, combined with all the modern comfort you would expect from a beach hotel in Protaras. Our hotel is an ideal destination for a relaxing holiday in, Cyprus. It has a superb choice of facilities, including two outdoor swimming pools, scuba diving centre, a supervised kids club and a modern spa resort offering aromatherapy, massages, facials and body treatments. Capo Bay Hotel is the perfect choice from a variety of beach hotels in Protaras,

as it is very close to the picturesque rocky Cape Greko, where the deep turquoise waters are famous amongst scuba divers. Due to its position, Capo Bay Hotel is one of the few hotels in Protaras which combines the beach with a central location. A short stroll will allow you to enjoy the full center of Protaras with a wide selection of shops and tavernas on your doorstep! Its excellent location, wide choice of daily activities, dining venues and the pleasant surroundings makes Capo Bay Hotel the best choice, if you are looking for a contemporary beach hotel in Protaras, Cyprus. Please note that pets are not allowed at the hotel. CONTACT Address: Iasonos 2, P.O.Box 33115, 5311 Paralimni, Protaras, Cyprus Tel: + 357 23831101 Web:

Ayia Napa and Protaras



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CUCINA ITALIAN RESTAURANT | What we eat is constantly evolving and changing! Cucina Italian Restaurant offers high quality Italian Cuisine which is characterized by its simplicity, with pure taste of the ingredients since most dishes are comprised from only four to eight ingredients. At Cucina we rely primarily on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation.


EXECUTIVE SUITE | The Capo Bay hotel offers one executive sea view suite with an open plan master bedroom, offering amazing views of the blue flag awarded Fig Tree Bay and connecting to a twin bedded room.

If you are looking for modern, comfortable hotel rooms in Cyprus, then Capo Bay Hotel Protaras is the ideal destination. We have 225 elegantly designed rooms that are fully air conditioned and offer bathrooms with whirlpool or jet, satellite flat screen TV, Free Wi-Fi internet connection, direct dial telephone connection, mini bar, hair dryer, safe deposit box, tea and coffee making facilities and private balcony. Capo Bay Hotel Protaras has the rooms and suites to suit the needs of the most discerning guests. Capo Bay is perhaps unrivalled for the marvelous views many of the hotel rooms offer. Our hotel rooms offer such luxuries as whirlpool or jet in the bathroom, balconies, views over the resort, the sea, or the lovely gardens surrounding the Capo Bay Hotel. A hotel room at Capo Bay, with so many facilities will leave you wanting to come back each year for a holiday.

ONEIRO SPA CENTER | At Oneiro Spa Resort which is considered one of the best of Protaras Spa Hub's - we have partnered and exclusively make use of the leading luxury SPA and Skincare brand ELEMIS. A variety of treatments to hydrate, remineralise, smooth and soſten your skin, taking you to a new level of relaxation. We have integrated health and wellness into an urbane environment.

Ayia Napa and Protaras



/ hotel /E L Y S I U M

Elysium The Elysium enjoys uninterrupted views of the Mediterranean Sea and has been sensitively designed in a palatial style primarily influenced by the Byzantine era. The cultural references of its architecture evoke the rich history of Cyprus and combine elements from Greek, Roman, Medieval and Venetian times. OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION The Elysium is situated on the beach, in the historical heartland of the ancient city of Paphos. The hotel is only 10 minutes away from the picturesque harbour of Paphos, and 90 minutes from Larnaca international airport. FACTS & FACILITIES Voltage: 240 Volts Guest elevators: 4 Floors: 3 Credit cards: all major cards are accepted Room service: 24 hours Wireless internet access (with the hotel’s compliments)



LYSIUM, a heavenly experience on a place of delight and eternal bliss, where unique experiences impress you again and again… Adjacent to one of the most renowned archaeological sites, the Tombs of the Kings, the hotel indicates that in ancient times this was considered a headland of significance, valued for its spectacular views of the sun setting into the sea. Designed along palatial lines, the Elysium invites you to enjoy unforgettable moments in an environment of ultimate serenity with uninterrupted views of the sea. Surrounded by extensive landscaped gardens with water features, pools, an amphitheatre and its own sandy cove, it extends a feeling of wellbeing and indulgence. Every detail is an example of artistic and insightful craftsmanship, incorporating stone, marble and timber features that enhance furnishings remi-

the Elysium comes into view, you will note its sturdy drawbridge through a medieval arch, leading you to

the inspiring colonnaded reception area. Images of the past come to mind, from the days of Byzantine prosperity to Greek, Roman, Medieval and Venetian glory. A tour of the hotel is a journey of exploration. Take in the warmth of muted earth colours and allow yourself to wander, as you detect intricate mosaics and impressive arches and columns. HOTEL SHOPS A souvenir shop, a boutique, a jewellery shop, and a florist. Booking of cruises and general information are available within the hotel property. CONTACT Address: Queen Verenikis Street P.O. Box 60701, 8107 Paphos, Cyprus Tel: + 357 2684 4444 E-mail: Web:



//hotel hotel//


Your Yourvisit visitto toPaphos Paphosisisaacomplete completeexperience: experience: outstanding outstandinglocation, location,cultural culturalinterest interestand and culinary culinaryexcellence excellencecombined combined

LEISURE LEISUREFACILITIES FACILITIES focal focal point point ofof the the hotel’s hotel’s gardens gardens and and has has been been imaginatively imaginatively designed designed onon many many levels levels around around aa hydro-massage hydro-massage rotunda rotunda pool pool inin the the centre. centre. For For the the more more energetic, energetic, two two floodlit floodlit tennis tennis courts courts and and scuba scuba diving diving courses courses forfor allall levels levels are are onon offer, offer, asas well well asas a high-tech a high-tech gym, gym, aerobics aerobics and and allall with with private private instructors. instructors. mind, mind, the the Opium Opium Health Health Spa Spa with with ESPA ESPA treattreatments ments will will deliver deliver allall you you could could ever ever hope hope for. for.

A wedding A wedding atat thethe Elysium Elysium is is thethe ultimate ultimate event; event; it it is is thethe beginning beginning ofof a new a new lifelife together together with with your your partner partner making making this this venue venue thethe perfect perfect location location forfor getting getting married married in in Cyprus. Cyprus.

Hotel Hotel Awards Awards

• Elysium • Elysium hashas been been selected selected byby thethe Sunday Sunday Times Times as as one one of of thethe 3 new 3 new best best hotels hotels of of thethe world world onon 7/7/02. 7/7/02.

• Elysium • Elysium hashas been been recognised recognised with with thethe Award Award of of "The "The Best Best Leisure Leisure Project Project in in Europe" Europe" onon 18/11/02, 18/11/02, anan award award given given once once every every four four years years byby thethe European European Leisure Leisure Property Property Forum. Forum. • Elysium • Elysium hashas been been awarded awarded another another accolade accolade —— a nomination a nomination forfor "Best "Best Leisure Leisure Hotel" Hotel" at at thethe annual annual MIPIM MIPIM exhibition, exhibition, thethe largest largest real real estate estate exhibition exhibition in in thethe world. world. Over Over 600 600 hotels hotels were were considered considered and and Elysium Elysium was was amongst amongst thethe three three final final nominees nominees along along with with two two other other highly highly prestigious prestigious properties: properties: Chicago Chicago Sofitel Sofitel forfor "Best "Best Business Business Hotel" Hotel" and and thethe Paris Paris Hyatt Hyatt forfor "The "The Best Best Hotel". Hotel".

Paphos Paphos•

•S US M UM MM E RE R2 02 10 91 9E D ED I TI ITOI O NN

performances performances staged staged atat the the Orpheus Orpheus amphitheatre. amphitheatre. InIn between, between, enjoy enjoy a game a game ofof chess chess while while children children explore explore the the indoor indoor kids’ kids’ club club and and amusement amusement centre, centre, oror splash splash around around inin the the shaded shaded children’s children’s outdoor outdoor pool, pool, with with a waterslide a waterslide and and adjacent adjacent playground. playground.

AA CHARMING CHARMING ROTUNDA ROTUNDA WITH WITH HYDROPOOL HYDROPOOL highlights highlights thethe sparkling sparkling multi-level multi-level swimming swimming pool. pool. Venture Venture down down to to thethe beach, beach, and and youyou willwill discover discover thethe shoreline shoreline pedestrian pedestrian path path that that winds winds itsits way way right right down down to to Paphos Paphos harbour. harbour.

59 57

/hotel /C O R A L


CORAL BEACH HOTEL AND RESORT has a large outdoor pool complex with a swimming pool and sun terrace next to the private harbour, furnished with sun loungers and shades.

Coral Beach Hotel & Resort The Coral Beach Hotel & Resort in Paphos, Cyprus, is situated on 500 meters of natural sandy beach with its own private harbor. This unique resort combines the traditional Cypriot décor of white walls and authentic woodwork with the modern amenities expected of a five star resort.

OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION It is close to the town of Paphos, 25 minutes from Paphos International Airport and 150km from Larnaca International Airport. Stay on this road for about 6km. At the second round about take the leſt exit, joining another dual carriageway. Follow this road through traffic lights and crossroads towards Coral Bay. Aſter about 11km you shall see a sign for Coral Bay Village. FACTS & FACILITIES Rooms and Suites: 422 All rooms feature free WiFi and 24-hour room service. For a bit of entertainment, LCD TVs come with satellite channels. Restaurants: 6



OCATED on the beautiful and popular Coral Bay with views across the landscaped gardens and beach, this luxury hotel is all about service, relaxation and enjoyment in this stunning part of the world. With plenty of historic sites in

nearby Paphos to explore, plus a number of different dining options and leisure facilities including children’s pools and waterslides, the Coral Beach Hotel and Resort is ideal for guests looking for a great range of on-site facilities and dining options. There is also an activity pool with water slides and a further pool for children. Further leisure facilities and activities include a Spa, 4 floodlit tennis courts, a squash court, a fitness gym, a games room, snooker and pool tables, a children's playground (for the kids club) and an Art & Craft centre with workshops where guests can try all sorts of crafts.

The Hotel has six Restaurants offering a selection of cuisines from Cypriot to Asian, you can be sure to try our traditional Limani Fish Tavern or Romantic Italian dishes. All restaurants feature covered terraces, so buffet style breakfast, lunch and dinner can be served outside. There is also a children’s menu available for early meals. At the Armonia restaurant extravagant buffet themed nights, whilst the Calypso is open in the evenings for international buffets. There is also an Italian restaurant, and elegant restaurant serving Mediterranean cuisine. All a la carte restaurants are occasionally open. Amenities and services available to guests include 24 hour reception and free WiFi throughout.

CONTACT Address: P.O.Box 62874, CY-8099 Paphos Tel: + 357 26881000 E-mail: Web:




hotel// //hotel

WHATEVER DREAM WEDDING a couple has imagined, they are sure to find it in Cyprus, the island of love. The Coral Beach Hotel & Resort is the perfect location and theperfect island.

Your visit to Paphos is a complete experience: outstanding location, cultural interest and culinary excellence combined

WEDDINGS LEISURE FACILITIES The Coral Beach Hotel and Resort offers one of the most magical locations with extensive terraces andbeen focal point of the hotel’s gardens and has unrivalled choice of areas for drinks, cocktails, imaginatively designed on many levels around a receptions and dinners,rotunda all in most exquisite settings, hydro-massage pool in the centre. all with breathtaking panoramic views the seatennis and For the more energetic, twooffloodlit stunning Paphos sunsets. courts and scuba diving courses for all levels are There terraces overlooking the resorts lush onare offer, as well as a high-tech gym, aerobics and gardens and the Mediterranean sea and the numerous all with private instructors. function rooms all of which can be decorated to your own individual style and preferences, maketreatyour mind, the Opium Health Spa set withtoESPA weddingments day a will special day to remember! deliver all you could ever hope for. Leptos Calypso Hotel & Resorts offer the most unique, performances exclusive and romantic for your staged at venues the Orpheus amphitheatre. Weddings and Honeymoon. In between, enjoy a game of chess while children Whatever you tokids’ have club yourand wedding or explore thedecide indoor amusement honeymoon in Cyprus, you can be assured that it will centre, or splash around in the shaded children’s All weddings are unique and special in their be the most special occasion, filled with and amasing outdoor pool, with a waterslide adjacent A wedding at the Elysium is the ultimate it is the beginning of own way, whether big event; lavish celebrations, sunset, sandy beaches, fine food and wine. playground. a new life together with your intimate partner gatherings. making this venue the perfect or small location for getting married in Cyprus.

Hotel Hotel Awards Awards

WE ARE VOTED AMONG • Elysium been selected by the Sunday THE TOP 5has HOTELS IN CYPRUS Times as one the 3 new best hotels of the INof2015!

world on 7/7/02.

• Elysium has been recognised with the Award Weofare delighted to announce that theon "The Best Leisure Project in Europe" Coral18/11/02, Beach Hotel & Resort been voted an award givenhas once every four among the 5 hotels in Cyprus for Forum. years by thetop European Leisure Property

Russian holidaymakers in Cyprus in 2015. • Elysium has been awarded another

accolade —been a nomination for "Best96 Leisure It has also voted number Hotel" at the annual MIPIM exhibition, the worldwide, by Lighthouse Research, largest real estate exhibition in the world. acting on behalf of TopHotels of Russia. Over 600 hotels were considered and Elysium This ranking is based on a year-long was amongst the three final nominees along survey sample Russian touristsproperties: and with two otherofhighly prestigious tour for operators. Chicago Sofitel "Best Business Hotel" and

ESTHISIS, THEAHEALTH CHARMING ANDROTUNDA BEAUTY WITH SPAHYDROPOOL of the Coral Beach Hotel &the sparkling highlights Resort, Paphos,swimming multi-level Cyprus. Esthisis pool. Venture down to is thethe Greek beach, and you will Worddiscover for Senses, the shoreline meaning that path that pedestrian at Esthisis all way right winds its therapies downand to Paphos treatments harbour.aim to enhance your senses and feeling of wellbeing.

the Paris Hyatt for "The Best Hotel".

Paphos Paphos•

•S US M UM MM E RE R2 02 10 91 9E D ED I TI ITOI O NN

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/ hotel /S E N T I D O


THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN CYPRUS, Coral Bay, the Sentido Thalassa Coral Bay, a sophisticated and elegant retreat.

Sentido Thalassa Coral Bay The best kept secret in Cyprus, Coral Bay, a sophisticated and elegant retreat. Sentido Thalassa is distinguished as the ultimate destination for an intimate, luxurious escape immersed in relaxation and rejuvenation.

OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION Quietly nestled on the Maa Peninsula, an ancient Greek archeological site and surrounded by the crystal waters of the Mediterranean. The property borders the Akamas National Park, an area of outstanding natural beauty and ecological significance, which is protected by UNESCO and also encompasses the endangered turtle breeding site of Lara Bay. FACTS & FACILITIES 25 minutes drive from Paphos International Airport (PFO) and 90 minutes drive from Larnaca International Airport (LCA) • 1 Outdoor and 1 Indoor Pool (Heated during winter season)



OCATED in Pegeia (Coral Bay), Sentido Thalassa Coral Bay is minutes from Maa-Paliokastro Archaeological Site and Coral Bay Beach. This 4-star hotel is within the vicinity of Pafos Zoo and Agios Georgios Church. Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the 100 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars and LCD televisions. Rooms have private balconies. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming provides entertainment. Private bathrooms with bathtubs or showers feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Pamper yourself with a visit to the spa, which offers body treatments and facials. You can take advantage of recreational amenities such as a health club, an outdoor pool, and an indoor pool. Additional amenities at this hotel include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and gift shops. Dining All-inclusive rates are available at this hotel. Meals and beverages at onsite dining

establishments are included in all-inclusive rates. Charges may be applied for dining at some restaurants, special dinners and dishes, some beverages, and other amenities. Enjoy a meal at one of the hotel's dining establishments, which include 2 restaurants and a coffee shop/café. From your room, you can also access room service (during limited hours). Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at a bar. A complimentary continental breakfast is included. Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include a business center, express check-in, and express check-out. Event facilities at this hotel consist of conference space and a meeting room. CONTACT Address: P.O. Box 62874 Coral Bay, Paphos CY–8099, Cyprus Tel: + 357 26881500 E-mail: Web:




//hotel hotel//

SENTIDO THALASSA CORAL BAY, overlooks the beautiful golden beach of the Coral Bay where the radiance of the setting sun has mesmerized guests with majestic beauty and tranquility.

Your visit to Paphos is a complete experience: «The answer is yes.interest and outstanding location, cultural Whatexcellence is the question?» culinary combined

WEDDINGS LEISURE FACILITIES Sentido Thalassa Coral Bay’s elegant decor and magnificent surroundings create the most romantic focal point of the hotel’s gardensSentido and hasThalassa been and magical setting for your wedding. on many levels parties aroundor a Coral imaginatively Bay is ideal fordesigned small intimate wedding hydro-massage in theuse. centre. the hotel may be takenrotunda over forpool exclusive more energetic, two floodlit ThereFor are the a number of both traditional andtennis unique courts and scuba diving courses for are venues for wedding ceremonies in Cyprus all andlevels Paphos, on offer, as well as a high-tech gym, aerobics and from churches dating back thousands of years to lush all with private instructors. gardens located on the grounds of the hotel. Beach weddings have become very popular as they create a mind, the Spafor with very relaxing andOpium exotic Health ambiance theESPA bride,treatgroom ments will deliver you could ever hope which for. and wedding party. Thereallare a number of boats may be hired for exclusive use. A sunset cruise off the performances staged the Orpheus Akamas peninsular may be at combined with aamphitheatre. wedding In between, enjoy a gamereturning of chess while ceremony or drinks reception, to the children hotel explore the Please indoornote kids’that clubboats and operate amusement for a gala dinner. during Sentido Thalassa Coral Bay offers the most unique locations for drinks receptions, a centre, or splash around in the shaded children’s the summer period — weather permitting. gala lunch or dinner, making certain of the utmost in quality and attention to detail. outdoor pool, with a waterslide and adjacent A wedding at the Elysium is the ultimate event; it is the beginning of playground. a new life together with your partner making this venue the perfect location for getting married in Cyprus.

