Yello! #12 - DHL Employee Magazine

Page 1





How we’re going to get there - P6

Our lifesaving race against time - P9

Part of a winning

TEAM p11

Just call my agent! p17

Why data matters

ËßÓÞÞ ÕÚÓàÙ×å ÔÛÙ ÖÛü×ä×àÕ×å

Neal Sunners »ÚÛ×Ø ÁàØáäßÓæÛáà ÇÿÕ×ä

ÌÚÛå ë×Óä Ûå ÓÞÞ ÓÔáçæ æÚ× Ô×à×ýæå áØ æÚ× ÁÌ Ûàè×åæß×àæå é× è× ßÓÖ× áè×ä æÚ× âÓåæ æéá ë×Óäå éÛæÚ Ó ä×à×é×Ö ØáÕçå áà Ö×ÞÛè×äÛàÙ ×ÿÕÛ×àÕÛ×å to our colleagues to enable economic growth through further digital æäÓàåØáäßÓæÛáà Ï× éÛÞÞ ÓÞåá ÕáßâÞ×æ× æÚ× ßáè× áØ áçä ÖÓæÓ Õ×àæä× æá ÈäÓÙç× Óå é×ÞÞ Óå åçââáäæÛàÙ æÚ× ÖäÛè× æá âçæ æÚ× Õçåæáß×ä ýäåæ and change our perspective on what that means by helping to create roadmaps for the further development of Salesforce, our consumer app, àáæÛýÕÓæÛáàå âÞÓæØáäß ÓàÖ ËÀÁÈ ¾çäæÚ×ä Ûàæ×ÙäÓæÛáà áØ áçä ÀÊ ÓàÖ ¾ÛàÓàÕ× âÞÓæØáäßå éÛæÚ ¿äáçâ ËáÞçæÛáàå ÓÞáàÙåÛÖ× ÕáßâÞëÛàÙ éÛæÚ ¼ÀÄ ¿äáçâ ÁÌ Ë×ÕçäÛæë ÓàÖ ¼ÓæÓ Protection Standards means we’re in for an interesting and challenging a_aa Ëá ÔçÕÝÞ× çâ ÓàÖ å×ææÞ× Ûà ( æÚ× äÛÖ× ÚÓå Üçåæ Ô×Ùçà ÓàÖ éÛÞÞ Ô× ØçÞÞ of thrills and spills as we go…

A massive thank you to everyone for supporting each other and our customers… It was a busy start to the year as the frontline teams were still Ö×ÓÞÛàÙ éÛæÚ È×ÓÝ èáÞçß×å Ûà æÚ× ýäåæ Ø×é é××Ýå áØ ÂÓàçÓäë So a massive thank you to everyone for supporting each other ÓàÖ áçä Õçåæáß×äå æÚäáçÙÚáçæ æÚÛå Ôçåë æÛß× Our focus now turns to the longer term view – embedding First Choice and driving a culture of continuous improvement ÓÕäáåå æÚ× ÔçåÛà×åå I’m so happy with the levels of uptake and engagement that é× è× å××à Øäáß ×è×äëáà× åá ØÓä ÌÚÓàÝå Øáä æÓÝÛàÙ áéà×äåÚÛâ and working together to ensure we are the First Choice for our Õçåæáß×äå *¾ÛàÖ áçæ ßáä× ÓÔáçæ Ûæ áà âÓÙ×å e ÓàÖ f+

Charlotte Bunney ÎÛÕ× Èä×åÛÖ×àæ »çåæáß×ä ½êâ×äÛ×àÕ×

We’ll never stop improving together to take the steps to reach the next level and keep growing

Peter Krohn »ÚÛ×Ø ¾ÛàÓàÕÛÓÞ ÇÿÕ×ä

02 Yello!

Although the year didn’t close with the same success as it started, we still åçÕÕ××Ö×Ö Ûà ß××æÛàÙ áçä ýàÓàÕÛÓÞ ÙáÓÞå ¾ÛàÓàÕ× ÚÓÖ Ó ë×Óä éÚ×ä× Ö×è×Þáâß×àæ éÓå æÚ× æÓäÙ×æ ÓàÖ é× è× æÓÝ×à åÛÙàÛýÕÓàæ åæ×âå Ûà æÚ× ÓçæáßÓæÛåÓæÛáà ÓàÖ ÖÛÙÛæÓÞÛåÓæÛáà áØ áçä âäáÕ×åå×å éÚÛÕÚ éÛÞÞ ÕáàæÛàç× æÚÛå ë×Óä Áæ å ÛßâáäæÓàæ æÚÓæ é× ÕáàæÛàç× æá ÞááÝ Óæ how we can improve our processes and use our resources in the best way, ÓàÖ éÚ×ä× æÚ×ë ÕÓà ßÓÝ× Ó ÖÛü×ä×àÕ× Ï× ÚÓÖ Ó ýàÓàÕÛÓÞÞë ÖÛÿÕçÞæ åæÓäæ æá a_aa åá Ûæ å ×è×à ßáä× ÛßâáäæÓàæ than ever to take a look at improvement areas in all departments so we ÕÓà ä×Õáè×ä æÚ× ÂÓàçÓäë ÓàÖ ¾×ÔäçÓäë ä×åçÞæ áè×ä æÚ× à×êæ `_ ßáàæÚå Ëá Þ×æ çå åÚáé æÚÓæ é× ÕÓà æÓÝ× ¼ÀÄ ÈÓäÕ×Þ Íà æá æÚ× à×êæ Þ×è×Þ ÓàÖ ÕáàæÛàç× áçä ÙäáéæÚ æáÙ×æÚ×ä


Welcome H

ello everyone. ¹å æÚÛå ý äåæ Ñ×ÞÞá áØ a_aa é×àæ æá âä×åå æÚ× ×è×àæå Ûà ÍÝäÓÛà× ÚÓè× åÚáÕÝ×Ö çå ÓÞÞ ÓàÖ é× ÕÓà áàÞë áü ×ä áçä æÚáçÙÚæå ÓàÖ åçââáäæ æá æÚ× â×áâÞ× áØ ÍÝäÓÛà× éÚ×ä× ¼È¼ÀÄ ÚÓå åçåâ×àÖ×Ö áâ×äÓæÛáàå Ï× Óä× åçââáäæÛàÙ ×ßâÞáë××å æÚ×ä× Óå ßçÕÚ Óå âáååÛÔÞ× Ï× Ø×Þæ Ûæ éÓå åæÛÞÞ ÓââäáâäÛÓæ× æá Ù×æ ëáçä Ñ×ÞÞá æá ëáç ×è×à æÚáçÙÚ æÚ× åÛæçÓæÛáà Ûå Õä×ÓæÛàÙ çàÕ×äæÓÛàæë Øáä ×è×äëáà× ÓàÖ ÓÖÖÛàÙ æá Óà çàåæÓÔÞ× ×ÕáàáßÛÕ áçæÞááÝ Ê×åæ Óååçä×Ö é× éÛÞÞ Öá ÓÞÞ é× ÕÓà æá Ûßâäáè× áçä ÔçåÛà×åå ÓàÖ å×äè× áçä ×ßâÞáë××å Õçåæáß×äå ÓàÖ åÚÓä×ÚáÞÖ×äå éÛæÚ ßÓêÛßçß ×ü áäæ ÓàÖ Á Ýàáé ëáç ÓàÖ ëáçä ÕáÞÞ×ÓÙç×å éÛÞÞ äÛå× æá æÚ×å× ÕÚÓÞÞ×àÙ×å éÛæÚ Can Do åâÛäÛæ ÓàÖ Passion, ÓàÖ Øáä æÚÓæ Á Óß æäçÞë æÚÓàÝØçÞ ÌÓÝ× æÛß× æá ×àÜáë æÚÛå ×ÖÛæÛáà áØ Ñ×ÞÞá ÓàÖ ä×ÓÖ ÓÔáçæ åáß× áØ æÚ× Ùä×Óæ â×áâÞ× ÓàÖ ÕÚÓäÓÕæ×äå é× ÚÓè× ÓÕäáåå ÓÞÞ âÓäæå áØ áçä ÔçåÛà×åå ÌÚ×ä× å ÓÞåá à×éå ÓÔáçæ áçä ¾Ûäåæ »ÚáÛÕ× âäáÙäÓßß× ÓàÖ Úáé é× ä× ÕáàæÛàçÛàÙ æá Ùäáé Ôë Ù×ææÛàÙ Ûæ Right First Time Ûà éÚÓæ é× ÓÞÞ Úáâ× éÛÞÞ Ô× Ó ÔäÛÙÚæ×ä Øçæçä× Øáä çå ÓÞÞ

Peter Fuller, CEO




04 Boom time! Æ×é åÛæ×å ÓÞÞ äáçàÖ

13 Our superheroes

05 United we stand

¼ÀÄ ÈÓäÕ×Þ Íà â×áâÞ× Öáà æ Þ×Óè× æÚ×Ûä â×äåáàÓÞÛæÛ×å Óæ æÚ× door. They all have secret skills.

