March 29, 2018 Auctions & Real Estate

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Auctions & Real Estate JUSt in! - JD 7200 planter, 4RW, small frame, no till, DF...... $7,500 Victor 20’ forage box on Meyers 15 ton gear, open top......... $7,800

Fax your auctions to 608-250-4155 or e-mail to

DAIRY & SPECIAL HEIFER SALE Thursday, April 5, 2018 - 10:30 a.m. EXPECTING 250 HEAD

2017 JD 5075e w/JD 420 loader ...................................... $43,500 JUSt arriVeD!! ih 856, 4,980 hrs, dual hyd., factory WF, Nice, original tractor................................ $9,750 alWaYS SheDDeD!

‘00 Freightliner, Cat C12 w/9 spd. tran, 200,000 actual miles, 24’ Harsh box, Silage doors, Excellent rubber, super clean .......... $32,000 JUSt in - ‘99 international, 444E motor w/6 spd. trans, steel floor, cargo doors, IMMACULATE! ..................................... $32,000 JD 750 15’No Till Drill w/ grass, hitch style, NICE MACHINE........ $15,500

29 Holstein, 3 Jersey cross cows & 3 springing heifers. This is a nice home raised tiestall herd, all AI using good bulls from Select Sires. Closed herd since 1981! Very good feet, legs & udders, fully vaccinated, let out every day. Excellent udder health, Ryan has won many quality awards from Westby Co-op Creamery, last 4 years SCC average is 136!! Current tank average is 50 lbs milk with SCC of 79!! No TMR and certainly not pushed for production. Many good young bred back cows with huge upside potential!!


Another load of fancy young fresh cows & heifers from Cashton! These are reputation cattle, guaranteed sound. Jersey cross cow fresh 30 days, NICE! 6 Holstein cows fresh 25-90 days milking 72-98 lbs from over stocked herd. 8 open Holstein hfrs from 27,00 lb herd. 700 lbs, vac & FANCY!! 10 Holstein hfrs bred 3-5 months, 32 open Holstein hfrs, 500-650 lbs, green. 7 Holstein & Jersey x hfrs bred 6 month. 11 Holstein hfrs ready to breed. Top quality jumper bull, Farve son out of a high production, high test dam!


Already a nice amount of top cows consigned, please call to get your cows included in advertising. 2 complete dairy herds selling after aAa cows, we will have over 120 good and excellent quality cows!! Sale Location: W1461 State Hwy 98, Loyal, WI 54446 - HEATED ARENA From Spencer, WI take hwy 98 west 5 miles. From Loyal, 5 miles east on 98

SALE DONDUCTED BY: Oberholtzer Dairy Cattle & Auction Co. Auctioneer: Mark Oberholtzer, WI license #2802-052 John Oberholtzer 715-216-1897 • Mark Oberholtzer 715-773-2240 John Ivan Oberholtzer 715-219-2781 • Office 715-255-9600

rUStY BUt trUStY!!

great Farm trUck! - ‘04 DoDge 2500, 4x4, One Week Move It Out Special ................................................. $1,888 inclUDeS tax, titleanD licenSe!!

March 29, 2018 ST

COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL Ryan Christianson, Viroqua 608-634-3442

onlY 33 hoUrS!!

Section F •


Bush hog 11 shank Coulter chisel, w/ spring shanks ................ $3,800 like neW glencoe 7200 Soil Saver, 7 shank .................... $6,900 landoll 5 shank Disc Chisel, Hard to Find! ............................ $3,850 coming in • Kewanee 89 Cultimulcher, 20’, flat fold............................ $7,800 • Cook 16’ Offset Disc, big blades ....................................... $7,500 • Bradford 240 box w/ fert. auger, (never hauled fert.) ............ $2,200 rhino 15’Batwing, 540 PTO.....$4,200 Bush hog 3180 Batwing, 1,000 PTO..................................$6,800


Hillsboro, Wi 608-553-0403 • 608-489-4180

Located: (W14208 US Hwy 10, Fairchild, WI) From I-94 exit in Osseo, WI, take US Hwy 10 East 9 miles.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Sale Time: 9:00; Tractors Sell @ Noon 46 Antique Tractors – 24 IH, 7 JD, 4 Massey, 3 MM, & More! Antique Equipment Also Sells. Detailed Information & LOTS of Photos at www.NorthernInvestment.Com

Arnold & Vivian Huff, Owners Phone # 715.334.4218 or Cell # 715.579.1726

All Items Must Be Removed On or Before April 17

Wednesday, April 4 • 10:30 A.M.

Lunch by B.J.’s Barbecue Located from Thorp, WI: 5 miles North on Hwy 73 to County Line Road, then 1 mile West on County Line Road to farm. Note: The following line of machinery is in very good well kept condition. Several pieces are one owner and all machinery has been shedded as well. Machinery Tractors: Case IH 7140 Magnum FWD diesel tractor w/CAH, 3 spool hyd., 18.4x42 rears, 18 front suitcase weights & only 5,529 hrs. (exc. cond), set of 18.4x42 hub duals, IH 986 diesel tractor w/CAH, dual hyd. & pto, 18.4x38 rears & 5,727 hrs. (very good cond.), exceptionally nice cab), Farmall 560 diesel tractor w/wide front, hyd. adjust fast hitch & 16.9x38 rears (had recent overhaulvery good cond.), IH 856 diesel open station tractor w/all hyd. loader w/mat. bucket, 18.4x38 rears (recent overhaul), Forage Equip.: NH H7450 13’ rubber roll hydro-swing disc-bine (like new), NH 565 hay baler w/#72 thrower, NH F62B 540 pto blower (like new), H&S V-12 12 wheel hyd. fold hay rake (exc. cond.), NH FP-230 chopper w/new style wide hay head (1 owner), (3) Meyers 3516 16’ steel chopper boxes w/Meyers 12 tn. gears w/14L tires, NH 489 9’ haybine, NI 4210 hay tedder, NH 258 hay rake w/front dolly wheel & new teeth, H&S 8 place lg. bale mover, H&S 9x18 steel bale throw rack w/E-Z Trail gear, H&S 9x18 steel bale throw rack w/JD gear, (2) 8x16 steel bale throw racks w/ gears, (2) wooden bale throw racks w/gears, flat hay rack w/gear, Planting & Tillage: Case IH 5300 10’ D.D. grain drill w/rear grass seed boxes (exc. cond.), Brillion 10’ cultipacker, Brillion 12’ 9 shank disc-chisel w/rear harrow, Kewanee 1020 22’ hyd. wing fold disk, Wil-Rich 27’ hyd. wing fold field cultivator w/ new shovels, Miller 4 row 3 pt. cultivator General Farm: NI 3718 steel manure spreader w/poly floor & rear end gate, Dura-Line 16’ bumper hitch cattle trailer, Meyers 20’ steel feeder wg. w/S.S. floor, light running gear, skid steer bale fork, loader mount bale fork, bucket mount pallet forks, Misc. Items: 18.4x38 axle mount duals, 3 pt. bale mover, loader mount bale spear, Loyal 26’x9” feed conveyor w/poly liner & transport, 13’x7’ tandem axle dump trailer, Western 8’ pickup mount snowplow (cable type), small utility trailer, rock wg. w/gear, 6’x8’ fencing trailer, several 8’x18” & 4’x18” gutter grates, (2) 300 gal. fuel barrels w/stands, 300 gal. fuel barrel, 16’x4” grain auger w/motor, 15” tractor chains, Rochester clean chute, driveway drag, telephone poles, Century arc welder, lg. ice tongs, asst. of old farm tools, anvil, screw jacks, steel fence posts, barbed wire, fencers, silo pipe, barn tools, elec. motors, misc tires, misc. parts, 18.4x38” hub duals, set of chopper knives for NH FP230 chopper, set of chopper knives for Gehl 860-1060 chopper, silo slip pipes, feed carts, wheelbarrows, Rochester steel silo doors, hyd. cylinders, lightning rods, elec. fuel pump, tractor tool boxes, homemade calf crate hauler, asst. lumber, logging chains, (2) 16’ wood ladders, snow fence, soybean & alf. grass seed, cow trainers, IH plow parts, poly water tank, asst. gates, antique hay scythes, slush bucket, lg. antique vise, antique hand well pump, Feed: (40) 4x4 bales of 3rd crop balage

RobeRt & DebRa KaszubowsKi – owneRs (715) 512-0125 or 715-669-5238 W10123 CouNTy LINE rd., ThorP, WI

Terms: All purchases must be settled for on sale day, cash or check. If credit is desired, contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day.

Christensen sales Corp. Abbotsford, WI – Clerk & Sales Managers (715) 223-6345 • Registered Wisconsin Auction Co. #33 website: email: Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191

Looking for an auction to go to?

NORTHERN INVESTMENT CO. Clerk & Cashier, Mondovi, WI 715/926-4265, Registered Wisconsin Auction Co. Lic. #10 Rep. by Dave Nehring, Cell #715/797-0253, Auctioneers: John Marg, Black River Falls, WI. Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer License #231, Ph 715.284.4684 and Jamie Back, Independence, WI. Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer License #2232, Ph. 715.797.0802.



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SALE TIME: 10:00 a.m. LOCATION: W16181 Hwy 10/53 (Grand Occasions Event Center) Osseo, WI which is 2 mi. west of Osseo, WI on Hwy 10. Watch for the signs. NOTE: This is a great offering of farm equipment from local consignors. Accepting consignments up to April 2nd. Contact Steve (715) 797-2347 or Scott (715) 495-6131 with your consignments. For listing updates and to view pictures visit TRACTORS & COMBINE: IH 886, Hour Meter Shows 8,000 hrs, 3,000 hrs on Engine Overhaul, Cab, 3 Pt, 18.4-34, Dual Hyd; IH 784 Utility, Hour Meter Shows 5,471 hrs, Diesel, 3 pt, w/ IH 2250 Loader, Material Bucket; Massey Ferguson 50, Gas, Loader; John Deere “A”, Fully Restored; John Deere “A”; IH 606, Gas, 3 Pt, Hyd Loader w/ Manure Tine Bucket; John Deere 6620, Diesel, 2,200 Hrs, New Rasp Bars. HAY & FORAGE: John Deere MoCo 835, Draw Bar Hitch, Rubber Rollers, Cutter Bar Need Repair; H&S 8’ Hay Tedder, PTO Drive; H&S 8 Wheel Bifold Rake, Manual Fold; NH 848 4X5’ Round Baler, Net Wrap; JD 660 Rake w/ Dolly Wheel & Rubber Teeth; 9x16 Steel Kicker Rack on Knowles Wagon; JD Hay Fluffer; Gehl 5 Ft Stalk Chopper; Case V12 Stalk Chopper; NH 848 Round Baler; NI 486 5X6’ Round Baler, 11” Endless Belts; JD 800 Swather, Gas, 12’ Drapper Head; Hesston 1010 9 Ft Hydroswing Haybine; Hayrite Hay Conveyor w/ Power Curve, Approx 90 Ft of Conveyor, Tip Off, Elect Motors, Used 3 Seasons, Sold Off Site; IH 56 Blower; (2) Badger BN 2054 Blower; Peaqua 9’ Hay Tedder. PLANTING & TILLAGE: John Deere 7000 4 RW, Dry Fert, No Till; Landoll 850-27 Field Finisher; DMI 11 Shank 3 Pt Anhydrous Bar, Closing Wheels, Raven Cold Flow, Raven 440 Monitor; White 285 20 Ft Field Cultivator, Manual Fold, New Teeth; JD 200 Gallon Field Sprayer, No Pump; M&W 15’ 3 Pt Rotary Hoe, John Deere 10 Ft Single Disk Grain Drill w/ Hyd Lift, IH 410 14’ Disk; JD 2600 4X18” Semi Mounted Plow; 8 Ft Digger on Rubber. OTHER EQUIP: Vermeer BP7000 Bale Processor, Self-Loading, 1000 PTO, One Owner; Schuette 20 Ft Tricycle Feed Wagon (Little Use); Meyer 20’ Feed Wagon; UFT 300 Bu Grain Cart w/ Tarp; H&S 350 Spreader w/ Dial Flow & Poly Lined; Pincor 20 KW PTO Generator on Trailer; Kory 200 Bu Gravity Box w/ 14” Extensions on Kory 6872 8 Ton Wagon, Westfield 10”x36’ Grain Auger on Transport; 10’X5” Oat Auger w/ Hopper; 3 Pt Bale Fork; Virnig 66” Manure Fork; Universal Bale Spear. TRAILER: 2014 Load Trail 16’x96” Deck Over Gooseneck Dump Trailer, Tarp, Drop Sides (Like New); 4x8 Utility Trailer. MISC ITEMS: Dicky John Corn Moisture Tester, Round Bale Feeder, (2) Deerborn Cord Wood Saws w/ 2 Blades, Silo Unloader Gear Box, (2) Hyd Cylinders, Goodyear 19.5Lx24, Delta 8 ¼” Table Saw, MTD 26” Snow Blower, Floor Drill Press, Lincoln Power Mag 300 AC/DC Mig/Arc Welder 220 Volt Gas Hook Up, Lincoln 225 Amp AC Welder, JD 72” Mower Deck fits JD 970 Utility Tractor, 1,000 Gallon Fuel Barrel w/ Elect Pump, New 16” Wagon Wheels, Platform Scale, 28x26L Tires, John Deere Planter Parts, Sprayer Parts, (2) 48” Loyal Barn Fans w/ Hoods & New Louvers, Hyd Combine Straw Spinner, Weaverline 430 Hydrostatic Feed Cart w/ New Charger, Cow Straps, Devilbiss 2200 PSE Gas Pressure Washer, Craftsman 110 Volt Electric Pressure Washer, 18.4-38 Hub Duals 9 Bolt 3 3/8” Hubs, 150-600-900 Gal Round Poly Stock Tank, 30.5-32 Combine Tires on Case IH Rims, Manual Head Catch Gate, Gate Panels, Fencing Supplies, Livestock Supplies, Wood Calf Crate, Ext Ladders, Wood Fair Box. ATV & OTHER: Artic Cat 500, 4x4 (Clean), 1995 Polaris SL 750 Jet Ski (Needs Carburetor), Allen Dock Jet Ski Lift, Club Car Golf Cart w/ Charger (Needs Batteries), 1997 Sun Tracker 24DL Party Barge Pontoon w/ Trailer and Fresh Rebuilt Johnson 40hp 2 Stroke Motor, John Deere RX 75 Riding Mower w/ 32” Deck; JD Hydro 185 Lawn Tractor w/ 42” Deck, JD LA125 Lawn Tractor w/ 38” Deck. BEDDING: 40 5x6 Net Wrapped Corn Stalk Bales. Golden Triangle Consignment Auction Steve Strey (715) 797-2347 TERMS: Cash or personal checks may be used for payment. No Buyers Fee. WI 5.5% sales tax will be collected on all titled and recreational vehicles. All items being offered for sale are being sold “as is, where is” with no warranty or guarantee. Positive identification required to register for a bidder’s number. All items must be settled for the day of auction. Announcements made sale day takes precedence over printed material. Listing is subject to change prior to auction. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. SALE CONDUCTED BY: ProCountry, LLC Auction Service, Registered Wisconsin Auction Company # 280; Mondovi, WI. AUCTIONEERS: Steve Strey (715) 797-2347 & Scott Werlein (715) 495-6131 Registered WI Auctioneers # 2081 & 178. For pictures visit:

Saturday, April 7 • 10:00 A.M. B.J.’s Barbecue

Located on the West edge of Augusta, WI on US Hwy 12 Note: The following equipment & other items are in excellent cond. with several pieces being like new. Special Items & Machinery: 2006 Wilson Ranch Hand 24’ alum. cattle trailer (exc. cond), E-Z haul lg. bale hauling trailer (holds 6-5x6 bales), (2) Peterson 20’ hay steel feeder wgs. (holds 3 bales), Peterson 24’ hay steel feeder wg. (4 bale), (3) Notch 20’ steel feeder wgs., H&S 20’ steel feeder wg., King Kutter 3 pt. landscape rake, King Kutter 96” 3 pt. drag/harrow, Sioux 3 pt. hay hauler, JD loader hay tines, skid steer hay tines Livestock Handling: WW Stampede 2K double Dutch self catch chute, 270 full sheet sweep tub w/eliminator gate, 20’ lead up double S alleyway & palp cage (1 ½ yrs. old, exc. cond. – may be offered in sections), Foremost catch chute w/palp cage & self closing head gate, True-Test floor scale w/Tru-Test HD 850 load bars & Ezi weigh monitor, (3) 8’x16’ open front wood frame/metal roof calf sheds on skids, (2) 8’x16’ open front wood frame/metal roof calf sheds w/pull bars on skids, Misc. Items: MVE Mil. 2000 semen tank, Roy-L-Heat elec. calf warmer, misc. calf blankets, dehorning supplies, newborn calf scale, calf puller, misc. tagging supplies, lots of misc. vet supplies, misc. salt & minerals, battery & elec. fencers, fencing supplies, misc. buckets & feed pans, 100’ rolls of drain tile, lots of barn tools, feed cart, barn camera systems, water tanks, Livestock Handling & Feeding: (8) Easy-Way mineral feeders/ oilers, (20) portable corral sorting gates, (2) Behlen 1200 gal. steel calf creep feeders, (4) Behlen 750 gal. steel calf creep feeders, (2) Sioux 4’ feed troughs, Sioux steel bulk feed bin (5.74 tn./231 bu.) w/side valves & ladders, (2) Sioux steel bulk feed bins (4.25 tn./171 bu.) w/side valves & ladders, Notch 20’ steel slant bar fence line feeder (10 gauge steel), (4) Notch 12’ steel slant bar fence line feeders (10 gauge steel), (3) Pequea PMC 10’ steel slant bar fence line feeders (12 gauge steel), Notch 16’ stationary flared hay bunk feeder (holds (2) 5x6 bales), (3) Sioux stationary elevated hay feeders (holds (1) 5x6 bale), (4) round bale feeders, (5) Sioux steel 8’ feed troughs Show Equipment: Sullivan’s show equip including: Hybrid Cadillac fitting chute, alum. Cadillac fitting chute, (2) Turbo fans, fitting mat, (2) Air Express blowers, padded chute floor, show halters (various sizes), steel fan cage w/ext., & alum. fan cage, & attach., upright fan stand, rubber stall mats, 4’ Treadbrite alum. upright show dolly box, show box contents, misc. clippers, barn rope halters, grooming supplies

Muddy Flats cattle co. Michael Goodell – owner 715-271-8021 E18940 Hwy 12., Augusta, WI Terms: Positive ID required. All purchases must be settled for on sale day, cash or check. (Visa & MC accepted with a 3% service fee). NO BUYERS FEE. Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191 Website: Email:


AGRI-VIEW • March 29, 2018



GOLDIE MOEN-OPPERMAN ESTATE E3650 County Highway C, Tigerton, WI 54486



Starting at 12:00 NOON located: 1 mile west of Big Falls on Co Hwy C. Watch for signs.

33.7 acre farm to be offered in the following parcels : parcel 1: 13.4 acres of land lying north of the Little Wolf River, being Lot 1 of CSM 6962 V26P66, Section 28 T25NR12E, Town of Wyoming, Waupaca County, TID# 22 28 11 1. Land consists of approx. 5 acres tillable and the balance river bottom and hardwoods. parcel 2: The buildings and 18 acres of land at E3650 Cty Hwy C, Tigerton, being Lot 2 of CSM 6962 V26P66, Section 28, T25N-R12E, Town of Wyoming, Waupaca County, TID# 22 28 11 2. Land consists of approx. 6 acres tillable, balance river bottom, hardwoods, and building site, with frontage on the Little Wolf River. Home consists of a 1-1/2 stories with 3 bedrooms down, 2 bedrooms up, full bath, living room, kitchen w/wood cookstove, full basement w/wood & oil heat. Well is a driven point in basement and septic is a newer mound system. Outbuildings consist of a 20’x36’ concrete block building w/steel roof, and a 32’x64’ steel shed. parcel 3: 2.19 acres of land lying south of the Little Wolf River, being Outlot 1 of CSM 6962 P26V66, Section 28 T25N-R12E, Town of Wyoming Waupaca County, TID# 22 28 11 3. Land is all wooded, with frontage on the Little Wolf River. parcel 4: The property as a whole or any combination of parcels to suit the buyers. real estate terms: This property will be sold ABSOLuTE WITH NO RESERVE on the day of the auction. Buyers will be expected to sign an offer to purchase and give a 10% down payment on the day of the auction with balance due at closing in 45 days. All bids will be made as cash offers, not subject to financing. Property will be delivered free & clear of all encumbrances & will be closed by the title company. Taxes will be prorated to the day of closing. open house: There will be an open house on saturday, march 31st, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm for buyers to view the property. A representative of Nolan Sales will be present to show the property and answer questions. auctioneer’s note: This farm has the Little Wolf River running through it which is known for excellent trout fishing, canoeing, and swimming activities. Sale clerked by Nolan Auction, Inc. Regular auction terms - cash or personal check. Everything sold as is, where is. No Warranties. SALE CONDuCTED By:


P.O. Box 486, Marion, WI 54950 * (715) 754-5221 or 1-800-472-0290 Tim Nolan & Gerald “Sonny” Nolan, Reg. WI Auctioneers, Lic. #165 & #142 Visit our website at


WHO: Estate Sale and Others WHERE: Olerud Farm (S2221A Olerud Rd, Westby) WHEN: April 7, 2018 TIME: 9:00AM LUNCH: by Lori

LOCATION: From Hwy 14, Westby: take E Park St 3 miles to Olerud Ln, then follow Olerud Ln to home. Antiques: Sleepy Eye Vase; 3gal RW Churn; 4gal flower churn; 6gal Birchleaf crock; 5 Albany Slip; 5gal Birchleaf RW beehive jug; 3 RW quart mason jars; 10in RW Sponge bowl; Crock bowl of Jensen & Laugh General Story in Ferryville, Wise, w/cover; The Banner Liquor Store Jos Hofforth 2gal jug, Winona, MN; several brown jugs & small crock; bean bot w/advertising; 6gal Birchleaf; 3 sponge bowls; 20gal, 2-15gal, 12gal, 2gal RW Crocks; nest of bowls; USE Capital Coffee wood box; Watt pitcher No 15; Round oak table w/large claw foot; antique high chair - early 1900’s; drop leaf table & 2 chairs; antique mirror w/gold trip; foot pedal sewing machine w/ attachment - works; oak stack book case - 4 piece; Singer threader sewing machine; 2 gargoyles; 7 matching chairs; antique side board w/claw foot; cedar chest; secretary w/curved glass & carving; drop front desk; 6 amber Holman Dairy Bottles & Crate; Rare Wild Turkey clock; Coca-Cola cooler; Rare Eagle Bourbon advertising mirror; Mike’s Hard Lemonade neon light; Packard clock; Hudson Spies & Service Sign; 5 Whitetail shoulder mounts; several decanter bottles; old traps; old boat motor; coffee grinder; pitcher pump; small antique items; Jim Beam train set; 60 decanter bottles old; large stamp collection; lots more antiques Pedal Cars & Tractors: IH 806 pedal tractor w/wagon; AC WD45 Pedal Tractor; Campbells soup pedal car Toy Tractors: JD Precision toy tractors B, 70, 630, 730, 720, 720 w/loader & blade, 3010, 4020, 4000, 4440, 4020 w/corn picker, 4450; Other Precision tractors -IH 400, 460, 706, 1466, 1568, Oliver 77, case IH 1570, Farmall Regular; JD Tractors - 4010 Heritage & Prestige, 430 Prestige, 730, 530 Cylinder Clutch, 530 w/heat house, 4040 & 4230 toy farmer, 4020 & 4520 200A, 730 row crop 80, 4320 w/cab 60, 45 Prestige combine, Prestige 630 & 720, 4320 w/cab, JD 1010, 60 FFA Edition Model HN 4620, M, 60, 80 A, 420 H, B, 630 LP, 22640, JDB 1/8 scale; Farmall - H, C, B 140, 350, 656, Spec-cast 340, SM, IH 1256 Turbo, IH 1206 Turbo, 1066 Dealer Edition, 1066 w/dab, 1256 Spec-cast 504, Hyd 70, Prestige 666, Farmall 300 w/sprayer. Spec-cast 300LP, 1586, 8 boxes of 66 series 1:64 scl1566, Magnum 340, Case IH Mx255; Oliver - Spec-cast 770, 1650 4 wheel drive, 1755, 1355, Super 88 LP, Oliver 77 Precision, 1950T, 1555, Super 77 LP, 1655; Other toy tractors - 8N & 9N 1:8 scale, MF - 1150, 1100, & Spec-cast 50, MM - Spec-cast U, Jet Star 4, 445 w/sickle mower, NH Super 66 baler w/motor, Tru Scale baler, grain drill, spreader, plow, & tractor, Spec-cast Case 0 Drill, Spec-cast JD plow, NH self-propelled chopper, JD Precision barge box; other toy tractors including a lot of 1:64 scale -1:64 die cast tractors and implements; 125 toy tractors are in the box Toy Cars & Trucks: 200 1:24 Nascar cars w/box - names like Jeff Gordon, Dale Earnhardt, Dale Jr, Tony Stewart, Matt Kenseth, Dale Jarrett, Bill Elliott, Rick Rudd, Kevin Harvick, Micheal Walltrip, Jimmy Johnson, Denny Hem lin, and others; 1:24 scale racing semi-truck; 1:43 scale pickup & cars; lots of 1:64 cars; advertising semi-truck New - In-Box Guns: Thompson Center Ventrue Predator AP snow .308 w/Predator rifle scope; Remington 783 bold action 30-06 w/scope; Thompson Center Venture bolt-action 30-06; Savage M-11 .243 bolt-action w/Nikon scope; Mossberg .308 Patriot; Browning A-Bolt Ill bolt-action .270; Mossberg 7MM 4x4 bolt-action walnut stock w/scope; Mossberg Patriot bolt-action 6.5 Creedmoor; Weatherby Vanguard .223 bolt-action; New England 12 gauge pump w/black walnut stock; Remington 870 Express 12 gauge pump; Ruger .22-250 bolt-action; Model 88 12 gauge Maverick pump; Remington Model783 .270 w/scope, synthetic camo stock; Walther German Made .22LR; Remington 1100; Henry 30-30 lever action - low Ser. No, 1 of 2000 made in Wisc; Browning X Bolt bolt-action short mag, custom maple; Kimber 6.5 Kreedmore; Remington 783 w/scope; Henry .22 lever-action octagon barrel, walnut; Henry Big Boy lever-action .44; BG BLR Lightweight .270 w/22” blued, Monte Carlo; Bushmaster .223 ORC w/red dot, 16” barrel; Ruger 30-06 w/scope; Taurus 44 Mag- 6 shot stainless; MB 500 Classic 12 gauge - polished blued walnut Used Guns: Weatherby Mark V 338-378 w/scope; Remington Model 700 220 swift w/scope; Remington Model 770 .270 black w/scope; Browning Arms 450 - SS barrel, lever-action, Tasco scope; Mossberg 4x4 .300 - SS barrel, bolt-action, Mossberg scope; Mossberg Model 500 pump combo - 2 barrel w/scope; Remington 11-87 auto w/scope, slug barrel; Smith & Wesson Model 1500 caliber bolt-action w/Tasco scope; Savage Model10 .22-250 bolt action w/Tasco scope; 45 long Colt rifle; Colt Gold Cup 1911 .22LR handgun Gator & Mower: JD 850 Diesel XUV w/snow plow-like new; JD 345 Riding Lawn Mower - 54” deck w/snow plow, only 779 hrs Note: There may be additional items added to sale. There is also a sale on April 5th at the same location. See for sale bill. SALE ORDER: Antiques, toy tractors, & Nascar, followed by Guns at 1pm, then Gator & lawn mower TERMS: CASH or GOOD CHECKS. ALL announcements made day of auction take precedence over all ads in print. Check REGISTERED WISCONSIN AUCTIONEERS: Gary Olerud (608)634-4557 or (608) 6321689 -- License #364 - Westby, WI Garrick Olerud - License #2912 - Westby, WI CLERK & CASHIER: Olerud Auction ServiceREGISTER WISCONSIN AUCTIONEER: Gary Olerud (608) 634-4557 or (608) 632-1689 License #364 Garrick Olerud License #2912 Westby, WI 54667 CLERK & CASHIER: Olerud Auction Service

