Volume 22: Issue 2 March 2020
BOTTOM LINE Sharing ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
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March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line PDPW: Who we are
Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin (PDPW) is Dairy's Professional Development Organization®. With a vision to lead the success of the dairy industry through education, our mission is to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
PDPW Board of Directors President Jay Heeg Colby, Wis. 715-507-0030 jcheeg@yahoo.com Vice President Katy Schultz Fox Lake, Wis. 920-210-9661 katylschultz@gmail.com Secretary Dan Scheider Freeport, Ill. 815-812-4012 dnscheider@gmail.com Treasurer Janet Clark Rosendale, Wis. 608-341-6709 vafarmsllc@hotmail.com
Welcome to the 2020 PDPW Business Conference If there was ever a year to cast a laser focus on your business, this is the year. The past few years have come and gone in a blur – and now 2020 lies ahead, beckoning dairy producers to commit to a clear vision. When time, money and labor on the farm become limiting factors, it’s imperative to maximize any time away. There’s nowhere else in the industry one can go to receive the quality and quantity of education, passion and solution-oriented ideas and connections in a mere two days.
With the help of fellow dairy producers, we’ve put together an agenda abounding with leading-edge information and the latest in education, innovations and research. We also have a few
new things in store. A special thank you to the Business Conference committee members who dedicated their time to developing the worldclass program. Driven by the PDPW mission to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed, those fellow dairy farmers came together to create an educational event with lasting impact. The 2020 PDPW Business Conference is the result of your drive and focus — thank you!
Directors Andy Buttles Lancaster, Wis. 608-723-4712 stonefront@tds.net Ken Feltz Stevens Point, Wis. 715-570-6390 feltzfarms@hotmail.com John Haag Dane, Wis. 608-576-0812 jahaag5@gmail.com Corey Hodorff Eden, Wis. 920-602-6449 corey@secondlookholsteins.com Steven Orth Cleveland, Wis. 920-905-2575 orthlanddairy@gmail.com
PDPW Advisers
Jim Barmore GPS Dairy Consulting Verona, Wis. jmbarmore@gpsdairy.com Paul Fricke UW-Madison Dairy Science Madison, Wis. pmfricke@wisc.edu Kurt Petik Rabo AgriFinance Fond du Lac, Wis. kurt.petik@raboag.com Andrew Skwor MSA Professional Services Baraboo, Wis. askwor@msa-ps.com
www.pdpw.org mail@pdpw.org 800-947-7379
Directions to the Alliant Energy Center The Alliant Energy Center is located at 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, Wisconsin. Visit www.alliantenergycenter.com or contact 608-267-3976 or aec@alliantenergycenter.com for more information. From Chicago (South): I-90 to exit 142A, west on U.S. Highways 12/18, 5 miles to Rimrock Road, exit 262 • From Green Bay (North): I-90 to exit 142A, west on U.S. Highways 12/18, 5 miles to Rimrock Road, exit 262 • From Milwaukee (East): I-94 West, I-90 South to exit 142A, west on U.S. Highways
12/18 to Rimrock Road, exit 262 • From Minneapolis (West): I-90 South to exit 142A, west on U.S. Highways 12/18 to Rimrock Road, exit 262 • From Des Moines (South): I-80 East to I-380 North, north on U.S. Highway 151 to U.S. Highways 12/18E, exit at Rimrock Road, exit 262 The Alliant Energy Center is served by four entryways: the Main Gate from Rimrock Road on the southeast; the Nolen Gate from John Nolen Drive on the east; the Olin Gate from Olin Avenue on the north; and the Rusk Gate from Rusk Avenue on the south.
March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Business conference schedule Also offered
Upon arriving to the Alliant Energy Center, register in the appropriate area by last name to receive a name badge and a gift tote. The tote bag includes many helpful items including a map of the rooms in which all sessions and activities take place. To go paperless, download the conference app. It allows attendees to talk to each other, customize a schedule, read speaker bios and more. Visit Google Play or the App Store to find the PDPW app. Day One – Wednesday 8 a.m. - Registration and Hall of Ideas open 8:45 a.m. - Hands-On and Specialty Sessions 10:15 a.m. - Learning Lounge Sessions 11 a.m. - Opening Session: Doug Hall 12:30 p.m. - Lunch in Hall of Ideas 1 p.m. - Learning Lounges and Preview Stage 1:45 p.m. - Learning Lounges and Preview Stage 2:30 p.m. - Hands-On and Breakout Sessions 4:30 p.m. - Connection Reception in Hall of Ideas 6:30 p.m. - Dinner
7:30 p.m. - Evening entertainment Greg Schwem Day Two – Thursday 8 a.m. - Registration and Hall of Ideas open 8:30 a.m. - Hands-On and Specialty Sessions 10 a.m. - General Session: Dan Basse and Eric Snodgrass
11 a.m. - Lunch in Hall of Ideas 11:45 a.m. - Learning Lounges and Preview Stage 12:30 p.m. - Learning Lounges and Preview Stage 1:15 p.m. - Hands-On and Breakout Sessions 3:30 p.m. - Closing Keynote: Mark Nutsch
The Hall of Ideas and Equipment Show is always buzzing with activity. Suppliers play a vital role in providing the latest and greatest to dairy farmers. Visit the Hall of Ideas often for leading-edge methods and strategies. Grilled cheese – Not too many things please like hotand-melty grilled-cheese sandwiches. Stationed throughout the Hall of Ideas, a variety of flavors will be served when other meals aren’t available. Thanks to generous sponsors grilled-cheese sandwiches will be offered both days of the conference. Professional headshots – A professional picture is one of those things you’ll be glad you have when the time comes. Discreetly available for comfort and convenience, the photo booth is in the Hall of Ideas. Massage will create relaxation – In addition to lounging areas to encourage conversations and connections, the Hall of Ideas will feature a massage station facilitated by professionals.