ÌÚ× ØááæÔÓÞÞ%ßÓÖ ÆÛÙÚæ ÅÓàÓÙ×ä ÓàÖ æÚ× éÛààÛàÙ æ×Óß Ô×ÚÛàÖ ÚÛß

06 First Choice… always ÌÚÓæ å éÚÓæ é× éÓàæ áçä Õçåæáß×äå æá æÚÛàÝ áØ çå ¾ÛàÖ áçæ Úáé é× ÞÞ ßÓÝ× Ûæ ÚÓââ×à

09 Race against time Àáé Ó àÓæÛáàéÛÖ× Úçàæ æçäà×Ö Ó à×ÙÓæÛè× Ûàæá Ó âáåÛæÛè× ÓàÖ åÓè×Ö ÞÛè×å Ûàæá æÚ× ÔÓäÙÓÛà

11 Call my agent The DHL driver ëáç è× ÓÞßáåæ certainly seen on TV or heard on commercials.

15 Super Swindon ÌÚ× éäÓâå Õáß× áü áçä à×é ËéÛàÖáà åÛæ× áâ×àÛàÙ çâ ßáä× áââáäæçàÛæÛ×å Ûà æÚ× é×åæ

16 IT matters Àáé é× ä× ä×ÕëÕÞÛàÙ áçä Õáßâçæ×ä ×ãçÛâß×àæ æá åÚÓâ× ÞÛè×å Óæ Úáß× ÓàÖ ÓÔäáÓÖ

19 A brew and a chat ÄáàÙ%å×äèÛàÙ ÊáÙ×ä å åÛßâÞ× å×Õä×æ Øáä ÚÓââÛà×åå ÓØæ×ä æÚä×× Ö×ÕÓÖ×å éÛæÚ ¼ÀÄ

20 Win… ¹ ËÓßåçàÙ ¿ÓÞÓêë ÌÓÔÞ×æ

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Payroll Lottery winners The Payroll Lottery is just £2 a month to enter, with half of your contribution going to the monthly winner and the other half to charity.


To be in with a chance to win, email with your name, location and payroll number.

Congratulations to our Payroll Lottery winners: December: ÄÓçäÛ× »ÚÓßÔ×äÞÓÛà »ÞÓÛßå Ëçâ×äèÛåáä – £585 January: Ä×åÞ×ë ÀÓàÕáÕÝ ÀÊ Ë×äèÛÕ×å ÅÓàÓÙ×ä ( £580 February: È×æ×ä Ëæ ÂáÚà »ÓßâÔ×ÞÞ ÅÛÞæáà Ã×ëà×å Ëçâ×äèÛåáä ( £582


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“It’s like Disneyland” Moving-day magic for site bosses still looking to expand

Wide open spaces The new Sittingbourne åÛæ× ÕáßâÞ×æ× éÛæÚ ¼ÀÄ é×ÞÕáß× þ ÓÙå


hey might not quite be the answer to the famous Florida theme park, but we now have two new sites that will make working there just as much fun. Our teams in Crawley and Medway have moved to new homes that will take our capacity, space and potential to do new business through the roof.

And the No queues in Crawley lcoming we re mo far is reception

04 Yello!

The Medway team’s switch to a brand new site in Sittingbourne means they have 73,302 sq ft of space compared to the old site’s 24,000 sq ft – a factor Site Manager Peter Whittaker says will allow them to grow over the next decade. “We’ve grown so much and now we can go to the next level. We’re taking another 10 routes on top of our existing 54 and easing some of the pressure on our neighbouring Dartford site,” he says. Peter believes the move will also boost the morale, engagement and productivity of his team, who he hailed as “exceptional” during the changeover: “In the 10 years we were at the old site in cramped conditions we never had one incident and that’s testament to my team’s care and commitment to the job. “The new site in Sittingbourne means drivers can load up indoors and everyone has space to breathe. It’s like Disneyland… all our dreams have come true.” He now wants to use the extra capacity and potential new recruits to establish

“We’ve grown so much and now we can go to the next level… everyone has space to breathe” Peter Whittaker, Site Manager – Sittingbourne the site as a gateway to Europe to service freight from Spain and Germany. Meanwhile in West Sussex, the Crawley team have also moved into a new site (left), doubling capacity to a massive 64,500 sq ft. Site Manager Nigel Powell says: “We’d been at the old site for 10 years and outgrown it, so this shows real commitment from the business and is further proof that my team are doing a fantastic job.”

Cooking up a storm Bexhill’s Gordon Ramsay


Meet the boss Chris with United Manager Ryan Light

of Tunbridge

Teamwork the theme for superfan Chris


hen he’s not looking after operations at one of our newest åÛæ×å æÚ×ä× å Ó ÙááÖ ÕÚÓàÕ× ëáç ÞÞ ý àÖ Chris Adams in the kitchen. He’s no Jamie Oliver but the Night Shift Manager is often hard at work feeding his main passion – Bexhill United Football Club. The 58-year-old grandad has been involved at the title-chasing club – nickname The Pirates – for the past 11 years, doing any job that needs doing. A boyhood Crystal Palace fan, our Tunbridge Wells colleague is playing a key part in the Southern Combination Premier Division side’s rise through the ranks. He makes post-match meals for both sets of players, runs the bar, makes hot drinks for fans and has even turned ÙäáçàÖåßÓà éÚ×à æÚ× âÛæÕÚ éÓå þ ááÖ×Ö And when he’s not working for DHL or behind the bar, he’s devoting every spare minute to ensuring the south coast club continues to thrive: “Everyone on site knows about my passion for Bexhill. I’ve dragged quite a few of them down for a match and a night out,” he says. “It’s a fantastic club with teams across all age groups, but the pitch is councilowned so we have to make ends meet.”

Cheers Here’s to promotion Recent 400-plus attendances have helped boost takings in the clubhouse, with every penny going back into the club’s buildings and youth programme. Chris says: “The club is at the heart of the community but a lot goes on behind the scenes that people don’t see, and I’m always volunteering for that. “Once, part of the pitch was underwater so I thought quick and asked a local upholsterer if he had any foam we could use as a sponge. We got the game on.” Chris, with DHL for 18 years since åæÓäæÛàÙ Óæ áçä ý äåæ åÛæ× Ûà ÀÓéÝÚçäåæ says his job gives him the freedom to go

WE DID THE DOUBLE! And now the treble’s in our sights. It’s tough to follow a titlewinning success, so the fact we’ve been named Top Employer for a second year running is a tribute to every one of you who’ve helped us achieve an average overall score áØ eg´ *çâ áà ÞÓåæ ë×Óä å ea´+ ÓàÖ Ûßâäáè×ß×àæå Ûà fd´ áØ æÚ× categories covering how we steer, shape, attract, develop, engage and unite our teams. The DHL Parcel UK award follows an independent assessment of those six areas of our work by the Top Employer Institute which examines the Þ×ÓÖ×äåÚÛâ ÓàÖ åæÓü Ö×è×Þáâß×àæ in its member businesses. Globally we achieved an average áè×äÓÞÞ åÕáä× áØ gd ab´ éÛæÚ Óà áçæåæÓàÖÛàÙ åÕáä× áØ hc h`´ Ûà æÚ× Ëæ××ä ÕÓæ×Ùáäë ÌÚ×å× Õ×äæÛý ÕÓæÛáàå åÚáé æÚÓæ ÓäáçàÖ hh´ áØ colleagues falling under the Top ½ßâÞáë×ä a_aa ÔÓàà×ä Óä× ÚÓââë working for DHLeCS.

to the football: “They’re brilliant at work and are all very supportive of something they know is my obsession. My wife has zero interest, but she knows that if I have a spare moment I’ll be at the footie. I can watch any game and get involved. I love being part of a team, whether it’s DHL or Bexhill United.”



“Understanding our customers is key to all our futures”


How getting better in every area will make us stronger individually… and together

very day we give our all to be the best version of ourselves we can be. That will make our business the best and secure our futures. It’s simple. If we continuously improve individually and together, we’ll be better at what we do and be First Choice for new and existing customers. So says newly appointed First Choice Manager Claire ¼çÿ à, who reveals what makes her tick… and shares her hopes for the programme in the year ahead.

ÏÚÓæ éÓå ëáçä âä×èÛáçå ×êâ×äÛ×àÕ× I was at TK MAXX and Homesense in Learning and Development and Continuous Improvement, supporting stores, distribution, ecommerce and logistics across the UK and Europe.

