August 2021 PDPW Dairy's Bottom Line

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BOTTOM LINE Thursday, August 19, 2021 SECTION E

Sharing ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.

Maximize 2021 corn harvest Break more kernels


With the arrival of fall, many dairies are or will soon be harvesting and ensiling their corn crops as corn silage and h i g h - m o i s t u re corn. The major efforts going on during the harvest time of the year will have yearround nutritional implications. To Ferraretto optimize nutritional value, several factors should be considered. Conducting team discussions with nutritionists, agronomists and crop consultants is also advised.

Time harvest right


Continuously monitoring plant and kernel maturity within and across fields to determine the best time to begin harvesting is key to ensuring optimal nutritive value of corn silage and high-moisture corn. For corn silage, it’s advised to combine the targets of 63 to 68 percent whole-plant moisture with a kernel milk line of 2/3 to 3/4. Combining those two targets helps to account for variations within and across fields and hybrids. Delayed harvest increases the accumulation of indigestible fractions, such as lignin, reducing fiber digestibility and yielding coarser, more sortable stover

Whether harvesting corn for silage or high-moisture corn, correctly timing the harvest is as critical as monitoring for kernel breakage and signs of drought stress and mycotoxins. particles. Since drier corn plants contain less available water for bacterial growth, the silage undergoes less-thorough fermentation, resulting in poor aerobic stability and causing it to be more susceptible to undesired fermentation. Kernel hardness increases with maturation impairing starch digestibility and the likelihood of kernels being processed well. If delayed harvest is unavoidable, more aggressive settings for kernel processor and chop lengths are

suggested to break more kernels and decrease the proportion of particles that are too coarse. Compared to corn silage, the low amount of moisture in high-moisture corn makes it challenging to reach an adequate fermentation pattern. Targeting for kernel moisture of 28 to 32 percent ensures sufficient bacterial growth, a faster rate of silage fermentation, more rapid pH decline and the proteolytic activity responsible for increasing starch digestibility in the silo.

Breaking kernels is the most crucial factor affecting starch digestibility in corn silage. The corn hull, or pericarp, inhibits starch digestion in the rumen and intestine of cows. Even though kernels get softer through silage fermentation and are further broken down by cows when chewed, most kernels will pass through the cow still intact in the manure. In addition, breaking more kernels improves the benefits of silage fermentation on starch digestibility. Bear in mind that many factors affect the efficacy of kernel processing, such as plant maturity and harvester settings. Continuously monitor kernel breakage throughout harvesting to ensure proper roll-gap and chop-length adjustments are made to account for variations within and across fields. Particle size plays a major role in high-moisture corn as well. Even though ensiling coarsely ground high-moisture corn can reduce labor, time and energy costs, those savings come at the expense of starch digestibility. Finely-ground high-moisture corn not only has greater surface area available for digestion, but also more thorough fermentation and proteolytic activity, which improves starch digestibility even further. Defining the best highmoisture-corn particle size for

each dairy will depend on starch digestibility goals as well as labor, time and costs associated with its production.

Beware droughtstressed silage Fields heavily affected by drought events during the 2021 growing season bring elevated concerns for the presence of undesired components. Nitrate can accumulate in drought-stressed silage, though adequate fermentation will reduce nitrate concentration. Nitrate values greater than 1.5 percent on a dry-matter basis may be toxic to cows. In addition, some mycotoxins are more prevalent during hot dry weather. Despite the potential reduction in mycotoxins with silage fermentation, it is advised to send samples for mycotoxin analysis. Most importantly, if corn silage has mycotoxins or high levels of nitrate, take action to detoxify the silage, add a mycotoxin-binding agent to the diet or adopt feeding strategies that dilute the amount fed with non-contaminated feeds. Luiz Ferraretto is an assistant professor in the department of animal and dairy sciences at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and a ruminant-nutrition specialist for UW-Division of Extension. Email to contact him.