Index Additional session details �� pages 5, 8 Keynote speakers ������������������ page 7 Learning Lounges ���������������� page 10
Hands-on Hub ��������������������� page 11 Research previews �����������������page 12 Speaker bios �������������������������page 14
PDPW Board candidates ����� pages 16 Registration form ������������������page 18 Upcoming events ������������������page 22
March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Day One specialty sessions Day One morning Select one of four sessions. 8:45-10 a.m. Wednesday, March 18 Putting numbers to the heifers – Replacement heifers represent a cost of producing milk. Like other cos ts eve ry operation needs to identify what’s optimal Michael for that operaOverton tion. Dr. Mike Overton, veterinarian, will walk through multiple scenarios to depict how many heifers a dairy should have. He will ask producers to consider whether to raise their own, whether to sell the heifers and then buy them back, whether to have heifers custom-raised, or whether to sell them and buy replacements. Though the choices may seem endless, the session will help each producer sort through the best option for his or her business.
1.25 DACE; 1.25 ARPAS; 1.50 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Pencil-pushing for profits Consider what is right – a bulk-tank average of 105 pounds at 3.5 percent butterfat or less milk with better components. The answer isn’t always simple when accountLuiz ing for the value Ferraretto of home-grown feed, time and other resources. Luiz Ferraretto will discuss ways to change diets and find the sweet spot for each dairy.
1.25 DACE; 1.50 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Stuff happens … you covered? Planes fall out of the sky, barns collapse and devastation sometimes strikes out of nowhere. When tragedy hits the last thing a producer needs is to realize that he or she is
under-covered by insurance. Dairy farmers Marty Hallock and Jim Kroeplien will share what they’ve Marty learned about Hallock insurance polic i e s. T h ey ’ l l coach producers through important sections to review in farm policies. Hear what they’ve Jim learned about Kroeplien finding the silver lining despite tragedy. The session is facilitated by Dave Becker.
Maximize profit by monitoring your cows’ fertility, health, nutrition and location with impressive accuracy.
1.25 DACE
Tech talk: Blockchain, 5G, machine learning – Technology is an important piece in successful dairying, but its headspinning rate of change can be daunting. Dave Saunders will Dave Becker aim the spotlight at some of the hottest tech tools and outline how technology companies are exploring ways Dave existing tools can Saunders match with the agricultural sector’s most critical needs. Walt Cooley will ask some tough questions to drill down to what the biggest breakthroughs will be for dairy.
1.25 DACE; 1.50 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Opening session keynote: Dream. Adapt. Innovate. Take a fresh look at business innovation and development in 2020. With a
Doug Hall
Please see DAY ONE, Page 6
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March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Day One From 5
swift pace and fresh perspective, Doug Hall will share how he’s turned desperate business sectors into winners by building on creativity and innovation. Learn to capitalize on the recent down time to build resilient and ground-breaking cash-producing ventures.
0.75 DACE; 0.5 PD CCA; 0.90 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Day One afternoon Select three sessions; each runs one hour and repeats. 2:30-3:30 p.m., 3:45-4:45 p.m., 5-6 p.m., Wed., March 18 What are we going to do with this feed? – Yep, 2019 was an ugly year for crops. In this session Luiz Ferraretto will outline available options to deal with feed shortages and poor quality. With ration bottlenecks in mind, attendees will explore
feasible alternatives to keep milk flowing, cows healthy and the business moving in the right direction.
1 DACE; 1 ARPAS; 1 CM CCA; 1.20 UW-SVM scientific CE hours
Andrew Skwor.
1 DACE; 1.20 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Luiz Ferraretto
Is it time to restructure? – When cash is scarce it’s good to know options. One choice might be Jay Joy restructuring debt. Hear from a panel of consultants as they talk through that possibility as well as other timetested alterna- Dave Becker tives that have proven suitable in a variety of scenarios. – Jay Joy and Dave Becker, facilitated by
Unharnessing the brain’s potential – The Andrew producer is the Skwor biggest threat to a dairy. In an interactive session attendees will discover surprising ways in which brains work against them. Holly Green will shed light on the complexities of a brain’s tendencies so producers can overcome their biological hardwiring. The Holly Green practical tools she’ll share will equip attendees to make more-effective choices and focus on success.
1 DACE; 1 PD CCA; 1.20 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Practical proven systems for more-profitable innovation – The session shows how to
win in today’s economy; it requires engagement by everyone on the team. In a follow-up to his opening keynote, Doug Hall will give practical and proven systems fo r c re a t i n g more profitable Doug Hall offerings, accelerating time-tomarket for disruptive ideas and creating a culture of innovation. He will also answer any questions from his opening session.
1 DACE; 1.20 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Laugh at yourself! Greg Schwem, evening entertainment – Dairying can be serious business. Greg Schwem For the evening there will be a slower pace. It will be a chance to relax with friends and reflect on some of the silly ways we work, think and act.
March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Keynote Speakers
Bill Baker is the conference emcee and hosting voice of each PDPW Podcast. He has spent his entire adult life on the air in radio broadcasting. He’s been honored by the Associated Press in both Oregon and Washington, winning the “best newscast” and “news reporting” categories in each state. His broadcasting career began May 18, 1980, in northwestern Washington – the day Mt. Saint Helens erupted. He’s worked as news director for several northwestern radio stations. He produced the national radio program DairyLine for 16 years. He’s currently the syndicated host of Dairy Radio Now, a daily segment heard on 50 radio stations in 20 states.
Doug Hall is the founder and chairman of Eureka! Ranch
International. He’s a lecturer, best-selling author, and TV and radio host. He’s a chemical engineer by education. He was named Master Marketing Inventor at Procter & Gamble, in part for shipping a record nine products in 12 months. He founded Eureka! Ranch International in 1986 as a “thinktank for hire.” The company works primarily with Fortune 100 and 500 companies vetting new product ideas. It partnered with the University of Maine in 2005 to found a field of study called “Innovation Engineering.” Eureka! Ranch delivers a complete system for innovation, from creation to commercialization.
Eric Snodgrass is the principal atmospheric scientist for Nutrien Ag Solutions, where he develops predictive analytical-software solutions to manage weather risk for global production agriculture. He provides frequent weather updates focused on the influence of extreme-impact weather events on global agricultural productivity. H is research uses machine learning to better understand field-level weather impacts on U.S. yields and increase confidence in longrange weather prediction. He presents his research at more than 50 conferences yearly,
providing logistical guidance and solutions to weather-sensitive financial institutions, farmers, commodity traders and other stakeholders.
