Ashley Graham Issuu

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ASHLEY GRAHAM 01 Introduction by Madison Plus 03 Interview: Mr. & Mrs. Graham 10 All Ashley Exclusive Editorial 19 Give Back 25 Ask Ashley


s soon as Madison Plus launched, I put together a list of people I had only dreamt of meeting in hopes of one day working with. Heading this list was Ashley Graham. I’ve been following her career since she graced the pages of Vogue; at that time I never imagined that one day we would cross paths. Since Madison Plus has given me the opportunity and a reason to reach out to her, I had no hesitation to type up an email and hit the send button with eyes closed and fingers crossed hoping I would hear back. So glad I did. Soon Erica, MP Co-Founder, and I found ourselves in a wine bar in Union Square waiting to meet Ashley for a drink. When she walked in her aura immediately filled the room. Her effortlessly chic look consisting of a simple black t-shirt and black pencil skirt, layered with an ivory trenchcoat made her look stunning. A bottle of wine and some Mediterranean bites later, we were fast friends and quickly started to chat about what brought us all to the plus size world.

Ashley’s story is an inspiration. Not only did she grow up plus but her families encouragement to own who she is at an early age helped to define the woman she is now. This is the attitude she brought with her when she started plus modeling and it continues to this day. Her laugh is infectious and her confidence is a product of the tools her supportive parents taught her to develop. Yet the icing to her cake is her time and dedication to supporting charities, the most inspirational being her trips to Africa. When you flip through the pages of this Ashley Graham exclusive issue I am confident you will be blown away, not only by her talent but the fabulous woman she is.

Aimee and Erica, Founders, Madison Plus


What was Ashley like growing up? Very lively, social and full of energy. She was great to have around because she made everyone smile. She enjoyed people of all ages, comfortable with kids and adults. She really enjoyed school performances as a young child and socializing through high school. While her personality is a huge asset, it sometimes was challenging when school projects required focus. However, she did well and I wouldn’t change a thing about her.

INTERVIEW Madison Plus talks with Mr. and Mrs. Graham on what it’s like being the parents of a super model in-the-making.

What was it like seeing Ashley move to NYC to model full time at the age of 17? I think we were well prepared. She had been traveling since she was 13 for modeling opportunities and by herself for about a year. We knew her goal was to live in NYC and we supported that dream. Our thought was to get her as much of a foundation as possible. As we tell a lot of our friends with kids the same age, the kids are going to act out wherever they live, rural Nebraska or lower Manhattan. But to sum it up, we were anxiously excited for her and realized quickly that she would have to grow up fast. It worked smoothly, for the most part.

Did Ashley ham it up for the cameras before she got into modeling? You know, she has always been very photogenic. As mentioned earlier, she did like to be part of groups and social activities. She did “stick out” even as a young child. I would say that the camera has always been her friend and she likes friends. When Ashley brought up the idea of modeling, what were your initial thoughts about her getting involved? Well, first of all, we had no idea of how to pursue a modeling career. She had a wish to go “stand in line” for a local agency to see if she might have talent. I was somewhat skeptical of an agency doing a “cattle call” at a mall. We went, stood in line for about 1.5 hours and got to chat with the people in charge. After putting myself through a quick study course regarding modeling, we decided to pursue. And when we did we went full steam ahead. Overall, we thought she had a lot of personality, talent, looks, and charisma but didn’t know what it took to be a model. Early on it was decided that she would be a plus size model and we embraced that opportunity with open arms.

Opposite page: Ashley at 9 months, at age 2, at age 4. Next page: Playing baseball and soccer, relaxing with the family. 04


It is very cool. I simply smile every time I see a picture of Ashley in public. It reminds me of her journey.

