Volume 23: Issue 2 March 2021
2021 PDPW Business Conference 2021 PDPW Business Conference 2021 PDPW Business Conference -18, MARCH 2021 --18, MARCH 1717 18, 2021 MARCH 17 2021
Kalahari Resort Kalahari Resort Kalahari Resort Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Dells, WIWI Wisconsin Dells, WI
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March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Welcome to the 2021 conference! W ho’d have thought an in-person conference would be unique? As we’ve so recently seen, the work you do every day is critical … important … essential. And so is taking care of your most vital asset – you and Shelly Mayer your ability to learn, grow and transform with the times. Savvy new ideas run full tilt at the 2021 PDPW Business
Conference. Unveiling 42 sessions, 44 speakers and two new introductions to the agenda, the program is tailored for you by fellow dairy producers. The content of the conference is guided by a desire to help producers make new discoveries. We know many dairy producers and other professionals are excited to meet together again, but please know your safety is our priority. We’ll follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-recommended guidelines. Safe distancing – Capacities
have been calculated for each room; attendance will be capped in sessions as necessary. Extra audiovisual will be created in overflow areas to allow for social distancing while learning. Rooms will be arranged in a freestall manner; each attendee can sit where he or she chooses, and can reposition chairs as desired to maintain safe distances. Masks and hand sanitizer – Masks and hand sanitizer will be part of a training kit along with meeting proceedings.
Discover what’s new this year In addition to a new venue and location, the Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW) Business Conference is introducing two new features to its annual conference. The two-day event will be held March 17-18, 2021, at the Kalahari Resort Convention Center in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Responding to a call for leading-edge innovations to the forefront of dairy, PDPW will debut the Nexus™ stage. Showcasing innovators, creators and idea-generators who have been selected to present their products and-or services at the conference, Nexus is a cross between TED talks and the reality television show “Shark Tank.” Presenters will have 15 minutes to summarize how their innovations meet a specific need, with each followed by a five-minute question-and-answer session. The other new addition is a fourpart youth-leadership series specifically for high-school students ages 15 to 18. A series of four sessions – one during each morning and afternoon of the two-day event – will be available for the next generation of leaders who have an interest in dairy. Youth-coach and trainer Hans Gochenaur will facilitate sessions that build the skills of communications, teamwork and collaboration. Registered teens will also
have the opportunity to attend other breakout and keynote sessions at the conference. “After a challenging and often isolating 2020, we are all looking forward to the opportunity to gather together in a safe and engaging environment to learn together and recharge for a successful 2021,” said Katy Schultz, PDPW Board president and a dairy producer from Fox Lake, Wisconsin. The program and location have been adapted to meet Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-recommended guidelines regarding COVID-19. While providing flexibility and comfort, capacities have been calculated for each room with seating arrangements that allow attendees to reposition chairs to ensure safe distances. To promote social distancing during sessions, extra audiovisual equipment will be prepared in overflow areas. All food and beverages will be individually served by Kalahari staff, and masks and hand sanitizer will be included in training kits for each attendee. Full program and registration information, including the PDPW Business Conference flier, is available at www. or by calling 800-947-7379. Reduced rates for students will apply, including for teens attending the youth-leadership sessions and fulltime students 19 and older.
Food service – All food and beverages will be individually served by Kalahari staff. Bottled water and unlimited milk will be provided. And of course if you’re not feeling well please don’t attend the conference. Be ready. A whole new world of discovery awaits at the Kalahari Resorts and Conventions in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Shelly Mayer is the PDPW executive director and a dairy producer from Slinger, Wisconsin.
Conference Agenda DAY ONE 8:00 am 8:45 8:45-10:00 10:15 11:00
12:30 pm 1:00 1:45 2:30 2:30-3:45 6:30
Registration and Hall of Ideas open Hands-On and Specialty Sessions Youth Session: You, your world, your path Learning Lounges Opening Session: emcee Pam Jahnke Evangelo “Vann” Morris Lt. General Russel L. Honoré Lunch Learning Lounges Learning Lounges Hands-On and Breakout Sessions Youth Session: Discovering your leadership style Dinner
DAY TWO THURSDAY, MARCH 18 8:00 am 8:45 8:45-10:00 10:15 11:00 12:30 pm 12:45 pm 1:30 1:30-2:45 3:45
Registration and Hall of Ideas open Hands-On and Specialty Sessions Youth Session: Building a team with potential Learning Lounges General Session: Dan Basse Lunch Learning Lounges Hands-On and Breakout Sessions Youth Session: Practical tools in today’s world Closing Session: Captain Charlie Plumb
Index Map and Calendar ........................... page 4 Keynote Speakers............................. page 5 Registration Form ............................ page 7 Learning Lounges 9
4 March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line Upcoming Educational Events
PDPW: Who we are
Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin (PDPW ) is Dairy's Professional Development Organization®. W ith a vision to lead the success of the dairy industry through education, our mission is to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
MAR 2-4
The Dairy Signal™ Online, 12 – 1 pm CT Visit to participate in live-streamed event. Audio/video recordings also available free.
PDPW Board of Directors
MAR 3-4
President Katy Schultz Fox Lake, Wis. 920-210-9661 katylschultz@ m
Financial Literacy for Dairy® (Level 2 concludes) PDPW headquarters Juneau, Wis. Visit for details; all sessions held in compliance with CDC guidelines.