Greg Schwem is a business humorist, corporate emcee and nationally syndicated humor columnist for Tribune Content A g e n c y. H e ’s a l s o a n award-winning greeting-card writer and author of two Amazon best-sellers, including “The Road to Success Goes Through the Salad Bar: a Pile of BS (Business Stories) from a Corporate Comedian.” His client list includes IBM, McDonald’s, Microsoft, United Airlines and Verizon Wireless.
Dan Basse is the president of Ag Re so u rce Co m pa ny, a
domestic and international agricultural research firm in Chicago that forecasts domestic and world agricultural-price trends. AgResource provides research to various segments of the industry including farmers, elevators, soy and corn processors, wheat millers, food companies, trading companies, importers and exporters. The company’s research is sold around the globe. An economist who’s been in the commodity business since 1979, Basse was raised on a dairy and grain farm near Waukesha, Wisconsin. Prior to founding AgResource Company in 1987, he worked with the Professional Farmers of America, Brock Associates and the Ag research division of GNP Commodities in Chicago.
Mark Nutsch is the former commander of the first Green Beret unit that went into Afghanistan after the bombing of 9/11. His harrowing and heroic story is depicted in the major motion picture “12 Strong.” His Kansas farm-country upbringing served him well in the Afghani mountains where travel on horseback was vital to the team’s strategy. Today he serves as a consultant for Army Special Operations and has opened a whiskey-distillery business.
March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Day Two specialty sessions Day Two morning specialty sessions Select one of four sessions. 8:30-9:45 a.m. Thursday, March 19 Ignite performance – Good news; it’s possible to change the culture and mindset within a team. Michael Hoffman will provide practical tips and techniques to help a Michael team approach Hoffman their work “on purpose.” By approaching a farm’s mission with tactical purpose, attendees will build buy-in, and improve team ownership, morale and loyalty.
1.25 DACE; 1 PD CCA; 1.50 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Managing uncertainty – It doesn’t take much for our vision to become murky when our business is going through transi- Liz Griffith tion. Liz Griffith addresses systems that will help producers regain focus and manage with clarity during an illness, death, new or old partners, or expansion.
1.25 DACE; 1.50 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Carbon trading – The world of carbon trading can be confusing. Learn how to be leagues ahead by partnering and t ra d i n g w i t h other industries Mike to offset their McCloskey pollutions and benefit producer businesses. Mike McCloskey will talk about net zero and carbon trading. 1.25 DACE; 1 SS CCA
McSustainability – Learn first-hand from a family in the
Netherlands whose farm was selected as a McDonald’s Model F l a g s h i p Anton Stokman and Arjan Dairy. Anton Stokman and Arjan Stokman will talk about the type of leadership and continuous-improvement efforts that retailers such as McDonald’s are looking for in their dairy partners.
1.25 DACE; 1 SS CCA; 1.50 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
General session keynote: When weather and markets collide – Packing a punch to T h u r s d a y ’s agenda are two power-house speakers. Each has a finger on the pulse of key factors outside Eric our control – Snodgrass wea t h e r a n d commodity markets. Atmospheric scientist Eric Snodgrass and economist Dan Basse will corral the comDan Basse plex and interrelated components of agricultural markets and increasingly erratic weather patterns. They will offer a timely look at what we can expect in the short and long term in both weather and markets. Grab a chair and listen in for a timely look at what lies ahead – and how what happens on the other side of the world impacts life at home. 1 DACE; 1 PD CCA
Day Two afternoon breakout sessions Select two sessions; each session runs one hour and repeats. 1:15-2:15 p.m., 2:20-3:20 p.m. Thursday, March 19 Impacts of antibiotic resistance – “Antibiotic resistance”
has become a common phrase. Dr. Mike Apley, veterinarian, will detail what the term really means, how it Mike Apley applies to a dairy operation and how to preserve the ability to protect animal health through antimicrobial stewardship.
1 DACE; 1 ARPAS; 1.20 UW-SVM scientific CE hours
Let the hoof c h i p s f ly – Hoof-health challenges can bring a dairy to its knees. Dr. Gerard Cramer, Gerard veterinarian, Cramer w i l l a n swe r questions about common hoof ailments. With years of experience under his belt, he’ll talk about different ways to approach prevention and cures that save cows, time and ultimately a dairy business.
1 DACE; 1 ARPAS; 1.20 UW-SVM scientific CE hours
Time to be creative – There’s nothing like winter kill, a late spring and unpredictable weather events to Corey limit feeding Hodorff options. Hear from producers Corey and Clint Hodorff as well as Brian Schaal, who have been sourcing alternative feeds while Clint Hodorff maintaining production and herd health, and optimizing palatability. The session is facilitated by Eric Snodgrass.
Brian Schaal
I wish I knew then what I know now – Managing a business is a learning process. We learn from both good Randy and and bad experiJennifer ences – someGross times more readily from the bad ones. A producer panel with Randy and Jennifer Gross, and Ken Feltz, will share the three tips, Ken Feltz tricks and techniques that have helped them chart their way through an obstacle course of adversity to build Kurt Petik strength and enhance sustainability. The session is facilitated by Kurt Petik.
1 DACE; 1.20 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Closing session keynote: Freedom isn’t free – Mark Nutsch’s acts of h e ro i s m a n d leadership have earned him the distinction of being portrayed on the big screen. The movie “12 Mark Nutsch Strong” paints a picture of the lessons learned by a U.S. special-operations team who overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to achieve a historic military victory. As he shares his account of leading one of modern history’s most successful unconventional-warfare campaigns, he’ll offer perspective and inspiration that can be applied on a dairy. In the face of what seems impossible, focusing on a mission is the key to success. If the past few years in dairy have taught us anything, it’s that the most challenging times reveal our greatest strengths. 1 DACE
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10 March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
LEARNING LOUNGES three stages in the Hall of Ideas
These 30-minute sessions offer quick, practical information you can apply immediately. Wednesday, March 18 10:15 - 10:45 am
l 3-2-1 Backup: best practices to protect l Use your brain to win – Holly Green your cloud data – Jeremy Cherny Your brain is your most powerful com-
l Today impacts tomorrow’s cow
There’s a common misconception amongst computer users that backup isn’t necessary for data that exists in the cloud. Not true! Hear from Jeremy Cherny why this is false and what you should do to protect your data.
How should production potential impact springing heifer values? Dr. Mike Overton will illustrate how improved heifer quality translates to higher heifer values and impacts cow-culling decisions.
petitive weapon – if used properly. Holly Green will discuss the latest in brain science techniques to better focus you and your business. 0.5 DACE; 0.5 PD CCA; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
0.5 DACE; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
1:00 - 1:30 pm
l Practical ways to fill your cup when life gets tough – Tom Thibodeau In order to help others, you first need to “fill your own cup.” Allow Tom Thibodeau to inspire you and revive your passion so you can live a life of service to others and find joy in meaningful work. 0.5 DACE; 0.5 PD CCA; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
1:45 - 2:15 pm
Thursday, March 19 11:45 am - 12:15 pm
l Dairy Innovation Hub updates
– Dr. Mike Overton, DVM
0.5 DACE; 0.5 ARPAS; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
l Growing forward – Damon Smith
l What’s ahead for dairy beverages –
Learn from UW-Madison plant pathologist Damon Smith about how we can plan for and manage a successful silage corn crop during increasingly challenging growing seasons.
John Lucey
0.5 DACE; 0.5 CM CCA; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
Learn how the Center for Dairy Research uses your dairy check-off dollars to innovate dairy based beverages and other dairy products targeted for export. 0.5 DACE; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
– Dr. Heather White
l Ending human trafficking one word at l Keep sensitive business data secure a time – Michelle Pinzl – Jeremy Cherny
As faculty director of the Dairy Innovation Hub, Dr. Heather White will share some updates on dairy’s most critical investment in research and shed light on how it will impact your future.
With approximately 50,000 victims of human trafficking in the US each year, Michelle Pinzl explains how providing language access on your farm can keep labor trafficking out of the dairy industry.
Do you and your team know how to identify a potential cyber risk or attack? Jeremy Cherny will help you create a clear picture of what cyber security looks like for your farm.
0.5 DACE; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
0.5 DACE
0.5 DACE; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
GREEN LOUNGE l Becoming a culture of ownership – Michael Hoffman
Our farm’s culture begins by what we say and do. Ignite your skills to inspire action and loyalty.
BLUE LOUNGE l Responsible drug use; everyone’s watching
RED LOUNGE l Get a step ahead of sole ulcers – Dr. Gerard Cramer, DVM
– Dr. Mike Apley, DVM
Listen in for the latest on sole ulcers – Requirements related to market access common causes, preventions and and regulatory compliance won’t stay as treatments. they are. Where might they head? 0.5 DACE; 0.5 ARPAS; 0.5 DACE; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours 0.5 DACE; 0.6 UW-SVM scientific CE hours
12:30 - 1:00 pm
l Executing your why – Liz Griffith
l Solutions for soggy soils
l Dairying in the Netherlands
– Francisco Arriaga
– Anton and Arjan Stokman
Learn how to manage your team without flustering them. Fine tune your commu- Get the scoop on how to manage the nication skills with concise messages. saturated and compacted soils that 2019 rutted up in fields far and wide. 0.5 DACE; 0.5 PD CCA; 0.6 UW-SVM non-scientific CE hours
0.6 UW-SVM scientific CE hours
0.5 DACE
This father–son duo will share their experiences of dairy farming in the Netherlands. 0.5 DACE
March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Hands-on Hub
Sessions run simultaneously both days. 8:45-10 a.m., 2:30-3:45 p.m. Wednesday, March 18 8:30-9:45 a.m., 1:15-2:30 p.m. Thursday, March 19 Attendees consistently rank Hands-On Hub stations among their favorite sessions. For those who learn best when they are hands-on – or hands-in – be sure to attend one or more stations, held in the New Holland Pavilion. Exploring genetic strategies – It’s important to incorporate an effective genetic strategy into a dairy’s reproductive program. The session covers calculating heifer-inventory needs, determining which genomic traits to emphasize and the best options for semen type. It will also explore opportunities for conventional embryo transfer and in-vitro-fertilization technologies to expedite genetic strategy. Participants will manipulate data, collect genomic samples, and observe oocytes or embryos under a microscope. Lodi Veterinary Care will present the session.
1.25 DACE; 1.25 ARPAS; 1.50 UW-SVM scientific CE hours
Calf equipment: keep it clean – When it comes to calf care “close enough” is not
When it comes to calf care ‘close enough’ is not good enough.
good enough. The day-in, dayout routine must not fall prey to missing steps and sloppy habits. Unfortunately when real life happens protocols are often compromised and pathogens quickly spread in the calf’s environment, on feeding and maternity-pen equipment. Biofilms present a challenge too great for common soaps or bleach. Using an Adenosine Triphosphate meter, we’ll explore what clean truly means and test the efficacy of chlorinated alkaline detergent on common equipment. For practical advice and practice sanitizing the calf’s environment and equipment, attend this session. Lodi Veterinary Care will present the session.
1.25 DACE; 1.25 ARPAS; 1.50 UW-SVM scientific CE hours
Participants in a hands-on workshop will manipulate data, collect genomic samples, and observe oocytes or embryos under a microscope.
Live animal d e m o n s t ra tion: understand how cattle learn – Handling dairy cattle Don Höglund correctly, no matter their age, saves time, prevents injury and promotes optimal animal well-being. Dr. Don Höglund, veterinarian, will show how dairy animals interpret and respond to their surroundings. He will also explain how knowing cows and their reactions can maximize a herd’s potential.
1.25 DACE; 1.25 ARPAS; 1.50 UW-SVM scientific CE hours
Dr. Scott Pertzborn, veterinarian with the Lodi Veterinary Care team, discusses ultrasound technologies during a 2019 Handson Hub session.
