Nourish Magazine

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Contributor: Nicole Berrie

Contributor: Ella Ryan

Contributor: Joanne Mckay

Bio: Former associate editor at Vanity Fair, Nicole has written for numerous magazines and newspapers. She is an avid home cook and culinary explorer.

Bio: Born and raised in Australia, Ella is a yoga, fitness and health junky. Working as a fashion stylist before attending the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Bio: Joanna’s laid back lifestyle being a beach babe, and modelling a lot in New Zealand, Australia and Bali. She is currently setting up her own fashion label.

Instagram/Twitter: @nberrie

Instagram/Twitter: @Ryan_Ella

Instagram/Twitter: @joannemckay

Claire Sullivan Editor-in-chief & Publisher Creative Director Anna Coe Operations Manager Ivan Segedin Advertising Manager Samantha Saxton-Beer –


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Nourish is published bi-monthly by Yoobee Media: ACG Yoobee School of Design, Level 1, 3 City Road, Grafton, Auckland 1010 2014. All rights reserved. Advertising statements and editorial options expressed in Nourish do not necessarily reflect the views of Notoriety Marketing Limited and its staff. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Advertising in Nourish is subject to Notoriety Marketing Limited’s advertising terms and conditions which can be viewed at This magazine is for educational purposes only. ISSN 2253-1602

Content Mikoh Sister’s

Kalani & Oleema Miller raised by a family of surfers, the Miller sisters not only embody beach babeness, but natural beauty. The Miller sisters’ brand, Mikoh is founded upon a lifestyle and love of the sea. Page 4


Six summer must haves

Summer is around the corner find out the top six must haves, if you are going to the beach or pool to hang out with friends. Find out what’s in our survival kit. Page 16

Workout essentials

Recipes of fresh juices made from organic fruit and vegetables combined together to create delicious healthy nutritious juice to start off your day.

Top workout essentials to help you look good while training hard to make your body ready for the summer time sun. Be bright, bold and colourful while you are working out at the gym.

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Loni Jane Anthony

CrossFit’s Darren Ellis

We have a girl crush and her name is Loni Jane Anthony. The Australian model/ blogger’s colourful feed of fruit salad bowls, caramel-tanned limbs and Alexander Wang jerseys captured our hearts. Page 12

Darren Ellis, owner of CrossFit NZ, is on a mission to help regular people get fitter and healthier than they ever thought possible, through good old fashioned hard work and real food, delivered in a supportive team environment. Page 18

Mikoh’s Kalani & Oleema Miller By Nicole Berrie Photo Courtesy of Mikoh “THE OCEAN CURES ALL,” reads a watercolour drawing on the Instagram of Mikoh, the cult West Coast-based swimwear brand hatched by sister duo Oleema and Kalani Miller. It’s an apt phrase, after all, the Miller sisters’ brand is founded upon a lifestyle and love of the sea. Since launching, the girls have earned a devout following thanks to their undeniably flattering, candy-coloured swimsuits that instantly transport the wearer to a tropical paradise-even if they’re roofing it in downtown Manhattan. Raised by a family of surfers, the Miller sisters not only embody beach babeness, but a natural beauty that only the truly-centred possess. Case in point: Their routine regimen include conscious breathing, acupuncture and infrared sauna. Need we say more? We caught up with the designer duo via email where they shared their philosophy on how to look gorg on the beach, their healthy habits and indulgences and why the ocean, truly, cures all.

What are the best secrets to feeling beautiful wearing a bikini? Kalani: I think that the number one thing to feeling beautiful on the beach is confidence. It truly comes across when you feel confident and happy with the skin that you are in and proud of your body. A cute bikini doesn’t hurt, either especially a Mikoh one. Oleema: Confidence is key and I think that comes from feeling beautiful from the inside out. I find that when you’re on a good regimen of working out, eating healthy, and just enjoying life is when you feel the most beautiful. It’s all sounds pretty simple but people find it hard to grasp. Growing up at the beach and near the water, how did that influence your connection with the outdoors and staying active? Is staying active important to you? Kalani: We have been lucky enough to always call the beach our second home. We grew up a stone’s throw away from the beach and my best memories were being piled in our family suburban with my siblings and parents and going on surf trips up and down the California coast. I think that having the ocean and its energy instilled in us at such a young age allowed us to always feel centred by the ocean. Currently, I am in Fiji, and days are filled with fishing, surfing, and snorkelling. I also dove and saw three black tip sharks for the first time the other day. When you have an ocean centred life, being active comes hand in hand.