Vice President Janet Clark Rosendale, Wis. 608-341-6709 Secretary John Haag Dane, Wis. 608-576-0812 Treasu rer Jay Heeg Colby, Wis. 715-507-0030 Directors Andy Buttles Lancaster, Wis. 608-723-4712 Ken Feltz Stevens Point, Wis. 715-570-6390
MAR 9-11
The Dairy Signal™ Online, 12 – 1 pm CT Visit to participate in live-streamed event. Audio/video recordings also available free.
MAR 16-17
Directions to Kalahari
Cornerstone Dairy Academy™
Address: 1305 Kalahari Drive, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 From Madison or Chicago: Interstate-90 westbound to exit #92, U.S. Highway 12 – Lake Delton/Wisconsin Dells. From Milwaukee: Interstate-94 westbound to exit #92, U.S. Highway 12 – Lake Delton/Wisconsin Dells. From Green Bay/Appleton: U.S. Highway 41 southbound to Wisconsin
MAR 17-18
Highway 44 west. Take Highway 44 west to Wisconsin Highway 23 west; Highway 23 merges with Interstate-39. Take exit #100 onto Highway 23 west to Wisconsin Dells. From Minneapolis: Interstate-94 eastbound to exit #92, U.S. Highway 12 – Lake Delton/Wisconsin Dells. Note: GPS and MapQuest users may need to use the city of Baraboo, Wisconsin.
Dan Scheider Freeport, Ill. 815-821-4012
PDPW Advisers
Paul Fricke UW-Madison Dairy Science Madison, Wis. Roger Olson Zinpro Performance Minerals Kurt Petik Rabo AgriFinance Fond du Lac, Wis. Andrew Skwor MSA Professional Services Baraboo, Wis. 800-947-7379
Visit for details; all sessions held in compliance with CDC guidelines.
PDPW Business Conference Kalahari Resort Wisconsin Dells, Wis. Visit for details; all sessions held in compliance with CDC guidelines.
MAR 23-25
The Dairy Signal™ Online, 12 – 1 pm CT Visit to participate in live-streamed event. Audio/video recordings also available free.
MAR 24-25
Financial Literacy for Dairy® (Level 3)
PDPW headquarters Juneau, Wis.
Corey Hodorff Eden, Wis. 920-602-6449 Steven Orth Cleveland, Wis. 920-905-2575
Kalahari Resort Wisconsin Dells, Wis.
Visit for details; all sessions held in compliance with CDC guidelines.
Continuing Education Units available The sessions at the 2021 PDPW Business Conference offer a total of 790 minutes of continuing-education units through three continuing-education providers. PDPW’s Dairy AdVanCE® – DACE – is open to the public. Farmers and student subscriptions are free; professional subscriptions are $50 a year. Visit for more information. American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists – ARPAS – provides certification of animal scientists through examination, continuing education and commitment to a code of ethics. Limitations and restrictions apply to the number of continuing-education credits that can be obtained. Visit for more information. Certified Crop Advisor – CCA – is one of the professional-certification programs offered by the American Society of Agronomy. Visit for more information.
MAR 30-APR 1
The Dairy Signal™ Online, 12 – 1 pm CT Visit to participate in live-streamed event. Audio/video recordings also available free.
APR 6-8; APR 13-15
The Dairy Signal™ Online, 12 – 1 pm CT Visit to participate in live-streamed event. Audio/video recordings also available free.
PDPW mission: to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
Dairy’s Bottom Line is pubished by PDPW in cooperation with Agri-View. 1901 Fish Hatchery Road Madison, Wisconsin 53713 Toll-Free: 1-888-AGRI-VIEW
March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Keynote speakers to inform with unique insights This year’s keynote speakers offer an array of insights, experience and knowledge. Conference emcee Pam Jahnke is known to many as “the Fabulous Farm Babe.” Growing up on a dairy farm just north of Green Bay, she was surrounded by agriculture. Jahnke is a past-president of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting, has been named Farm Broadcaster of the Year and has moderated panels for U.S. agricultural secretaries in the White House. The MidPam Jahnke west Farm Report network has grown to encompass 26 stations in Wisconsin and Minnesota, as well as daily appearances on the CBS-TV affiliate in Madison, Wisconsin, and the Fabulous Farm Babe Facebook page. In her spare time Jahnke farms in partnership with her brother, sister and mother on the home farm. Old Glory Evangelo “Vann” Morris is a former nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submariner. He’s an Afghanistan-deployed combat veteran and retired U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Officer. A decorated and educated veteran, Morris has a master’s in business administration from the Naval Postgraduate School. He has Evangelo had an array of military “Vann” achievements, including an Morris incident in 2001 in which his team seized 14 tons of pure cocaine during a Colombian drug raid – the largest drug bust in U.S. maritime history. During his past two tours of duty he served at the U.S. Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and at the United States Special Operations Command in Tampa, Florida. Morris will kick off the PDPW Business Conference with an evocative message about the American flag – “Old Glory.” In addition to reminding attendees what a privilege it is to be able to stand together under one flag, his keynote address is meant to bring unity to a world and a country in