38 – HI-GRADE HOLSTEIN COWS – 38 100% HOMEBRED - 100% AI SELLING IS A SHARP YOUNG HOMEBRED HERD: 100% AI. Select Sires finer bulls have been represented for years! MILK FROM NICE UDDERS: 7 Cows are recently fresh and 2 are close springers. Note: A large group is due back for fall freshening! This herd is currently shipping 70#/ cow/day to the creamery. This production level is being maintained with 2x, No BGH, No TMR and very little protein. They average 4.0% butterfat and 3.1% protein. EXTREMELY YOUNG: The average age is only 32 months. 95% of the animals are 1st and 2nd calf with very good feet & legs found throughout. Unlimited Potential! HERD HEALTH: SCC is excellent running only 108,000 from DHI. Individual SCC will be posted. Jeff received the quality milk award for 2017. They are on a biannual vaccination program. The herd is let outside daily for exercise, and fed at a bunk. You can buy with confidence! LOOKING FOR FANCY YOUNG COWS THAT SHOW MILK? Join us at the Call dispersal. You’ll be impressed! TERMS: No Buyer’s Fee. Cash or good check. FIND US ON THE INTERNET:


STRUM, WISCONSIN 715-695-2972

SALE CONDUCTED BY: HAGER AUCTION SERVICE 715-273-4638 BARRY HAGER, Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #105 TIM PRUSAK, Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #479

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Friday, April 6, 2018 ★ ★ 9:30 A.M. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Groth Implement ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Can’t attend the auction? Bid live online at ★ proxibid ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Houghton’s Auction Service

Red Wing, MN

After 43 years of serving southern Minnesota as a New Holland and JCB dealership, Brian has decided to retire and will have a complete dispersal auction of his dealership. LOCATION: Groth Implement, 850 3rd Ave. S., Wanamingo, MN.

JCB WHEEL LOADER, JCB EXCAVATOR, JCB BACKHOE, SKID LOADERS, NEW & USED ATTACHMENTS 2016 JCB 409 wheel loader, cab, AC, heat, radio, 25 hrs. hyd. coupler, aux hyd., like new - 2015 JCB 8035 ZTS, mini excavator, cab, AC, heat, 71 hrs. rubber tracks, blade, hyd. thumb - 2016 New JCB 3CX Eco Super Backhoe, cab, AC, heat, air seat, radio, less then 10 hrs., 4x4, Extena Hoe, 24" backhoe bu c k e t , Absolutly like new - JCB 260, cab, AC, heat, radio, 90 hrs. hyd. latch, 2 sp. - JCB 175, cab, AC, heat, radio, 1,400 hrs. hyd. latch, air suspension seat, 2 sp. - 2013 NH L223, cab, AC, heat, radio, 1,850 hrs. hyd. latch, 2 sp. - 2010 NH L160, cab, AC, heat, 3,500 hrs. - Yanmar engine out of JD skid loader, approx. 1,500 hrs. - New JCB 6 ft. hyd. blade - New JCB hyd. post hole auger - JCB 205 cab, AC, heat, 62 hrs., hyd. latch, 2-sp. - (3) New CID 6 ft. skid loader rotary mowers - New MDS 14' snow pusher - New Roto King RK500 round bale processor - New MDS 2 yd bucket - Mew Bradco 2.25 yd. bucket - New JCB hyd. grapple - New JCB 3 yd. bucket Large assrt. of new Virning, MDS, JCB buckets, pallet forks, bale spears, hyd. grapples - New Virning 84" hyd. broom - New Equip All Q860 grapple hoe - Universal skid loader mnt. plate - Several used skid loader buckets. DYNO & SHOP EQUIPMENT, HOIST & INVENTORY AW Tru Test Dynomo Meter, 2 PTOs, digital print out, like new Snap-On Eco134 AC recover - Snap-On computer smart battery charger - Slimage starter & alt. tester - Snap-On battery charger - OTC 55-ton shop press - Eagle 20,000 lb. 4-post extra long hoist - 50-Ton hyd. press - OTC cherry picker - Eagle equipment tire changer (like new) - Miller Matic 250 wire feed welder - Lanmar MX200 waste oil heater & tank - Alkota Xtreme 3202X hot water elect pressure washer - Alkota 3201P hot water elect. pressure washer - Campbell Hausfeld upright 60 gal. 7-hp. air compressor Gates PC 707 hyd. hose machine & dies - New hose & fittings - Parts washer - Tool cabinet - Snap-On hand tools; wrenches, sockets Pallet jack - Air jacks - Hyd. floor jacks - Craftsman commercial drill press - Chains & binders - Porta powers - HD grinders - Anvil Shop benches - Shelfing - Air hose reel - New Holland & Ford service ®

manuals - Hand power & hand tools - Bolt bins w/new hardware - Splitting stand - Chain hoist - Pullers - Arc welder - New inventory includes; tires & rims - NH chains - Net wrap 48" to 62" - 7200 twine - Gates belts - Seats - Oil - Batteries - NH tools - New chemicals & paints - Weisler PTO parts - Store shelves - Floor safe 41/2' high x 3' wide - Plus more related items. FORD F550 ROLLBACK TRUCK, PICKUPS, CAT FORKLIFTS 2008 Ford F550 XL Super Duty, 19,132 act. one-owner miles, dually, V10 6.8L, 5 sp. w/Century 17 ft. Alum roll back bed, winch, tool box, like new, very nice truck - 2009 Toyota Tundra 4x4, 78,400 act. one-owner miles, V8 treg cab - 2008 Toyota Tacoma auto, 2wd, 141,000 oneowner miles - 1998 Cat DP45K-D dsl. 548 act. one-owner hrs. 10,000 lb. lift, 3-stage mast, wide carraige, side shift, 60" forks, dual wheels, absolutly like new - Cat 100 dsl. 1,655 act. one-owner hrs. 10,000 lb. lift, 3-stage mast, side shift, 60" forks, dual wheels, absolutely like new. KRAUSE EXCELERATER & NEW HOLLAND CHOPPING, HAYING & LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT 2012 Krause Excelerator 8000, 25 ft. Vert. tillage, rolling basket, rolling knives - 2011 NH FP230 chopper, Metal Alert III, w/NH 27P, 7 ft. hay head - 2005 NH FP230 chopper, tandem, processor, Metal Alert III, w/NH 27P, 7 ft. heay head - New 2015 NH 824, 2R corn head - 2013 JD 3R corn head (green, like new) - 2015 NH 313 discbine - 2008 NH 1411 discbine 2006 NH 1431 discbine - 2014 NH HT152, 10-wheel rake, hyd. cart - (2) New 2015 NH 560 Roll Belt, round balers, specialty crop, net wrap - 2005 NH BR740 round baler, auto wrap, 3,500 bales - NH BR780 round baler, net wrap - NH 660 round baler, net wrap - 2008 NH 185 tandem manure spreader, hyd. end gate - 2008 NH 155 manure spreader, hyd. end gate. NEW HOLLAND BOOMER COMPACT TRACTOR, JCB UTV, NEW HOLLAND FRONT MOUNT MOWER & 3-PT. ATTACHMENTS 2014 NH G6030 dsl. 4x4, 75 hrs. 72" frt. mnt. mower deck - 2011 NH Boomer 8N dsl. MFWD, 140 hrs., hydro, 3pt. hyd, PTO - NH 7CBH, 72" frt. blade boomer mnt. (new) - NH 72CO, 72" frt. mnt. broom (new) - NH 74CSR, 5 ft. 3-pt. snowblower (new) - NH frt. blade & NH frt. mnt snowblower (fits boomer tractors, new in the crate) - NH 72" 3-pt. 2-stage snowblower - SB Select 7 ft. snowblower, double auger, hyd. spout - NH 410GM, 3 5 ft. sect. finish mower, like new - 2011 NH 320GM, 6 ft. 3-pt. finish mower (new) - 2011 NH 310GM, 5 ft. 3-pt. finish mower (new) - Rhino 5 ft. 3-pt. back blade (new). AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Make your plans to attend this great auction, which offers quality equipment from start to finish. TERMS: Cash, check, major credit cards.


Todd Houghton, MN Lic. #25-47, WI Lic. #181 Red Wing, MN - 651-764-4285 Brian Sander, 25-89, Red Wing, MN 651-301-2344

MILLER ‘N CO. AUCTION UPDATES… HI Quality IH Farm Equipment & More Auction Thurs. April 12 10:30 a.m. Denmark, WI Variety Acres-Norman & Mark Vanderkelen

Mark-920-609-4098 6298 Cty Rd. P From Denmark, Hwy. R to P, left to farm on left.

Family Picture Day…L to R—IH 3288-only 3933 Hrs., IH 986 home grown & only 4185 hrs., IH 886-loaded up and a sharp 4443 hr. tractor; IH 684 cab & clean 3726 hr. chore tractor; IH 574 that still wears original rear rubber-strict oil changes, regular maintenance and family operated caring hours—a great running & driving line-up. Watch for pictures of one super sharp hay duo—FNH 648 Rd. Baler & JD 338T small square baler—it’s hard to tell them from new. Plus…NH 150 Skid Steer w/just over 2000 hrs. A complete line of planting & tillage including JD 7000 6RN planter; JD 8200 10’ drill, and lots more in this full complete farm line, along with plenty of shop, antique, and cattle related! Watch for next week’s update and look for lots of pics at & Facebook. If you can’t attend, check out where main items will be sold simulcast live/online sale day.

--------------------------------------------More soon…new dates and listings including a great 100-yr.-plus estate sale with a nice equipment line & real nice antiques.

Until next week, take care & Happy Easter!

TERMS: Cash, good check or if unknown to auction company, bank letter of credit with state issued ID must accompany payment. All items must be paid for at completion of sale and before removal. Number system will be used. All items sell as is, where is. All announcements sale day take precedence over all matters in print. Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after it is sold.

Miller ‘N Co. Auctions & Appraisals, LLC

Gregg Miller, Newton, WI • (920) 980-4999 or 980-4995 Wisconsin Registered Auctioneer #488 Mike Stade WI Reg. Auctioneer #607 Jason Miller WI Reg. Auctioneer #2900

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Saturday, April 7, 2018 ★ ★ 9:30 AM ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Can’t attend the auction? Bid live online at proxibid ★ ★ ★ ★ Roger & Ruth Ann Bothe ★ ★ 8180 65th St. S., Cottage Grove, MN ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Houghton’s Auction Service

LOCATED: ½ Mile north of Strum, Wisconsin on County D to Call Valley road, then east ½ mile. Fire # W21497. THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2018 VERY GOOD MILKING HERD DISPERSAL Sale Starts at 12:00 Noon - Lunch on Grounds

Check out our list of auctions to attend...

Red Wing, MN

The Bothes have sold their farm and are retiring after many years of farming, therefore they will have a public auction. Location: 8180 65th St. S., Cottage Grove, MN. From Hastings, MN, take Hwy. 61 north to Washington Co. #19 & Innovation Rd. exit, go right (north) on Washington Co. #19 (also Keats Ave.) go three miles at roundabout, take Washington Co. #22 (70th St.) left (west) 1.5 miles, turn right on Inwood Ave, go .5 miles, turn left on 65th St., go 1/4 mile, farm is on the right side of the road.


EXCELLENT LOW-HOUR, WELL-CARED FOR CASE IH TRACTORS Case IH 8920 MFWD, 2,962 act. second owner hrs., cab, 3-pt. 3 hyd. dual PTO, 18.4Rx42 axle mnt duals, Roger bought this tractor with 500 hrs., very very nice - Case IH 125 Maxxum, 2 WD, cab, 621 act. one owner hrs., left hand reverser, 3-pt. dual hyd, PTO, 18.4Rx38, tractor is like new - Case IH MX110 Maxxum, 2 WD cab, 2,663 act. one-owner hrs., 3-pt. dual hyd. PTO, 18.4Rx38, very nice tractor Tractor quick hitch - Int 756 gas, fast hitch, hyd., PTO, w/Int. 2000 hyd. loader, 2 buckets - Int. 450 WF, 15.5x38 no ta. VERY NICE INT'L COMBINE & HEADS Case IH 1640, 2,800 act. second owner hrs. spreader, 24.5x32 very nice - Case IH 1020, 20 ft. platform - Case IH 1044, 4R corn head. DRYER & GRAIN BINS, POLE BUILDING (The following must be removed from farm by July 1, 2018) Gilmore Tatge 580, 500 bushel batch dryer, 540 & 1000 PTO, new main auger - Chicago Eastern 9,000 bushel bin - Columbia 6,800 bushel bin - 5,200 bushel bin - Coop 3,300 bushel bin - Coop 3,000 bushel bin w/drying floor - 36' x 45' Metal pole shed - 30' x 60' Metal pole shed - 40' x 60' Quasant shed. VERY NICE PLANTING & TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Case IH 496, 23 ft. cushion gang disc, hyd., wings - Kent Series IV, 23 ft. field cult. walking tandems, hyd wings, 3-bar harrow - 2012 Landoll 2110, 9-shank disc chisel, rolling basket, like new - JD 1750 Max Emerge XP, 4R36" planter, dry fert., trash whippers, very nice - Tye 13 ft. mnt. drill, grass seeder, rubber press wheels - Brillion X Series 25 ft. hyd. Cultipacker, like new - Int. 410, 5x18s plow, auto resets - Miller Pro 500 gal. sprayer, 45' booms, PTO pump - JD 400, 15 ft. rotary hoe.