Hotel Awards

• Elysium has been selected by the Sunday Times as one of the 3 new best hotels of the world on 7/7/02.

• Elysium has been recognised with the Award of "The Best Leisure Project in Europe" on 18/11/02, an award given once every four years by the European Leisure Property Forum. • Elysium has been awarded another accolade — a nomination for "Best Leisure Hotel" at the annual MIPIM exhibition, the largest real estate exhibition in the world. Over 600 hotels were considered and Elysium was amongst the three final nominees along with two other highly prestigious properties: Chicago Sofitel for "Best Business Hotel" and the Paris Hyatt for "The Best Hotel".

Paphos Paphos•

•S US M UM MM E RE R2 02 10 91 9E D ED I TI ITOI O NN

ANAGENISIS SPA AT THALASSA is the Afirst holistic spa CHARMING in Cyprus. The spaWITH ROTUNDA features an array of HYDROPOOL signature treatments highlights the sparkling inspired by the four multi-level swimming corners of Venture the earth. pool. down to The spa ouryou will thereflects beach, and philosophy of the complete discover shoreline serenity, rejuvenation pedestrian path that and relaxation while winds its way right highlydown qualified therapists to Paphos offer personalized harbour. service focusing on the guests individual wants and needs.

57 63

/ hotel /A P H R O D I T E


CONTEMPORARY, ELEGANT and set in an area steeped with Cypriot culture, mythology and tradition, the hotel is a lifestyle haven for devotees of luxury and comfort and the first Resort hotel of its kind in Cyprus.

Aphrodite Hills Resort Nestled in the hills above Paphos, The Aphrodite Hills Resort offers incredible luxury experiences like no other. The resort combines the five-star Aphrodite Hills Hotel by Atlantica, The Retreat spa, a tennis academy and an 18-hole championship golf course with spectacular surroundings and a fascinating history.

OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION 5 Star Superior LOCATION The Resort is situated on two plateaux separated by a ravine, 300 metres high and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. FACTS 290 rooms and suites • The Mediterranean’s finest 578-acre integrated sports and leisure resort. • Outstanding 18-hole championship Golf Course with Golf Academy and Golf Clubhouse. • Award-winning Spa with 27 treatment rooms. • World-class Tennis Academy including 9 championship tennis courts.



HOOSE from our Hotel or our large and stylish hotel rooms and suites finished to an exacting high standard. Each room is packed with lots of extras like in room Internet Access, Satellite TV and Bathrobes (charges may apply for certain items). Choose from Sea View, Pool or Garden View Rooms, Golf & Sea View Rooms, Swim-up Family Rooms. Upgrade to one of our Luxury Suites and you can also choose from Private Pools or Outdoor Jacuzzi.

PERFECT FAMILY HOLIDAYS At Aphrodite Hills Resort, we know that if your kids enjoy their holiday then you will too. Our dedicated team work tirelessly to entertain kids of all ages. Little ones will be invited to join in with treasure hunts and themed days at Sensatori’s Play House. It’s right next door to a super-sized sandy play area, filled with slides, climbing frames, and a zip-wire. Our always popular Kids Club for 3–12 year olds.

PAMPERING AND WELLNESS The award-winning Spa offers a variety of Treatments & Packages in collaboration with the leading luxury skincare and spa brand ‘ELEMIS’. Life can be stressful sometimes, which is why you look forward to your holiday. At Aphrodite Hills Resort our Retreat Spa ensures that you can unwind and relax whilst enjoying the rest of your holiday. The Retreat Spa is located on an elevated part of the Resort above the Mediterranean Sea, with spectacular views from our outdoor infinity pool. Our expert team of therapists await you with the ultimate in top-to-toe pampering for the mind, body and soul. CONTACT Address: 1, Aphrodite Avenue, 8509 Kouklia, Paphos, Cyprus Tel: +357 26 829000 Fax: +357 26 829001 Web:



/ /hotel hotel/ /


Your visit to Paphos is a complete experience: The location, diverse range of interest first-class outstanding cultural and facilities offer something to suit culinary excellence combined

each and every visitor

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For a truly magnificent wedding Aphrodite Hills Resort is simply second to none. A wedding at the Elysium is the ultimate event; it is the beginning of The unique and enchanting St. Catherine’s Chapel is situated adjacent to the a new life together with your partner making this venue the perfect Village Square and is a blissful setting for the perfect wedding or christening. location for getting married in Cyprus.

Hotel Hotel Awards Awards

• Elysium has been selected by the Sunday Cypriot Awards – of the Times as one ofHotel the 3 new best hotels world Recommended on 7/7/02. Property

• Elysium has been recognised with the Award of Paphos for 2015 of "The Best Leisure Project in Europe" on 18/11/02, an award given once every four Best Resort Hotel, Cyprus years by the European Leisure Property Forum. • Elysium has been awarded another accolade a nomination "Best Leisure Best—Golf Resort,forCyprus Hotel" at the annual MIPIM exhibition, the largest real estate exhibition in the world. Golfwere Resort, Europe OverBest 600 hotels considered and Elysium was amongst the three final nominees along with two other highly prestigious properties: Best International Golf Resort Chicago Sofitel for "Best Business Hotel" and the Paris Hyatt for "The Best Hotel".

Paphos Paphos•

•S US M UM MM E RE R2 02 10 91 9E D ED I TI ITOI O NN


APHRODITE A CHARMING HILLS GOLF ROTUNDA Aphrodite HillsWITH is HYDROPOOL home to a number of highlightsfacilities, the sparkling integrated multi-level again for theswimming pleasure pool. and useVenture of all down to the beach, you will guests to theand Resort. discoverinclude the shoreline Facilities the pedestrian that majestic andpath visually winds its way right spectacular 18-hole down to Paphos championship-standharbour. ard Golf Course, with 3-hole Golf Academy that caters for all ages and abilities.

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/ новинки литературы /


Статусу-кво Новая книга об актуальности жизни вразрез с общественными нравами


DD One Out («Белая ворона» ) — новое произведение зна- менитого писателя Павлоса Ламбис а, в котором автор призывает читателей отказаться о т поспешных суждений и дискриминации в мышлении и сос редоточиться на собственных желаниях. Юмористический экскурс в мир предпринимаемых героем книги усилий, направленных на поиск нового

пути в жизни, которые заставят его пройти по самой грани и заглянуть за ее пределы, «Белая ворона» представляет собой поток бесстрастных воспоминаний о нескончаемых запоях, серии неудач, чреватых последствиями нервных срывах и… успехе. Увлека- тельное повествование затрагивает различные стороны жизни, представленные в отдельных сюжетах и образах действующих персонажей, многие из которых переплетаются на протяжении всей истории. Павлос Ламбис исповедует рефлексивный стиль, пронизанный безграничной иронией и сарказмом, тогда как положенные им на бумагу эпические строки мудрости и незабываемые диалоги способствуют нарастанию ощущения погружения в приключенческий жанр с крутыми поворотами на грани вымысла и реальности, заставляя читателя раз-ражаться безудержным смехом. ОБ АВТОРЕ Павлос Ламбис — снискавший всеобщее признание сценарист, писатель, драматург и режиссер, родившийся в Йоханнесбурге (ЮАР). Получив образование в Йоханнесбургской школе искусств, он переехал на Кипр, где работает в должности директора по маркетингу одной широко известной организации. В 2008 году, чудом выжив после едва не стоившей ему жизни автоаварии, Ламбис пристрастился к писательству и опубликовал автобиографию под названием «Где находится дом? Или “В мире неправдоподобных контрастов”». Самый теплый прием у читателей, которые получили мемуары, вдохновил его на дальнейшие труды, воплотившиеся в появлении основанной на произведении комедийной пьесы одного актера. Снискав на Кипре славу признанного драма- турга, Ламбис написал и поставил театральные спектакли, в том числе «74» и «Мелина: последняя греческая богиня», которые получили восторженный отклик у критиков. Среди его других пьес следует отметить «ТаджМахал», «Эвагора», «Воларе», «Сумасшествие Мэрилин», «Онассис: Последний час», а также «Разведенные, обезглавленные, мертвые; разведенные, обезглавленные, живые».