A bit about you? I’m from Ely in Cambridgeshire and

moved to the Midlands after uni, where I studied psychology with a master’s in Øáä×àåÛÕ âåëÕÚáÞáÙë Åë ý äåæ ÜáÔ éÓå Ûà a Category B male prison for mainstream ÓàÖ å×ê áü ×àÖ×äå éÚ×ä× Á éáäÝ×Ö Ûà áü ×àÖ×ä ä×ÚÓÔÛÞÛæÓæÛáà Á è× Ô××à ßÓääÛ×Ö for 10 years and have two dogs, Bow and Reacher (after the Lee Child character).

¾Ûäåæ Ûßâä×ååÛáàå áØ æÚ× ÔçåÛà×åå Joining in a pandemic was strange. I couldn’t meet people face to face, but ×è×äëáà× ÚÓå Ô××à åá é×ÞÕáßÛàÙ Áæ Ø××Þå like a family and everyone has been happy æá Ú×Þâ ÓàÖ áü ×ä æÚ×Ûä æÛß×

ÏÚÓæ ßÓÝ×å ëáç ÞÓçÙÚ The Big Bang Theory, Blackadder and QI.

How important is First Choice? It will support to: O Create growth and strong customer loyalty by being seen as leaders in customer centricity and quality. O Standardise engagement by everyone knowing how they can impact the business and its targets by

understanding how important they are to customer experience. O Increase business performance on all KPIs and measures. O Grow our colleagues. By using the First Choice tools, learning new ways of approaching problems and by accessing the First Choice training programme. O º× ßáä× ×ü ×ÕæÛè× ÓàÖ ×ÿ ÕÛ×àæ Ûà áçä processes so everyone knows what they need to do to get it Right First Time. O Improve processes so customers know they will receive the same quality, service and experience ×è×äë æÛß× æá ÔçÛÞÖ æÚ×Ûä Õáàý Ö×àÕ× and loyalty.

The goals of First Choice? For First Choice tools to be used ×ü ×ÕæÛè×Þë æÚ×ë à××Ö æá Ô× çå×Ö collaboratively with a focus on engagement. First Choice is for Everybody, Everyday, Everywhere: a little bit better. Without colleagues’ ideas, feedback and knowledge we can’t continue to improve.

ÏÚÓæ Ô×à×ý æå Óä× æÚ×ä× æá ÞÛèÛàÙ Ôë First Choice? O Curiosity and Engagement – approach problems with questions not solutions. O Using the First Choice tools such as Performance Dialogues, Gemba Walks, 5S and Problem Solving. O Being results-driven – using KPIs 06 Yello!

Charlotte Bunney, Vice President Customer Experience … on what our customers really want. And how we’ll deliver it!

and Voice of the Customer to spot opportunities and follow through on ÛßâäáèÛàÙ ãçÓÞÛæë ÓàÖ â×äØáäßÓàÕ× O Look at the cause of a problem by å××ÝÛàÙ ÖÛü ×ä×àæ â×äåâ×ÕæÛè×å for long-term solutions… not just ãçÛÕÝ ý ê×å O Don’t fear making mistakes. As long as we learn from them and try åáß×æÚÛàÙ ÖÛü ×ä×àæ é× éÛÞÞ Ùäáé

“Our mission is to be the provider of choice and deliver exceptional quality to customers. Key to that is being Customer Centric – ensuring everything we do has the customer at its heart by being set up to readily address customer needs and service challenges across all functions. Going the extra mile and putting ourselves in customers’ shoes will increase customer loyalty – vital to our growth and survival in a competitive market. In our EOS survey last year, you said it didn’t feel like we are using customer feedback to drive change, so I want to let you know about our new Net Promoter Approach (NPA) process which we’ve just started. It aims to gain valuable insights into how customers feel about us as a brand and their experiences of our services to drive change and improvement. NPA is a continuous measurement of Customer Loyalty and customer experience. By gaining customer feedback – Voice of the Customer (VOC) –

through phone calls or surveys we can identify opportunities to enhance their experience by making changes to our tasks and processes. ÌÚ× ý äåæ åæÓÙ× éÛÞÞ å×× æäÓÛà×Ö agents in our Customer Services team responding to and following up on positive and negative customer reviews collected as Revoo survey results on our Parcel and Send sites. Customers rate us on Customer Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score and give feedback on our performance. We’ve been gathering reviews for six months now so there’s plenty of data to assess and understand what we need to do to improve the experience. The process will then evolve into calls to customers and a virtual customer team who will take customer themes and drive change throughout the business. We will also use these insights to build customer journey maps for each of our customer types, to understand how to deliver the best experience Øáä ÖÛü ×ä×àæ Õçåæáß×ä Ùäáçâå #

What Culture and Mind-set will First Choice help create? It will: O Ensure we meet all of our customers’ needs. O Make our work easier, simpler and quicker to complete. O Reduce frustrations – less re-work. O Work smarter not harder. O Ëæä×ÓßÞÛà× âäáÕ×åå×å

ÏÚÓæ âÚäÓå× Öá ëáç ßáåæ áè×äçå×

º×åæ ÔááÝ ý Þß ÓàÖ ßçåÛÕ

Don’t moan about what you can change.

real role model and inspiration. Robin Williams: he’s hilarious.

ÏÚÛÕÚ æÚä×× æäÓÛæå Öá ëáç ÓÖßÛä×

Where will First Choice be in a year?

ßáåæ Ûà ÕáÞÞ×ÓÙç×å Tenacity, honesty and commitment.

I’d like everyone to be able to describe what First Choice is, why it’s important and be able to share an example of how they’d used Continuous Improvement in their role. Developing a continuous improvement mind-set and culture is a key building block and we need to believe in it and live it for its value to be seen.

Film: City of Angels (strange, as Á Öáà æ çåçÓÞÞë ÞÛÝ× äáßÕáßå+ Book: Crime and thriller authors Lee Child, È×æ×ä ÂÓß×å ÓàÖ ÀÓäÞÓà »áÔ×à Music: 80s and 90s.

“Don’t fear making mistakes. As long as we learn from them and try åáß×æÚÛàÙ ÖÛü ×ä×àæ é× éÛÞÞ Ùäáé#

ÌÚä×× ÖÛàà×ä âÓäæë Ùç×åæå ÓàÖ éÚë Ñáçä ÛÖ×Ó áØ â×äØ×Õæ ÚÓââÛà×åå Lying on a tropical beach in the sun, cold drink in my hand and reading a good book.

Mary Berry: I love to bake and cook so could get some hints and tips and she seems such a lovely lady. Tom Stoltman: I love World’s Strongest Man and he’s a



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Flashback ÌÚ× ý Þß Õä×é ÕÚÓææ×Ö æá áçä ÚÓââë ÖäÛè×äå

Recruitment into overdrive ¹Ö ÕÓßâÓÛÙà å×æ æá æÓäÙ×æ à×é äáÞ×å


campaign to boost the recruitment of HGV drivers across the business is proving an overwhelming success. Since the launch of July’s radio, billboard and social media campaign, we’ve hired 20 new drivers every month… well up on the usual average of 12. Last year we took on 193 new drivers against a backdrop of a highly competitive market and major shortages in professionals at the wheel. And we had a record month in November, when we successfully signed up 32 new Class 1 HGV drivers, with most tempted by the online media and internal campaign. “But we’re not stopping there,” says Recruitment Business Partner Daisy Smith, who is now extending the

campaign to new social media channels. “It’s been so successful we’re taking it to TikTok, Facebook and Instagram and widening our search to attract new warehouse operatives and owner drivers.” There’s even a ‘refer a friend’ incentive for existing DHL colleagues to get involved, which could earn each successful applicant’s nominee £1,000. Recruitment Advisor Charlene Ward (inset) is managing applications for Class 1 HGV Drivers, speaking to every applicant to ensure they meet the relevant criteria and are happy with salary and locations. Daisy says: “Charlene has been a big help and the sites have been brilliant, interviewing candidates quickly and working closely with recruitment.”

’APPY DAYS COMING YOUR WAY New way to stay in touch is in the pipeline Smart Connect is coming! In April we’ll be launching a new intranet called Smart Connect, which will give every employee who has access to a computer the chance to stay right up to date with the latest news and campaigns at DHL Parcel UK.

08 Yello!

And then in the summer, we’ll be launching the Smart Connect app for every single employee! You’ll have facts ÓàÖ à×éå Óæ ëáçä ý àÙ×äæÛâå ÓàÖ æÚ× chance to share your own news and stories on a social wall. So watch this space and get ready for Smart Connect!