What piece of advice did you give Ashley when she started modeling? What advice do you give her now? It changes with respect to short term but never with respect to long term. At first we wanted her to be as dedicated to her choice of career as possible – work hard, learn the business, start to be your own entity. But first and foremost be polite and willing to learn. Further, as faith based individuals, my wife and I always wanted her to be grounded in her belief system. Today, as her career has flourished, we still advise her to stay grounded in her faith but now to look forward to find an opportunity to share her life experiences with others to be who they what to be, pursue what they want to pursue and to set goals and work toward them. She can become a great advocate for young people and a great mentor. What are you most proud of in regards to Ashley and modeling? Her ability to pursue and fulfill a dream has been what I have been most proud of. It is not easy learning a business, prepping for a business and fulfilling the obligations. The constant cycle of “go sees,” call backs, wins, and losses can be devastating for anyone, but for someone who was as young as Ashley, she never complained

and was always ready for the next opportunity with a smile and great attitude. So to reach the level she has based on where she started is humbling and gratifying, and why I am extremely proud for her. What aspects of yourself do you see in Ashley? I think we both possess a bit of a driven personality and an ability to easily connect with people. It makes me smile to see her in a social environment simply lighting up the room and connecting with strangers as if all were old friends. I also believe she received a little of my hard headedness. I think we are similar in that we need people to be genuine and prove statements they are making. I liken it to the description of natives of Missouri, in that we possess a “show me” mentality. ‘First of all show me how to do it and I will understand and secondly, show me based on your statements so that I can completely affirm what you are saying.’ On a lighter note, we live a people oriented life. Any tips for other parents out there who have daughters in the world of modeling? First of all, be careful of smaller agencies trying to get you to engage with them by signing over all your modeling and media rights to them for a period of more than a year. Do not get locked into a long term contract.

Second, be prepared to learn a lot, work hard and move fast. This is a dynamic industry, one which can chew you up, spit you out and forget about you within a week. Be grounded, polite and prepared to work with many personality types. Teach your child the basics of business through opening checking and savings accounts. Teach them to learn to save money, pay bills and let them begin to have conversations with the accountant and investment person. I had a financial investor spend about 2 hours one afternoon teaching Ashley what stocks were and how mutual funds operate. Expose them to the financial side of things as early as possible and get them to understand that they are their own brand. They need to manage their brand and themselves as a business. That means staying in shape, learning the industry, and allowing your money to work for you, all the time. When Ashley comes home to visit what is your favorite thing to do? She enjoys family time. We always go to a couple of movies together, her mom always cooks some of her favorite meals and Ashley always engages in several games on Wii. She is competitive, which I like, and good natured. I think family is important to Ashley. 06


What is it like walking into a store or shopping online and seeing your daughter’s image everywhere? It is very cool. I simply smile every time I see a picture of Ashley in public. It reminds me of her journey. From shooting for local retailers to being on the world stage, it has been a fun journey. We receive messages from all over the U.S. from friends saying they saw Ashley in a store or in an advertisement. I have one friend that took his picture next to one of Ashley’s Lane Bryant pictures and texted it to me. We have fun with her pictures all the time. Ashley displays amazing selfawareness and confidence in her body shape, which in the fashion industry is such a breath of fresh air. How did you as parents help instill this in her? What tips can you offer other parents who have daughters who struggle with self confidence? Well, we never hid the fact that she would not be a “skinny” model. We always coached her that her appearance began inwardly. However, we ALWAYS promoted Ashley as a plus size model. I think she realized at a very young age that she was a product of God’s work and she was beautiful on the inside as well as being blessed with great looks. You can pick your friends but you cannot pick your family.

Therefore, you cannot change genetics. Did she hear negative things as a teen? Absolutely. Did those comments hurt? Absolutely. But Ashley realized that she could pursue her dream, be comfortable with her body and make others smile in the process. The tips I would provide focus on the well grounding of your children for life. We are not promised that anything will be easy. This includes negative comments, short sighted decision making and the pursuing of dreams. Understand who you are and be ready to point out all the positives you are providing to have fun and enlighten others. Some lack of confidence is brought on by age based immaturity, which happens in life regardless of career choice. Therefore, understanding yourself and living for a “bigger” purpose is very important. Also, it is okay to get mad. It is okay to feel hurt. It is okay to not always be happy. But it is not okay to stoop to someone else’s level in revenge or get even with others for comments. Remember your life purpose and live it.

