XX.X.MMXIV This spring me and Ole decided to make an album of the best shots we got during the outdoor season. During this period I have witnessed him step up to some big moves, redo a bunch of moves for me and grinding a rail with his balls. It was fun making a gallery, and this project motivated me to bring my camera with me while riding. Some of these shots really stand out for me, and I hope you like them. Mads Oliver
XXVI.IX.MMXIV I feel lucky to have grown up riding in Bergen, Norway. Bergen is on the west coast of Norway, and surrounded by seven mountains. The city is known for its poor weather. However, we make the best of it. I am lucky enough to get to ride with my best friends every day. Actually, I believe that Bergen has one of the best scenes in all of Europe. We rarely have any nice weather in Bergen. However, this summer has been amazing. In early spring, I paired up with my good friend Mads Oliver to shoot some photos. I think we got about two shots, and we really liked the outcome. Therefore, we decided to make this photo gallery. We wanted to focus on the aesthetics, and we agreed that tricks didn’t have to be too crazy, but rather special. We really put our souls into this project, and we have been to all corners of Bergen to find the most attractive spots and sceneries around. We hope you like it. BMX BERGEN FOREVER. Ole Andre Kristiansen
Me posing in an abandoned paint factory.
My bike at the time.
The building was filled with old cans, feathers from pigeons and lots of random trash. Here I’m jumping an old water heater.
This spring day we shot two rail hops.
Narrow rail hop, where spotters were necessary. As a door to the face is an unpleasant surprise mid hop.
This is definitely the scariest handrail I have ever jumped on. Steep rail, steep inrun.
Have you ever tried doing a tailwhip downhill? Scary shit‌
This is definitely the best leftside handrail in Bergen, and it’s the first rail that I’ve ever nutted, which I did trying to get this photo.
This DIY spot has potential.
I like the rawness in this one.
Thug Waffle.
Lay it over.
This amazing miniramp can be found in the woods of the suburbs of Bergen. This location is dope.
During this project I’ve changed to a freecoaster, and learnt flairs.
West side is the best side.
The mountain in the background is Ulriken. The tallest of the seven mountains surrounding our city, 643 meters above sea level.
Had to ice it. That is @pxntus on the side, filming for the most epic GoPro edit that has ever made it to The Come Up. The video is starring riders from BMX Bergen and Bergen rap music. Shout out to @dethlife and @yoguttene.
This is a scary railhop into a slide, with very short breaking distance. I actually did this two times. I almost died on the first attempt.
Hope you enjoyed this, remember to follow us on social media so we can get internet fame. madsoliver.tumblr.com