“«Белая ворона» — книга мудрого совета и безудержного смеха. Первоклассная, чрезвычайно сильная вещь.” ГРЕЧЕСКИЙ РЕПОРТЕР — ЕВРОПА

“Вещь, смешная до боли в животе.” ЖУРНАЛ PREMIERE

“Ламбис отправляется в путешествие за бриллиантами для своей короны и по пути создает произведение, от которого невозможно оторваться.” OK!




/ Путешествие в историю /



Остров сам за себя рассказывает о своей замечательной истории, проматери изумительного настоящего, сейчас самое время взглянуть, как остров изменился. В мире очень мало мест, которые могли бы состязаться с красотой и историей острова Кипр. Этот богатый средиземноморский остров сегодня стал одним из самых популярных туристических направлений не только для бесценных реликвий своего прошлого, но и для современных достопримечательностей. ИСТОКИ Остров Кипр считается домом и местом расположения многих греческих мифологий, таких как гора Олимп, найденная в хребте Троодос, камень Петра Тоу Ромиоу, который считается местом рождения богини Афродиты, ко всему прочему, легендарные события о Пигмалионе берут свое начало на великолепном острове. Гора Олимп считается домом греческих богов во главе с богом грома Зевсом. Адонис, бог красоты, также родился на острове, когда Афродита прокляла великолепную принцессу Мирру за похотливые домогательства к своему отцу, королю Цинирасу. Ее превратили в дерево, потом появился на свет Адонис, ребенок от ее отца. Король Цинирас - еще одна легенда Кипра, основатель города Пафоса и муж дочери Пигмалиона Метарме. Научные исследования показали, что города Лимассол и Аматус были одними из самых ранних населенных районов острова, но люди начали поселяться в деревне Хирокития, еще во времена неолита, более чем за 5000 лет до библейских времен. Каменный век около 8000 г. до н.э. увидит поселившихся на острове фермеров, которые, главным образом, выращивали зерно. Островитянам понадобится около 4000 лет, чтобы начать добывать бронзу и медь, но все же им удалось разработать добычу, и к 1500 году до н.э. остров стал цивилизованным и культурным обществом.


Расцвет империй оказался решающим моментом для острова, первыми, кто собирал дань с острова, прежде чем остров завоевали персы в 545 году до нашей эры, были ассирийцы. Однако в 333 г. до н.э. Александр Великий победил персов и захватил Кипр, что привело к сильному влиянию греческой культуры на острове. Даже после завоевания Римом ничего не изменилось. Христианство пришло на Кипр в 45 году нашей эры при римском и византийском правлении. В 12 веке византийцы провозгласили остров независимым, экономическое положение острова значительно снизилось, и Ричард I, король Англии, увидел в этом возможность, которую нельзя было упускать; он продал остров французской семье Лузиньян еще не успев завоевать его. Красота острова сочетает все культуры, которые когда-то населяли или правили островом, и некоторые из их лучших работ все еще можно увидеть сегодня по всему острову, большинство из которых в наши дни становятся объектами наследия ЮНЕСКО. Лузиньяны были у власти три столетия, лишь после смерти короля борозды правления окончательно перешли Венецианскому правлению, но через несколько лет остров завоевали османы, после них пришли к власти британцы. ПРИСОЕДИНЕНИЕ КИПРА К ГРЕЦИИ И НАСТОЯЩИЕ ДНИ Остров Кипр, ко времени британской администрации, уже был разделен на две части; на православную общину, которая отождествляла себя с греческой, и католическую общину, предпочитавшую турецкое и британское правление. Это приведет к энозису, борьбе за присоединение к Греции со стороны православной общины и конечному разделению острова, то что, мы видим сегодня. Кипр сегодня является членом Европейского Союза и после многих лет экономического кризиса вновь встает на ноги и достигает новых высот благодаря своему быстро развивающемуся росту в туристическом секторе. Богатая история острова и реликвии из этого сказочного прошлого в сочетании с чудесами сегодняшнего дня сделали Кипр стоящим местом для туристов, деловых инвесторов и искателей острых ощущений. Мы приглашаем вас приехать и понять почему, поверьте, вы не будете разочарованы.


/ public face / / Древняя история

Мифы Кипра; DARING Афродита и Адонис YOU TO CHALLENGE

Любовь - не только для богов

Остров Кипр - место, где зародились некоторые из самых захватывающих и вдохновляющих легенд из мифологии и фольклора, пришедшие, в основном, из греческой мифологии. Из всех New book reveals theлюбовная importance of going against существовавших легенд the богини social norms. история любви Афродиты и ее любовника Адониса, бога DD One Out is a new book by acclaimed author Paul красоты, привлекли всеобщее Lambis that encourages its readers to escape all judgements and discrimination, and learn to value their внимание.

The Status Quo


own unique perspective. A humorous journey of one man’s attempt to записи find a new way of living that would РОНОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ carry him into thinчто and beyond, Odd One Out is an свидетельствуют о том,

единственными unashamed memoir of binges,людьми, setbacks, explosive outbursts and ultimate продолжали success. Thisкоторые fast-moving book also delves into different aspects of life as Афродите seen throughпоклоняться separate stories involvingбыли a wide variety of individuals, жителями кипрского островаas their tales progress. Paul many of whom are shown to be interlinked Пафос, они же ассирияне, Lambis’ self-deprecating narrative is extremely АДОНИС sarcastic and utterly and along withкульт his epic snappyКипра dialogue — У короля Цинирас и его жены Метарме Любовь - распространенное которыеhilarious, первоначально несли и lines of wisdom and creatingмесопотамской high adventure богине and wildИштар. drama aroundбыла the porous boundaries дочь Мирра, которую Метарм считал еще более явление, даже в царстве богов, однако поклонялись between fiction and real life, it makes for a laugh-out-loud book. красивой, чем сама Афродита. В приступе гнева одной любви недостаточно, чтобы ADVANCE PRAISE Афродита прокляла принцессу за то, что она люди всегда были вместе, все же сама НО ВСЕ ЖЕ! испытывает беспредельную страсть к своему отцу, любовь никогда не умирает. Сегодня на Нас интересует миф: он гораздо забавнее и THEв конце AUTHOR которая, концов, приведет к домогательству Кипре огромное количество местечек, увлекательнее, тем более, что зародился он на ABOUT к своему В темноте ночи Мирра будет лежать где проводятся фестивали в честь Кипре! Paul Lambisотца. is an award-winning со своимauthor, отцом,playwright королем Синьрасом, в течение богини Афродиты, считающейся screenwriter, and Согласно Гесиоду, легенда гласит, что девяти прежде чемSouth ее обнаружит ее отец. В богиней любви, красоты и плодородия. director, bornночей, in Johannesburg, Кронос, сын Урана, Неба, и Геи, Земли, качестве наказания боги превратят принцессу в Africa. Educated at the Johannesburg укрывавший планы свержения своего отца, мирровое дерево, не зная о ее беременности. Art Foundation, he is based in Cyprus THE GREEK REPORTER EUROPE отрубил гениталии своего отца и выбросил их and is the Marketing Manager and Принцесса-дерево родила сына, которого в море. Гениталии пузырились в белой пене, из Creative Head of a renowned Афродита отдала на воспитание Персефоне, жене которой вышла взрослая дева, а его кровь organisation. Ареса. Мальчик вырос очень красивым и сильным превратилась в гигантов и ведьм. Это было в Inмолодым 2008, after surviving aиnear-fatal человеком, Афродита захотела забрать Пафосе, земля, на которой родилась дева, car accident, Lambis putкоторая pen-to-paper его у Персефоны, очень сильно привязалась PREMIERE MAGAZINE затвердела и превратилась в скалу and published his После autobiography к мальчику. того как мальчик провел первые Петра-ту-Ромиу. Where is Home? — AсJourney of четыре месяца Персефоной, а вторые с Афродитой, С тех пор многие авторы выдумывали Hilarious Contrasts. His high в эти отношения вмешался Бог Зевс и объявил, что всякие байки о жизненном пути Афродиты, но ly-acclaimed him с кем он хочет провести Адонис memoir должен inspired сам выбрать, Одиссеи Гомера гласит, что Афродита стала further to write, produce and perform a Афродиту, юный оставшуюся часть года. Полюбив женой бога Гефеста и изменяла ему с богом one-man standup comedy based on OK! Бог выберет провести время со своей любовью войны Аресом. Гефест узнал о ее романе через the book. Афродитой. Гелиоса, бога солнца, и поставил ловушку для As an established playwright in любовь могла бы быть глубокой и правдивой, влюбленных. Посейдон пожалел Ареса и Cyprus, Их Lambis has written, produced но оказалась недолговечной, решил заплатить за его освобождение. and directed theatrical productions так как Арес вернулся в и неотступно преследовал Афродиту. Видя, Афродиту отправили обратно на Кипр, где она such ревности as 74 and Melina: The Last Greek что to онаwidespread привязалась к другому человеку, Арес в провела остаток своих дней в компании Goddess critical acclaim. ODD ONE OUT IS AVAILABLE FROM дикого прислуг, сестер милосердия, и Эроса, бога Otherобличии plays include Tajкабана Mahal,спустился на Землю и во SELECTED BOOKSTORES время охоты набросился на Адониса. Адонис умер от любви. Evagora, Volare, The Madness of AND FROM: (+357) 96 23 99 85 смертельных телесных ран and в объятиях Афродиты, Marilyn, Onassis: The Final Hour она так скорбила по юному Богу, что позже объявила Divorced, Beheaded, Died; Divorced, праздник, Адония, в память о его кончине. Beheaded, Survived.

