Madeline Duyck social media portfolio
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About the Author About the Professor #IntCom Success Stories My Classmates Twitter History of the Internet How Tech Enabled PR/A Research Blogs
Dedication For Deus X. Machina “Life is too precious to be left to chance.’
About the Professor
About the Author Madeline Duyck Madeline Duyck began her adventure as a minipirate in rural Oregon. One day her mind began to rotate on its own axis, dancing to perdition in waltz time as it descended into Southern California’s gurgling maw. She merely watched the stars spinning around overhead and listened to the ocean begin to roar, then dove headfirst in. The freedom is simple and the beauty is too good to pass up.
Cory O’Connor
Cory O’Connor is a very special professor simply because he cares about his students and he cares about building relationships in the classroom. He is the kind of professor who will pause the class, look you in the eye and ask how you are doing today, then wait for an answer. He is capable of both teaching and learning simultaneously. This aristocratic method that he applies to our classroom provides each student a feeling of ownership and inspires us to be invested in our own education. Each day we may not know exactly how the class will twist and turn, but similary we don’t know how internet communications will change each day.
Credentials - Graduate of Harvard Business School - Nine years at The Disney Channel Sr VP, Synergy Programming and Communications - Chief Marketing Officer, American Film Institute
Success Stories
#IntCom Internet Communications #Intcom is a business course for Public Relations and Advertising professionals at Chapman University where we cultivate our skills in persuasion and empathy. We work toward seamless integrated marketing communication and a deep understanding of the everchanging World Wide Web.
Three Big Ideas 1. We live in a tri-polar world. You + Me + Synergy 2. I am a recovering Narcissist 3. We must always empathize in order to mobilize others into creating a world better than the one we live in now.
Con Bro Chill: Connor Martin Connor Martin is a Chapman University Public Relations and Advertising Alumnus who has built his own personal brand using tools he learned in #intcom. The alter-ego “Con Bro Chill” was first a series of YouTube videos directed by Connor’s brother SAMM, since then it has developed into a full band and Connor has been drafted to the Denver Outlaws professional Lacrosse team. Under the alias Con Bro Chill, Connor has developed ridiculous dynamic, fun, absurd, creative, and life loving brand. Certainly a goofy and fun loving Chapman University PR/A success story.
Miss California: Noelle Freeman Noelle Freeman is Miss California 2011 and is a Chapman University Public Relations and Advertising Alumnus who built her personal brand to show the true day to day life of being Miss California and establishing herself as an excellent role model and spokesperson for the Official Miss California Scholarship Organization. The tools she uses to broadcast her life with her fans were skills she learned in #intcom.
My Classmates Abby Lucas
@Msabbypaige “Taking a Deeper Look into the Foster Care System”
Cale Skagen @caleskagen “Cale Skagen”
David Dye
@_DavidDye “Sexism in Reality TV”
Margaret Smith
Ronda Kalaji
Yuka Tomita
@MissMrSmith “Speaking Up for Kids”
@Rondakalaji “The M-Word”
@yukatomita “Reduce, Reuse Recycle: Let’s start with Reduce”
Adora Malcolm @adorajade “Be Love Now”
Casey McAdams
Emily Weisenberger
Michelle Ferraro
Ryan Massey
Bryan Green
Alex Quinion
Charlotte Kurner
Geneieve Lau
Myles Scovill
Shane Hegeman
Selina Steward
Chelsea Gregory
Jennifer Lima
Vinnie Finn
Sarah Waldorf
@AlexQuinion “Taking a Deeper Look into the Foster Care System”
Amy Logan
@amyklogan “Healthy Panther”
My Classmates
@Caseymcadams “Sex Shouldn’t Sell”
@CKurner “A Diagnosis in the Family”
@Chels_Gregory “Battle Against the Bottle Caps”
@EmilyJayeW “Support Autism Speaks”
@Genevieveeelau “Orange, Why You No Go Green?”