Eight reasons to tell a mate… O Each new Class 1 HGV Driver receives a £1,500 welcome bonus. O If an employee of DHL Parcel UK refers a Class 1 Driver to apply. through the Refer a Friend process and they pass their probation, they will receive £1,000 in a referral fee. O Drive a lorry from the high-spec Volvo range, with fridge, leather seats and extras to keep you comfortable. O Strong work-life balance with shift schedules that let you often know in advance where you’ll be heading. O Job security, additional hours if you want them and enhanced bank holiday and night-time pay rates. O Fully paid CPC training – Our in-house training academy means you can do it during work time. O ¿ä×Óæ Ô×à×ý æå ( ¾äáß Ù×à×äáçå pension and retail discounts to perks throughout the year to say thanks for all your hard work. O A friendly team.

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back from our ed fe ve ti si o p et g to d o It ’s always go message g in rm a -w rt ea h a s e’ customers… and her

Reunited... and it feels so good How our supersleuths turned a negative into a positive


hen a lifesaving piece of medical ×ãçÛâß×àæ ÔáçÙÚæ ÓØæ×ä æÚä×× ë×Óäå of fundraising went missing, we pulled áçæ ÓÞÞ æÚ× åæáâå æá ý àÖ Ûæ ÌÚ× ua_ ___ Ö×ý ÔäÛÞÞÓæáä éÓå Ö×åæÛà×Ö Øáä ÞÛØ×åÓèÛàÙ ÕÚÓäÛæë º½½È ¼áÕæáäå Ôçæ Ó mix-up in the early stages of its journey meant it never reached its destination. The equipment gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of cardiac arrest patients and was meant to go to the rapid response emergency doctors éÚá Õáè×ä »çßÔäÛÓ ºçæ Ó ÞÓÔ×ÞÞÛàÙ ×ääáä Óæ æÚ× ä×å×ÞÞ×ä Ûà È×àäÛæÚ ß×Óàæ Ûæ é×àæ áà Ó Íà æáçä Ô×Øáä× ×àÖÛàÙ çâ Ûà Óà çàÛÖ×àæÛý ÓÔÞ× âÓÕÝÓÙ× room at one of our sites 250 miles away. ¼ä »ÚäÛåæáâÚ×ä Åáåå ¼Ûä×Õæáä áØ æÚ× º½½È ¼áÕæáäå Ìäçåæ××å ÓàÖ áà× áØ æÚ× team of 15 volunteer doctors who work with paramedics to reach emergency âÓæÛ×àæå éÓå çàÖ×äåæÓàÖÓÔÞë ÖÛåæäÓçÙÚæ Last year, the charity attended a total of bd_ ×ß×äÙ×àÕë ÕÓÞÞáçæå ÓÕäáåå »çßÔäÛÓ so each day the machine was missing could have had major consequences. That’s where the team at our »ÓäÞÛåÞ× åÛæ× åæ×ââ×Ö Ûà æá Õá%áäÖÛàÓæ× Ó nationwide hunt for the missing parcel, Þ×Ö Ôë Operations Supervisor Rosemary Potter *äÛÙÚæ+ ËÚ× ÓàÖ Operations

Crucial kit One of the BEEP doctors swings into action Support Manager Stephanie Keats åæÓäæ×Ö Ôë ÕÓÞÞÛàÙ æÚ× ä×å×ÞÞ×ä éÚá said the parcels were all correctly âÞÓÕ×Ö áàæá Ó âÓÞÞ×æ Øáä »ÓäÞÛåÞ× Despite searches, nothing could Ô× ØáçàÖ æá ßÓæÕÚ æÚ× ý àÓÞ ÓÖÖä×åå âáåæÕáÖ× áä ×è×à Ó æäÓÕÝÛàÙ àçßÔ×ä for the package, until they made Ó Ôä×ÓÝæÚäáçÙÚ æÚÓàÝå æá Richard Murphy in our Operations team in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. "ÌÚ× âÓäÕ×Þ ÚÓÖ æá Ô× åáß×éÚ×ä×

“Thanks to the DHL team. It was much appreciated. The BBC even did a shout out for all the work you did to track the parcel.” Dr Christopher Moss – BEEP Doctors Trustees Director

Find out more: in our system. That’s when the real detective work started,” says Carlisle Site Manager Simon Reay, éÚáå× æ×Óß æäÓéÞ×Ö æÚ× çàÛÖ×àæÛý ×Ö Øä×ÛÙÚæ âäáÕ×åå Øáä ý è× ÖÓëå Ô×Øáä× Richard found the package on his site. ËÛßáà ÕáàæÓÕæ×Ö º½½È éÛæÚ æÚ× ÙááÖ à×éå "Áæ ßçåæ ÚÓè× Ô××à ÛàÕáää×ÕæÞë ÓÖÖä×åå×Ö Ôë æÚ× ä×å×ÞÞ×ä Áæ éÓå Óà Úáà×åæ ßÛåæÓÝ× Ôçæ áà× é× ä× ÙÞÓÖ ÓàÖ relieved to have resolved.” Dr Moss adds: “It costs £100,000 a year æá Ý××â º½½È ¼áÕæáäå ÙáÛàÙ åá æÚÛå éáçÞÖ ÚÓè× Ô××à Ó åÛÙàÛý ÕÓàæ Þáåå ÌÚÓàÝå æá æÚ× DHL team. It was much appreciated. The ÞáÕÓÞ ºº» åæÓæÛáà ×è×à ÖÛÖ Ó åÚáçæ áçæ Øáä all the work you did to track the parcel.” Ôäéå Ûæ,Ô××â



Together we stand

Scan QR code to help

‘An overwhelming wave of kindness’


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432 23 Employees in Ukraine

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10 Yello!

DHL sites in Ukraine

Ôäéå Ûæ,ÖÚÞÖáàÓæ×

"ÌÚ× éÛÞÞÛàÙà×åå æá ÖáàÓæ× ÓàÖ Ú×Þâ has been overwhelming and shows once ÓÙÓÛà æÚÓæ é× åæÓàÖ æáÙ×æÚ×ä Ûà Ó ÕäÛåÛå # åÓëå »½Ç È×æ×ä ¾çÞÞ×ä "ÌÚ× Ù×à×äáåÛæë áØ áçä æ×Óßå Ûà âäÛáäÛæÛåÛàÙ æÚ× é×ÞÞÔ×ÛàÙ ÓàÖ åÓØ×æë áØ ÕáÞÞ×ÓÙç×å æÚ×ë ÚÓè× à×è×ä ß×æ Ûå ×êæä×ß×Þë æáçÕÚÛàÙ ÓàÖ ÚÛÙÚÞÛÙÚæå æÚ× æáÙ×æÚ×äà×åå é× ä×Þë áà ×è×äë ÖÓë #

Changing situation

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Multi-talented (l to r) Kevin as Billy Elliot’s dad, with Vera actor Brenda Blethyn and alongside The Hound from Game of Thrones


Speak to my

Scan and listen to Kevin:

Screen and stage star Kevin’s living the dream


here can’t be many people working for DHL who have got an agent… but Kevin Walsh has two! That’s because our Runcorn-based driver combines the day job he loves with his twin passions of acting and working as a voiceover artist. And father-of-two Kevin is indebted æá ¼ÀÄ Øáä ÓÞÞáéÛàÙ ÚÛß æÚ× þ ×êÛÔÛÞÛæë that’s helped him land roles in Game of Thrones, Coronation Street and Downton. “When I was a lad, I loved acting and thought it would be my dream job. So I went to stage school and have been acting for 27 years,” he says. “When Covid hit, a lot of my friends in theatre lost their incomes but I had my truck-driver job to fall back on, and DHL have been absolutely brilliant.”

Boots and overalls

Kevin has been with the company for 12 years, including a year-long gap when he travelled on tour with Billy Elliot: The Musical, playing the part of the young ballet star’s dad – a role that drew áà ÚÛå é×ÓÞæÚ áØ ÓÕæÛàÙ ×êâ×äÛ×àÕ× ÓàÖ a little bit of dancing. He says: “I’m not a great dancer but I didn’t need to be for that part, thankfully. I did most of it in boots and overalls because the dad is a proper working man who doesn’t want his lad to dance. "Áæ éÓå Óà ÓßÓìÛàÙ ×êâ×äÛ×àÕ× Ôçæ Ûæ took me away from my two kids when

they were young for quite a long tour around the UK, so once it was over I focused on the other job I love – driving.” In all, he did eight performances a week; a staggering 500 shows during the tour. Once it ended, Kevin – stage name Martin Walsh because there was another Kevin when he registered with Equity – returned to his DHL routine. He has two agents, one for acting roles and another for his growing voiceover career: “With Covid it’s all done on tape rather than live auditions, but it’s great to know that if a good role comes up, DHL have my back. It means a lot.” His latest voiceover work publicising Birds Eye’s meat-free Veganuary campaign comes on the back of campaigns for Morrisons supermarket and First Direct.