“Odd One Out is a book of wisdom, advice and laugh-out-loud moments. A scrumptious, irresistible treat.” “Raucously funny.”

“Lambis”quest for his crown jewels is a rellercoaster of a read.”


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//Нетронутый Нетронутый Кипр Кипр/ /

Места для посещенияУщелье Авакас Неизвестные достопримечательности Кипра: ущелье Авакас Ущелье Авакас – одно из красивейших мест острова, мало посещаемых «классическими» отдыхающими. Однако если вам по душе яркие впечатления, движение и преодоление препятствий, загадки природы и редкие растения, то Авакас – именно то, что вам нужно! Это ущелье – поистине рай для любителей походов. Именно здесь вас ждут захватывающие дух виды и бесконечное разнообразие местной флоры и фауны, включая исчезающий centauria akamantis – растение-эндемик с фиолетовыми цветами, которое растет только в этом ущелье. Узнать его вы сможете по табличке, ведь в этом заповеднике все редкие растения отмечены специальными знаками. Будто высеченное из известкового камня, ущелье поднимается на высоту до 30 метров и резко сужается кверху, так что преодолеть его непросто! Пешеходная тропа здесь вьется вдоль реки, которая и сформировала щелье Авакас – одно из красивейших мест острова, это природное чудо сотен лет назад. В сезонотдыхающими. дождей маломного посещаемых «классическими» она может превратиться в бурный поток. Однако пусть васдвижение Однако если вам по душе яркие впечатления, это не пугает, ведь в ущелье проложен специальный и преодоление препятствий, загадки природы и редкие растения, то Авакас – именно то, что вам нужно! пешеходный маршрут, разработанный Лесным департаментом Министерства сельского хозяйства, природных ресурсов и окружающей среды Кипра. Это ущельеоборудованной – поистине рай тропы для любителей походов. Протяженность – 3 км, однако наИменно здесь вас ждут захватывающие дух виды и бесконечное свой риск можноместной пройти флоры дальше. Особо любопытным разнообразие и фауны, включая исчезающий туристам придется пробираться вглубь, centauria akamantis – растение-эндемикв снекоторых фиолетовыми цветами, местах карабкаться по камням, перелезать через его вы сможете по которое растет только в этом ущелье. Узнать табличке,деревья. ведь в этом заповеднике все редкие растения отмечены поваленные специальными знаками. Входя в ущелье, вы сразу оказываетесь в природном коридоре из скал и далее идете вглубь по сужающемуся Будто высеченное из известкового камня, ущелье поднимается на проходу. нависают высотуВдонекоторых 30 метров местах и резко скалы сужается кверху, прямо так чтонад преодолеть головой. Это зрелище немного пугает, завораживает его непросто! Пешеходная тропа здесьно вьется вдоль реки, которая своей красотой. Именно Авакас является одной и сформировала это природное чудо много сотенизлет назад. В сезон основных темможет открыток, которые втуристы на пусть вас дождей она превратиться бурный привозят поток. Однако это неспугает, в ущелье проложен специальный пешеходный память Кипра.ведь Стены ущелья имеют «волнистую» маршрут, разработанный Леснымфотографировать департаментом Министерства поверхность, и если вы любитель – сельского хозяйства, природных ресурсов и окружающей именно здесь вы получите самые удивительные снимки. Всреды Кипра. Протяженность оборудованной тропы – 3 км, однако на свой богатом растительностью ущелье кроме прочих деревьев риск можно пройти дальше. Особо любопытным туристам придется растут сосны, кипарисы, можжевельник, фиговые пробираться вглубь, в некоторых местах дикие карабкаться по камням, деревья, папоротники и дубы, и, конечно же, здесь перелезать через поваленные деревья. изобилие цветов. Животный мир представлен Входядиких в ущелье, вы сразу оказываетесь в природном коридоре из скал изайцами, далее идете вглубь поворонами, сужающемуся проходу. В некоторых лисами, соколами, ночными совами, местах скалы нависают прямо надгорными головой. козами, Это зрелище немного рептилиями и забавными дикими пугает,–ноесли завораживает Именновверху Авакас–является которых не вблизи,своей то накрасотой. высоких скалах одной из основных тем открыток, которые туристы привозят на выпамять точно увидите!И все же не всеимеют красоты и тайны ущелья с Кипра. Стены ущелья «волнистую» поверхность, нам доступны. Одно из самых удивительных и здесь вы получите и если вы любитель фотографировать – именно таинственных мест Авакаса для закрыто, а ущелье самые удивительные снимки. В отдыхающих богатом растительностью пройти без деревьев специального и снаряжения крометуда прочих растутразрешения сосны, кипарисы, можжевельник, невозможно. Несколько лет дикие назад фиговые местные пастухи деревья, папоротники и дубы, и, конечно обнаружили дверь в одной из скал. Ученые еще не до конца же, здесь изобилие диких цветов. момент известно, что исследовали это место. На данный Животный мир представлен лисами, вниз под землю ведет узкий лаз, а далее, на глубине 70 зайцами, соколами, воронами, ночными метров, были обнаружены древние дикими катакомбы, совами, рептилиями и забавными представляющие собой проходы, галереи, подземные залы, горными козами, которых – если не образуюшие огромный Загадочное подземелье вблизи, то на высоких лабиринт. скалах вверху – вы до точно концаувидите! не изучено, но в нем уже были найдены И все же не все красоты и тайны наконечники стрел и глиняная посуда. ущелья нам доступны. Одно из самых удивительных и таинственных мест Авакаса для отдыхающих закрыто, а пройти туда без специального

Места для посещенияУщелье Авакас Неизвестные достопримечательности Кипра: ущелье Авакас



разрешения и снаряжения невозможно. Несколько лет назад Ущелье Авакас – настоящая жемчужина И хотя посвятить местные пастухи обнаружили дверь в одной из Кипра. скал. Ученые еще исследованию день, вы никогда об не доего конца исследоваливам это придется место. На почти данныйцелый момент известно, что вниз землю ведетведь узкий лаз, а далее, на глубине метров, этомпод не пожалеете, остров откроется вам с 70 новой, былинеожиданной обнаружены древние катакомбы, представляющие собой стороны! проходы, галереи, подземные залы, образуюшие огромный лабиринт. Полезные советы до приконца посещении ущелья: Загадочное подземелье не изучено, но в нем уже были найдены наконечникимеры стрелпредосторожности! и глиняная посуда. Следите за • Соблюдайте табличками, предупреждающими об опасных местах и Ущелье Авакас – настоящая жемчужина Кипра. И возможных камнепадах. хотя посвятить его исследованию вам придется • Выбирайте удобную обувь – без каблуков, на почти утойчивой целый день, вы никогда об этом не пожалеете, ведь остров подошве, желательно фиксированную и быстросохнущую. откроется вами сшлепанцы новой, неожиданной стороны! Туфли надевать нельзя: вы не сможете в них идти по скольким камням. Полезные советы при посещении • Нельзя ходить в ущелье в пасмурную погоду.ущелья: Дождь может за несколько минут превратить ручей в мощный поток, • Соблюдайте меры предосторожности! Следите за табличками, который сносит все на своем предупреждающими об опасных местахпути. и возможных камнепадах. • Не рекомендуется ходить ущелье вна одиночку, • Выбирайте удобную обувь – безвкаблуков, утойчивой не известив икого-нибудь о своихТуфли планах. подошве,предварительно желательно фиксированную быстросохнущую. и Это шлепанцы надевать нельзя: вы не сможете в них идти по скольким место не только красиво, но и опасно! камням. • Обязательно возьмите с собой запас питьевой воды! • Нельзя ходить в ущелье в пасмурную погоду. ДождьПоявившись может за на • Будьте готовы к встрече... с дикими козами. несколько минут превратить ручей в мощный поток, который сносит пешеходной тропе, животные могут вас изрядно напугать. На все на своем пути. всякий случайходить возьмите с собой палку, чтобы отогнать • Не рекомендуется в ущелье в одиночку, предварительно агрессивных особей. не известив кого-нибудь о своих планах. Это место не только • Ущелье находится недалеко от Пафоса, но добраться до него красиво, но и опасно! • Обязательно возьмите с собой запас так питьевой воды! туда не ходят. можно только на автомобиле, как автобусы • Будьте готовы к встрече... с дикими козами. Появившись на пешеходной тропе, животные могут вас изрядно напугать. На всякий случай возьмите с собой палку, чтобы отогнать агрессивных особей. •Ущелье находится недалеко от Пафоса, но добраться до него можно только на автомобиле, так как автобусы туда не ходят.



