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Oban Taika

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Waltraud Gemein

Waltraud Gemein

A bridge between the past and the present, a portal that transports to a new dimension within which time no longer flows in a straight line. According to our current understanding of time, it is generally considered linear. This means that time flows in a specific direction, from the past to the present and then to the future, without the possibility of going back to the past. This linear conception of time is based on the empirical observation that we are unable to change past events or turn back time physically. In the everyday context and for most human experiences, the past is considered irreversible and cannot be changed or experienced again. What has happened has happened and nothing can be done to alter that or change fortunes. However, it is important to note that some advanced physical theories, such as Einstein's general relativity and quantum mechanics, have some nuances and possibilities for curving space-time, such as in the case of black holes or closed time curves. Although these are theories that are still immature and lack solid scientific evidence, when observing Oban Taika's art, one has the feeling that the plane of space-time is being bent: past and present meet, if only for an instant, producing works with unprecedented outcomes. Street Art, The vivid and energetic colors typical of our contemporary times, tags and remnants of the everyday pop world come together and make the acquaintance of ancient and Renaissance statues and winged cherubs, constructing works that literally produce a breach in our canonical space-time system. And so it is that the cold whiteness of Michelangelo's David is soiled by persistent chromatic stains that invest his face.


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