What do you hope to see her accomplish in the future? I hope that she is able to continue with her modeling career and transition into a role of mentoring others, either professionally or philanthropically, where she can assist others in accomplishing their dreams. I believe Ashley has many great experiences from which others can benefit. I pray that she finds a medium to encourage others, raise a great family and continue to be an inspiration.

Ashley fishing age 11, at age 14, first test shoot, second test shoot, graduating from high school.

What about Ashley makes you smile? Her personality and some of the innocent statements or questions she asks. She is bubbly and always ready to have fun. What’s not to smile about regarding that? 08


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American Apparel full lace black unitard; Manolo Blanik shoes; Manon ring.


American Apparel pink v mesh bodysuit and sheer leggings; Fendi shoes; Manon bracelets.


Ashley is a “Supermodel!” Its not about categorizing straight size vs full figure. She is a supermodel in any world! My plus fashion buyers at are doing an amazing job at finding full figure clothes, jeans, dresses, tops, and so on, which are way more au currant in the industry. Ashley is the perfect model to showcase styles that are for today’s 2010 woman. She’s stunningly beautiful, radiates sexuality and confidence, and that is the way I want to portray my full figure fashions at to women of today. It’s no longer about being a size 2, it’s about being who you are, and HEALTHY as a full figure woman. That is what Ashley’s images say to me and what I feel she portrays to women and girls of today. Not only is she beautiful, she brings the merchandise to life, for any art director. She is a win win situation! The thing I love about Ashley as a full figure woman is that she IS full figure, and she has ALWAYS lived it. She never tried to be a size 0, never tried to be someone else, she is a TRUE “gold star” plus model that I find amazingly impressive. She is “no apologies” in that respect and THAT is one of the many reasons I find her so attractive inside and out. When most people try to hide behind clothes, Ashley has always been one to take something off, or unbutton a button or two, which makes shooting so much more pleasant and easy. She has never been shy or had an image that she should “cover up” being full figured. She glorifies showing her skin... and, almost most importantly... she has an amazing laugh, we hear it all day on set which I LOVE! Ashley loves to model and it shows in her images, as an art director, what more can you ask for in your talent?



– Roland Pearman, Art Director, Macy’s

Previous Pages: American Apparel pink lace bodysuit, Agent Provocateur bra; Narcisso Rodriguez skirt; Fendi shoes; Mano leather cuff. This page: American Apparel black blouse; Agent Provocateur blue bra; Kiki De Montpernasse corset belt; American Apparel black skirt; z Christian Louboutin shoes.

This Page: Agent Provocateur corset; American Apparel hose; Christian Louboutin shoes, Manon ring; Opposite Page: Vince black silk top; American Apparel black shorts; YSL shoes; Manon ring.

GIVE BACK Not only is Ashley an amazing model, she is also an amazing and giving person. Ashley has parlayed her success to help better other’s lives around the world. This includes her on-going work with which has led her to South Africa to help underprivileged children. Locally, when Ashley has a break and is back in NYC she volunteers her time with FLIP. We could not be happier to honor a model that is not only a beautiful person outside, but a beautiful, gracious person inside. Thank you Ashley! 20

MY MISSION Growing up; feeding the homeless, visiting battered women shelters, and spending time with underprivileged kids was something my whole family did together constantly. Everything I learned about helping others and giving back to our community stuck with me when I moved to New York. I was persistently looking for volunteer opportunities. Then, my church in New York announced that they would be making their first mission trip to East London, South Africa. I was thrilled. I had no idea what to expect going to South Africa the first time, but the moment I stepped off the plane I fell in love. The culture is so different and beautiful, the people are full of laughter and love, and the scenery is breathtaking. I have been on three mission trips to South Africa now, and each one has been exceedingly different. The last trip I went on we stayed further outside of the city limits so that we could be closer to the people and communities we were helping. We went to near by schools to help rebuild and paint their buildings, while planting gardens to give the surroundings more life. We also played soccer for hours with the boys and the girls loved teaching us songs and traditional dance moves. Our hearts just want to give, give, give, but we know that won’t help them in the long run. So instead we teach and we share. We taught some how to grow crops using all the rich, untouched soil around them. The township I stay in is turning their buildings into classrooms. They are providing singing classes, computer classes, art classes, and language classes. I’ll be helping teach some of these classes when I go back in August. 21