Stride Youth Leadership Conference High school students 15 to 18 years old can expect a fun and fast-paced leadership experience when the PDPW Stride™ Youth Leadership Conference kicks off April 4 at Dodgeland High School in Juneau, Wisconsin. The overnight lock-in program concludes April 5. Stride is designed to develop leadership traits, communication skills and career-planning strategies through a variety of interactive activities. The program will help attendees identify leadership and personality
styles. With more than 25 years of experience presenting professional-development programs, Ed Tilley of Adventure Associates will lead the students through practical exercises that are as unforgettable as they are fun. Engaging in team challenges and networking with peers, students will learn clever ways to collaborate
with others and negotiate through difficult situations. With out-of-classroom learning in mind, students will participate in hands-on workshops as well as a tour of Nehls Brothers Dairy near Juneau, Wisconsin. Attendees will also be exposed to a variety of career options via round-table discussions with industry professionals. The conference closes with a thought-provoking speaker who shares tragic accounts of his life. Ed Hennings will share
how poor decisions can be the reality check that turns a life around. As a result of hearing how he overcame his situation, attendees will see their own circumstances and abilities from a new perspective. For young adults seeking to be a step ahead of their peers, Stride offers an exceptional level of practical knowledge in a h i g h - e n e rg y fo r m a t . Pre-registration is required. Visit www.pdpw.org or call 800-947-7379 for more information.
12 March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
The PDPW Business Conference Preview Stage offers attendees an opportunity to hear updates on UW-Madison research and its implications for dairy.
Preview world-class research The PDPW Business Conference Preview Stage offers attendees a sneak peek at current research addressing some of dairy’s most pressing challenges to deliver new solutions to the i n d u s t ry. Wo rl d - l ea d i n g researchers as well as master’s and doctoral students from the University of Wisconsin-Madison will share highlights from their programs in 30-minute sessions inside the Hall of Ideas in the Exhibit Hall. Effect of Timing of AI Using Sexed Semen in a Double-Ovsynch Protocol in Lactating Holstein Cows - 1 p.m. March 18 • Paul Fricke, professor with UW-Madison Department of Dairy Science • Megan Lauber, UW-Madi- Paul Fricke son graduate research assistant, dairy reproductive physiology Ongoing research focuses on optimizing fertility in lactating
dairy cows that are inseminated with sexed semen on a double-ovsynch insemination protocol. Decreasing Embryo Loss after Embryo Transfer – 1:45 p.m. March 18 • Paul Fricke, professor in the UW-Department of Dairy Science • E l i s a C a b r e ra , U WMadison graduate research assistant, dairy reproductive physiology Human chorionic gonadotropin is a naturally occurring Paul Fricke hormone produced by the placenta in women. It’s approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in dairy cattle. In women the function of human chorionic gonadotropin is to stimulate the corpus luteum during pregnancy, thereby keeping progesterone at levels to support pregnancy. In cattle the primary function of the hormone is to induce ovulation of a follicle and
to form a corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. Fricke and Cabrera will share research in which heifers were treated with human chorionic gonadotropin at the moment of in-vitro-fertilization embryo transfer to increase progesterone and decrease early embryo loss. Milk- and starter-feeding strategies to reduce cross sucking in pair-housed calves – 11:45 a.m. March 19 • Jennifer Van Os, assistant professor and UW-Division of Extension speJennifer cialist in animal Van Os welfare • Rekia Salter, UW-Madison dairy-science master’s-degree student The practice of pair- and group-housing dairy calves has increased in recent years. But one concern is the opportunity for calves to engage in unwanted behaviors such as cross sucking. Van Os and Salter will discuss
their latest research on strategies to reduce cross sucking while improving calf welfare and growth performance. Mechanisms of the Mammary Gland – 12:30 p.m. March 19 • Laura Hernandez, professor with the UW-Department of Dairy Science • M e g h a n C o n n e l ly, Laura UW-Madison Hernandez dairy-science doctoral candidate The mammary gland acts as a sink for calcium at the onset of lactation. Understanding the mechanisms and role of the mammary gland in altering the decline in calcium that some cows experience can lead to improved hypocalcemic outcomes in transition cows. Hernandez and Connelly will share what research shows regarding the udder’s contribution to serotonin and calcium metabolism.
March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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14 March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Speakers offer wide variety of expertise, knowledge Dr. Mike Apley, veterinarian, is a professor of veterinary clinical sciences at the Kansas State UniversityCollege of Veterinary Medicine. H e t e a c h e s Mike Apley beef-production medicine, large-animal medicine and clinical-pharmacology courses. Francisco Arriaga is an associate professor and University of Wisconsin-Division of Extension soil specialist in the Department of Soil Science. His research supports Francisco the development Arriaga of management systems that promote soil and water conservation, and enhance crop productivity. Dave Becker is a founding partner of the Dairy Business Consulting group. He has since 1988 provided individualized consulting to dairy-operation owners, offering such s e r v i c e s a s Dave Becker detailed business plans, monitoring and analysis, benchmarking, expansion planning and transition planning. Jeremy Cherny is an information-technology and cybersecurity expert. He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration with an emphasis i n m a n a g e - Jeremy ment-informa- Cherny tion systems. As president of Tobin Solutions he helps provide IT support, services and solutions to businesses. Walt Cooley is the editor-inchief of Progressive Dairy magazine. He has a master’s degree from Boise State University. He writes, consults, speaks, and is
passionate about agricultural business management and technology adoption in agriculture. Dr. Gerard Walt Cooley Cramer, veterinarian, is an associate professor in the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine at the University of Gerard Minnesota. He Cramer previously ran a dairy farm. He earned both a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and a Doctor of Veterinary Science degree from the University of Guelph. Dr. Scott Earnest, veterinarian, is a livestock veterinarian with Lodi Veterinary C a re . A f te r attending Deep Springs College and the University of Califor- Scott Earnest nia-Berkeley, he graduated from the UW-School of Veterinary Medicine. Ken Feltz and his wife, Jackie, own Feltz Family Farms Inc. and Feltz’s Dairy Store Inc. The dairy has 570 cows milked in a double-12 parlor; an additional 110 cows are milked with two robots. The Ken Feltz store sells cheese, milk, ice cream, meat and many other products. Luiz Ferraretto is an assistant professor of livestock nutrition at the University of Florida. His research program focuses in part on basic and applied dairy nutrition, specifically improving forage Luiz quality, use of Ferraretto feed additives and alternative feed ingredients.