Oleema: Our entire lives have and always will revolve around the ocean and has played the biggest role in shaping who I am. There is no better feeling than being in the ocean and at the beach—it is the cure for anything and everything. Being and staying active is imperative and I find myself the most happy when outdoors. What is your favourite fitness activity? Kalani: I recently have gotten very into pilates and I am hooked! I love the quick results from pilates and the strengthening in the core. It is hard when you are always traveling to have a normal schedule though. I spend a lot of time in the ocean. Beach walks with weights are also great for toning and when Oleema and I walk we usually mix in squats and lunges. I love just being in the ocean and the sunshine. Surfing is a great way and fun way to get naturally toned. Oleema: Our family grew up surfing and I spent a majority of my childhood in the ocean and at the beach. There is no better feeling in the world than being in the sea with mother nature surrounding you—it is the most peaceful and centring activity for me. For a more specific workout, I love doing pilates on the reformer machines—best booty workout ever.

Nourish Magazine


How would you describe each of your approach to food and nutrition? Kalani: I am extremely into the food that I put into my body. We always grew up eating healthy, but in the last few years I have definitely gotten even more in touch with food and nutrition. An important thing to me is taking my vitamins. Being on the road constantly, it’s good and makes me feel more normal and quicker to beat the jet lag when I have my vitamins. Everyday, I take a multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin B, vitamin D, Calcium and Magnesium, and a couple other here and there. I also love drinking fresh juices that are mostly veggie based. Other than that, I think it is important to eat a healthy diet, drink loads and loads of alkaline water and I love green tea. Eating healthy just makes me feel better all around. But, it is also important to enjoy a great In-N-Out burger (protein style!) or some chocolate time to time. Oleema: Kalani is definitely more focused on eating healthy than I am. I try to eat as clean as possible though. I’m a huge fan of eating a ton of greens, fish, fresh fruit, lots of water, and the morning ritual of hot water with lemon followed by a green smoothie. We grew up eating very healthy so it’s something that is ingrained into us. Although, somehow a ridiculous amount of ice cream finds it’s way into my freezer and I will forever be a slave to a great piece of dark chocolate. Describe your day when it comes to meals, drinks, snacks form morning to bedtime. Kalani: In the morning, I like to start my day with a green shake with fresh greens, protein powder and coconut milk or water. If I am on the road and greens aren’t always accessible, I like to travel with green powders of all of my favourite super greens. I also add


chia, hemp seeds, and I really enjoy kale and spinach into my smoothie. Occasionally, my boyfriend will sneak a raw organic egg or two into the smoothie. As long as I don’t see it, I don’t think about the raw egg and I will drink it. I love having fresh hard boiled eggs in the morning along my green smoothie. Sometimes I will have a gluten free piece of toast with almond butter, coconut butter and some fresh bananas. I also love starting my day with a hot green tea. At lunch, I usually have a chicken salad or some sort of protein on a bunch of greens and fresh veggies. At dinner, I would have some cooked quinoa, pan cooked fish, and some satay veggies and who can resist a good glass of red wine. I love sushi as well. Also, throughout the day, I always have a water by my side. I like to follow dinner with some dark chocolate and a good peppermint tea. I love also making fresh peppermint and fresh cut ginger tea to help with digestion. Oleema: I like to wake up early. Right after I wake up, I go into my kitchen, turn on the kettle, squeeze some fresh organic lemon into a big mug and will drink that with some hot water. After that, I usually will take my little Pomeranian pup Panda on a walk down to the beach in front of my house. She loves the beach as much as I do and it feels so good to start the day by being outdoors and by the ocean. I’ll come home from there and will make a green smoothie—my favourite is a combination of coconut water, kale, spinach, blueberries, strawberries, banana, chia seed, flax seed oil, and bee pollen. For lunch I love making a big green salad with everything and anything in it—I love kale, spinach, fish, avocado, sunflower seeds, really anything that tastes good. For dinner, nothing beats sushi. There’s this great place right down the street from my house that I can walk to and I try to go at least once a week – it’s the best. I love ending the day with a great cup of chamomile tea while laying in bed—for some reason it always feels a bit indulgent. I always try to carry on the routine of working out and eating healthy but I think it’s more about balance.