Training, communication key to strong teams PDPW

Regular meetings, training opportunities and social events are at the core of building a cohesive team of employees committed to continuous education and successful management practices. Involved as an owner at Weiland Dairy LLC and High Gear Holsteins LLC near Columbus, Wisconsin, Brady Weiland sums up their approach by saying, “If we take care of our employees, they’ll take care of the cows.” Elected to the PDPW Board of Directors in March 2021, Brady Weiland farms with his parents, Roger and Tammy Weiland, and his brother Brett Weiland, at Weiland Dairy. In 2019, he purchased High Gear Holsteins LLC. Brady Weiland was enrolled in the diesel technology program at Madison Area Technical College when he began working on Weiland Dairy. After completing that program and then UW-Madison’s Farm and Industry Short Course program, in 2015 he returned to the farm full time. His parents have started the transition process and he’s begun buying into the dairy. With about 20 full-time employees across both farms, the Weilands use a combination of formal meetings and ongoing communications to keep everyone informed and engaged. A monthly employee meeting is held at each farm, often during breakfast at one farm and lunch at the other. Milk from both dairies is sold to Grande Cheese, through which a Spanish translator is provided for the meetings. “The meetings are a good opportunity for employees to bring up questions, provide training and fill everyone in on projects at the dairy,” Brady Weiland said. “Bringing everyone in and taking time to update them on information makes them feel important – and they definitely are.” The Weilands also create opportunities to relax and have fun with employees and their families. They host cookouts in the summer and a meal at a local restaurant for other holidays. “Sometimes during the 00 monthly meetings, we make 1

Weiland time for open discussion to learn more about each other,” said Brady Weiland. “We’ve pulled up Google Maps on the computer to give everyone a chance to show where they’re from and where they’ve worked, and to tell us more about their lives and families.” Regular performance reviews are important to share

feedback on performance and to better understand each employee’s interests and future goals. The practice also helps strengthen long-term commitment to the dairy. In 2020, they set a goal of zero employee turnover at Weiland Farms – and they achieved it. “The challenge with having such a strong group of long-term employees is that there aren’t many new openings or positions for current employees to be promoted into,” Brady Weiland said. “That’s one of the reasons we’re always looking for ways to give everyone more opportunities to learn and expand their responsibilities.” When a team member expresses an interest in learning something new, the Weilands seek out topic-specific training oppor-

tunities. PDPW has long been a preferred provider of such trainings, including dairy tours, PDPW Business Conference and the recent Dairy Obstetrics and Newborn Calf Care Workshop taught entirely in Spanish. Cross-training also ensures team members can cover one another in their various roles. “We’re able to encourage everyone to use up their vacation time because we know other employees are trained and can step up and handle their responsibilities,” said Brady Weiland. He also continues to pursue his own professional development through dairy-management programs and courses designed PDPW to build on his Spanish-language skills so he can better Communication is key to the success of Weiland Dairy LLC and High Gear Holsteins LLC. From left, Brady Weiland reviews Please see WEILAND, Page E2 reports with team members Francisco Rodriguez and Luis Angel.

“Gets 2-year-olds ready to reach their potential.” — Keith Beer

BEER FARMS AND CATTLE CO, BERNE, INDIANA, 2020 Indiana Master Farmers Max (center) and Karen, sons Keith (right) and Craig raise and sell fresh heifers, Calving and transitioning 200 to 250 two-year-olds monthly, SCC 150,000 “We continue to find ways to supply dairies with quality heifers that make milk. Udder Comfort™ is part of that process, and the company’s spray systems make it easy to do prefresh in the barn or post-fresh in the parlor. One pass delivers spray to the bottom of the udder and up a few inches, the critical area to overcome edema around teats and suspensory ligament, getting udders ready to accept volumes of milk,” says Keith Beer. He and Craig and parents Max and Karen raise and sell fresh heifers, calving 200-250 heifers monthly at Beer Cattle Co., Berne, Indiana.

“Udder Comfort gets 2-year-olds ready to reach their potential, and our guys are proud to use it. We apply the spray 1x/day for 2 to Quality Udders Make Quality Milk 3 days before calving and 2x/day for 3 to 5 days after calving. We find 5 gallons covers 200 heifers for all 12 to 14 applications.

