Marketing Strategy! Alex Hicks Madison Layman
Rory Park Michael Steiner Maddie Weisbla; 1
Mission Statement! The Walt Disney Company’s objec+ve is to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and informa+on, using its por<olio of brands to differen+ate its content, services and consumer products.
Financial Mission Statement! To maximize earnings and cash flow, and to allocate capital toward growth ini+a+ves that will drive long-‐term shareholder value.
Plan Objectives! • • • • •
Strengthen brand loyalty across all ages Redefine the perceived “scope” of Disney’s image Make sure all characters are both diverse and unique Expand the World of Disney by focusing upon Disney Anima+on Increase revenue and shareholder wealth
Future Opportunities! • Bring people back into the World of Disney • 90 Years Young campaign • Expansion on the new diversified brands • Expand the world
Why Film?! • Movies are the lifeblood of Disney’s image • The strongest and most immediate method of crea+ve innova+on • Immediate performance results
Why Animation?! • Consistently the strongest sector of the studio entertainment division • However, we do not want to lose our foothold • The in-‐house works always turn a profit • Easiest outlet to test-‐market new “brands”
“As anima+on goes, so goes our company. A hit animated film is a big wave, and the ripples go down to every part of our business-‐ from characters in the parade, to music, to parks, to video games, tv, internet, consumer products. If I don’t have wavemakers, the company is not going to succeed.”
-‐ Bob Iger (Disney CEO) in 2004 regarding the rela+onship with Pixar
Who is Disney?!
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Strengths and Weaknesses! • Strengths • Brand • Weaknesses • Tradi+onal • Stagnant Target Market
Opportunities and Threats! • Opportuni<es • Expanded target market • Threats • Empire Problem
Box Office Results! Box Office Record $600,000,000.00 $500,000,000.00
$400,000,000.00 $300,000,000.00 $200,000,000.00 $100,000,000.00 $-‐
Graph: our success v. others! • Graph here
Financials! • Disney Stock
$70.29! • Safe Stock? • Dividend yields • 5 year expected growth: 1.25%!
Competitors! • Twen+eth Century Fox, Inc. • Time Warner, Inc. • Dreamworks • Ne<lix
Position in the Market! • Opportuni+es For Growth • The Walt Disney Company • Compe+tors
Current Target Market! • Families • Children • Americans/ Europeans
Our Map!
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Disneyʼs Limitations! • Disney doesn’t occupy as much of the map as we could. • Children of color want to see themselves, but very few do. • Few same-‐sex parents are represented in children’s media, but make up a substan+al por+on of the US.
Part of Your World! • What makes a family? • What does our map look like? • What about us?
#90yearsyoung Campaign! • Video here
Changes Ahead! Current!
• Families • Children • Euro-‐American tradi+on
• Families • Children • The World
Expand “The World of Disney”! • Disney is Content Driven • Expand/alter our content in order to beker cater to our target market in both domes+c and global markets. • U+lize social media
Risk! • Damaging the brand if our loyal customer base rejects the new products (content) that we recommend. • Consumers may interpret our ac+ons as cultural appropria+on is the content does not. • Adequately respect that culture that it seeks to celebrate being viewed as opportunists.
Alternative Strategy Analysis! If we… • Maintain Current Content • Sta+c Target Market, Dynamic Individuals • Maintain Domes<c Market and Don’t Expand to Foreign Markets • Largest por+on of the growing global middle class is taking place outside of the United States. 25
Reward! • Financial reward by properly serving our target market by beker mee+ng their needs and also expanding our market to include global consumers to a greater degree.
Financial Returns! • Average Cost of an animated feature • Labor-‐intensive work • Risk/Reward • High returns vs. flops
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Questions?! 29 Â