Nourish Magazine

What is one non-negotiable thing you each do every day to feel healthy/balanced? Kalani: Drink water and try to smile. Something that I always like to tell myself is that “in every breath is a new opportunity” so every moment you have the ability to change. I think that when you smile and put that positive energy out there, good things will come in return. Oleema: Breathe. It is so important to me to just take in my surroundings no matter where I am in the world and to just enjoy the moment. I find myself holding my breath the second I get stressed and I just have to remind myself to take a deep breath and relax. Also, I absolutely need to have some sun on my skin—even if it’s the dead of winter and snowing I will find a way to get some sun. I guess it’s being a Southern California girl that comes out in me. What is your favourite guilty indulgence? Kalani: Sushi! I love going to delicious sushi spots and eating really delicious sushi. Also, I love a great glass of red wine at the end of the night a couple times of week. It is nice to bond with my boyfriend or my sister and share a glass at the end of the night. Oleema: Everything and anything sweet. I wish I didn’t have such a sweet tooth but I find myself constantly having lollies, chocolate, berries – really anything. I seem to always have something in my purse or freezer at all times, not the best habit but something that I have never been able to kick. Do you have a favourite self-care regimen? (Massage, acupuncture, etc.) If so, how often do you do it? Kalani: I have been going to acupuncture since I was about 12. Growing up with a Chinese mum, being open to Eastern medicine has always been the norm. Lymphatic drainage massage is also amazing and detoxing. Our dad also has a infrared sauna at their house. I love jumping in there after long flights and getting a good sweat going. Oleema: I have been getting lymphatic massages for over ten years now and there is nothing better then getting worked on. I try to go every few weeks as it’s best to be consistent. Also, I try to get outside every single day—no matter where I am out in the world and no matter the weather conditions. I think there is something very calming about being outside even if you’re in New York in the snow or in 115 degree weather in Bali. I also love taking baths in Apple Cider Vinegar—it sounds gross but it’s just the best. Very detoxifying and always makes you feel a bit lighter afterwards. I also love rubbing Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil all over my body and will it leave it in my hair overnight—it’s the best moisturiser and smells amazing.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received when it comes to taking care of your body/spirit? Kalani: Just be happy and enjoy everyday. You have the power to change anything in your life and everyone has the ability to be who and how they want to me. Oleema: To breathe, be present and in the moment, and to treat your body like a temple. It is so important to look after yourself—for me that means eating well, surrounding myself with good people and good surroundings, and being appreciative of the life I get to live. Nothing is better. About Mikoh Today, Kalani brings her education to bear on the business of Mikoh, Oleema’s focus is pure creative. As sisters and partners their talents balance perfectly. Both girls spend the year living out of their suitcases, gathering inspiration, exploring new lands, and immersing themselves in other cultures. Oleema and Kalani were raised in a family of surfers, designers, and lovers of the sea. Both were encouraged to explore creativity and selfexpression — Oleema through her passion for all things fashion, Kalani with paintbrush in hand. Creative expression was the spirit of the household and the water was a second home. The Mikoh brand was born of this lifestyle: swimwear for the confident modern woman, unique and wearable at home and abroad. Its name derives from the girls’ last name, Miller, as well as the first initial of Kalani and Oleema and their younger sister’s name, Hana. In Japanese, Miko is a term that once meant “ female shaman” or “ female prophecy.” MIKOH is synonymous with femininity, beauty and strength. The line fuses statement prints and colours from around the world with luxurious fabrics and modern fits. Each bikini is seamless and hardwarefree, designed to easily mix and match for one-of-a-kind styles. The collection has grown to include swimwear, ready-to-wear beach coverups, clothing for the traveller.  Follow Mikoh swimwear on their website and on instagram - @Mikoh_ also follow Kalani - @kalanimiller & Oleema - @oleemamiller and you can keep up to date with what the girls are up to with Mikoh.