HAYING EQUIPMENT & FARM MACHINERY 2011 NH 7450 13'9" discbine, nice - Vermeer 5 ft., 3-pt. discbine H&S AR1261, 10-wheel rake, hyd. cart - NH 654 round baler - (3) 9' x 16' metal bale wagons - (3) 8' x 16' wooden flat wagons - Brillion 12 ft. stalk chopper - Dual 400 manure spreader - Lindsey 3-pt. rock picker - Dakon hyd. rock picker - Katolight 10KW generator on trl. - Lorentz 7.5 ft., 3-pt. dual stage snowblower, hyd. spout - Buhler Farm King 60, 60" 3-pt. back blade - Minnesota 7' x 14' barge box, hoist - 6' x 12' barge box, hoist - 2-pt. Back blade - 240 Gal. SS tank on sprayer frame. LIKE-NEW, LOW-HOUR CASE SKID LOADER New Holland TM140 MFWD, cab, 3,780 hrs. w/Koyker 585 hyd. 2012 Case SR175, cab, heat, AC, radio, 129 act. one-owner hrs., hyd. latch, 65" bucket, Absolutely like new - Virning pallet forks. RIDING MOWER, FUEL BARRELS, TOOLS, RELATED ITEMS Country Clipper Charger zero-turn 60" deck, 269 hrs., 25 hp. bagger - 500 gal fuel barrel w/Gas Boy pump. - 100 Gal. PU fuel tank w/hand pump - Spirit 40 hp. out board motor - 1,200 Gal. poly tank - 200 Gal. poly tank - Transfer pump, 3-hp. - Wheel weights - Wire Cattle panels - Lumber - Fisher wood-burning stove - 20 Gal. Fimco ATV sprayer - Sanborn air compressor - Dura Craft drill press - Tool box - Assrt. of hand & power tools - Shop hardware - Fence post Platform scale - Plus more related items. FORD TANDEM TRUCK, LIKE-NEW BRENT GRAVITY WAGONS & AUGERS Buhler Farm King 1060, 10" x 60' auger, swing hopper - Flow Ez gravity wagon, Ez Trail 872W gear, hyd. fert. auger - 1982 Ford 800 tandem, 175,800 act. second owner miles, 429 gas engine, Eaton 5x2 sp., 20 ft. steel box & hoist, 11R 22.5 tires - Brent 544 gravity wagon, roll tarp, lights, brakes, fenders, 425/65R 22.5 tires - Brent 640 gravity wagon, lights, brakes, 445/65R 22.5 tires - Flow Ez gravity wagon, Ez Trail 1074 gear - Feterl 10 ft. jump auger - Feterl screener - Brent 540 gravity wagon, lights, brakes, 425/65R 22.5 tires - Farm King 831, 8" x 31' auger, PTO. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Outstanding line of low-hour, low-acre majority one-owner equipment. See you all at the auction. ®


Todd Houghton, MN Lic. #25-47, WI Lic. #181 Red Wing, MN - 651-764-4285 Brian Sander, Lic. #25-89, Red Wing, MN - 651-301-2344

Friday, April 6th 11 AM

Saturday, April 7th 10 AM

Large Farm Auction at

300 Gun Collection at

Yoap’s Blue Ribbon Farm

Yoap’s Auction Gallery

W11232 Ledge Lane, Coleman, WI

6234 Duame Road, Lena, WI (Stiles Jct)

80 Holstein Fresh Cows & Close Heifers

Winchesters & Marlins

Carlson Farms of Peshtigo, WI & Hand-picked Blue Tag Cows Milking up to 100# & Fancy Springing Heifers from a Local Farm This is a “BLUE RIBBON” Quality Sale featuring Cows at the Highest Level of Production & correct Dairy Type! Some of the Finest Cows to be Sold this Year! Selling 30 impressive Holstein cows from Carlson Farms of Peshtigo. Most are Just Fresh and producing up to 135# per day. They are Homeraised from 4 generations of Family Farming. They are Genex mated & have MAP’ed since the program began. This is one of the Best Sets of Cows in Northeast Wisconsin! Here’s a few to look for: #1440: A 1H8778 Super daughter with 136# milk & 17 SCC #1509: A Galaxy daughter with Lots of Stature milking 103# with 15 SCC #1533: Sells Fresh a Month with 120# & 18 SCC. Her 1st lact. was over 33,000 #1597: Here’s a Freddie daughter with a fantastic udder producing 107# & 16 SCC #1618: She’s starting her 2nd lact. at 120# & 11 SCC after a 36,000 1st lactation Also selling 20 hand-picked Holstein Cows with Blue Eartags. They are high producing, fancy-uddered and will walk right into your Operation and start making money for you. They are freestall adapted and parlor milked and fed well balanced TMR rations. All vaccinations are current & the cows have individual Official DHI test results. Also selling 10 Registered Holstein milk cows from Kohls Dairy Farm of Gillett that have Official DHI test records. The 20 fancy Holstein Springing Heifers are from a local Dairy with a 26,000# herd average. This is the 6th time that I have Sold their Heifers and I have heard from past Buyers that they Perform Extremely Well. They are freestall raised and well managed. You are invited to look these cattle over on Thursday, April 5th or on Auction Morning. Don’t Miss this ProductionPacked Auction with really Beautiful Cattle! See You There.

Tractors & Clean Equipment! Including a Local Estate! Clean 1-owner White 6175 Workhorse MFD tractor w/ 8.3 Cummins, 18 speed power shift, triple hyd, weights & 42” Axle Duals, John Deere 4755 MFD tractor w/ 466 diesel, 15 speed power shift, weights, triple hyd, new interior & Dual hubs, John Deere 8400T w/ 18” rubber tracks, quad hyd, 3pt, PTO & 7000 hours, John Deere 7700 tractor w/ Cab, JD #740 Hyd Loader, forks & bucket, Farmall Super M tractor w/ narrow front, John Deere 4400 diesel Combine w/ Cab, 444 high-tin corn head, straw spreader & only 3200 hours, Very clean 1990 Chev Kodiak single axle truck w/ 16ft Omaha-Standard grain body, steel sides, Hyd. Hoist, Big Block V8 gas & 241k miles, (2) J&M Gravity Boxes on running gears (1 has hyd. Auger), Like new Westfield 10”x81ft Grain Auger on transport w/ swing hopper & PTO drive, Westfield 8”x40ft Grain Auger on transport w/ elec. motor, Hardi 1,000gal Hi-Clearance Sprayer w/ 14.9-46 tires & elec. Controls, 2002 Hesston 8450 18ft self propelled Windrower w/ Cab, Cummins diesel & 2800 hours, Very clean John Deere 3950 Chopper w/ electric controls, 2R30 corn head & 7ft hay head, Sharp New Holland 892 Chopper w/ electric controls, 2RW corn & hay head, Gehl 1000 Chopper w/ TR3038 corn & 6ft hay heads, H&S XL 16ft steel Chopper Box on Meyer 12ton tandem, H&S 7+4 16ft steel Chopper Box on 12T 4 wheel Knowles gear, Badger chopper box w/ unloading extension, Kools KB-60 blower, JD Side Rake, Clean Gehl 1475 TDC 4x5ft round baler w/ monitor, Case 500 5-18” Auto Reset Plow, JD 215 Finish Disk w/ leveler, Taylor-Way 9-shank Chisel Plow, Knowles 24ft Springtooth cart drag, Glencoe vibra shank, Clean John Deere 7000 4RW Planter w/ dry fertilizer, insecticide & cross-fill auger, 3pt Cultivator, Gruetts hay bunk, Shop lites & More

(25) Assorted Model 94’s in 25-35, 30-30 & 32 Special, Eastern Carbine, Octagon Rifle, Saddle Ring & Pre-War/Post-War carbines, Flat-band 94, Special Order 1894’s & Deluxe 94’s with 4 to 6 special features! Model 1892 rigid & takedown 25-20, 3220 & 44-40 rifles, 2nd year Model 1886 40-82 octagon, Model 1886 Deluxe 33WCF with straight grip, Model 1895 35WCF, High condition Model 1873 3220 octagon, Model 1890 Gallery gun, Model 1890 22WRF octagon, Model 53 32-20, Model 64 30-30, 71 NRA musket (NIB), Model 94 Wrangler NIB, Model 94 44mag SRC, Model 70 Featherweight 264 Mag Westerner, Model 70 308 long range target built by JK Cloward w/ 32”barrel & Palma sights, Model 70’s in 300WSM & 338, 1st year Model 100 284cal, Model 1885 Low Wall 17HMR, Model 1893 & 1897 shotguns, Model 12 Heavy Duck vent rib, Model 12’s, Model 74 & 250 22’s, Marlin Model 1889 38-40 octagon, 1893 30-30, 1894 25-20, 1953 336SC, 1952 Model 39A 22, Model 30AW Trapper

Military & Tactical

Johnson Automatics Model 1941 30-06, Springfield 1903 w/ 1944 High Standard barrel, Springfield 1903 with 1943 Marine Corps barrel, Winchester Winder Musket 22short, Winchester 1917 w/ Johnson barrel, Eddystone 1917 military, 1898 3040 Krag military, Korean-era Springfield M1 Garand, Rare Belgian Nagant revolver, 1940 Lubeck Code 237 Nazi mauser, Enfields, Arisaka 7.7 rifle, Chinese 8mm mauser, Early Chinese SKS, Rare Unissued Madsen MG1A for Columbia’s Navy, French MAS 308, Double barrel flare gun, Walther G22, Marlin Camp 9, Ruger Mini-14, Mini-Thirty & Ranch carbines, 1971 Ruger 44 mag carbine, Ruger Precision 308 HBAR, SHF 50BMG rifle, Rare Valmet Model 76 rifle w/ wood stock, LWRC M6 Carbine w/ EOTech, MSAR STG-556 w/ optics, Century R1A1 308 FAL, PSA AR-10 18” HBAR, Panther LR-308 24” HBAR, AR-15 5.56 CQC, JR Carbine 9mm, Helmets, “SS” pin

Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns

Colt Lightning 38-40 rifle w/ 26” octagon, A.H. Fox Sterlingworth double barrel, Ducks Unlimited Benelli Super Black Eagle, Benelli Vinci in Max-4 camo, M1 Super 90 full camo, 12ga Supernova, CZ Bobwhite 12ga SxS, Kimber Custom Shop Ultra Raptor, Savage 75th Ann Model 1895 octagon, Browning stainless A-bolt 338, Safari grade BAR 300, Citori 12ga, BPS 12 & 20ga, Antonio Zoli Silver 12ga O/U, Tikka Master Sporter 308 target, Sako Finnbear 30-06, Unfired Parker-Hale 375H&H Safari, Parker-Hale 270, Savage 17HMR, B-Mag 17WSM rifle, T/C Encore 7mm, T/C Venture 338, T/ C Contender 223 & 45 pistol, Henry 45-70, Henry Golden Boy 45, Uberti 1873 Silver Boy 22, Taurus Circuit Judge 45/410, 1979 Ruger 10/22, Remington 11-87 Premier, Minty 1100, Unfired Rem XP100R 260 pistol, Model 700BDL 7mm & 223 Varmint, New Glock 19X, H-K USP 40, Sig P239, ISSC 22, 1957 Colt National Match, Colt Trooper 357, Stainless Blackhawk & Vaquero 45, Old Army 44

Friday, April 13th 11 AM

Saturday, April 14th 11 AM

Excellent Machinery Auction for

Estate Auction & Coin Collection at

Randy & Melissa Olson

Yoap’s Auction Gallery

W41798 Evergreen Road, Bowler, WI Reason for Sale: Sold the Farm

170 Holstein Cows & Heifers on DHI test Rolling Herd Avg is 23,673m 971f 747p with an 80# bulk tank avg & 150 SCC. 2/3 of the herd are in 1st & 2nd lactations. Individual Records range from 20,000 to over 30,000m. The sires are Identified on most of the animals. All are Homeraised from Top Genex Breeding & are in excellent dairy flesh. Selling are 75 Milk Cows, of which Many are Just Fresh in the last 60 days, also a nice group of Springers and the balance bred back and producing up to 100#.. Also selling 30 Holstein Bred Heifers, 25 Yearlings & 40 Started Calves up to 8 months old. The cattle are milked in stalls and are fed outside. They are on monthly herd health with Birnamwood Vet Service and have regular hoof trimming. There are some Outstanding Fancy Cows that will serve you well! Plan now to attend this large farm dispersal for your Top Quality Holstein Cattle!

6 Tractors & Farm Machinery

1987 White 2-135 Series III Redstripe w/ Cab, triple hyd, 20.8R38 radials & 7300 hours, Also Duals, 1975 White 2-150 Field Boss tractor w/ Cab, MM 585cu in engine, 20.8R38 radials & 6200 hours, 1975 John Deere 4030 diesel tractor w/ 148 Hyd Loader, Syncro trans, dual hyd & 18.4-34 tires, 1968 John Deere 4020 diesel tractor w/ Syncro, 540 & 1000 PTO & new 20.8-38 tires, 1963 John Deere 4010 diesel tractor w/ dual hyd & Syncro trans, IH Farmall 756 diesel tractor w/ wide front, dual hyd, 540 & 1000 PTO & 18.4-34 tires, Case 1070 diesel tractor w/ Cab (needs some work—burns oil), John Deere 240 diesel skid steer w/ 4400 hours, John Deere 946 13ft Hydroswing Discbine w/ impeller conditioner, John Deere 704 12-wheel Hyd-fold V-rake, H&S Hay Tedder, John Deere 3950 Chopper w/ elec controls, 2R30 corn head & 7ft hay head, Like New JD 2R30 corn head (only chopped 75 Acres!), Like new H&S HD 7+4 steel chopper box on H&S 412 running gear, (2) H&S Super 7+4 steel chopper boxes on JD 770 tandem gears, Kelly-Ryan 9x250ft Centerline Silo Bagger, New Holland 28 Blower, Knight 5135 Vertical Maxx TMR Mixer w/ scale & elevator discharge, Kuhn-Knight 8118 ProTwin Slinger spreader, John Deere 1750 6R30” Planter w/ Max-Emerge Plus units, rebuilt meters, dry fertilizer & ComputerTrak 150 monitor, Gravity box w/ new 15ft hyd Fertilizer Auger, JD 8ft Grain drill on rubber, 12ft Triple-gang Cultipacker, DMI 5 bottom 12 -22” vari width Auto Reset Plow, White 281 HD 13ft offset disk, Allis 1300 22ft field cultivator w/ rubber mounts, Glencoe 18ft vibra shank, Knowles 20ft springtooth cart drag, New Idea 325 2RN Corn Picker, New Holland 770 chopper w/ hay head, H&S 310 tandem axle Box Spreader w/ T-rod apron & Hyd endgate, H&S 24ft steel Feeder Wagon, Hay elevator on transport, JD 1380 Hydroswing for Parts, 4 Old Chopper Boxes on gears, Gravity box on gear, Farm running gears, 2 Steel bale catching wagons, Old 270 spreader for parts, H&S cattle trailer (needs work), IH 540 4-16” trip beam plow, 12ft springtooth, JD hay fluffer, NH 56 rake, Land Pride 35 7ft Grader Blade

6234 Duame Road, Lena, WI (Stiles Jct.)

Antiques & Estate Items Oak 48” S-curve Rolltop desk, Queen Anne window seat, Drexel Palazzo China Breakfront, Walnut dining set, Bentwood rocker, High chair, Parlor chairs, R. Atkinson Fox print, Tabletop cream separator, Milk bottles, Crates, Stereo Viewers & Cards, Mr. Peanut bank, Lightning rods w/ glass balls & weathervanes, Victorian music stand, Ant. Immigrant trunk, Old rope pulleys, 1970’s Packers autographed photos, Vogue picture records, Marilyn Monroe calendars

Big Coin Collection

1888 $ 5 Gold piece, Over 100 Morgan & Peace silver dollars, Silver Eagles, Silver rounds, Proof & Mint Sets, Type Sets, Graded Coins, 1806, 1824 & 32 Liberty bust halves, Barber coins, Album of Walking Liberty halves, 1921-S half, Franklin & JFK halves, 1929 $ 50 National Currency, 1936 Wisconsin comm. Half, 1874-S Trade dollar, Indianhead pennies, 20 pounds of Wheat cents, Large Cents from 1840’s, Early Indianheads from 1859, 60 & 63, 1865 2-cent, 1867 & 70 3-cent nickel, 1851 & 53 3-cent silver, Hard Times Tokens from 1835, 1863 Civil War tokens, Collector Albums of coins, President set, ancient Roman coin, Some World Coins, Franklin Mint sterling Bicentennial plate (over 8 oz), Mother’s Day sterling rounds & More!

Sunday, April 15th 11 AM Big Annual Consignment Auction for

Large Amount of Feed & Other Farm Items

Gillett FFA Alumni

Dari-Kool 1250gal Bulk Tank w/ compressors, DeLaval plate cooler, (6) DeLaval 350 milker units w/ Auto-Takeoff, SS Pipeline, receiver & controls, DeLaval VP77 5HP pump, Like new Schuld/Bushnell 10ton Feed Bin, 2 Patz 16” CCW barn cleaner w/ 220ft & 410ft of hi flites, Manure Auger, Gutter grates, (40) self-locking stalls in row, (30) self-locking heifer stalls, Katolight 40KW PTO Alternator on cart, (12) Poly calf hutches, (2) Sealed 9x250ft Silobags of Corn Silage, Sealed 9x250ft Silobag of Silage & Snaplage, 9x200ft Bag of Snaplage, 9x75ft Bag of Silage, Sealed 9x250ft Bag of 2nd & 3rd crop Haylage, Sealed 9x250ft Bag of 1st & 2nd crop Haylage, 9x50ft Bag of 4th crop Haylage, 9x100ft Bag of 1st crop Haylage, 9x100ft Bag of 2nd crop Haylage, 15ft of Corn Silage in 20ft silo, H&S 2 wheel Cattle Trailer w/ poly sides, BIG Amount of Scrap Iron & Old Machinery, Patz 98C 20ft silo unloader, Like new Loyal 24 & 32ft flite conveyors on transports, Steel farm gates, Schaefer 60” barn fan, 3&4ft alley fans, New 2ft wall fan, Mow elevator, Some T&G paneling, Fuel barrel w/ pump, 7 lg sq Bales of Straw, Some mounted Implement & Trailer tires

To be held at Oconto Co. Fairgrounds in Downtown Gillett, WI

35th Annual Auction! Selling Numerous Tractors, Farm Machinery, Lawn Mowers, Trailers, Tools, Lumber & Many Surprises! To Consign items, call: Mel Reichwald at 920-598-1974 or John Timm at 920-855-6486

Terms on Sales: Cash or Good Check with ID. Bring a Letter of Credit for Large Checks. Auction Co. reserves the right to Hold Items until Funds are Verified. Cols. Henry & Leonard Yoap, RWA #338 & 339 RWAC #480 W5308 Loucks Road, Peshtigo, WI

For More Info, check out our Website:



Auction & Real Estate (920) 604-1704

AGRI-VIEW • March 29, 2018



WANTED CONSIGNMENTS OF: Tractors, Farm Machinery, Feed, Sporting Items, Lawn & Garden, & Miscellaneous (No Vehicles & No Household). TO LIST YOUR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT: Norman Jr. or Bev Taylor, Phone: 920-992-5597 or 608-697-2250 (cell). DEADLINE TO ADVERTISE: Sunday, April 1st. SALE MANAGED BY: James M. Seamonson (Registered Wisconsin License #132) Auction Specialists Stoughton, LLC Stoughton, WI, 608-873-7791 SEE PHOTOS ON WEBSITE:


N13438 STATE HWY 73 WITHEE, WI 54498

Ofce: 715-229-2500

Ken Stauffer 715-559-8232 Rocky Olsen 715-721-0079 Travis Parr 715-828-2454 Kelly Collins 715-721-0434 Riley Nolt 715-507-1900


WEDNESDAY, April 4, 2018 - 11 a.m. EXPECTING 250 DAIRY CATTLE!

Herd #1: 42 Holstein Dairy Cows, 72# tank average, several top cows milking over 100#, 3.8BF 3.2P, scc 175, all AI breeding, tiestall milked, freestall adapted! Coming out of Kewaunee County Herd 2: Complete Dispersal of 65 Red Holstein and Red Factored Dairy Cows. 60# tank average, 3.7BF 3.2P, parlor/sand bedded frestall, cows AI bred for over 20 yrs, using Accelerated Genetics and Select Sires, cows cleaned up with Registered Red Holstein Bulls. Coming from Poka Dot Farms, Derck Peterson, Black River Falls, WI



DIRECTIONS: Take Hwy. 49 north of Berlin, WI approx. ¼ mile to Rural Street, then west 1 mile. Contact Information: Vanda: 920-361-9075 or Jeff: 1-920-295-2269 or E-mail - Vicky’s Lunch Wagon & Port a Johns on Site. TRACTORS & ACCESSORIES: IH 1206 tractor w/orig cab – Very Clean; John Deere 4320 w/2-remotes. John Deere R tractor; Farmall 350 tractors, W.F., w/loader; Massey Ferguson 283 tractor w/TA X Westendorf 26 loader; John Deere 500 tractor loader backhoe; Backhoe for 2010 crawler; 2010 crawler engine; IH 1086 new injector pump w/duals; Gehl 4840 skidloader w/new tires & rimmss, 3620 hours; 16.9x28 tirs & rims. FARM MACHINERY: Gehl 860 chopper w/2-row narrow corn head& 1100 hay head; H&S hay teddor; H&S 16’self-unloading wagon w/12T tandem gear; Gehl 1540 blower; New Holland 9’ haybine; New Idea 214 single axle manure spreader w/new apron; Rye 18’ drill; 18’ hooded chopper; 2-New Holland 479 haybines; NH 1431 disc bine, draw bar pull; Sundance round bale grinder, 1000 PTO; John Deere 7000 6-row narrow corn planter w/dry fert.; C IH 4800 field cultivator 30’ w/walkover tandems & rear hitch; IH 700 4-bottom automatic reset plow; Kewaunee 26’ field cultivator; Kewaunee 12’ digger w/new sweeps; Case IH 88, 12’ stalk chopper; Hesston 1014 hydro swing haybine; Kewaunee 12’ cultimulcher w/inboard wheels; Glencoe 28’ field cultivator; IH 26’ Vibrashank; New Holland 469 haybine; Blue Jet 11 Knife nitrogen applicator w/coulters; hydraulic fertilizer auger; Farmrite 300 gallon field sprayer; C IH SC 414 haybine; 50’ mow conveyor w/plow & hinger; 30’ bale elevator w/motor; 8x16’ flatbed wagon & gear; IH 46 baler – shedded; 45’ Demco field sprayer w/500 gallon tank; IH 56 corn planter; Stanley 3-bed carrot planter; John Deere 1240 corn planter; HD chicken plucker; John Deere 643 tin corn head; JD 220 flex head; gravity box & gear; MC 8’ grain drill DD; Gehl 1470 round baler; NI 324 corn picker w12-roll husking bed; Lockwood 12’ bin piler; New HOland single axle manure spreader; IH 56 corn planter; IH 4-rw cultivator; 6’ field digger; 8 scraper blade; John Deere plow 4-18.4x16 tires, 8-bolt rim; 1-shank subsoiler; Kelly loader for Ford tractor; 3” trash pump; new plow parts; calf hutches; 80 gallon fuel tank; 2-dual wheel packing axes; Motorola track radio; gravity box & gear; IH 133 4-row cultivator w/gauge wheels; 15.5x38 duals; SHOP & BARN RELATED ITEMS: Drill press; John Deere child’s wagon; tool boxes; nuts; bolts; straps & tarps; hand tools; snow fence; chicken wire; Hotsy 3-phase pressure washer; 4-rolls barb wire; table saw; tool sets; forks; shovels; pail feeder pans; wire welder; forge; wood post; concrete stompers; wood work sleigh, 1-2 horse hitch; horse drawn wagon w/JD gear; upright air compressor; chop saw; benches; Miller 250 welder; sand blaster; L-Tec welder M50A; air compressor; wood stove; log chains; vise; welcome signs; jacks; rams; S&K & Snap On tools; air hose; heated buckets; trash pump; pipe wrench; gate hanger; socket sets; cast display items ; machete; scoop shovels; spear; trailer jacks; new tires; 20 gallon LP tank; complete honey processing eq. TRUCKS & TRAILERS: 1993 Mack dump truck w/tri-axle, 16’ box w/electric tarp, 300 Mack 7-speed; 1999 Ford F-350, 12’ side racks, 5.4, auto; 1955 Ford Super Duty dually w/flatbed gooseneck, w/460 quick, gooseneck, tandem duals w/winch; Dodge short box for 2017; GMC 05t tan topper; Ford 2002 tail gate; 1978 truck w/350 Cummins engine; GMC Volvo 350, Big Cam, 10 sp, w/day cab; 2001 Ford 350 V-8, tandem diesel, 7.3L, auto, 4x4 XLT; 2003 Volvo DD12 Detroit, 13 sp, day cabin, 2-line wet kit; 2003 Freightliner 60 series Detroit Super 10 sp, 2-line wet kit; 1976 40’ Timpte hopper bottom trailer; 16’ cattle bumper trailer; 1978 350 Cummins Engine AUCTIONEER’S: Col. Don Wagner, Ripon, WI Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #457, 920-748-3000 or 920-685-2982. Col. Steve Wagner, Neshkoro, WI Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer # 458, 920-361-4203.


DON WAGNER’S AUCTION SERVICE - RIPON, WI 1-800-452-7677 OR 1-920-748-3000 - E-mail –

Cha-Ta Holsteins Complete Dispersal Friday, April 6 • 11:00 A.M. B.J.’s Barbecue

Located from Medford, WI: 3 1/2 miles East on Hwy 64 to farm.

111 Registered & High Grade Holsteins 51 cows – 20 bred heifers – 20 heifers (6-12 mo.), 20 heifers (newborn – 5 mo.)

Alice VG85 3 yr. Guthrie currently milking 101 lbs.

Expert2 VG88 Daria Expert2 3 yr. 2 yr. recently fresh observer w/93 lbs. Impression, recently fresh & milking last test 124 lbs.

Joclyn2 Avis GP83 Kasey GP84 3 yr. Plumber 3 yr. Goldchip 3 yr. recently fresh currently milking milking 99 lbs. Doorman, last test 108 lbs. 128 lbs. Current DHIA RHA 24,310 m. 3.7% 906 BF 764 P. Current bulk tank receipts show an 85 lb. per cow average w/a SCC of 158,000. Top sires used w/daughters of Doorman, Gold chip, Mogul, Tango, Observer, Gabor, Guthrie, Fork & Spur selling. This is a very young herd w/44 cows in their 1st or 2nd lactation. Several fancy uddered recently fresh 2 yr. olds will definitely highlight this sale. Herd health is excellent w/monthly herd checks done by Dr. Ortenger, Medford Vet Clinic and all vacc. are up to date. The herd has been 100% homebred for many years. Heifers are full pedigreed w/daughters of Corvette, Beemer, Pety, Bob, Mogul, Epic & Mayfield selling. The heifers are outdoor acclimated and are accustomed to free-stalls & headlocks as well. If you are looking for the very best in replacement cows or heifers, be sure to attend this sale. Call sale manager for a catalog or view online at (available approx. 3 weeks prior to sale)

Chad & Tamara Pearson Family Owners 715-965-4368 W4215 Hwy 64, Medford, WI

Terms: All purchases must be settled for on sale day, cash or check. If credit is desired, contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day.

Christensen sales Corp. Abbotsford, WI – Clerk & Sales Managers (715) 223-6345 Registered Wisconsin Auction Co. #33 website: email: Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191 Don Mayer, Bloomer, WI - Pedigrees - 715-829-3417


(Our last special feeder sale held March 20th nearly 1300 feeder cattle sold on a very strong demand.)



WEDNESDAY, April 11, 2018 - 11 a.m. 2 HERDS ALREADY CONSIGNED!

Very good Holstein Dairy cows, tiestall. Also featuring 30 high quality handpicked cows out of 60!

Thursday Auctions will feature Certified Organic Market Cattle Premium Prices paid!! Call the office for requirement details!