/ Кипрские города/

Города Кипра Достопримечательности города Лимассол


ИМАССОЛ – это город с красивейшим ландшафтом и огромным количеством развлечений. Приехав сюда, вы будете приятно удивлены инфраструктурой города, его строениями, шикарными ресторанами и множеством мест для развлечений, а гавань Лимассол покорит ваши сердца дорогими яхтами и разнообразными пляжами. Лимассол – это второй по величине город Кипра с большим количеством туристических достопримечательностей. Это один из основных образовательных, культурных и бизнес центров острова. Благодаря удобному размещению Лимассола, вы сможете быстро добраться к любому другому городу Кипра. Город быстро развивается и в нем появляется все больше и больше впечатляющих строений: жилых домов, бизнес-центров и торгово-развлекательных центров, поэтому не странно, что Лимассол стал любимым местом расположения офисов международных компаний. Многие здания города получили международные награды за их уникальность и стиль – это стоит увидеть. Город привлекает многих иностранцев, которые приезжают как по работе, так и на отдых. Многие из них решают остаться здесь жить навсегда.

За последние несколько лет город завоевал доверие иностранцев и международные туристические потоки в Лимассол значительно выросли. Здесь есть все для незабываемого комфортного отдыха: четырех- и пятизвездочные отели класса люкс разнообразные рестораны, шикарные СПА-салоны, бары и ночные клубы – все что нужно для активной жизни.

РАЗВЛЕЧЕНИЯ И ДОСТОПРИМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОСТИ ЛИМАССОЛА Новые изысканные рестораны города балуют туристов и местных жителей вкуснейшими деликатесами. Для того, чтобы насладиться местной кухней, советуем посетить такие изысканные рестораны как Fish Market, Kypriakon-Traditional Tavern Restaurant, Pier One RestoBar, Restaurant Vivaldi, а также классические бары, такие как The Yacht Club. Любителям шикарных яхт будет интересно посетить местную гавань. Для тех, кто хочет насладиться видом города с моря, здесь предлагают прогулки на яхтах. Старые порты были полностью реставрированы и теперь они еще больше привлекают богатых владельцев яхт, как место парковки их железных любимцев. В Лимассоле также расположен наибольший порт Кипра, который является важным Средиземноморским торговым узлом. Ночная жизнь города яркая и насыщеная множеством активностей, где каждый сможет найти что-то увлекательное для себя. Этот город идеально подходит не только для отдыха, но и для проведения бизнес-встреч, семинаров и мотивирующих бизнес-поездок. Если вас интересует венчурный бизнес, туризм, посещение достопримечательностей или вы просто хотите развлечься, - Лимассол станет идеальным выбором для вас.

На сегодняшний день в городе проживает около 200 000 жителей и он является центром торговли и офшорных компаний, специализирующихся на добыче нефти и газа. Лимассол, с его портом, красивыми ландшафтами, необычной архитектурой, местными достопримечательностями и множеством мест для развлечений покорит сердце любого туриста. Если вас интересуют цены на недвижимость в Лимассоле, то дуплексные дома и особняки в среднем стоят 3 000 000 евро, тогда как квартиру можно купить за 300 000 евро, а арендовать виллу на 3 спальни- за 3 500 евро в месяц. В этом городе каждый сможет найти что-то для себя.



/ Деревни /

Завораживающие деревни Кипра

Деревни Кипра; погрузитесь в бесконечную безмятежность и прелесть деревни

Сегодня Кипр - рай для туризма и бизнеса, а еще несколько лет назад он утопал в экономическом кризисе. Остров пережил ренессанс и, в настоящее время, является одним из главных европейских направлений и перспективных экономик, но он никогда не забывал свои корни, традиции и свое истинное лицо.

Сельская местность, деревни. Когда правительство в 1996 году решило сосредоточиться на развитии сельской местности, помогая деревням и их жителям возобновить былую красоту, был разработан план, который стал гораздо большим, чем планом. Деревни не только великолепны: в сельской местности ощущается определенное спокойствие и успокаивающий эффект, вдали от городской суеты. Союз деревень, выросший в агротуризм, дал свои плоды: гораздо больше людей стало приезжать за безмятежностью, умиротворенностью и спокойствием сельской местности, приезжают сюда, чтобы посетить монастырь и пообщаться с сельскими жителями, обрести спокойствие и тишину. А теперь о некоторых самых модных направлениях; КАКОПЕТРИЯ Внизу у подножия горного хребта Троодос, находящегося в Никосии, Какопетрия находится в 55 километрах от Лимассола и является самой высокой деревней в регионе Солеа на высоте 667 метров. Спутниками деревни являются реки Карготис и Гариллис, встречаясь друг с другом в деревне, они сливаются и образуют реку Клариос. Первая настоящая жемчужина деревни - это захватывающий дух пейзаж, похожий на что-то из сна, когда зеленеющая округа как единое целое погружается в долину Карготис и поднимается с горы Троодос. Близкое расстояние до Никосии и Лимассола делает ее одним из любимых мест для отдыха.

ПАНО ЛЕФКАРА Население Лефкары, где проживает не более 1000 человек, навсегда стало частью истории Кипра и считается домом кипрского швейного искусства. Знаменитая во всей Европе своим ремеслом и изысканным стилем, Лефкара - еще одна деревня, расположенная у подножия горы Троодос, которую в 16 веке посетил Леонардо да Винчи. Будучи стоящим местом для отдыха летом, деревня Лефкара является одной из самых старейших на Кипре.



/ Деревни/ ПЕДУЛАС Однажды Педулас, будучи королевским поместьем, принадлежавшим франкам, во времена византийского правления станет одним из лучших культурных и коммерческих мест Кипра. Расположенная в долине Маратаса, Педулас - это деревня с потрясающими видами, вся пронизанная гостеприимством. ЛОФУ Построенная на холме между двумя горами, деревня Лофу находится в районе Лимассола. Эта деревня является одной из древнейших на Кипре, которая постоянно переходила от одного владельца к другому, так как правители острова приходили и уходили. От франков до англичан, каждый народ, приходя в деревню, давал ей свое название. Среди многочисленных фестивалей в последнее воскресенье сентября, каждый год, деревня празднует фестиваль Палаус. ПАНАГИЯ Усеянная и окруженная практически несчетным количеством церквей, каждая из которых посвящена Деве Марии, деревня Панагия является домом для первого президента Кипра, архиепископа Макариоса III, а также домом для очень редкого и исчезающего кипрского муфлона. Виноградники Панагии считаются одними из лучших на острове. Деревня расположена в Пафосе. ПЛАТРЕС Внесена в список как один из 119 деревень, которые существовали еще в 12 веке, во времена правления Дома Лузиньянов. Про название деревни существует множество историй, и всегда забавно наблюдать, как жители деревни пылко доказывают свою избранную историю. Расположенная в районе Лимассола, деревня Платрес является очень развитым сообществом, которая получила большие преимущества от развития туристического сектора, став домом для многих ресторанов, клубов и отелей.


ТОЧНИ Будучи одной из главных целей программы кипрского агротуризма, Точни еще и одна из самых древнейших деревень на Кипре, и, люди верят, что под одной из ее церквей находится часть Креста Господнего. АРСОС Арсос - одно из крупнейших винодельческих мест на Кипре, расположенное на склонах горы Лоанас. Место, пользующееся большой популярностью для летнего отдыха, среди деревенского пейзажа в изобилии темно-пурпурные виноградники. Арсос, также известная своей кухней, является примером одной из общин, которая заботливо охраняет свою культуру и традиции, хотя количество ее жителей с годами сократилось.


/ Традиционный Кипрский стол /

Кипрская кухня


СУПЫ традиционный Траханас, пользующийся популярностью в течение всего года. Название этому блюду дали одноименные ломкие сухарики из измельченной пшеницы, соли и козьего йогурта, которые после проваривания в течение некоторого времени приобретают кремообразную консистенцию. На заключительном этапе приготовления добавляется пригоршня маленьких кубиков сыра халлуми и приправы. Любители блюд из домашней птицы могут заказать Авголемоно - классический суп из нежного цыпленка с рисовой пастой орза. Его яркий, возбуждающий аппетит, лимонный привкус запомнится Вам надолго. «Авголемоно» буквально переводится как «яйцо с лимоном». При приготовлении Авголемоно предпочтение отдается курице, а не говядине или рыбе.