Nourish Magazine


The Unbakery Cookbook

LITTLE BIRD Unbakery Cookbook For more information and to purchase The Unbakery Cookbook visit

4 Carrots Fresh grated ginger 1 Grapefruit 2 Orange 2 Apples 1/2 cup of coconut water Peel grapefruit and orange before a adding all ingredients to the juicer. Add in coconut water. Stir and enjoy!


Nourish Magazine

3 handfuls of spinach 2 Green apples Thumb sized amount of ginger 1 Half of a pineapple 1 Grapefruit *Optional addition: cayenne pepper Clean and prep all vegetables. Juice, stir and enjoy. *To boost your circulation and metabolism, sprinkle in some cayenne pepper before drinking.

Nourish Magazine


Loni Jane Anthony By Nicole Berrie Photography Courtesy of Loni Jane We have a girl crush and her name is Loni Jane Anthony. About a year ago while trolling through Instagram as we often do, we discovered a little (read: 240K followers and counting) account called @lonijane. We were smitten. Just one glance at the Australian model/blogger’s colourful feed of fruit salad bowls, caramel-tanned limbs and Alexander Wang jerseys made clear that we were social media soul sisters. Who else can down a gallon of watermelon juice or a pail of roasted potatoes in one sitting and not think twice? Below, we caught up with the self-avowed fruitarian/vegan who discussed her sometimes controversial approach to diet (read: carbs are NOT evil), what she eats everyday and how new found motherhood has changed her favourite activity—bath time.

How would you describe your approach to diet? My philosophy is a plant based (vegan) high carbohydrate, low fat, low sodium ‘lifestyle’. I try not to use the word ‘diet’ because it sounds temporary and this way of eating is for life! How has living a mainly fruit/vegan-based diet improved your health, and let’s be honest, your life aesthetically? It has changed my whole life for the better from every single angle. I am now thriving in health. I have fruits and veggies to thank for curing all my ill health problems, being able to create a beautiful vibrant family including a 100% vegan baby. And now I have a consistently lean body all year round without ever having to deprive myself or over train. My body is now balanced and I have a much stronger intuition to understand what I need. I used to have a constant cloud/fog over my head and now I have clarity and I see everything for what it truly is. I am great-full for all that this earth has to offer and I respect it like anyone should respect their mother.

Nourish Magazine


Take us through a day in the life when it comes to meals and routines. What do you do from wake to bedtime? Well, life has changed since having a bub but I still put myself on the list of top priorities because my health and vibrancy equals my family’s as well. I need to always make sure I have enough hydration and nutrition daily, to keep active and to get enough sleep because I now always need high energy to raise a child and manage the rest of my life, also to let my body produce nutritionally dense milk for the little one and let’s be honest you can’t do that with a body that is stressed, malnourished and exhausted. So when I wake up I drink water 500ml-1L and take a spoonful of black strap molasses. I get dressed while Rowdy plays and then make a smoothie or a juice, which is super quick to do then I will usually drink it while I feed him. Lunchtime while he usually takes a nap, I prepare a big raw salad, smoothie/bowl or a fruity meal and try to sit out in the sun and eat it while deep breathing. More playtime and feeding with Rowdy (we might go for a walk or something) and I will try get to emails and business stuff while he sleeps. Then it’s dinner time! I like to eat dinner around 4pm cause it gives me enough time to have my food digested before bed to let my body use the over night energy to heal my body and produce milk. (Instead of trying to digest food). Dinner will usually be a big salad along with a rice, potatoes or pasta creation (rice or corn pasta) or if I’m eating raw I will have a smoothie or smoothie bowl or a large raw salad. I also have a water bottle with me at all times to stay hydrated! I’ll take Rowdy in the bath with me a few like twice a week (other nights he has a shower with dad) and I sit him in his clip in mesh chair and it allows me to relax in the bath with him and I put a clay face mask on and coconut oil in my hair and sing to him. Then it’s bed time for him around 6pm. Once he is in bed I do a quick clean up of the house and put any washing on, get a few things ready for tomorrow then I’m off to bed around 8pm. Has being a new mum changed or enhanced your approach to your diet? The only thing have adjusted is eating more cooked food at dinner and adding more fats in like hemp, coconut, chia and avocado.