Weekly Highlights at Premier

Full market report online and all major newspapers!!

Wednesday Dairy Cattle Auction featured 2 complete herd dispersals and one load of fancy registered handpicked cows!! Quality was tremendous with supreme top cows $1,850- 2,450. Many good quality cows $1,300-1,800. Top Market Cows $68. Top Bull $90. Holstein Fed Steer $90. Beef Steers $128. Top Holstein Bull Calves $140-165. Beef Calves $455. We appreciate your business!! We sold over 3,350 head this week!! Thanks to all of our hardworking employees! Premier is a team effort with some of the best employees in the business and thats what makes the difference at Premier Livestock and Auctions!!!

154 acre Farm to be sold at Auction Friday, April 20th, at 1:00 p.m. (Farm will be offered in parcels, as well as being offered as one unit) M136 Lincoln Ave., Marshfield WI (On North Edge of Marshfield)

OPEN HOUSE: Saturday April 7th, from 10:30 till noon, or by appointment if necessary. Parcel 1) Set of farm bldgs. with 5 acres Parcel 2) Remaining 77.94 acres of land in that section. Parcel 3) Set of farm bldgs. with 40 acres Parcel 4) Remaining 42.94 acres of land Parcel 5) Set of farm bldgs. with entire 82.94 acres Above parcels, all located in Sec. 31, 26 N 3 E, Town of McMillan, Marathon Co. Parcel 6) 37.359 acres of land (North half) Parcel 7) 34.098 acres of land (South half) Parcel 8) 71.457 acres of land (Combined parcels 6 & 7) Parcel 9) all farm bldgs. & entire acreage of 154.397 acres Parcels 6, 7, and 8 are located in Sec. 36, 26 N 3 E, Town of Spencer, Marathon Co., also located within the city limits of Marshfield. TERMS OF SALE: Cash offers only. Successful bidders will be required to deposit 10% (non-refundable) earnest money with broker on day of auction & sign appropriate offer to purchase forms. Closing to be within 45 days of auction date. NO BUYERS FEE! Property is being sold “as is, where is” with not implied warranties or guarantees from sellers or sellers agents. For more information, contact Christensen Sales Corp. Abbotsford, WI 715-223-6345

Christensen sales Corp. Abbotsford, WI – Clerk & Sales Managers (715) 223-6345 • Registered Wisconsin Auction Co. #33 website: email: Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191

Harms Inventory Reduction Online Only Auction Ends Tues April 10 19204 190th St Jim Falls, WI 54748 TRACTOR: ‘11 New Holland T8.275, 2600 Hrs Autosteer; MACHINERY & MISC FARM: NH FP240 Chopper, Processor, NH 3PN Corn Head; NH Hay Head; JD 724 18 Ft Soil Finisher; Meyer 4620 Chopper Box; Meyer 4618 Chopper Box; Badger BN1055 Chopper Box; Fertilizer Tender Box; Knight 8018 Spreader; JD 640 Rake; 8R Zone Till Bar; NH 30 Blower; Irrigation Pump; Calf Pens; Irrigation Pipe; 48’ 10” Bin Sweep; Badger Hammer Mill; Manure Prop; Several Silo Unloaded Parts;

Bid online now at! TERMS: 5% buyer’s fee & sales tax added to final bid price. 3.5% fee for credit/debit cards. Payments accepted: cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or credit card.

Hansen & Young,Inc. Barry Hansen 715-418-1200 Bryce Hansen 715-418-1030 or Roger Hansen 715-781-7172 • Wisconsin Registered Auctioneer License # 2434, 225, 227 1264 5th Ave, Prairie Farm, WI • 715-837-1015 Complete Auction Service & Appraisals Farm, Estate, Commercial & Real Estate • 715-837-1015



2018 April Consignment Neenah, WI OPEN HOUSE: Thurs, April 5 • 10:00AM - 5:00PM 1000 Rock Ledge Ln, neenah, WI 54956

Karlene: 920-420-7655 Or Keith: 920-379-3910 Online Only auctiOn ends MOn, april 9 & 10, 2018 FARM & HEAVY EQUIPMENT: 815 Landoll Field Finisher 16’; ’88 oliver dsl Wide Front; 580 Super e case Tractor Loader Backhoe; nh 1475 haybine; Vertical cardboard Baler; ’92 Trail king 20T Tag Trailer; ’95 kodiak c7 Scissor Lift & dump Truck; hay Wagon w/Rg; JLg aerial Lift, 15MSP- 24Vdc; Lots of Tires; Logging dR Trailer; Forklift Fork exts; 7k Lb. equipment Trailer; case SR175 Skid-Steer; allis chalmers hd5 crawler w/Loader; Long Mfg. 517 Stalk chopper; ’17 ST530 Rockram hyd. Skid-Steer Breaker Skid-Steer Forks, Steel Tracks & hyd. dozer Blades, Buckets & Sweeper; Jd 750 grain drill w/ grass Seed attach.; Int’l 14’ harvester cultimulcher; Jd 714 Mulch chisel Plow 16’; case agri king 1175 Tractor; Bobcat 553; MF 43 grain drill 13’; TOOLS, ELECTRICAL & INDUSTRIAL: ManY neW oR BaReLY USed deWaLT TooLS; hd Metal Work Benches w/hanging Peg Board; Layout Table; cantilever Style Racks; Sthil T5420 german Saw; 2-Post auto Lift; UniMove cM500 Vacuum Lift System; Lincoln cV655 Welding Power Source Skid; cincinnati Lathe; Barret electric Walk Behind Stacker; generators; I-Beam Trolleys; cases of Shrink Wrap; electrical Supplies; Bridgeport Milling Machine; hd Tire changer & Wheel Balancer; Shipping containers; Sheet Steel; Tires & chains; AUTOMOBILES & MOTORCYCLE: ’04 dodge Ram 4x4 hemi auto, Leather, Bed cover, 185k; ’95 White Volvo autocar Quad axle dump; ’82 Freightliner Service Truck; ’78 Ihc Loadstar 1600; ’65 cadillac Sedan deVille, 115k; ’48 dodge Truck; ’96 harley davidson Fatboy, .37k; Ford L8000 dump Truck; ’99 kenworth W900, Quad axle dump Truck; LAWN & GARDEN: Murray 30” 12.5 hP Riding; crasftsman 14hP Lawn Tractor; Troy-Bilt Wide cut; Jd gT235; Jd g110 auto; Toro Reelmaster 5200d; Toro Workman UTV; 3PTo hd Rotary Tiller & Wood chipper; Peak ceiling Storage Shelters; Trimmers; Several new garage door Panels; hd Wrought Iron driveway gate; green house Peak; PET SUPPLIES: LoTS of Various new Pet Supplies; SPORTING GOODS & HOUSEHOLD: 14’ alum. Boat & Trailer; Fishing Supplies & equip.; camping equip.; commercial Pop Up Tents; household & Vintage Misc; Toys; glassware; Furniture; John Wayne Memorabilia; Pegasus Sign; Bid online now at!

TERMS: 10% buyer’s fee & sales tax added to final bid price. 3.5% fee for credit/debit cards. Payments accepted: cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or credit card. • 715-837-1015


Hansen & Young,Inc. Barry hansen 715-418-1200 Bryce hansen 715-418-1030 or Roger Hansen 715-781-7172 • Wisconsin Registered Auctioneer License # 2434, 225, 227 1264 5th Ave, Prairie Farm, WI • 715-837-1015 Complete Auction Service & Appraisals Farm, Estate, Commercial & Real Estate


MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2018 – 10:30 A.M.

LOCATION: From Hwys 12-14-18-151 beltline, at Madison, take Exit 260 Fish Hatchery Road (Cty D) go south 3 miles to Lacy Road, west 1-1/2 miles to Seminole Hwy, south to the first farm. Or from 18-151 (Verona Rd) & Cty PD, go east 1-1/2 miles, on Cty PD, to Seminole Hwy, south one mile. Watch for auction signs. LUNCH BY: Primetime Towne Fryer. REASON: Discontinuing Farming & Retiring. NOTE: This farm has been in the O’Brien Family since 1899. TRACTORS: JD 8200 D. tractor, cab, 2WD, 10 suitcase weights, 20.8R42 duals, 8900 hours; JD 7800 D. tractor, cab, MFWD, 42” tires, rear duals, 10,700 hours; JD 6410 D. tractor, cab, MFWD, 9,000 hours, has good JD 640 hyd front end loader; JD4030 D. tractor, 3pt, 9100 hours; 1954 JD 60 tractor, power steering, good paint, & 2 row cultivator; Set of 18.4x38 duals. SKID LOADER & ATTACHMENTS: Bobcat S650 skid steer loader, 2-speed, hyds, new tires, 971 hours, 68” material bucket; 60” Berlon grapple fork; 6’ trench silo-silage facer; 60” rock bucket; Pallet fork; 72” bucket w/teeth; Angle blade; 84” material/snow bucket; Tire scraper; 3 tine bale movers. EQUIPMENT & MANURE HANDLING ITEMS: Kewanee 225, 12’ offset disk; Brillion 9 shank soil saver; INT 496 24’ disk; Brillion 19’ field cultivator, finishing drag, new shovels; Houle 3pt PTO liquid manure pump; 25’x6” alum manure fill pipe (no transport); Rhino TW84, 3pt 7’ rotary mower, two rear wheels; Kory 8578 tandem axle wagon w/20’ metal rack for big sq bale transport; Katolight 75KW single phase portable alternator; INT #50, 4 row stalk chopper, 2-rear wheels; Unverferth-McCurdy 230 gravity box on early JD 900 Series wagon; J&M 250 gravity box on early JD 900 Series wagon; Parker gravity box on wagon; Glencoe 6 row narrow 3pt cultivator; JD 400, 3pt rotary hoe; 3pt stack mover w/top press arm; NI trailer-type sickle mower; 10’ metal, single axle trailer w/roof; Two wheel utility trailer; Ottawa ear corn sheller w/Wisc gas engine on transport; JD Model 88, LP gas crop dryer, PTO drive; JD 2-14” trailer plow on rubber; Wagon w/wood flat rack; 18’ feeder wagon w/ front dolly wheel (Mfg. by Roger Gust) for handyman; Krause 3118A 18’ soil finisher (consigned); NH 479 haybine (consigned); NH 269 baler w/thrower (consigned). DAIRY-BARN-LIVESTOCK ITEMS: 2000 gal Mueller bulk cooler w/auto washer, SN 6127; 1500 gal Mueller bulk cooler w/auto washer, SN 80250; Universal Double 8 Parallel Hydraulic drop rail parlor-3” SS milk line vertical receivers w/2 HP variable speed control milk pump, Universal 10 HP Sutorbilt Lobe vac, A Plus CIP wash controller w/chemical pumps, 85 gal vertical wash vat; Universal 54 Dual Path plate cooler; Newer drop curtain for parlor divide; Universal “Cowboy” crowd gate; Houle manure pit pump w/10 HP motor; 2 – 65’ sections of Norbco headlock panels, 2’ spacing; 2 – 80’ Norbco head lock panels, 10’ sections, one 6- animal side & one 5-animal side; 1 – 50’ Norbco head lock; 256-free stall dividers; 2-Foremost livestock head gates’ 100’ of slant bar fence line panels; Approx 60 assort farm gates; 10 – 16’ wire panels; 4-Peterson cement free stall fountains; 3-Mirrofont & 6-Ritchie double side waterers ( some like-new); 11-48” & 9-36” barn fans (wall & ceiling); Blue poly calf warming hutch; Round bale feeders. BULK FEED BINS & CEMENT FEED BUNKER PANELS: Schuld 24 ton bin w/8” auger, center agitator; Schuld 7-ton fiberglass bin (no agitator); Schuld 7 ton metal bin, auger & agitator; 100-Al’s Mfg 12’Hx6’ T-type panels (600’); 12-Al’s Mfg 8’Hx7.6’ T-type panels (91’); 24-Al’s Mfg 8’Hx7’6” L-type panels (182’). FARM ANTIQUES: Wood wheel wagon w/large front wheels; Stoughton barn cleaner; Van Brunt steel wheel grain drill; Fanning mill; Milk can/swil cart; Wood wheel wheelbarrow; Hay fork, platform scale; Old WI license plates back to 1919; Other antiques. MISCELLANEOUS: Aladdin portable steam cleaner, 4 wheel, 2300 psi, 220V; JD 212 lawn tractor w/rototiller (no mower deck); Ariens snow blower; JD pressure washer; Diesel fuel tanks (1000 gal & 500 gal) w/pumps; 300 gal gas fuel tank w/pump; 8’x10’ wood storage building on skids; Lincoln welder; Assort hand tools; Usual farm items. SEE PHOTOS ON WEBSITE: TERMS: Cash or Good Check Day of Sale. Out of state checks require current bank letter of guarantee. Photo ID Required to Register to Bid/Buy. Announcements made at sale take precedence over advertised material. AUCTIONEER: Don Kleven, Jr. (RWA #179) Stoughton, WI, 608-212-3320. SALE MANAGER: James M. Seamonson (Registered Wisconsin License #132) Auction Specialists Stoughton, LLC, Stoughton, WI 608-873-7791


March 29, 2018 • AGRI-VIEW F-5

(608)585-3700 24321 Hwy 58 (Ithaca) Richland Center, WI 53581 (608)585-2431 DIRECTIONS: 2 miles South & East of Richland Center, WI on Hwy 14 to Hwy 58, then North 4 miles (Ithaca) and the Richland Cattle Center Arena.

WEDNESDAY, ApRIl 4, 2018 @ 11:30 a.m. 127 HEAD OF HOlSTEIN DAIRY CATTlE ★ Always a nice selection of recently fresh cows & 2 yr. old heifers. ★ Milking & bred back cows. ★ Springing cows & 1st calf heifers. ★ Bred heifers. ★ Open heifers - all ages. ★ A breeding age bull. ★ Baby heifer & bull calves. View our website: for updates. NOTE: All cattle may be viewed individually prior to the auction. All lactating cows are milked after leaving the sale ring to insure better udder health when transporting. Sale Order: Baby calves-open heifers-milk cows-dry cows & springers. Trucking is available or cattle will be cared for overnight. FOR MORE INFORMATION CAll:

JR. HUEBSCH at (608) 585-3700

Terms & Conditions: Cash or good check. All sales settled for day of sale.