Holly Green is a behavioral scientist and business leader who has worked with the U.S. Navy SEALs, Olympic athletes, the FBI Leadership Academy and two U.S. presidents. She’s an Holly Green adjunct professor at Webster University, teaching courses in the graduate program. Liz Griffith resides in Wisconsin; she has 30-plus years of experience in the dairy industry. Having worked with agricultural companies and producers throughout the United States, her focus Liz Griffith is on human resources. She works to develop better teams, create positive cultures and improve leadership. Randy and Jennifer Gross are managers at Ash Grove Dairy LLP. The dairy milks about 1,100 Holsteins. Calves are housed in groups and fed with automatic feeders until about 100 days of age. Randy and He is the operat- Jennifer ing manager; she Gross manages the accounting and raises the calves. Dr. Melissa Haag, veterinarian, graduated in 2012 from the UW-School of Veterinary Medicine and began working at Lodi Veterinary Care shortly after. She and her husband ow n a d a i ry Melissa Haag farm; she manages the breeding and registering of cattle. Marty Hallock owns and operates MarBec Dairy with Marty his wife, Becky, Hallock
and their sons, Jonathon and Josh. They milk 925 cows and raise 1,000 youngstock. They raise corn and alfalfa on 1,850 acres of owned and rented land. Corey and Clint Hodorff are part of a fourth generation to own and operate t h e fa m i l y ’s Century Farm along with Corey Hodorff’s wife, Ta m m y, a n d Corey parents, Doug Hodorff and Linda Hodorff. They milk 1,100 cows and crop 1,350 acres at Second-Look Holsteins LLC near Eden, Wiscon- Clint Hodorff sin. In addition to the dairy entity, the family business structure includes Peniel Acres Ltd. as well as Hodorff Seeds and Agronomy. Michael Hoffman is the fo u n d e r a n d owner of Igniting Performance Inc., a company that specializes in the skills of sales, customer loyalty and lead- Michael ership. During Hoffman the past 25-plus years he has customized training and delivered presentations for organizations all around the world. Dr. Don Höglund, veterinarian, is a co-author of “Efficient Livestock Handling: Practical Application of Animal Behavior and Welfare Science” from Else- Don Höglund vier Textbook publishers. A lecturer, trainer and leader of workshops internationally, he teaches Dairy Applied Behavior classes several times each year for the University of Pennsylvania-School of Veterinary Medicine.
March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line Jay Joy was a commercial banker for several yea rs b e fo re founding Milk Money. It’s an affiliate of GPS Dairy Consulting LLC, a team of i n d e p e n d e n t Jay Joy dairy consultants. He’s been a partner on a 700-cow dairy and general manager for an 8,000-cow dairy. Jim Kroeplien and his wife, Chris, own Fly-By Acres and milk 550 cows on about 800 acres. The Kroepliens also run a custom planting and combining business. Their daughter Rachel Jim w o r k s w i t h Kroeplien Lakeshore Technical College’s agriculture programs. She also serves as the farm’s human resources and public relations manager. Mike McCloskey is the CEO of Select Milk Producers, a large milk cooperative he founded in 1989 with other dairy producers. He moved in 1999 to Indiana to start Fair Oaks Farms with a Mike number of other McCloskey families. A primary goal was to create an agritourism site in the region. John Lucey is the director of the UW-Center for Dairy Research and a professor of food science. He has more than 20 years of research experience and a work history in Ireland, in the Netherlands and in New Zealand. H e p rov i d e s leadership and John Lucey helps the Center for Dairy Research maintain a focus on applications, outreach and education. Dr. Michael Overton, veterinarian, is a dairy-analytics adviser with Elanco Animal
Health. He has worked extensively in reproductive management, transition management, a n a l y s i s o f Michael on-farm records Overton and economic decision-making. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed proceedings or industry publications. Dr. Scott Pertzborn, veterinarian, is a graduate of the UW-School of Veterinary Medicine; he’s been with the Lodi Veterinary Care team since 1987. He’s also a graduate of the Dairy Scott Health Manage- Pertzborn ment Certificate Program from the UW-School of Veterinary Medicine. Kurt Petik was raised on an 800-head beef-cattle ranch in South Dakota. He earned bachelor’s of science degrees in agricultural economics and a g r i c u l t u ra l business from South Dakota State University. Kurt Petik In agricultural banking since 1997, he joined Rabo AgriFinance as a senior relationship manager in 2013. Michelle Pinzl, a coordinator of the Community Interpreting Certificate, is an assistant professor at Viterbo University where s h e tea c h e s Spanish, French and Interpreting Studies. She also Michelle Pinzl interprets for social-service agencies, schools, businesses and other sectors of the farming industry in Wisconsin. Dave Saunders is the CEO of Palo Alto Venture Architects, a Silicon Valley-based professional-services firm that provides
e-sourcing, carbon management and supply-chain technology solutions to farms and the agricultural food-supply Dave chain – including Saunders restaurant chains, dairy processors and cold-storage operators. Brian Schaal is a third-generation dairy farmer; he’s a graduate of UW-Platteville. Owner of one of the 18 remaining dairy farms in Racine County, Wisconsin, he is currently milking 350 Holsteins twice each Brian Schaal day. The herd is averaging 94 pounds each day with a 102,000 somatic-cell count. Andrew Skwor is an agricultural-services team leader and licensed professional engineer at MSA P ro f e s s i o n a l Services Inc., an engineering, a rc h i te c t u ra l and planning consulting firm. He has assisted Andrew farmers for 20 Skwor years in erosion and sediment control, farmstead planning, project and construction management, permitting for both the national and Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System programs, manure processing and funding. Damon Smith is an associate professor and UW-Extension specialist. He earned his doctorate in plant pathology in 2007 from North Carolina State University. His research focuses Damon on the biology, Smith epidemiology and management of field-crop diseases, as well as developing and improving disease-forecasting systems.
Anton and Arjan Stokman are a father-son duo who farm in the Netherlands. The innovative family farm operates a free-choice system that enables the 280-cow herd to manage their time as they choose. Waterbeds and robotic milking Anton Stokman keep the cows Arjan Stokman happy and healthy. The farm was chosen in 2009 as a flagship farm for McDonald’s Europe. Dr. Pete Strassburg, veterinarian, joined the Lodi Veterinary Care team after completing his undergraduate and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees at the UW-School of Veterinary Pete Medicine. His Strassburg particular interests are in production medicine and advanced bovine-reproductive techniques. Tom Thibodeau has for 35 years been a faculty member of Viterbo University. He earned a master’s degree in human and religious studies from St. Mary’s Tom University in Thibodeau Winona, Minnesota. He’s a popular trainer who epitomizes leadership in his character – honesty, communication, confidence, commitment, positive attitude and creativity. Heather White in 2013 joined the UW-Department of Dairy Science in nutritional physiology. Her research program focuses on understanding nutrient partitioning, feed efficiency and Heather metabolic disor- White ders, specifically in the transition to lactation period. She is also serving as the faculty director for the UW-Dairy Innovation Hub.