One experience that touched my soul was working with a man named Festis. He was so dedicated to God and his work that he was willing to leave his wife, 4 children, and 10 more adopted children behind in Zimbabwe to provide for them. He hadn’t seen them in over a year, not to mention he was only making $4 a day doing repairs on buildings and farming. When I first met Festis we were plowing dirt in the field. He kept asking me about skyscrapers, something that we take for granted every day, wondering if he could make a building using his tin scraps from his home; just so he could see one. In just speaking and interacting with Festis, I learned to be grateful for every moment in my life. Festis never once complained about not seeing his family. Of course he missed them, but working in South Africa was the only way to properly provide for his family. When he spoke, it was of only positive affirmations of his life and the ones he loved. To have so little and to be so far away your family is not easy, but to be grateful for everything in your life is the biggest lesson of all. I still keep in contact with Festis, and hope to see his family near him soon. These are just a few of the things I dig into when I’m in South Africa. As far as future plans go for being there, I’ll be helping a friend move to the city of East London in the beginning of August. I don’t have any set plans to move there at the moment. I feel content to serve in Africa when I am lead to do so. Like I said, every trip is different, just like every experience I have while I’m serving is different. As I continue to serve the people of South Africa I can’t help but take more out of the experience than I feel I give. I’ve learned to not take anything for granted. What I have now could be swiped away with in moments. The ‘things’ around me don’t matter, it’s who I am and who I am becoming that makes me, me. – Ashley Graham

How were you discovered? I was at the mall with my dad and there was a casting call going on. The man there told me I had tons of potential and asked me to return the next day. I did, and he submitted me for a model convention in Dallas, TX, which I won. It was all history from there.

ASK ASHLEY Madison Plus asks the questions you want to know about life as a plus size model!

Above: Ashley poses with BFF Crystal Renn, and behind-the-scenes of a photoshoot.

What brought you to Ford Models? I had just finished an insane Lane Bryant runway show, still shaking from the adrenaline, when Maiysha (a friend and Ford model) took me by the hand and lead me to Gary Dakin, the head booker of the plus division at Ford. Needless to say we hit it off and I signed with Ford a month later. How long did it take for you to start landing steady work? Probably when I had come into my own, around the age of 16. I was 13 when I started working as a plus model, standing at 5’9 and a size 12. It was hard in the beginning to place me in a ‘category’ because I had a woman’s body, but didn’t look old enough to work for certain clients. As I matured work grew rapidly. What is your typical week like? It’s a whirlwind. What I love about my job is everyday is never the same. Whether I am working it in front of the camera, walking in a runway show, or traveling to a new exciting place. I love what I do!

What are your thoughts the media’s interest in the plus modeling world recently? Have you noticed an increase in work opportunities? Work has definitely been increasing and I do believe the plus size industry is booming. It is only natural considering the majority of women can relate to this body type. I am surprised this movement didn’t happen as successfully in the past. I am very confident that it will continue to grow and show women that every size is beautiful. If you could choose one ‘straight’ size line that would extend their size range to offer plus sizes, which would it be? Yves Saint Laurent- it’s feminine, interesting, and wearable. Describe your personal style? I am not a huge fan of patterns. I really love sexy, yet classic cuts. I always like to show my figure, so when shopping I have that in mind. A woman should never be afraid to show her curves! In fact, covering them up makes you look bigger than you are. Cinch a belt, tailor your pants, or take off that extra layer and start showing off your killer curves! What beauty item is a must for your daily routine? Without a question, Dr. Hauschka moisturizer. My skin is glowing and hydrated throughout the day. 24