The actor, who lists Vera, The Accused and Hollyoaks among his TV credits, adds: “I wanted to be an actor and love driving trucks, so I really am living the dream.” After graduating from Glasgow’s Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Kevin has rubbed shoulders with some great actors including David Jason, on the set of Touch of Frost. “He was inspirational. He Üçåæ éÓàæ×Ö ß× æá Ô× ä×ÞÓê×Ö and to help get the best out of me,” says Kevin. “I’ve worked with many famous actors, and I’ve always found them to be the nicest people because they’re not threatened – they want you to be the best you can be.” But he admits balance in life is everything and adds: “I couldn’t have achieved what I’ve achieved without the support of my managers.”

JUST A FEW OF KEVIN’S 58 ACTING ROLES O Casualty – 1999 to 2021 O Coronation Street – 2003 to 2021 O Vera – Joe Barry – 2020 O Doctors – 2009 to 2019 O Good Cop

O Downton Abbey – Mr Finch – 2015 O Game of Thrones – Innkeeper – 2014 O Eric and Ernie O Heartbeat – various O Last Rites - Dermot O Emmerdale - Elvis Dingle - 2002 to 2004

O Shameless - Dave O The Bill O Playing the Field O London’s Burning O Holding On O Peak Practice O Soldier Soldier O Cardiac Arrest O Touch of Frost – 1996



Oswald Straker

Emmanuel Yeboah

Melissa Ives

t o p s t e e w s

Finding the

…for our customers


aving the right tools for the job will always set us apart from the rest, so we thought we’d make our continued success at getting it Right First Time that little bit sweeter. Thousands of you took a bite out of the special chocolate toolkit during Right First Time week and hopefully the tasty toolkit went down well. The treat was a reminder about our commitment to delivering quality to customers and how we all have key roles to play in delivering best-in-class customer satisfaction everyday. Suzanna Johnson (right) and Oswald

12 Yello!

Straker were just two of the Right First Time åæÓäå ÓéÓäÖ×Ö åâ×ÕÛÓÞ Õ×äæÛý ÕÓæ×å Øáä æÚ×Ûä ÓÔáè× ÓàÖ Ô×ëáàÖ ×ü áäæå Others showed impressive restraint and took the choc box home for their families to enjoy the sweet spanner and screwdriver. First Choice Manager »ÞÓÛä× ¼çÿ à says: “Right First Time Week was a reminder to our teams about how they can do the best work possible and how éÚÓæ æÚ×ë Öá Ûà æÚ×Ûä ÜáÔ çÞæÛßÓæ×Þë Óü ×Õæå our customers. “This year we tied it in with the relaunch of First Choice, which provides a toolkit

Suzanna Johnson

to continually improve our processes so we continue to deliver great quality to all of our customers. All our people care passionately about our customers but sometimes it’s good to recognise where they have gone above and beyond – and what better way than with chocolate?”

Meet our Fab Five

Superheroes ½

è×äë áà× áØ çå ÚÓå Ó âÓäæ æá âÞÓë Ûà Ö×ÞÛÙÚæÛàÙ áçä Õçåæáß×äå åá ÖçäÛàÙ »çåæáß×ä Ë×äèÛÕ× Ï××Ý é× ÓåÝ×Ö éÚÓæ åçâ×äâáé×äå ëáç çå× æá ßÓÝ× Ûæ ÚÓââ×à

Ççä ý äåæ Superpower Stars Öáà æ Þ×Óè× æÚ×Ûä â×äåáàÓÞÛæÛ×å Óæ Úáß× Ôçæ ßÓÝ× åçä× æÚ×ë çå× æÚ×ß æá Ö×ÞÛè×ä ×êÕ×ÞÞ×àÕ× áà æÛß× ×è×äë æÛß× Ûà ÓàÖ áçæ áØ éáäÝ

Angus Mckay – Ryton Nights "Á è× Ô××à ý åÚÛàÙ åÛàÕ× Á éÓå Ó ÞÓÖ Þ×ÓäàÛàÙ Øäáß ßë ØÓæÚ×ä Øäáß æÚ× ÓÙ× áØ ×ÛÙÚæ Á ý åÚ×Ö æÚ× ÞáÕÓÞ äÛè×ä Øáä ÕÚçÔ äáÓÕÚ ÓàÖ â×äÕÚ ÓàÖ Þ×Óäà×Ö æá Óââä×ÕÛÓæ× àÓæçä× ÓàÖ ÖÛü ×ä×àæ åâ×ÕÛ×å Á ÖäÛØæ×Ö ÓéÓë Øäáß Ûæ Øáä åáß× æÛß× Öç× æá éáäÝ ÓàÖ ØÓßÛÞë ÕáßßÛæß×àæå Ôçæ áè×ä æÚ× ÞÓåæ å×è×à ë×Óäå Á è× ä×ÝÛàÖÞ×Ö ßë Þáè× Øáä åâ×ÕÛß×à ÕÓäâ ÚçàæÛàÙ Åë ÔÛÙÙ×åæ Ûå æÚ× ßÛääáä ÕÓäâ *âÛÕæçä×Ö+ Óæ b_ÞÔ gáì Ôçæ Á ß ÙáÛàÙ æá ¾äÓàÕ× æÚÛå ë×Óä æá ÞÓàÖ Ó d_ÞÔ%âÞçå áà× #

Victoria Zimanova – Warehouse Operative and ECG rep, Ryton "Á éÓå Ôáäà Ûà ÍÝäÓÛà× ÓàÖ ßáè×Ö æá ËÞáèÓÝÛÓ ÓÙ×Ö å×è×à Á éÓå ÛàåâÛä×Ö Ôë ßë ½àÙÞÛåÚ æ×ÓÕÚ×ä ßáæÚ×ä ÓàÖ ÓÞéÓëå ÚÓÖ Ó âÓååÛáà æá Þ×Óäà ßáä× Åë åçâ×äâáé×ä ÚÓå Ô××à ÛßâáäæÓàæ Óæ ¼ÀÄ ÈÓäÕ×Þ Íà Óå Á è× åçââáäæ×Ö ÓàÖ æäÓàåÞÓæ×Ö Øáä æÚ× ÖÛè×äå× ÕáÞÞ×ÓÙç×å é× ÚÓè× Á éÓàæ æá Þ×Óäà ßáä× ÓàÖ Á ß ÓÛßÛàÙ æá Öá Ûæ è×äë åááà #

Steven Manning – Ryton Nights "Á Þáè× ¼ÁÑ ÓàÖ åæÓäæ×Ö æá âçæ ßë âÓååÛáà Ûàæá ÓÕæÛáà Ôë áÿ ÕÛÓÞÞë Þ×ÓäàÛàÙ æÚ× æäÓÖ× ÓàÖ ÓÕæÛè×Þë æÓÝÛàÙ áà âäáÜ×Õæå Ûà `hhb Á ÞÛÝ× Ú×ÞâÛàÙ áæÚ×äå Ûà à××Ö ÓàÖ àá ÜáÔ Ûå æáá ÔÛÙ Çà× áØ ßë ÔÛÙÙ×åæ ÓÕÚÛ×è×ß×àæå éÓå ÕáßâÞ×æÛàÙ Ó åÛàÙÞ×%åæáä×ë ×êæ×àåÛáà æá ßë Úáçå× Á ÕáßâÞ×æ×Ö æÚ× ØçÞÞ ÜáÔ Ûà àÛà× ßáàæÚå Øäáß ÖÛÙÙÛàÙ æÚ× ØáçàÖÓæÛáàå æá âÞÓåæ×äÛàÙ ÓàÖ Ö×ÕáäÓæÛàÙ æÚ× ×êæ×àåÛáà #

Beverley Donohue – Senior Key Account Manager, Manchester "¼çäÛàÙ ÞáÕÝÖáéà áçä b¼ âäÛàæ×ä éÓå éáäÝÛàÙ äáçàÖ æÚ× ÕÞáÕÝ Óæ Úáß× âäÛàæÛàÙ èÛåáäå Øáä æÚ× ÆÀË æáÙ×æÚ×ä éÛæÚ ßë ÚÓàÖßÓÖ× ÆÀË Ô×Óäå Øáä æÚ× åæÓü æá åÚáé áçä Óââä×ÕÛÓæÛáà Åë ÖáéàæÛß× Øäáß Ó Ôçåë ÖÓë Óå Ó Ý×ë ÓÕÕáçàæ ßÓàÓÙ×ä Ûå ÕäáÕÚ×æÛàÙ Åáåæ Ûæ×ßå Óä× ÖáàÓæ×Ö æá ÕÚÓäÛæÛ×å éÛæÚ åáß× âÓäæ áØ Ó äÓĀ × Øáä æÚ× ÅÓÕÅÛÞÞÓà »áü ×× ÅáäàÛàÙ #