Sale conducted by:

Richland cattle centeR, llc 24321 St. Hwy 58, Richland Center, WI 53581 Wisconsin Registered Auctioneers: Bill Stade #535, Richland Center, WI (608) 585-2431 Mike Stade #607, Watertown, WI (920) 699-4580 Sale Manager: Jr. Huebsch


Cattle Auctions


Kerwin & Marilyn Cordes Hay Equipment 1767 4th St Comstock, WI 54826 Kerwin Cordes 715-357-3427

Kerwin & Marilyn have decided to sell their well-kept forage equipment. Most has been purchased new and always kept in the shed. Take a look online for more details and pictures. MACHINERY: John Deere 3950 Chopper w/Green Hay Head; JD 955 Discbine; H&S 9Ft Merger w/Ext; (2) Badger 950 Chopper Boxes w/Tandem Gear; Meyer TSS Chopper Box Tandem; Schuler 175BF Feed Wagon; H&S Hay Tedder; Case IH 600 Blower; JD Grain Drill; Gravity Box; Wood Hay Rack; Loader Bucket w/Tines; 18.4x38 9-Bolt Duals; Little Giant Elevator; Bale Spear; Oswald Stationary TMR Mixer; Goliath 20Ft Silo Unloader - LOW USE!;

Bid online now at!

TERMS: 5% buyer’s fee & sales tax added to final bid price. 3.5% fee for credit/debit cards. Payments accepted: cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or credit card.

Hansen & Young,Inc. Barry Hansen 715-418-1200 Bryce Hansen 715-418-1030 or Roger Hansen 715-781-7172 • Wisconsin Registered Auctioneer License # 2434, 225, 227 1264 5th Ave, Prairie Farm, WI • 715-837-1015 Complete Auction Service & Appraisals Farm, Estate, Commercial & Real Estate




Full consignment of tractors, disks, plows, field cultivators, rakes, round & square balers, haybines, mills, spreaders, gravity & barge wagons, plus all types of farm equipment, farm misc, shop items, new fiberglass feeders, free standing gates, & skid loader attachments Consignments accepted sale morning until 8:30 am See full listing & photos on our website at


Mark Your Calendar! Our Next Big Auction Is... Thursday, April 19th JD 4560, CAH, MFD, 5,700 Hrs, Duals, LIKE NEW...$55,000 ‘14 NH CR8090 Combine, LOADED! New Holland 560 Round Baler............$24,500 NEW Artsway 240C 20’ Stalk Chopper ........$15,500

Contact Larry at


1414 Hwy. 23 North • Dodgeville, WI

Now Also In:

1703, 6th Street * Monroe, WI Phone: 608-935-3326 Phone: 608-328-8331 (formerly Studer Super Service) Fax: 608-935-5342 Upcoming 2018 AUctions June 21 • Aug.23 Oct.18 • Dec. 20


FARMERS NATIONAL COMPANY We are pleased to introduce our new associate! Bill Baker, Real Estate Sales

EQUITY LIVESTOCK AUCTION EP4363 Hwy 97, Stratford, WI 54484 Market # 715-687-4101

ming Sales in Stratford : U pco

Special Bred Beef Cow Sale Wednesday, April 4th at 12:00 Noon

Sale Schedule:

Monday: Market Cattle @ 10:00am Calves to follow Tuesday: Market Cattle @ 11:15am Calves to follow 1st & 3rd- Stratford Market @ 12:00 Noon 2nd & 4th- Horst Stables @ 11:00am Wednesday: Market Cattle @ 10:00am Calves follow Feeder Cattle @ 12:00 Noon Thursday: Market Cattle @ 11:00am Calves to follow

“If you need a haul, give us a call!” We will set you up with your local trucker!

Last Week’s Highlights: Top Holstein Bull Calf: $155 Top Beef Calf: $500


Contact your local real estate professional! • 715-837-1015

Online Only Auction Ends Tues, April 10, 2018






Top Cull Cow: .74/lb. Top Cull Bull: .88/lb.

gAVIN BROS. AUCTION gARY AND SALLY HATFIELD 30499 Cunningham Ridge Rd. Wonewoc, WI.

FRIDAY, APRIL 6TH AT 9:00 AM LOCATION: 3 ½ miles Northwest of Cazenovia on Cunningham Ridge Rd. Watch for arrows off of Hwy 58 on the North edge of Cazenovia. Or 6 miles Southwest of Wonewoc on County Rd. G to County Rd EE, then Southwest 1 mile (Valton) to Woolever Rd, then South 1 ½ miles to Frog Hollow Rd, then East ¼ mile to Farm. LUNCH: Country Gals NOTE: Following is a partial list of a large auction. Lots of small misc. items Pictures at for further information call Gary @ (608) 983-2461 9 HEAD OF BEEF CATTLE: 7-Crossbred beef cows, bred, 1Crossbred cow, fresh 3-4 heifer calf sold separate; Angus Bull, 3 yrs old. TRACTORS & SKIDSTEER: White 2-105 Tractor, Hiniker cab, 3pt., dual hyd; International 966D Tractor, Hiniker cab, 3pt., dual hyd, 540/1000 PTO; Oliver 1850D Tractor, WF, 3pt; McD ‘Super M’ Tractor, live power, PS, NF; McD ‘M’ Tractor, NF; McD ‘H’ Tractor; Allis Chalmers WC Tractor, bad crank; Gehl 6640 Series E Skidsteer w/bucket, 2 speed, enclosed cab, heat, 3534 hours; skidsteer forks; IH H parts tractor; FARM MACHINERY: John Deere 6B16” semi mounted plow; Oliver 4B semi mounted plow; IHC 4B semi mounted plow; 7 shank chisel plow; Case field digger w/drag; John Deere 12’ wheel disc; Oliver 12’ wheel disc; Case 12’ wheel disc; 4 section steel drag & cart; 3 section steel drag & cart; Brillion 10’ cultimulcher w/outside wheels; Ford 3pt. quack digger; 500 ga trailer sprayer; M.F. 33 10’ grain drill w/grass seed; Gehl 2360 discbine; Gehl 420 10 wheel rake; Pequea 710 hay tedder; John Deere 535 round baler w/net wrap; John Deere 336 baler w/kicker; 2-Meyer steel bale cages w/gears; wood bale cage & gear; Little Giant 40’ AP elevator w/dragline; flat rack & gear; 3-gravity boxes & gears; New Holland 351 mixer mill; New Idea 3632 manure spreader w/new chain; tricycle front bale trailer; stalk chopper; Loyal 24’ conveyor; tractor mounted buzz saw; running gear; NH 489 haybine; NH rake; JD 12’ disc; other items; iron/salvage items. FEED: 10 +/- Round Bales 2nd & 3rd crop hay; 10+/- round bales fodder; VEHICLES/TRAILER: 1979 Chevrolet C-70, 427 gas engine, new rubber, w/18’ steel grain box & hoist; 1990 Ford F-250 Pickkup, 4WD, 300 6 cyl motor, std transmission; 1998 Cadillac DeVille, 4 door, 32v Northstar, 110,000 miles; 16’ tandem axle cattle trailer. SHOP/FARM ITEMS: Sand Blaster; compressors; table saws; chain saws; Cement mixer; Wheel spinner balancer; Craftsman lawn tractor; Troy Bilt rear tine roto tiller; truck tires; motor for ‘M’ tractor; 283 Chev & 350 Chev motors; 4-old fire hydrants; iron/ salvage items; lots of misc shop/farm items, household; CONSIgNED: 2012 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic, 3,500 miles call Jim @ 608-604-0461 TERMS: Cash/Good Check. Visa/MasterCard w/convenience fee.

gAVIN BROS AUCTIONEERS – REAL ESTATE (WRAC # 274) 296 Main St. Reedsburg – 112 5th Ave. Baraboo 608-524-6416 – 608-356-9437 –

Specializing in ag land and dairy facility sales! Business: (715) 613-8701 Loyal, Wisconsin

RealReal Estate Sales ••Auctions Farmand andRanch Ranch Management Estate Sales Auctions • • Farm Management Appraisal••Insurance Insurance ••Consultation Appraisal Consultation Oil and Gas Management • • Forest Forest Resource Management Oil and Gas Management Resource Management National Hunting Leases• •Lake Lake Management • FNC Ag Stock National Hunting Leases Management • FNC Ag Stock


CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 8385 County Road A, Verona WI 53593


6 miles N-NW of Belleville on HWY 92 to CTA. Then west 1 mile

Apr. 8, 2018 8:00am SHARP


Primetime Towne Fryer, Ziggy’s & The Cookie Man

Farm Machinery: JD 630, Oliver 1800, Oliver 1650, Oliver 1550, Mustang 930A, NH 7230 discbine, Hesston 550 baler, Gehl 1450 Baler, H&S HD 7+4 forage box, Kuhn FC 300g discbine, Case IH 600 blower, Gehl 7200 chopper, H&S 10 wheel rake, Kvernland 5-bottom, IH 710 4-bottom, IH 540 4-bottom, Ford 3-bottom plows, Hesston 2240 field cultivator, Kewaunee 270 field cultivator, IH 45 Vibra Shank, JD wheel disc, JD 950 mulcher, Kewaunee mulcher, Anderson rock picker, 2-3-4 section drags, JD 7000 4-row, JD 1250 6-row, JD, Pittsburg, Noble, Glencoe 4&6 row cultivators, 3-point tire scratcher, (2) Hesston 10 stackers, (3) stack movers, (3) bale wagons (See auctionzip for numerous other items) Sprayer: 2000 Case IH SPX4260 self-propel w/FM 750, Trailers, Van Bodies, Cattle Equipment, Tools, Antiques, Collectibles, Lawn & Garden, A lot of everything with most comes the week prior unannounced or advertised. Plan on attending!

Online catalog Online catalog at at

This is the one! Wisconsin’s “Best & Biggest” Heavy Construction,Truck and Trailer Auctions Still Time - WANTED

Items accepted thru April 21st Selling Friday: Trucks, Trailers, & Shop Equip. Selling Saturday: Heavy Construction Equip., Forestry, Farm, and Attachments

Phone: (715) 362-6162


Directions: From Wausau, WI on I-39, take Exit 181 West to Old Hwy 51. Drive North 1 Mile, Auction Site on Left. Mapquest: 990 Happy Hollow Rd. Mosinee, WI 54455

• (715) 362-6162

• Premier Auction Facility • Fenced & Secure • Forklift Assistance

Buyer Terms: Check with Bank Guarantee. Drivers License Required, RWAC #59 No one under 18 Permitted on Sale Site. RWA: Leo Krivickas #391. On-Site Buyers Fee Per Item: First $2500 10% Remainder then Charged 3.5%. Internet Buyers Fee: 10%

For complete listing and photos, AUCTIONEER: Riley Kahl, Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #736, 8385 County Road A, Verona, WI 53593 • 608-832-4839 home 608-598-0777 cell TERMS: Cash or personal checks may be used for payment with proper ID. No buyers fee. Wi State Sales Tax will be collected on all applicable items. All items being offered for sale are being sold “as is, where is” with no warranty of guarantee. Positive identification required to register for a bidder’s number. All items must be settled for day of auction. Announcements mad sale day take precedence over printed material. Listing is subject to change prior to auction. NOT RESPNSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR LOSSES.



Mervin, Andy, Tim Schafer (920) 296-7801-Tim, (920) 210-8271-Andy N6510 Schaefer Rd., Beaver Dam, WI Located 4 mi. S.W. of Beaver Dam or 7 mi. N.E. of Columbus on US Hwy. 151 to Cty. Rd. DE, then N. 1 mi. to Cty. Rd. D, then W. ½ mi. to farm. 2 DAY AUCTION-COMPLETE DAIRY HERD DISPERSAL, STEERS, FEED & EQUIPMENT

TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2018 – 10:30 A.M. SALE ORDER: Feed, milk cows, young stock, then large steers. 338 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN COWS, HEIFERS, STEERS & CALVES: COWS:100 - Milking (a few R&W & a few Jersey); 16 – Dry; HEIFERS: 20 - 7 Months – Springing; 20 - Bred 2-6 Months, (3 Jersey); 14 - 12-15 Months’ old; 4 - 8-12 Months’ old; 16 – 4-6 Months’ old; 20 – Newborn – 4 Months; STEERS: 55 – 800# to almost finished; 24 – 8-12 Months; 29 – 4-6 Months; 20 – Newborn - 4 Months FEED & BEDDING: 560T corn silage, 50’X10’ bag ground shell corn, 2000 bu. ear corn, 100 round bales (plastic wrapped) 2nd crop alfalfa, 200 round bales (plastic wrapped) 2nd crop grass mix hay, 30 round bales (net wrapped) 1st crop hay, 1000 small bales 1st crop grass mix hay, 1000 small bales straw, 200 round bales (plastic wrapped) bean stubble, 150 round bales (plastic wrapped) corn stalks, 80 round bales (net wrapped) corn stalks. NOTE: The Schafer’s have decided to discontinue their dairy operation and are offering their fine herd and complete line of equipment. All A.I. sired & bred using Select Sires breeding. Cows are milked 2X daily in a stall barn and housed in freestalls. Bulk tank avg. 75#, SCC 175. Bi-monthly herd health by C.J. Haase Vet Clinic, Reeseville, WI. Yearly Bovi-Shield vaccination and dry up program used. All steers are implanted and steer-stuffer fed. This is a very well cared for herd. Cows are large framed, sound uddered and strong on their feet & legs. A hardy, hardworking herd from a 2nd generation hard working farm family! Your attendance will be appreciated!

FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 – 10:00 A.M. COMPLETE LINE OF TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT, MILKING & CATTLE ITEMS: Watch next week’s ad for complete listing including: J.D. 9400 combine, J.D. 4455 w/MFWD (nice), (2) J.D. 4440, C.I.H. 95, I.H. 966, 986 & 1066 tractors, N.H. 7220 Discbine (used 1 season), Claas 375 round baler (used 1 season), C.I.H. 5300-13’ grain drill w/press wheels, Kuhn rotary rake, C.I.H. 790 chopper, bulk tank, cattle feeders, panels, & more. TERMS: Cash or check, NO BUYER’S FEE. Wisconsin Registered Auctioneers: Bill Stade #535 Richland Center, WI (608) 585-2431 Mike Stade #607 Watertown, WI (920) 699-4580 Pete Stade #2836 Jefferson, WI (920) 6743236 Clerk: Tom Stade Cashier: Christy Schreiner

Monday, April 9 • 10:30 A.M.

Lunch by B.J.’s Barbecue Located from Loyal, WI: 5 miles South on CTH K to CTH H, then 1 mile West on CTH H to Curley Creek Ave., then 1 mile South on Curley Creek Ave. to farm. Note: Farm has been sold and Mark will sell the following personal property at public auction. 93 Head of High Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle 51 Holstein cows, 1 R&W Holstein cow, 6 Holstein x cross cows, 12 Holstein bred heifers (3 close springers), 8 Holstein open heifers (12-15 mo.), 3 Holstein heifers (10 mo.), 6 Holstein heifers (6-8 mo.), 6 Holstein heifers (newborn-6 mo.) This is an outstanding herd of well bred Holstein dairy cattle. Top A-I sires from Accelerated Genetics have been used for many years resulting in fancy uddered cows w/proper feet & legs as well. Many daughters sired by Man-O-Man, Trump, Kramer, Dom & Navy will sell. This is a very young herd w/30 cows being in their 1st or 2nd lactation w/many productive years ahead of them. Current bulk tank receipts show an 85 lb. per cow average w/a 4.0% B.F., 3.3 P & a SCC of only 110,000. The herd is 100% homebred & A-I sired as well. This sale will feature 26 cows that have recently freshened & will be milking from 80-120 lbs. per day. The cows are housed in a tie-stall barn & left out daily for exercise. Herd health is excellent w/a monthly herd health program in place and all vacc. up to date (Bovishield Gold & J Vacc.). Along w/a great herd of cows, we will also sell a very good group of heifers that are well grown & will make excellent herd replacements. If you are looking for very good replacement cows or heifers, be sure to attend this sale. Machinery Note: The following line of machinery has always been shedded and very well maintained. Ford 9700 diesel tractor w/ cab & 2,000 hrs. on rebuilt TW-20 motor, IH 1086 diesel tractor w/cab, dual hyd. & pto (400 hrs. on Case IH remanufactured motor, new injector pump, brakes & radiator), Case IH 2250 all hyd. loader w/mat bucket, MM M670 open station diesel tractor (only 200 hrs. on motor overhaul), Farmall 300 gas tractor w/wide front, MM Z gas tractor w/Skyline hyd. loader, JD 830 Mo-Co 10’ hydro-swing impellar disc-bine, Gehl 600 chopper w/hay & 1 row corn head, Case IH 600 blower, H&S 7+4 16’ steel chopper box w/H&S 12 tn. gear, Gehl 940 WF chopper box w/H&S 12 tn. gear, H&S 7’ hay tedder, IH 35 side rake, Little giant 45’ hay & grain elevator w/pto, JD 7000 6 row 30” corn planter (recently reconditioned-exc. cond.), Brillion 10’ S.S. seeder (manual transport), MF 33 10’ S.D. grain drill w/ grass seed boxes, White 549 5 btm. vari-width SAR plow, IH 470 19’ manual fold disk, Miller Pro 20’ spring tooth cart drag, E-Z flow gravity box w/gear, Nu-bilt 225 gravity box w/gear, 6 row 3 pt. cultivator, 15’x8’ flat hay rack w/wg., IH 375 10 tn. running gear, Misc. Items: Set of 20.8x38 hub duals, Hoover loader mount bale fork, 3 pt. bale spear, 7’x2 ½’ sap pan, pail of sap spigots, silo pipe & hood, 300 gal. fuel barrel w/elec. pump, 300 gal. fuel barrel w/hand pump, Milw. ¾” drill, Crop Care DA 1221 drum applicator, Lincoln 225 amp. stick welder, Lincoln power grease gun, round bale feeder, 40’ wooden ext. ladder, acetylene torch w/bottles & cart; other misc.

MArk SCHMIDT – OWNer (715) 797-1899 N6177 CurLey Creek Ave., NeILLSvILLe, WI

Terms: All purchases must be settled for on sale day, cash or check. If credit is desired, contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day.

Christensen sales Corp. Abbotsford, WI – Clerk & Sales Managers (715) 223-6345 • Registered Wisconsin Auction Co. #33 website: email: Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014 Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191

Wisconsin’s Leading Agricultural Newspaper Online



d l o s JD 590D exCaVaTor; cab, heat, pilot controls, w/28” pads, 48” bucket, 33,180 lb machine, 50% undercarriage, #D08522 $28,995

JD 120 exCaVaTor; cab, heat, pilot JD 490e; w/feller buncher, controls, hydr thumb, 36” bucket, 24” #D08479 $31,995 pads, 50% undercarriage, #D08523 $49,500

DooSan Dx180-3 exCaVaTor; 27 6” pads, aux hydr , hydr quick coupler, 42” bucket, 1350 hrs , #D08308 $105,900

HITaCHI Zx60; USB-3 Mini-Excavator, CHA, zero tail swing, front blade, rubber tracks, 24” bucket w/hydr thumb, #D08220 $42,995

TaKeuCHI Tb007 MIn; 8 HP Yanmar Engine, 12” Bucket, front blade, 8” rubber tracks, 8’9” reach, 5’1” digging depth #D08472 $8,995

SaMSunG Mx10lC-2 exCaVaTor; 54” HD bucket; 24” pads; Cab w/heat & air; radio; boom work light; pilot ctls; #D08291 $19,500

WHeel lOaDeRs

KoMaTSu wa65-3 CoMPaCT wHeel loaDer; 50 HP, 9,230 lb machine, CHA, 1 yd bucket, #D07682 $34,900

DooSan Daewoo MeGa FIaT-HITaCHI Fr100 wHeel 200 wHeel loaDer; 20 5/25 loaDer; low hours, nice unit, tires, cab & heat #D08051 #D07903 $26,900 $28,500

KawaSaKI 70Z IV wHeel loaDer; 4 spd pwr shift trans; cummins engine cab w/heat radio 3 cu yd bucket; 20 5R25 @45%, #D07965 $27,900

lOaDeR backHOes

DooSan Dl200; Wheel Loader, DooSan Dl200-3 HIGH lIFT DooSan Dl200-3 loaDer; CHA, 4 spd P S , quick coupler loaDer; 2014, quick coupler, 2015, quick coupler, #D08358 w/bucket, 3rd valve, #D08218 #D08359 $74,995 $69,995 $68,995

skiD sTeeR savinGs

d l o s CaSe 590 SuPer M TraCTor loaDer baCKHoe; 4x4, extend a hoe, CHA, pilot controls, #D08415 $44,900

new HollanD b95b; Cab; 4X4; CaSe 590 Tlb; cab, heat, JD 510b, #D08273 $8,995 Extend-Hoe; Stick Controls; 4 Speed; 4x4, extend-a-hoe, #D08250 88” Front Bucket; 30” Hoe Bucket; $22,500 ONLY 2300 HOURS!!! $36,900



FResH TRaDes aT anTiGO

JlG 600aJ ManlIFT; 60’ platform height, 500 lb capacity, 39’ reach, solid rubber tires, #D08435 $21,900

ManITou MlT-845-120; Telehandler; 8’ Bucket; Cab w/Heat-A/C; 122Hp; 15’ Reach; 24’9” Lift Height; 9900lb Lift Capacity; 19000lb Operating Wgt, #D07836 $49,500

Terex Ta30 GeneraTIon 7 arTICulaTInG DuMP TruCK; 6 wheel drive; engine retarder; 23 5R25 tires; back up alarm; back up camera; back up light; #D08216 $75,000

JD 2755 TraCTor, 8 SPD TRANS , 3 PT , 540 PTO, 1 SCU, 2700 HRS , #D08531 $12,995

New DeMo nH l218; 2 spd EH Controls, CHA, suspension seat, lap bar, steel hoods and covers, hydr coupler, block heater, 10 x 16 5 tires, 136 hrs , #D08115 $35,000 or 0% For 60 MonTHS

CaT D5M; XLT, 6 way blade, ROPS, 20” pads, 3 spd power shift, fingertip steering, #D08157 $42,900 JD 450J lT DoZer; CHA, 6 way blade, 16” pads, low hrs, #D08255 $51,500


GenIe S-60 Man lIFT; 60’ Platfrom Height; 50’ Reach; Cage and Ground Controls; 355/55D625 Solid Tires; Only 1078 Hours; Low Hours & Ready To Go! #D08498 $26,990

DuMP TRucks Used ManITou MVT1340l TeleHanDler; ROPS, 4-Wheel Steering, 4WD, 2F/2R Speed, 93HP Perkins Engine, Defroster, 98” General Purpose Bucket, Pallet Forks, front aux hydraulics, external mirrors, 15 5-25 tires #D08448 $19,495


aRe yOu ReaDy FOR sPRinG PlanTinG?

DooSan Dl220-5 wHeel loaDer, HIGH lIFT, rIDe ConTrol, Jrb QuICK CouPler, 3 yarD buCKeT TIer 4 FInal, loCKInG FronT DIFF. anD MuCH More! STanDarD warranTy uP To 5 yearS/7,500 HourS*

DOOSAN LIST PRICE $162,375 SEI PRICE DROP $124,995!!!!!!!

*See Dealer for DetailS. CheCk out our huge seleCtion of Doosan Wheel loaDers anD exCavators!

nOW is THe TiMe TO GeT ReaDy FOR Hay seasOn!! New TraVIS HSC2000 SeeD CarT; 2 Box Carrier; Handa Electric Start Engine; Remote Control; Black Color, #D08177 Call

New GreaT PlaInS 1206nT no-TIll DrIll; 12’ width; 7 5” row spacing; 13 5” disks; grass box; acre meter; 1 3/4” fluted feed cups; 297/75R22 5 rib tires, #D08388 Call

lanDoll 5210 15’ no-TIll DrIll w/ CaDDy; 7 5” Spacing; Double Disc Openers; Individual Down Pressure Air Bags; Grass Seed Boxes; #D08478 $28,995

wHITe 8180 16 row; 30”, rubber closing wheels, liquid fertilizer, heavy duty down pressure, 2 pt hookup, Yetter no till w/ row cleaners, #D07266 $35,995

JD 450 DrIll; Grass seed box, 7 ½” spacing, double disc openers, rear hitch, very clean unit, #D08066 $8,500


HeSSTon 1365 Center pivot pull type discbine with hyd swing tongue; 15’ 3” cut steel conditioning roll; 1 3/8” 1000 rpm PTO drawbar swivel hitch; high skidshoe kit; #D07122 $14,900

uSeD GeHl 2412 Pull type discbine; center pivot with hyd swing; 12 foot cutting width; Ticor rubber conditioning rolls; 1000 rpm PTO drive; needs some work, D08030, $3,800

new Meyer 8124rT Boss Box; on XT2200 Tandem Gear; 550/45X20 5 Tires; 14” screen ext; swivel hitch; rear unload; red color; smv sign; top pivoting door, D08168, Call!

Used KuHn TrIPle Mower ConDITIonerS, FC 883 rear mowers, FC313F front mowers, poly conditioners, Cat II A frame front hitch, 28’10” cut width, #D08445 $19,995

new Meyer 9136T 36’ semi-trailer; 11RX22 5 Duals; solid 14” ext; grain kit ready; no tarp; upper turn signal package; 18 clearance light package; top pivoting door; black color, D08169 Call!

Meyer 4518 ForaGe box, 18’, cross (2) uSeD Meyer box 8120 boSS box; 20’ Rear conveyor extension, w/ Meyer X1604 Unload; Gate Delay; Mounted on International S2300 truck; Cummins LT10 engine; 300 hp; Air Seat; AC; gear, #D07704, $13,900 Work Lights; Air Brakes; CD Player; 11R22 5 Tires; Tandem Duals; truck is fixed up nicely; all lights work, #D08515 & D08516, $23,900 eaCH

Used nH 489 HaybIne, Manual adjust hitch, rubber CIH 8830 SP HaybIne, 14’ head, CHA, #D08386 JD 946 MoCo, 13’, 2 pt hookup, impeller, #D08383 rolls #D08460 $6,495 $12,900 $23,500

ROunD baleRs Meyer 4620 ForaGe box, front Meyer 6222 ForaGe box, front & rear unload, w/roof, 425/65R22 5 tires, unload, w/X2206 tandem gear, 4th beater, #D08269 $19,499 #DX4381 $22,995

d l so KuHn Vb2160 rounD baler; 4X5 baler; roto cut; net wrap; bale ramp; progressive density; 540 PTO; tail lights; includes monitor 19 0/45-17 tires; #D08221, $19,900

KuHn oPTICuT Vb2160 rounD baler; 23 knives; 19 /45 x 17 tires; net wrap only; Vt50 terminal; auto chain lube system; levis hitch; double pick up gauge wheels; makes a 47” x 62” bale; #D07498, $28,900

new nH rb460; roto-cut; endless belts; 2 07m -5 bar pick up; net wrap only; 540 rpm PTO w/cut out clutch; drop floor; 15x6 caster wheel gauge wheels on pick up; 18L x 16 1SL 10PR tires; bale ramp; manual rotor reverser; D08336 Call!

nH rb450 rounD baler; roto cut; endless belts; net and twine; 540 PTO; 18Lx16 1 tires; 15x6 castering p/u wheels; hyd lift; 5 bar pick up w/ reel assist; drop floor; roller windguard, #D08068, $35,900

Meyer 4620 CHoPPer box, 16 5x16 1 Meyer 6222 ForaGe box, front & rear unload, tires, w/Meyer X1906 tandem running w/ X2206 tandem axle running grear, 4th beater, gear, #D08222 $17,995 #D08279, $22,500

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