Традиционный пасхальный суп Маерица готовится из остатков жареного ягненка, еще не так давно украшавшего стол в качестве главного блюда. В него добавляют баранью косточку, лук, сельдерей, петрушку, взбитые яйца, рис, кукурузный крахмал, молоко, лимон и перец.




Все блюда кипрской кухни, как и ее богатая, насчитывающая несколько тысяч лет, история, неописуемо разнообразны: это ни с чем несравнимые супы, закуски, вторые блюда, а также лакомства, салаты и десерты. И не стоит забывать о традиционном напитке киприотов – черном кофе. Впрочем, местные жители вполне заслуженно гордятся и другими напитками – произведениями искусства в прямом смысле этого слова. То же самое можно сказать и об алкоголе.


В качестве горячих закусок традиционно подается жареный на гриле сыр Халлуми. Его обычно сервируют конкасе из томатов и приправляют бальзамическим уксусом; Долма – рубленая свинина с рисом и томатами, обернутая баклажанами или виноградными листьями, и заправленная легким сырным соусом; Жареные на углях мидии Скхара, зарумянившиеся на половинках киви и заправленные оливковым маслом с лимонным соком. Или же Фета Саганаки – жареный сыр фета с посыпкой из сезама, чили и тимьянового меда.


Гурманы смогут оценить и понять пристрастие жителей острова к Лоунзе (копченой свиной вырезке); Цамарелле (предварительно промаринованной в вине вяленой козлятине в посыпке из семян кинзы); Хиромери (промариванной в вине копченой свиной ветчине); Холодцу Залатине, куда традиционно добавляют желатин и разваренную свинину ; Улиткам, приготовленным поздней осенью на гратаре или тушеным с луком, чесноком и томатами.


ВТОРЫЕ БЛЮДА Сувла - большие куски свинины, ягненка или курицы жарятся на длинном вертеле. Иногда на шампур нанизывают курицу целиком и кладут на угольный гриль. Блюдо щедро приправляется орегано, лимоном и солью. Традиционный гарнир – пита. Сувлаки – эта та же сувла, но ее кусочки куда меньших размеров. На выбор предлагаются зарумянившийся на гриле хлеб либо другой гарнир, а также соусы. Подают также и жареный картофель. Для туристов сувлаки могут приготовить из нежнейшего ягненка, говядины, цыпленка, а иногда даже и обитателей морских глубин (особенно меч-рыбы). Шефталия – традиционная кипрская колбаска-кебаб без оболочки, но в жировой сетке, которая добывается из сальника вокруг желудка свиньи или ягненка. Киприоты предпочитают оборачивать колбаски, а не готовить традиционный кебаб. Клефтико - традиционное блюдо из ягнятины, томленное в глиняной печи на протяжении не менее 24 часов. Предварительно его маринуют в смеси лимонного сока и корицы.

Мусака - обожаемая многими запеканка с прослойками из баклажана и ягнятины, политая к тому же сверху соусом бешамель (белый соус, который готовят кипячением масла и муки в молоке).

Commandaria WIne


Стифадо – классическое ароматное рагу из крольчатины (иногда – говядины), которое пропитывается вином, уксусом, насыщается ароматами лука и популярных греческих специй – чеснока и орегано.

Луканика – маринованная в красном вине и приправленная корицей и перцем свиная колбаса. Емиста – фаршированные перцы, томаты, лук, цукини или их соцветия, а также баклажаны. КОФЕ



Кофе стал неотъемлемой частью островной культуры и кардинально отличается от того, Наиболее распространенным по сравнению с который подают в странах континентальной остальными видом рыб является дорада. Ее Хориатики – в переводе на русский «сельский», Европы. Традиционный кофе по-кипрски очень запекают в установленных на свежем воздухе или «крестьянский», салат. Это квинтэссенция крепок. Он готовится из бразильских средиземноморской диеты, которая, как известно, специальных сводчатых печах, поливая при этом кофейных зерен мелкого помола (в небольшой особым лимонным соусом. К популярным блюдам джезве, которую называют мбрикия). Напиток укрепляет сердечно-сосудистую систему. В его из морепродуктов следует отнести кальмаров, состав входят томаты, огурцы, сладкий перец, варят до образования на поверхности каракатицу, красную кефаль (барабульку / богатый протеинами сыр фета, а также оливки и кремообразной пенки – каймаки. Большинство султанку), сибаса (лаврака). Многим также оливковое масло – основной источник местных жителей пьют его с сахарным нравится осьминог, но приготовленный растительных жиров в рационе киприотов. сиропом в крошечных чашках (гликис) или в исключительно на гриле или способом стифадо больших, c однoй ложечкoй сахара (метриос); Кипрский зерновой салат, изобилующий (тушением) – с красным вином, морковкой, но храбрецы пьют его, не подслащивая самыми разнообразными экзотическими помидорами и луком. (скетос). Кофе по-кипрски принято подавать ингредиентами: очищенными зернышками со стаканом воды. ДЕСЕРТЫ граната, крупой фрике и сушеными ягодами. Иногда также добавляют киноа. АЛКОГОЛЬ среди десертов самым популярным считается Картофельные салаты также чрезвычайно популярны у киприотов. Их подают с жареной на судзуко из уваренного виноградного сока и орехов; палузе – желе из виноградного сока; глико – гриле рыбой или, мясом, а иногда и в составе на острове наибольшей популярностью миндаль, законсервированный вместе с изюмом, различных закусок. Лимонный сок, оливковое пользуются традиционный бренди и зивания. курагой, вишней, айвой и виноградом; финикия – масло первого отжима, различные приправы, Пьедестал почета замыкает пиво. Зивания - это пирожные с грецким орехом; курабиды - крохотное оливки, каперсы, листочки кинзы и мелко дистиллят из виноградного жмыха. Это миндальное печенье с посыпкой из сахарной пудры; нарубленный лук помогут заиграть новыми довольно крепкий напиток. Коммандария – меломакарона – медовое печенье; лукумадес – яркими красками любому блюду. популярное десертное вино - старейшее в мире, невероятно сладкие маленькие кипрские пончики с судя по длительности его производства. Также медом, кадаиф, пахлава, галактобуреко – часто употребляют узо и раки. праздничные пирожные и торты, приготовленные из меда и смеси свежих фруктов.

/ места паломничества /

ЦЕРКОВЬ ПАНАГИИ В ФАНЕРОМЕНЕ, НИКОСИЯ Эта посвященная Богородице церковь была построена в 1792 году с использованием эклектики византийского и средневекового латинского стилей. Она находится на площади Фанеромени, на которую выходят несколько зданий в стиле неоклассицизма: среди них мраморный мавзолей и библиотека Фанеромени. Это наибольший в столице храмовый комплекс. Церкви известны чудеса исцеления и божественного провидения, что только укрепляет преданность парафиян, особенно веру в заступничество Девы Марии и святых церкви. Настоящее чудо приписывается Святой Марине, которая представившись т.н. гостевым врачом, получила разрешение участвовать в операции, спасшей жизнь маленького мальчика-киприота по имени Андреа Вассилиу. Находящийся на Кипре череп Иоанна Златоуста также чудесным образом исцелил двух прихожан: частично парализованного 16-летнего мальчика и женщина с переломом позвоночника вследствие автокатастрофы. Учитывая все вышеперечисленное, неудивительно, что киприоты настолько искренне поклоняются своим религиозным святыням, верят в церковные постулаты и особо почитают Деву Марию и местных святых.

Места паломничества на Кипре

Церкви и монастыри в Лимассоле и Никосии

Республика Кипр может гордиться разнообразием и количеством религиозных памятников церквей и монастырей в Лимассоле и столице страны - Никосии. Киприоты – православные христиане. С молоком матери они впитывают благоговение перед святыми местами и церквями. Вам поведают о церквях и монастырях вокруг этих двух городов, а также расскажут о чудесах, свидетелями которых они стали за долгие столетия своего существования.


A Кипре есть немалое количество преимущественно православных церквей, воздвигнутых в честь Девы Марии или определенного святого. Православной церковью признается семь следующих таинств: Крещение, Евхаристия, Миропомазание, Покаяние, Венчание, Соборование и Рукоположение. Считается, что произошедшие в церквях чудеса - результат приверженности парафиян догматам веры и искренность их веры, а также праведности священников.

АРМЯНСКИЕ ЦЕРКВИ И МОНАСТЫРИ Армянские церкви и монастыри расположенных в северной части столицы - Никосии. Это одни из самых значимых исторических мест города. В состав этого, как считают многие, шедевра зодчества входят школы, епископальное правление Армянской церкви, монастырские подворья и внушительное древнее сооружение, со всех сторон окруженное забором.