Maximum Results Minimal Cost

“We’ve used Udder Comfort 6 years, seeing softer, more pliable udders, better flow, a 3to 4-pound production increase by 14 DIM, and lower collaborative SCC,” Keith reports. “Getting udders softer, faster, for more milk, is why we continue using this product for our fresh 2-year-olds.”

1.888.773.7153 Call to locate a distributor near you For external application to the udder only, after milking, as an essential component of udder management. Always wash and dry teats thoroughly before milking.

BOTTOM LINE Thursday, August 19, 2021 E2

Sharing ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.

PDPW: Who we are

Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin (PDPW ) is Dairy's Professional Development Organization®. W ith a vision to lead the success of the dairy industry through education, our mission is to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.

PDPW Board of Directors President Katy Schultz Fox Lake, Wis. 920-210-9661 katylschultz@ m Vice President Janet Clark Rosendale, Wis. 608-341-6709 Secretary John Haag Dane, Wis. 608-576-0812

Meetings invite shared discussion Attend one or more of the upcoming Agricultural Community Engagement® (ACE) twilight meetings for shared discussions on important issues such as water, community development, resource management, changes in agricultural and rural communities, road and transportation and other critical subjects. Each meeting will kick off with a farm tour at 6 p.m. and will be followed by ice cream and an open discussion. This event will conclude at 8:30 p.m. Co-hosted by the Wisconsin Counties Association, the Wisconsin Towns Association and PDPW, the meetings are open to the public. Call PDPW at 800-947-7379 or email mail@ for additional information. Join local community leaders, local elected officials, educators and dairy farmers to learn together at one of the following dairies.  Monday, Aug. 23, Nehls Brothers Farm Ltd., N5326 South Grove Road, Juneau, WI — Dodge County  Tuesday, Aug. 24, Winch’s Pine Grove Farms, 12676 Brown School Road, Fennimore, WI — Grant County  Wednesday, Aug. 25, Fischer-Clark Dairy Farm, 216578 Esker Road, Hatley, WI — Marathon County  Thursday, Aug. 26, Minglewood Inc., 60 105th St., Deer Park, WI — Polk County

Upcoming Educational Events AUG 17-19

The Dairy Signal™ Online, 12 – 1 pm CT Visit to participate in live-streamed event. Audio/video recordings also available free.

AUG 23-26

Agricultural Community Engagement (ACE) On-the-Farm Twilight Meetings Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug 25 Aug 26

Nehls Bros. Farm Ltd, Dodge County Winch’s Pine Grove Farms, Grant County Fischer-Clark Dairy Farm, Marathon County Minglewood Inc., St. Croix County

Visit for details; all sessions held in compliance with CDC guidelines.

AUG 24-26; 31



Treasu rer Steven Orth Cleveland, Wis. 920-905-2575

Visit to participate in live-streamed event. Audio/video recordings also available free.

SEP 1,2; 7-9; 14-16; 21-23

Directors Andy Buttles Lancaster, Wis. 608-723-4712

Nehls Brothers Farm Ltd. DODGE COUNTY

The Dairy Signal™

Winch’s Pine Grove Farms GRANT COUNTY

Online, 12 – 1 pm CT Visit to participate in live-streamed

Winch’s Pine Farms Nehls Brothers Farm Ltd. event.Grove Audio/video recordings also available free. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 SEP COUNTY 21, 22 GRANT DODGE COUNTY


Ken Feltz Stevens Point, Wis. 715-570-6390 MONDAY, AUGUST 23 Corey Hodorff Eden, Wis. 920-602-6449


Fischer-Clark Dairy Farm MARATHON COUNTY

Paul Lippert Pittsville, Wis. Nehls Brothers 715-459-4735


Brady Weiland Columbus, Wis. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 920-285-7362

Visit for details; all sessions held in compliance with CDC guidelines.

