1 minute read
Babita Shamji
“The artist must train not only his eye but also his soul.” (Wassily Kandinsky)
The canvases by Babita Shamji, a contemporary artist from Dubai, are born from a deep need to narrate the values of life in its most visceral aspects. Wrapped in an abstract language, influenced by the research of the great master Vasily Kandinsky, they speak to us of memories, encounters and emotions experienced by the artist. In particular, in the collection "Africa: Lives in Transition", Babita Shamji takes us on a colorful journey, made up of shapes and patches of color expanding in space. She takes us with her into her memories, showing us how contact with this land and its ancient culture awakened in her the need to discover herself and expand her horizons. Abstract language becomes the only way she can free our minds from standardized interpretation, leaving us at the mercy of color and movement, free to daydream. Emotion becomes the focus of her research and comes to life through lines, shapes and colors, bringing before our eyes a new Africa that we had never known before. Art, once again, becomes a place where cultures meet, and Babita Shamji's canvases want to annul all distinctions of race, religion and culture, in order to listen to ancestral emotions. A journey through time in search of inner purity, to shed light on the essence of life and search for that space where it is possible to see that connection between all living beings.