ONTOLOGY BASED SEMANTIC WEB SERVICE WITH NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING FUNCTIONALITIES The problem of Natural Language Understanding is one of the first problems researchers in AI were trying to solve. There is a fundamental need for a system which can incorporate this ability of natural language understanding into the web and create a web which could understand and reason. This type of web is known as the semantic web which is in its nascent stages of development. This concept of Semantic Web employs tools and software which aims to achieve this very understanding which is needed in future Web Technologies. Some tools include Ontologies, Natural Language Software, Information Retrieval Algorithms...Etc. We propose a system which solves this problem of natural language understanding. The proposed system is capable of accepting inputs in form of perfect English sentences i.e. Natural English and produce outputs which are both pertinent and correct in nature. The system performs Part-of-speech Tagging which reduces the complexity of the input and makes it perceivable to the Natural Language parser which effectively translates the natural language query to a query on a database Schema. This particular Database Schema is built on a solid knowledge based logic obtained from a very domain specific Ontology. Hence, data is stored devoid of logical errors and information retrieval become easier when this is coupled with the Natural Language Technicality. We use the domain “Demographics of India” for demonstration purposes. The proposed model consists of four modules namely, the POS Tagger, The NLP Parser, The Ontology and Database, User Interface. The POS Tagger gets the input sentence and recognizes the various Parts-ofSpeech of each and every word in the Sentence. This is vital to the project because without understanding the context of the input words, it will be difficult to build a query with it. The second part of the project is the NLP Parser which gets the output of the POS Tagger and builds a query based on the original Natural English sentence. The Ontology is the integral part of the project as it houses the logic and the structure of the knowledge base which is simulated by the database. It is this database which is modeled after the Ontology which will be queried to produce the final result. The User Interface is used to get Input and display the result.
Existing System: Today’s Web Services are not organized enough to operate in a intelligent way. This is precisely why we need the Semantic Web in order to overcome the thinking deficiency of the present day Web. Since my project is a new concept which is in its nascent stages, We cannot compare it with one particular existing system completely. But when we compare the web as a whole, we can clearly say that the current web is totally keyword oriented and it lacks the infrastructure and resources to be able to provide solutions in a logical artificially intelligent manner. For example, almost all search engines in the internet make use of only keywords and not the logic behind the query. In simple words, they just match words found in the search string and try to give results based on previous visits by all users and popularity level rather than trying to provide the correct answer to the query or the most logical answer to a question. Currently, only one search engine namely “ask.com” in the internet has accomplished this partially by using Natural language processing and partially using keyword based techniques. But even, it does not use the concept of Ontology to be able to dynamically update itself and learn from queries.
Demerits of the Existing System: