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Virtual Farm Tours
Meet dairy - show judges
Expo seminars
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Exhibitor List Page 10
Expo spotlights
new products
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Trade Center map .............. Page 17
Expo grounds map Page 18
FFA seminars
Coliseum Main Concourse map
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Coliseum Arena Level map Page 21
Knowledge Nook
Dairy Forage Seminars
Exhibition Hall map
Outdoor Trade Mall map
Specialty areas
Trade Show (C, EH, TC, TM) – 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Tues day-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday
Purple Cow Gift Shop (EH) – 3-7 p.m. Sunday and Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday.
The Tanbark Lunch (TB) – 11 a.m.-3 p.m. MondayFriday; bar 11 a.m.-close Monday-Friday; Happy Hour 4-6 p.m. Monday-Thursday
Expo Family Lounge (EH) – 9 a.m.-5p.m. TuesdayThursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday
Brevant Seeds Attendee Learning Lounge (P) –9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday
8 a.m. 4-H, Intercollegiate & Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest
10 a.m. WDE Youth Fitting Contest (SP)
2 p.m. WDE Youth Showmanship Contest (C)
5:30 p.m. 4-H, Intercollegiate & Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest
The World Dairy Expo app offers lots of help for the show.
Custom Schedule – Create a custom schedule by marking “favorite” any events you want to attend. Details about each event can be seen by selecting the event.
Real-time Dairy Cattle Show Re sults – Receive notifications on your phone when a class has been placed and champions named in the Dairy Cattle Show. Simply turn on push notifications in the app.
Maps – Mark as “favorite” those booths you want to visit during World Dairy Expo and watch the maps help you plan your path through the Trade Show. With new locations for events and booths in 2022, the tool will help you have a great Expo experience.
Exhibitor Search – This is the solution to finding specific products or companies located in the World Dairy Expo’s Trade Show, or exhibitors and cattle in the New Holland Pavilions and Cattle Tent.
(C) Coliseum (EH) Exhibition Hall
(P) New Holland Pavilion 1 (TB) The Tanbark (TC) Trade Center (TM) Outdoor Trade Mall (SP) Sale Pavilion
7 a.m. International Junior Holstein Show (C)
7 a.m. International Milking Shorthorn Show (C)
4 p.m. Happy Hour in The Tanbark (TB)
4 p.m. International Jersey Show – Heifers (C)
4:30 p.m. Dairy Shrine Reception and Awards
Banquet (EH) - tickets required
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Exhibitor Connect – This feature is designed to save time. Your own custom QR code can be scanned by Trade Show exhibitors to enter drawings, schedule meetings or simply share your contact information.
Meeting Scheduling – Find compa nies in the interactive maps or Trade Show search, and then schedule meetings with their staff from your phone.
Go to the App Store or Google Play to download the app.
7 a.m. International Jersey Show – Cows/Groups (C)
8 a.m. Central National FFA Contests (SP, EH)
8 a.m. FFA Advisor Appreciation Event (P)
8:30 a.m. International Guernsey Show (C)
9 a.m. Tanbark Talk (TB)
9:30 a.m. FFA Seminar (EH)
9:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
10 a.m. Virtual Farm Tour (EH)
10:30 a.m. FFA Seminar (EH)
10:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
11:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
Noon Expo Seminar (EH)
12:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
1:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
2 p.m. Expo en Español (EH)
2:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
World Dairy Expo is held at 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, Wisconsin
Visit www.worlddairyexpo.com for more information.
World Dairy Expo Virtual Farm Tours have brought some of the best dairy operations from near and far to Madison for more than 20 years. Dairies featured each year excel in a variety of farm aspects including genet ics, technology, community engagement, environmental stewardship and cow com fort, while also representing a wide variety of sizes, locations and breeds.
During the Virtual Farm Tours dairy owners and managers share a visual presentation, with time for questions and an open discus sion afterward. Tours are presented in Men dota Room 1 of the Exhibition Hall.
10 a.m. Oct. 4 – Walnutdale Farms of Wayland, Michigan – sponsored by Allflex Livestock Intelligence
Walnutdale Farms is a fourth-generation family dairy. The Lettinga family manages 2,600 Holsteins and Jerseys at two separate facilities. After a fire destroyed the milking parlor in 2010, Walnutdale Farms rebuilt with a 50-stall rotary parlor. In the Holstein herd the rolling average is 28,042 pounds of milk with 4.1 percent fat, 3.3 percent protein and an average somatic-cell count of 109,000. The farm raises its own replacement heifers, and utilizes a beef-on-dairy breeding pro gram to control the number of replacement heifers on-site.Walnutdale Farms practices environmental preservation with several programs. It’s Michigan Agriculture Envi ronmental Assurance Program-accredited, which is a voluntary program in Michigan to verify on-farm and cropping practices are in line with environmental preservation. Walnutdale Farms is also part of the Farm ers Assuring Responsible ManagementEnvironmental Stewardship program.The Lettinga family has made sharing their passion for agriculture and their dairy-farming story a priority with local and international communities. Walnutdale has hosted many in-person and virtual farm tours; the fam ily often welcomes people to learn about the dairy. In addition to teaching their local community about agriculture, they are also involved in a dairy project with a “Growing Hope Globally” program with their local church. The program uses dairy-farming education within the community to raise money to provide aid to Kenyan farmers, teaching them how to grow food for them
Tours are presented in Mendota Room 1 of the Exhibition Hall.
10 a.m. Tuesday Oct. 4 – Walnutdale Farms, Wayland, Michigan – sponsor Allflex Livestock Intelligence
10 a.m. Wednesday Oct. 5 – Home stead Dairy, Plymouth, Indiana – spon sor Quality Liquid Feeds
10 a.m. Thursday Oct. 6 – Bateman Mosida Farms, Elberta, Utah – sponsor Balchem Corp.
10 a.m. Friday Oct. 7 – Skråmered, Våxtorp, Sweden – sponsor ProCROSS
selves and for income.
10 a.m. Oct. 5 – Homestead Dairy of Plymouth, Indiana – sponsored by Qual ity Liquid Feeds
Homestead Dairy started as a nine-cow dairy in 1945. It’s now a fourth-generation dairy managed by the Houin family, milk ing 4,900 cows on three sites. At the Legacy Dairy location a calf barn was built in 2015, introducing the farm to automatic feeding stations. The first-lactation animals are also milked at that site in a double-12 parallel
ABOVE: The Bateman family are descendants of family members who started in the dairy business in the early 1900s with the mentality of “always look for ways to do things better.” The mentality remains. LEFT: Skråmered’s breeding program is fine-tuned by the family in charge; currently the dairy meets its herd-target calving interval of 13.4 months and a conception rate of 65 percent.
RIGHT: The Lettinga family at Walnutdale Farms, including Aubrey Lettinga, manages 2,600 Holsteins and Jerseys at two separate facilities.
From 2
3 p.m. International Brown Swiss Show
– Heifers (C)
4 p.m. Happy Hour in The Tanbark (TB)
5:15 p.m. Commercial Exhibitor Party (EH)
7 p.m. Top of the World Jersey Sale (TB)
7 p.m. World Ayrshire Event Sale (SP)
7 a.m. Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (EH)
7 a.m. International Brown Swiss Show –Cows/Groups (C)
9 a.m. Tanbark Talk (TB)
9:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
10 a.m. Dairy Forage Seminar (TC)
10 a.m. Virtual Farm Tour (EH)
10:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
11 a.m. OZOLEA Rete Agricola
11:30 a.m. Brevant Seeds Forage
Superbowl Luncheon (EH) RSVP Required
11:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
Noon Expo Seminar (EH)
12:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
1 p.m. Global Trends Driving Dairy Demand
1:30 p.m. Dairy Forage Seminar (TC)
1:30 p.m. International Red & White Show
– Heifers (C)
1:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
2 p.m. Expo en Español (EH)
2:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
3 p.m. World Premier Brown Swiss Sale (SP)
3:30 p.m. International Ayrshire Show
– Heifers (C)
4 p.m. Happy Hour in The Tanbark (TB)
7 p.m. Recognition Awards Banquet (TB)
7 a.m. International Ayrshire Show –Cows/Groups (C)
7 a.m. International Red & White Show –Cows/Groups (C)
8:30 a.m. Global Dairy Symposium (EH)
8:30 a.m. Road Markers to the Future Business of Milking Cows
9 a.m. Tanbark Talk (TB)
9 a.m. World Dairy Expo Tech Spotlight (EH)
9:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
10 a.m. Dairy Forage Seminar (TC)
10 a.m. Virtual Farm Tour (EH)
10:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
11 a.m. The Future Viability of Dairy Farmers in the U.S. (EH)
11:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
Noon Expo Seminar (EH)
12:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
1 p.m. International Holstein Show — Heifers (C)
1 p.m. How Does She Do It? How These Women Built a Business (EH)
1:30 p.m. Dairy Forage Seminar (TC)
1:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
2 p.m. Expo en Español (EH)
2:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
4 p.m. Happy Hour in The Tanbark (TB)
4:30 p.m. UW-Platteville School of Agriculture Alumni Reception (EH)
5 p.m. International Reception (EH)
7 p.m. World Classic 2022 Holstein Sale (C)
7 p.m. Sunset Celebration, featuring The Jimmys (TB)
7:30 a.m. International Holstein Show –Cows/Groups (C)
9 a.m. Tanbark Talk (TB)
9:30 a.m. Career Connections (EH)
9:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
10 a.m. Dairy Forage Seminar (TC)
10 a.m. Virtual Farm Tour (EH)
10:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
11:30 a.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
Noon Expo Seminar (EH)
12:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
1:30 p.m. Dairy Forage Seminar (TC)
1:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
2:00 p.m. Expo en Español (EH)
2:30 p.m. Knowledge Nook Session (EH)
4:00 p.m. Parade of Champions and selection of the 2022 Supreme Champion
5:30 p.m. World Dairy Expo 2022 Closes
parlor three times each day.
Cows that need extra attention – such as fresh cows and hospital cows – are cared for at the namesake dairy, Homestead Dairy. It houses the maternity area and utilizes a double-25 parallel parlor.The third location is an 8.5-acre facility featuring 36 Lely ro bots, constructed with a focus on cow comfort. With the addition of the robot barn, the farm is able to recycle water four times be fore it’s used to irrigate cropland.The Houin family embraces progressive management of manure. A methane digester built in 2013 creates enough electricity to power 1,000 homes. A manure dryer added in 2019 is creating dried-manure solids for bedding as well as liquid manure to be used as fertilizer on their fields.
10 a.m. Oct. 6 – Bateman Mosida Farms of Elberta, Utah – sponsored by Balchem Corp.
The Bateman family started in the dairy business in the early 1900s with the mental ity of “always look for ways to do things bet ter.” That mentality rings true for Steve, Brad and Jason Bateman, who manage the largest farm in Utah on the shores of Utah Lake in the Wasatch Mountains. It also rang true for their brother, the late Lance Bateman.
Bateman Mosida Farms is considered one of the most progressive dairy operations in
Homestead Dairy, started as a nine-cow dairy in 1945, is now a fourth-generation dairy managed by the Houin family, milking 4,900 cows on three sites.
the country. In recent years they’ve been on the cutting edge of sustainability technol ogy. They’ve tested a revolutionary robotic forage-growing system and constructed a new robotic dairy that will serve as a research facility to evaluate new technologies, prod ucts and processes.
The Batemans in 2017 added a solar farm that powers the dairy. In 2016 they earned the U.S. Dairy Sustainability Award as an Outstanding Dairy Farm. Their commit ment to the land, livestock and their em ployees highlights the Bateman passion for quality and sustainability. The practices drive them to improve and preserve the fu ture of their dairy – for the family and the community.
10 a.m. Oct. 7 – Skråmered of Våxtorp, Sweden – sponsored by ProCROSS
Skråmered is regarded as one of the most exemplary dairy businesses in Sweden. It was awarded Sweden’s Dairy Business of the Year Award in 2021 and was a best-three production herd in 2020. A primary objec tive of the farm is to adapt genetics and man agement of cattle around the facilities; they are constantly building new facilities. Their herd statistics reflect their ability to excel at this.Featuring ProCROSS genetics – cross breeding with VikingRed, Montbeliarde and Holstein – Skråmered’s breeding program is
fine-tuned to maximize natural reproduc tion with the aid of SenseHub. Currently they meet their herd-target calving interval of 13.4 months and a conception rate of 65 percent.
Milking 350 cows in a SAC double-seven tandem parlor, Skråmered has a rolling herd average of 30,218 pounds of milk with 4.1 percent fat and 3.6 percent protein. They farm 1,236 tillable acres. Cows are housed in a freestall barn where stalls have rub
ber mats. They’re bedded with a mixture of ground straw and peat; sand is not allowed in Sweden.
Skråmered manages the business to em phasize balance between business, family and community by creating healthy cows, satisfied employees and economic sustain ability.
Visit worlddairyexpo.com for more infor mation.
Chad Ryan resides in Fond du Lac, Wis consin with his wife, Amy, and sons, Dylan, and Cameron. There he assists with the dayto-day operations of Ryan-Vu Holsteins, which is home to a select group of Holsteins and colored-breed heifers. Chad Ryan and his family have bred or de veloped 50 All-American, Junior All-American and All-Canadian nominees, six of which went on to be named All-American. They have also earned the Premier Breeder banner twice at the Wisconsin Championship Show. Along with being ac tive on the farm, Ryan is a former member of the Wisconsin Holstein Association Board of Directors and currently serves on the World Dairy Expo’s Dairy Cattle Exhibitor Committee and the World Dairy Expo Board of Directors. He travels the country working with elite show cattle and genetic offerings at sales and shows. Ryan’s judging resume includes the International Jersey, Red and White, and Holstein Shows; the Northeast Spring National Holstein Show; the West ern National Holstein, and Red and White Shows; various Midwest national shows; and the All-American Jersey, and Junior Red and White Shows.
Mandi Bue along with her husband, Eddie, manages the elite show herd of Registered Holsteins, Red and Whites, and Jerseys at Milksource Genetics of Kaukauna, Wisconsin. She also serves as the farm’s young-stock manager. Dur ing her time at Milksource she has cared for and de veloped several championcaliber animals.
• Supreme Champion at World Dairy Expo and The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Musquie Iatola Martha
• World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion Heifers Milksource Gentry Marriot-ET and Milksource Thunder-Red-ET
• World Dairy Expo Reserve Supreme Champion Heifer Milksource Taelyn-ET Bue has bred and owned numerous AllAmerican nominees and has partnered on
several successful show animals – including the 2019 International Holstein Show Intermediate Champion, Floydholm MC Emoji-ET. She has also officiated numerous cattle shows throughout the United States, including the Illinois State Champion ship Show, the Minnesota Junior Holstein Championship Show, the Wisconsin State Fair All-Breeds Futurity, the Midwest Dairy Congress Jersey Show and the Wisconsin Holstein District Shows. She served as the Holstein judge in the 2022 Hoard’s Dairy man Judging Contest.
Gerrit DeBruin and his wife, Lorrie, of Lake Mills, Wisconsin, own and operate Prescription Premix. It’s an independent nutrition-consulting business serving southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. For 30 years Prescription Premix has provided ration advice and formulation for about 35,000 head of dairy cattle.
Gerrit DeBruin also owns a small elite herd of Brown Swiss under the Just So prefix. The farm is home to heifers and donor cows; lactating animals are housed at various Prescription Premix customer dairies.
A perennial World Dairy Expo exhibitor, Just So Farm has bred and developed nu merous All-American nominees including five nominees in 2021. DeBruin has exten sive judging experience serving as an of ficial at the Southwest National Brown Swiss Show, the All-American Brown Swiss Show and multiple state Brown Swiss shows throughout the Midwest. He served as the associate judge of the 2007 Central National Brown Swiss Show. He has also served as official judge for major Brown Swiss shows in Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. For the past 25 years DeBruin has coached Wisconsin 4-H and FFA dairy-cattlejudging teams, resulting in eight state championships. DeBruin and his wife have three adult children and five grandchildren.
Hayden Hauschildt owns and oper ates a Registered Holstein and Brown Swiss dairy in conjunction with his parents, Jim
and Diane Hauschildt, near Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Under the Jaden prefix, Hauschildt has bred more than 40 Excellent Brown Swiss – including Jaden Legacy Dipsy Jane EX-94 4E and Jaden B Dahlia EX-94 2E. He has owned 14 All-American nominees, 12 of which were homebred, and exhibited several champions at state and national Brown Swiss Shows. Jaden Brown Swiss in 2019 earned the Premier Breeder and Exhibitor banners at the Minnesota State Fair. As a member of the University of Wisconsin-dairy judg ing team, Hauschildt re ceived the coveted Dr. Dave Dickson Award for high oral reasons at the National In tercollegiate Dairy Judging Contest. Continuing his passion for evaluating cattle beyond the collegiate level, he has judged numerous county and canton Brown Swiss shows. He recently served as associate judge of the 2020 Illinois State Brown Swiss Show. He currently serves as vice-president of the
Wisconsin Brown Swiss Association.
– official judge is Phillip Topp
Phillip Topp of Botkins, Ohio, owns a small herd of 40 registered cows consist ing of a variety of breeds. He also owns a fabricatingmaintenance business, spe cializing in stainless steel tig welding. Active in show rings across the country, he’s exhibited many cham pions at the Ohio State Fair, the North American International Livestock Exposition and at World Dairy Expo – in cluding the 1999 Grand Champion of the International Brown Swiss Show. He was awarded in 2016 the Ohio Young Breeder Award. He served as the official judge of the 2019 International Ayrshire Show and associate judge for the 2021 International Brown Swiss Show and the 2016 Interna tional Jersey Show at World Dairy Expo. He
has judged in 25 different U.S. states and internationally at the Peru International Brown Swiss Show. Topp and his wife, Carrie, have three children – Aubree, Aiden and Alaina.
Tim Abbott , along with wife, Sharyn, of Enosburg, Vermont, own and operate Border view Genetics and are partners in Alliance Dairy Sales. Together they own 100 head of elite Regis tered Holsteins and Jer seys. They produce 700 embryos annually for sale and implanting. Tim Abbott has owned or co-owned grandchampion animals at World Dairy Expo, the All-American Jersey Show and The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. He bred or co-bred in 2021 six Holstein AllAmerican nominees. He has worked with and owned multiple “household name” cows including Rosiers Blexy Goldwyn, Oakfield Solom Footloose-ET, Robrook Goldwyn Cameron, Butz-Butler Gold Barbara-ET and Dubeau Dundee Hez bollah.
A familiar face in the sales box, Abbott manages and co-manages cattle sales throughout North America while often reading pedigrees for additional sales not under his management. Abbott spent 20 years in the artificial-insemination indus try serving as a sire analyst and business manager; he’s the former owner of St. Ja cobs ABC.
With a judging resume both North America and internationally, Abbott has judged multiple state and national Hol stein, and Red and White shows. He was the associate judge for the Red and White show at the 2006 World Dairy Expo and is a three-time judge at Australia’s Interna tional Dairy Week. He was named in 2014 the 16th Honorary Member of the Klus sendorf Association. The Abbotts have two daughters, Chelsea and Caitlyn.
Pierre Boulet lives in Montmagny, Québec, Canada, with his wife, Katie Coates; they own Ferme Pierre Boulet. Operating under the Pierstein prefix, the farm consists of 400 Registered Holsteins, Jerseys, Ayrshires and Brown Swiss. The milking herd maintains a rolling herd
average of more than 22,000 pounds of milk and includes 29 Excellent cows – of which 16 are multiple E – and 75 Very Good cows. Ferme Pierre Boulet has bred 200 Excel lent cows; it’s the only herd in Canada to have two ani mals classify Excellent 97 on the same day. Some herd favorites include Thrulane James Rose – the 2008 World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion and two-time Supreme Champion at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair – along with MS Goldwyn Alana and Loyalyn Goldwyn June. Boulet’s herd is an eight-time Premier Exhibitor recipient at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and a Premier Breeder-banner winner at both World Dairy Expo and The Royal.
Boulet has judged several state, provin cial and national shows throughout North America, including the International Red and White Show at World Dairy Expo, the Jersey and Holstein Shows at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, the Quebec Spring Holstein Show and the California State Holstein Show. He’s also officiated at Australia’s International Dairy Week and the Agroexpo in Bogotá, Colombia. Boulet has five children – Carole-Anne, SarahMaude, Charles, Madison and Katrina.
Richard Landry lives in Ste-Brigittedes-Saults, Québec, Canada, with his wife, Nathalie Rousseau, and three children –Felix, Julien and Corine. Landry works for CIAQ/ Semex in sales and has spent several years travel ing the world as a profes sional dairy-cattle fitter. He’s prepared elite show cattle in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Switzerland, Italy and France. Most notably he prepared Thrulane James Rose as she earned her Supreme Champion titles at both World Dairy Expo and The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair for Pierre Boulet. Landry has an extensive judging resume, officiating numerous provincial, state and national shows – including the Jersey and Ayrshire shows at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, the International Brown Swiss Show, the Holstein Canada National Con vention Show, the Quebec International Holstein Show, the Supreme Quebec Brown
Swiss and Ayrshire shows, and the Quebec Spring Jersey and Brown Swiss shows. He served as the associate judge for the 2021 World Dairy Expo’s International Red & White Show and official judge of Canada’s 2021 National Jersey Show. Landry has also judged shows in Brazil, Switzerland, Bel gium and France.
Keith Topp resides in Botkins, Ohio, where he grew up on Topp-View Farms with his mother and father, Marylou and Don Topp, and brothers Eric and Phillip. Keith Topp now owns and operates On Topp Genetics with his wife, Kindra, and two children, Keaton and Kinley. He’s had great success in the World Dairy Expo’s show ring, in cluding exhibiting the 1999 Grand Champion and 2005 Reserve Grand Champion Brown Swiss as well as the 2013 Junior Champion Brown Swiss and Milking Shorthorn, and the 2012 Reserve Junior Champion Ayrshire. He’s bred and owned numerous All-Americans and Reserve All-Americans spanning five different breeds and champions at the North American International Livestock Exposi tion as well as at state and local shows. His accomplishments within the Brown Swiss breed earned him the 2010 National Young Breeder Award from the National Brown Swiss Association. He’s had a passion for judging since high school. He’s officiated at four breed shows at World Dairy Expo, as well as at the All American Jersey Show and the Jersey Jug Futurity.
Ryan Krohlow and his wife, Haley, own and operate HammerTime Holsteins near Poynette, Wisconsin. The 40-acre farm is home to a small herd of select Registered Holstein show heifers that has yielded multiple AllAmerican nominations during the past 10 years. This year Ryan Krohlow launched HammerTime Auctions, an auction ser vice specializing in elite registered-dairy-cattle offerings. For the past three years he has worked as a hoof trimmer while simultaneously working as a professional dairy-cattle fitter, which he’s done for the past 20 years. During his time fitting cattle throughout North America
he’s prepared 17 World Dairy Expo grand champions and nine grand champions at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. He’s prepared cattle in England, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and Mexico.
No stranger to the center of the ring, Krohlow has officiated several shows throughout the United States – includ ing serving as the associate judge of the 2017 International Junior Holstein Show at World Dairy Expo. Additionally he’s judged the Southern National Holstein and Jersey shows, the Midwest Fall National Red and White Show, the All-American Red and White Show and the Maryland State Fair Holstein Show as well as the California, Iowa and Illinois state Holstein shows. The couple has four children – Callie, Conway, Cooper and Case.
Joe Sparrow of Worthville, Kentucky, is a dairy nutritionist for CPC Commodities. He’s also a co-owner of Fairdale Farms with his brothers Ben and Kirby, and father, Richard. Joe Sparrow is a member of the Kentucky Brown Swiss As sociation and the National Brown Swiss Association.
Fairdale Farms is home to 40 Brown Swiss cows housed in a compost-pack barn; it’s been named the best energy-corrected-milk herd for milk production in Kentucky the past two years. The herd has produced a World Dairy Expo Intermediate Champion and a North Ameri can International Livestock Exposition Su preme Champion. Fairdale Farms has owned more than 50 All-American nominees.
Sparrow served as the associate judge of the 2013 International Brown Swiss Show and official judge of the 2019 International Brown Swiss Show. He’s also officiated the Eastern and Northeastern National Brown Swiss shows, the Dominican Republic Na tional Show, the All American Junior Jersey Show and multiple state fairs. Sparrow and his wife, Angela, have two children – Archie and Wylie.
Matt Fry and his wife, Megan, with their two children – Reid and Owen – call Chestertown, Maryland, home. In coop eration with Matt’s parents, Ed and Mar ian, they own and operate Fair Hill Farm, an 800-cow Certified Organic Holstein
dairy. The farm focuses on sustainabil ity and diversified organic agriculture on Maryland’s eastern shore. Their efforts to reduce surface-water con tamination and implement other sustainable practices earned the farm in 2019 the honorable mention award in environmental stewardship from the American Dairy Association Northeast.
Matt Fry is active in local and regional agricultural organizations – the Board of Directors for the Maryland Holstein Association, the Maryland Dairy Industry Association, the Maryland Soil Health Commission and the Organic Trade Association Dairy Council.
Fry has judged several state and district shows including the Delaware State Fair, the Maryland State Fair, the Maryland State Ayrshire and Brown Swiss shows, and mul tiple Maryland district Holstein Shows.
Pat Lundy resides near Granville, New York, with wife, Sayde, and son, Henry. He’s part owner of Luncrest Farm, a 400-cow Registered Holstein farm focusing on breeding longlasting profitable cattle. The farm has bred or owned six All-American or All-Ca nadian nominees as well as numerous All-New York re cipients. Before returning to the farm Lundy worked as a full-time dairy-cattle fitter for eight years. During that time he had the opportunity to prepare cattle for shows and sales in 10 different countries, and was partowner of more than 10 All-American and All-Canadian nominees. He served as the 2019 International Red and White Show as sociate judge and officiated the 2020 North American Open Red and White Show, as well as several additional state and regional shows.
Gary Jones of Gorey in County Wex ford, Ireland, was raised on his family’s 50-cow dairy – Hallow Farm in southeast Ireland. Jones and wife, Izzy, along with their children – Ted, Rory and Ella – cur rently operate their own farm consisting of Holstein heifers. Under the Jones pre fix the couple strives to breed balanced cattle with elite marketable pedigrees. Gary Jones has owned, bred and marketed
Landry Topp Krohlow Sparrow Fry Lundry Bouletnumerous European national champions – including Sunnibelle Dempsey Espirit, 2019 and 2020 Swiss Expo Grand Cham pion; Jomagro Goldwyn Jasmine, 2018 Italian Na tional Champion; Hal low Atwood Twizzle, 2016 Italian National Champion; and Knowlesmere Goldwyn Abrakaboom, 2016 United Kingdom National Cham pion. In addition to the family’s own small herd, he also manages a 500-cow dairy.
Jones was a full-time fitter for 12 years, preparing several grand and junior cham pions across 20 different countries world wide. He’s a member of judging panels in Ireland, the United States and Europe. He’s officiated at shows throughout Ireland, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and New Zealand.
Pat Conroy of Angola, Indiana, with his wife, Jeannie, have two children – Kaiden and Zailey. He currently markets com mercial dairy cattle, both domestically and interna tionally, and is co-owner of Genesis Genetics Mexico.
Pat Conroy owns about 60 head of registered dairy cattle scattered around the globe. He has owned or sold numerous All-American and All-Canadian nomi nees, of which 19 have earned the title of champion, reserve champion or honorable mention at World Dairy Expo or The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. In his career he’s owned or sold six cows nominated for Hol
stein International’s All-World title.
Conroy has judged shows in 20 different countries, most notably the 2018 Interna tional Jersey Show, the 2016 International Holstein Show, the 2015 International Red and White Show, the 2013 International Junior Holstein Show, the European National Show in Italy, Switzerland’s Swiss Expo, Le Supreme Laitier in Canada, the Holland Holstein Show, the Agroleite in Brazil and Japan’s Hokkaido Winter Fair.
Callum McKinven co-owns and oper ates Lookout Holsteins and Jerseys with his wife, Katherine, and three daughters – Tara, Brooke and Alana – near Canton de Hat ley, Québec, Canada. The 35-cow milking herd at Lookout consists of a combination
of Holsteins, Jerseys and Brown Swiss who have garnered numerous All-American and All-Canadian awards.
As a prominent dairy pro ducer and showman, Cal lum McKinven has been recognized with both the A.C. “Whitie” Thomson Memorial Award at World Dairy Expo and the Curtis Clark Award at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.
This year is McKinven’s 13th appearance as a World Dairy Expo judge since beginning his judging career 34 years ago. During those three decades he’s judged in 31 countries around the world – includ ing at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, the TD Canadian 4-H Dairy Classic, the Hokkaido National Show, the South Afri can National Show and two World Holstein Conference shows.
Seminars will be presented at noon daily Tuesday through Friday in the Mendota 1 meeting room of the Exhibition Hall. The seminars, which consist of a 45-minute pre sentation as well as time for questions and answers, will address topics centered around finances, climate, management practices and dairy markets.
Each seminar is approved for one con tinuing-education credit for members of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists – ARPAS.
Oct. 4 – “Milking Quickly, Gently, and Completely: Can We Consistently Achieve All Three?” – Dr. Paul D. Virkler, veterinar ian and senior associate at Cornell University-College of Veterinary MedicineExtension – sponsored by Conewango Products – The seminar will look at milk ing-routine details, and how to avoid bimodal milk-flow curves.
Oct. 5 – “Carbon Cred its: What Do They Mean and How Do They Affect Dairy?” – Jamie Vander Molen Boehl, vice-president at Newtrient – sponsored by McLanahan – The seminar will highlight environmental markets for dairy farms, and discuss how to weigh risks and rewards.
Oct. 6 – “Could activists carry away
your dairy?” – Abby Kornegay, manager at Animal Agriculture Alliance – sponsored by EfferCept – Attendees will learn about recent legislative campaigns impacting the dairy community and what can be done to safeguard the future of dairy.
by the National Milk Producers Federation – The panel will examine what substantial changes are needed for future U.S. dairy-
market regulation.
Visit worlddairyexpo.com for more infor mation.
Oct. 7 – “The Future of our Dairy Mar kets—What Reforms Are Needed?” – a panel of Dana Coale, deputy administrator with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service; Roger Cryan, chief economist with the American Farm Bu reau Federation; Andrew Novaković, profes sor emeritus at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management; and Jim Sleper, managing partner at Sleper Consulting – moderator is Mark Stephen son, former director of dairy policy analysis at the University of Wisconsin – sponsored
2Gamma Srl ..............................................
TC 404
4-D Ag Fashion TC 703
4-D Ag World TC 661-702
4dBarn ..................................................... EH 1914
A1 Mist Sprayers .........................................AL 211
A4 Schurr Brush, LLC TC 594
Acepsis MC 35, 36
Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp EH 1505-1507
ADM Animal Nutrition ...................... EH 1611-1712
Advanced Comfort Technology, Inc. EH 1713-1716
Advanced Preservative Systems, LLC TC 674
Afimilk EH 3601-3702
Ag-Bag by RCI .......... EH 2601-2702; TM 900, 901
AgMarket.Net ............................................ TC 664
Agpro, Inc. EH 2414-2518
AgrAbility of Wisconsin EH 4511
Agrarian Solutions ......................... EH 4001-4103
Agri Feed International, L.L.C. ..... EH 4329, 4330
Agri-Comfort TC 560-602
Agricow Srl. TC 678, 679
Agri-Gene ...................................................AL 190
Agri-King, Inc. ....................................... MC 47-49
Agrimesh Technologies TC 663
Agri-Placement Services, Inc. EH 3805
Agri-Plastics Mfg. ......... TC 640-685; TC 560-602
Agri-Pro Enterprises of Iowa ...................EH 3913
AgriSteel USA EH 1601-1702
AgriTech Analytics MC 32
Agri-View ................................................. EH 3407
AgroChem USA, LLC ...................... EH 2705, 2706
Agromatic......................................... EH 2011-2116
AgroVantage System EH 4207, 4208
AgSource ....................................................TC 546
AgVet Associates, LLC ..................... EH 3511, 3512
AI Total AL 174B, 175
AktivPULS GmbH..................................... EH 3916
Albers Dairy Equipment TM 890, 891
Alforex Seeds EH 4111, 4112
Allflex Livestock I ntelligence EH 3606-3709, TM 883
Alltech ............................................ EH 3201-3304
Ambic Equipment Limited ...............EH 1813-1816
Amelicor EH 4205
American Agco Trading Company EH 2405
American Angus Association ............... EH 4509.6
American Dairy Coalition............... EH 2615, 2616
American Dairy Goat Association MC 10
American Dair y Science Association TC 485
American Dairymen ................................ EH 4107
American Farm Rubber LLC ..................... TC 430
American Guernsey Association AL 197
American Jersey Cattle Association AL 101, 102
American Milking Shor thorn Society ........ MC 84
AmeriLux International ............................ TC 486
Ameriprint Apparel, LLC EH 4518-4529
Amino Plus EH 3705
AMP Americas ............................................TC 654
AMS Genetics International, LLC ..... AL 174B, 175
Animal Agriculture Alliance EH 4505
Animal Health International EH 3713, 3714
Animat ............................................ EH 1401, 1402
Anpario Inc................................................. AL 169
Apex Valves EH 3511, 3512
Appleton Steel, Inc. TM HH
ARM & HAMMER Animal and Food Production EH 4216, 4217
Armor Animal Health..................... EH 3813, 3814
Artex Manufacturing ................................ TM 882
Aspen EH 3713, 3714
Associated Milk Producers Inc. EH 4407
Association of Equipment Manufacturers TC 480-521
ATR Thrive .........................................
TC 686, 687
AutoVent LLC EH 1811-1912
AW Labor Solutions................................... TC 698
AXCE ............................................................ MC 53
Ayrshire Ambassadors Cooperative AL 123
Ayrshire Breeders Association MC 78, 79
Balchem Corp. ................................ EH 1804-1806
BARENTZ Animal Nutrition .....................EH 4309
Bauer North America EH 1411-1512
Bavarian Fleckvieh Genetics AL 103
Bayer Crop Science ......................EH 4006, 4007
Bayland Buildings, Inc. ................... EH 1601-1702
Beacon Automation Pty Ltd ......................TC 615
Beco Dairy Automation, Inc. ........... EH 2411-2513
Belgian Blue Group .................................... TC 593
Best Footing Concrete Grooving .................MC 45 Bimeda Inc. AL 128
BioControl North America Inc .................... MC 07
BioFiltro USA Inc .............................. EH 1713-1716
Bioret Agri ....................................... EH 4317-4319
Bio-Vet, Inc. EH 1503, 1504
BioZyme Incorporated ............................... TC 532
Blackhawk Technical College ................... MC 37tt
BMO Harris Bank EH 4422
Bock’s Identi Company EH 3511, 3512
Boehringer Ingelheim ................... EH 2806-2909
Bohning Ag ................................................. TC 659
BouMatic EH 3011-3315
Bovine Boutique EH 4501-4503
Bovine Hoof Adhesives .............................. TC 541
BoviSync ..................................................... TC 533
Boviteq TM Semex Tent
Brevant seeds TC 598-639
Brickl Bros., Inc. ...................................... EH 1608
Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders Association . AL 189
......................... AL 123
Burrows Enterprises EH S07, S08
Busalla MC 69
Byron Seed, LLC ................................. TC 554, 555
Calf Blankets by Udder Tech, Inc. .. EH 4412-4414
Calf Hero AL 170-173
Calf-Star EH 2815-2918; TM 860, 861
CalfStart LLC
EH 1211, 1212
Canadian Forage & Grassland Association....................EH 3413, 3414
Can-Am ............................................. TM 802, 803
Canarm Ag Systems EH 1903-1906
Cargill Animal Nutrition EH 3401-3502
Carol’s Original Works ................. EH 4428, 4429
Cattle Scan ................................................. AL 124
Central Life Sciences EH 3411, 3412
Central Sires Co-Operative AL 190
Channel Seed ...............................EH 4006, 4007
Chesney Distribution, Inc. .................. AL 141, 142
Chr. Hansen TC 469, 470
Citizen’s Climate Lobby MC 67tt
CLAAS of America ........................ EH 2603, 2604
ClariFly Larvicide
EH 3411, 3412
Clipper Parts & Repair MC 87
C-Lock Inc. TC 488
Coburn Company, Inc. EH 2801-2905, 2703, 2704; TC 440, 441
Cogent Breeding Limited .................... AL 218-225
ColoQuick ............................................ AL 170-173
coloQuick USA Inc TC 589-630
Conewango Products Corp. EH 1107
Conklin Company, Inc. .................. EH 4207, 4208
EH 1603
Continental Plastic Corporation MC 88, 89
Control Solutions Inc TC 698
Cordex North America ............................. EH 4113
COSNET Industries ............................. TC 542, 543
Cotran Corporation
.............................. MC 08, 09
CowManager EH 4004, 4001-4103
Cowsmopolitan Dairy Magazine AL 193
CRV ..................................................... AL 106, 107
Crystal Creek, Inc. .............................. TC 536, 537
Cumberland Sales Company EH 2404
Cumberland Valley Analytical Services TC 475
Cybil Fisher Photography ........................ TM AAA
Dairy Agenda Today ................................... AL 194
Dairy Business Association EH 3715
Dairy Farmers of America EH 4506, 4507
Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin......... EH 3403, 3404
Dairy Girl Network ................................... MC 45tt
Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship TC 575, 576
Dairy Herd Management .............. EH 2505, 2506
Dairy Lane Systems .......................... TC 428, 429
Dairy Management Inc. .................EH 4320-4322
Dairy One MC 17
Dairy Records Management Systems MC 37, 38
Dairy Star .................................................... MC 33
Dairy Tech, Inc. ............................... EH 1213, 1214
Dairyland Laboratories EH 4104
Dairymaster USA, Inc. TC 677
Dane County Pork Producers ...................TM 934
DariTech, Inc. ..................................... TC 410-455
DaSilveira Southwest Inc. TC 423
Datamars Livestock EH 2401-2403
DBC Ag Products .............................EH 1613, 1614
DCC Waterbeds................................. EH 1713-1716
Delta Livestock Construction EH 2414-2518
Development Resources of Iowa Inc. TC 501, 502 Diamond V ...................................... EH 3616-3718
TC 443
Dinamica Generale US Inc. EH 3604, 3605
DM Concrete Grooving EH 3703
Doda USA, Inc. .................................. TM 920, 921
Dodgeland Ag-Systems, Inc. ................... EH 1604
Double S Liquid Feed Services, Inc. AL 113
Drench-Mate MC 34
Drylet, Inc. ................................................. AL 215
DSM Food Specialties USA, Inc. ..... EH 3914, 3915
DVO, Inc. EH 4206
Dynamint Udder Cream EH 4013
Dyneval Ltd. ................................................AL 112
EASYFIX ............................................ EH 1817-1918
EBJ Livestock Market, Inc. TC 617
Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative .............. EH 3715
Edison Lighting Supply .............................. TC 637
EH 4005
Elanco Animal Health EH 4324-4326
Ellsworth Cooperative CreameryEH 4513, 4513.6
Emlab Genetics .......................................... AL 118
ENDOVAC Animal Health ............ EH 4306 - 4308
Energrow EH 1206, 1207
Envision AL 226, 227
EPISURG Group of Industries...................... MC 70
Equipment Blades Inc. .............................. TC 468
Esmilco, Inc. EH 4408
Essential Water Solutions, Inc. MC 39
EH 3503, 3504
EuroTier 2022 - DLG Service GmbH............ MC 43
Ever.Ag EH 4425, 4426
EVOLUTION International .................. AL 221, 222
Please see EXHIBITORS, Page 12
Fritsch Equipment Corp. ........................... TM 822
Furst-McNess Company ................ EH 3408-3509
Huvepharma, Inc.
From 11
Extrutech Plastics, Inc.
TC 486
E-Zee Milking Equipment, LLC .........EH 2811-2913
EZid Livestock ID
AL 122
Family Dairies USA.................................. EH 3507
FAN Separator USA ...........................EH 1411-1512
Fans-Tech Electric America, LLC .................AL 151
Farm Inc
TC 625, EH 2406
Farmer Law PC TC 699
Farmers for Sustainable Food EH 3715
Farmers National Company AL 158
FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative EH 3507
Fastrack EH 4207, 4208
FBF North America, LLC TC 445
FBN EH 1114
Feed Products and Service Comp AL 178
Feed Supervisor Software MC 80, 81
Feedlync TC 636
Feedstuffs EH 2614
Fera Diagnostics and Biologicals Corp TC 457
Fight Bac EH 1609
First Defense Calf Health
Five-G Consulting
Fleet Farm
Flitz International, Ltd.
FLT Best One
EH 2914
EH 2414-2518
EH 3405
TC 400, 401
Ford Distributing.............................. TM 806, 807
Foremost Farms USA
Form-A-Feed, Inc.
Forster-Technik GmbH
Forward Farm Lines, LLC
Fox Valley Quality Control Lab
Fox Valley Technical College
Foxworthy Supply, Inc.
Frenchville Trailer Sales LLC
EH 4410, 4411
EH 4404
TC 611, 612
TM 872, 873
EH 3507
MC 28tt
EH 1709
FutureCow ....................................... EH 3817-3918
G&D Chillers ............................................. EH 1413
Gabel Belting, Inc. ..................................... TC 544
GEA Farm Technologies, Inc. EH 2101B-2305, 4313-4316, 4601-4603
Genes Diffusion AL 174
Genetics Australia Co-operative Ltd AL 190
George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC MC 41
GF Piping Systems ...................................... MC 16
GGI-SPERMEX GmbH .......................... AL 139, 140
GiANT .............................................. TM 931, 931B
Gingerich Structures, LLC ......................... TC 444 Global Cow ............................................. EH 4409
Gold Medal Trailer Sales TM T
Golden Calf Company ......... AL 170-173, TM H, EH 4014, 4015
Green County Development Corp Inc. ..... MC 37tt
Green Source Automation ........................ TC 508
Greenfield Contractors ........................... EH 3816
GVD Feed Covers LLC ................................. TC 614
H&S Manufacturing Co., Inc. EH 3415-3518; TM 910, 911
Hampel’s Calf-Tel EH 2006-2309
Hay & Forage Grower TC 519
Hays Genetics International Ltd. AL 108
Hoard’s Dairyman AL 213, 217; EH 4327, 4328
Holm & Laue Export GmbH ........................EH 2815-2918; TM 860, 861
Holstein Association USA, Inc. ..............MC 29-31
Holstein Australia ......................................AL 190
Holstein International................................. MC 22
Holstein Plaza .................................. AL 174B, 175
Hoof Supervisor .................................... MC 80, 81
Hoofcount Ltd .................................. EH 1217-1318
Hover Chute ............................................. EH 1703
Hubbard Feeds..............................EH 2606, 2607
EH 1913
Hygieia Biological Laboratories ................ AL 126 IBA, Inc. .......................................... EH 2501-2504
IC Biomedical ......................................AL 156, 157
Iconic Energy .................................... TC 494, 495
ID Group ..................................................... AL 214
Images Custom Embroidery ..................... EH S06
Immuno-Dynamics MC 27 Imu-Tek MC 15
IMV Imaging EH 1615, 1616
inBarn Solutions Inc. TC 464-467
Innovational Water Solutions AL 152
Inox India Pvt Ltd. AL 119
INSEME S.p.A. AL 218-225 Insta-Pro International TC 524 InterHeat Inc. AL 198, 199 Intermizoo AL 174
MC 18-20
International Stock Food Corporation EH 4303, 4304
ITK TC 704, 705
IVS MC 12, 13
iYOTAH Solutions EH 3613, 3614
J&D Manufacturing EH 2001-2105
J&L Hoof Gel AL 155
Jaylor TM D
JDJ Solutions EH 4013
Jersey Australia AL 190
Jetstream Genetics, Inc. ..................... AL 191, 192
JH Biotech, Inc.
TC 648
Jobe Valves, Ltd. ............................EH 4011, 4012
John Deere ........................................TM M, N, OO
Jones Equipment Company LLC ........TM 812, 813
Jones-Hamilton Co .....................................TC 665
TC 428, 429
Just Coffee Co-Op
K.I. Samen bv
AL 123
Kaeser Compressors, Inc. ..................TC 461, 462
Kansas Department of Agriculture . MC 30tt, 31tt
Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA TM Patio
Kelly Ryan Equipment Company, Inc. TC 650-692
KenAg, Inc. EH 1803
Kleen Test Products EH 2715
Kozie’s Express Concessions TM 932
Kraemer Wisconsin Cheese EH 4515B
Kraft Tank Corp TM 933, 933B
Kuhn North America, Inc. TM F
Kunafin EH 1605
Labby Inc EH 1514
LA-CO Industries, Inc. AL 195
Lakeshore Technical College MC 29tt
Lallemand Animal Nutrition ................TC 512-553
Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Solutions ................................ EH 2111B-2312
Land O’Lakes Member Relations ... EH 2111B-2312
Land O’Lakes, Inc. .......................... EH 2111B-2312
Larry Schultz, Artist...................... EH 4420, 4421
Lawley’s, Inc. TC 565, 566
Lea McCullough Jordan Photography TM AAA
Legend Rubber Inc EH 1112, 1113
Lely TC 480-521; TM I, J
Lemken USA TM 922, 923
Let’s Ride Boots & Apparel TM AA, A
Lhaura MC 42
Linzmeier Business Solutions EH 3815
LIRA GOLD EH 1613, 1614
Livestock Exporters Association of the USA ............................................... EH 4105
Livestock Water Recycling ....................... EH 1414
LR Gehm, LLC
LVI Litter Processors
Madero Dairy Systems ...................EH 3801-3904
Madison Central Business Improvement District EH Information Booth
Magnation Water Technologies TC 656
MAI Animal Health EH 2605
MarginSmart EH 3815
Marloo Equipment TM 840-842
Mar tin Till TC 476-478
Masterpiece Genetics AL 123
Masterrind GmbH ...................................... AL 196
Masters Choice Hybrids ....................... TC 672-713
Maximum H2O .......................................... TC 434
McFinn Technologies ............................... EH 3615 McLanahan Corporation .... TM 852-863; EH 1307
Mensch Manufacturing ..... TM 892-903; EH 4305
Merck Animal Health ...... EH 3606-3709, TM 883
Messer Repair & Fabricating LLC .... TM 804, 805
Metalcraft by K ............................................. TM S Meyer Mfg. Corp............................................ TM P
Micro Technologies .......................... EH 2611-2712
MicroMist Systems ............................. TC 618, 619
Micron Bio-Systems ..................... EH 4203, 4204
Mid-State Equipment .................................... TM K
Midwest Sidewalls...............................TC 527, 528
Midwestern BioAg TC 456
milc group EH 4323
Milk Bar TC 522, 523
Milk Bar NZA TC 440, 441
Milker’s Helpers EH 1915, 1916
Milkplan SA EH 4114, 4115
Minitube USA, Inc. MC 11
MISCO Refractometer TC 439
Motomco MC 14
MTE Corporation TC 675
EH 1306
EH 1313, 1314
Please see EXHIBITORS, Page
Nu-Ag/Bosko, Inc. ........................ EH 2603, 2604
Nuhn Industries Ltd. ........................ TM 880, 881
Nutech Biosciences Inc ................. EH 4431, 4432
MTech Dairy Solutions EH 4415-4417
Munters Corporation ..................... EH 1705, 1706
Mustang Seeds .......................................... TC 402
MVE Biological Solutions ........................... AL 216
MWI Animal Health .......................... EH 2611-2712
Nasco Farm & Ranch..............................MC 01-05
National All-Jersey Inc. ...................... AL 101, 102
National BQA Program ...........................EH 4508
National Dairy Producers Organization ..... MC 83
National Dairy Shrine ........................... MC 25, 26
National Hay Association ............... EH 4310-4312
Native Microbials ....................................... TC 714
NDEco ............................................... EH 1415-1518
Nebraska Alfalfa Marketing Association EH 3905
Nedap Livestock Management ....EH 3205 - 3306
Neogen Corporation ...................... EH 3613, 3614
NeoSpectra by Si-Ware ............................... MC 52
Neptune Enterprises/Tuff Built TM 850, 851
New Generation Genetics, Inc. AL 187
New Holland TM C
New Vision Ag and Specialties, LLC AL 212
NEXGROW TC 632, 633
Nicolet Insurance Services EH 4504
Nicolet National Bank EH 4504
Nooyen Manufacturing, Inc. MC 40
Norbco TC 695-697
Normande Genetics TC 535
North American Ag MC 85
North American Normande Association TC 535
North Brook Farms ......................... EH 1215, 1216
Northeast Iowa Dairy & Agriculture Foundation ............................ MC 21tt
Northern Biogas................................. TC 556, 557
Novus International, Inc. .............. EH 1403, 1404
NutraDrip Irrigation Systems ............ TC 525, 526
O&T Farms ............................................. MC 23, 24
Octaform Systems Inc.................................TC 715
Onfarm Solutions ............................ EH 1101, 1102
Organic Valley .....................................TC 570, 571
Osnabrueck Herdbook ............................... AL 127
Oxbo International Corporation ................ TC 474
OZOLEA Rete Agricola ............................... AL 110
PACIFIL S.A. ................................................ TC 716
Papillon Agricultural Company .............. EH 2707
Parts Dept. ......................................EH 4114, 4115
Passion Ag, Inc. TC 676
Patz Corporation EH 2113B-2316
Paul Mueller Company EH 1807-1909
Peach Teats Limited EH 4013
Peak Forage Solutions, Inc TC 577
Penta Equipment Inc. TC 666-710
PeopleCor EH 4400
Phibro Animal Health Corp.EH 4516, 4517, TM FF
Pioneer EH 2407-2509
Pizza Hut TM 931
Polled Dairy Cattle AL 161
Poly Dome TM B
Poly-Ag Corp TC 416, 417
PortaCheck..............................................EH 4209
Prime Metal Buildings and Components EH 1704
Prioridad Lechera ................................ MC 72-73B
Priority IAC, Inc. ................................... MC 72-73B
Pro Chiller Systems, Inc. ................... TM 870, 871
ProActive Solutions USA, LLC ................. EH 3505
ProCROSS ................................................. EH 1315
Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin EH 4427
ProGentus AL 143-145
Progressive Forage TC 558
Progressive Publishing .................. EH 1103, 1104
Promat Inc. ..................................... EH 2017-2318
Protekta ........................................ EH 4301, 4302
Protexia LLC ................................... EH 4310-4312
Provita Animal Health LLC...................... EH 4106
Provita Supplements, Inc. ................. TC 549, 550
Puck Enterprises ............................... TM 832, 833
Puli-Sistem S.R.L. ............................ AL 184, 184B
Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC......... EH 2111B-2312
Purple Cow Gift Shop ..................... EH 4518-4529
QLF Agronomy .............................. EH 4008-4109
QualiTech Inc................................EH 4405, 4406
Quality Concessions .... TM 930, Dairy Cattle Tent
Quality Liquid Feeds, Inc. ............. EH 4008-4109
Quality Roasting Inc ................................ EH 3506
Quality Technology International, Inc. TC 653
Ralco............................................... EH 1208-1309
Raytec Manufacturing
TC 503
MC 21
Redbeard Machinery LLC................... AL 182, 183
Redmond Minerals, Inc.
Renn Mill Center Inc.
TC 572
EH 3513, 3514
Ritchie Industries, Inc. ................... EH 1405-1407
RM Tack & Apparel ............................. TC 490-531
RMS Roller-Grinder
TC 482, 483
Roll-O-Matic Curtains ........................ TC 501, 502
Rostech Electronics ................................ EH 3603
Roth Mfg. ............................................TC 640-685
Roto-Mix, LLC ..................................EH 3016-3318
RP Nutrients ................................... EH 2615, 2616
RSI Calf Systems .......................................TM 843
S&W Seed Company
TC 510 S.I. Feeders
Page 16
MADISON, Wis. – For the third-con secutive year the World Dairy Expo® Tech Spotlight provides an opportunity for com panies to highlight new ideas and innovations enter ing the global dairy indus try. Technology startups and scale-ups will formally present their products and services to dairy producers around the globe.
The 2022 World Dairy Expo Tech Spotlight will be held 9-11 a.m. Oct. 6. Hosted by Agritech Capital with support from World Dairy Expo, the event brings together leading dairy tech nologies, giving them the opportunity to meet with dairy farmers.
“All the innovations selected propose practical solutions that solve criti cal problems for dairy pro ducers, and as a result help them maximize efficiencies and increase profitability,” said Aidan Connolly, AgriTech Capital pres ident. “This is an extraordinary opportunity for them to show their products in action.”
There will be a showcase of innovations followed by a panel discussion with indus try experts.
• Jeffrey Bewley of Cowfocused.com and professor at Western Kentucky University
• Michael Hutjens, professor of animal sciences at the University of Illinois
• Julio Giordana, associate professor at Cornell University
Amongst the companies participating are Ever.Ag, Labby Inc., milc group, Nedap Livestock Management and smaXtec Inc. Each featured startup has digitally based technology for the dairy industry such as robots, cameras or sensors. Each addresses a specific need identified by producers like feed-bunk management, cow-behavior monitoring, cow health, milk quality, manure treatment or labor efficiencies.
“These technologies and those found throughout the trade show at World Dairy Expo can help dairy producers in many aspects on the farm,” said Laura Herschleb, World Dairy Expo general manager. “(The) expo is delighted that the WDE Tech Spot light is back again … because it has been an excellent way for attendees to access innovations.”
Bewley Hutjens GiordanaSun-North Systems, Ltd. ............... EH 2608-2709
Superior Attachments Inc.................... TC 717-719
Supreme International Limited .....EH 3007-3309
Safe-Trac Grooving TC 655
SAVECO North America, Inc...............TC 634, 635
Scherer Inc. ....................................... TC 605, 606
Schlueter Company..............EH 4016-4018; 3916
Schwartz Manufacturing Company ......... EH 1108
SCiO ....................................................... MC 80, 81
Sealpro Silage Barrier Film ....................... TC 592
Secco International, Inc. .................. EH 1617-1718
Select Sires, Inc......... EH 4001-4103, 4201, 4202
Semex........................................... TM Semex Tent
Seneca Dairy Systems LLC ................. TC 573, 574
Setric Best Inc
EH 4514
Settje Agri-Services and Engineering, Inc. TC 487
Shearwell Data........................................... AL 210
Sierra Select
MC 46
Sikkema Equipment Inc. ..................... TC 581-622
Si-Ware Systems ......................................... MC 52
Skinner AgSolutions, Inc TC 447, 448
Smarta Industrial TC 693, 694
smaXtec Inc. TC 432-473
SMITH Surface-Prep Solutions TC 603, 604
Solmax EH 4310-4312
SOP S.r.l. AL 180, 181
Sound Agriculture TC 596, 597
South Dakota State University EH 4515
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College MC 48tt
Soy Best EH 4210, 4211
Speedy Sweep TC 436, 437
SSI Corporation EH 2613
Starbar EH 3411, 3412
Steuart Labs
University of Missouri ........................ TC 575, 576
University of Wisconsin Cheese Stand ........................................ TM Cheese Stand
Suriachem Sdn. Bhd. ................................. TC 505
Swihart LLC ................................................ TC 613
Tasco Dome ................................................ TC 534
Tec5USA Inc............................................... TC 488
TechMix ................................. EH 1311-1312; MC 27
Tenderfoot Products ................................. EH 1115
Tessa Dairy Machinery....................... TC 626-628
The Andersons .......................................... TC 442
The National Dairy FARM Program ........EH 4508
The Nutra-Glo Company ............................ AL 120
Timab Magnesium USA .............................. AL 153
Tire Sidewall Depot TC 559
Toast Food Truck TM Dairy Cattle Tent
Topcon EH 1501, 1502
TORENNA EH 1811-1912
Trans Ova Genetics AL 143-145
TransAgra International, Inc. EH 1109, 1110
TriCal Superior Forage TC 514
Tri-M AI LLC AL 188
trinamiX GmbH TC 484
Trioliet EH 1408-1509; TM 830, 831
Triple Crown Products EH 4510
Triple-Hil Sires AL 167, 168
Truck Supervisor MC 80, 81
Trusscore ................................................. EH 1606
Tuffy Tables LLC ........................................ TM 801
Turner Inc. .......................................... TC 498-539
U.S. Screen Co. .......................................... TM 912
Udder Comfort Inc. ............................. AL 163-165
Udder Tech, Inc. ............................. EH 4412-4414
University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Agricultural & Life Sciences MC 40tt
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of V eterinary Medicine................................... MC 41tt
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences MC 38tt
University of Wisconsin-Platteville School of Ag riculture ................................................... MC 35tt
University of Wisconsin-River Falls - CAFES ... MC 27tt
Up North Plastics, Inc. ............................EH 3406
US Dairy Export Council ................EH 4320-4322
US Dairy Forage Research Center TC FORAGETT
US VET EH 4116-4118
US. Dept. of Justice-FBI, WMD Directorate EH 4512
USDA Farm Service Agency ....................EH 4402
USDA National Ag Statistics Service ......EH 4403
USDA Natural Resources C onservation Service ................................EH 4402
USDA, AMS, Dairy Market News .............EH 4403
UW-Extension Dairy Team ....................... MC 84tt
UW-Madison Farm & Industry Short Course ... MC 39TT
Valley Fudge and Candy EH 4401
Valmetal Inc. EH 3001-3106B
Van Beek Natural Science EH 4212, 4213
Vantage Dairy Supplies, LLC...................... AL 162
VAS .................................................EH 4331, 4332
Vaughan Company Inc. ...................... TC 567-608
Ventec Canada, Inc. ........................... TC 586-588
Versa Corporation
Vets Plus, Inc.
Vettec, Inc.
.................................... TM 800
EH 3806-3909
EH 2713, 2714
EH 1607
TC 595
MC 86
AL 218-225
Storth Limited ............................................ TC 545
SunCatch ....................................................TC 493
Sundown Industries Corp.
EH 1111
Under Udder LED Lighting ................ TC 646, 647
UNIFORM-Agri ................................ EH 1707, 1708
Union Agener Inc. .......................................MC 43
University of Florida IFAS Dept. of Animal Science MC 68tt
Union MC
New Holland Pavilion 2
Cattle Housing
Dairy Cattle Housing Sale
Trade Show Booths: Arena Level,
New Holland Pavilion 1
Dairy Cattle Housing
Happy Hours,
Nook Expo Seminars, Virtual Farm Tours, Expo en Español, Banquets
International Lounge
Trade Show Booths, GEA Ice Cream Stand,
Interested in pursuing an agricul tural career or just wondering what some options are after high school? World Dairy Expo has assembled a panel of agricultural professionals who represent a variety of career option for students looking to learn from current members of the dairy industry and beyond. Pan elists will share their jobs, companies and what they have done to be successful beyond high school.
9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4 – “Ag Careers Panel” – presenters are Travis Senn, digital-com munications manager at Edge Dairy Farmer Coop erative; Karoline Twardo kus, field representative with Saputo Cheese USA; and Rusty Zimmerman, engineer with MSA Professional Services – modera tor is Kelly Wilfert, attorney at Ruder Ware – sponsored by Alliant Energy Corpora tion
State FFA officers and students will engage in “Minute to Win It” games to expand their skill sets while exploring some of the many unique careers agriculture has to offer. It will be a fun-filled workshop where students can seek pathways. The FFA officers are looking forward to a year traveling around Wisconsin meeting FFA members while advocating for agriculture. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds relating to agriculture.
10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4 – “Ca reers to Win It” – presenters are Kendra Goplin, State FFA Reporter; Isaac Hopke, State FFA Secretary; Cole Hicken, State FFA Treasurer; Mary Schrieber, State FFA Sentinel; and Rhylie Gough, State FFA Vice-President – sponsored by Alliant
The Knowledge Nook, presented Tuesday through Friday in the atrium of the Exhibi tion Hall, will provide a chance for com pany experts, researchers and producers to share new products, services or research.
• 9:30 a.m. – “Revolutionizing Animal Health with Quorum Quenching Technol ogy” – Jeff Brose, technical-services consul tant with AHV USA
• 10:30 a.m. – “Rumen Protected Glucose for Dairy Cows” – Tim Brown, nutrition technical-service manager with Soy Best
• 11:30 a.m. – “Meet the New Generation of Herd Management” – Joya McCarthy, prod uct manager with VAS
• 12:30 p.m. – “The Environmental Bene fits of Modern Dairy, Hay, and Forage Production Technologies” – Austin Gellings, director of agricultural services with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers
• 1:30 p.m. – “Reducing Pathogen Loads in Recycled Manure Solids Used as Dairy Bed ding to Decrease SCC and Incidence of Mas titis” – Ben Saylor, dairy technical-services manager with ARM & HAMMER Animal and Food Production
• 2:30 p.m. – “IgY Technology: Unlock ing Future Improvements in Health and Sus tainability” – Dr. Roger Saltman, veterinarian with RLS Management Solutions; and Shawn Jones with Arkion Life Sciences
• 9:30 a.m. – “Rumen Protected Glucose for Dairy Cows” – Tim Brown, nutrition technical-service manager with Soy Best
• 10:30 a.m. – “Application of Manure InSeason with a Permanent Underground Irri gation System” – Kurt Grimm, founder and CEO of NutraDrip Irrigation Systems
• 11:30 a.m. – “Enhance Transition Cow Health and Performance through Vitamin D Nutrition” – Ken Zanzalari, product director
with Phibro Animal Health Corp.
• 12:30 p.m. – “Behind a Successful Lac tation is a Proper Dry-off” – Dr. Luciano Caxieta, veterinarian and assistant professor of dairy-production medicine at the Uni versity of Minnesota-College of Veterinary Medicine
• 1:30 p.m. – “Supporting Normal with Effective Probiotics” – Steve Lerner, market ing and product management at Chr. Hansen
• 2:30 p.m. – “Fueling The Future: Smells Like Methane” – Mark Lowery, regional marketing manager wat New Holland North America; and Tom Taylor, production lead at Bennamann
• 9:30 a.m. – “Advances in On-site Feed Analysis for Improved Production and Herd Health” – Mostafa Medhat, senior director of product and technology applications at SiWare Systems
• 10:30 a.m. – “Supporting Normal with Effective Probiotics” – Steve Lerner, market ing and product management at Chr. Hansen
• 11:30 a.m. – “Enhance Transition Cow Health and Performance through Vitamin D Nutrition” – Ken Zanzalari, product director with Phibro Animal Health Corp.
• 12:30 p.m. – “Fast and Slow: Aerobically Stable Silage in 15 Days” – Renato Schmidt, technical services-forage at Lallemand Ani mal Nutrition
• 1:30 p.m. – “Application of Manure InSeason with a Permanent Underground Irri gation System” – Kurt Grimm, founder and CEO of NutraDrip Irrigation Systems
• 2:30 p.m. – “Rumen Protected Glucose for Dairy Cows” – Tim Brown, nutrition technical-service manager with Soy Best
• 9:30 a.m. – “Mapping Out a Successful Mineral Nutrition Feeding Program” – Angela R. Boyer, senior technical-service manager at
Holstein heifers line up on the colored shavings during the Junior Holstein show at the 2017 World Dairy Expo.
Phibro Animal Health
• 10:30 a.m. – “Reducing Pathogen Loads in Recycled Manure Solids Used as Dairy Bed ding to Decrease SCC and Incidence of Mas titis” – Ben Saylor, dairy technical-services manager with ARM & HAMMER Animal and Food Production
• 11:30 a.m. – “Meet the New Generation of
Herd Management” – Joya McCarthy, prod uct manager with VAS
• 12:30 p.m. – “Fitness to Transport OnFarm Implementation” – Michelle CalvoLorenzo, chief animal-welfare officer at Elanco Animal Health
Visit worlddairyexpo.com for more information.
Dairy-forage seminars will focus on cutting-edge research and informa tion regarding forage quality, harvest and storage. The seminars, scheduled for 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, will be presented on the Dairy Forage Seminar Stage located at the south end of the Trade Center. Semi nar experts are also available throughout the week in the World Forage Analysis Superbowl space located in the Trade Center.
Each dairy-forage seminar is approved for one continuing-education credit for members of the American Registry of Pro fessional Animal Scientists – ARPAS.
10 a.m. Oct. 5 – “Pre- and PostHarvesting Practices to Maximize Corn Silage Production and Utiliza tion” – Gonzalo Ferreira, associate pro fessor and dairy scientist with Virginia Tech-Extension
1:30 p.m. Oct. 5 – “Here’s How We Produce Top-Quality Baleage” –Kendall Guither of Guither Farms near Walnut, Illinois
10 a.m. Oct. 6 – “Optimizing Dietary Alfalfa and Corn Silage Ratios for Dairy Cattle” – Rick Grant, president of William H. Miner Agricul tural Research Institute
1:30 p.m. Oct. 6 – “Optimal Fertil izer Management During and After Alfalfa Stands” – Matt Yost, associate professor and agroclimate specialist at Utah State University-Extension
10 a.m. Oct. 7 – “Feeding Grass, Alternate Species, and Cover Crops for Higher Production” – Matt Akins, dairy specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, and UW-Division of Extension
1:30 p.m. Oct. 7 – “Agronomic Management of Annual Alternative Forage Crops/Mixes” – Kevin Jarek, crops and soils agent with UW-Exten sion in Outagamie County
Visit foragesuperbowl.com for more information.
Come see Agri-View at Expo, Booth EH 3407
ANTIGO RewMotors 715-627-7124
APPLETON R&MFarmSystems 920-788-3505
ARCADIA D&DFarmSupply,Inc. 800-657-6955
ARKANSAW AnibasSilo&Equip 715-285-5317
BOSCOBEL BrubackerAgEquipment,LLC 715-937-5190
CHIPPEWAFALLS ChippewaFarmService,LLC 715-577-8372
CURTISS/EDGAR BrubackerAgEquipment,LLC 715-613-7308
DARLINGTON Ruf’sFarmService,Inc. 608-776-4048
FritschEquip.Corporation 920-532-6292
DURAND KomroSales&Service 715-672-4263
ArmstrongWelding& RepairLLC 920-477-5141
HORTONVILLE KnuthFarmEquipment,LLC 920-757-6995
KAUKAUNA L&LSales&Service 920-766-0603
LAKEGENEVA GeorgeLeedleSales &Service 262-275-6631
NordstromConstruction &LumberInc. 608-488-2401
FieldSilo&Equipment,Inc. 608-437-5561
NEWTON HartlaubEquipment 920-758-2132
PLOVER WISilos,Inc. 715-344-9503
POTTER GruettsInc. 920-853-3516
PULASKI Brown’sFarmService,LLC 920-373-0965
REEDSBURG BindlSales&Service 608-524-6339
RUBICON GehringSales&Service 262-673-4920
WEYAUWEGA SpiegelbergImplement,Inc. 920-596-2610
TheScharineGroup 800-472-2880
WITHEE HooverSiloRepairLLC 715-229-2527
FlueggesAg. 320-679-2981 IOWA
AnamosaSiloRepair,LLC 563-652-5125
Restrooms Restrooms Restrooms Restrooms
Concessions RestroomsRestrooms
1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1101 1111 1112 1113 1114 1209 1208 1207 1206 1205 1204 1203 12011301 13021202 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1311 1312 1313 1314
15141414 15131413 15121412 15111411
21152015 2116 2117 2118 2016 2017 2018 17171617 1618171815181418 15171417 15161416 15151415 1116 1117 1118
1211 1212 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1315 1316 1317 1318 1408 1409 1508 1509 2003 2004 2005 2002 2001 2103 2104 2105 2102
1605 1705 1704 1703 17021602 1603 1604 16011701 1615 1715
1802 1902
2103B 2104B 2105B 2102B
2417 2518 2517 2609 2608 2709 2708
Calf-Star 1606 1607 1608 1611 1612 1613 16141714 1713 1712 1711 1709 1708 1707 1706 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 18181918 1917 1914 1913 1912 1911 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 2011 2012 2111 2112 21132013 21142014 23132213 23142214 23152215 2316 2317 2318 2216 2217 2218 25162416 25152415 25142414 25132413 25092409 25082408 25072407 Dairy Herd Management2406 2405 25042404 2503 2502 2501Datamars Livestock 26012701 27022602 27032603 27042604 27052605 2706 2707 Land O’Lakes, Inc. 2607 2606 2618 2617 27162616 27152615 27142614 27132613
3317 3318 3217 3218 3301 3302 3303 3304 3201 3202 3203 3204 3017 30183118 3117 3116 3105 3106 3005 3006 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1501 1406 1405 1404 1403 1402 1401 14071507
BouMatic 3016 32163316
Fight Bac 3308 33093209 32083108 3109 3008 3009 31073007 33073207 2306 2307 2308 2206 2207 2208 2106 2107 2108 2006 2007 2008 2309220921092009 28012901 29022802 29032803 29042804 29052805 30013101 31023002 31033003 31043004 4323
2204 2205
2201 2303 2304 2305
E-Zee Milking Equipment, LLC 29142814 35173417 35163416 34153515 34143514 3511 34123512 35133413 3411 34093509 35083408 35073407 35063406 35053405 3504 3503
4404 441344124414 2113B 2114B 2115B 2116B 2117B 2118B 2106B 2107B 2108B 2109B 3116B 3117B 3118B 3101B 3102B 3103B 3104B 3105B 3106B 3107B 3108B 3109B
2906 29072807 2806 2809 2808 2909 2908 33053205 33063206 3905 3906 3805 3806 3907 3908 3807 3808 39093809
CR 4323
4400 4408
Allflex Livestock Intelligence
4006 4007
3703 3704
4004 4005
Madero Dairy Systems
Cargill Animal Nutrition 3403 3404 37013601 37023602 3603 3604 37053605 34183518 37163616 37153615 3714 3713 3712 37113611 3612 3613 3614 39163816 39153815 3914 3913 Zoetis 3813 3814 Select Sires, Inc. 4104 4105 4106 4107 41184018 41174017 41164016 Milkplan SA 4113 4112 41114011 4012 4013 4203 4204 4206 4205 4207 4208 4209 4212 4213 Soy Best 4214 4215 4216 4217
Elanco Animal Health CR2 CR4328 43314332
Cow Gift Shop
The Expo Family Lounge is a place for families with small children to rest and recharge; it includes a changing area and more. It’s located in the Madison Room on the second floor of the Exhibition Hall; use the elevator located by the informa tion booth in the Exhibition Hall. It’s open 9 a.m.-5p.m. Tuesday-Thursday and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday.
The Brevant Seeds Attendee Learn ing Lounge features lounge seating, a concession stand and ExpoTV. It’s located on the east end of New Holland Pavilion
1 and is open during Trade Show hours. It’s open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday and 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday.
The Purple Cow Gift Shop , World Dairy Expo’s official gift shop, is seasonal and only open during the event with a large selection of cow-related items. Located in the Exhibition Hall lobby, it’s open 3-7 p.m. Sunday and Monday, 9 a.m.5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday.
Visit worlddairyexpo.com for more information.