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SUNDAY 23 Praise God that MAF South Sudan was able to recover its aircraft which had been grounded in Arilo due to a propeller strike. By the grace of God, it was recovered just in time before its airworthiness certificate ran out. Hallelujah! Just as a vine supports its branches, so our aircraft maintenance engineers support the pilots and planes that make our work possible.

MONDAY 24 Give thanks for physiotherapist Ruan Swart, who uses MAF each week in Arnhem Land, Australia. Not only does he support the physical needs of people living with disabilities but, as a member of Christ’s body, he also helps them with their mental health by taking them fishing and telling them about Jesus.

TUESDAY 25 MAF frequent flyer e3 Partners shares the Gospel in South Sudan and makes disciples. Staff say that it’s particularly difficult for Toposa men to give their lives to Christ due to difficulties caused by those who still follow traditional beliefs. Pray for a change of heart among Toposa men so many will have the courage to follow Jesus.

WEDNESDAY 26 Last year, MAF Arnhem Land enabled 20 people to attend a rally organised by Yolŋu Christians. Without our plane, it wouldn’t have been possible for them to get there. Pray that everyone who attended the event will continue to receive spiritual sustenance from Jesus, growing in grace and remaining strong.

THURSDAY 27 In 2022, MAF Papua flew delegates to several church meetings. Pray for the leadership of the churches in Papua, that they will remain rooted in Christ and honour God in every decision they make.

FRIDAY 28 After flying a team from Youth With a Mission in South Sudan last year, staff told us how they had prayed for a witchdoctor who was suffering a miscarriage and couldn’t stop bleeding. When her bleeding stopped, she became a Christian. Consider who in your life needs to experience God’s healing and pray that they too will be grafted into God’s vine.

SATURDAY 29 Regular MAF flyer Elisha Moita has retired from his role in the Lutheran Church of Tanzania. He hopes that he'll have more time to focus on evangelism. Give thanks for his passion to share Jesus with the Maasai, asking Him to bless Elisha’s work with much fruit.

TOP Physiotherapist Ruan Swart

MIDDLE A church meeting at Emdomen, Papua

BOTTOM In July 2022, Yolŋu Christians gathered at a rally at Dhipirri, Arnhem Land


SUNDAY 30 Praise God that the people who originally rejected the Gospel in Kuebunyane, Lesotho, now recognise Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Uphold the home Bible study groups in Tlhanyaku and give thanks for the Lesotho Flying Pastors volunteer team which, helped by our aircraft, supported a pastor in Matebeng and carried out house-to-house evangelism in the area.

MONDAY 1 Faithful men and women are working hard to translate the Bible into indigenous languages in Arnhem Land. Pray they bring God glory in all they do, and that their translation work will enable people to see that Jesus is far more than just a carpenter, rabbi, teacher, healer, miracle worker or good man.

TUESDAY 2 Last year, we appointed new Country Directors in Arnhem Land, Chad, South Sudan, Guinea, Liberia and Kenya. Pray for these men and women as they get to grips with their new roles. May they have a clear vision of who Jesus is, experience His leading and reflect Him in all they do.

WEDNESDAY 3 Give thanks for the way staff from MAF Technologies PNG gave a widow an audio Bible after her husband died. ‘It reminded me,’ Salome said, ‘that the Lord Jesus is my life and my everything.’ Pray for everyone who receives God’s Word, in whatever format.

THURSDAY 4 Uphold the five MAF families studying Indonesian in Salatiga, Java. May they stay close to the Lord, prioritising language learning, Bible study and prayer as they seek to accurately share and show Jesus to others

FRIDAY 5 Pray for MAF Suriname as it supports Weejo Bible School, which trains church leaders and provides spiritual discipleship. May the students’ awareness of who Jesus is and what He has done for them inform their preaching, teaching and outreach.

SATURDAY 6 Who do you say Jesus is? Lord? Saviour? King? Judge? Healer? Redeemer? Provider? Which of these aspects means most to you, and what else would you like Jesus to be to you? Consider making a list, then pray that those who don’t yet know Him will soon come to see Him as Lord and Saviour

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