Our Mission Statement
which there is much conflict. His opening keynote will pay tribute to those who have served and continue to serve the USA. 0.5 DACE credits
Resilient leadership Dairy producers and professionals need to lead every day in one manner or another. Whether it’s making a difficult choice regarding personnel or discontinuing business practices that are no longer optimal, leadership in business is a must. Speaking as one who has been called on in many dangerous and challenging situations, an American hero will remind attendees of their inner strength and resilience. With the perspective that preparing for tomorrow’s challenges is imperative, Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré will highlight some of the bold leadership approaches he relied on to rebuild the city of New Orleans after the Lt. Gen. utter physical, economical Russel and emotional devastation Honoré of Hurricane Katrina. 1.25 DACE credits
Ag policy and trade – where’s the bull? Thursday’s general session features agricultural economist Dan Basse. In his keynote Basse will address what the numbers show – for U.S. dairy, global market and international trade have been volatile. With markets depressed and a future uncertain, activities Dan Basse that encourage bullish action are what the industry is after. Basse will summarize current macro-economic forces and outline what can be expected in the seasons ahead. 1 DACE, 1 PD CCA credit
Basse is president of AgResource Company, a domestic and international agricultural-research firm in Chicago that forecasts domestic and world agricultural-price trends. AgResource provides research around the globe to various
segments of the industry including farmers, elevators, soy and corn processors, wheat millers, food companies, trading companies, and importers and exporters. An economist who’s been in the commodity business since 1979, Basse was raised on a dairy and grain farm near Waukesha, Wisconsin. Since April 2020 his market reports and forecasts have been among the most popular episodes of PDPW’s The Dairy Signal™. An 8x8 perspective As the 2021 PDPW Business Conference draws to a close, attendees will hear a moving message of triumph despite tragedy, and conquest in the face of cruelty. Though many may view 2020 as a year of isolation and broken connections, Capt. Charlie Plumb’s testimony will provide a profoundly different perspective. Just five days before the end of his tour in the Vietnam War, Capt. Charlie the plane Plumb piloted Plumb was shot down in enemy territory – where his capturers tortured and held him in an 8-foot by 8-foot cell for just short of six years. His message is a stark reminder that it sometimes takes difficult situations to discover that what seems insurmountable actually is not. The perspective he offers will resonate long after the conference has concluded. 1 DACE credit
Plumb graduated in 1964 from the Naval Academy; he earned his Navy wings the following year. Shortly afterward he made his mark helping develop the U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School, now known today as “Top Gun.” Plumb flew 74 successful combat missions over North Vietnam and made more than 100 carrier landings. During his 75th mission he was shot down over Hanoi and taken prisoner. He spent the next 2,103 days in prisoner-of-war camps. Despite his dismal outlook, Plumb distinguished himself as incredibly adept at underground communications.
PDPW’s mission is to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Wednesday sessions kick off conference Throughout the two-day conference, sessions will give attendees a deeper look into a variety of topics including innovation, animal wellbeing, nutrient management, team building, safety and more. Learning Lounges will also be offered; see page 9 for more information.
how blockchain is currently impacting businesses. He’ll describe strategies and how the technology can specifically be applied to dairy to further transform the supply chain, regulatory tracking and processes on the farm.
Morning specialty sessions, Wednesday, March 17
C OV I D -1 9 h e i g h te n e d awareness of emerging diseases, creating human-health and resource-availability questions. It’s served as a wakeup call for dairy producers. With animals and people more often traveling around the globe, novel diseases are more commonly causing problems. Dr. Vicky Lauer, veterinarian, and Dr. Ralph Stowell, veterinarian, offer
Blockchain – redefining traceability “Blockchain” has been a buzz word in dairy for some time. To further describe it and its implications for dairy businesses, Phil Harris, president and co-founder of ripe. io, will provide an update on
1.25 DACE credits
Emerging diseases
Save the dates
BIG and get ready for something
2022 PDPW
Business Conference March 16-17, 2022 PROFESSIONAL DAIRY PRODUCERS® 800-947-7379
perspectives for dairy and share practical tips to manage variables.
on specific sections of land as well as downstream from those parcels.
Transporting nutrients
Afternoon breakout sessions Wednesday March 17
1.25 DACE, 1.25 ARPAS credits
Nutrient application continues to evolve. Dairy producers are using new techniques to optimize the complete cycle from cow to soil and back to the cow. A diverse panel of producers and indust ry ex p e r ts w i l l o u t l i n e insights regarding techniques and methods other industries are using. Panelists are Jason Fuller, Joe Heese, Don Heilman, Matt Komro and Aurel Lübke; Andrew Skwor will facilitate. 1.25 DACE, 1 NM CCA credits
Hands-on hub – Stayin’ alive, first response When on-farm accidents happen, knowing how to apply pressure to a bleed, or other quick life-saving measures, may come in handy. This hands-on lab will equip attendees with first-response techniques to save limbs and lives. Session-presenter Chris St. Pierre has worked in the electrical-construction industry and public-safety sector with an emphasis on hazard assessment, riskbased analysis and supervisory safety. 1.25 DACE credits
Hands-on hub – Understand your land Land managers know which areas are prone to flooding and erosion as well as other soil-control challenges. This hands-on session offers a water-runoff simulator to mimic the effects of rainfall on varying soil types. Presenters Jason Cavadini and Matt Oehmichen will help participants understand how ground cover, topography and land-management impacts what happens
1.25 DACE, 1 SWM CCA credits
Better coaching for winning teams Michael Hoffman will focus on goal-based coaching, outlining the most impactful things to say and do intentionally in one-on-one interactions with team members. Creating a workforce of people who own their roles and contribute to a more-positive work environment is the target. 1.25 DACE, 1 PD CCA credits
Risk management Whether a producer invests in a Livestock Gross Margin insurance policy for dairy, contracts the dairy’s milk and feed, intentionally saves money in a rainy-day fund or does a combination of those, there are many ways to protect a d a i ry wh e n m a rg i n s decrease. A producer panel will shed light on what works and what doesn’t. Producer panelists are Joe Fetzer, Patrick Maier and Kendall Melichar, with facilitator Tim Swenson. 1.25 DACE credits
My perfect cow The marketplace sends messages to dairy producers that keep changing and often contradict each other. This session will provide a view of what will be asked of tomorrow’s cows. Genetics, environmental factors and feed-efficiency metrics impacting dairy’s carbon footprint are key talking points. Juan Tricarico, Steve Berland and Jon Schefers will talk about what leads to success. 1.25 DACE, 1.25 ARPAS credits
March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
REGISTER NOW PDPW member rates
1 day
2 days
o Farmer
o Premier supplier (sponsor or exhibitor)
o Industry
o Student
l Call PDPW at 800-947-7379 ... or l Register at ... or l Scan QR code below
non-member rates
1 day
2 days
o Farmer
o Industry
o Student
(including teens 15-18; for student rate, registrant must be a full-time student)
(including teens 15-18; for student rate, registrant must be a full-time student)
Registration fees are non-refundable after February 28, 2021. Walk-ins are welcome for an additional $20/person.
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March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Thursday sessions offer more discoveries The second day of PDPW’s business conference explores such topics as phosphorus harvesting, employee safety and social-media marketing strategies. Attendees will also hear from two keynote speakers, including economist Dan Basse; 30-minute Learning Lounges will also be offered. See page 9 for more information. Morning specialty sessions Thursday March 18 People management that works Coaching employees to think and act within their realm of influence creates a culture of ownership in which every team member knows the whys and understands their boundaries. Igniting Performance founder and owner Michael Hoffman will give conference attendees a look inside the management cycle and explore different styles of coaching conversations. He’ll outline practical strategies for managers to set expectations, conduct meaningful reviews and deliver practical feedback. 1.25 DACE, 1 PD CCA credits
Phosphorus harvesting Phosphorus harvesting is somewhat of a new concept to dairy; presenters Menachem Tabanpour and Leon Downing will shed light on the process
and implications for nutrient management. Facilitated by Greg Gunderson, session attendees will discover how the practice reduces phosphorus loading and can generate revenue streams.
Afternoon breakout sessions Thursday March 18 Opportunities in crossbreeding beef on dairy
data streams will be agricultural-technology attorney Todd Janzen, providing an overview of laws affecting ownership and control. 1 DACE credit
1.25 DACE, 1 SWM CCA credits
Active shooter! In an active-shooter situation it’s critical to be prepared and know what to do. Oak Creek Police Department Operations Capt. Mike Bolender will share sensible tips to form a plan to share with the whole team in case the unthinkable happens. 1.25 DACE credits, 1 PD CCA
Hands-on Hub sessions “Stayin’ Alive: first response” and “Understand your land” will be offered both days. See page 3 for more information. Thursday’s first general session Agricultural economist Dan Basse will present “Ag policy and trade – where’s the bull?” He’ll address what the numbers show for U.S. d a i r y, t h e global market and internaDan Basse tional trade, and what can be expected in the seasons ahead. 1 DACE credit
More dairy producers are crossbreeding with beef and seeing an increase in profits. It takes calculated planning and selection to consistently produce an efficient animal to match the market’s ever-changing needs. Learn tips from successful producers — Kelli Retallick, Casey Davis and Jerry Wulf; dairy-producer Jay Heeg is the facilitator. 1 DACE, 1 ARPAS credit
Is direct marketing for you? Determining where to start diversifying on-farm sales comes with a lot of questions and time-consuming hoops to jump through. Learn from dairy producers who have created new revenue streams and understand which plans need to be put in place. Producer panelists Amanda Freund and Walt Gladstone will share perspectives and tips; session facilitator is Kurt Petik. 1 DACE credit
Collecting your data A dairy produces data 24 hours each day. Ensuring producers understand control of
Capt. Charlie Plumb
Closing session An 8 x 8 perspective As the 2021 PDPW Business Conference draws to a close, attendees will hear a moving message of triumph despite tragedy, and conquest in the face of cruelty. Just five days before the end of Capt. Charlie Plumb’s tour in the Vietnam War, he was shot down in enemy territory – where they tortured and held him in an 8-foot by 8-foot cell. His message is a stark reminder that it sometimes takes difficult situations to discover that what seems insurmountable actually is not. The perspective he offers will resonate long after the conference has concluded. 1 DACE credit
Ballots due for three open PDPW board spots Three dairy-producer members will be elected to seats on the 2021-2022 PDPW board of directors during the 2021 business conference. Organizational bylaws allow one vote per dairyfarm membership. The PDPW board of directors has three available positions for 2020-
2021; each PDPW dairy-farm member can vote for as many as three candidates. As published in the Jan. 21, 2021, PDPW Dairy’s Bottom Line, four candidates are running for a position. They include incumbent Janet Clark of Vision Aire Farms LLC near Rosendale,
Wisconsin, Gretchen Johnson of Horse Creek Holsteins near Osceola, Wisconsin, Paul Lippert of Grass Ridge Farm LLC near Pittsville, Wisconsin, and Brady Weiland of Weiland Dairy LLC near Columbus, Wisconsin. Visit
details for more information. All PDPW members have been mailed ballots for voting, to be returned to PDPW headquarters. Ballots can also be cast onsite at the PDPW Business Conference by 1 p.m., Thursday, March 18. Call PDPW at 800947-7379 for more information.
March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line practical information in 30-minute sessions
learning lounges Day 1
Answering the call – Tom Thibodeau
Alternative energy in agriculture – Adam Wehling
1:00 1:30 pm
Politics: get involved – Joe Thome
Effective management teams – Liz Griffith
1:45 2:15 pm
Human trafficking – Lt. Paul Marik
Manure and conservation – Matt Oehmichen
10:15 10:45 am
Outsource social media efforts? – Kallie Coates
Rations: get what you ordered – Dr. John Goeser
12:45 1:15 pm
Determine the right social platforms – Kallie Coates
Capitalize on carbon credits – Andrew Skwor, Doug Grotegut
10:15 10:45 am
Today’s world is crying for help. This session will direct you to your greatest opportunity to serve and answer the plea for leadership. 0.50 DACE, 0.50 PD CCA l
Why and how should farmers be involved in local politics? As direct caretakers and business owners in our communities, you likely have more of a feel for the local needs and solutions for your community. Learn how to get involved, how to run and what you need to know to get started. 0.50 DACE l
Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights and a serious crime. And every year, thousands of people fall victim to it. Know what to look for and how to prevent it from happening. 0.50 DACE l
Day 2
Think outside the digital box and grow your team’s social media reach. Outsourcing or working with a freelancer may be just what your farm needs to make your social story go viral. 0.50 DACE l Whether you’re a novice or a pro, determining which social-media platform is right for your business is critical. Explore two booming platforms and learn how to most effectively use them. 0.50 DACE l
Alternative energy resources have significantly progressed over the last few years. Understand how and what geothermal, solar and wind energies are and how we can use them in agriculture. 0.50 DACE l Liz will share simple and practical do’s and don’ts for creating effective management teams. Learn how to build a management team that works for the good of the whole - effectively. 0.50 DACE, 0.50 PD CCA l
Manure can be a precious commodity or a problem child when not managed correctly. Learn about landscape management with implemented conservation practices and how they unlock more opportunities with your acres and nutrient applications. 0.50 DACE, 0.50 NM CCA l For many reasons, rations often vary from what was intended or formulated. Learn how to evaluate your ration based on goals, ranging from troubleshooting to uncovering hidden opportunities and more. 0.50 DACE l How can your dairy cash in on carbon credits? Discover some ways to create revenue from the manure that’s produced without any extra effort on your part. 0.50 DACE l
Our commitment to keep
Eligible policies include personal auto, homeowners, farm and business. For more information, visit or contact your local agent.
March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Gochenaur brings fun energy to youth A strong appreciation for agriculture and a passion for working with young people makes Hans Gochenaur a perfect fit to lead a new addition to the 2021 PDPW Business Conference. Gochenaur will bring his high-energy style to the allnew youth-leadership sessions. Teens age 15 to 18 can participate in the four 75-minute sessions. Born and raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Gochenaur grew up as a “city kid.” Despite not living on a farm he spent many weekends traveling to his father’s family farm in northern Indiana. “During the spring and fall I’d go to school all week,” he said. “Then I’d wake up early Saturday mornings to go to the farm with my dad where he’d help his brothers. I got to go with him and experience the farm with my cousins. It gave me a deep respect for farmers, and an appreciation for the hard work and dedication that goes into a successful farm business.” He earned a degree in speech communications from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, and then returned to Fort Wayne to work in the ministry before attending Grace Theological Seminary. After graduating from the seminary he began working as a youth minister in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. For the past 12 years Gochenaur has served as
Hans Gochenaur and his wife, Kristen Gochenaur, live in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, with their children, in front from left, Ella, 13, and Drake, 9, and in back between his parents Warrick, 15.
the director for Beaver Dam Campus Life as well as the director of Campus Life Ministries for Badgerland Youth for Christ. “I enjoy the opportunity to work with young people in the transition phase of their life, as they are forming their worldview on how they want to live the rest of their life,” he said. “Youth for Christ is a great fit because I get to work with students from across an entire community, not just one church. It’s a broad spectrum of youth ranging from those with a strong faith background to those who have never stepped foot in a
church. “As a parent I know how critical it is to guide our teenagers toward other adults they can trust – including coaches, teachers and youth ministers who can reinforce their values and beliefs. Every teen needs an adult in their life in addition to their parents.” Through the years Gochenaur has been a regular facilitator for PDPW Youth Leadership Derby. He’s looking forward to presenting sessions that dig deeper into skills that are important for young people in all aspects of their life, he said. Those include social and communications
skills, surrounding oneself with the right people and understanding how to build successful teams. “We often think about outdated images of farmers being out of touch or doing their own thing, but those days are gone,” he said. “Farming is a business. No matter your role in the operation, you have to be able to solve problems, manage conflicts and effectively communicate with family, employees and partners.” Building strong leadership and communication skills is important for young people no matter their career interest, he said. With agriculture being such an interconnected tightknit community, strong communication and leadership qualities are critical – whether on the farm or in allied industry. “Many kids today don’t realize they already have leadership qualities within them,” he said. “They just need a little help to discover what’s deep within them and understand how to build on those qualities.” In addition to the youth-only sessions, registered teens can attend all other business-conference sessions, providing them the opportunity to take a deeper dive into topics of interest concerning their current roles on the farm – or future career and educational plans.
