2020 - 2023


An urban project that conceptualized the idea of a widespread louvered roof over the public space generating constant fluidity.

The site in Tavarkere is a centralized public meeting space that has the potential to attract user groups from the residential areas around, from the commercial spaces and also the institutions. As the site is primarily located on the main road adjacent to the commercial line of shops it promotes more interaction between the user groups of the respective zones.
The existence of the commercial zone around being a major positive implication, the site becomes an attractive hub for the locals accessing the shops and other services.

As the site lies on the main road and is adjacent to the secondary road that generates multiple junctions of moving traffic. The site here is centrally located in between the quadrant formed by Jayanagar, Koramangala, HSR layout and BTM layout. Due to the urbanization around the area there is minimal vegetation or Greenland that is observed, however a huge Banyan tree is accommodated on site and is responding to the life in an around the site.

The big idea of the project is to accommodate the Banyan tree to create a community gathering space such that all the movement centralizes around the Banyan tree and further stretches across the different functions of the site.

Due to the high congestion on road sides caused by the different commercial facilities around, this site becomes a hotspot for local vendors and can be used for the advantage of the user group.

Conceptually the idea was to treat the site as a part of the surrounding yet mark it as a landmark with a sustainable roof that’s spreads across the entire site which is not solid and try to retain the light and interaction happening on site. The use of Louvers for the roof form that is proposed on site creates a sense of enclosure while retaining the openness and the essence of a street like experience. The louvers bring in an ample amount of light and keep cross ventilation active as it retains the openness yet gives a sense of enclosure for an individual walking across the street to reach out to the different programs.

The program for the project include a post office, a clinic with the general ward, pediatric ward and a pharmacy, the lok Adalat with all the committee halls and discussion rooms and an office for the generation of death and birth certificates. On the other hand a skillset block, Bangalore one, a multipurpose hall, various food joints and the public toilet.

Sectionally the programs were planned such that the civic and the non civic spaces were alternately on different floors to keep a consistency in interaction and movement on site.

The planning of the civic Centre went about in the introduction of a street that connects the two ends of the site having various Central Courtyard node points the street treated with essence of an elevated walkway so as to reach to the different office spaces and the public canters on the ground and the upper floors towards the termination of the site.
As the project looked into the use of a single roof for the entire space the idea was to use louvers which alternately become the skin of the building from an aerial perspective. The vertical walls on the other hand were of brick and with exposed concrete cladding to bring about the brittle nature of the spaces shaded by a subtle smooth roof.

There was also a bridge that linked the two blocks on the upper floor which frames the end of the journey through the street.
Sectionally the programs were planned such that the civic and the non civic spaces were alternately on different floors to keep a consistency in interaction and movement on site.
The use of wide openings along the step down theatre also brings in sufficient light into the deeper internal spaces of the program.

Conceptually the idea was to treat the site as a part of the surrounding yet mark it as a landmark with a sustainable roof that’s spreads across the entire site which is not solid and try to retain the light and interaction happening on site. The use of Louvers for the roof form that is proposed on site creates a sense of enclosure while retaining the openness and the essence of a street like experience.

A residential Project introducing open planning with the application of multiple volumes to accentuate the sense of belongingness in a space.

The residential project is designed with the idea of creating an openess in design with different elements of architecture fluidity, green natural pockets and Ample air flow.
The residential project looks into designing a house that states a program of a foyer, the living and dining spaces, Pooja room, a kitchen and utility areas with an elaborate 4 bedroom area accommediating balconys in different levels and creating visual connections with the play of volumes internally.

The planning of the residence is done such that the vehicular drop off opens out into a grand landing bay leading to the foyer that privatizes the living areas from the outside of the house. the living room is double height space that establishes a visual connections with the corridor on the upper floor. The living room further opens into the dining linking to the kitchen and utility spaces in the backyard. Towards the other end, the ground floor also accommodates 2 bedrooms with attached washrooms for the residents of the house.

Moving to the upper level which is again broken with a mid landing balcony and a library space that give the sense of family gathering area as a part of the journey from the ground floor to the first. Further the first floor accommodates three bedrooms with attached washrooms and balconys facing the different ends of the site and an open terrace on the facade of the project.

The visual sections of the project bring forth a language of using multiple sloped roof forms creating acute junctions and smaller roofs accommodating the different parts of the residence. The balconies on the front Facade are also treated with angular roofs using rafters and laid with Terracotta tiles bringing forth a vernacular language for the project.

The residential project looks into designing a house that states a program of a foyer, the living and dining spaces, Pooja room, a kitchen and utility areas with an elaborate 4 bedroom area accommediating balconys in different levels and creating visual connections with the play of volumes internally.

The building services studio for electrical drawings brought about an understanding of laying electrical lines, different electrical fixtures, their spatial value and the application of them in different spaces.
The electrical drawing above is for a residential project and is detailed to an extent of representing various light fixtures, fans, AC points and other networking points.
The electrical layout for the bedroom shows various light fixtures inclusive of four ceiling lights across the room, a wall light point opposite to the bed, a tube light over the bed head and the study light at the corner. The planning further extends into the washroom accommodating a ceiling light at the centre of the washroom and a wallight adjacent to the wash basin.
The section gives a better understanding of how the fixtures work in terms of elevation particularly looking at the ceiling lights, the wall lights, the tube light and the study lamp point.
Working drawing studio emphasized on systematic drawing techniques ranging from site construction drawings to detailed wall sections and materiality. The subject branched out into the architectural design studio enabling the production of working drawings for the semester 5 design project that looked into door window details, multiple wall sections, toilet details and staircase drawings respectively.


Working drawing studio emphasized on systematic drawing techniques ranging from site construction drawings to detailed wall sections and materiality. The subject branched out into the architectural design studio enabling the production of working drawings for the semester 5 design project that looked into door window details, multiple wall sections, toilet details and staircase drawings respectively.

Further with the help of detailed drawings the stool was designed by screwing the tires on to the metal legs that is stabilized by the wooden base and further the surface of the tire was knit using twine to make a comfortable seating surface.

The workshop looked into making seaters using primarily tires and started with the preliminary process of understanding the dimensions scale and proportions of the materiality used. Conceptual sketches were made to understand different iterations of the seating to and simultaneously the load each iteration could carry.

The wine bottle holder workshop looked into creating a bar counter element that started out with the preliminary understanding of the proportions and measurements of a wine bottle and also of a sectional holder in terms of the diameter of the front and the rare and of the wine bottle.

Different existing models were studied to understand balance and proportionality.

The final iteration was drafted and modelled generating a holder for multiple wine bottles and glasses that could be a countertop element in an individuals bar.


an architectural design portfolio by

I hereby declare that this document contains only original academic work. All drawings, text and details are of my own +91 7337886897