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Pertti Ahonen
Yellow as the symbol of the international art exhibition ARTOXIC at M.A.D.S. art gallery. That which is toxic is transformed into craving, which mixes with the blood in the veins and goes straight to the heart, not giving a damn about rationality. While the term toxic is used in chemistry to refer to substances that are harmful to the body, on the other hand we note that being applied in any field, for an artist, for example, can mean expressing oneself unfiltered, explicitly telling an emotion. Pertti for this uses a color that is synonymous with a state of mind: the Finnish artist's works have the merit of conveying emotional stimuli. Alone in the forest, In the storm, Spider's web in the sun, The sun is waking up, Lonely rose. States of mind and mental images are the works analyzed here to create what is an emotion and action painting, as we like to call it. Energy flows, vibrations are transmitted from the painting to the viewer, this is Pertti's narrative for ARTOXIC that has as its common thread a color, the most expressive of colors, the most energetic the most powerful on a spiritual level and one of the most present in nature. The most suitable color for expressing abstract concepts, It has been noted how the different properties of colors go to act differently on people's minds and, likewise, on the body. Yellow instills confidence and energy. Not surprisingly, from a spiritual point of view, it is the color that represents the third chakra, referred to as the "power chakra." It is located at the height of the solar plexus and identifies action. Therefore, yellow is able to stimulate one's inner abilities as well as positivity and joy in life.
Art Curator Mara Cipriano