Êáå×ßÓäë Èáææ×ä ( Çâ×äÓæÛáàå Supervisor, Carlisle "ÇæÚ×ä æÚÓà éáäÝÛàÙ æÚ× ÔÓÕÝ åÚÛØæ Óæ ¼ÀÄ ÈÓäÕ×Þ Íà »ÓäÞÛåÞ× Ö×âáæ Øáä `g ë×Óäå ßë åçâ×äâáé×ä Ûå áâ×à éÓæ×ä åéÛßßÛàÙ Á è× æÓÝ×à âÓäæ åÛàÕ× a_`a ÓàÖ ÚÓè× äÓÛå×Ö ÓäáçàÖ uc ___ Øáä ÕÚÓäÛæÛ×å Á ÓÞåá æÓÝ× âÓäæ Ûà Õáßâ×æÛæÛè× ×è×àæå åçÕÚ Óå æÚ× ¿ä×Óæ ÆáäæÚ ËéÛß ÓàÖ æÚ× Ä×àÙæÚ áØ »áàÛåæáà ËéÛß Óå é×ÞÞ Óå åéÛßßÛàÙ Øáä âÞ×Óåçä× Á ÚÓè× ×è×à æÓÝ×à âÓäæ Ûà æÚ× ÏÛàæ×ä ËéÛßßÛàÙ ÏáäÞÖ »ÚÓßâÛáàåÚÛâå Ûà ÌÓÞÞÛàà ½åæáàÛÓ éÚ×ä× é× åéÓß Ûà éÓæ×ä æ×ßâ×äÓæçä×å áØ _ d Ö×Ùä×× ( Ûà æÚ× åàáé Á åéÛß ë×Óä%äáçàÖ Ûà æÚ× ÄÓÝ× ¼ÛåæäÛÕæ ÓàÖ ÚÓè× åéçß æÚ× Þ×àÙæÚ áØ ÓÞÞ æÚ× ÞÓÝ×å ÓâÓäæ Let us know at Øäáß ÍÞÞåéÓæ×ä internalcommunications éÚÛÕÚ Á âÞÓà æá Öá à×êæ ë×Óä Åë and we’ll feature it in a áæÚ×ä åçâ×äâáé×ä future edition Ûå Ô×ÛàÙ ÙäÓàÖßÓ æá ÌÚáßÓå ÓàÖ ¾Ûàà ßë éáàÖ×äØçÞ åÛê% ÓàÖ æÚä××% ë×Óä%áÞÖ ÙäÓàÖåáàå ÌÚ×ë Óä× Óà ÓÔåáÞçæ× Üáë ÓàÖ Á Þáè× éÓæÕÚÛàÙ æÚ×ß Ùäáé ÓàÖ Ö×è×Þáâ #

What’s your superpower?



Covid shunted our honeymoon Trailer-mover Steve’s wedding woe

Happy couple Sharon and Steve before Covid ruined things


hunt yard driver Steve Mancini has always been on the case about mask-wearing during the Covid pandemic. Our Ryton Employee Communications Group representative was a vocal campaigner for colleagues to protect themselves from the virus… and hopes his actions saved lives. So as travel restrictions eased, the 63-year-old divorcé seized the chance to Ù×æ ßÓääÛ×Ö æá ý ÓàÕŔ× ËÚÓäáà ÓàÖ ÔááÝ a honeymoon in warm Lanzarote. “It was going perfectly until we were due to come back and Sharon tested positive for Covid, so we had to spend

quite a chunk of our honeymoon in separate apartments as she had to isolate,” he says. “I can laugh about it now, but the irony wasn’t lost on me. It just shows how transmittable this virus is, because we were really careful and didn’t go near any crowded places.” Steve, a Shunter at Ryton for the past six years, has been “moving trailers

around” for 43 years and reckons DHL is the best place he’s ever worked. “I can chat with anyone from the CEO to the cleaner and they’re all great. I suppose that’s why I work on the ECG because I care about the people I work with,” adds the father-oftwo, who shares 11 grandchildren with his new wife. For Leeds United fanatic Steve, the wedding later in life was fate: “We knew each other a long time ago and then just Ôçßâ×Ö Ûàæá ×ÓÕÚ áæÚ×ä ý è× ë×Óäå ÓÙá “It was just ‘right place, right time’. We’ve never had an argument and we couldn’t be happier, even though áçä ßÓääÛÓÙ× ÖÛÖà æ ×êÓÕæÞë Ù×æ áü æá the greatest start.”

ICE AND EASY DOES IT Ì×ÓßéáäÝ åâ××Ö ÓàÖ äÛÙÚæ ý äåæ æÛß× Those are the values that inspired the women’s British bobsleigh team in their medal quest at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Brakewoman Montell Douglas (left) was part of the eight-strong team mentored by DHL’s Head of Global Financial Services Debbie Goward ¼×åâÛæ× ý àÛåÚÛàÙ outside

14 Yello!

the medals they spotlighted the diversity, equity and inclusion objectives around Women in Leadership that DHL are proud to support. The business is also involved in similar partnerships, such as Leicester City FC Women’s team and numerous rugbyrelated link-ups.

Swindon "ÌÚ× ÞÓåæ `_ ë×Óäå have been a åæäçÙÙÞ× Ï× é×ä× ÔçäåæÛàÙ Óæ æÚ× å×Óßå ÓàÖ åæäçÙÙÞÛàÙ æá Ù×æ ÚÓÞØ æÚ× ÖäÛè×äå Ûà æá ÞáÓÖ Óæ æÚ× åÓß× æÛß× ÌÚ× à×é åÛæ× ß×Óàå æÚ×ë ÕÓà çå× æÚ×Ûä áéà ÔÓëå ÓàëæÛß× ÕÓà áäÙÓàÛå× æÚ×Ûä Øä×ÛÙÚæ Ô×Øáä× æÚ× åáäæ Ûå Öáà× Ï× ÚÓè× ÖáÕÝ% Þ×è×ÞÞ×äå éÚÛÕÚ ßÓÝ× Ûæ åÓØ×ä æáá Áæ éÓå Ó ä×ÞÛ×Ø and a proud moment when é× áâ×à×Ö ØçÞÞë # Gavin Harsham, Operations Manager

Shiny new The belt runs the length of the hall

New site triples space and cuts the stress


hen a regional operations manager casually mentioned to James Richards-Morris that there might be a chance of moving to a purposebuilt new site, he was hooked. The old Swindon site was getting close to no longer being up to the job with just 13,000 sq ft of space and drivers preparing for their daily routes outside. So the conversation between Site Manager James and Line Manager Benoit Perignon came at the perfect time for the hardworking Wiltshire team. “As we got busier and busier, there was simply nowhere to go,” says James. “There was only room for 10 drivers under cover at a time. Now they can load up without getting soaked or cold.” Months of hard work and planning eventually saw the business’s investment bear fruit with the opening of our brand new site in the east of Swindon in September. Within weeks of opening, James’s team took on new postcodes and routes from the Bristol site which, in turn, helped out another partner operation. The new 40,000 sq ft site, which had à×è×ä Ô××à áÕÕçâÛ×Ö æááÝ ×ÛÙÚæ é××Ýå æá ý æ ÓàÖ has given the team a new lease of life. “We had a challenging Peak because of the postcode moves. But we got through it and now Ûæ å å×ææÞÛàÙ Öáéà â×áâÞ× Óä× ý àÖÛàÙ æÚÛàÙå ßçÕÚ easier and less stressful because they have extra space,” says James. “Because it’s completely new, you can make it your own straight away. There’s no refurb needed at all.” The site has tripled Swindon’s route capacity to 50 a day as well as boosting morale… and it all started with that comment from Benoit.

“Growth in volume meant that to provide Óà ×ü ×ÕæÛè× åÓØ× ×àèÛäáàß×àæ æá áçä åæÓü ÓàÖ åçââÞÛ×äå é× à××Ö×Ö ÔÛÙÙ×ä âä×ßÛå×å åá é× ÕáçÞÖ Ý××â Ö×ÞÛè×äÛàÙ Ó åçâ×äÛáä å×äèÛÕ× The nature and áâ×äÓæÛàÙ ß×æÚáÖ áØ æÚ× å×äèÛÕ× é× áü ×ä Õçåæáß×äå ÚÓå ÕÚÓàÙ×Ö éÛæÚ ÕäÛæÛÕÓÞ Ö×ÞÛè×äÛ×å Øäáß ß×ÖÛÕÓÞ âäáæ×ÕæÛè× áä ØááÖ åçââÞë ÕáçâÞ×Ö éÛæÚ æÚ× ×àÖ%áØ%ë×Óä È×ÓÝ åá é× ÕáçÞÖà æ Þ×æ Óàëáà× Öáéà Ï× ä× Ô×ææ×ä ÞáÕÓæ×Ö ÓàÖ Øáä ßÓàë æ×Óß ß×ßÔ×äå Ûæ ß×Óàå ×ÓåÛ×ä æäÓè×Þ æá éáäÝ ¾áä ËéÛàÖáà Ûæ ÚÓå ß×Óàæ à×é ÓàÖ ßáä× éáäÝ áââáäæçàÛæÛ×å Ûà Ó æÚäÛèÛàÙ ÓàÖ ÛàÕä×ÖÛÔÞë ×êÕÛæÛàÙ áäÙÓàÛåÓæÛáà ÓàÖ ÛàÖçåæäë # Benoit Perignon, Regional Operations Manager – South West