Minglewood Inc. POLK COUNTY

SEP 28-30

The Dairy Signal™ Fischer-Clark Dairy Farm Winch’s Pine Grove Farms Nehls Brothers COUNTY Farm Ltd. MARATHON GRANT COUNTY DODGE COUNTY


THURSDAY, AUGUST Sep. 21 Wausau,26 Wis. TUESDAY, AUGUST Sep. 22 Barron,24 Wis.


Online, 12Inc. – 1 pm CT Minglewood Winch’s Pine Grove Farms VisitCOUNTY to participate in live-streamed POLK event. Audio/video recordings also available free. GRANT COUNTY JAN 11-13, 2022

THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 Manager’s Academy for Dairy


West Palm Beach, Florida

PDPW Advisers

More details to come; all sessions held in compliance with CDC guidelines.

Andrew Skwor 608-963-5211

Fischer-Clark Dairy Farm Kurt Petik 920-904-2226 MARATHON Nehls BrothersCOUNTY Farm Ltd.


Roger Olson 920-362-4745 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25

Minglewood Inc. Fischer-Clark Dairy Farm POLK COUNTY Winch’s Pine Grove Farms MARATHON COUNTY GRANT COUNTY

MAR 15-16, 2022

Minglewood Inc. Dairy Academy™ Cornerstone Wisconsin Dells, Wis. POLK COUNTY


More details to come; all sessions held in compliance with CDC guidelines.

MAR 16-17, 2022

PDPW Business Conference

Peter Weber 715-613-6664

Wisconsin Dells, Wis. More details to come; all sessions held in compliance with CDC guidelines.

Dairy Farm Fischer-Clark mail@ 800-947-7379


Midwest Grooving

Various Size H & J Style Bunks Available

Minglewood Inc. POLK COUNTY


my high-school Spanish courses came in handy to have basic conversations, From E1 and I’ve been building on communicate with team those skills over the years,” members. he said, noting that he “When I came back to wants to keep expanding the farm as an employee, his Spanish-communication skills. “I try to spend time in the parlors every day, helping post-dip cows or just being there to check in and have conversations with the employees.” In addition to the rewards of team members pursuing Buying Slow, Sore Feet & Legs, ongoing education, Brady Weiland has found particMastitis, D.A., ular value in two flagship Poor Health Cows, PDPW programs for himself – Cornerstone Dairy Heifers, Steers Academy™ and Financial & Bulls 500 lbs. Literacy for Dairy™. or bigger! With its dairy-specific curriculum, Financial LitMonday thru Friday eracy for Dairy expounds on the financial concepts and key calculations necesMikE RusT sary to set and reach benchmarks for dairy farms to be successful. LiveStoCk, inC.



CONCRETE PRODUCTS 1-800-982-9263 email -

Mosinee, WI

PDPW mission: to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.

“Cornerstone was a really valuable program for me. I was able to complete all three pillars and really enjoyed the servant-leadership program as well as the opportunity to learn from Dr. David Kohl – he really is a wealth of knowledge.” Brady Weiland “I believe being able to manage my dairy’s finances is just as important as being able to lead people and manage cows,” he said. “After the first 3 sessions, I was able to better manage low milk prices by having the ability to not only understand but also analyze balance sheets and cash flow statements.” Cornerstone Dairy Academy’s three-part leadership content is designed to equip attendees with a well-rounded suite of skills to manage and lead others.

“Cornerstone was a really valuable program for me,” Brady Weiland said. “I was able to complete all three pillars and really enjoyed the servant-leadership program as well as the opportunity to learn from Dr. David Kohl – he really is a wealth of knowledge.” Communication is key to the success of Weiland Dairy LLC and High Gear Holsteins LLC. From left, Brady Weiland reviews reports with team members Francisco Rodriguez and Luis Angel. 00 1




Thursday, August 19, 2021 | E3 | | 800-947-7379





Poor field management has led to extreme variability in the field of row crops on the left. In contrast, a retention pond and native prairie varieties are making use of low productive ground on the right.‌

Less Labor - More Cows - More Milk Implementing a few landscape-management principles to the field on the left would likely result in a healthier soil profile, leading to improved water and nutrient management.‌


00 1

Farmers don’t often apply the term “landscape management” when they’re planning the layout of their acreage. But the agricultural community of the future will. I’m not talking about the landscape management that describes the work of a groundskeeper or weekend warrior in the development of appealing front yards; I’m referring to maximizing land use by functionally designing and planning for each acre’s purpose. If tillage, crop rotation, Oehmichen crop-protection products and cover crops are the tools in the tool box for yield then landStipetich scape management is the tool box. With so much on the line and variables such as volatile Linzmeier‌ w e a t h e r, rising operation costs, labor issues and more, every acre needs to count. What better way to maximize your effort than by eliminating some acres? Yes, you read that right – hear me out. Synergy and efficiency are two major components to having a successful business. They help identify opportunities and innovations to increase margins per acre. They also help determine inefficacy caused by the acres and field conditions generating low return because of such events as equipment becoming stuck and causing ruts, delayed harvest, poor fertility-building, poor yields and more. The synergy aspect entails assessing a physical landscape and implementing the best applications so the field can work like a finely tuned system. The efficiency component includes putting the right practices in place so the system can generate a profit in a time-efficient manner.

Every farm has underproductive areas. Analysis has shown that average Wisconsin farms lose money on 3 to 15 percent of farmed acres, yet those areas often receive the same treatment as the productive parts of the field. To more easily identify underproductive acres, Mark Linzmeier, a certified public accountant with a farming background, relies on access to yield monitor-

ing and data. “It has been easier to obtain reliable information on the actual yield in different areas of corn and soybean fields,” Linzmeier said about having access to such information. “When comparing the cost of crop inputs with actual yield results, there are acres that can show losses of $200 to $300 per acre.”

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Please see LANDSCAPE, Page E4

Growing Farm Safety Traditions

Safety never takes a break. We believe in protecting the families and children in our farming communities. Visit us online to learn how we help keep Wisconsin agriculture strong and find a local agent.


E4 | Thursday, August 19, 2021



New faculty members bring new ideas MARIA WOLDT

In its first two years, the Dairy Innovation Hub has invested significant resources to recruit new tenure-track faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville, UWRiver Falls and U W- M a d i s o n . Positions were created to help fill critical gaps in expertise needed to best serve Wisconsin’s diWoldt verse dairy community. Starting in Fall 2021, four new hires will conduct cutting-edge research and teach on difference-making topics for dairy. Representing the best and brightest minds, Kate Creutzinger, Grace Lewis and Luis Peña-Lévano will serve as assistant professors at UW-River Falls. Zifan Wan has been hired to serve at UW-Platteville. As an assistant professor specializing in dairy animal welfare, Creutzinger will establish a research and outreach program that supports Wisconsin dairy farmers and service providers through projects focused on dairy-animal welfare. Her research will leverage UW-River Falls’ laboratory farm with 100 milking cows and 100 youngstock as well as opportunities with commercial dairy farmers in Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. Creutzinger will teach undergraduate courses focusing on

Landscape From E3

Why fight with low-producing acres when modern technology – or good old-fashioned farmer intuition – can be used? Pinpointing the profit-draining acres, creating subfield budgets and utilizing alternative management practices can reduce risk and

Kate Creutzinger dairy and animal science with an emphasis on dairy cattle management and welfare. She’ll also advise students majoring in dairy science and mentor students with research projects related to her areas of expertise. Lewis was hired as an assistant professor specializing in dairy processing. She’ll develop a research and outreach program that

minimize profit loss. Alternative management solutions are as easy to implement as they are to list: waterways, pollinator and native-grass plantings, wetland restorations, precision planting, reduced tillage, cover cropping and perennial forage plantings, to name a few. Just because the crop isn’t corn or soybeans doesn’t mean it can’t play a functional

supports Wisconsin dairy processors, entrepreneurs, farmers and service providers by generating research focused on technology, product development and processing systems in the dairy foods space. Lewis’ research will leverage the University’s newly remodeled dairy pilot plant and opportunities with commercial dairy processors.

and necessary role in a farmer’s landscape-management plan. In fact, much research indicates that planting small areas to prairie adjacent to soybean fields can boost soybean yield up to 20% because of native-pollinator services. Aside from that, many groups will financially incentivize farmers seeking to plant diverse flowers for additional revenue. Pheas-



Lewis will also teach undergraduate courses in dairy manufacturing and food science with an emphasis on dairy processing and Lewis human health. She’ll advise students in the food science and technology program and mentor students with research projects in her area of expertise. Peña-Lévano was hired as an assistant professor specializing in community economic development. In this position, he’ll establish a research and outreach proPena-Levano gram in support of Wisconsin dairy farmers, agriculture start-ups, rural entrepreneurs and regional partnerships. Peña-Lévano will teach undergraduate courses in regional economics, agricultural economics and agribusiness management. He’ll also advise students in the agricultural business, agricultural studies and agricultural marketing communications programs. In addition, he’ll develop co-curricular opportunities for students that align with his research program. Wan was hired as an assistant professor specializing in dairy food science and management. In that position she’ll focus on dairy-food-product development for domestic and international markets to support Wisconsin

ants Forever precision-agriculture and conservation specialist Scott Stipetich has analyzed that shift in revenue. “Many of the clients I’ve worked with in Wisconsin identified portions of larger fields that were losing $100 to $300 per acre annually. We redefined the field boundary and planted the marginal crop ground to pollinator-friendly species,” said Stipetich. “Taking advantage of some incentive programs, these marginal acres are now profiting $50 to $100 per acre, not counting the yield bump, pest control and other ecosystem benefits they may be providing to the adjacent crop, water and soil.” Landscape management addresses other important factors, including the severe compaction inflicted

dairy farmers, dairy food processors and related service providers. Wan’s research will leverage established processing relationships Wan in Southwest Wisconsin and provide direction for a future dairy pilot plant at UW-Platteville. In addition to her research, Wan will teach students, educators, civic groups, boards and farmers throughout Wisconsin on topics related to dairy-food-product development. She’ll also mentor students interested in careers in food and dairy processing through real-world research and outreach experiences. In addition to Creutzinger, Lewis, Peña-Lévano and Wan, Ryan Pralle and Joe Sanford began at UW-Platteville last fall representing the first faculty positions funded by the Dairy Innovation Hub. The first faculty members at UW-Madison are currently being recruited. The Dairy Innovation Hub represents a $7.8 million per year investment by the State of Wisconsin that harnesses research and development at UW–Madison, UW–Platteville and UW–River Falls. Funds are used to build research capacity, recruit top talent, conduct innovative research, and engage in outreach and instruction. Maria Woldt is the program manager of the Dairy Innovation Hub. Email to reach her.

on headlands by staging harvesting and planting equipment there. It also addresses strategies to minimize water saturating the soil in bottoms of fields, lack of moisture in other areas causing sandy dry knobs, concentrated flows of precipitation that erode fields while carrying away nutrients and crop seed, and fields that become blighted by stuck equipment and ruts. Wisely managing landscapes is the right thing to do for the sake of healthy soils and agriculture’s sustainable future. But it’s more than that. My dad purchased 110 acres of tillable land; he has since reduced the farmed portion to 72 acres. With the remaining 38 he created marsh land and ponds as well as habitats for prairie chickens and

white-tail-deer hunting that his kids and grandkids enjoy. The choice he made wasn’t just about profitability or logistics. It was also about something else: a lasting legacy. Farmers are often hailed as stewards of the land, but it’s only with proper landscape management that we can actually claim that title.

creased the amount to $335,000. Since Dairy Cares’ inception 11 years ago the organization has raised more than $1.8 million for Children’s Wisconsin, an independent healthcare system dedicated solely to the health and well-being of children. Individuals interested in supporting Children’s Wisconsin may still donate.   Text DAIRY to 76278 or visit   Select the “Donate” option on the homepage or

within the menu   Select or enter the donation-payment amount   Complete the user profile when the system prompts Children’s Wisconsin in 2018 launched the Dairy Cares of Wisconsin Simulation Lab at its Milwaukee flagship hospital. The facility offers hands-on training for the next generation of healthcare providers. Visit and for more information.