Conference sessions target teen leadership Along with a new location the 2021 Business Conference will feature programming for a new audience. Teenagers 15 to 18 years old have an opportunity to attend a four-part leadership series to help build their communication skills. With years of experience working with and mentoring middle-school and highschool students, Beaver Dam
Campus Life director Hans Gochenaur will engage participants in fast-paced smallgroup activities that promote creative experiential learning, fun, teamwork and personal discovery. “The world needs leaders with strong social and communication skills, and an ability to collaborate with different personalities,” Gochenaur said.
The youth sessions are designed to help attendees recognize and embrace individual skills and strengths, while prompting them to construct a path that helps them achieve their goals. The content will illustrate how great leaders come in many shapes and sizes, and that building successful teams is an important part of leadership.
“We want them to know what kind of leader they are and what types of leaders to surround themselves with so they can maximize their potential as individuals as well as their team,” he said. Student registrations rates are $75 per day; attending all four sessions is encouraged. Visit for more information.
March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Producers reveal direct-marketing strategies The opportunities of directmarketing farm products to consumers can be significant but so are potential hurdles. Thursday afternoon’s breakout session “Is direct marketing for you?” will feature two dairy farmers who have successfully diversified their businesses to create revenue streams. Amanda Freund, sales and marketing lead for CowPots, and Walt Gladstone, owner of Newmont Farm, will share stories, successes and strategies. Moderator is Kurt Petik, senior relationship manager at Rabo AgriFinance. CowPots – you’re going to turn that into what? CowPots is a business based on Freund’s family dairy farm; it started 20 years ago. Her father, Matt Freund, began comparing separated solids coming from their dairy’s methane digester to the material used to make the peat pots in his wife’s garden center and farm-market business. He wondered if the solids could be used as the base material for pots. If so, it would have the added bonus of providing a natural fertilizer source to the soil. The successful production of CowPots came from several years of experimenting in the farm shop and constructing a prototype machine to manufacture pots. Then the sales and marketing work began. “The first CowPot was sold in
Amanda Freund will share insights regarding her family’s experience converting their herd’s separated solids into biodegradable pots, now available for consumers nationwide.
2006, but we didn’t become an independent business from the dairy farm until 2014,” Amanda Freund said. “It was a long process that had to be proven every step of the way.” A cooperative of local dairy farmers introduced the Freunds to opportunities for grants, research and more. She’ll provide insights into developing markets when an innovative and sustainable product isn’t taken seriously by buyers, as well as working with retail stores of all sizes. “When stores realized what the pots were made out of, many of them just laughed and thought it was a joke,” she said. One could say the joke is on them; CowPots are now available in 13 styles. They’re sold direct to consumers as well as through retail and wholesale channels all across the nation.
From left are Margaret, Will and Walt Gladstone (Matt and John not pictured).
Newmont Farm – home to cows and pumpkins Walt Gladstone and his wife, Margaret Gladstone, who grew up on dairy farms, bought their current farm property near Fairlee, Vermont, at an auction 32 years ago. Named to honor each of their home states, New York and Vermont, Newmont Farms has always been a dairy farm; the dairy herd now numbers 1,600 cows. The Gladstones have experimented with a variety of produce through the years. “We’ve always been dairy farmers at heart,” Walt Gladstone said. “But we gained some land and weren’t ready to grow our herd base, so we diversified into produce.” They began to grow pumpkins; they now have 200 acres each year. Their pumpkin markets range from small farm
stands to major retailers throughout the Northeast; delivering with quality and efficiency is important, he said. “We developed markets by knocking on doors and taking a chance, then building a reputation so new market opportunities come our way each year,” he said. “We still make mistakes but try not to make many. And we own our mistakes if we make them.” The Gladstone’s three sons are all involved in the business. Will and Matt Gladstone are partners in the farm; John Gladstone is an independent truck driver who also manages the dispatch and transport of pumpkins in the fall. Walt Gladstone will talk about the challenges of finding labor for seasonal pumpkin harvest, and the ways the farm has balanced managing both the dairy and produce businesses through the years.
Nexus introduces dairy innovations Each year dairy producers attend the Professional Dairy Producers® Business Conference in search of the newest research, technologies and information to make their farms more productive and sustainable. The new Nexus™ stage at the 2021 PDPW Business Conference will give attendees a
sneak preview of the creative products, services and inventions being cultivated within the dairy industry. Five inventors and idea-generators will each deliver a 15-minute TED-Talk-style overview of an idea, followed by an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and provide
feedback. Each presentation will be professionally moderated and delivered once each day. “The Nexus stage is the perfect fit for the PDPW Business Conference, bringing together the most innovative and forward-thinking dairy farmers with new ideas that could shape the future of the dairy industry,”
said Katy Schultz, dairy producer from Fox Lake, Wisconsin, and PDPW Board president. “We’re excited about this platform to unveil the ideas and collaborations that are ripe within our dairy community.”
