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n o t e l e k S a t s o C

Oneofthemos ts i ni s terand atthes ameti meattracti veforall adventurersontheearthi slegendary " S keletonCoas t" .Forcertai nmanyf ansof novelsaboutadventuresofpi ratesreadaboutthi splace,beli evi ng thatallthi safrui tofi magi nati onoffi cti onwri ters .However " S keletonCoas t"i sareali ty.

Thenarrow s horebetween theAtlanti cOcean andthedes ert Nami bbelongi ng toNami bi a,the s malls tatei n S outhAfri ca recei vedthe namenot i nci dentally. Exactlyheres i nce themos tanci ent ti mesuptonow becaus eofs trong fogsandthechangi ng currentsandartful


s andycoas tnotonehundreds ea ves s elss uffereds hi pwreck. Certai nly,notalls eamen peri s hedi ncoas talwaters , but ,evenhavi ngreached thecoas t ,theymos toftenmet pai nfuldeathfrom thes corchi ng s unandlackoffood.Di rectly beforethem throughouttens ki lometersonlyhots andydunes oftheruthles sdes ertNami blay. Lackofwaterasi ns andydunes practi callyneverhappensarai n becamethemai ncaus eofdeath us ually.Evenlocalmos qui toeseat onlyparti cles

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