/ места паломничества / МОНАСТЫРЬ МАХЕРА Монастырь Махера, посвященный Деве Марии, расположен в 40 км от Никосии, столицы Кипра. Монастырское здание венчают изумительные по красоте купол и черепичная крыша. Внутреннее убранство украшено канделябрами, настенными фресками и иконостасом, центральное место в котором занимает икона Девы Марии. МОНАСТЫРЬ СВЯТОГО ГЕОРГИЯ АЛАМАНУ Монастырь был построен много столетий тому назад в византийском стиле. В настоящее время это женский православный монастырь. Он находится между деревнями Пентакомо и Монагрули в районе Лимассола. Монастырь Святого Георгия Аламану назван так в честь одного из самых известных почитаемых святых на Кипре. ЦЕРКОВЬ СВЯТОГО ИОАННА В НИКОСИИ Церковь святого Иоанна - одна из старейших в Никосии. Ранее комплекс функционировал в качестве монастыря, но в XVIII веке был превращен в церковь. КАФЕДРАЛЬНЫЙ СОБОР СВЯТОГО ИОАННА, НИКОСИЯ Воистину, от архитектурных изысков кафедрального собора святого Иоанна захватывает дух. Ранее это был православный монастырь. Только в XVIII веке он стал кафедральным собором. Его внешние очертания впечатляют меньше, чем внутреннее убранство, которое было нарочно спроектировано так, чтобы оставить неизгладимое впечатление на вошедшего.

РУССКАЯ ПРАВОСЛАВНАЯ ЦЕРКОВЬ, ЛИМАССОЛ Русская православная церковь святого Николая является основной, соборной, для русскоязычной общины острова. Конструкция храмового комплекса предусматривает огромное внутреннее помещение, гостевой дом для путников и колокольню, чтобы предупредить прихожан о начале службы. КАФЕДРАЛЬНЫЙ СОБОР СВЯТОГО ПАВЛА, НИКОСИЯ Кафедральный собор расположен в центральной части Никосии - столицы Кипра, привлекая внимание туристов из многих уголков мира, людей различных цивилизаций и культур. Англиканская церковь отличается веротерпимостью и радостно приветствует новых жителей Никосии, независимо от их прежнего вероисповедания. • SUMMER 2019 EDITION


/ История и её тайны/

Избавление Кипра от руин;

реликвии из прошлого Добро пожаловать на Кипр, в страну древних мифов, богов и богатств некогда существовавшего мира.


ДНИМ из благословений острова является то, что большое количество его древних строений и земель живут до сих пор. Конечно, они не смогли бы остаться нетронутыми после столь долгого времени, но некоторые руины являются свидетельством подлинности прошлого острова и служат доказательством того, насколько прочной была архитектура прошлого и насколько Кипр был привилегированным городом.

Реликвии хранят так много истории и красоты, что большинство из них были включены в список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Давайте пробежимся по некоторым из этих мест, стоящих того, чтобы их посетить. ГРОБНИЦЫ КОРОЛЕЙ, ПАФОС Расположенный в Пафосе некрополь датируется еще 4 веком, на самом деле, там не похоронено ни одного короля. Гробницы берут названия от истинного великодушия и величия строения. Большое количество подземных гробниц на самом деле вырезано прямо из скал, некоторые из них такие же большие и спроектированные такиж же стилем, как и дома.


КУРИОН Место гладиаторов, Дом Ахилла, храм Аполлона, чудо у моря, это Курион. Курион когда-то богатая провинция на Кипре, относящаяся к ассирийскому, персидскому и римскому владычеству. Акрополь, который, как полагают, был возведен во времена римского владычества, является одним из самых захватывающих сооружений, которые вы когда-либо сможете увидеть.


/История и её тайны / ЗЕНОБИЯ РЕК Шведская красавица, которая затонула недалеко от порта Ларнаки, затонувший корабль постоянно входит в десятку лучших мест для дайвинга в мире, привлекая искателей острых ощущений и дайверов со всего мира. Этот паром класса «претендент» затонул в 1980 году вместе со всем своим дорогим грузом, но не унес жизни экипажа.

ЦЕРКОВЬ АГИОС ЛАЗАРУС Церковь Святого Лазаря, возделанная в византийском/барочном стиле, является настоящим чудом, построенном в 9 веке, когда в Ларнаке была найдена гробница Лазаря. Будучи воскрешенным Христом, Лазарь пришел на Кипр, апостолы Павл и Варнава сделали его первым в истории епископом Ларнаки (Китион). КАЛАВАСОС/ТЕНТА Верьте или нет, этому поселению 12000 лет, оно берет свое начало еще с эпохи неолита. Сельские жители называют его «Тента», название, которое обязано конусообразной крыше, которая покрывает поселение Калавасос-Тента. АГИОС ЛАМБАДИТИС Монастырь Иоаннис Ламбадитис, расположенный в деревне Калопанагиотис, агротуристической деревне в долине Марантасы, представляет собой средневековое здание, которое построили византийцы. Здесь находятся три церкви, одна из которых построена для первого епископа Кипра, церковь Святого Ираклеидиоса. В его стенах также есть византийский музей. АРХЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ПАРК ПАФОСА Археологический парк Нью-Пафос имеет самое большое количество руин на острове. Он содержит множество римских построек от агоры до дома Диониса, Дома Тесея, Дома Аиона и Дома Орфея. До сих пор ведется подсчет различных апартаментов и комнат, так как участок все еще находится в раскопках. Вы нигде и никогда не почувствуете себя более погруженным в историю. • SUMMER 2019 EDITION


/ interior /

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BATHROOM FURNITURE Our bathroom furniture collection has the most exquisite products, designed stylishly for the most convenient of use, and visually irresistible. From tap knobs, sinks, toilets, to bathtubs, Moda Bagno and Interni has a variety of classy and upscale products, from trusted brands, that will add quality, durability, and magnificence to any bathroom. Looking for a complete re-do? Let Moda Bagno and Interni wow you with our impressive variety of floor and wall tiles, or wooden floor designs.


From plain mono-colour designs to herringbone shades, we have every possible look, from vintage, to contemporary, for a definite upgrade in class of your bathroom. KITCHEN Sophisticated and elegant can be less, definitely. Who needs a carvings and shapes, when you can have the visually captivating and simple yet attractive horizontal and vertical lines element? This simple yet impressive style took the world by storm when Google made it fashionable again, with their material design. A mismatch and juxtaposition of horizontal and vertical lines creates a stunning arrangement that is visually aesthetic and soothing to the eyes and makes the room look spacious, neat and imposing, with smooth monochromatic colours. Whether wood, metal, or marble, make your pick, and we’ll deliver. FURNITURE Moda Bagno and Interni have a furniture range that is as impressive as it is ostentatious. Everything wardrobe, from stylishly grandiose and imposing wardrobes to modish side closets, Moda Bagno and Interni has the best fashion and quality taste have to offer. • SUMMER 2019 EDITION

/ interior / All you need is two things; a taste for the classy and sophisticated, and an appetite for style. Your sitting area, and parlour, have never looked more vogueish! Beautiful sofas with undeniable quality look and feel are the best things you can offer any sitting space, and Moda Bagno and Interni has got you covered, with the most up-to-the-minute sofas in the business. If you are not a sofa person, then Moda Bagno’s chair and stool collection will definitely have something upscale and classy for you to gush over. Compliment that sitting space with an equally magnificent eating area, with dining table, or coffee table of the highest quality, or by adding a small table or console to the sitting area to give it more pop, or a swatch of class. Get creative with your bedroom, with unique concept beds that will add an extra to your place of rest, or add a beautiful chair to liven up the space and give you more cozy options. OUTDOOR FURNITURE Brighten up your outside space and grow your love for the outdoor with exquisite pieces, from armchairs to sofas. Some of the pieces come as a complete set, enough to get a couple of friends over by the pool. In the summer sunshine, or evening breeze. Add style, warmth, and quality to your outdoor space and bring it to life! LIGHTNING Light up your world with glitz, choosing from the different creative and visually attractive options from Moda Bagno and Interni. Whether sprawling along the wall, or dripping from the ceiling, or standing so close, Moda Bagno and Interni has lighting designs that will add a WOW! factor to any space in your house, you just need to get creative and stylish about it. Our vogueish, quality, functional and upscale designs are but a click away, and you could always reach us anytime to discuss exactly what you want, and we’ll be more than happy to oblige.

Head Office 50, Anapafseos Str, 152 35 Vrilissia TEL. +30 210 80 36 700 FAX. +30 210 80 46 987 • SUMMER 2019 EDITION


N I C O S I A 2 2, S t a s i k r a t o u s S t r e e t, Te l . 2 2 672 570 L I M A S S O L O l y m p i c R e s i d e n c e To w e r s - 3 5 3, 2 8 t h O c t o b e r S t r e e t M a x i m a B o u t i q u e s L t d - F r a n c h i s e e s M A X & C o.


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