16 March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Five candidates seek position on PDPW board Three dairy-producer members will be elected to seats on the 2020-2021 PDPW board of directors during the PDPW Business Conference. PDPW bylaws allow one vote per dairyfarm membership. The PDPW board of directors has three available positions for 20202021; each PDPW dairy-farm member can vote for as many as three candidates. Board members help facilitate the development of programs to bring cutting-edge research, elite training, peer-networking events and hands-on educational opportunities to the dairy industry. Involved in PDPW programs and committees, they also proactively seek leadership opportunities on non-PDPW committees in the dairy and agricultural industries. This year’s candidates bring different skill sets and ideas from diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Andy Buttles owns and manages Stone-Front farm near Lancaster, Wisconsin, with his
wife, Lyn. They milk 1,250 cows, raise heifers and crops, and employ 25 team members. They own and manage the dairy as equal partners. A graduate of University of Wisconsin-Madison, Buttles earned a degree in dairy science. He serves on the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Board as well as the Grant Regional Health Center board of directors.
Gretchen Johnson owns and operates Horse Creek Holsteins, a multiple-generation dairy, with her husband, Ted, son Hans and daughter-in-law Catherine. The family milks 325 registered Holsteins and a few Brown Swiss. They raise all their replacements and crop more than 1,000 acres on their dairy near Osceola, Wisconsin. Gretchen Johnson is involved with the Polk County dairy-promotion committee, presenting dairy information to schools and hosting a fourthgrade class for “Day on the Farm.” She’s also active with the Polk County Holstein Breeders Association. She serves as a
4-H leader, working with neighboring 4-H youths; she pairs them with heifers to show at the Polk County Fair and at the Wisconsin Junior State Fair.
2,000 acres of corn, alfalfa, wheat, soybeans and peas. They also custom-raise corn silage, haylage and corn for neighboring dairies. Katy Schultz is the on-farm manager for daily operations, including livestock and employees. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville with a degree in agribusiness, she worked as marketing and communications manager for Agri-Nutrition Consulting for five years before returning full-time to the family farm.
Steve Orth is co-owner and general manager of Orthland Dairy Farm LLC, a family farm that includes his mother, Maxine, and brother Joel. Steve Orth focuses on people development, animal well-being and profitability. The farm near Cleveland, Wisconsin, consists of 1,100 cows and 900 heifers. The family operates 2,300 acres of land and is supported by 18 team members. Orth experienced tragedy as a young adult following the death of his father in a farm accident. But he believes the adversity served to accelerate his growth as a leader.
Katy Schultz of Fox Lake, Wisconsin, owns Tri-Fecta Farms Inc. with her siblings Kari and Nick. The farm has 500 cows. The family raises all its young stock and manages
Brady Weiland of Columbus, Wisconsin, owns and operates Weiland Dairy LLC with his parents, brothers and seven employees. As dairy manager Weiland oversees the 600-cow herd with a focus on management practices and excellent-quality genetics to achieve the dairy’s goals. After graduating from Madison Area Technical College with a certificate in diesel technology, he furthered his education at the UW-Madison Farm and Industry Short Course. Weiland believes strongly in PDPW’s educational focus and regularly attends PDPW events. All PDPW members have been mailed ballots for voting, to be returned to PDPW headquarters. Ballots can also be cast on-site at the PDPW Business Conference; they must be received by 1 p.m. Thursday, March 19. Call PDPW at 800-947-7379 for more information.
March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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18 March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line Continuing Education Units available
ARPAS — Select sessions of the 2020 PDPW Business Conference have been approved by the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists – ARPAS – for Continuing Education Units – CEUs. ARPAS provides certification of animal scientists through examination, continuing education and commitment to a code of ethics. Participants should know that limitations and restrictions apply to the number of CEU credits that can be obtained.
CCA — Select sessions of the 2020 PDPW Business Conference have been approved by the Certified Crop Advisor program – CCA – for CEUs. The Certified Crop Advisor program is one of the professional-certification programs offered by the American Society of Agronomy – ASA. Visit www.certifiedcropadvisor.org for more information.
DACE — Select sessions of the 2020 PDPW Business Conference have been approved by Dairy AdvanCE – DACE – for CEUs. Powered by PDPW, Dairy AdvanCE is a continuing-education accreditation provider for dairy farmers and other dairy-industry professionals. Visit www.dairyadvance.org for more information.
UW-SVM — Continuing veterinary medical education hours will be awarded to veterinary professionals who attend the program in its entirety. Courses run in partnership with the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine – UW-SVM. The UW-SVM is an accredited continuing veterinary medical education provider; however participants should be aware that some boards have limitations on the number of hours accepted in certain categories and/or restrictions on certain methods of delivery.
REGISTER TODAY! l call PDPW at 800.947.7379 l online at www.pdpw.org l or complete this registration form and mail it to PDPW at 820 N. Main, Suite D, Juneau, WI 53039 FOUR WAYS TO REGISTER
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PDPW’s Mission Statement
PDPW’s mission is to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.
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March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
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22 March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Current agriculture issues topics at upcoming meeting An Agricultural Community Engagement™ — ACE – meeting to be held April 14 will address several issues important to Wisconsin communities. The daylong program will feature the latest regarding the Livestock Facility Siting Law ATCP 51 as well as an update about Wisconsin’s task force on water quality. Completing the program will be a producer panel regarding the next generation in dairy – the opportunities for them and the best strategies to transition them into the industry. The meeting is open to elected officials, community leaders, educators, agricultural producers and those in the
non-agricultural sector. “The purpose of this meeting is to bring together people from all different sectors to share ideas and tackle the issues that affect all of us,” said Shelly Mayer, executive director of the Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin®. Agricultural Community Engagement™ is a partnership between the Wisconsin Counties Association, the Wisconsin Towns Association and PDPW. The program will be held from 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. April 14 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1220 S. Grand Ave., Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Visit www.pdpw.org/programs or call 800-947-7379 for more information and to register.
