THE JOURNEY November 2011: An update from Phil & Merilee Henderson with MAF
MAILING AD DRESS (FO R NOW): P H IL & M E R IL E E H E NDERSON 46 8 La w so n R oa d Lo nd on , O nt ar io N 6G 1X 8 BLOG w w w .m af he nd er so ns .c om PH O N E H: 51 9- 47 3E -M A 6116 IL m r. ph il he nd C: 40 3- 44 3er so n@ gm ai 73 43 l. co m ph en de rs on @ m af .o rg
What a trip! Dear friends, We are thrilled to be writing to you now from London, Ontario and we thank God that in the previous 6 weeks He’s brought us safely over 8500 km from Three Hills, Alberta. The fact that we only used our tent trailer a few times is a testament to the hospitality of over 30 friends and family along the way who let us crash on floors, futons and pullout couches. We will, for a long time, remember the times we shared with many of you on this trip. Other than a couple of strange parking tickets or the roof-top cargo pod being left open for 4 km or the near-separation of one of our trailer wheels, the trip, on the whole, was uneventful. Kaitlyn and Lily have become great travelers and have started to learn the art of making and saying goodbye to new friends all across the country.
Mr. Bakke flew me to & from school when I was a kid. Great to see them!
This was a trip about people. Here are a few of the great friends & family we visited.
One of countless beautiful scenes along the way.
A break from the trip to enjoy Vancouver Island.
On the ferry to the island.
Now that we’re back in Ontario we plan to be making trips around the province to see friends and family and to speak in churches. We have been encouraged to see support for our ministry with MAF coming in quickly. We’re so thankful to have such a crowd of awesome people Lily & Kaitlyn enjoying the Oregon standing behind us. coast (2.5 & 4 years old)
GET US THERE RIGHT NOW. MAF has told us that East Africa is still the most likely location for us with hopefully some more specifics by the next time we update you. The reality of this has been sinking in as we watch and read sobering reports of the famine in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. There is a very real need right now and it’s heart wrenching to hear of more deaths each day. But we realize that we are preparing for a lifetime of service, requiring certain pieces of the puzzle to be in place first.
“There is a very real need right now...” Being stationary for now has its positives. We’re living at Phil’s mom’s house for the next several months here in London, Ontario. This benefits everyone as she gets to have some intensive grandkid time and we have a built-in babysitter! London is our home from six years ago and so there are some good friends we know who we’re getting back in touch with now. I have hooked up with some good friends from back in the day and Merilee
is also connecting with her friends. We a p p re c i at e o u r L o n d o n community, both from school days and North Park Church.
Unloading an MAF Caravan in Dadaab, Kenya.
Mission Aviation Fellowship continues to provide flights for relief agencies working in Kenya to assist those suffering from the effects of famine. In addition, MAF has a regular schedule of flights to and from Nairobi and the Dadaab refugee camp near the Kenya-Somalia border. T he United Nations has declared a famine in parts of southern Somalia. Across the region, 11 million people are facing a hunger crisis caused by several years of
getting ! ! there... Outgoing 25%
An opportunity to get involved! God has prepared and confirmed us for this ministry with MAF but it would not be possible without partners coming alongside of us both in prayer and financial support. We thank God for those who have already pledged almost half of the required monthly support needed before leaving. The remaining needs are for $3,100 per month and $26,000 toward the one-time
Monthly 49%
outgoing amount for this ministry. These amounts include medical insurance, travel costs, Flight Standardization, language training, shipping, passports, inoculations, housing, education for the kids and all the ongoing costs incurred to keep this ministry going – with only 11% going to administration.
Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada, 264 Woodlawn Rd. W, Guelph, ON, N1H 1B6 Toll free: 1.877.351.9344 |
severe drought. Thousands of people are fleeing Somalia, seeking relief at the Dadaab camp. Following a survey carried out in August, MAF started a twiceweekly shuttle service from Nairobi to Dadaab. This shuttle serves Missions/Churches, NGOs, and agencies involved in relief and development projects. As needed, MAF is also delivering food and medical supplies. However, the road system in the area allows for truck transportation, which is usually more practical for delivering large quantities of supplies.
Blog: Have a look at for videos, updates and insights
Praise God ‣ ‣ ‣
For safe travels and kids that did so well on the trip For the blessing of seeing so many friends on the trip For the incredible amount of support that has come in
Prayer ‣
For people to continue to get excited about joining our ministry partnership team That MAF would be able to determine the best country for our placement soon.
Will you prayerfully consider financially supporting our ministry with MAF and joining our Ministry Partnership team?
You can do this by getting in touch with MAF directly using the information below. (For our US friends, please contact the MAF US office) If you have questions please contact us by phone or e-mail and if possible we would love to see you face to face over a meal or coffee. Each gift allocated toward an MAF board-approved program will be used as allocated with the understanding that when any given need has been met, additional allocated gifts will be used where most needed.
Mission Aviation Fellowship, PO Box 47, Nampa, ID, 83653 Toll free: 1.800.359.7623 |
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