March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Producers share tips to manage risk As volatility continues to be the name of the game in dairy markets, it’s critical for producers to manage risk in their operations. There is no one-size-fits-all solution; each operation needs to develop a plan that meets its needs. A panel of dairy producers will shed light on what’s worked for them at a Wednesday-afternoon breakout session facilitated by Tim Swenson with Compeer Financial. • Joe Fetzer of Fetzer Farms near Elmwood, Wisconsin • Patrick Maier of Maier Farms LLC in southern Wisconsin • Kendall Melichar of Melichar Broad Acres near Port Washington, Wisconsin. Fetzer Farms – “As our farm has grown we have had to put more risk-management planning into place,” Fetzer said. “As more responsibility is on my shoulders and more risk on the line, I don’t want to be in the situation of losing money for the farm.” He’s responsible for the marketing, crops and waste management on his family’s fourth- and fifth-generation dairy farm. “We start with a focus on knowing cost of production and using a variety of tools to lock in a price that we know we’re going to be breaking even or profitable,” he said. “We’ve learned along the way and made a few mistakes that we’ve learned from, but it provides a level of control and some predictability on the pricing side.”
From left are Steve, Paul, Betsy and Joe Fetzer.
From left are Carter, 11, Scarlett, 7, Grant, 9, Kendall, Alexa, 5, and Adam Melichar.
From left are Patrick, Anika, Courtney and Leo Maier.
Maier Farms – Maier focuses on people management, business planning, risk management and finances in his family’s
operation that includes milking herd, young stock, cropping and manure application. “We had a few things come up in the operation with expansion and growth, and wanted to ensure profitability by taking out the uncertainty of a fluctuating milk price,” he said. “With $6 swings in milk prices during the COVID pandemic it really showed its value.” Please see RISK, Page 17
Dan Basse gives commodity-market insights Dan Basse is a familiar face and voice to dairy farmers. From his start on a Wisconsin dairy farm to founding a global agricultural-research and -advisory firm, and becoming a wellknown speaker regarding agricultural economics, he remains focused on building relationships and providing researchbacked information to help farmers and businesses make decisions. He will deliver a keynote address. Basse earned in 1979 a bachelor of science in agricultural economics and a minor in dairy science at the University of Wisconsin. He eventually moved to Chicago to work in the agricultural-
research division of GNP Commodities. He opened AgResource Company in 1987. “Our focus has always been on establishing a solid reputation by bringing together the best minds and embracing technology to conduct the best research to navigate efficiently through the marketplace,” he said. “As economists we have to be able to accurately and correctly explain our research and findings to people.” It’s critical for farmers to develop an understanding of markets as well as the opportunities and risks for individual operations. “A lot of us who grew up in
agriculture and as farmers today spend a lot of time trying to get the best production,” Basse said. “But (U.S. Department of Agriculture) data says that 67 percent of net proceeds for a farm operation come from decisions in the market. Do your best on the production side but recognize your real revenue will come from understanding when the best sales opportunities are in the market.” Market conditions are complex. “Because agriculture is so dynamic there isn’t one singular thing you can focus on to drive all decisions,” Basse said. “It’s constantly changing on a global
scale – like a jigsaw puzzle with new pieces added every day. You have to be a student of the market or find an economist or market consultant you trust to be part of your consulting team.” Basse said he never lost his passion for farming, particularly for Guernsey cows. He bought Springhill Dairy Farm in 2018 near Big Prairie, Ohio. He particularly enjoys working with the farm’s registered Guernsey and Holstein cows, and entering the show ring. “I’m not sure my dairy farm is any more profitable than anyone else’s, but I sure do enjoy spending time on the farm and with the cows,” he said.
March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
PDPW impact goes beyond programming Collaborating and consistently evolving to meet the needs of dairy-farmer members and the market place is more important than ever for Professional Dairy Producers®, board member Dan Scheider says. “When I joined the board I realized how much impact PDPW has on the entire dairy community, and that the relationships we have Dan with other orgaScheider nizations are crucial to our industry,” he said. Scheider grew up on his family’s dairy farm near Freeport, Illinois, and attended University of Wisconsin-Platteville. Three years after graduating he returned to the farm, where they milk 650 cows and crop 1,200 acres of corn and alfalfa. He serves as vice-president of
Outgoing PDPW board member Dan Scheider, left, discusses projects with calf-manager Filimon Vazquez. Scheider dairies in partnership with his parents, Doug and Trish Scheider, on their 650-cow dairy near Freeport, Illinois.
the Stephenson County Farm Bureau board in Illinois; he and his wife, Sarah Scheider, have two children – Ella, 10 and Wyatt, 8. Their involvement with PDPW began when they attended a PDPW farm-safety session.
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“Based on the content we learned and people we met at the training, we were able to go from telling our people to be safe to
I’ve been on the PDPW board through good, bad and stressful times for the dairy industry. Despite all of it there’s always been a positive attitude and a focus on what we can control – and how we can continue to learn and improve.” Dan Scheider
Please see SCHEIDER, Page 17
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March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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March 2021 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Scheider From 15
putting in place a structured program that included formal training and policies,” Dan Scheider said. “It was a timely topic and allows us to be proactive and prepared, even to this day.” Scheider is the first PDPW board member to reside outside Wisconsin. His insights have provided important perspectives. “As our industry evolves and farms change, working and learning from different people is critical,” he said. “If there is someone from another corner of the world who has been through an event and learned something, sharing their experience is the start of making improvements. In many cases the issues are the same even if geographies are different.