What is your guilty indulgence, do you ever cheat? Someone asked me this the other week and I couldn’t think of anything, hey? This lifestyle has gotten rid of those controlling cravings I used to have, which is awesome. But maybe my indulgence is going to vegan cafés/restaurants with friends and family once in a while and eating some gourmet vegan food! Like vegan nachos and pizzas. Yummmm. Do you have a fitness regimen? What are your favourite workouts? At the moment, I don’t cause I have a baby attached to me but I will be getting back into Bikram yoga soon and maybe a few group classes at the gym. I just like to keep my lifestyle active like walking daily, taking the stairs anywhere you are and swimming. And carrying a child 24/7 is a great workout too! We love your personal style, do you have favourite Aussie designers you love? Thank you, yes I certainly do! I love Dion Lee, First Base, Josh Goot, Maurie and Eve, Lilya, to name a few and I love love love vintage and thrift clothing, many will know how much Alexander Wang stuff I have. What is the best natural beauty tip you adhere to? Hydration inside and out! What are your favourite methods of self care (acupuncture, baths, massage) and how often do you do them? Salt baths, saunas (infrared is best) and dry skin brushing before baths or exercise to maximize healing. Baths I would have daily if I could! You can never have to many baths, my most recommended daily self care would be healthy eating. How would you describe your skincare regimen in the morning and night, including the products that you use? Skin care is so so simple these days I would have to say my best beauty essential is coconut oil, an exfoliating puff sponge and a dry skin brush. I literally use coconut oil for everything! My face, body, hair and mouth. I get up in the morning and wash my face with cold water and pat dry then spray on a hydrating mist (I make myself) it’s a combo of floral waters and other healing ingredients and let that dry. Then I apply either coconut or Vegesorb. If I’m wearing makeup that day I choose a mineral makeup by Bare Minerals ‘well rested concealer powder’ and their bronzer and that’s it. I am obsessed with brows so I must brush and gel my brows with Anastasia brow kit. And then I apply another spray of


Nourish Magazine

my hydrating mist to set the powder and add a dewy glow to my skin. During the day I just spray the mist when needed also to give me a bit of a hydro boost. At night before I get in the shower I rub in coconut oil onto my face and let it soak till I jump in the shower then I rinse it off and apply more and use a gentle exfoliating puff sponge to cleanse the makeup and dead skin off (your skin feels amazing after this!) And to moisturise I do the same as the morning. I do a face mask around twice a week which will be a mix of bentonite clay and I also like ‘glamglow’ youth mud. I used to dry brush daily every morning before bub was here but sometimes getting it in every day can be tricky but I still try to. I do it whenever I have a spare five mins. What is the biggest misconception on living on a high fruit/mostly vegan diet? That fruit makes you fat! Sooooo not true, that this lifestyle is expensive, when I now spend less on processed foods/snacks/alcohol and crappy products. I also used to spend so much money buying skin products all the time and getting expensive treatments done, which never worked. Nothing you apply on this outside will ever work if your inner health is poor. Lastly any advice on how to get a good night sleep? Get a routine! Go to bed around the same time and get up around the same time every day . Eat plants!! They create more melatonin and level out cortisol levels within the body which helps you sleep and wake better. Our bodies are naturally tuned in with light and darkness so waking up with the sun and going down with sun is optimal. Keep active during the day, do as much exercise as you can to help your body want to recharge at the end of a busy day. 

To find out more and to keep up to date with Loni’s life follow her on Instagram - @lonijane. Also check out her Tumblr blog - where she regularly posts recipes and health tips.

