Trustees Report 2009

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It is with great pleasure that we write the first Trustees Report of Mada Clinics International’s existence. Founded in September 2008, this report covers the charity’s work from its inception to 31 December 2009. Mada Clinics International (MCI) was established primarily to assist the people of Madagascar. The charity’s object clauses state how we ensure that we operate for the public benefit. These are by promoting: 1. 2. 3. 4.

the relief of poverty, sickness and distress the promotion of good health the advancement of education the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment

The charity, having taken into account the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit, achieved these objectives during 2009 by assisting with the funding of a health care clinic in the village of Maventibao, Northern Madagascar. The clinic was established approximately five years ago but had struggled to operate on a firm financial footing. Since MCI has become involved, the staff has been paid regular wages and the pharmacy is always well stocked. The clinic oversees a region of 10 villages covering over 10,000 people. It treated over 2,000 sick patients during 2009, in addition to monthly well-child checks and pre-natal visits. The main illnesses treated include malaria, bilharzia (a water-borne parasitic disease), diarrhea, and sexually transmitted infections. The staff at the clinic also assists with delivering babies, giving contraceptive advice and providing maternal and child vaccinations. In addition, the clinic provides a free school for children in the village of Maventibao, aged 2 to 12, who would otherwise not receive any schooling. The school is staffed by our volunteers. The clinic also partakes in an education programme to encourage the local villagers to grow crops and also to reduce charcoal burning – a significant cause of de-forestation in Madagascar.

The funding for the clinic is provided entirely by MCI. We in turn raised money from donations by volunteers who stay and work in the village; as well as donations received from individuals via our internet web site. During 2009 these totaled £3,639 ($5,822) and £2,004 ($3,206) respectively, giving us total income from donations of £5,643 ($9,028). Of the money received, the sum of £3,892 ($6,227) was sent out to the clinic in Madagascar. This was mainly spent on wages to the Malagasy staff and medicines, which are provided for free to patients. The trustees ensure that the funds sent are used appropriately by at least one trustee travelling out to Madagascar annually to assist at the clinic and school and to oversee all local expenses and accounts. The expenses of the charity during the period were £900 ($1,440). This is approximately 16% of money raised. The major part of these expenses were one-off, initial set-up costs, together with the cost of collecting donations online (via PayPal) and sending funds to Madagascar (via Western Union) - totaling £473 ($756). The charity has since found a cheaper way of receiving donations online and sending funds to Madagascar. Our recurring yearly expenses, covering inter alia corporate filing fees, accountancy fees and web site costs, totaled £427 ($683) for 2009 – which equates to less than 8% of funds raised. The balance of £851 ($1,361) was carried over to be used for the objects of the charity during 2010. During the period, the trustees received no remuneration or any reimbursement for their time or expenses. The trustees wish to express their gratitude to the 2009 volunteers and our other donors, without whom we would not have been able to operate the clinic and provide this valuable service to the Malagasy people. Dr Philip Trangmar David Gallagher Liz Pond

NB Sums stated in the report are given in dollars for information only – the dollar is the foreign currency used most frequently by people in Madagascar. A rate of £1 to $1.6 has been used as an approximate average rate during 2009.

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