1 minute read
Lidia Dale-Mesaros
The Wolf is an ancient symbol that appears in various mythological stories from different cultures. In modern shamanic practice as well as among many tribal and ancient cultures, the Wolf symbolically and energetically embodies the Guide, the Master, the Teacher. For example, in Indian tradition it is related to the star Sirius in the constellation Leo, from which, according to the legend, the masters of antiquity came. It is one of the most fascinating mythological symbols as well as bivalent, precisely because of its being both instinct and reason. In the artistic research of Lidia Dale-Mesaros, a contemporary artist currently based in America, the wolf is the pivotal subject, portrayed and studied in its deepest aspects. From an expressive point of view, the works are made with acrylic colours and the surface of the canvas is reshaped by hand, creating textures, reminiscent of the frozen surface of a lake. The expressive approach is therefore influenced by the research carried out by the expressionist avant-garde of the first two decades of the 20th century, with the intention of freeing herself from the canons of expression in order to freely show her own experience. Lidia Dale-Mesaros chooses to represent the wolf in order to get in touch with herself and tell the observer about the power and energy that connection with this creature can give. In fact, the first contact with the wolf occurs for the artist precisely in her daily work, where she has the opportunity to interweave a real relationship, only later to bring it back into her art. The artist opens herself up to an energetic exchange with the ancestral, allowing herself to be pervaded by the magnificence of Nature.
Art Curator Francesca Brunello