Attendees at ACE educational meetings hail from a diverse set of backgrounds. Some are dairy farmers, some are educators, and some are leaders in regional or state organizations. Others serve in government and some attend as interested citizens eager to share their ideas.
Jon Hochkammer of the Wisconsin Counties Association addresses attendees at an Agricultural Community Engagement™ educational meeting.
Webinar focuses on 2020 weather As the 2020 growing season begins many producers are still dealing with this past year’s weather challenges. With forecasting resources and technologies becoming increasingly easy to access, more producers are seeking ways to implement them into their businesses. PDPW will host a 60-minute webinar speaking to those issues and more beginning at noon April 15, Central Daylight Time. Atmospheric scientist Eric Snodgrass will talk in “Looking Forward in 2020” about the latest
weather-analysis and forecasting tools available. He’ll illustrate how weather impacted markets during the Eric previous growSnodgrass ing season. In addition to providing the most current longrange forecasts to help producers plan through the end of the growing season, he’ll outline how to forecast excessive heat, rain and drought events.
Understanding extremeweather patterns before they occur equips business owners to make wise plans and purchases regarding crops as well as cows, calves and facilities. Snodgrass is the principal atmospheric scientist for Nutrien Ag Solutions. In that role he develops predictive analytical software solutions to manage weather risk for global production agriculture. He provides frequent weather updates focused on the influence of impactful weather events on
global agriculture productivity. His research uses machine learning to better understand field-level weather impacts on U.S. yields, and to increase confidence in long-range weather prediction. Visit www.pdpw.org or call 800-947-7379 for more information and to register. All registrants will be emailed a link to the recorded session following the webinar date. Visit www.pdpw.org/webinarlibrary for all past PDPW webinar sessions.
March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
Register now for Level 3 of Financial Literacy for Dairy Series Many dairy producers have worked their way through levels 1 and 2 of the PDPW Financial Literacy for Dairy® Series. The inaugural third level will be held March 24-25 at PDPW Headquarters in Juneau, Wisconsin. The two-day deep dive will offer advanced financial development and build on the
concepts taught in the first two levels. The third level is authored and instructed by Dick Wittman of Wittman Consulting and The Executive Program for Agricultural Producers faculty. Wittman will focus on scenario planning, performance monitoring, trend analysis, key metrics,
benchmarking, growth and efficiency trade-offs, optimizing capital purchases, management of capital investments, development of protocols for sharing records and strategies for family-business governance. Space is limited to 30 attendees; an online placement test is required for placement. Visit www.pdpw.org or call 800-947-7379 for more information.
PDPW Upcoming Educational Events
Connect talent with employers Finding the right person for the job can be time consuming – for both the employer and the job seeker. PDPW talentCONNECT™ is an online portal designed to simplify the process. Launched just weeks ago, PDPW talentCONNECT ensures those seeking dairy-specific employment can share information with employers looking to fill positions within their business. Searchable by job category or applicant name, PDPW talentCONNECT allows an applicant to upload a resume and headshot as well as tailor a job search to a specific sector within dairy. Employers can use PDPW talentCONNECT to search applicants by name, job category, and preference for full-, part-time, or internship positions. PDPW Business Conference attendees will have an opportunity to personally meet and learn more about a selection of students from universities, technical colleges and short courses throughout Wisconsin. Specifically chosen by their advisers, the students will be at the Alliant Energy Center-Exhibition Hall in the Hall of Ideas from 1:30 to 6:15 p.m. March 18. Visit student booths to see displays, resumes, portfolios of work experience and to chat with them in person. “We chose to launch talentCONNECT to college students first,” said Emily Franke, PDPW communications and outreach intern. “As the program gains momentum we plan to open it up to any job seeker within the dairy industry.” Visit pdpw.org/talentconnect for more information.
As dairy’s professional development organization, PDPW is committed to leading the success of the dairy industry through education. The following programs have been developed guided by our mission to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed. See pdpw.org/programs for full program details and to register.
PDPW Program
Mar. 17-18
Cornerstone Dairy Academy™
Madison, Wisconsin
Mar. 18-19
PDPW 2020 Business Conference
Madison, Wisconsin
Mar. 24-25
2019-20 Financial Literacy for Dairy®, Level 3
Juneau, Wisconsin
Apr. 4-5
Stride™ Youth Leadership Conference
Juneau, Wisconsin
Apr. 14
Agricultural Community Engagement® (ACE) “Leading Wisconsin Forward Together” World Class Webinar: Weather Management “Looking forward in 2020” – Eric Snodgrass
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
Apr. 15
Call 800.947.7379 or visit pdpw.org for more programs, details, and to register.
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March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
PDPW launches on-demand training for managers Neuroscience research shows that the manners in which people routinely think and act are at the heart of their results. Those outcomes can make or break a team’s culture and work environment. To help elite managers develop a culture of excellence and stay focused on winning, PDPW has partnered with instructor Holly Green, the CEO and managing director of The Human Factor Inc. She is offering a new online
interactive-classroom training course – The Management Development Institute’s Elite Manager series. Presented in an online-training format, the program will offer 12 interactive webinars, three peer-learning laboratory sessions, multiple self-assessments on specific topics, monthly Inform, Inspire & Engage™ team assessments, brain exercises, weekly email
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prompts, readings of select management materials and monthly workbooks with reference materials. The series enables participants to easily connect with experts and access learning materials, learn at a pace that suits them and immediately put their learning to work. Visit www.pdpw.org or call 800-947-7379 for more information.
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March 2020 • PDPW • Dairy’s Bottom Line
A special thank you to our PDPW Business Conference committee members. These fellow dairy farmers are key to developing this program. All PDPW programs germinate from our grassroots membership. #mypdpw #PDPW2020
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® SM Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2020 Corteva. *In 2017 – 2019 HybriForce-4400™ was grown in 174 Dairyland Seed on-farm HAY (Hybrid Alfalfa Yield) plot comparisons across ND, SD, MN, IA, WI, IL, IN, OH and MI with a yield advantage of 10.4% and a milk per acre advantage of 8.3% across all cuts at all locations against competitive alfalfas. Hybrid responses are variable and subject to any number of environmental, disease and pest pressures.
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