2021 Visit Sauk Co

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Celebrating BARN QUILTS!

Brian Bender Quilt

S4065 State Road 136, Reedsburg Name of Quilt: Triple Star This barn quilt was designed in time for it to be mounted just prior to the Bender Farm hosting the Sauk County Dairy Breakfast in June of 2012.

Brad & Kim Schyvinck Quilt

E6458 Pine Rock Rd., Reedsburg

Jess & Laurie Eastman Quilt

E6453 Short Cut Rd., Reedsburg

Eileen & Lawrence Eberle Quilt

Name of Quilt: Moo-na Lisa

This quilt was a Christmas gift from Laurie and her daughters to her husband. They thought a barn quilt would look perfect on their red shed, so they looked at various designs and found one they all loved!

Name of Quilt: Bear Claw

This dairy farm family fell in love with this quilt which can be seen at a distance if approaching the farm from the west on Pine Rock Road, coming from the direction of Hwy. F. Please drive in slowly to get a closer look. 32

The history of barn decoration dates back to the mid 1800’s. Painting symbols on barns originated from traditional folk art passed along from the German and Swiss immigrants who settled the Pennsylvania Dutch region in southeastern Pennsylvania. Once these groups built their family farms and communities, they would paint small patterns on their barns to celebrate their heritage and bring good fortune. Today’s barn decorating revival became popular with a woman named Donna Sue Groves, from Adams County, Ohio. She wanted to honor her mother by hanging a colorful painted quilt square on her barn. Instead of just one quilt square, she began a community project with twenty quilts being displayed along a driving trail to encourage visitors to travel through the countryside. This was the start of our first quilt trail in America. Quilt trails are now being organized all across the country. Barn quilts are displayed around communities and then mapped out for tourists to follow these beautiful works of art. They promote tourism and help draw visitors into our rural communities. Traditional stars and various quilt patterns are now being displayed on barns, homes, sheds and sides of buildings. The barn quilts featured on these two pages are just a sampling of those that can be found along the country roads and rolling hills of Sauk County. For more information, please contact a local Chamber of Commerce.


2577 Cty. Hwy. B, Lone Rock

The painting on this colorful quilt provided many hours of fun for the entire family.

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