Architecture Portfolio

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Madeline Dumagan

Bahay Kubo

Year completed: 2024

This project delves into the rich cultural and architectural significance of the bahay kubo, a traditional Filipino dwelling known for its unique design and ecological adaptability. The bahay kubo is not just a physical structure; it embodies the historical, social, and environmental narratives of the Philippines.

Software used:

Madeline Dumagan
Madeline Dumagan


Year completed: 2024

This thesis investigates how cultural values can be used to influence design and architectural thinking. Architecture should not deny anyone – especially migrants and healthcare staff – caring and welcoming spaces and environments. How do we create architecture that offers care and support to the migrant healthcare workers who provide care for us?

Software used:

Madeline Dumagan

Speaking Surfaces

Year completed: 2019

Speaking Surfaces is translated into a temporal strategy where it aims to reignite the connection between people and art within a gallery setting. The premise of the strategy is to present key prompts to the chosen artists and allocate time for a series of craft-based workshops. The prompts chosen for this programme is derived from existing facilities within the WM building. Design is all about community - whether it is about supporting an existing one or creating new ones. The gallery space comes alive from the interaction and participatory gestures of its visitors. Through the series of workshop, it allows visitors to express their creativity and presents the opportunity for individuals to display their work and be a part of a collective.

Software used:

Madeline Dumagan

Interior Study

Ongoing personal exploration

Digital illustration has been an important tool in my practice. An exploration of domestic living spaces through the use of minimal line illustration. An ongoing exercise.

Software used:

Madeline Dumagan

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