@JennNicoleLima “Just Breathe”
@michashfer “Find your Flow to Let Go”
@MylesScovill “From Ashes”
Patrick Quinn @quinnchillin “Uncensor South Park”
@Ryan_Massey “It’s your Life, Get it Together”
@shanehegeman “Hungry Panther”
@vinniefinn “Copywrite Revamp”
@bryanmgreen “Internet Connections”
@LamodeEnNoir “Color Television”
@SarahMWaldorf “Lens for Change”
What is Twitter? Twitter is something beyond sharing what you had for lunch today. It is a a site for sharing updates and experiences, where individuals can share updates about their life within 140 characters and each of these updates can be linked to others through hashtags. This linking of events lead to trending topics that are essentially the heartbeat of the community, they tell you what everyone is talking about. For something so simple in its core functionality and after many years using it, it is a struggle to explain it. One thing that is unquestionable is that it’s changing. This constant evolution is powered by the users rather than by Twitter themselves. While it was highly social at first (and still is), it’s moved towards a platform for sharing news and links. Self promotion is rife, and Twitter gives everyone, from publishers to celebrities, the potential to expand their brand and audience. Twitter shapes everything from news to politics, and increasingly the people who influence traditional media rely on it as a source for inspiration and up to date information. Businesses use it for everything from innovative campaigns to customer service. It can be a real time search engine as well as an extra level of interaction for TV shows and sporting events. Below are examples of twitter users attempting to describe twitter in 140 characters or less. A medium where you can post/say whatever, interact, find new things, make friends, get news, and be a nerd in whatever you choose! @xtinaluvspink
A boutique publishing house where I am the author and editor.
People talking about what they want, when they want, while listening to what interests them, what friends say and what’s directed at them. @martinSS Twitter unites.
Twitter = ham radio of the 21st century. @leahzeldes
It’s how the narcissistic keep in touch with the feckless.
Twitter in #IntCom
Communicate with Professor Professor O’Connor was always available via twitter and responded promptly to all quesitons. Since we communicated on the #incom hashtag each of my clasmates could see the question I posted and benefit from the answer.
Communicate with Classmates As my classmates and I continued through the semester each of us formed a personal realtionship with our classmates as we congratulated each other on our triumphs, complained about our late nights doing work and kept the discussions in class continuing beyond our in-class time.
Communicate with Companies Our class established an ongoing twitter iniative with the #projectpink hastag that is sponsored by Puma and promotes raising breast cancer awareness and research. Our class continually tweeted throughout the semester and maintained pride in the pink.
History of the Internet America Transforms from an Industrial Economy to an Information Economy 1957 1969
After the Russian’s launch of Sputnik, Dwight D. Eisenhower saw the need for Advanced Reserach Projets Agency (ARPA). Several years later they began to focus on computer networking and secure communications technology. UCLA attempts to log onto the Stanford computer and try to send data. Started by typing “login” to see if the letters would appear on Stanford’s computer. “Do you see the L?” “Yes, we see the L,” “Do you see the O.” “Yes, we see the O.” Then UCLA typed the G, and the system crashed...
How Technology Enabled PR/Ad Communications shift from top-down to networked
Radio & Television
World Wide Web
Senator Al Gore introduced and steered to passage the High Performance Computing Act which creates a national, high-speed computer network to increase reserach and development of high performance technologies.
The Internet becomes privatized giving rise to the commercial pubic interest.
Marks Entrance of:
Segmented and grouped for each interest group Mass Communication Model - One message for all
Consumers Investors Reporters ...
One-on-one -Direct communiation with consumers
Evolution of Website Management
But the Revolution had Begun.
Social Media
Internet Technicians develop company websites
IT goes commercial seeing the platform’s benefits
PR & Advertisers elbow in when site becomes popular
PR/ Advertisers are in charge working with IT Dept.
Research Establishing Credibility The internet is where many people first look for information from doctor prognoses to restaurant recommendations, alternatively it is also the most incaccurate and fluid of places to store information due to the ease of publishing. Therefore the challenge of the internet is to rise above the fluff and pull your information to the forefront. This obstacle is best attained through credibility. It is easy to be fooled by the internet, so it is important to be critical of all of the information before you.
Tools for Succesful Surfing Is an excellent starting point to gain general information on any particular topic. A notable early study in the journal Nature said that in 2005, Wikipedia articles came close to the level of accuracy in EncyclopĂŚdia Britannica.