Matthew Oehmichen is part owner of Short Lane Ag Supply of Colby, Wisconsin; email to reach him. Scott Stipetich is a precision-agriculture and conservation specialist with Pheasants Forever; email sstipetich@pheasantsforever. org to reach him. Mark Linzmeier is a certified public accountant and owner of Linzmeier Business Solutions LLC in Denmark, Wisconsin; email marklinzmeiercpa@ to reach him.


Nonprofit raises record $335,000

Dairy Cares of Wisconsin has started its second decade in record fashion. The nonprofit is revising its 2021 fundraising figure, with a new total of $335,000 raised thus far. Sponsorships and donations prior to the July 31 Dairy Cares Garden Party totaled $261,000. Funds raised via virtual and live auctions as well as supplemental donations in-


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FROM FARM TO FIELD The Penta (Hagedorn) line of Manure Spreaders allows you to make the best use of your organic nutrient resources. The Hagedorn Spreaders processes the manure finer with the best spread pattern. This lets your field make better use of this rich resource.

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00 1




Thursday, August 19, 2021 | E5


Learn from mistakes HANK WAGNER

Everyone fails and makes mistakes; there are no perfect human beings. Many people perceive failure as a bad thing and we may choose strong – even damaging – language to reprimand a child, employee, family member or even a stranger w h e n they’ve made a misWagner take. However failure can be a positive experience; it can certainly yield positive results. If we follow a deliberate four-step process it’s possible to learn important life-altering lessons and reduce the chance of the unpleasant experience from happening again. All four steps in this process must be accomplished in succession to obtain the maximum benefit. Step one is to acknowledge the mistake. That may

If a person chooses to not accept at least partial responsibility for the mistake their mind will be locked into blaming someone or something else, preventing them from exploring ways to learn from the failure. In such cases, it’s likely the mistake will be repeated.

The focus should be on creative idea generation and learning.

sound like a simple step but for many it isn’t. Sometimes it seems that the circumstances that contributed to the mistake are outside our control. Often when a mistake happens some of the first words spoken are, “It wasn’t my fault!” The statement is then followed by a list of reasons – excuses – why the blunder really wasn’t their fault. If a person chooses to not accept at least partial responsibility for the mistake their mind will be locked into blaming someone or something else, preventing them from exploring ways to learn from the failure.

In such cases, it’s likely the mistake will be repeated. Step two is to learn from the mistake. That is best accomplished by asking one of my favorite questions: “What can I do differently so this never happens again?” Here is where the magic begins to happen. Instead of making excuses or blaming another, the focus is on creative idea generation and learning. It can be very hard to get a person to that mode of thinking after they just had the unpleasant experience of a mistake or failure, but it can be very rewarding. Many people don’t realize that when we

come up with our own ideas to change something we are already subconsciously programming ourselves to take steps in the right direction. Step three is to make the adjustment. We must be intentional about putting the learning into practice. It may require us to change our thinking about something or program ourselves to alter a negative habit. Both can be very difficult to do. We may need to ask for help from others to remind us of our commitment to make the adjustments. Choosing an accountability partner can be a great way to hold ourselves accountable

while also receiving support and encouragement along the way. The final step is to move on. Though potentially difficult, when steps one through three are diligently followed, learning has likely happened and hopefully opportunities were discovered to avoid the same scenario in the future. No need to blame anyone, including yourself. It was a mistake; all people make them. You have already harvested learning from it, forgive yourself and move on. The four-step process can be extremely helpful to take family members or employ-

ees through when unfortunate things happen. I have found it is most valuable when we consistently take ourselves through this process as we encounter mistakes and failures in our own lives. Regularly repeating the process in our own lives sets the stage for a life of continual improvement. It also helps allay the fear of failure when we recognize the value in learning from mistakes.