Nourish Magazine


1. Mikoh Barbadaos Lahaina 2. Country Road Beach Towel 3. Beach bag tote - 4. Le Specs Runaway sunglasses - 5. Nivea Suncream - 6. Havaianas Slim fit


Nourish Magazine

1. Reebok Crossfit Nanos 3.0 - 2. Lululemon Groovy Run shorts - 3. Nike Pro sports bra - 4. Brave EST Racerback - 5. Lululemon Scuba Hoodie - 6. Nike Drink bottle

Nourish Magazine


Darren Ellis on Cross Fit and Living a Healthy Life Darren Ellis, owner of Cross Fit NZ, New Zealand’s first Cross Fit gym. Darren is on a mission to help regular people get fitter and healthier than they ever thought possible, through good old fashioned hard work and real food, delivered in a supportive team environment. I got to catch up with him and ask him about his mission, getting some top tips off of him about how us girls can get on the track to living a healthy lifestyle!

How and when did your mission to help people get fit & healthy start? It all started with my overseas experience which was only supposed to be 6 months, to try and figure out what I wanted to do, which ended up being about 7 years. I came back and had recently been healed by a physical therapist of a shoulder problem that I had for year and years. When she fixed me I decided that was what I wanted to do for people because it was so life changing. I came back and started a degree in Sport and Exercise, hoping to move into physio therapy. I found that I started enjoying the actual fitness training more than the fixing and realized I wanted to be the preventer rather than a curer. As I was moving through my degree I started running boot camps around three different parks in the city. It was probably the third winter when the rain was running down the back of my neck and my crew was saying “It’s not too bad when you get going” that I realised I wasn’t “going” but sitting there freezing, and I thought it would be nice to have a roof over our heads. That’s when the evolution kind of started, running around parks to having an actual location and being where I am now. How did your affinity for Cross Fit start? I was always looking for new ideas with training, especially in a boot camp scenario. I stumbled across Cross Fit online and thought it looked pretty hard-core and a bit crazy—which is most peoples’ first impression, especially with the Cross Fit competitions. So at that point I was instantly turned off by it. I thought no-one can be able to do that—it’s insane. I can’t remember how I came back across it but I found an easier workout and got a friend to do it with me and it still smashed us. But the key point was we did it together, racing each other and motivating each other to keep up. At the end of it we were hurting more than we’d ever hurt before in our lives but we looked at each other and said “should we do that again next week?” After that it just became a big experimentation. Before long


we had a group of 6 of us all doing the workout in the gym together. I guess thanks to my degree I was finally able to look inside and see that far from being this hard core way too intense system it was actually simple. If you could give young women one key tip to kick off a healthy lifestyle, what would it be? Don’t be afraid to eat fat—I wish that fat could be named thin. In terms of dietary fat, there’s this massive fear of eating fat. It’s incredible the brainwashing that goes on in marketing. Don’t be afraid of dietary fats. Even saturated fat. Saturated sounds scary but it’s really just a chemical structure. It just has more hydrogens on it, it’s saturated with hydrogens. It’s not going to saturate your body with fat! That’s how people think about it. Fat is going to give you better hair, better skin, better nails. It’s what your brain is made of. It produces oestrogen, progesterone and all the hormones we need. If we don’t eat fat, we can end up being in a bad way. What’s your golden rule for less than active people to start exercising and start enjoying it? Start slow—I certainly did. Especially with my diet. The first thing I did was stopped eating pies and started eating jelly beans because I thought they were fat free. But it was step. It was conscious “I’m going to change something.” From there it was eating less jelly beans and then it was once a month. Then it was not so much and not so much pasta. Slowly wriggled out my old diet. Many of the people who just stop find it really hard, same with the exercise—I have first time clients come in and say “I wanna sign up for 5 times a week!”. But really it’s about starting slowly and working up to it. You don’t want to wake up sore and unmotivated, dreading exercise. So yeah, it sounds really cheesy but small steps are really important. What results have you had training CrossFit? Leaner, stronger, faster, healthier, happier. Simple. 

Find out more about Darren Ellis & Crossfit NZ on

Nourish Magazine

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