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Chi ldren TheI ndi go' sli fepurpos ei stobri ngawarenes s thattheolds ys temsnolongerworkandrally forchange.Theypos s es salow tolerancefor peopleands ys temsthatarenotauthenti c andauthori tywi thoutagoodcaus eor reas on.Theybecomeveryangry, frus tratedandwi llactout i ftheys ens ei njus ti ce.

Theyares ohi ghlys ens i ti ve theytendtoahavelotof allergi estofoods ,and envi ronmentaltoxi ns , andthi scancaus ethem tobecomeoffbalancedeas i ly. I ndi go' sneedtolearnhow to mai ntai nbalancei nthei rli ves . 5

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