The acquisition will expand’s offerings of software, risk-management resources, services and market intelligence. The company stated that its plan is to enable farmers and cooperatives, and processors and other end-users to leverage multiple options

for powering their part of the agricultural supply chain. With the acquisition has more than 200 team members in seven global locations, with 65 specifically dedicated to supporting the risk management and mar-

ket-intelligence needs of thousands of farmers and hundreds of commercial firms. will be

positioned to bring together elements of ever. ag’s Vault farm software with’s My Dairy

Dashboard technology and proprietary producer portals. Visit for more information.

Hank Wagner is a dairy producer and a John Maxwell Team teacher, mentor, speaker and coach. Email hwagner@wagnerfarmswi. com to reach him.


Acquisition expands tech services recently acquired, a provider of crop insurance, commodity brokerage, technology and other services for the dairy, grain and livestock sectors.

Int. 1486, good condition, 6338 Int. 1086, nice tractor, 5468 hrs., Case IH 7120 MFD, 7827 hrs., hrs., 18.4X38................ $15,500 18.4X38 w/duals ........... $15,000 new 18.4X42 radials...... $39,500

Jd 6620 Sidehill, new tires, 3,100 hrs. .................................................. $8,500 Jd 6RN Corn Head...................... $4,500 PACkAGE ONLY $12,000 Jd 9500 SH, late model, w/ bin extension, chopper, been through shop ..........$39,500 Jd 9650 STS, Contour Master, 3,800/2,700 hrs., 800x32 tires, ($8,400 recent shop work) ..........................................$52,500 Jd 9650 STS, Contour Master, 3,500/2,600 hrs., duals, NICE!.......................$58,500 Jd 9550, straw walker machine, 30.5x32 ...................................................$38,500

The Versatile Nemesis distills over half a century of rugged horsepower into a mid-range tractor that can be used for every day operation.


Case IH 8920 MFD, 7809 hrs., Case IH 8940, 8378 hrs., JoHn Deere 644e LoaDer, 18.4X42 Radials w/duals, 1000 18.4X46 rears w/duals, large 6507 hrs., Q tach bucket and PTO, new paint. ............. $42,500 1000 PTO ...................... $49,500 forks. Runs great ........... $35,000

Bloomington, WI

EQUIPMENT SALES 608-994-2401

Case IH 2388 CoMbIne, 2WD, 4439 Eng. 2 ) J o H n D e e r e 9 5 0 0 LoFtness 18 Ft. staLk hrs., 3462 sep. hrs., 30.5X32 frts., 14.9X24 CoMbInes, 2WD, low hrs. CHopper, hardly used!... $8,500 rears. Just out of the shed!.................$34,500 ................startIng at $21,000

CIH 2577, 4WD...........................$42,500 CIH 2388 ....................................$18,500 Jd 6620, .......................................$9,850 Jd 608C Corn head......................$32,500 Jd 6620, Sidehill, new tires .........$8,500 Jd 915 Flex Head.......................$5,500 SHEddEd & PACkAGE PRICEd $13,000 Head Hauler, 30’tricycle w/ rear brake .................................................. $3,800 Brent 420 Grain Cart w/ tarp........ $8,500


Between I-39 & Frontage Rd., Plainfield, WI


McCormick MTX 145, MFWD, 42” rubber, triple hyd., Hard to find a nicer one! . $85,000 Late Model Jd 2700, 5 shank w/levelers ...................................................$12,900 Jd 820 Moco, sickle..................... $4,800 New Idea 5209, Discbine .............. $6,800 (2) H&S Hd 7+4 Chopper Boxes, twin auger, tandem axle ............................. $10,500 Each or PAIR ONLY $20,000! Woods 3180 Batwing, 1,000 PTO.. $4,950

Hillsboro Area FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT SALE Wednesday, September 15 Call Now to Consign

M&S SALES Hillsboro, Wi

608-553-0403 • 608-489-4180


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Call your area Wisconsin CowManager Specialist for more information. Southeast Scott Hecker 920.374.0010

Southwest Trevor Yager 608.574.6142

Northwest Darin Klevgard 608.434.4171

Northeast Jared Krull 715.851.6373

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