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One day I came home from third grade and told my parents I wanted to be an artist. For the rst time but undoubtedly not the last, I was told I could not make a living doing what I loved. At the time I went back to angrily coloring with crayons, believing art was limited to a piece of paper. Looking back at my 9-year-old self, I smile and laugh as I remind myself art is everywhere. Art is in the way you present yourself, art is in landscapes and sounds, art is in the way the birds' chirp or the wordless music in the elevator, even the simplest things as the even-ness of a book’s pages contain art. This non-conventional form of art is the art I love to surround myself with as a new designer.

Since I joined the University of Georgia, I have adopted many more ambitions in life. However, becoming an artist never dulled. I hope to complete a master's in architecture after completing my bachelors in landscape architecture. When I join the workforce, I want to be at the forefront of technology collaborating with the greatest minds to create the next best advancement in architecture. Sounds like a dream, yet every day these dreams are becoming a reality with 3D printed homes to end homelessness and sustainable infrastructure to combat CO2 emissions, and I want to be a part of it. Not only creating solutions but making art in the process. One day I hope to be able to tell my 9-year-old self I have made a living doing what I love.

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