Case Study Frugal Dad The Frugal Dad is a blogger who believes basic money saving principles are the key to a debt free future for many families. The key to his success has been his simple and easy to interpret infographics, the downside is that these infographics occassionally riddled with false information. Lesson learned: Even pretty designs can be wrong.
Despite the decline in printed newspaper sales I believe there will always be a place for credible the well researched journalism that resides in the NY Times. Un impeachable credibility.
Website Report Card 1. Is it simple? 2. Is it updated & current? 3. Is the content relevant? 4. Does it look professional? 5. Quality graphics? 6. Quality fonts? 7. Is it consistently branded?
Thirteen measurements to serve as a guiding criteria for the quality, professionality and credibility of any website.
8. Is content fresh, not rehashed? 9. Is everything spelled properly? 10. Is flash animation used sparingly? 11. Is the site unique? 12. Is it easy to navigate? 13. Does each page load quickly?
Naked Conversations Six Pillars of Sucessful Blogging 1. Publishable.
Anyone can publish a blog. You can do it cheaply and post often. Each posting is instantly available worldwide.
2. Findable.
Through serch engines, people wil find blogs by sbject, byauthor, or both. The more you post, the more findable you become.
3. Social
The Blogosphere is one big conversation. Interesting topical converstaions move from site to site, linking to each other. Throuhg blogs people with shared interests build relationships unrestricted by geographic borders.
4. Viral
Information often spreads after through blogs than via a newsservice. No form of viral marketing matches the speed and efficiency of a blog.
5. Syndicatable
By clicking on an icon, you can get a free “home delivery” of RSS-enabled blogs into your email software. RSS lets you know when a blog you subscribed to is updated,saving you search time.
6. Linkable
Because each blog can link to all others, every blogger has access to the tens of millions of people who visit the blogosphere every day.
Case Studies Doing it Wrong There is one very simple rule for blogging, be real. If one is going to start a blog it is crucial that you are authentic. Keep you conversations naked. It is tempting to fall into traditional marketing techniques but they will not be well received within your audience. Mazda’s brief experience in the blogosphere serves as a cautionary tale for marketers and their blogging. Mazda released a very slick professional driving video footage filmed for a seriew of 30-second TV spots tat failed to win over Gen X drivers the company had targeted. The company’s ad agency reworded the footage into a blog allegedly authored by a chronically hip young urban driver. Within hours the blogosphere became aware of the deception resulting the clip failing and Mazda losing al credibility.
How not to get Dooced In the blogging world, getting fired for something in your blog is called getting “dooced.” Web designer Heather B. Armstrong coined the phrase in 2002 after she was fired for blogging on, her blog about her work and colleagues at Yahoo!. According to the Blogger’s Rights Blog, nearly 50 companies have disciplined or fired people for something they did on their blogs. It is necessary to be mindful and avoid blog-based mistakes, one must know your corporate culture and what it is and isn’t willing to accept. Danger zones include not matching up with the company’s PR image; leaking financial or other confidential information; disrupting the workplace by angering co-workers and bosses; breaking news in advance and generating unexpected work for the PR team; exposing dirty laundry; creating legal liabilities; and damaging the company’s relationships with partners, competitors or other entities that affect its standing.
Blogs My blog called ‘Revictimized.” The point or message of my blog is to provide a personal account of the effect rape has on an individual. Rape victims are stigmatized in our society. With this blog I hope to raise awareness that society’s perceptions about rape are outdated and illogical. It infuriates me that society can “empathize” can be shocked and can feel bad for the person who claims to have been raped, yet still manage to blame the victim for his/her actions. That is the revictimization that I wish to eliminate. For this blog, I employed photography, art, poetry, statistics, studies and personal accounts to establish my credibility and share my experience. The most incredible realization that came out of my first blogging experience was the incredible sense of community that started with comments and soon became a conversation and networking.
My favorite part of my blog is the gallery where I put up some of my art. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) involves a pattern of symptoms that some individuals develop after experiencing a traumatic event such as sexual assault. One important aspect of Art Therapy is the creation of a safe space where traumatic feelings can be processed. It is often difficult to verbalize the experiences because traumatic experiences have been found to be encoded in non-verbal imagery pathways of the mind. These images show up in both dreams and artwork.
Insomnia is my greatest inspiration.