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Continuing Education Units available
The 2023 PDPW Business Conference o ers a total of 810 minutes of continuing-education units through three continuing-education providers.
– ARPAS – provides certification of animal scientists through examination, continuing education and commitment to a code of ethics. Limitations and restrictions apply to the number of continuing-education credits that can be obtained. Visit www.arpas.org for more information.
PDPW’s Dairy AdVanCE® – DACE – is for everyone in dairy. Farmer and student subscriptions are free; industry professionals can sign up for a $75 lifetime subscription. Visit www.DairyAdvance.org for more information.
American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists
Certified Crop Advisor –CCA – is one of the professional-certification programs o ered by the American Society of Agronomy. Visit www.certifiedcropadvisor.org for more information.