You know IT makes sense »ÚÓäÛæë ÚÓÛÞå ¼ÀÄ ÈÓäÕ×Þ Íà Óå Ûæå åßÓÞÞ åÕä××à Ú×äá


Broadening minds Youngsters in ÅÓÞÓéÛ Ô×à×ý æÛàÙ Øäáß æÚ× à×é ÝÛæ

Africa charity, which has so far given 5.3 million children access to IT across Africa. A new delivery of upgraded monitors meant 26 unwanted ones and their power cables were going spare, so Michael contacted the UK charity. Its UK Operations Manager Simon Richardson says: “A big thank you to DHL for the recent donation of equipment. The monitors have arrived in Malawi and are already changing lives. “Donations like this make a ÔÛÙ ÖÛü ×ä×àÕ× Ûà æÚ× Íà ÓàÖ Africa and let us provide pathways into training and employment.” People helped by the packages include the unemployed, people åçü ×äÛàÙ Øäáß ß×àæÓÞ áä physical disabilities, special needs students and schoolchildren. Once checked and sent by Michael, the consignment was retested by some of the 120 volunteers before being sent on æá àáà%Ùáè×äàß×àæÓÞ organisations in Africa.

oungsters at schools in Malawi are now stepping up their education, thanks to a donation from our Ryton headquarters. Nearly 30 computer monitors once çå×Ö Ôë áçä áÿ Õ×%ÔÓå×Ö æ×Óßå ÞÓàÖ×Ö Ûà the southeast African country by boat for distribution recently. They are now installed in at least two schools for children to learn about IT and broaden their career opportunities through greater access to ×%Þ×ÓäàÛàÙ Michael Ladkin, our IT Service Desk Manager, was the brains behind the delivery to the IT Schools

ËÕÓà æá ý àÖ áçæ ßáä× Óæ


105,000 computers and laptops collected in the UK


volunteers welcomed at IT Schools Africa

5.3 million

children given access to IT in Africa


new school e-learning labs in Africa

PAULA’S PERFECT FOR THE JOB Vastly experienced Paula Gardiner is to join the DHL Parcel UK family in April. She will take over as Vice President HR ÓØæ×ä a_ ë×Óäå Ûà Ó àçßÔ×ä áØ ÖÛü ×ä×àæ ÀÊ roles across the business, most recently at the HR helm of DHL Supply Chain UK’s transport and Tradeteam businesses, éÚ×ä× åÚ× ÚÓå Þ×Ö æÚ×Ûä Ô×åæ%Ûà%ÕÞÓåå

16 Yello!

Driving Ambition programme and changes in their approach to driver resourcing. She has also been a strong supporter of responsibility initiatives through the DHL Foundation in the UK, as a sponsor of Trucks and Child Safety and the Street League helping people into employment. Find out more about Paula in the next Yello!

image to be supplied

Data protection

s t h g i r r u o y w Kno s e i t i l i b i s n o p s and re Do you follow the data do’s and don’ts?


ow would you feel if your personal details, pictures, bank details or health and family life information fell into the hands of the wrong people? Perhaps this has already happened to you? When personal data is misused, there can be harmful consequences such as identity æÚ×Øæ Þ×ÓÖÛàÙ æá ý àÓàÕÛÓÞ Þáåå loss of access to services and employment opportunities, and discrimination. That’s why it’s important to ensure we all do all we can to safeguard the personal data DHL holds. This is crucial to help us retain our reputation as a trusted carrier and employer of choice. Data Protection Manager Sarah Hewitt and (inset) Adviser Georgie Lees are leading a campaign to help us stop,

think and check that we understand how to handle data appropriately and safely. “We have a great reputation as a trusted brand and much of that is down to the diligence of our drivers and warehouse teams,” says Sarah, adding: “When things do go wrong, it’s often due to human error or a mistake where someone sends an email with information attached to a third party, or a driver under pressure leaves paperwork on view.” The Data Protection team are here to support you. Georgie says: “Our aim is to raise awareness of our responsibilities and to help DHL respect everyone’s right to privacy, including colleagues and customers. If you feel unsure or have any concerns, please get in touch. We’re here to support you.”

¼¹Ì¹ ˹¾½ÌÑ > ÁÌ Ë ¹Ë ½¹ËÑ ¹Ë ` a b We take breaches of data security seriously at DHL and ask that: O You never leave your scanner unattended O You always ensure your driver run sheet is secure and returned to your site at the end of the day

O When taking photographic proof of delivery (POD), ensure there are no members of the public captured in the image. Our customers expect us to take care of their data. For help, contact Sarah ÓàÖ ¿×áäÙÛ× Óæ ¼ÓæÓÈäáæ×ÕæÛáàÇÿ Õ×ä

STAY ON TOP OF YOUR DATA The team have set up a Data Protection Knowledge and Resource Centre on SharePoint to give advice and help prevent any incidents. It includes information on:


Security of personal data – Stopping sensitive information getting into third-party hands Always: O Make sure computer screens are locked when unattended O Keep your paper manifest sheets secure in your van O Use strong passwords and don’t share them with anyone O Keep your handheld devices secure at all times O Keep information about colleagues áä Õçåæáß×äå Õáàý Ö×àæÛÓÞ O Share information only on a needto-know basis.

“Once DHL pass data on to you about customers, you are responsible for it until it is passed back to the business and disposed of or destroyed.” Sarah Hewitt (right)


Purpose – The ‘when and how’ of personal data Always: O Use the personal data supplied to DHL for the sole purpose for which it was provided. Never take data collected for one purpose and use it Øáä åáß×æÚÛàÙ ÖÛü ×ä×àæ O Make use of personal data how customers would expect you to.


Accurate and up to date – ensuring data is relevant Make sure: O Personal data isn’t kept for any longer than necessary O To carry out regular data cleansing if you’re a Site Manager or IT user.




Phil your boot The Basildon manager and (left) Ryton’s collection

...and Wow! Huge-hearted colleagues put a smile on sick youngsters’ faces


hat started as a site initiative to help poorly children separated from their families has grown into a national lifeline… thanks to our teams up and down the UK. Phil Brown had no idea his project would snowball, but within three years the trickle of presents donated to his Basildon site has turned into a deluge… thanks to colleagues around the country. Perfumes, headphones and even scooters were among the new gifts that made Christmas a little brighter for hundreds of teenagers at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

“The support from people within DHL around the UK has been phenomenal. I just can’t thank them enough for their kindness,” says the stunned Site Manager. “When you see families having Christmas dinner with their children days before Christmas Day because they’re going in for an op it’s heartbreaking and really makes you think.”

Bigger van

Phil has been delivering gifts in what has become known as the Santa Run for three years, but the drive was curtailed in 2020 because of the pandemic. He says: “It started in 2018 just in this part of Essex and then we brought the South East Region on board in 2019. Last year it went national and more than half

of our sites donated. We wanted presents for slightly older children as the little ones are usually inundated – some people gave amazingly high-value goods.” ¾áä æÚ× ý äåæ æÛß× ( Ô×ÕÓçå× ÚÛå æ×Óß did such a great job during Peak – Phil was able to deliver the presents into the ¿ÇËÀ »ÚÓäÛæë Çÿ Õ×å Ûà ÄáàÖáà ÚÛßå×ÞØ “They lay them out and the nurses come along and pick the gifts they think their patients will like. They were so thrilled and couldn’t believe how generous the people at DHL had been. “We’ll do it next year and with the incredible generosity that clearly exists in our business I might need a bigger van.”

Jumper round for charity When we asked you to don your most garish Christmas jumpers for charity in the run-up to the big day, you came up with some crackers. Basildon boys (far left and l to r), Operations Manager Dan Smith and Service Partners Willie McCardle and

18 Yello!

Paul Haycock-Downs, edged it ahead áØ æÚ× ½àý ×ÞÖ ý è× *Þ æá ä+ Çâ×äÓæÛáàå Manager Harry Woolger, Operations Supervisor Colin Jackson and Operations Clerks Mariana Magurean, Mario McKenzie and Fahim Mojumder who got festive for Save the Children.