When you are not modeling, what do you like to do? When I’m home, I’m constantly looking for volunteer opportunities in my community; I love serving others. I really enjoy rollerblading in Prospect Park with my girlfriends and I always have a taste for trying new restaurants. (I’m a bit of a foodie!) I also love going to the movies with my boyfriend and exploring the city for new exciting adventures. If you had not become a model, what do you think your career path would have been? This is a hard question for me because I adore my job and can’t imagine doing anything else right now. But if I’d have to say something it would be mentoring young girls. I’ve always had a passion for encouraging a younger generation and helping to improve the lives of others. We have also heard about your generosity with your charity work, what cause(s) would you like to champion and what “good” would you like to accomplish with this work? My heart is for the people of South Africa that live in poverty. There is no source for food, water or good education in the townships. The AIDS epidemic is growing vastly, one reason is because there is not enough education on safe

sex. I have volunteered with my church there three times now and I am going again this August. We do different projects each time, but we focus on making relationships with the people. Educating children and young adults, rebuilding schools, praying with the people, and understanding their way of living are just a few of the endeavors that we take part in. I would like to see more schools built that offer a higher education and for the people to understand how to live off their surroundings. Going on these mission trips has taught me to never take anything for granted and to be grateful for my life. Has traveling the world changed you in anyway? Do you have a favorite destination? US or abroad? Yes, I would say traveling is the thing that changed me most in my job. It has opened my eyes to different cultures, people, and most importantly to a different way of thinking. My favorite place I have been is Africa. I have fallen in love with South Africa, but I can’t wait to explore the whole continent. What is a surprising fact about you that would surprise your fans? When I have to clean, I blast Beyonce on my ipod and dance around my apartment naked. Don’t act like you’ve never done it….

Best advice ever given? My mom told me at a young age to always be true to myself and be confident in everything that I do. This advice has stuck with me through the years and helped me in the highs and lows of my life. I love my mom! What turns you on? I could certainly go a few different directions with this question… ;-) Confidence always turns me on; and it never goes out of style. What turns you off? Revolting smells that just want to make you loose your lunch! And when people spit in public. The sound gives me a gag reflex. What sound do you love? There is nothing more soothing to me than having my windows wide open through the night, while listening to the rainfall. What profession would you not like to do? This is a hard one, but undoubtedly I’d have to go with being an accountant. I was never good in math and I have a hard time imagining myself having a good time working with numbers all day. How do I break through? Breaking through to get an agent is the first step. You must find an agency that you feel comfortable at and that want you to be on their board.

How do you not compare yourself to straight size models? I was never stick thin, I can’t remember being smaller than a size 12. I’ve never compared myself to ultra thin women in general, so why start doing it now? I’m not one to compare myself to other women anyway, I’ve learned to be happy with my body at all the different stages it’s been through. What is your favorite TV show? I’m a sucker for reality TV shows… my favorite one on right now is The Real Housewives of New York. But I watch them ALL! I can’t get enough of grown women, who think they’re soooo fabulous, airing their dirty laundry on national television. Pure comedy. What is your favorite movie? I have so many favorite movies, so this answer is always changing. But hands down, Edward Scissorhands. You can never get enough Johnny Depp in your life, and who doesn’t love all the wacky characters portrayed. I could watch it a thousand times! Finish The Sentence: Always... Believe in yourself, having confidence in what you do is the first step to success. Never... Take for granted what you have. Be grateful for every moment, opportunity, and blessing.

Madison Plus and Ford+ Present: Ashley Graham Issuu Introduction by Aimee Cheshire and Erica Young Design: Kari Hansbarger Editorial Credits: A Ford Production Photographer: Erick Basilio H/MU: Shintaro Stylist: Marysol Ortiz Production: Maia Holmes



Thank you: Ashley Graham Gary Dakin Jaclyn Sarka Maia Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Graham Julia Nason Laurel Wells Roland Pearman The Space

速 2010 Madison Plus All Rights Reserved.

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