“Those of us in agriculture are small in numbers and in dairy it’s even smaller,” he said. “We need to collaborate on the issues that are important to us so we don’t get lost in the shuffle or forced into someone else’s plan.” PDPW’s role in the creation of the University of WisconsinDairy Innovation Hub is an example of successful collaboration efforts across the dairy industry. The annual PDPW Business Conference is one of the best ways for producers to collaborate with others, he said. “Whether you’re at the beginning, middle or even end of your career, there is something for everyone at business conference,” he said. “Not only is there diversity in topics, but also in formats.” As a member-led organization, PDPW board members and staff work to address issues critical to the dairy industry. That focus prompted the
Risk From 14
Melichar Broad Acres – Melichar is a certified public accountant with a number of financial and management responsibilities at her family’s dairy farm. “We are at a level in our operation that we can’t risk riding out the highs and lows of the markets,” Kendall Melichar said. She’s navigated through the learning curve of risk management in the milk-pricing markets and implementing strategies for other aspects of the operation. “The dairy industry is unique but it is still a business,” she said. “The bottom line is that you have to know what all the risks are and do what is in your power to manage them ... in the long run your farm and business will be in a better financial position.”
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introduction of virtual programming during the COVID19 pandemic, specifically The Dairy Signal™. “The Dairy Signal broadcast is another example of something moving from concept to finished product in a very short period,” he said. “It began as a mechanism for people to come together and connect on timely topics at the beginning of the pandemic. It has since evolved to offering continued conversation about topics important to our entire industry.” “I’ve been on the PDPW board through good, bad and stressful times for the dairy industry. Despite all of it, there’s always been a positive attitude and a focus on what we can control and how we can continue to learn and improve,” said Scheider. He will rotate off the PDPW board in March 2021 after having served two three-year terms.
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RESULTS TO BE DAIRYLAND SEED PROUD OF IN 2020 UW SILAGE TRIALS! 12 - 1ST PLACE FINISHES! 30 - TOP 3 FINISHES! Hybrid HiDF-3197RA HiDF-3099RA HiDF-3099RA HiDF-3099RA HiDF-3099RA DS-4318AM DS-4318AM DS-4318AM DS-4318AM HiDF-4545Q HiDF-4545Q HiDF-4999Q DS-3715AM HiDF-3197RA HiDF-3197RA HiDF-3099RA HiDF-3099RA DS-4318AM HiDF-3802Q HiDF-4545Q HiDF-4545Q DS-5018AM HiDF-4999Q DS-5279Q HiDF-3044Q HiDF-3197RA HiDF-3197RA HiDF-3802Q HiDF-3407RA HiDF-4999Q
Rank 1 of 27 1 of 27 1 of 43 1 of 43 1 of 43 1 of 38 1 of 36 1 of 36 1 of 36 1 of 38 1 of 36 1 of 25 2 of 27 2 of 27 2 of 27 2 of 43 2 of 43 2 of 36 2 of 36 2 of 36 2 of 36 2 of 48 2 of 25 2 of 28 3 of 43 3 of 43 3 of 43 3 of 36 3 of 25 3 of 48
Zone North Central-Early North Central-Early Northern Northern Northern North Central-Late South Central-Early South Central-Early South Central-Early North Central-Late South Central-Early Southern-Early North Central-Early North Central-Early North Central-Early Northern Northern South Central-Early South Central-Early South Central-Early South Central-Early South Central-Late Southern-Early Southern-Late Northern Northern Northern South Central-Early Southern-Early South Central-Late
Location 3-Loc Avg MAR 4-Loc Avg MAR SPS VAL 2-Loc Avg 2-Loc Avg GAL CHP ARL MON 3-Loc Avg 3-Loc Avg CHP 4-Loc Avg COL ARL 2-Loc Avg 2-Loc Avg GAL 2-Loc Avg 2-Loc Avg 2-Loc Avg 4-Loc Avg 4-Loc Avg 4-Loc Avg 2-Loc Avg MON ARL
Result *10.9 Tons/Acre *10.5 Tons/Acre *10.6 Tons/Acre *10.9 Tons/Acre *9.5 Tons/Acre *9.8 Tons/Acre *13.6 Tons/Acre *44,300 Milk/Acre *14.1 Tons/Acre *13.7 Tons/Acre *13.8 Tons/Acre *13.4 Tons/Acre *3250 Milk/Ton *34,200 Milk/Acre *12.3 Tons/Acre *32,600 Milk/Acre *12.4 Tons/Acre *13.1 Tons/Acre *41,700 Milk/Acre *13.4 Tons/Acre *13 Tons/Acre *3260 Milk/Ton *12.5 Tons/Acre *3150 Milk/Ton *3250 Milk/Ton *10.3 Tons/Acre *32,300 Milk/Acre *12.8 Tons/Acre 11.5 Tons/Acre *12.5 Tons/Acre
* Hybrids that performed statistically similar to the highest hybrid in the trial.
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