Pride in our


Shout out to our loyal long (and not-so-long) servers

Roger’s four-word secret to success – ‘work hard, have fun’


’ve worked at the same place for 30 years and you have your up days and down days, but it’s always still great fun and very rewarding.” That, in a nutshell, is why Operations Manager Roger Hughes still leaves home with a spring in his step each morning. Oh, and for a brew and some banter with the team. The father of two grown-up children, he’s worked his way up through the Warehouse and Operations teams at our Richmond Road site in Manchester since joining from school in 1992. And he’s happy to admit he’s more likely than not to make it another 20 years: “Why would you want to leave a top team at a place where everyone has each other’s back?” After starting as a Warehouse Operative, he quickly had the role of ÌäÓÿ Õ »Þ×äÝ "æÚäçåæ çâáà# ÚÛß Ô×Øáä× graduating to become an Operations Supervisor as business started to grow.

“I’ve done pretty much all the jobs on site and believe in äçààÛàÙ Ó ä×ÓÞÞë ×ÿ ÕÛ×àæ åÚÛâ working hard and then having a brew and a chat with the team. Áæ å éáäÝ ÚÓäÖ âÞÓë ÚÓäÖ Ú×ä× # Roger, who joined DHL as football’s Premier League was born and Whitney Houston topped the charts with I Will Always Love You, says: “I’m not really into football but know enough to join in with the conversations among the team.

30 years Roger Hughes Manchester

25 years Mark Grey Norwich Clive Hayward Leeds Evelyn Bustard Docklands

20 years Richard Wenham Ryton George Currie Leicester Wilton Miller Bristol Mohammed Ifraz Birmingham

15 years Harry Smith Runcorn Janet Dixon Leeds David Rowell Newcastle Brian Fell Livingston Darren Ward Leicester Jonathan Wilkins Ryton Peter Searle Eastleigh Roger that! Longserving star drinks to many more years

Stephen Evans »ÓäÖÛü

10 years “As far as showing a bit of love is concerned, I’ve got to say that DHL really Öá×å æä×Óæ Ûæå åæÓü éÛæÚ ä×åâ×Õæ ÓàÖ dignity and it’s got better and better in recent years. It never used to be like that, back in the day.” The other major change he’s seen is in the way health and safety is handled on site, with reporting and Gemba walks now part of the routine. “The emphasis is very much on making sure our valued people get home safely at the end of the day and everyone buys into it,” he says. “It’s just an all-round great place to work. “It’s like a family. I actually work with a bloke who I went to primary school with. In all honesty I will stay here because I love the people and I love the job.”

Carl Markie Wellingborough Andrew Cowley Teeside David Smith Medway Samantha Turki Ryton John Holmes Glasgow Marcus Miller Exeter Paul Fowers Exeter Zoe Vanderhoeven Ryton Richard Littlewood Ryton Paul Hale Bristol Lokendra Gurung Aldershot



! n i W Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite Tablet

With an 8.7” touch display screen, Dolby speakers and a 2MP front-facing camera and the 8MP rear camera with autofocus, this tablet ticks all the boxes whether ëáç ä× Ó ý Þß ØáÞÞáé×ä áä åáÕÛÓÞ ß×ÖÛÓ å×Þý × Þáè×ä ¾áä Ó ÕÚÓàÕ× æá éÛà Ó ËÓßåçàÙ ¿ÓÞÓêë ÌÓÔ ¹f ÄÛæ× ý àÖ the answer to the question below in this issue of Yello!

YOU COULD BE A WINNER! It’s easy – simply email your answer to yello_ecsuk@dhl. com or text 07860 021367

»ÞáåÛàÙ ÖÓæ× 17 May 2022

Q What is the name of our new continuous improvement programme? (see p6-7) Terms and conditions: Entry to our competition is free. To enter, you must be a DHL Parcel UK colleague. You can only ×àæ×ä æÚ× Õáßâ×æÛæÛáà áàÕ× ÓàÖ æÚ× ý äåæ ×àæäë â×ä ÕáÞÞ×ÓÙç× éÛÞÞ Ô× ÓÕÕ×âæ×Ö ÌÚ× éÛàà×ä éÛÞÞ Ô× å×Þ×Õæ×Ö Óæ äÓàÖáß Øäáß ÓÞÞ ×ÞÛÙÛÔÞ× ×àæäÛ×å ½ÖÛæáä å Ö×ÕÛåÛáà Ûå ý àÓÞ ÓàÖ àá ÕÓåÚ ÓÞæ×äàÓæÛè× éÛÞÞ Ô× áü ×ä×Ö We collect your details, name, ÕáàæÓÕæ àçßÔ×ä ÓàÖ ÓÖÖä×åå åáÞ×Þë Øáä æÚ× âçäâáå× áØ âäáÕ×ååÛàÙ ÓàÖ å×Þ×ÕæÛàÙ Ó Õáßâ×æÛæÛáà éÛàà×ä ÌÚ× éÛàà×ä éÛÞÞ Ô× ÕáàæÓÕæ×Ö ÓàÖ æÚ×Ûä àÓß× éÛÞÞ Ô× âäÛàæ×Ö Ûà æÚ× à×êæ ×ÖÛæÛáà Ñáçä ÖÓæÓ Ûå àáæ åÚÓä×Ö éÛæÚ Óàë æÚÛäÖ âÓäæë ÓàÖ Ö×Þ×æ×Ö ÓØæ×ä æÚ× Õáßâ×æÛæÛáà ÚÓå ý àÛåÚ×Ö ÓàÖ æÚ× éÛàà×ä Õáàý äß×Ö ½àæäÛ×å ßçåæ Ô× ä×Õ×Ûè×Ö Ôë `f ÅÓë a_aa

The winner of the lest edition’s competition to win an Apple TV HD Box éÓå ÊÛæ×åÚ ÃÓÕÚÚéÓÚÓ Ó ¼äÛè×ä »áàæäáÞÞ×ä at our Thames Valley site

Andrew’s our weekly wonder T


ßáà×ë Øáä ¿ƋÞ »ëßäç Ó ÕÚÛÞÖä×à å ÕÚÓäÛæë æÚÓæ he thought of running 52 half marathons Ú×Þâå çàÖ×äâäÛèÛÞ×Ù×Ö ëáçàÙåæ×äå Ûà ÏÓÞ×å ÓàÖ Ûà da é××Ýå éáçÞÖ Ô× ×àáçÙÚ æá ý ÞÞ ßáåæ beyond, wasn’t quite as daunting. of us with dread. And Andrew Dowling was no "ÌÚ×ä× é×ä× æÛß×å éÚ×à Á ÓÕÚ×Ö ÓÞÞ áè×ä exception… until he took on the challenge and or it was pouring, but I had to do it. Once I’d ÖÛåÕáè×ä×Ö Óàë áÔåæÓÕÞ×å é×ä× ÓÞÞ Ûà ÚÛå Ú×ÓÖ áè×äÕáß× æÚÓæ ß×àæÓÞ ÕÚÓÞÞ×àÙ× Ûæ Ø×Þæ Ùä×Óæ # “I came across all sorts of barriers trying to he says, adding: “It’s really helped in my work complete each half marathon, from mental at DHL too and I try to take each challenge that block and physical strain to the dreadful we’re faced with as a team each day, and turn it é×ÓæÚ×ä Ôçæ Á áè×äÕÓß× æÚ×ß ÓÞÞ # åÓëå áçä Ûàæá Ó âáåÛæÛè× ¹ÞÞ Ûæ æÓÝ×å Ûå Ó ÔÛæ áØ ÙäÛæ # »ÓäÖÛü -based Key Account Manager. The half marathon idea came during The father-of-two is no stranger to ÞáÕÝÖáéà "Á çå×Ö æá æäÓè×Þ Úáß× ÓàÖ ÕäÛåÛå ÓØæ×ä åÓèÛàÙ Ó Ø×ÞÞáé äçàà×ä away watching Wales play football who had a heart attack during It’s not too late to add to the and we had supporter matches the 2019 Dublin Marathon. So £1,478 already against host teams to raise money, taking on the challenge to raise raised and change but that had to stop so I did this.” young lives. Some of the money from his ÎÛåÛæ Úææâå ,,ÞàÝÖ ÞÓæ×åæ ×ü áäæå é×àæ æá ºçàÖÞ×å Ó in/eyc9yqfy children’s charity in Newport near his Úáß× èÛÞÞÓÙ× áØ Ìáà È×àæä× And the dedicated family man has a word áØ ÓÖèÛÕ× Øáä Óàëáà× ÕáàåÛÖ×äÛàÙ æÓÝÛàÙ áà Ó challenge outside work: “Do what makes you ÚÓââë Ô×ÕÓçå× Ûà ä×æçäà ëáç ÞÞ ý àÖ ëáçä ÜáÔ Ó Þáæ easier because you’ll be mentally stronger.” It’s not too late to donate at fundraising/andrewdowlingwales

Don Howie’s Allison Wonderland have opened up a commanding lead at the top of the DHL Fantasy league but Vishal Popat has emerged from nowhere to turn up the heat. Watch this space!

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